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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of maternal health in rural Malaysia

Burns, Janice Jaeger January 1966 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 2031-01-01

The Peace Corps in Iran

Walsh, Patricia Mary January 1965 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 2031-01-01

The evolution of army aviation

McElwain, Robert William January 2011 (has links)
Typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Esthétique et théâtralité du corps disparu : Chili, 1973-1989, 2011-2013 / The Aesthetics and Theatricality of the “Disappeared” : Chili 1973-1989, 2011-2013

Veloso Roman, Karen 19 September 2015 (has links)
Parmi les conséquences qu’a eues la dictature militaire d’Augusto Pinochet auChili (1973-1989), se trouve la politique de la disparition forcée des militants del’Unité Populaire créée par Allende et des opposants à la dictature. À l’heureactuelle, on compte environ 1200 personnes disparues. Ce chiffre est pourtantinexact : il est en effet difficile de déterminer avec certitude le nombre de disparuscar, à la différence du mort, le disparu est toujours susceptible de réapparaître.On connaît relativement bien l’histoire de l’Unité Populaire et de la dictaturegrâce à des études historiques et sociologiques qui ont été consacrées à ce sujet. Enrevanche, on connaît très peu les enjeux humains et esthétiques de la disparition depersonnes au sein de la collectivité : qu’est-ce que c’est disparaître ? Quelle est lacondition « humaine » du disparu ? Comment les familles et la société perçoiventellesl’absence des disparus? Quels sont les implications socio-esthétiques du corpsdisparu ? Comment les expressions et les manifestations sociales comportant destraits théâtraux et corporels mettent-elles en scène les corps disparus ?Cette thèse tente de répondre à ces diverses questions, en ayant pour objetl’expérience esthétique de la disparition, de l’effacement de traces et des stratégies degommage, ainsi que la production de signes de « distraction ». En somme, il s’agit dedévoiler les mécanismes disparitionnistes, tout en mettant en évidence l’absencecomme possibilité artistique fondatrice d’un art du corps disparu. Dans ce but, larecherche est centrée sur un double objet : d’une part, l’esthétique et la théâtralité desdénonciations de la disparition de personnes sous dictature portées notamment parl’Association de Familles de Détenus Disparus (AFDD) entre 1973 et 1989, etd’autre part les manifestations sociales estudiantines qui, ayant eu lieu entre 2011 et2013, revendiquaient l’abandon des principes dictatoriaux – toujours en vigueur – etréclamaient le droit à une éducation publique. Le rapport entre ces deux périodes(1973-1989 ; 2011-2013) relève donc de la capacité du corps disparu à apparaître surla scène publique.Cette thèse interroge ainsi les enjeux esthétiques, théâtraux, sociaux et éthiques de lapolitique de la disparition et de l’effacement des corps. / Amongst the consequences of Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship of Chilefrom 1973-1989 was the policy of abduction of activists from the Popular Unitycoalition created by Allende and other opponents of the dictatorship. At presentapproximately 1,200 are counted as disappeared. However this figure is inexact; it isdifficult to count the disappeared because, unlike death, the missing may stillreappear.The history of the Popular Unity coalition and the Pinochet dictatorship arerelatively well considered as a result of various historical and sociological studiesdevoted to the subjects. However, little deliberation has been given to the human andaesthetic issues regarding the disappeared in the community: What does it mean todisappear? What is the human condition of the disappeared? How is the absence ofthe disappeared perceived by their families and society? What are the social andaesthetic implications of their physical absence? How is the physical absence of thedisappeared depicted by social expressions and on the stage?This thesis will answer such questions by exploring the aesthetic experience ofdisappearance, the use of scrub strategies, and the production of "distractions". Insummary, it will examine the mechanisms of disappearance, and revel how themissing body is a possible foundation of artistic expression.To this end, analysis of theatrical potential will focus on two different historicalhappenings. First, the public demonstrations of the families of the disappeared,notably impelled by the Association of Families of Disappeared Detainees (AFDD)between 1973 and 1989. Secondly, the student protests held between 2011 and 2013,demanding the cessation of dictatorial principles still in force, and claiming the rightto free post-secondary education. The relationship between these two periods (1973-1989 and 2011-2013) fuels the ability of the physical absence of the disappeared tore-appear on the public stage.

