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Développement d'un nouvel outil génétique pour l'étude du développement du tissu conducteur ventriculaire et application à l'analyse phénotypique du mutant Tbx1, un modèle du syndrome de DiGeorge. / Development of a new genetic tool in order to study the development of the cardiac conduction system and application of the phenotypical analysis of Tbx1 mutant, a model for the DiGeorge syndrom.Lefevre Beyer, Sabrina 16 December 2013 (has links)
Le système de conduction ventriculaire (SCV) est responsable de la propagation rapide de l’activité électrique dans le cœur. Il est composé du faisceau de His, des branches droite et gauche, et des fibres de Purkinje. 1) Le développement du SCV a été étudié par l’utilisation de souris transgéniques exprimant la recombinase Cre inductible, insérée par recombinaison homologue au locus du gène de la connexine-40 (Cx40). Ce gène code pour une protéine exprimée dans les trabécules ventriculaires et le SCV. La recombinaison est observée uniquement dans les cellules exprimant la Cx40 et leur descendance. Mes résultats révèlent une restriction progressive du destin des trabécules Cx40-positives en cardiomyocytes conducteurs. Les progéniteurs Cx40-positifs participent à la formation du myocarde contractile et du SCV de E10.5 à E14.5 ; alors qu’ils ne donnent que des cardiomyocytes conducteurs après E16.5. 2) L’analyse du SCV a été étudiée dans un modèle de malformation cardiaque congénitale. Le mutant Tbx1-/-, modèle du syndrome de DiGeorge humain, présente une communication inter-ventriculaire. Des défauts morphologiques du SCV sont détectés chez ces mutants : absence de branche droite et un faisceau de His moins compacté. Ceux-ci sont corrélés avec des défauts de conduction. Le phénotype observé ne résulte pas d’un défaut d’activation du programme génique à l’origine de l’établissement du SCV ; mais semble dû à la présence de la communication inter-ventriculaire qui empêcherait les cellules progénitrices du SCV de rejoindre le sommet du septum inter-ventriculaire. / The ventricular conduction system (VCS) is responsible for the rapid propagation of electrical activity in the heart. The VCS is composed of the His bundle, the left and right bundle branches, and the peripheral Purkinje fibers. 1) The development of the VCS has been studied by using transgenic mice expressing the inducible Cre recombinase, introduced by homologous recombination at the locus of gene of connexin-40 (Cx40). Cx40 encodes for a protein expressing in the ventricular trabeculae and the VCS. The recombination is observed in the cells expressing Cx40 and in their descendants. My results suggest a progressive restriction of the fate of Cx40-positive trabeculae in conductive cardiomyocytes. Cx40-positive progenitors give rise to the formation of the compact myocardium and of the VCS when they are induced between E10.5-E14.5; while they participate only in the cardiomyocytes of VCS after E16.5. 2) The analysis of the VCS has been studied in a model of congenital heart malformation. The mutant Tbx1-/-, model of the DiGeorge syndrome, present a ventricular septal defect. Morphological defects of the VCS are found in Tbx1-/- hearts: an absence of right bundle branch and a non-compacted His bundle; which are correlated with functional defect. The phenotype observed in these mutants does not result from a defect of the activation in the genetic program being at the origin of the establishment in the VCS, but seems to be explain by the presence of a large ventricular septal defect, because it could block the progression of the progenitors of the VCS along the crest of the inter-ventricular septum.
