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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid omvårdnad av patienter med Covid-19 : En litteraturstudie / Nurses experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19 : A literature review

Paulsson, Emma, Lindsjö, Cajsa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19 är en pågående global pandemi, som orsakats av ett nyupptäckt coronavirus. Ett allvarligt problem under pandemin har varit dålig planering, förberedelse och ledarskap. Detta inkluderar förbiseendet av att säkerställa bland annat skyddsutrustning och materiella resurser. I tidigare studier om sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid infektionsutbrott framkommer det svårigheter och utmaningar såsom negativa känslor, brist på kunskap samt information. Det finns få studier om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Covid-19. Det är därför viktigt att studera sjuksköterskornas upplevelser i Covid-19 pandemin för att underlätta omvårdnadsarbetet samt ta lärdom av upplevda utmaningar och svårigheter inför kommande infektionsutbrott. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanställa sjuksköterskors upplevelser vid omvårdnadsarbete i anslutning till patienter med Covid-19. Metod: Litteraturstudien bygger på kvalitativa artiklar. Databaserna Cinahl och PubMed har använts vid datainsamling. Tolv artiklar valdes ut till litteraturstudiens resultat med hjälp av inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier. Samtliga artiklar i resultatet kvalitetsgranskades och resulterade i åtta artiklar med hög kvalitet samt fyra artiklar med medelhög kvalitet. Dataanalysen genomfördes utifrån en innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades två kategorier; Upplevelser av faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans arbetssätt och Upplevelser av organisatoriska faktorer. I varje kategori identifierades tillhörande subkategorier. Konklusion: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna upplevde negativa känslor, utmaningar och svårigheter i samband med omvårdnaden av patienter med Covid-19. För att undvika detta upplevde sjuksköterskorna att de behövde tydliga riktlinjer, tillgång till resurser, stöd, information och kunskap för att erbjuda en säker vård. / Background: Covid-19 is an ongoing global pandemic, caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. A serious problem during the pandemic has been poor planning, preparation and leadership. This includes the oversight of securing protective equipment and material resources. Previous studies of nurses experiences of outbreaks of infection reveal difficulties and challenges such as negative emotions, lack of knowledge and information. There are few studies on nurses experiences of caring for patients with Covid-19. It is therefore important to study the nurses experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic to facilitate the nursing work and learn from perceived challenges and difficulties before future outbreaks of infection. Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to compile nurses experiences of nursing related to patients with Covid-19. Method: The literature study is based on qualitative research. The databases Cinahl and PubMed were used for data collection. Twelve articles were selected for the result of the literature study using inclusion and exclusion criteria. All articles in the result were assessed for quality and resulted in eight high quality articles and four articles of medium quality. The data analysis was performed based on a content analysis. Results: In the results, two categories were identified; Experiences of factors that affect the nurses way of working and Experiences of organizational factors. In each category, associated subcategories were identified. Conclusion: The results showed that the nurses experienced negative emotions, challenges and difficulties in connection with the care of patients with Covid-19. To avoid this, the nurses felt that they needed clear guidelines, access to resources, support, information and knowledge to offer safe care.

Biståndshandläggning inom äldreomsorgen under covid-19 pandemin / Managing elderly care during the covid-19 pandemic

Mohammad, Wafaa January 2020 (has links)
Care manager are using different methods to investigate the needs of the elderly. There is a lot of challenges and opportunities with the work as a care manager during crises. This study has deepened into the process to managing eldery care and illuminates its challenges and opportunities during the covid-19 pandemic. The process to managing elderly care is based on meetings with the individual for investigate the needs of the elderly. The results show that the assessment process of the needs of the elderly has had to go through some challenges. The challenges has been about not being able to carry out physical visits at the meeting with the individual, which has led to difficulties in obtaining information for assessment. Furthermore, there were some challenges for many older people who was choosing to withdraw their help from various actors in order to minimize the risks of becoming infected of the virus. This entailed difficulties for the care manager to be able to motivate elderly to receive help, in order to meet the needs of the elderly. Despite its challenges, the covid-19 crisis has also brought opportunities to care managers. The Covid-19 pandemic has provided the opportunity to work home with digital tools and to conduct meetings with the indivdiual by telephone, which has leads to effectivity in their work with investigating the needs of the elderly.

