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Computação incremental e eficiente de sequências de árvores de componentes / Incremental and efficient computation of sequences of component treesMorimitsu, Alexandre 24 August 2015 (has links)
Árvore de componentes é uma forma hierárquica de representar imagens em níveis de cinza baseada nas relações de inclusão dos componentes conexos da imagem. A escolha da vizinhança utilizada para gerar os componentes impacta diretamente na árvore resultante, de forma que uma alteração na escolha da vizinhança pode acarretar em uma alteração na árvore de componentes obtida. Em particular, quando uma sequência de vizinhanças crescentes é usada, os nós das árvores obtidas a partir dessas vizinhanças satisfazem uma relação de inclusão, de forma que se é possível estabelecer relações entre nós de diferentes árvores. Assim sendo, o principal objetivo desta dissertação consiste no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo eficiente para a construção de uma sequência de árvores de componentes. Para tanto, será introduzida uma classe particular de sequências de vizinhanças, que não apenas satisfaz a propriedade crescente como também permite que as árvores de componentes associadas a ela sejam construídas de forma incremental. Com base nestas propriedades, um novo algoritmo de construção de árvores de componentes associado a esta classe de vizinhanças será proposto. Para analisar a eficiência do algoritmo proposto apresentamos, ao final do texto, alguns resultados práticos e teóricos obtidos com relação ao consumo de tempo e à complexidade computacional. / Component tree is a hierarchical way of representing gray-level images based on the inclusion relation of the connected components of the image. The choice of the neighborhood used to generate these components directly impacts in the resulting tree: changing the neighborhood used may cause a change in the resulting component tree. In particular, when considering a sequence of increasing neighborhoods, the nodes of the obtained from these neighborhoods will also satisfy an inclusion relation and that will make it possible to link nodes from different trees. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation is the development of an efficient algorithm to build a sequence of component trees. In order to do that, we will introduce a class of sequences of neighborhood that not only satisfy the increasing property but also makes it possible to incrementally build the trees associated to it. This additional property will guide us to a novel algorithm, that will build the component trees associated to this class of neighborhoods. To show how efficient the proposed algorithm is, we present some experimental and theoretical results regarding time consumption and computational complexity.
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Étude du rôle perceptivo-mnésique du lobe temporal médial par les potentiels évoqués intracérébraux / Study of the perceptive-mnesic role of the medial temporal lobe using intracerebral evoked potentialsKrieg, Julien 13 December 2016 (has links)
Le lobe temporal est classiquement divisé en deux systèmes fonctionnels: la voie visuelle ventrale et le système mnésique temporal médial. Cependant, cette séparation fonctionnelle a été remise en question par plusieurs études suggérant que le lobe temporal médial serait mieux compris comme une extension de la voie visuelle ventrale hiérarchiquement organisée. Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier le rôle perceptivo-mnésique du lobe temporal médial. Nous avons ainsi voulu tester à l’aide d’enregistrement électro-encéphalographiques intracérébraux (SEEG) si : (i) les régions médiale, ventrale et latérale du lobe temporal pouvaient être regroupées dans des ensembles fonctionnellement distincts et, (ii) quelles régions étaient à l’interface de ces ensembles fonctionnels. Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons étudié la connectivité effective dérivée de potentiels évoqués cortico-corticaux issus de stimulations électriques de faible intensité et de basse fréquence (0.5mA, 1Hz, 4ms) réalisées chez 16 patients atteints d’épilepsies pharmaco-résistantes temporale ou temporo-occipitale, lors de leur évaluation pré-chirurgicale par la surveillance à long terme des activités intracérebrales électro-encéphalographiques. Onze régions d'intérêt ont été délimitées au sein du lobe temporal en fonction de repères anatomiques tels que les gyri et sulci. Un modèle de connectivité effective au sein du lobe temporal a été extrait, basé sur les caractéristiques électrophysiologiques des potentiels évoqués cortico-corticaux, telles que les occurrences, amplitudes et latences des pics de la première composante du potentiel évoqué. Le modèle a été discuté du point de vue d’une organisation fonctionnelle globale du fait de la non-indépendance de ses caractéristiques électrophysiologiques. L’amplitude et la latence des potentiels évoqués ont montré des distributions de probabilité cohérente avec les observations de transfert d'informations cognitive. La théorie des graphes nous a fourni des algorithmes pouvant extraire les caractéristiques pertinentes du réseau, telles que la centralité des régions, leur ségrégation fonctionnelle ou les voies d’interaction entre les sous-ensembles