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Synthèse et études de cuprates de basse dimensionnalité à propriétés thermiques fortement anisotropes / Single crystal growth and study of low-dimensionnal cuprates with highly anisotropic heat transport propertiesBounoua, Dalila 12 December 2017 (has links)
Ce manuscrit porte sur l’étude de cuprates de basse dimensionnalité, les systèmes à chaînes de spins SrCuO₂ et Sr₂CuO₃. Un des intérêts de ces deux composés est qu’ils présentent des conductions thermiques fortement anisotropes. Celles-ci comportent une contribution magnétique due au transport de la chaleur via les excitations de spinons qui se manifeste uniquement dans la direction des chaînes de spins. Notre étude a pour objectif la mise en évidence des mécanismes qui gouvernent ces propriétés de transport, notamment à travers l’étude des interactions entre les spinons, les phonons et les défauts. Les interactions spinons (phonons)-défauts ont été sondées par l’introduction intentionnelle de dopants (1-2%) non-magnétiques sur le site du cuivre : Mg²⁺, Zn²⁺, Pd²⁺ ou Ni²⁺, ou encore par l’introduction d’éléments possédant des degrés d’oxydation différents sur le site du strontium : La³⁺ ou K⁺. Les composés ont été synthétisés sous leur forme monocristalline par la méthode de fusion de la zone solvante. Des caractérisations structurales, magnétiques et thermiques des composés purs et dopés ont été réalisées. Les spectres d’excitations magnétiques de ces cuprates ont été déterminés par diffusion inélastique de neutrons, spectroscopie RMN et spectroscopie de photoémission résolue en angle afin de révéler l’impact de la substitution. L’étude des spectres de phonons a également été réalisée par diffusion inélastique de neutrons. Les résultats de ces mesures sont corrélés aux propriétés de conduction thermique des composés purs et dopés.. / This manuscript deals with the study of low dimensional cuprates, namely, the spin chains systems SrCuO₂ and Sr₂CuO₃. These two compounds exhibit highly anisotropic thermal conduction properties along the spin-chains direction, where magnetic thermal conduction contributes to the heat transport process via spinon excitations. Our study aims to highlight the mechanisms that govern the heat transport properties, particularly through the study of the scattering channels involving spinon, phonon and defects. The spinon (phonon)–defect scattering was probed by the intentional introduction of nonmagnetic dopants (1-2%) on the copper site, by: Mg²⁺, Zn²⁺, Pd²⁺ or Ni²⁺, or by the introduction of elements carrying different oxidation level on the strontium site, by: La³⁺ or K⁺. Single crystals of the pure and doped materials have been grown by the travelling solvent floating zone method. The structural, magnetic and thermal characterizations of the pure and doped compounds were performed. The magnetic excitation spectra of the compounds were determined by inelastic neutron scattering, NMR spectroscopy, and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy to reveal the impact of the substitution on the spin dynamics of the doped compounds. The study of phonon spectra has also been performed by inelastic neutron scattering. Results from inelastic neutron scattering have been correlated to the heat transport properties of the pristine and substituted materials.
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Bone Anchored Hearing Aids BAHA and Quality of Life QoL In Adults. A Systematic Review.Faisal, Rabia January 2022 (has links)
According to the WHO world health organization, more than five percent of the world population needs rehabilitation for hearing loss, HL. Hearing loss is known to cause many negative health implications, including cognitive decline, and social isolation. The present study has been conducted to find out the impact of Bone anchored hearing aids, BAHA, on the Quality of Life in Adults, for this purpose, a systematic literature review was carried out among three databases, CINAHL, Pub Med, and Web of Science to identify the most relevant journal articles published over the last ten years between January 2012 till January 2022. There were seven studies selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study results were synthesized, and it was found that overall BAHA shows a positive impact on Quality-of-Life QoL among its users. It has been recommended that future research should be carried out with longitudinal studies and large study samples to establish the authenticated relationship between BAHA and its positive impact on Quality of Life
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Third Quadrant Operation of 1.2-10 kV SiC Power MOSFETsZhang, Ruizhe 22 April 2022 (has links)
The third quadrant (3rd-quad) conduction (or reverse conduction) of power transistors is critical for synchronous power converters. For power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs), there are two current paths in the 3rd-quad conduction, namely the MOS channel path and the body diode path. It is well known that, for 1.2 kV silicon carbide (SiC) planar MOSFETs, the conduction loss in the 3rd-quad is reduced by turning on the MOS channel with a positive gate bias (VGS) and keeping the dead time as small as possible. Under this scenario, the current is conducted through both paths, allowing the device to take advantage of the zero 3rd-quad forward voltage drop (VF3rd) of the MOS channel path and the small differential resistance of the body diode path.
However, in this thesis work, this popular belief is found to be invalid for power MOSFETs with higher voltage ratings (e.g., 3.3 kV and 10 kV), particularly at high temperatures and current levels. The aforementioned MOS channel and body diode paths compete in the device’s 3rd-quad conduction, and their competition is affected by VGS and device structure.