Krishantering med hjälp av digital transformation : En studie på hur svenska företag har arbetat under covid-19

Halvarsson Eklund, Tom, Olmårs, David January 2021 (has links)
Att arbeta med digital transformation har visat sig vara en nyckelfaktor för företag som lyckatshantera den rådande krisen orsakad av covid-19 väl. Med detta i åtanke ämnade studien attundersöka hur svenska företag anpassat sig digitalt under krisen utifrån studiens valda ramverk.Detta genomfördes för att undersöka hur företagen arbetat med digital transformation undercovid-19 samt för att kartlägga hur svenska företag anpassat sig med hjälp av digitaltransformation under kriser. En kvalitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes med åtta företag.Resultatet visade att tillvägagångssättet de undersökta företagen hade anpassat sig på skiljdesig åt men att samtliga hade genomfört förändringar för till följd av krisen. Ett mönster somidentifierades var att en stor andel av de digitala transformationer som genomförts under covid19 var kopplade till kommunikation, exempelvis genom ökat användande av webbinarium ochdigitala möten. Det kunde även utläsas att företagen i hög grad genomfört sina digitalatransformationer med målsättningen att tillgodose sina kunders behov. Resultatet indikeradeäven att digital transformation hade påskyndats bland svenska företag under covid-19. / Working with digital transformation has proven to be a key factor for companies that havemanaged to deal with the current crisis caused by covid-19 well. With this in mind, the studyintended to investigate how Swedish companies adapted digitally during the crisis based on thestudy's chosen framework. This was carried out to investigate how the companies worked withdigital transformation during covid-19 and to map how Swedish companies adapted with thehelp of digital transformation during crises. A qualitative survey was conducted with eightcompanies. The results revealed that the approach the companies surveyed had adapted todiffered, but that all had implemented changes as a result of the crisis. One pattern that wasidentified was that a large proportion of the digital transformations carried out during covid-19were linked to communication, for example through increased use of webinars and digitalmeetings. It was also noted that the companies have largely implemented their digitaltransformations with the aim of meeting their customers' needs. The results also indicated thatdigital transformation had been accelerated among Swedish companies during covid-19.

COVID-19 a letecký průmysl: Ekonomické dopady a odezvy politik / COVID-19 and the aviation industry: Economic impacts and policy responses

Hrubý, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Bibliographic note HRUBÝ, Martin. COVID-19 and the Aviation Industry: Economic Impacts and Policy Responses 59p. Master thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences. Institute of Political Studies. Supervisor Ing. Petr Balcar, M.Sc. Abstract This thesis uses a combination of trend analysis and MACBETH/MABAC multiple criteria decision-making methods to assess the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial health of the aviation industry in 2020. It also examines the efficiency of government measures adopted to mitigate such impact by comparing the results with a hypothetical scenario where no government aid was provided in 2020. The findings show that the novel coronavirus pandemic significantly increased the probability of default across the studied airline sample and had a strong negative impact on profitability. Furthermore, the data indicates that government support improved the overall financial fitness of the studied sample and significantly reduced the probability of bankruptcy while having only a minimal effect on airline profitability. We analyze the mechanisms behind the identified trends and provide explanations that indicate room for improvement in future research. Keywords Aviation, Airlines, COVID-19, Government Support, MABAC, MACBETH, Financial Impacts Range of...

Vypuknutí autoritarianismu: polská a maďarská odpověď na pandemii Covid-19 a jejich dopady na demokracii v porovnání s Itálií / Autocratization outbreaks: the Polish and Hungarian responses to the Covid-19 pandemic and their early effects on democracy in comparison to Italy

Nunes Vidal, Igor January 2021 (has links)
The unexpected COVID-19 pandemic demanded a strong and firm state response in order to curb the unprecedented, multilevel crisis caused by the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The arrival of the virus in the EU in early 2020, including the terrible Italian first-wave outbreak, incited the primacy of health and life over any other right or freedom. Although understandable, this scenario raised concerns over the possibility of instrumentalization of the pandemic by the populist governments, given the affinity between the rise of populism discourse and practices in the event, or narrative, of crisis. With consideration of the conditions of the rule of law in the European Union, the quasi-autocracies of Poland and Hungary become interesting research objects. The present work describes these countries' measures and analyses their legality and compliance to the rule of law, together with considerations to the impact of said measures upon these countries' democratic institutions. Furthermore, the same operation will be performed for the Italian scenario, which leads to a comparison to be made between the three countries' pandemic managements, and, ultimately, a comparison between the Central-Eastern European populism and Western European populism. Due to the novelty of the subject, there is a lack of work on the...