fonctionnels des régions du lobe temporal. En particulier, le cortex rhinal est apparu comme la structure la plus centrale du lobe temporal alors que le gyrus temporal supérieur était la moins centrale. Le lobe temporal médial a pu être ségrégué en un ensemble fonctionnel à part entière. Le pôle temporal est apparu comme une zone de convergence et de transfert de l’information provenant des structures du lobe temporal latéral vers les structures médiales. Le gyrus fusiforme antérieur a montré des caractéristiques d’interface duale de convergence d’afférences néocorticales et de rétrocontrôle issu des structures médiales. Par ailleurs, l'hippocampe a montré un rôle d’amplificateur du signal des afférences néocorticales passant par l’amygdale et le cortex rhinal, pour être redistribuée vers les structures limbiques. L’hippocampe postérieur se comportait comme une voie de sortie des structures médiales modulant le gyrus parahippocampique postérieur de manière quasi-unidirectionnelle. Notre étude fournit un modèle régional ou macroscopique du transfert de l’information électro-physiologique au sein du lobe temporal humain. Nos résultats ont été discutés à la lumière des modèles cognitifs actuels de ‘complétion de l’information’ et du ‘binding temporel’ / The temporal lobe is conventionally divided into two functional systems: the ventral visual pathway and the medial temporal mnemonic system. However, this functional separation has been questioned by several studies suggesting that the medial temporal lobe would be better understood as an extension of the ventral visual pathway hierarchically organized. The aim of this thesis was to study the perceptive-mnestic role of the medial temporal lobe. We have tested using intracerebral EEG recordings (SEEG) if (i) the medial, lateral and ventral regions of the temporal lobe could be grouped into functionally distinct modules and, (ii) which areas were at the interface of these functional modules. To answer these questions, we studied the effective connectivity derived from cortico-cortical evoked potentials elicited by electrical stimulations from low intensity, low frequency (0.5mA, 1Hz, 4ms) conducted in 16 patients with drug-resistant temporal or temporo-occipital epilepsies at their pre-surgical long-term monitoring of intracerebral electroencephalographic activity. Eleven regions of interest were defined within the temporal lobe based on anatomical landmarks such as gyri and sulci. We built an effective connectivity model within the temporal lobe, based on the electrophysiological characteristics of cortico-cortical evoked potentials, such as the occurences, latencies and amplitudes of the peaks of the first component of the evoked potential. The model was discussed from the perspective of a global functional organization due to the non-independence of its electrophysiological characteristics. The amplitude and latency of the evoked potentials showed consistent probability distributions with the information transfer in cognitive observations. Graph theory has provided algorithms that can extract the relevant characteristics of the network, such as the centrality of the regions, their functional segregations or the ways of interaction between functional subsets of the regions within the temporal lobe. In particular, the rhinal cortex appeared as the most central structure of the temporal lobe whereas the superior temporal gyrus appeared as the less central. The medial temporal lobe could be segregated as a functional module by itself. The temporal pole appeared as a convergence area of the information transfer from the lateral temporal lobe structures to the medial structures. Anterior fusiform gyrus acted as a dual interface of convergence of neocortical afferences and feedback from medial structures. Furthermore, the hippocampus behaved as an amplifier of neocortical afferent signal passing through the amygdala and the rhinal cortex, and redistributed this amplification to the limbic structures. The posterior hippocampus acted as a way out of the medial structures modulating the posterior parahippocampal gyrus in a almost unidirectional manner. Our study provides a regional or macroscopic model of the transfer of electro-physiological information within the human temporal lobe. Our results were discussed in line with current cognitive models of 'pattern completion' and 'temporal binding'
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Connectivité fonctionnelle chez Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758), une espèce peu dispersante et aux mœurs discrètes : caractérisation des flux de gènes à fine échelle spatiale au sein d’un paysage contrasté / Functional connectivity in Vipera berus (Linnaeus, 1758), an elusive species with a low dispersal : characterisation of gene flow at fine spatial scale within a constrated landscapeFrançois, Donatien 28 January 2019 (has links)