Plastique du corps amoureux : du rougissement de l'image à l'œil / Plasticity of the loving body : from blushing of the picture to the eye

Joffin, Élisa 23 November 2015 (has links)
L’utopie est la suivante : elle débute par l’injonction amoureuse de Pablo Neruda, ‘‘je veux faire avec toi ce que le printemps fait avec les cerisiers’’, à la suite de laquelle, j’entame une petite collection dépareillée qui met en scène et met ensemble : pièces détachées, éléments brillants, particules rougissantes ou ternies et corps inconnus, qu’il me faudra déployer et marier dans les moindres détails, de novembre 2010 à novembre 2015 pour constituer ce que j’appelle : ‘‘la plastique du corps amoureux’’. J’observerai les effets des images, des corps, de l’œil de l’artiste et celui du regardeur, sous la contrainte du rougissement. Il ne sera pas nécessaire de chercher l’unité mais de bien faire le dessein d’hypothèses amoureuses éparses. Car si la plastique a le pouvoir de faire émerger une forme, celle d’un corps amoureux, ne serait-elle pas une tentative de s’exiler de la forme et de sa propre chair ? Faut-il parler d’informité quand on en vient au couple tant la limite est fragile lorsqu’on s’attaque aux contours ? Que fait-on une fois qu’il n’y a plus d’amour ? Que fait-on, une fois que l’on ne s’y voit plus ? L’engagement s’inscrivant sur une courte durée, il sera de bon augure de le situer dans une temporalité de l’instantané et de ce fait, il sera préférable de ne pas négliger ce que l’on nomme communément ‘‘cliché’’ comme une expérience vécue et recevable par tous, pour amorcer une pensée fleurissante qui croit et décroit suivant la saison. / Here is the utopia: it will all start with the loving injunction of Pablo Neruda “I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.” Then comes a little mismatched collection which will put on a performance and put together: spares parts, blushy or faded particles and shiny elements, which, from November 2010 until November 2015, I will open out and combine down to the smallest detail to constitute what I will call “The plasticity of the loving body”. I will observe images, bodies, the artist’s vision and the spectator vision when they are placed under the effects of blushing. I do not aim at achieving any form of unity but instead, at intending to make numerous assumptions of “loving designs”. Assuming that plasticity has the power of arising shapes, would not the plasticity of loving body be the attempt to get extracted from its own shape and its own flesh. .Should we define the couple as something shapeless: its limits are becoming more and more fragile as deconstruct its outlines. What should we do when love is nowhere to be found ? What should we do once all hopes are gone ? The implication, in the field of love, is timewise very short. It is characterized by its instantaneous dimension. Therefore, I will explore what is generally defined as a “cliché” as actually anybody could very easily experience it. I should be then carried away by a blooming thinking that would blossom and wither with the seasons.

Archéographie et ingénierie du corps / Archaeography and body engineering

Robin, Cindy 28 September 2015 (has links)
Animé par les évolutions industrielles et les prouesses scientifiques, technologiques et biologiques, l’homme contemporain semble préparer le terrain de sa métamorphose. Après avoir cherché à contrôler son environnement, il semble désormais vouloir contrôler son être et devenir maître et cause de lui-même. En effet, aujourd’hui plus que jamais l’homme bricole, traite, cultive, modifie son anatomie de toutes les manières possibles, chirurgies esthétiques, interventions génétiques ou encore opérations technologiques. Le corps du XXIe siècle, dont il est question d’analyser les mutations, les causes et les éventuelles conséquences, devient – comme le soulèvent de nombreux artistes contemporains au travers de nouvelles poïétiques – de plus en plus un élément composite, un amalgame de substances, de normes scientifico-culturelles et de manipulations techno-biologiques, il se fait artefact. Ce travail théorique soutenu par une pratique artistique se propose de nous interroger sur la condition humaine contemporaine, inscrite dans un contexte sociétal qui semble être sous la coupe d’un phénomène de scientifisation très marqué. Une condition humaine, menacée par des idéologies post-humanistes souhaitant prendre en main l’évolution et organiser les générations artificiellement. / Led by industrial developments as well as scientific, technological and biological prowess, modern man seems to lay the ground for his metamorphosis. Having sought to gain control over his environment, he now apparently wants to control his own being and become his own master and cause. As a matter of fact, today more than ever, man tinkers with his anatomy, processes it, cultivates and changes it, be it through aesthetic surgery, genetic intervention or technological operations. The 21st century body, that of which the mutations, causes and possible consequences are being analyzed, increasingly becomes – as many contemporary artists have shown through new poietics – a composite element, a hotchpotch of scientific-cultural norms and techno-biological manipulations, it becomes an artefact. This theoretical work, backed by an artistic practice, seeks to raise questions about the contemporary human condition in a societal context that is seemingly dominated by a very strong scientification phenomenon. A human condition threatened by post-humanist ideologies wishing to take evolution into man’s own hands and to artificially organize generations.