This thesis work presents a comparative study on the 3rd-quad behavior of 1.2 kV to 10 kV SiC planar MOSFET through a combination of device characterization, TCAD simulation and analytical modeling. It is revealed that, once the MOS channel turns on, it changes the potential distribution within the device, which further makes the body diode turn on at a source-to-drain voltage (VSD) much higher than the built-in potential of the pn junction. In 10 kV SiC MOSFETs, with the MOS channel on, the body diode does not turn on over the entire practical VSD range. As a result, the positive VGS leads to a completely unipolar conduction via the MOS channel, which could induce a higher VF3rd than the bipolar body diode at high temperatures. Circuit test is performed, which validates that a negative VGS control provides the smallest 3rd-quad voltage drop and conduction loss at high temperatures in 10 kV SiC planar MOSFET. The study is also extended to the trench MOSFET, another major structure of commercial SiC MOSFETs. Based on the revealed physics for planar MOSFETs, the optimal VGS control for the 3rd-quad conduction in different types of commercial trench MOSFETs is discussed, which provides insights for the design of high-voltage trench MOSFETs. These results provide key guidelines for the circuit applications of medium-voltage SiC power MOSFETs. / M.S. / Recent years, the prosperity of power electronics applications such as electric vehicle and smart grid has led to a rapid increase in the adoption of wide bandgap (WBG) power devices. Silicon Carbide (SiC) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is one of the most attractive candidates in WBG devices, owing to its good tradeoff between breakdown voltage and on resistance, capability of operation at high temperatures, and superior device robustness over other WBG power devices.
In most power converters, power device is required to conduct current in its third quadrant (3rd-quad) (i.e., conduct reverse current) either for handling current during the dead time or acting as a commutation switch. In a SiC MOSFET, there are two current paths in the 3rd-quad conduction, namely the MOS channel path and the body diode path. It is widely accepted that by turning on the MOS channel with a positive gate-to-source bias (VGS), both paths are turned on in parallel such that the 3rd-quad conduction loss can be reduced.
In this thesis work, it is shown that this long-held opinion does not hold for SiC MOSFETs with high voltage ratings (e.g., 3.3 kV and 10 kV). Through a combination of device characterization, TCAD simulation, and analytical modeling, this thesis work unveils the competing current sharing between the MOS channel and the body diode. Once the MOS channel turns on, it delays the turn-on of the body diode and suppresses the diode current. This effect is more pronounced in MOSFETs with higher voltage ratings. In 10 kV SiC MOSFETs, with the MOS channel on, the body diode does not turn on in the practical operation conditions. At high temperatures, as the bipolar diode path possesses the conductivity modulation, which can significantly lower the voltage drop and is absent in the MOS channel, it would be optimal to turn off the MOS channel. Circuit test is also performed to validate these device findings and evaluate their impact on device applications. Finally, the study is also extended to the commercial SiC trench MOSFET, the other mainstream type of SiC power MOSFETs. These results provide key guidelines for the circuit applications of medium-voltage SiC power MOSFETs.
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Cross-talk of retinoic acid and adrenergic hormone signaling may influence development of cardiac conduction and rhythmicity in uteroAlam, Sabikha 01 May 2011 (has links)
Stress hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline, have been shown to be critical for heart development. Mice lacking dopamine greek lower case letter beta]-hydroxylase (Dbh), an enzyme responsible for synthesis of these adrenergic hormones, die during mid-gestation due to cardiac failure. Prior research showed that adrenergic cells are found within the electrical conduction system of the heart, and adrenergic deficiency leads to slowed cardiac conduction during embryogenesis. Microarray analysis of wild-type (Dbh+/+) and knockout (Dbh-/-) mouse hearts revealed significant differences in expression of retinoic acid (RA) signaling genes. RA signaling has also been shown to be critical for heart development. These data suggest that heart failure due to adrenergic deficiency may be dependent upon RA signaling. This led to the hypothesis that adrenergic hormones promote the development of the electrical conduction system through modulation of RA signaling. To test this, embryonic mouse hearts were cultured with LE 135, a RA receptor blocker. Heart rate, arrhythmic index (AI) and conduction time were measured. Under these conditions there was a marked increase in arrhythmias. Hearts treated with LE 135 showed a mean AI of 0.232±0.057 after 24 hours of treatment while when untreated had an AI of 0.083±0.028 (p<0.05;n=15). In contrast, there was no significant change in heart rate or conduction speed after 24 hours with or without the retinoic acid receptor blocker. To determine if adrenergic stimulus influences retinoic acid response, an established RA-sensitive reporter cell line was employed. These F9-RARE-LacZ cells were treated with forskolin (cAMP regulator) and isoproterenol (greek lower case letter beta]-agonist) to measure changes in RA signaling. Evaluation of RA signaling showed an increase in retinoic acid responsiveness when treated with an adrenergic signaling agonist.; These results suggest that proper retinoic acid signaling is essential for maintaining cardiac rhythmicity during embryonic development and adrenergic stimulation can influence this response.