Face à l’effet des changements d’utilisations de sol sur la dispersion des espèces, des actions ont récemment été menées au niveau des régions françaises pour favoriser et maintenir la connectivité. L’objectif de cette étude a donc été de quantifier la connectivité chez une espèce modèle menacée en Europe occidentale : la vipère péliade (V. berus). Ses mœurs discrètes ont nécessité pour mesurer sa dispersion d’utiliser une approche indirecte basée sur l’individu et des outils moléculaire. Ainsi, les flux de gènes de V. berus ont été analysés à fine échelle spatiale (10 × 7 km²) sur un site d’étude (A0) constitué de deux secteurs paysagers contrastés (A1/A2), à la fois par l’utilisation des sols et leur stabilité temporelle (instable/stable). La différenciation génétique sur A0 est faible et surtout associée à un fort patron d’isolement par la distance (IBD). La dispersion est donc limitée spatialement chez V. berus (dispersion natale ≤ 500 m) et liée aux mâles à l’âge adulte. De plus, les flux de gènes sont aussi expliqués par l’hétérogénéité du paysage : (i) par les prairies (A0), l’urbanisation (A1) les pelouses et boisements (A2), (ii) particulièrement à 300 m autour des individus parmi les étendues spatiales testées (100-500 m) et (iii) plus par l’agencement spatial que le type et la quantité des taches d’habitats. Ces résultats innovants contribuent à (i) la réflexion sur la stratégie de conservation pour V. berus et (ii) souligner la diversité des facteurs à considérer dans l’étude et le maintien de la connectivité à une plus vaste échelle spatiale (patrons et processus de dispersion, échelles spatio-temporelles). / Face to the impact of land-use changes on species dispersal, decisions were recently conducted at French regional scale to favour and to maintain connectivity. The aim of this work was to quantified connectivity for a model species threatened in Western Europe : the common European adder (V. berus). Its secretive behaviour required to use an indirect and individual-based approach to measure its dispersal thanks to molecular techniques. Thus, V berus gene flow were analysed at fine spatial scale (10 × 7 km²) on a study site (A0) made up of two sub-areas with contrasting landscapes (A1/A2), both by land use and their temporal stability (instable/stable). Genetic differentiation on A0 is weak and mainly associated with a strong isolation-by-distance (IBD) pattern. Dispersal is therefore spatially limited in V. berus (natal dispersal ≤ 500m) and related to males concerning adults. Moreover, gene flow is also influenced by landscape heterogeneity : (i) by meadow (A0), urbanisation (A1) and dry grassland and forests (A2), (ii) particularly at 300m around individuals among spatial extent tested (10-500m) and (iii) more by the spatial configuration than the type and quantity of habitat patches. These innovative results contribute to (i) reflection about conservation strategies for V. Berus et (ii) underly the diversity of factors to consider in studying and maintaining connectivity at a more large spatial scale (dispersal pattern and process, spatio-temporal scales).
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Algoritmos para inferência de conectividade neural em potenciais evento-relacionados. / Algorithms for inference of neural connectivity in event-related potentials.Rodrigues, Pedro Luiz Coelho 12 September 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento, a validação e a aplicação de algoritmos para inferência de conectividade neural em registros de EEG contendo potenciais evento-relacionados (ERP). Os sinais foram caracterizados via modelos auto-regressivos multivariados (MVAR) e empregou-se a coerência parcial direcionada (PDC) no estudo das relações de causalidade entre eles. Certas características dos ERPs, como sua transitoriedade intrínseca e as múltiplas repetições em experimentos, levaram ao desenvolvimento de novos algoritmos, como a estimação de modelos conjuntos a partir de vários segmentos de sinal e um procedimento em janela deslizante capaz de descrever a evolução temporal da estatística dos sinais de interesse. Ademais, mostrou-se a possibilidade de estender os resultados da análise assintótica da estatística da PDC ao caso multi-trecho, tornando possível o estudo de sua significância estatística sem recorrer a procedimentos de reamostragem. Os algoritmos foram validados em exemplos com neural mass models, modelos não-lineares capazes de gerar sinais com características muito semelhantes a sinais de EEG reais, e aplicados a uma base de dados pública contendo resultados de experimentos com ratos. / This dissertation presents the development, validation, and application of algorithms for inferring neural connectivity in EEG signals containing event-related potentials (ERP). The time series were described via multivariate auto-regressive models (MVAR) and partial directed coherence (PDC) was used to study causal relations between them. Certain features of the ERPs, such as their transitory behavior and the existence of multiple trials in an experiment, lead to the development of a new algorithm capable of estimating a joint model from multiple segments and a sliding-window procedure for describing the nonstationarity behavior of the signals of interest. Furthermore, the possibility of extending the asymptotic results for PDC\'s statistics to the multi-trial case was demonstrated, allowing, therefore, the study of its statistical significance without recurring to resampling methods. The algorithms were validated in examples with neural mass models, non-linear models capable of generating signals with features very similar to real EEG recordings, and then applied to a publicly available dataset of experiments in rats.