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter smittade med COVID-19 : En beskrivande litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter smittade med COVID-19

Olovsson, Caroline, Torell, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har ett ansvar att utveckla och bevara sin kunskap för att tillsammans med samhället främja allmänhetens hälsa. Genom upplevelser i sin yrkesroll erhåller sjuksköterskan kunskaper som utvecklar sjuksköterskans erfarenhet. Under december 2019 upptäcks ett nytt virus i coronavirusfamiljen som tog fart och spreds över världen och fick namnet SARS-CoV-2, även kallat COVID-19. I mars 2020 förklaras COVID-19 som en pandemi av WHO. Syftet: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter smittade med COVID-19.Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserat på tio kvalitativa studier.Huvudresultat: Utifrån studiens syfte framkom tre teman ur artiklarnas resultat. Bristen på kunskap och information var påfrestande och påverkade deras möjlighet till vårdande negativt. Sjuksköterskor fick byta arbetsplats för att arbeta med ett virus de inte hade kunskap om och arbeta i okänd skyddsutrustning de inte var van vid. Skyddsutrustningen upplevdes som obekväm och orsakade fysiska symtom. Stödet och lärandet utav kollegor benämns som en viktig del i arbetet under pandemin där samarbete var i fokus. Arbetet under pandemin medförde att sjuksköterskor fick ny kunskap vilket upplevdes som en positiv erfarenhet. Slutsats: Genom att förse sjuksköterskor med relevant information och kunskap i krissituationer ges möjlighet till en förbättrad vård och en bättre arbetsmiljö. Kollegialt lärande kan ses som ett effektivt sätt att lära, erfarenheter utbyts och ny kunskap erhålls. / Background: Nurses have a responsibility to extend and maintain their knowledge to together with society promote the wellbeing of the public. Through situations within their role nurses obtain knowledge which further develops a nurses experience. During December 2019 a new virus was discovered in the coronafamily which spread worldwide and gained the name of SARS-CoV-2, also known as COVID-19. In Mars 2020 COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by WHO.Purpose: To describe the experiences of nurses working with COVID-19 positive patients.Method: A descriptive literature study based on ten qualitative studies. Key findings: Based on the purpose of the study three themes emerged from the articles. Lack of knowledge and information was frustrating and had a negative impact on their ability to provide adequate care. Nurses were forced to change workplace to work with a virus they had no knowledge of and work in PPE they were unfamiliar with. The PPE caused discomfort and physical symptoms. The support of their colleagues and shared knowledge was mentioned as an important part of working through the pandemic where teamwork was considered main priority. Working through the pandemic resulted in newfound knowledge which was viewed as a positive experience by nurses.Conclusion: By providing them with relevant information and resources during a crisis nurses are given the opportunity to provide better care and experience a more positive workenvironment. Collegial learning can be viewed as a effective way to learn, experiences are shared and new knowledge is found and obtained.

Covid-19-vaccin : Vad tycker du om det? / Covid-19-vaccine : What’s your opinion?

Kjellander, Jeanette, Sköld, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin orsakas av ett coronavirus som upptäcktes i december 2019. Vaccin mot Covid-19 har tillverkats för att skydda människor från att insjukna. Att vaccinera är sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgift. Sjuksköterskan ansvarar över att informera personen och göra hen delaktig vid vaccinationen. Genom att sjuksköterskan arbetar efter omvårdnadsprocessen och sjuksköterskans etiska kod kan personen som vaccineras få personcentrerad omvårdnad och bemötas efter personens behov. Syfte: Att undersöka vuxna personers uppfattningar om Covid-19-vaccin. Metod: Kvantitativ enkätstudie med kvalitativa inslag. Resultat: Viljan att vaccinera sig mot Covid-19 är hög och majoriteten av respondenter är vaccinerade. Trots att Covid-19-vaccin genomgått alla de kontroller vaccin måste genomgå för att bli godkända ses bristande förtroende för vaccinens säkerhet. Biverkningar av vaccinen, misstro för vaccinens effekter och genomgången Covid-19-infektion är bidragande faktorer till att personer inte vill vaccinera sig. Media har påverkat vaccinationsviljan både positivt och negativt. Konklusion: Denna studie bidrar till kunskap som kan öka sjuksköterskans förståelse för olika uppfattningar om Covid-19-vaccin. Sjuksköterskor kan med hjälp av resultatet få stöd i bemötandet av personer som funderar på att vaccinera sig. Det är huvudsakligen personer med negativa uppfattningar gällande Covid-19-vaccin som är i behov av sjuksköterskans stöd. / Background: The Covid-19-pandemic caused by a coronavirus was first discovered in December 2019. Vaccines against Covid-19 has been produced to protect people from the disease. Vaccinating is one of the nurse’s assignments. The nurse is responsible for informing the person and involving them in the vaccination. By using the nursing process and the nurse’s code of ethics, the person being vaccinated can receive person-centered care and be treated according to the person’s needs. Aim: To investigate adults' opinions of Covid-19 vaccines. Method: A quantitative survey study with qualitative elements. Findings: The willingness to get vaccinated against Covid-19 is high and most respondents are already vaccinated. Although Covid-19-vaccines has been tested there is a lack of confidence in the safety of the vaccines. Side effects of the vaccines, mistrust of vaccines effects and a history of Covid-19 infection are contributing factors to people not wanting to be vaccinated. The media has influenced the attitude towards Covid-19 vaccinations both positively and negatively. Conclusion: With the help of the results, nurses can receive support in the treatment of people who are considering getting vaccinated. It is mainly people with negative opinions regarding Covid-19-vaccines who need the nurse’s support.

