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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the factors that impact on the validity of competency profile development: A case study

Khan, Begum January 2003 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom(IPS) / The focus of this exploratory study was on competency profile development, specifically the factors impacting on the validity of its development. Given the paucity of research both nationally and internationally into the development of criteria feeding employment practices, as well as the conjectured enigmatic disjuncture between theory, which promotes the almost indispensability of job analysis, and organisational reality which attests to it seldom being performed or performed in a way which would satisfy scientific standards, a qualitative enquiry and a two tiered research design was developed to explore this phenomenon. Through excavating documentary data, the first phase of research intensively explored the work of the City of Cape Town's Competency Framework Team, their particular job analysis processes and their methodology for developing a competency profile for a single incumbent position, namely that of the City Manager's position. The medium of the case study allowed the reader to enter the world of a pulsing organisation and witness such researchers' dilemmas as contemplating whether there is a standard recipe for competency profile generation, the factors influencing choice of methodology, judgment around the relevancy of competencies developed to lead the change process, accurately responding to and managing dramatically skewed samples, the types of interventions to design, etc. The three key results from this phase of research confirmed that: the complexity of change within the City of Cape Town, as well as the types of decisions the various HR functions had to make on the basis of the profile, influenced decisions on how to profile and which methods to use; that stakeholders actively shaped the design and understanding of the particular components of the competency profile as they bring human volition to the areas of challenge arising within the organisation; and on the issue of whether racial composition of a sample was anticipated to have an effect on the competencies generated, it was clear that is not possible to ascertain whether the differences noticed in the behavioural repertoire of an individual are as a function of race or a myriad of other competing variables. The second phase of research studied the behavioural competencies elicited from a sample of Chief Executive Officers when using different job analysis methods to develop these competencies. The results confirmed that the distinctive features of a job analysis method selected or developed may impact on the behavioural competencies generated. These results not only sensitise practitioners to the role of methodology in influencing the derivation of competencies, but also to the many variables within, as well as between chosen methodologies, and to the reality that choice of methodology may influence the degree of confidence with which one interprets the results attained. The study concluded that despite this being a case study, limiting the conclusiveness and generalisability of its findings, the facets of the phenomenon of competency profiling illuminated may have much salience for the art and practice of profiling in general, for users and developers of job analysis processes, instruments, and leadership models, as well as practitioners entrusted with organisational design and redesign.

Аnalysis of the systems thinking competency at the GUDSR Company, in Yekaterinburg, Russia / Компетенция «системное мышление» и разработка рекомендаций по ее совершенствованию в компании ООО «ГУДСР», Екатеринбург, Россия : магистерская диссертация

Хименес Кинтеро, Я. М., Jimenes Quintero, Y. M. January 2021 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа “Анализ компетенции системного мышления в компании GUDSR, Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация” в форме магистерской диссертации выполнена на 107 листах (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, размер шрифта 14, интервал между строками 2), без вложений. Количество таблиц – 12 (без учета вложений). Количество рисунков – 22 (без учета вложений). Ключевые термины: Профессиональные компетенции, управление компетенциями, модель компетенций, оценка потребностей в обучении, развитие компетенций, системное мышление. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из реферата, Введения, 5 глав, рекомендаций по предложениям, заключения, библиографии и приложения. В теоретической части представлено определение компетенции системного мышления, компетентностная модель, оценка эффективности и развитие компетенций. В практической части описываются общие характеристики исследуемой компании, анализ сотрудников, методология и инструменты исследования, и его результаты. На основе этих результатов было выдвинуто несколько предложений по развитию компетенции системного мышления и программа, как повысить уровень компетенции системного мышления в компании GUDSR. / Final qualifying work “Analysis of the Systems thinking competency at the GUDSR company, in Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation” in the form of Master thesis is performed on 107 sheets (A4 format, font Times New Roman, font size 14, 2 line spacing), excluding attachments. Number of tables – 12 (excluding attachments). The number of figures – 22 (excluding attachments). Key terms: Job competencies, competency management, competency model, training needs assessment, competency development, Systems thinking. Final qualifying work consists in Abstract, Introduction, 5 chapters, proposal recommendations, conclusion, bibliography and appendix. In the theoretical part it presents the definition of Systems thinking competency, competence model, performance evaluation and competence development. The practical part describes the general characteristics of the investigated company, the analysis of employees, methodology and instruments of research and its results. Based on these results, there were several proposals of Systems thinking competency development and the program how to arise the level of Systems thinking competency in the GUDSR company.