Modélisation numérique du couplage hydromécanique dans le massif rocheux fracturé / Numerical modeling of hydromechanical coupling in fractured rock mass

Yao, Chi 15 July 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une modélisation unifiée du couplage hydromécanique des massifs rocheux fracturés en se basant sur la caractérisation de réseaux de fractures discrètes (DFN). En particulier, nous proposons une extension de la méthode dite de ressorts de corps rigides (RBSM). Les principales contributions de ce travail portent sur les points suivants:(1) Un modèle de comportement mésoscopique, basé sur la méthode RBSM, est développé pour décrire la fissuration de la roche. Ce modèle permet de prendre en compte la distribution de fractures préexistantes, l'initiation, la propagation et la coalescence de nouvelles fissures. La roche intacte est représentée par un certain nombre de blocs rigides, répartis aléatoirement et reliés par des ressorts. La déformation macroscopique du massif est due à la déformation locale des interfaces entre blocs.(2) Nous avons ensuite proposé un modèle à double porosité pour modéliser le transfert hydraulique dans le massif à partir de la distribution de fractures discrètes. En combinaison avec le modèle RBSM, la variation de la perméabilité lors de la fissuration du massif est étudiée.(3) La formulation d’inégalité variationnelle pour le problème d’écoulement avec surface libre est étendue aux réseaux de fractures en 2D et 3D. Cette formulation permet d’aborder les problèmes de surfaces libres dans les massifs fracturés même des topologies et des frontières complexes.(4) Le comportement hydromécanique des massifs avec une grande densité de fractures est étudié. Un modèle de comportement est proposé pour décrire les relations non linéaires entre la contrainte normale et la déformation normale, entre le glissement tangentiel et la dilatation normale. / In this thesis, we have proposed a unified approach, based on the improved rigid body spring method (RBSM), for modeling the hydromechanical coupling in both intact and fractured rocks. The main contributions of the thesis are summarized as follows.(1) A mesoscopic model, based on the improved RBSM, is developed to account for the initial distribution of preexisting fractures, the whole process of initiation, propagation and coalescence of new cracks. The macroscopic deformation is due to the local deformation of interfaces between blocks.(2) A dual porosity model for seepage flow in rock mass is proposed, based on the discrete fracture network model and the permeability variation during rock fracturing is investigated.(3) The Variational Inequality (VI) formulation for seepage problem with free surface is extended to fracture networks both in 2D and 3D conditions. This formulation is in particular suitable to solve free surface problems in fracture networks even with very complex topology and boundaries.(4) By introducing a non-linear constitutive model for fractures, a hydromechanical coupling model is established for fracture networks. The governing mechanisms of hydromechanical coupling under different stress conditions are detected.

Galois theory for corings and comodules

Vercruysse, Joost January 2007 (has links)