Learning in the Time of COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis of Adopted Educational Practices

Hoffman, Caitlyn Jae 13 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Hamna på sjukhus med Covid-19 : En litteraturöversikt / End up in a hospital with Covid-19 : A literature review

Andersson, Johanna, Gustavsson, Carl January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I december 2019 upptäcktes ett nytt virus, SARS-CoV-2, som under 2020 gav upphov till en global pandemi. Pandemin resulterade i ett ökat vårdbehov världen över vilket gav upphov till nya utmaningar för hälso- och sjukvården. Sjukdomen resulterar i såväl fysiska som psykiska symtom och allvarlighetsgraden av dessa varierar mellan individer. Behandlingen riktas mot symtomen och kan kräva sjukhusvård. Sjuksköterskans kompetensområde är omvårdnad och skall utföra personcentrerad vård som innebär att förhålla sig till och vårda patienter som unika personer med individuella behov. Syfte: Att undersöka patienters upplevelser av vårdtiden med en Covid-19-infektion.  Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 11 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: I resultatet framkom 5 teman: Rädslor och farhågor hos patienter, isolering och ensamhet, patienters behov av kommunikation och information, vårdpersonalens stödjande funktion samt nya insikter och tacksamhet. Konklusion: Patienters upplevelser av insjukna i Covid-19 är förenat med olika typer av lidande. Covid-19-diagnosen är förenat med känslor av rädsla och oro både inför patienters egna hälsa samt vänner och familj. Vikten av personcentrerad vård och att se situationer utifrån ett livsvärldsperspektiv gör att patienters behov bli tillfredsställda. Vårdpersonalen har stödjande funktion som är viktig för patienter som vårdas för Covid-19. / Background: In december 2019 a new virus was discovered, SARS-CoV-2, that during 2020 resulted in a global pandemic. The pandemic resulted in a bigger need for and led to new challenges faced by healthcare services worldwide. The illness leads to physical and mental symptoms and different types of severities. The treatment for Covid-19 is symptomatic and may require hospitalization. Nursing includes person centered-care which includes that the nurse acts and treats patients as unique people with individual needs. Aim: To examine patients' experiences during a hospitalization with a Covid-19 infection. Method: A literature review based on 11 articles with a qualitative approach. Findings: The results revealed 5 themes: Fears in patients, Experience of isolation and loneliness, patients' need for communication and information, the staff's supportive function and new insights and gratitude. Conclusion: The study shows that the patients experience during Covid-19-hospitalization includes different kinds of suffering. The illness is united with different kinds of fears and worries which includes the patients own health and the health of friends and family. Person centered-care is important and to see the patient from a lifeworld perspective can cater the patients needs.

Psychologické aspekty dopadu pandemie covid-19 na zaměstnance retailové společnosti. / Psychological aspects of covid-19 pandemic on employees of retail chain company.

Šíma, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Thesis focuses on impact of covid-19 pandemic on employees of retail chain store, who couldn't work during the lockdown. Using self-evaluation questionnaire and CD - RISC 10 scale we mapped selected aspects like well-being, perception of risk of infection, teamwork, experienced emotion and resilience. Survey was completed during both spring and autumn lockdown. We processed the results using correlations, linear regressions and paired t-test on sample of n=199 employees during the spring, n=192 employees during autumn. We managed to pair 41 answers. During the spring survey we found several significant correlation between variables: percieved difficulty of lockdown and percieving the infection as risky (r=0,313, p <0,001), satisfaction of employee with: the communication with superior and need to communicate (r=0,424, p <0,001) and feeling of being informed (r=0,545, p <0,001). Percieved difficulty of lockdown weakly correlated with emotion of fear (r=0,346, p <0,001). For variables well-being we found two significant predictors: emotion of sadness (p=0,004) and anger (p=0,039), for variable percieing the difficulty of lockdown we managed to find two predictors: percieving the infection as risky (p=0,001) and importance of emotion in respondent's life (p=0,035). Feeling of being informed from the...

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