Teachers, assessment and outcomes-based education: a philosophical enquiry

Slamat, Jerome Albert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The core question that is addressed in this dissertation is: “How can we think differently about education in order to transcend the predicament that outcomes-based assessment poses for teachers and the practice of teaching?” This question is addressed against the background of my own narrative and experience in education in South Africa and in dialogue with the ideas of a number of contemporary philosophers. I assume an internal link between the outcomes-based discourse and its attendant assessment system. I argue that although outcomes-based education is proclaimed to be a progressive pedagogy, an alternative argument can be made that characterises it as an old behaviourist, management theory, overlain by a new policy technology called performativity. Thereafter, I engage critically with outcomes-based assessment as a prime example of performativity. In the next step I explore the ways in which outcomes-based assessment poses a predicament to teachers and to the practice of teaching. I then construct an alternative view of education that, in my opinion, provides a way to transcend the predicament that outcomes-based assessment poses for teachers and the practice of teaching. I also compare my alternative view of education with a new notion of education as therapy and standing in need of therapy, which is also presented as an alternative to instrumental approaches to education. Thereafter I consider the implications of my alternative view of education for teachers and assessment. I consider potential critiques against my argument at various stages in this dissertation. In the final chapter, I anticipate five more potential critiques against the argument developed in this dissertation and give initial responses to these. At the end of this dissertation I extend an invitation to deliberation in the spirit of my alternative view of education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kernvraag wat in hierdie proefskrif aan bod kom, is: “Hoe kan ons anders dink oor onderwys sodat die penarie wat uitkomsgebaseerde assessering vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk meebring, oorkom kan word? Die vraag word beredeneer teen die agtergrond van my eie narratief en ervaring in onderwys in Suid-Afrika en in dialoog met die idees van ’n aantal kontemporêre filosowe. Ek veronderstel ’n interne skakel tussen die uitkomsgebaseerde diskoers en die verbandhoudende assesseringstelsel. Ek voer aan dat hoewel uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys as ’n progressiewe pedagogie voorgehou word, ’n alternatiewe argument gemaak kan word wat dit as ’n ou, behavioristiese bestuursteorie beskryf, wat oordek is met ’n nuwe beleidstegnologie genaamd performatiwiteit. Daarna gaan ek krities om met uitkomsgebaseerde assessering as ’n primêre voorbeeld van performatiwiteit. In die volgende stap verken ek die maniere waarop uitkomsgebaseerde assessering ’n penarie vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk voorhou. Ek ontwikkel dan ’n alternatiewe beskouing van opvoeding wat, na my mening, ’n manier verskaf om die penarie wat assessering vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk veroorsaak, te oorkom. Ek vergelyk ook my alternatiewe beskouing van onderwys met ’n nuwe konsep van onderwys as terapie en as behoeftig aan terapie, wat ook as ’n alternatief vir instrumentele benaderings tot onderwys aangebied word. Daarna oorweeg ek die implikasies van my alternatiewe beskouing van onderwys vir onderwysers en assessering. Ek oorweeg op verskillende stadiums in hierdie proefskrif potensiële punte van kritiek teen my argument. In die laaste hoofstuk antisipeer ek vyf bykomende potensiële punte van kritiek teen die argument wat in hierdie proefskrif ontwikkel is en gee aanvanklike reaksies daarop. Teen die einde van hierdie proefskrif rig ek ’n uitnodiging tot beraadslaging in die gees van my alternatiewe beskouing van opvoeding.

A framework for the design and implementation of competency-based teacher education programmes at the University of Namibia

Engelbrecht, Frederik Daniel Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Competency-based education (CBE) was introduced in the 1970s in the United States of America and its philosophical and practical dimensions are still being explored. As the Government of Namibia subscribes to CBE for all levels of education, the University of Namibia needs to understand this approach to education and how such programmes are ideally designed and implemented to bridge the gap between education (graduateness) and training (competence). The goal of this study was to develop a contextualised CBE programme design and implementation framework. International programme design and implementation frameworks were analysed and synthesised and applied to a local university programme, the Advanced Diploma in Education, in order to test the validity of an international framework and adapt it to local conditions. A qualitative research approach was used. On the one hand, data on the Advanced Diploma in Education (ADEd) was generated through methods such as stakeholder feedback on the ADEd design questionnaire as well as the analysis of relevant design and implementation documents. The post-hoc qualitative approach included a literature review, a visit to Australian universities and an international survey regarding the proposed design and implementation framework. The findings of the study pertain to programme design and programme implementation. The programme design findings emphasised the importance of the management of change to a CBE approach, the format of module descriptors and the assessment of competence. The implementation findings highlighted the necessity of administrative changes to accommodate CBE features, the training of staff and continuous evaluation of the teaching environment and lecturer performance. The study concludes that CBE appears to be appropriate for teacher education in Namibia when certain pitfalls are avoided and recommends that CBE programme designers at the Faculty of Education at the University of Namibia might apply the researched framework, comprising a comprehensive design and implementation section.

