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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le BLÉ, la Cigogne et le Radis : ethnographie comparative de réseaux de monnaie locale complémentaire

sanschagrin, yannick 12 1900 (has links)
Les recherches sur les réseaux monétaires alternatifs sont relativement récentes et particulièrement rares au Québec. De plus, celles-ci montrent un portrait plus globalisé et moins territorialisé, ce qu’une recherche ethnographique est capable de produire. Il était ainsi nécessaire de joindre à ce type de recherche un point de vue plus territorialisé tout en prenant le cas de figure émergeant du BLÉ présent à la ville de Québec. En plus de montrer une facette d’alternative économique, cette recherche vise à détailler des distinctions localisées d’un type précis de réseau monétaire, les monnaies locales complémentaires, en montrant une comparaison entre trois réseaux dans les trois aspects : économique, social et environnemental propre à ce type de réseau. Finalement, ces distinctions seront reprises pour montrer la différence dans la structure des réseaux provenant de visions différentes, d’objectifs différents et par conséquent d’une utilisation et appropriation différente de la monnaie. / Researches on alternative currency networks are quite new, especially in the province of Quebec. Moreover, those researches tend to show a more globalized portrayal than territorized, what an ethnographical investigation can produce. It is necessary to join territorized ones to that kind of research, and this will be here the cas with the instance of the emergent BLÉ, a local currency which is use at Quebec city. This research aim to detail the localized distinctions within one specific kind of alternative currency network, complementary local currency networks, by comparing three aspects of three different networks : economic, social, and environmental. Finally, those distinctions are useful to show the difference in the sutrcture of the three networks, built from different visions, with different goals, and therefore different uses and appropriations of money.

Negatie met het werkwoord hebben in het Nederlands en ha in het Zweeds : Een contrastieve corpusstudie / Negation with the verb hebben in Dutch and ha [have] in Swedish : A contrastive corpus study

Dalle, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, different negation strategies used with the verbs hebben in Dutch and ha [have] in Swedish are examined. In both languages, pronominal negation with a negative indefinite pronoun (geen for Dutch and ingen for Swedish) or adverbial negation with a negative adverb (niet for Dutch and inte for Swedish) are common negation strategies. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose between the two and the question of when to use which method of negation arises. By using corpus data from newspapers in Dutch and Swedish, the frequency and use of both methods is studied. In particular, the contexts in which pronominal negation and adverbial negation respectively are found are analysed in a qualitative study of randomly selected examples from the corpora. The study shows that, based on the data, pronominal negation seems to be the most frequent method with the verb hebben/ha. Furthermore, adverbial negation with the verb ha seems to be slightly more common in Swedish than in Dutch. The methods seem to be mostly used in the same contexts in both languages in the data, however, in Swedish, adverbial negation is sometimes used together with some nouns in the indefinite form without the indefinite article which does not occur in the Dutch data. / In deze scriptie wordt negatie met het werkwoord hebben in het Nederlands en ha [hebben] in het Zweeds bestudeerd. In beide talen kunnen zowel pronominale ontkenning met een negatief onbepaald voornaamwoord (geen in het Nederlands en ingen in het Zweeds) als adverbiale negatie met een negatief bijwoord (niet in het Nederlands en inte in het Zweeds) gebruikt worden om negatie uit te drukken. Soms ligt de keuze tussen de twee methodes niet voor de hand. Een corpusonderzoek met data uit krantenteksten en nieuwsberichten in het Nederlands en het Zweeds wordt uitgevoerd om de frequentie en het gebruik van de twee methodes te onderzoeken. Om te zien in welke contexten pronominale ontkenning en adverbiale ontkenning voorkomen wordt een kwalitatieve studie op basis van een willekeurig gekozen steekproef van de corpusdata uitgevoerd. De studie toont dat het blijkt alsof pronominale negatie de meest frequente methode samen met hebben/ha is in de data. Verder blijkt adverbiale negatie met ha iets meer frequent te zijn in het Zweeds in vergelijking met in het Nederlands. De twee methodes blijken op basis van de studie in meestal dezelfde contexten worden gebruikt. Maar in het Zweeds kan adverbiale negatie soms met sommige zelfstandige naamwoorden in de onbepaalde vorm zonder lidwoord worden gebruikt, terwijl er geen voorbeelden van dit zijn in de Nederlandse data.