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Using Two Channel Communication To Study Selective Auditory Attention Using Air And Bone Conducted InterfacesKaliyakuwawala, Kutbi Nuruddin 04 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The dynamics of sustained reentry in a loop model with discrete gap junction resistanceChen, Wei January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Modélisation du couplage thermique entre la combustion et l'encrassement des tubes d'un four de raffinerie / Modeling of the thermal coupling between combustion and fouling inside furnace pipes of a refineryPedot, Thomas 16 February 2012 (has links)
Dans les fours de raffinerie, l'efficacité du transfert énergétique vers le pétrole brut avant sa distillation est altérée par la formation d'un composé carboné dans les tubes, appelé coke. Cela conduit à l'augmentation des coûts de production et de maintenance, et exige une compréhension accrue ainsi qu'un meilleur contrôle de ce phénomène. Cet encrassement est de type chimique et induit par les fortes températures. Dans les fours de cette dimension, le transfert de chaleur s'effectue principalement par rayonnement des produits de combustion. Le flux radiatif net sur les surfaces d'échange des tubes dépend de la température de toutes les surfaces solides et a donc besoin d'être prédit avec une précision suffisante. La température sur les tubes est le résultat d'un équilibre entre le rayonnement thermique et la conduction. Le comportement thermique de l'ensemble du système est un problème de couplage entre le rayonnement et la conduction. Une méthodologie complète de couplage est exposée et validée de la manière suivante. Dans ce problème, la flamme est décrite par un modèle analytique axisymétrique avec chimie complexe. Le couplage avec la conduction dans les tubes est réalisé par l'utilisation d'une méthode aux ordonnées discrètes (DOM) avec un modèle spectral de type bandes étroites pour le rayonnement des gaz de combustion. Un bilan énergétique confirme que les transferts de chaleur sont dominés par le rayonnement thermique. Un bon accord avec les mesures disponibles sur un four réel montre que l'approche proposée est capable de prédire le rayonnement thermique. L'étape suivante consiste à coupler le calcul de la température du tube à une loi d'encrassement. Un modèle chimique simple est utilisé. Il est validé à l'aide d'une expérience de laboratoire. La comparaison entre les températures obtenues avec la simulation et celles mesurées par des sondes thermiques montre que la simulation est capable de capturer l'évolution de la température dans le tube avec précision. Enfin, un modèle d'encrassement pour la configuration réelle est trouvé puis appliqué dans une simulation couplée complète. Cette simulation montre un bon accord entre l'évolution de la température sur site et dans la simulation. Une analyse plus poussée est réalisée sur les profils de température, de flux radiatif et de dépôt de coke et montre l'impact de ce dépôt sur l'installation / In industrial refinery furnaces, the efficiency of the thermal transfer to heat crude oil before distillation is often altered by coke deposition inside the process pipes. This leads to increased production and maintenance costs, and requires better understanding and control. Crude oil fouling is a chemical reaction that is, at first order, thermally controlled. In such large furnaces, the predominant heat transfer process is thermal radiation by the hot combustion products, which directly heats the pipes. As radiation fluxes depend on temperature differences, the pipe surface temperature also plays an important role and needs to be predicted with sufficient accuracy. This temperature results from the energy balance between thermal radiation and conduction in the solid material of the pipe, meaning that the thermal behavior of the whole system is a coupled radiation-conduction problem. In this work, this problem is solved in a cylindrical furnace, using the Discrete Ordinate Method (DOM) with accurate spectral models for the radiation of combustion gases, described by a complex chemistry flame model, and coupled to heat conduction in the pipe to predict its wall temperature. An energy balance confirms that heat transfers are effectively dominated by thermal radiation. Good agreement with available measurements on a real furnace shows that the proposed approach is able to predict the heat transfer to the pipe. The method gives an accurate prediction of the radiative source term and temperature fields in the furnace and on the pipe surface, which are key parameters for liquid fouling inside the pipe. Although reasonably accurate results are obtained with simple models, they still can be easily improved by more sophisticated models for turbulence, combustion and radiation. The next step is to couple the calculation of the pipe temperature to a fouling law. Since exact composition of crude oil is not available, one needs to model coke deposition with simple fouling law. The idea is to model the deposition rate by a thermal resistance added to the heated pipe and allows to coupling the calculation of the pipe temperature to a fouling law. A simple chemical model is used, and validated against a labscale experiment, prior to apply it to a furnace configuration. Comparing the temperature obtained with the simulation to the temperature measured by thermal probes at selected locations shows that the simulation is able to capture the temperature variation at these points. It is shown that coking occurs when the temperature has remained high on both sides of the pipe for a sufficient length. We explain how to extract a fouling law in controlled condition when the deposit is induced by thermal stressing of the crude. Finally, the whole system, including radiation,conduction and deposition, is coupled. Results are compared to the real furnace and show relatively good agreement in terms of external skin pipe temperature prediction. This observation validates the methodology exposed in this script