A study of mastery learning and its effects on science achievement, retention, attitudes and self-concepts with special focus on educationally disadvantaged students.

January 1990 (has links)
by Hon Hau-sut. / Thesis (M.A.Ed.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990. / Bibliography: leaves 106-118. / LIST OF TABLES --- p.iv / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.v / ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.vi / ABSTRACT --- p.vii / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- INTRODUCTION / Chapter 1.1 --- The Problem and its Background --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Purposes of the Study --- p.2 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK / Chapter 2.1 --- Research on Teaching Educationally Disadvantaged Students --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Definition and Characteristics of the Educationally Disadvantaged / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Consequences of Inaction to Educational Disadvantage / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Measures Commonly Used to Help the Educationally Disadvantaged / Chapter 2.1.4 --- General Principles of Effective Programs / Chapter 2.2 --- The Theory and Strategy of Mastery Learning --- p.12 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- The Carroll Model of School Learning / Chapter 2.2.2 --- The Theory of Mastery Learning / Chapter 2.2.3 --- The Instructional strategy of Mastery Learning / Chapter 2.2.4 --- The Bloom Model of School Learning / Chapter 2.3 --- Defining Features of Mastery Learning --- p.25 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- The Philosophy / Chapter 2.3.2 --- The Curriculum / Chapter 2.3.3 --- The Instruction / Chapter 2.3.4 --- The Assessments / Chapter 2.3.5 --- The Teaching / Chapter 2.4 --- Review of Research on Mastery Learning Programs --- p.36 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- General Achievement / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Specific Achievement / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Knowledge Retention / Chapter 2.4.4 --- Variability in Achievement / Chapter 2.4.5 --- Time-on-Task and Learning Rate / Chapter 2.4.6 --- Student Affects / Chapter 2.5 --- Effectiveness of Mastery Learning on the Education of Disadvantaged Students --- p.50 / Chapter 2.6 --- Mastery Learning Studies Conducted in Hong Kong --- p.53 / Chapter 2.7 --- Problems Requiring Further Research --- p.55 / Chapter 2.7.1 --- The Problems / Chapter 2.7.2 --- Summary / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- METHOD OF STUDY / Chapter 3.1 --- The Conceptual Framework --- p.62 / Chapter 3.2 --- Research Questions and Hypotheses --- p.64 / Chapter 3.3 --- Variables --- p.66 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Independent Variables / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Dependent Variables / Chapter 3.4 --- Design of the Study --- p.72 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Characteristics of Educationally Disadvantaged Students in Hong Kong and Selection of Subjects / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Assignment of Teachers / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Academic Content / Chapter 3.4.4 --- Experimental Procedure / Chapter 3.4.5 --- Experimental Design and Data Analysis / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION / Chapter 4.1 --- Reliability of the Instruments --- p.85 / Chapter 4.2 --- Initial Comparability of the Experimental and Control Groups --- p.87 / Chapter 4.3 --- Cognitive and Affective Outcomes --- p.89 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Cognitive Outcomes / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Affective Outcomes / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS / Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusions --- p.96 / Chapter 5.2 --- Discussion --- p.100 / Chapter 5.3 --- Limitations --- p.103 / Chapter 5.4 --- Implications --- p.104 / REFERENCES / APPENDIXES / Chapter 1 --- Mastery Orientation Sheet / Chapter 2 --- Science Mastery Chart / Chapter 3 --- Mastery Certificate / Chapter 4 --- Table of Specifications / Chapter 5 --- Formative Tests / Chapter 6 --- Summative Tests / Chapter 7 --- Long-Term Retention Test / Chapter 8 --- Corrective Exercises / Chapter 9 --- Attitudes Towards Science Inventory / Chapter 10 --- General Self-Concept Inventory / Chapter 11 --- Academic Self-Concept Inventory

A model for predicting the performance of project managers in mass house building projects in Ghana

