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Adaptación y Validación del instrumentoCPQ 11-14 en pacientes invidentes. Peruanos que asisten a la Institución educativa Luis Braille: Un estudio pilotoVelarde Medina, Raquel 16 December 2020 (has links)
"I Concurso de Investigación, Proyectos de Intervención y de Emprendedurismo", evento académico desarrollado el 16 de diciembre de 2020 de manera virtual, Lima, Perú. Se presentaron los proyectos de intervención y de Emprendedurismo desarrollado por la comunidad de Odontología en UPC. / El Instrumento Child Perception Questionnaire 11 14 (CPQ 11 14 mide como la calidad de vida de las personas afecta su salud oral Este cuestionario ha sido validado en diferentes idiomas Sin embargo, no ha
sido validado en el lenguaje de braille.
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Perfektionism, psykisk ohälsa och livskvalitet bland psykologstudenterBjörkvik, Emilia, Bolin, Ronja January 2020 (has links)
Perfektionism blir allt vanligare i västvärlden. Parallellt ökar psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar. Därmed är det av intresse att undersöka huruvida de parallella ökningarna i perfektionism och psykisk ohälsa hänger ihop. Utbrändhet är en form av psykisk ohälsa som har visat sig vara förknippat med perfektionism. Statistik visar att psykologer rapporterar fler sjukskrivningar på grund av utbrändhet jämfört med andra yrkesgrupper. I denna studie undersöktes samband mellan perfektionism, psykisk hälsa och livskvalitet bland psykologstudenter i Sverige. Data samlades in genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning, (N = 270, M = 26.4, SD = 5.67). Enkäten bestod av tre skattningsformulär; Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) och Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Korrelationsanalyser gjordes för att undersöka samband mellan perfektionism, psykisk hälsa och livskvalitet. Variansanalyser gjordes för att undersöka huruvida dessa samband skiljer sig i styrka beroende på antalet rapporterade livsdomäner inom perfektionism. Resultatet visade att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan perfektionism och psykisk ohälsa samt ett signifikant negativt samband mellan perfektionism och livskvalitet. Vidare framkom det att deltagare som rapporterade perfektionism inom flera livsdomäner skattade högre grad av psykisk ohälsa jämfört med deltagare som rapporterade inga eller en livsdomäner. Däremot fanns det ingen skillnad mellan grupperna i skattad livskvalitet. / Perfectionism is becoming more and more common in the Western world. Parallel to that, mental ill-health is increasing among young people. It is therefore of interest to investigate whether the parallel increases in perfectionism and mental ill-health are related. Burnout is a form of mental ill-health that has been found to be associated with perfectionism. Statistics show that psychologists report more sick leave due to burnout than other occupational groups. This study investigated the relationship between perfectionism, mental health and quality of life among psychology students in Sweden. Data was collected through an online survey, (N = 270, M = 26.4, SD = 5.67). The survey consisted of three questionnaires; Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ), Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Correlational analyzes were conducted to investigate the relationship between perfectionism, mental health and quality of life. Analysis of variance was conducted to investigate whether these relationships differ in strength depending on the number of reported life domains within perfectionism. The result showed that there is a significant positive relationship between perfectionism and mental ill-health as well as a significant negative relationship between perfectionism and quality of life. Furthermore, it was found that participants who reported perfectionism in multiple life domains estimated a higher degree of mental ill-health compared to participants who reported none or one life domain. However, there was no difference between the groups in estimated quality of life.
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Hur perfekt får en vara? : Prediktorer för förändring vid internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi för perfektionism / How perfect can you be? : Predictors of change in Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionismSkoglund, Malin, Trosell, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Perfectionism has been seen to predict treatment outcome and symptom severity in clinically relevant diagnoses such as depression and anxiety disorders. It has also been suggested to be a transdiagnostic phenomenon. The aim of this study was to investigate, for the first time, predictors of change in Internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism. The chosen predictors were perfectionism severity, comorbid diagnosis and degree of self-compassion. The study was a part of the Devin-project; a randomized controlled trial with 150 participants that were allocated to active treatment (N=73) or a waitlist condition (N=77). Multiple linear regression analysis was used for the analyses. Variables chosen a priori did not significantly predict the treatment outcome (R2=.10, p = .099). A post hoc-analysis showed that perfectionism severity, as measured with CPQ, predicted symptom change after treatment (B = .783, β = .56 p < .001). The results indicate that perfectionism severity doesn’t impair the treatment effects and that the treatment is effective, independent of comorbid diagnoses. Self-compassion was investigated on an explorative basis but the results can indicate that the variable is not a risk factor nor a protective factor for perfectionism. As Devin is the largest randomized controlled study of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for perfectionism to date, this study generates important implications and suggestions for future research. / Devin
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Untersuchungen zur Validität der deutschen Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire zur Messung der mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität bei Kindern und JugendlichenZyriax, Rona 05 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eingebettet in den Prozess zur Entwicklung einer deutschen Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ-G). Dieses Messinstrument erfasst die mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ziel war es herauszufinden, ob auch die deutsche Version eine hinreichende Validität aufweist.