Кросс-культурное исследование самосострадания, благополучия и копинг-стратегий у студентов университета : магистерская диссертация / A cross-cultural study of self-compassion, well-being and coping strategies among university students

Пхончантхуек, Б., Phonchanthuek, B. January 2024 (has links)
The object of the study was the self-compassion of students. The subject of the study was the relationship of self-compassion, well-being and coping strategies. The master's thesis is filled with 84 pages, consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature from 62 titles, contains 6 figures, 11 tables, has 4 appendices, including forms of the applied methods and results in the general sample. Relevance of the research topic, student life can be a source of serious stress, which negatively affects well-being. Self‒compassion is a positive attitude towards oneself when is experiencing difficulties, has a positive effect on overcoming stress and maintaining psychological well-being. However, there is not enough knowledge in Russian psychology about how self-compassion, psychological well-being and coping strategy are related. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of self-compassion as a psychological phenomenon. The sections devoted to the study of the features of self-compassion, well-being, coping strategies, as well as existing cross-cultural studies are presented. The conclusions of the first chapter represent the completion of the study of theoretical material on self-compassion, psychological well-being and coping strategies. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organizing and methods of the research and the results obtained using all the methods used: "The scale of self-compassion", Kristin Neff (adaptation Chistopolskaya K.A., Osin E.N., Enikolopov S.N., Nikolaev E.L., Mysina G.A., Drovosekov S.E.); "Psychological well-being of the Riff", K. Riff (adaptation by T.D. Shevelenkova, P.P. Fesenko); "Questionnaire Indicator of coping Strategies (CSI)" by James Amirkhan (adaptation by N. A. Sirota, V. M. Yaltonian). This chapter also presents a correlation and comparative analysis of the research results. Conclusions from the second chapter, self-compassion is positively correlated with psychological well-being and active coping strategies. The difference in the level of self-compassion was founded between Russian and foreign students. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of this issue are described. The main conclusions drawn from the results of the study are outlined in the conclusion, along with a discussion of potential areas for further research. / Объектом исследования явилась самосострадания студентов. Предметом исследования стала взаимосвязь самосострадания, благополучия и копинг-стратегий. Магистерская диссертация выполнена на 84 страницах, состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы из 62 наименований, содержит 6 рисунков, 11 таблиц, имеет 4 приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик и результатов в общей выборке. Актуальность темы исследования. Студенческая жизнь может быть источником серьезного стресса, который негативно сказывается на самочувствии. Самосострадание ‒ позитивное отношение к себе, испытывающему трудности, положительно сказывается на преодолении стресса и поддержании психологического благополучия. Однако в российской психологии недостаточно знаний о том, как связаны сострадание к себе, психологическое благополучие и копинг-стратегия. Первая глава включает обзор зарубежной и отечественной литературы по теме самосострадания как психологического феномена. Представлены разделы, посвященные изучению особенностей самосострадания, благополучия, копинг-стратегий, а также существующие кросс-культурные исследования. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой завершение изучения теоретического материала по самосостраданию, психологическому благополучию и копинг-стратегий. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: «Шкала сочувствия к себе», Кристин Нефф (адаптация Чистопольская К.А., Осин Е.Н., Ениколопов С.Н., Николаев Е.Л., Мысина Г.А., Дровосеков С.Э); «Психологическое благополучие Риффа», К. Рифф (адаптация Т.Д. Шевеленковой, П.П. Фесенко); «Опросник Индикатор копинг-стратегий (CSI)» Джеймса Амирхана (адаптация Н. А. Сирота, В. М. Ялтонский) Также в главе представлен корреляционный и сравнительнный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по второй главе, самосострадание положительно коррелирует с психологическим благополучием и активными стратегиями преодоления трудностей. Разница в уровне самосострадания была выявлена между российскими и иностранными студентами. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. Основные выводы, сделанные по результатам исследования, изложены в заключении, наряду с обсуждением потенциальных областей для дальнейших исследований.