Ahadzie, Divine Kwaku January 2007 (has links)
Presently, within the human resource management (HRM) genre and including the construction management discipline, the identification and development of appropriate performance measures is seen as the only viable means for validating and engendering managerial excellence. There is also a growing awareness that appropriate predictive modelling practices can help engender the identification and development of these measures. Against the background that project-based sectors of the construction industry in developing countries need to adopt a proactive approach towards recognising and embedding performance measures in HRM practices, this thesis addresses the development of a model for predicting the performance of project managers (PMs) in mass house building projects (MHBPs) in Ghana. A literature review of the significance of performance measures in the HRM genre is first presented including an evaluation of the methodologies for measuring the performance of PMs. This is followed by a review of research and development in the management of human resources in the construction industry in developing countries including Ghana. Informed by the literature, an appropriate theoretical framework is adopted which draws on the organisational psychology theory of job performance, the conventional wisdom in project success criteria and an emerging framework of project lifecycle. Subsequently, a competency-based multidimensional conceptual model is developed. The conceptual model reflects both the elements of performance behaviours and outcomes in predicting the performance of PMs at the conceptual, design, tender, procurement, construction and operational phases of the project lifecycle. Adopting positivism as an appropriate research paradigm, structured questionnaire survey is used to elicit the relevant data from property developers in Ghana for the construction phase of the project lifecycle. Subsequently the data is analysed using one-sample t-test, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis (stepwise). From a broad range of competency-based measures used as independent variables, it is found that, the best predictors of the PMs’ performance at the “construction phase” of MHBPs are: job knowledge in site layout techniques for repetitive construction works; dedication in helping works contractors to achieve works programme; job knowledge of appropriate technology transfer for repetitive construction works; effective time management practices on the house-units; ability to provide effective solution to conflicts while maintaining good relationships; ease with which the PM is approachable by works contractors; and volunteering to help works contractors solve personal problems. These independent variables explained 74.4% of the variance in the model (at p < 0.0005). Validation of the model confirmed its goodness of fit and hence predictive accuracy. The findings suggest that at the construction phase of MHBPs, PMs who exhibit these behavioural competencies are likely to achieve higher levels of performance. Accordingly, PMs who aspire to achieve better managerial performance outcome on MHBPs should strive towards developing and improving these competencies. It is contended that the developed model could be used by property developers for the selection and recruitment of potential PMs and also for developing appropriate training requirements towards best practice improvement in the implementation of MHBPs. While the study focuses on Ghana, there is the potential for the model to be adopted for use by other developing countries towards the advancement of improved HRM activities in project management practice.

Teachers as recontextualisers: a case study analysis of outcomes-based assessment policy implementation in two South African schools

Wilmot, Pamela Dianne January 2006 (has links)
The research presented in this thesis is a case study analysis of outcomes-based assessment in Grade 9 Human and Social Sciences of Curriculum 2005 in two South African schools. The research consists of two parts: Phase One, 2002 to 2003, was a qualitative case study, interpretive in orientation and using ethnographic techniques, aimed at understanding teachers’ responses to curriculum policy and the role of a school-based intervention, located within critically reflexive practice, in supporting change. During this phase, I was a co-participant operating from an insider position. During Phase Two, 2004-2005, I withdrew from the schools and took up an outsider position in order to analyse and theorise the case study. The findings of the interpretive review revealed a fascinating process of change, with some unexpected results that I lacked the theoretical and methodological tools to process. With support from critical friends, I realised that a dynamic and social process of knowledge recontextualisation had taken place, and that the research had moved beyond its initial goals. Not wishing to compromise my integrity as a qualitative researcher, I changed direction and made use of Basil Bernstein’s theorising (1990, 1996) to arrive at a suitable vantage point for the analysis. The main contention of this thesis is that the new OBE curriculum framework offers exciting opportunities for teacher participation in curriculum processes. However, if teachers are to maximise these and become agents of change, they need to acquire the rules of recontextualisation and reposition themselves in the recontextualising field. This implies epistemological empowerment, which takes time and mediation but which can be achieved through an approach to teacher professional development located in critically reflexive practice.