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Performane of partial directed coherence subject to volume consuction effects. / Desempenho da coerência parcial direcionada sujeita aos efeitos de condução de volume.García Rincón, Diana Constanza 28 April 2017 (has links)
The strong relationship between cognitive processing and coherent behaviour and neurocognitive networks justifies the current huge interest in cortical functional connectivity modeling. This has fostered the development of connectivity estimators from the classical bivariate coherence concept to the notion of multivariate partial directed coherence (PDC) which provides information about temporal dependencies exposing cause and effect relationships. This work examines PDC performance for scalp EEG data whose research value has been subject to much debate in the light of the presence of volume conduction (VC) effects that often obscure the actual nature of cortical source dynamics. Through analytical considerations and simulations we show that even though (VC) can hinder accurate connectivity estimation, one can mitigate its effects by a judicious choice of scalp electrode configuration/ground reference. This observation allows settling the connectivity estimation adequacy debate in the presence of PDC. / A forte relação que processamento cognitivo e comportamento coerente tem com redes neurocognitivas justifica o enorme interesse atual em modelamento de conectividade cortical. Este fato tem justificado o desenvolvimento de estimadores de conectividade desde a clássica coerência bivariada até a noção multivariada de coerência parcial direcionada (PDC) que exibe informação a cerca de dependências temporais que permitem expor relações de causa e efeito. O presente trabalho examina o desempenho da PDC no contexto de EEG de escalpo cujo valor em pesquisa sob os efeitos de condução de volume (VC) tem sido objeto de uma quantidade substancial de questionamentos na medida em esta obscurece a observação da dinâmica das fontes corticais. Por meio de considerações analíticas e simulações, mostramos que é possível mitigar os erros de estimação devidos à VC através da escolha judiciosa da configuração de eletrodos e da referência de terra. Esta observação permite resolver o conflito acerca da adequabilidade da inferência cortical baseada em EEG de escalpo.
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Modelagem matemática-computacional da conectividade cerebral em ressonância magnética funcional para o estudo do estado de repouso / fMRI Resting-state Graph Index Analysis in Classical Neural SystemsVieira, Gilson 08 July 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação desenvolve e aplica métodos para caracterizar regiões cerebrais durante o estado de repouso. Utilizam-se grafos para representar a inter-dependência temporal de sinais de ressonância magnética funcional provenientes de regiões cerebrais distintas. Vértices representam regiões cerebrais e arestas representam a conectividade funcional. Buscando superar os problemas de visualização e interpretação desta forma de representação, elaboram-se métodos quantitativos para caracterizar padrões de conectividade entre regiões cerebrais. Para cada sujeito analisado: 1) Faz-se a redução da dimensionalidade espacial das imagens de ressonância magnética funcional respeitando os limites anatômicos das regiões cerebrais. 2) Estima-se a rede de conectividade funcional pela coerência direcionada entre pares de regiões distintas. 3) Constrói-se um grafo direcionado e pesado pela medida de conectividade. 4) Quantificam-se os vértices por índices e faz-se o registro destes valores no espaço comum MNI. 5) Avalia-se a consistência de cada índice pelo teste não paramétrico de Friedman seguido de análises de múltiplas comparações. A análise de 198 imagens de sujeitos sadios produziu resultados consistentes e biologicamente plausíveis. Em sua maioria, revelou regiões associadas a conceitos anatômicos de conectividade e integração cerebral. Embora de implementação simples, o método proporciona informações de natureza dinâmica sobre as relações entre diferentes regiões cerebrais e pode ser utilizado futuramente para estudar e entender desordens psiquiátricas/neurológicas. / This dissertation develops and applies methods to characterize brain regions during resting state. Graphs are used to represent functional MRI connectivity from different brain regions. Vertices represent brain regions and edges represent connectivity. To overcome the visualization and interpretation problems of this form of representation, we developed quantitative methods to characterize its patterns. Methods: For each subject: 1) The reduction of spatial dimensionality of functional magnetic resonance imaging is carried out taking into account the anatomic limits of the brain regions. 2) The network is estimated by directed coherence between pairs of separate regions. 3) A directed graph with weights on its edges is constructed using the later connectivity measure. 4) The vertices are quantified by indexes that are registered in the MNI common space. 5) The consistency of each index is evaluated by the nonparametric Friedman followed by Post-Hoc analysis. Results: The analysis of 198 images of healthy subjects produced consistent and biologically plausible results. They revealed anatomical regions involved in brain integration. Conclusion: The method provides information about the dynamic nature of the relationships between different brain regions and can be used in future clinical studies to understand psychiatric and neurological disorders.