Oregon's Marines: A Regional History of the United States Marine Corps

Howard, Michael Coleman 03 November 1994 (has links)
The history of the United States Marine Corps in Oregon, and of the many Oregonians who have served as Marines, is a unique story which has never been told. This thesis examines United States Marines from the state of Oregon and activities by Marines in the state. It covers the Oregon Marine experience from its start in 1841 through the Gulf War conflict of 1991 to the present. From 1838 to 1842, Lieutenant Charles Wilkes, United States Navy, led a remarkable exploration and scientific expedition around the world. In 1841, Wilkes visited the Pacific Northwest, and accompanying him aboard his flagship, the ll.S.S. Vincennes, was Quartermaster Sergeant Marion A. Stearns and thirty-two other United States Marines. Steams set a sound leadership example for both his Marines and those of the future as he landed from the sea and explored inland territory ranging from Puget Sound, to the Cascades, the Columbia River, and the Willamette Valley. Stearns' Marine detachment from the 11.SS Peacock even managed to survive their shipwreck upon the Columbia River bar. Oregon had thus begun her unique military heritage with respect to the United States Marine Corps. From this event in 1841, the one hundred and fifty year history of United States Marines in Oregon continued. In 1846, on the eve of the Mexican War, a Marine officer, First Lieutenant Archibald H. Gillespie, delivered a secret presidential message from James K. Polk to explorer John C. Fremont at Klamath Lake. Later, Marines from Union warship detachments visited Astoria and Portland during the Civil War. In 1898, at the Battle of Manila Bay, Private Charles C. Schroeder of Oak Grove, fought aboard the ll.S.S. Olympia with Commodore George Dewey. World War I and World War II found Oregon contributing a diverse and dedicated group of Marines who served valiantly in combat against German and Japanese forces. During the long Cold War with the Soviet Union, the wars in Korea and Vietnam exhibited a continuation of faithful Marine service by Oregonians. And in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm of 1991, Marines from Oregon continued as their forefathers had before them to honorably serve, sacrifice, and quietly return home. Their record of courage and professionalism are an important but little known part of Oregon's rich history.

The torch and the sword : a history of the army cadet movement in Australia 1866-2004

Stockings, Craig, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a general history of the army cadet movement in Australia from 1866 to 2004 by tracing the interactions between four fundamental forces that have stood as its foundation for almost 140 years. In various guises military, educational, social, and financial factors are the pillars on which the cadet movement has always rested. Over time the balance and relative dominance of each has determined the shape and state of the cadet organisation and will continue to do so in the future. When these four forces have been aligned the movement has thrived but when they have pulled in disparate directions it has faltered. Throughout the thesis, contextualising these four key concepts, are two more general themes concerning the influence of conservative politics and a recurring state school/private school divide. The history of army cadets, and therefore this thesis, is an investigation into the interplay of these dynamics. With such a purpose and methodology the thesis begins by tracing the development of the movement from its nineteenth century origins by identifying issues and circumstances that led some colonies to maintain thousands of cadets while others struggled to field any. It goes on to examine the formation, five years after Federation, of a Commonwealth cadet scheme birthed only to be swamped by the era of compulsory military training in Australia from 1911-29 which saw, at its peak, almost 100,000 schoolboys in khaki. The thesis analyses the re-organised voluntary cadet system in place from 1930-38 which, matching the circumstances of the adult army, faltered in numbers and support as it was restructured into dual 'Regimental' and 'School' branches. It goes on to assess the impact of the Second World War and the renewed impetus it provided to the cadet organisation before investigating the prosperity of the movement throughout the 1950s and 1960s in spite of the complexities raised by National Service and Australian involvement in conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Malaya and Borneo. Particular attention is paid to the early 1970s and the machinations surrounding the unexpected decision to disband the cadet organisation announced by the Labor government on 26 August 1975. The cadet story does not conclude at this point, however, with Vice Regal controversy and a subsequent Liberal-National election victory resurrecting the movement. The re-styled cadet scheme of 1976-83 is investigated followed by twelve years of division and distress under consecutive Labor federal governments between 1984-95. The thesis concludes by examining the reversal of fortunes for the movement from 1996-2004 which saw the cadet system develop, by the end of the period, into a well led, resourced and motivated organisation of almost 17,000 members. The research informing this thesis is based on documents held in National Archives of Australia offices in all state capitals, as well as those held in the Australian War Memorial. In addition, all state public record offices have yielded significant material, as have a wide range of private and school-based archives. More recent primary source information has been gathered from sources within the Department of Defence Archives, Queanbeyan, NSW, while select active and closed files from Headquarters Australian Army Cadets and the Directorate of Defence Force Cadets were graciously provided to the author. The study has also been informed by a wide selection of official, privately published and unpublished secondary sources spanning more than a century.

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