MP-CompEAD : modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância

Schneider, Daisy January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese visou à construção e à validação de uma proposta de modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância - MP-CompEAD. O objetivo é analisar as possíveis contribuições do MP-CompEAD para o processo de construção de competências por esses atores. A fundamentação teórica encontra-se nas obras de Philippe Perrenoud e Guy Le Boterf no que diz respeito às competências, de Patricia Alejandra Behar quanto aos modelos pedagógicos e Jean Piaget acerca da teoria da Epistemologia Genética. Parte-se do pressuposto de que um curso baseado no modelo sugerido possa contribuir para a construção de competências. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratória (primeira fase) e estudo de caso (segunda fase). Na primeira etapa, desenvolveu-se o objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD (Competências para a Educação a Distância), como também foram realizadas ações-piloto e cursos para o mapeamento de competências e levantamento de estratégias pedagógicas. Esses dois últimos aspectos compõem as questões secundárias e objetivos específicos da investigação, sendo respondidos nessa fase. Na segunda etapa, com base nos primeiros resultados, foi criado e validado o MPCompEAD, a partir de três cursos elaborados com base no modelo. O público dos cursos oferecidos para a coleta de dados em ambas as fases da pesquisa constituiuse de indivíduos de instituições de ensino públicas e privadas. As turmas foram compostas por alunos: (1) com experiência em educação a distância (EAD) - participantes que atuam ou atuaram como professores e/ou tutores; (2) sem experiência na modalidade - interessados em ingressar como professores e/ou tutores em cursos a distância (primeira e segunda etapas); e (3) uma turma mista em termos de experiência (aplicada apenas na segunda etapa da pesquisa). Os instrumentos utilizados foram os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem institucionais ROODA e MOODLE, além da Roda das Competências, do bloco de anotações, do objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD e dos questionários. Como resultado, portanto, obteve-se um mapeamento de competências consideradas básicas para professores e para tutores atuarem na educação a distância, um quadro de estratégias pedagógicas e o Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. As contribuições desse modelo pedagógico para os sujeitos participantes na construção de competências para a EAD verificadas na sua validação envolvem os seguintes aspectos: compreensão sobre a EAD e os papéis dos seus atores; experiências proporcionadas pela aplicação das estratégias; possibilidades de reflexão sobre a prática na modalidade, os próprios recursos e os processos de aprendizagem. / This thesis aimed to build and validate a proposal for a pedagogical model based on teachers' and tutors' competencies in distance education called MP-CompEAD. The goal is to analyze the possible contributions of the MP-CompEAD for the process of competency building with teachers and tutors being the actors. The theoretical foundation could be found in the works by Philippe Perrenoud and Guy Le Boterf regarding the competencies, also in Patricia Alejandra Behar's work regarding the pedagogical models and Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology's theory. It is assumed that a course based on the proposed model will contribute to build up the competencies. The methodology used was the qualitative research, exploratory type (first phase) and case study (second phase). In the first phase, we developed the learning goal called CompEAD (competencies for distance education), as well as some pilot actions and courses for competency mapping and a pedagogical strategies survey. These last two aspects are part of the secondary issues and specific objectives of the study that were answered at this phase. In the second phase, based on the first results, we created and validated the MP-CompEAD, from the three courses that were made based on the template. The audience of the courses offered for the data collection in both phases of the research consisted of individuals from public and private education institutions. The classes were composed of students: (1) with experience in distance education (DE) -participants that act or acted as teachers and/or tutors; (2) without experience in DE-interested in joining as teachers and/or tutors in distance education (first and second phases); and (3) a mixed group regarding experience (applied only in the second phase of the research). The research instruments were the institutional virtual learning environments like MOODLE, ROODA, as well as the Competency Wheel, the scratchpad, CompEAD learning goal and questionnaires. As a result, therefore, we obtained the competency mapping considered basic to teachers and tutors work on distance learning, a framework of pedagogic strategies and of the MP-CompEAD pedagogical model. The contributions of this pedagogical model for the participants in building competencies for the Distance Education verified in its validation involves: understanding about the DE and the role of people who are involved (the actors); experiences offered by the implementation of strategies; possibilities of reflection on practice mode, its own resources and learning processes. / Esta tesis buscó la construcción y la validación de una propuesta de modelo pedagógico basado en competencias para profesores y tutores en educación a distancia - MP-CompEAD. El objetivo es analizar las posibles contribuciones del MPCompEAD para el proceso de construcción de competencias por estos actores. La fundamentación teórica reside en las obras de Philippe Perrenoud y de Guy Le Boterf, respecto a las competencias, de Patricia Alejandra Behar, tocante a los modelos pedagógicos y de Jean Piaget, acerca de la teoría de la Epistemología Genética. Se parte del presupuesto de que un curso basado en el modelo sugerido pueda contribuir para la construcción de competencias. La metodología utilizada fue la pesquisa cualitativa, del tipo exploratoria (primera fase) y estudio de caso (segunda fase). En la primera etapa, se desarrolló el objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD (Competencias para la Educación a Distancia). Además, se realizaron acciones-piloto y cursos para la identificación de competencias y establecimiento de estrategias pedagógicas. Estos dos últimos aspectos componen las cuestiones secundarias y objetivos específicos del estudio, y fueron respondidos en esa fase. En la segunda etapa, con base en los primeros resultados, se creó y validó el MPCompEAD, a partir de tres cursos elaborados con base en el modelo. El público de los cursos ofrecidos para la recolección de datos en ambas las fases de la pesquisa se constituyó de individuos de instituciones de enseñanza pública y privada. Los grupos fueron compuestos por alumnos: (1) con experiencia en educación a distancia (EAD) - participantes que actúan o actuaron como profesores y/o tutores; (2) sin experiencia en esta modalidad - interesados en ingresar como profesores y/o tutores en cursos virtuales (primera y segunda etapas); y (3) un grupo mixto en términos de experiencia (aplicada solamente en la segunda etapa de la pesquisa). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje institucionales ROODA y MOODLE, además de la Rueda de las Competencias, del cuaderno de anotaciones, del objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD y de los cuestionarios. Como resultado, por lo tanto, se identificaron las competencias consideradas básicas para que profesores y tutores actúen en la educación a distancia, además de obtenerse un cuadro de estrategias pedagógicas y el Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. Las contribuciones de este modelo pedagógico para los sujetos participantes en la construcción de competencias para la EAD verificadas en su validación incluyen: comprensión sobre la EAD y los roles de sus actores; experiencias proporcionadas por el empleo de las estrategias; posibilidades de reflexión sobre la práctica en esta modalidad, los propios recursos y los procesos de aprendizaje.