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Statistical models to learn the structural organisation of neural circuits from multimodal brain images : application to Gilles de la Tourette syndrome / Modèles statistiques pour apprendre l'organisation structurelle des circuits neuronaux à partir d'images multimodales du cerveau : application au syndrome de Gilles de la TouretteGori, Pietro 08 January 2016 (has links)
Nous proposons un cadre statistique pour analyser les anomalies morphologiques et organisationnelles altérant l'anatomie des circuits neuronaux chez les patients atteints du syndrome de Gilles de la Tourette. Les composants de chaque circuit (matière grise et blanche) sont représentés comme des maillages 3D et intégrés dans un seul complexe. Cela permet d'étudier leur organisation et surtout la connectivité structurelle. La méthode proposée est basée sur une approche statistique appelée construction d'atlas qui résulte en un template, capturant les invariants de la population, et en déformations template-vers-sujets, décrivant la variabilité morphologique. Premièrement, nous intégrons la construction d'atlas dans un cadre bayésien qui permet d'estimer automatiquement des paramètres autrement fixés. Deuxièmement, nous réduisons les ressources de calcul nécessaires au traitement de faisceaux de fibres en définissant un schéma d'approximation basée sur un nouveau modèle appelé courants pondérés. Troisièmement, nous décrivons un nouveau modèle de déformation pour la construction d'atlas qui permet de capturer les variations morphologiques et organisationnelles. On montre l'efficacité de la méthode par comparaison de deux groupes de 44 patients et 22 témoins. Les résultats soulignent des anomalies sur la forme des structures de la matière grise et sur la connectivité structurelle. / We propose a statistical framework to analyse morphological and organisational anomalies altering the anatomy of neural circuits in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. The components of each circuit, from both white and grey matter, are represented as 3D meshes and integrated in a single shape complex. This allows to study their organisation and in particular the structural connectivity. The proposed methodology is based on a statistical approach called atlas construction which results in a template complex, capturing the invariants of the population and in template-to-subject deformations, describing the morphological variability. First, we embed the atlas construction in a Bayesian framework which allows to automatically estimate important parameters otherwise fixed by the user. Second, we reduce the important computational resources required to process fiber bundles by defining an approximation scheme based on a new computational model called weighted currents. Third, we describe a new deformation scheme for the atlas construction which permits to model variations in structural connectivity and at the same time to capture global anatomical changes. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing two groups of 44 patients and 22 controls respectively. Results highlight anomalies about both the shape of grey matter structures and structural connectivity.