A cross-cultural view on well-being : children's experiences in the Tibetan diaspora in India and in Germany

Cribari-Assali, Carla Maria January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores children’s (6-8 years old) perspectives and experiences of well-being in two different cultural contexts: in a Tibetan day-school (India) and in a German day-school (Germany). Ethnographic research was conducted with participants of a second-grade class (mixed gender) for six months at each site, 3-4 days a week in 2012. Participant observation was complemented by interviews with the children as well as with the staff of the school, documented by fieldnotes and sound recordings. Data was collected in line with postmodern grounded theory methodology and preliminary analysis accompanied the process of the fieldwork. The thesis explores the children’s views and social practices related to well-being which prove to be different in both cultures: the Tibetan children emphasized being skilful as a basic condition for well-being, while friendship with peers was most important at the German school. At both sites, the children would establish these conditions for well-being through competitions. Furthermore, the children’s different views and the social practices are considered against the backdrop of two ‘transcultural’ indicators of well-being: self-confidence and resilience. These indicators were not selected randomly but chosen inductively during fieldwork, as the difference in self-confidence and resilience between the children’s groups at each site was noticeable. The thesis demonstrates how these differences in self-confidence and resilience are likely to have been related to a) the children’s particular views and social practices linked to well-being b) the manner in which childhood is constructed within the children’s societies and c) particular basic beliefs and worldviews prevalent within the children’s societies. The results emphasize the usefulness of researching well-being cross-culturally and suggest that (socio-culturally specific) self- and worldviews significantly influence children’s well-being.

Quand le comment explique le pourquoi : les trois versions successives du "Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse" (1794, 1804, 1810) de Jean Potocki / When how explains why : The three versions of Manuscrit trouvé a Saragosse (1794, 1804, 1810) by Jean Potocki

Frischknecht, Lorenz 18 February 2012 (has links)
L’histoire du texte a toujours accompagné la recherche sur le Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse, roman-somme de l’aristocrate polonais Jean Potocki (1761-1815). Mais elle ne peut pourtant pas expliquer pourquoi l’auteur en a rédigé trois versions successives. Ce que l’on peut dégager du texte, c’est la manière dont Potocki a modifié les versions dites de 1794, 1804 et 1810. Ainsi, si l’on compare minutieusement le texte et la structure des versions, on constate que certaines tendances de réajustements apparaissent à tous les niveaux de l’écriture : celui des mots, celui des phrases et celui des chapitres ou « journées ». À titre d’exemple, on peut citer la tendance à la concision, puisque les histoires racontées sont plus concentrées dans les versions remaniées. On peut mentionner aussi les modifications euphoniques ou rythmiques, qui sont perceptibles si l’on compare entre eux les mots choisis par l’auteur et qui permettent d’établir plusieurs synthèses concernant les refontes de la structure globale du roman. / The history of text has never failed to accompany the researches about Manuscrit trouvé a Saragosse, monumental novel by the Polish aristocrat Jean Potocki (1761-1815). Still it does not explain why the author has written three successive versions. The only differences you can read out of the text is the way Potocki has modified each version of the novel (1794, 1804, 1810). A careful comparison of text and structure of each version show certain tendencies of reworking at all levels of writing: that of words, the sentences and the chapters or “journées”. One of these tendencies for example is the concision, as the stories in the modified versions are told more concentrated. Also euphonic and rhythmic changes may be mentioned here: they appear in comparison with the words chosen by the author and allow further syntheses with the revision of the entire novel structure.

A comparative analysis of the governance mechanisms in two Centres for Inclusive Living that enhance disabled people's life choices

Theakstone, Dianne-Dominique January 2017 (has links)
This study examined disabled people’s access to independent living in Scotland and Norway. At the time of the field work for this research in 2012, the literature revealed no comparable social enquiry combining the concepts of citizenship, independent living and governance. Within disability studies, independent living denotes a perspective that recognises the interconnected nature of life areas that affect lived experiences of disablement and inclusion of disabled citizens. From the independent living movement, Centres for Inclusive Living emerged as unique governance structures with full service-user involvement and run by disabled people for disabled people. This study focused upon to what extent the organisational governance structures in the Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living (GCIL) and Uloba Centre for Independent Living (Uloba) in Norway facilitate or impede disabled people’s access to independent living. The methodology adopted a mixed methods approach. The central method involved organisational case studies with GCIL and Uloba. This enabled an in-depth qualitative exploration through semi-structured interviews with the case study employees, service-user/co-owners and key experts within each country. In addition, an online survey was distributed to other organisations that operated within the disability field. The analytical framework used an integration of the social relational model of disability (Thomas, 1999) and meso level governance analysis (Lowe, 2004). The social relational model of disability provided structural (macro) and agency (micro) level interpretations and an emphasis on psychosocial elements of disability. It also enabled the synergy of a theory of impairment alongside a theory of disability. Meso (organisational) governance analysis focused attention on the connections between organisations in society. This focus revealed the lateral relationships with other meso level bodies, macro institutions and micro individual action. Research participants prioritised the areas of peer support, accessible housing and personal assistance. Peer support was found to take both informal and formal manifestations and acted as a foundation for the other two areas of independent living. The findings highlighted that Centres for Inclusive Living provide facilitation for access to independent living across macro, meso and micro tiers of society. In particular, empowerment, peer support and user led governance formed key strategies that enhanced disabled people’s access to independent living in Scotland and Norway.