MP-CompEAD : modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância

Schneider, Daisy January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese visou à construção e à validação de uma proposta de modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância - MP-CompEAD. O objetivo é analisar as possíveis contribuições do MP-CompEAD para o processo de construção de competências por esses atores. A fundamentação teórica encontra-se nas obras de Philippe Perrenoud e Guy Le Boterf no que diz respeito às competências, de Patricia Alejandra Behar quanto aos modelos pedagógicos e Jean Piaget acerca da teoria da Epistemologia Genética. Parte-se do pressuposto de que um curso baseado no modelo sugerido possa contribuir para a construção de competências. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratória (primeira fase) e estudo de caso (segunda fase). Na primeira etapa, desenvolveu-se o objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD (Competências para a Educação a Distância), como também foram realizadas ações-piloto e cursos para o mapeamento de competências e levantamento de estratégias pedagógicas. Esses dois últimos aspectos compõem as questões secundárias e objetivos específicos da investigação, sendo respondidos nessa fase. Na segunda etapa, com base nos primeiros resultados, foi criado e validado o MPCompEAD, a partir de três cursos elaborados com base no modelo. O público dos cursos oferecidos para a coleta de dados em ambas as fases da pesquisa constituiuse de indivíduos de instituições de ensino públicas e privadas. As turmas foram compostas por alunos: (1) com experiência em educação a distância (EAD) - participantes que atuam ou atuaram como professores e/ou tutores; (2) sem experiência na modalidade - interessados em ingressar como professores e/ou tutores em cursos a distância (primeira e segunda etapas); e (3) uma turma mista em termos de experiência (aplicada apenas na segunda etapa da pesquisa). Os instrumentos utilizados foram os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem institucionais ROODA e MOODLE, além da Roda das Competências, do bloco de anotações, do objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD e dos questionários. Como resultado, portanto, obteve-se um mapeamento de competências consideradas básicas para professores e para tutores atuarem na educação a distância, um quadro de estratégias pedagógicas e o Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. As contribuições desse modelo pedagógico para os sujeitos participantes na construção de competências para a EAD verificadas na sua validação envolvem os seguintes aspectos: compreensão sobre a EAD e os papéis dos seus atores; experiências proporcionadas pela aplicação das estratégias; possibilidades de reflexão sobre a prática na modalidade, os próprios recursos e os processos de aprendizagem. / This thesis aimed to build and validate a proposal for a pedagogical model based on teachers' and tutors' competencies in distance education called MP-CompEAD. The goal is to analyze the possible contributions of the MP-CompEAD for the process of competency building with teachers and tutors being the actors. The theoretical foundation could be found in the works by Philippe Perrenoud and Guy Le Boterf regarding the competencies, also in Patricia Alejandra Behar's work regarding the pedagogical models and Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology's theory. It is assumed that a course based on the proposed model will contribute to build up the competencies. The methodology used was the qualitative research, exploratory type (first phase) and case study (second phase). In the first phase, we developed the learning goal called CompEAD (competencies for distance education), as well as some pilot actions and courses for competency mapping and a pedagogical strategies survey. These last two aspects are part of the secondary issues and specific objectives of the study that were answered at this phase. In the second phase, based on the first results, we created and validated the MP-CompEAD, from the three courses that were made based on the template. The audience of the courses offered for the data collection in both phases of the research consisted of individuals from public and private education institutions. The classes were composed of students: (1) with experience in distance education (DE) -participants that act or acted as teachers and/or tutors; (2) without experience in DE-interested in joining as teachers and/or tutors in distance education (first and second phases); and (3) a mixed group regarding experience (applied only in the second phase of the research). The research instruments were the institutional virtual learning environments like MOODLE, ROODA, as well as the Competency Wheel, the scratchpad, CompEAD learning goal and questionnaires. As a result, therefore, we obtained the competency mapping considered basic to teachers and tutors work on distance learning, a framework of pedagogic strategies and of the MP-CompEAD pedagogical model. The contributions of this pedagogical model for the participants in building competencies for the Distance Education verified in its validation involves: understanding about the DE and the role of people who are involved (the actors); experiences offered by the implementation of strategies; possibilities of reflection on practice mode, its own resources and learning processes. / Esta tesis buscó la construcción y la validación de una propuesta de modelo pedagógico basado en competencias para profesores y tutores en educación a distancia - MP-CompEAD. El objetivo es analizar las posibles contribuciones del MPCompEAD para el proceso de construcción de competencias por estos actores. La fundamentación teórica reside en las obras de Philippe Perrenoud y de Guy Le Boterf, respecto a las competencias, de Patricia Alejandra Behar, tocante a los modelos pedagógicos y de Jean Piaget, acerca de la teoría de la Epistemología Genética. Se parte del presupuesto de que un curso basado en el modelo sugerido pueda contribuir para la construcción de competencias. La metodología utilizada fue la pesquisa cualitativa, del tipo exploratoria (primera fase) y estudio de caso (segunda fase). En la primera etapa, se desarrolló el objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD (Competencias para la Educación a Distancia). Además, se realizaron acciones-piloto y cursos para la identificación de competencias y establecimiento de estrategias pedagógicas. Estos dos últimos aspectos componen las cuestiones secundarias y objetivos específicos del estudio, y fueron respondidos en esa fase. En la segunda etapa, con base en los primeros resultados, se creó y validó el MPCompEAD, a partir de tres cursos elaborados con base en el modelo. El público de los cursos ofrecidos para la recolección de datos en ambas las fases de la pesquisa se constituyó de individuos de instituciones de enseñanza pública y privada. Los grupos fueron compuestos por alumnos: (1) con experiencia en educación a distancia (EAD) - participantes que actúan o actuaron como profesores y/o tutores; (2) sin experiencia en esta modalidad - interesados en ingresar como profesores y/o tutores en cursos virtuales (primera y segunda etapas); y (3) un grupo mixto en términos de experiencia (aplicada solamente en la segunda etapa de la pesquisa). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje institucionales ROODA y MOODLE, además de la Rueda de las Competencias, del cuaderno de anotaciones, del objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD y de los cuestionarios. Como resultado, por lo tanto, se identificaron las competencias consideradas básicas para que profesores y tutores actúen en la educación a distancia, además de obtenerse un cuadro de estrategias pedagógicas y el Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. Las contribuciones de este modelo pedagógico para los sujetos participantes en la construcción de competencias para la EAD verificadas en su validación incluyen: comprensión sobre la EAD y los roles de sus actores; experiencias proporcionadas por el empleo de las estrategias; posibilidades de reflexión sobre la práctica en esta modalidad, los propios recursos y los procesos de aprendizaje.