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Développement et optimisation de matériaux d’électrodes et d’électrolytes, pour cellules PCFC / Development and optimization of electrode materials and electrolytes for PCFC cellsPers, Paul 13 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du développement des piles à combustible à céramique conductrice protonique (PCFC) anode support, opérant dans le domaine de température 400 – 600 °C. Une attention particulière a été portée sur la diminution des températures d'élaboration des composants constituants les piles. Les stratégies mises en œuvre pour l'élaboration des anodes et des couches minces électrolytiques à basse température ont été la nano-structuration et l'ajout d'additifs aidant au frittage. La réalisation de couche mince électrolytique a fait l'objet d‘un développement par pulvérisation de suspensions. Le choix des matériaux et leur optimisation ont permis de minimiser les résistances spécifiques surfaciques (ASR). Les tests en pile de cellules élémentaires PCFC ont montré des résultats prometteurs concurrentiels aux autres types de pile à combustible de l'ordre de 400mW/cm². / The aim of present work was to develop PCFC materials and fuel cells working in 400-600°C. The work deals with the optimization of materials and elaboration processes with the aim of decreasing the sintering temperature. In order to achieve high performances, nanostructured and architecture electrodes and optimized electrolytes have been investigated. Efficient anode support PCFCs were fabricated using wet powder spraying whiten simply method easily suitable on order to scaling-up. The maximum power densities obtained in this work are among, one of the best reported for PCFC
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Imagerie infrarouge thermique haute résolution : potentiels et limitations pour la géologie / High resolution thermal infrared imaging : potential and limitations for earth sciencesGaudin, Damien 12 July 2012 (has links)
Le rayonnement infrarouge thermique (7.5-14 μm) permet de mesurer à distance la température de surfaces géologiques. Les capteurs de type “microbolomètre”, de bas prix et d’utilisation facile, sont de plus en plus utilisés pour cartographier sur le terrain des anomalies de température. Cependant, des phénomènes tels que l’opacité de l’atmosphère et les réflexions de la surface viennent modifier le signal. De plus, les images doivent être ajustées géométriquement pour être cartographiées. Après avoir proposé un protocole de correction géométrique et radiométrique des mesures, et quantifié les incertitudes résiduelles, quelques exemples sont étudiés pour définir les potentiels et les limites de l’infrarouge thermique en sciences de la Terre. Son potentiel pour la détection de la ligne de rivage a été utilisé lors d’une marée montante pour reconstituer le modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) d’une plage de l’Aber Benoît (Bretagne). D’autre part, un modèle informatique a été développé pour mesurer l’influence de la rugosité sur la température de la surface des planètes. Il a été appliqué au calcul de l’inertie thermique de Mars et de l’astéroïde (2867) Šteins. Enfin, les images infrarouges sont utilisées pour quantifier le flux de chaleur d’une zone sub-fumerollienne de la Soufrière. Ainsi, l’imagerie thermique infrarouge montre un fort potentiel, partiellement inexploité par les études actuelles, notamment pour la cartographie quantitative des contrastes de température à haute résolution. A haute fréquence, elle permet d’étudier la dynamique des phénomènes géologiques. / Thermal infrared (7.5-14 μm) enables the measurement of temperature far fromgeological surfaces. Microbolometers devices are increasingly used in the field in order to mapthermal anomalies. However, phenomena such as atmospheric opacity and surface reflections disturb the electromagnetic signal. In addition, images have to be geometrically adjusted to fit with geographical models. A processing chain is here suggested in order to correct the radiometry and the geometry of images, and the uncertainties are computed. Then, its potential and limitations are considered, through a few examples. First, it has been used in order to detect the waterline evolution of a mud shore during a rising tide, which enables to reconstruct a digital elevation model. Then, a computer model has been developed to study the roughness effects on the surface temperature and on the thermal inertial calculation on Mars and on the (2867) Šteins asteroid. Finally the heat flux of a sub-fumarolian zone has been computed in La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles).Thus, thermal infrared remote sensing is very useful in quantitatively mapping the temperatures anomalies with a high resolution. High frequency studies should enable the survey of geological phenomena.
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