Συστηματική μελέτη αυτοσυμπυκνούμενου κισσηροδέματος / Pumice aggregate self compacting concrete (PASCC)

Καφφετζάκης, Μιχαήλ 09 October 2014 (has links)
Το θέμα της παρούσης Διδακτορικής Διατριβής είναι η συστηματική μελέτη του Αυτοσυμπυκνούμενου Κισσηροδέματος (ΑΣΚ). Ο βασικός σκοπός της υπήρξε η παραγωγή μειγμάτων δομικού ΑΣΚ, προτείνοντας παράλληλα μία μεθοδολογία σύνθεσης, εφαρμόσιμη για κάθε είδος Αυτοσυμπυκνούμενου Σκυροδέματος (ΑΣΣ). Ακόμη, έγινε προσπάθεια να διερευνηθούν τομείς στους οποίους η γνώση για το Αυτοσυμπυκνούμενο Ελαφροσκυρόδεμα (ΑΣΕΣ) είναι ακόμη ελλιπής, όπως η συνάφεια χάλυβα-ΑΣΕΣ, η συμπεριφορά γραμμικών στοιχείων οπλισμένου ΑΣΕΣ έναντι κάμψης και διάτμησης, η κατανομή και οι μέγιστες τιμές των πιέσεων που ασκεί το νωπό ΑΣΕΣ σε ξυλοτύπους και τα χαρακτηριστικά ανθεκτικότητάς του. / In this study an extended investigation of PASCC properties is conducted. The main scope was to produce structural PASCC mixtures, by proposing a mix design methodology applicable for every type of Lightweight Aggregate Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). Moreover, there has been an attempt to investigate fields where the available knowledge for LWASCC is limited, such as the steel-PASCC bond characteristics, the response of reinforced PASCC elements under reversed bending and shear actions, the formwork pressure development during and after PASCC casting and selected PASCC durability characteristics.

A cross country investigation of social enterprise innovation: a multilevel modelling approach

Monroe-White, Thema K. 22 May 2014 (has links)
This dissertation presents a multilevel model of national-level factors and their impact on the organizational-level characteristics of social enterprises and their innovations. This study builds on the foundations of two theoretical frameworks: the national systems of innovation, which recognizes economic competitiveness to be a product of several interrelated institutions (e.g. financial, educational, cultural, historical) and where organizational-level innovation drives country level competitiveness; and the comparative social enterprise framework, which contends that national-level institutions (e.g., economic competitiveness, models of civil society) drive the size and shape of the social enterprise sector of a country. Data for this study were collected from multiple secondary global datasets representing 54 countries across seven world regions. Research questions and hypotheses are examined using ordinal and logistic hierarchical generalized linear modeling, two analytical techniques capable of explaining variation at one level (i.e., organizations) as a consequence of factors at another level of analysis (i.e., countries) for non-normally distributed dependent variables. Findings indicate that economic competitiveness, welfare spending, culture and quality of life significantly impact the odds of a business being a social enterprise. Fewer significant relationships were found social enterprise innovations. Conclusions and policy implications are discussed in light of data limitations and the current state of the field.

Investigating the Gap between Newspaper Journalists’ Role Conceptions and Role Performance in Nine European, Asian, and Latin American Countries

Mellado, Claudia, Mothes, Cornelia, Hallin, Daniel C., Humanes, María Luisa, Lauber, Maria, Mick, Jacques, Silke, Henry, Sparks, Colin, Amado, Adriana, Davydov, Sergey, Olivera, Dasniel 19 May 2022 (has links)
Based on a standardized operationalization of the watchdog, civic, interventionist, loyal-facilitator, infotainment, and service roles, this study combines survey (N = 643) and content analysis data (N = 19,908) to explain gaps between newspaper journalists’ role conceptions and the performance of their press organizations in nine countries from Latin America, Western Europe, and Asia. Taking an institutional approach by focusing on institutional influences on the conception–performance gap at three levels (individual, organizational, societal), our results show that these gaps are largest for the two roles most connected with the public functions of journalism, the civic, and the watchdog roles. Multilevel analyses offer significant evidence on that, across all six analyzed roles, the size of the gaps differed more clearly between journalists and between media organizations, than among countries. Although influences on an individual level (i.e., perceived autonomy) have some explanatory power, influences on the organizational level and, more specifically, ownership and codified editorial policies are the factors that best explain conception–performance gaps. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of the public skepticism about the performance of journalism and the media.