MP-CompEAD : modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância

Schneider, Daisy January 2014 (has links)
A presente tese visou à construção e à validação de uma proposta de modelo pedagógico baseado em competências para professores e para tutores em educação a distância - MP-CompEAD. O objetivo é analisar as possíveis contribuições do MP-CompEAD para o processo de construção de competências por esses atores. A fundamentação teórica encontra-se nas obras de Philippe Perrenoud e Guy Le Boterf no que diz respeito às competências, de Patricia Alejandra Behar quanto aos modelos pedagógicos e Jean Piaget acerca da teoria da Epistemologia Genética. Parte-se do pressuposto de que um curso baseado no modelo sugerido possa contribuir para a construção de competências. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratória (primeira fase) e estudo de caso (segunda fase). Na primeira etapa, desenvolveu-se o objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD (Competências para a Educação a Distância), como também foram realizadas ações-piloto e cursos para o mapeamento de competências e levantamento de estratégias pedagógicas. Esses dois últimos aspectos compõem as questões secundárias e objetivos específicos da investigação, sendo respondidos nessa fase. Na segunda etapa, com base nos primeiros resultados, foi criado e validado o MPCompEAD, a partir de três cursos elaborados com base no modelo. O público dos cursos oferecidos para a coleta de dados em ambas as fases da pesquisa constituiuse de indivíduos de instituições de ensino públicas e privadas. As turmas foram compostas por alunos: (1) com experiência em educação a distância (EAD) - participantes que atuam ou atuaram como professores e/ou tutores; (2) sem experiência na modalidade - interessados em ingressar como professores e/ou tutores em cursos a distância (primeira e segunda etapas); e (3) uma turma mista em termos de experiência (aplicada apenas na segunda etapa da pesquisa). Os instrumentos utilizados foram os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem institucionais ROODA e MOODLE, além da Roda das Competências, do bloco de anotações, do objeto de aprendizagem CompEAD e dos questionários. Como resultado, portanto, obteve-se um mapeamento de competências consideradas básicas para professores e para tutores atuarem na educação a distância, um quadro de estratégias pedagógicas e o Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. As contribuições desse modelo pedagógico para os sujeitos participantes na construção de competências para a EAD verificadas na sua validação envolvem os seguintes aspectos: compreensão sobre a EAD e os papéis dos seus atores; experiências proporcionadas pela aplicação das estratégias; possibilidades de reflexão sobre a prática na modalidade, os próprios recursos e os processos de aprendizagem. / This thesis aimed to build and validate a proposal for a pedagogical model based on teachers' and tutors' competencies in distance education called MP-CompEAD. The goal is to analyze the possible contributions of the MP-CompEAD for the process of competency building with teachers and tutors being the actors. The theoretical foundation could be found in the works by Philippe Perrenoud and Guy Le Boterf regarding the competencies, also in Patricia Alejandra Behar's work regarding the pedagogical models and Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology's theory. It is assumed that a course based on the proposed model will contribute to build up the competencies. The methodology used was the qualitative research, exploratory type (first phase) and case study (second phase). In the first phase, we developed the learning goal called CompEAD (competencies for distance education), as well as some pilot actions and courses for competency mapping and a pedagogical strategies survey. These last two aspects are part of the secondary issues and specific objectives of the study that were answered at this phase. In the second phase, based on the first results, we created and validated the MP-CompEAD, from the three courses that were made based on the template. The