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / The focus of this analysis was the mantainance of connectivity in landscape as a fundamental principle for biodiversity conservation, where ecological flows are considered highly relevant to planning aimed at environmental conservation. The combination between the geography spatial analysis and functional analysis of ecology allows the understanding of landscape connectivity from the interaction between the physical arrangement of the landscape (structural connectivity) and the response of organisms to these physical structures (functional connectivity). In Piraí do Sul National Forest, a 153ha unit of conservation of sustainable use within the Atlantic forest biome, the calculation of structural metrics revealed the predominance of a little permeable matrix modified by agriculture, forestry, livestock and roads. Predomine small patches with 75% of the fragments lesser than 3,2ha. The few larger patches are aggregated. There is a high proportion of edge (13.3% of the total area), with 70% of the patches entirely subject to edge effects. The spatial disposition of the patches imply in low supply of habitat, because although over 53% of the patches were in the vicinity of another fragment at a distance of up to 20 m, its neighbors in that search radius are very small. The low level of connectivity (6.3%) also is a strong indicator of the degree of fragmentation. Only 4.4% of the total area of the landscape consists on corridors, mostlly determined by the hydrographic network. The functional analysis reveals that the perception of landscape connectivity is variable, and for generalists animal species, the profile of size and arrangement of patches does not compromise the offset among the elements of the landscape. Specialized animal species, however, perceive a scenario of fragmentation highly compromising. For the plant species, the structural characteristics of the patches constitute secondary aspects to the landscape perception. Fragmentation of the landscape must be brought to discussion on the Managing Council of Piraí do Sul National Forest and should be treated within the management plan. This should incorporate appropriate criteria to the confrontation of the ecological problem represented by the proven framework of landscape fragmentation. To do so, are discussed specific contributions of the connectivity analysis. / O enfoque desta análise foi a manutenção da conectividade na paisagem como um princípio fundamental para a conservação da biodiversidade, onde os fluxos ecológicos são considerados altamente relevantes para o planejamento voltado à conservação ambiental. A combinação entre a análise espacial da geografia e análise funcional da ecologia permite a compreensão da conectividade da paisagem a partir da interação entre o arranjo físico da paisagem (conectividade estrutural) e a resposta dos organismos a essas estruturas físicas (conectividade funcional). Na Floresta Nacional de Piraí do Sul e entorno, uma unidade de conservação de uso sustentável de 153 hectares inserida no bioma da Mata Atlântica, o cálculo de métricas estruturais revelou o predomínio de uma matriz pouco permeável e alterada pela agricultura, silvicultura, pecuária e estradas. Há predomínio quantitativo de fragmentos pequenos, com 75% dos fragmentos inferiores a 3,2ha. Há poucos fragmentos maiores, agregados. Há alta proporção de áreas de borda (13,3% da área total), com 70% dos fragmentos totalmente sujeitos ao efeito de borda. A disposição espacial dos fragmentos implica em baixa oferta de habitat, pois embora mais de 53% dos fragmentos estejam na vizinhança de outro fragmento a uma distância de até 20m, os seus vizinhos, nesse raio, possuem área pequena. O baixo índice de conectividade (6,3%) também é um forte indicador do grau de fragmentação. Apenas 4,4% da área total da paisagem configura-se como corredores, basicamente determinados pela rede hidrográfica. A análise funcional revela que a percepção sobre a conectividade da paisagem é variável, sendo que para espécies animais de hábitos generalistas, o perfil de tamanho e disposição dos fragmentos não compromete o deslocamento entre os elementos da paisagem. As espécies animais especialistas, contudo, percebem um cenário de fragmentação altamente comprometedor. Para as espécies vegetais, as características estruturais dos fragmentos constituem aspectos secundários à percepção da paisagem. A fragmentação da paisagem deve ser levada à discussão no Conselho Gestor da FLONA de Piraí do Sul e tratada no Plano de Manejo, que deve incorporar critérios adequados ao enfrentamento do problema ecológico representado pelo comprovado quadro de fragmentação da paisagem. Para tanto, são discutidas contribuições específicas da análise da conectividade.
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Previous issue date: 2013-07-31 / The X-ray computed microtomography (CT) represents a non-invasive technique that can be used with success to analyze physical properties by the soil scientists without destroying the structure of the soil. The technique has as advantage over conventional methods the characterization of the soil porous system in three dimensions, which allow morphological property analyses such as connectivity and tortuosity of the pores. However, as the soil is a non-homogeneous and complex system, the CT technique needs specific methodologies for digital image processing, mainly during the segmentation procedure. The objectives of this work were: 1) to develop a methodology for microtomographic digital image processing; 2) to characterize the soil structure by using micromorphology analysis of samples submitted to non-tillage and conventional systems collected in three distinct layers (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm); and 3) to identify possible changes in the porous system of the soil analyzed due to the effect of different management systems. The use of the CT technique and the procedures adopted for microtomographic digital image processing show to be efficient for the micromorphologic characterization of soil porous system. Soil under non-tillage system presented the best results from the agricultural point of view regarding porosity, total number of pores, connectivity and tortuosity in comparison to the conventional tillage. / A microtomografia computadorizada de raios X (μCT) é uma técnica não-invasiva, que pode ser usada com sucesso para analisar as propriedades físicas do solo pelos cientistas, sem destruir a estrutura do solo. A técnica apresenta vantagens sobre os métodos convencionais: a caracterização do sistema poroso do solo em três dimensões, a qual permite análises de propriedades morfológicas, tais como a conectividade e tortuosidade dos poros. No entanto, como o solo é um sistema não-homogêneo e complexo, a técnica de μTC necessita de metodologias específicas para o processamento de imagens digitais, principalmente durante o processo de segmentação. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: 1) desenvolver uma metodologia de processamento digital de imagens microtomográficas; 2) caracterizar a estrutura do solo por meio de análise micromorfológica das amostras submetidas a sistemas plantio direto e plantio convencional coletadas em três camadas distintas (0-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm) e 3), identificar possíveis alterações no sistema poroso do solo analisado, devido ao efeito de diferentes sistemas de manejo. O uso da técnica de tomografia computadorizada e os procedimentos adotados para o processamento de imagem digital microtomográfica mostrou-se eficiente para a caracterização micromorfológica do sistema poroso do solo. Os dados do solo sob sistema de plantio direto apresentou os melhores resultados do ponto de vista agrícola sobre a porosidade, o número total de poros, conectividade e tortuosidade em comparação com o plantio convencional.