Early Childhood Research across Cultures / Early Childhood Research across Cultures: A Scoping Study of Early Childhood Interventions across Language and Country Boundaries

Chapman, Brandon J. January 2019 (has links)
A scoping study of early childhood research in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries for improved well-being worldwide through collaboration and knowledge transfer / ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Research evidence strongly supports the influence of quality nutrition, cognitive stimulation and nurturing care on the extent that a child reaches full development. Reaching developmental milestones results in positive outcomes for individual health and well-being as well as communal stability and prosperity. Interventions to improve early childhood development are not a recent concept; however, the interaction of one early childhood development outcome on others form a complex, often interdependent, relationship. The complexity of a child's development also includes the child's family, home environment, community and national context. The complex and dynamic setting for implementing early childhood interventions requires more than efficiency or knowledge. It requires patience, cultural competency and a compassion to engage and support a child's family, society and nation. Interventions that are effective in multiple cultures or can be scaled up to a regional or global level are rare and usually focus on one aspect of early childhood development (ECD), like protein intake to prevent stunting. Context does matter, and ECD research is dispersed over vastly different political systems and often focused on specific people groups or subcultures. The scope and intensity of ECD research in the world has not been described and is often unknown to English-speaking researchers who are not personally connected by relationship or literacy to other languages and cultures. PURPOSE: The purpose of this scoping study is to answer the research question: "What is being researched related to early childhood development interventions with children six years old and younger in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries?” A scoping study of published, peer-reviewed literature on interventions in early childhood development in English, Spanish and Portuguese was performed to understand the concepts in research on early childhood development (ECD). The thesis presents interventions in early childhood development and their usage in Mexico, Central and South America in particular and also in Europe and Africa because of the Spanish and Portuguese languages spoken there. The thesis highlights risk factors, assessment tools and interventions from peer-reviewed research providing a scope of ECD interventions for this world area. SEARCH METHODS
: Databases searched were related to global health, health sciences, nursing and allied health, psychology and education. They were Global Health, Embase, Medline with PubMed e-ahead of print, PsycInfo, CINAHL, ERIC, LILACS and IBECS. The search strategy and data collection was guided by the research question to be thorough and methodical. Exclusion criteria were utilized to screen more than seven hundred articles to retrieve eighty-six articles that included the correct populations, relevant countries, ECD interventions and early childhood outcomes. FINDINGS: Macro and micro-context risk factors in early childhood development were highlighted across the literature. They were lower maternal education, informal maternal employment, larger household size, lower wealth index and rural residence. Findings related to child or home-centered interventions revealed varied but some positive outcomes in national programmes in Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Colombia and Portugal. The research across all countries in literature found positive impact on early childhood development from age-dependent nutrition, higher socio-economic status and education in mothers, stimulating parent-child interactions and nurturing home environment. CONCLUSIONS: 
While a scoping study of ECD provides an overview of the work happening and of the relevant key concepts, the eighty-six included studies can hardly be considered representative of all childhood development interventions being implemented or researched. Some state or national governments and non-government organizations implement early childhood interventions without publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. Many more interventions are not evaluated or monitored. Increased collaboration and networking between researchers and countries is needed. Necessary partnerships between educators, researchers and policy-makers based on national strengths across the globe can facilitate better sharing of knowledge and assessment of appropriate interventions for a population's needs. Further monitoring, evaluation and publishing of interventions in this region of the world is required. M.Sc. Thesis - Brandon James Chapman; McMaster University - Global Health / Thesis / Master of Science (MS) / Development during the earliest years of life includes physical, mental and social development. This thesis is a study on the research for early childhood development in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries and describes what is happening with a global health perspective. The thesis discusses how research can impact knowledge and what is done to support and improve development for children, their families and their country.

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