audience of the courses offered for the data collection in both phases of the research consisted of individuals from public and private education institutions. The classes were composed of students: (1) with experience in distance education (DE) -participants that act or acted as teachers and/or tutors; (2) without experience in DE-interested in joining as teachers and/or tutors in distance education (first and second phases); and (3) a mixed group regarding experience (applied only in the second phase of the research). The research instruments were the institutional virtual learning environments like MOODLE, ROODA, as well as the Competency Wheel, the scratchpad, CompEAD learning goal and questionnaires. As a result, therefore, we obtained the competency mapping considered basic to teachers and tutors work on distance learning, a framework of pedagogic strategies and of the MP-CompEAD pedagogical model. The contributions of this pedagogical model for the participants in building competencies for the Distance Education verified in its validation involves: understanding about the DE and the role of people who are involved (the actors); experiences offered by the implementation of strategies; possibilities of reflection on practice mode, its own resources and learning processes. / Esta tesis buscó la construcción y la validación de una propuesta de modelo pedagógico basado en competencias para profesores y tutores en educación a distancia - MP-CompEAD. El objetivo es analizar las posibles contribuciones del MPCompEAD para el proceso de construcción de competencias por estos actores. La fundamentación teórica reside en las obras de Philippe Perrenoud y de Guy Le Boterf, respecto a las competencias, de Patricia Alejandra Behar, tocante a los modelos pedagógicos y de Jean Piaget, acerca de la teoría de la Epistemología Genética. Se parte del presupuesto de que un curso basado en el modelo sugerido pueda contribuir para la construcción de competencias. La metodología utilizada fue la pesquisa cualitativa, del tipo exploratoria (primera fase) y estudio de caso (segunda fase). En la primera etapa, se desarrolló el objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD (Competencias para la Educación a Distancia). Además, se realizaron acciones-piloto y cursos para la identificación de competencias y establecimiento de estrategias pedagógicas. Estos dos últimos aspectos componen las cuestiones secundarias y objetivos específicos del estudio, y fueron respondidos en esa fase. En la segunda etapa, con base en los primeros resultados, se creó y validó el MPCompEAD, a partir de tres cursos elaborados con base en el modelo. El público de los cursos ofrecidos para la recolección de datos en ambas las fases de la pesquisa se constituyó de individuos de instituciones de enseñanza pública y privada. Los grupos fueron compuestos por alumnos: (1) con experiencia en educación a distancia (EAD) - participantes que actúan o actuaron como profesores y/o tutores; (2) sin experiencia en esta modalidad - interesados en ingresar como profesores y/o tutores en cursos virtuales (primera y segunda etapas); y (3) un grupo mixto en términos de experiencia (aplicada solamente en la segunda etapa de la pesquisa). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje institucionales ROODA y MOODLE, además de la Rueda de las Competencias, del cuaderno de anotaciones, del objeto de aprendizaje CompEAD y de los cuestionarios. Como resultado, por lo tanto, se identificaron las competencias consideradas básicas para que profesores y tutores actúen en la educación a distancia, además de obtenerse un cuadro de estrategias pedagógicas y el Modelo Pedagógico MP-CompEAD. Las contribuciones de este modelo pedagógico para los sujetos participantes en la construcción de competencias para la EAD verificadas en su validación incluyen: comprensión sobre la EAD y los roles de sus actores; experiencias proporcionadas por el empleo de las estrategias; posibilidades de reflexión sobre la práctica en esta modalidad, los propios recursos y los procesos de aprendizaje.

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