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Development and encoding of visual statistics in the primary visual cortexRudiger, Philipp John Frederic January 2017 (has links)
How do circuits in the mammalian cerebral cortex encode properties of the sensory environment in a way that can drive adaptive behavior? This question is fundamental to neuroscience, but it has been very difficult to approach directly. Various computational and theoretical models can explain a wide range of phenomena observed in the primary visual cortex (V1), including the anatomical organization of its circuits, the development of functional properties like orientation tuning, and behavioral effects like surround modulation. However, so far no model has been able to bridge these levels of description to explain how the machinery that develops directly affects behavior. Bridging these levels is important, because phenomena at any one specific level can have many possible explanations, but there are far fewer possibilities to consider once all of the available evidence is taken into account. In this thesis we integrate the information gleaned about cortical development, circuit and cell-type specific interactions, and anatomical, behavioral and electrophysiological measurements, to develop a computational model of V1 that is constrained enough to make predictions across multiple levels of description. Through a series of models incorporating increasing levels of biophysical detail and becoming increasingly better constrained, we are able to make detailed predictions for the types of mechanistic interactions required for robust development of cortical maps that have a realistic anatomical organization, and thereby gain insight into the computations performed by the primary visual cortex. The initial models focus on how existing anatomical and electrophysiological knowledge can be integrated into previously abstract models to give a well-grounded and highly constrained account of the emergence of pattern-specific tuning in the primary visual cortex. More detailed models then address the interactions between specific excitatory and inhibitory cell classes in V1, and what role each cell type may play during development and function. Finally, we demonstrate how these cell classes come together to form a circuit that gives rise not only to robust development but also the development of realistic lateral connectivity patterns. Crucially, these patterns reflect the statistics of the visual environment to which the model was exposed during development. This property allows us to explore how the model is able to capture higher-order information about the environment and use that information to optimize neural coding and aid the processing of complex visual tasks. Using this model we can make a number of very specific predictions about the mechanistic workings of the brain. Specifically, the model predicts a crucial role of parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in robust development and divisive normalization, while it implicates somatostatin immunoreactive neurons in mediating longer range and feature-selective suppression. The model also makes predictions about the role of these cell classes in efficient neural coding and under what conditions the model fails to organize. In particular, we show that a tight coupling of activity between the principal excitatory population and the parvalbumin population is central to robust and stable responses and organization, which may have implications for a variety of diseases where parvalbumin interneuron function is impaired, such as schizophrenia and autism. Further the model explains the switch from facilitatory to suppressive surround modulation effects as a simple by-product of the facilitating response function of long-range excitatory connections targeting a specialized class of inhibitory interneurons. Finally, the model allows us to make predictions about the statistics that are encoded in the extensive network of long-range intra-areal connectivity in V1, suggesting that even V1 can capture high-level statistical dependencies in the visual environment. The final model represents a comprehensive and well constrained model of the primary visual cortex, which for the first time can relate the physiological properties of individual cell classes to their role in development, learning and function. While the model is specifically tuned for V1, all mechanisms introduced are completely general, and can be used as a general cortical model, useful for studying phenomena across the visual cortex and even the cortex as a whole. This work is also highly relevant for clinical neuroscience, as the cell types studied here have been implicated in neurological disorders as wide ranging as autism, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease.
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