Dazu wurden bei 1.508 Schülerinnen und Schülern von 10 bis 15 Jahren die klinischen Parameter Karies, Plaquevorkommen, Zahn-Nichtanlagen und das Tragen einer kieferorthopädischen Apparatur erfasst und in Relation zu ihrer selbstbewerteten mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (MLQ) gebracht.
Als Ergebnis wurde festgestellt, dass alle untersuchten oralen Parameter die mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen beeinflussen, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Maße.
Die deutsche Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire erweist sich damit als hinreichend valide.
Damit erfüllt sie ein wichtiges Gütekriterium für ein MLQ-Messinstrument.
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Design Automation of a Vacuum Chamber : Creating Rules for ConfiguratorAhmed, Besam January 2018 (has links)
The report is a degree project for the bachelor's level in Mechanical Engineering atUppsala University. The thesis was carried out at Scienta Omicron AB in Uppsala,Sweden and it is provided a basis determining rules for a vacuum chamberconfigurator that will be used by Scienta Omicron AB.Scienta Omicron AB wants to automate its vacuum chamber design to increasecompany productivity and profitability within this product line. This degree projectdescribes a basis for a configurator that will be used by the company later.This degree project begins by interviewing Scienta Omicron's R&D manager and theDesign Team to understand the company's needs and the reasons behind the desireto change the company's current process. After discussion with the company, aproject plan for the thesis is established to ensure that all parts of the thesis areperformed in time with good quality.The report presents briefly the theory of vacuum technology, especially regardingultra-high vacuum that is used by Scienta Omicron and several methods are used toachieve the project. The report ends with recommendations for Scienta Omicronwith the intention of continuously improving the result of this thesis i.e. implementingthe new process.An intensive study of vacuum chambers manufactured by the company is carried outby reviewing the company's email conversation between the design department andcustomers as well as chamber drawings in order to understand the design conceptand its limitations.As a part of the project, a requirement specification of the thesis has beendetermined and concept generating performed, resulting in two concepts," clashmodels" and" matrix". These enable the design and implementation of a vacuumchamber configurator by an external company specializing in customer productconfiguration.The chosen concept is clash models because it facilitates the implementation of theconfigurator later. A third-party company, Animech, which will implement the rulesdetermined in this thesis when constructing the configurator which will be used bySOAB. The configurator will be a tool that replaces the design team and gives themtime resources to develop new solutions and products.
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Kvantitativ enkätundersökning av psykologstudenters psykiska hälsa vid Linnéuniversitetet : Undersökning av korrelation mellan ångest, perfektionism och utbildningsmoment / Quantitative survey of psychology students' psychological health at Linnaeus University : An examination of the correlations betweenanxiety, perfectionism and educational elementsTrulsson, Anna, Andréasson, Tim January 2020 (has links)
Objective: To broaden the understanding of Swedish psychology student’s psychological health. Issue: Is there psychological illness in terms of self rated anxiety, among the psychology student at Linnaeus University? Are there correlations between self rated anxiety, perfectionistic personality traits and/or educational elements? Method: A cross-sectional study of psychology students (N = 65). The participants were recruited via the social media Facebook, and answered an anonymous web survey consisting of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21) and Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ). The participants were divided into two groups based on whether they had clinical (N=19) or theoretical (N=46) elements in their current education. Correlation analysis and ancova were executed in order to answer the issue. Results: Anxiety and perfectionism correlated positively (p=.000). Anxiety correlated positively with theoretical elements (p=.000) but not with clinical educational elements. Perfectionism and anxiety correlated positively during theoretical educational elements p=.007). Conclusion: The results indicate that higher perfectionism can correlate with higher levels of anxiety. It indicates that the perfectionism might have clinical properties. The students' results in relation to educational elements indicate that the participants had rated lower levels of anxiety during the clinical elements of the education. The study was limited in that it did not look into gender identification or underlying causes of non-response, and a small sample with large non-response bias (57%). The limitations mean that the results were not generalisable.
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Untersuchungen zur Validität der deutschen Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire zur Messung der mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität bei Kindern und JugendlichenZyriax, Rona 07 April 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eingebettet in den Prozess zur Entwicklung einer deutschen Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ-G). Dieses Messinstrument erfasst die mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ziel war es herauszufinden, ob auch die deutsche Version eine hinreichende Validität aufweist.
Dazu wurden bei 1.508 Schülerinnen und Schülern von 10 bis 15 Jahren die klinischen Parameter Karies, Plaquevorkommen, Zahn-Nichtanlagen und das Tragen einer kieferorthopädischen Apparatur erfasst und in Relation zu ihrer selbstbewerteten mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (MLQ) gebracht.
Als Ergebnis wurde festgestellt, dass alle untersuchten oralen Parameter die mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen beeinflussen, wenn auch in unterschiedlichem Maße.
Die deutsche Version des Child Perceptions Questionnaire erweist sich damit als hinreichend valide.
Damit erfüllt sie ein wichtiges Gütekriterium für ein MLQ-Messinstrument.
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