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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Människan och chattboten : En kvalitativ studie om hur människors känslor och upplevelser påverkas vid kundtjänstinteraktion med chattbotar

Mauritzson, Amanda, Andersson, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Emotion AI är ett forskningsområde som syftar till att teknik ska kunna känna igen och reagera på mänskliga känslotillstånd, vilket kan implementeras i form av chattbotar. Chattbotens roll är idag framträdande inom kundtjänstområdet och används för att stärka kundservice. Tidigare forskning visar att det råder brist av kvalitativa studier om hur chattbotar responderar på och hanterar känslor som uppstår när människor interagerar med chattbotar i vardagen. Syftet med studien är därav att skapa förståelse för hur känslor hanteras av chattbotar och vilka upplevelser som genereras vid kundtjänstinteraktion mellan människa och chattbot.  Studien antog en kvalitativ ansats och inleddes genom en förstudie som identifierade fyra chattbotar, vilka användes vidare till intervjustudien. Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och kompletterades med observation. Analysen identifierade fyra typer av upplevelser av chattbotarnas förmåga att respondera på känslointeraktion: bekräftelse, missförstånd, problemlösning och ideal chattbot. Studien diskuterar hur chattbotar påverkar människans känsloupplevelse och hur chattbotar bör designas i kundtjänstinteraktion. Slutsatsen är att det inte finns behov att utveckla chattbotar med väldigt komplex känsloförmåga och känslomässig förståelse har visats vara sekundärt i kundtjänstinteraktion. Dock bör chattbotar designas med en enklare form av känslomässig förmåga eftersom det kan skapa mervärde genom att kunderna känner sig förstådda. / Emotion AI is a research area aimed at technology recognizing and reacting to human emotions, which can be implemented in the form of chatbots. The chatbot's role is today prominent in the field of customer service and is used to strengthen customer service. Previous research shows that there is a lack of qualitative studies on how chatbots respond to and manage emotions that arise when people interact with chatbots in their everyday life. The purpose of the study is therefore to create an understanding of how emotions are handled by chatbots and what experiences are generated during customer service interaction between humans and chatbots.  The study adopted a qualitative approach and was initiated through a feasibility study that identified four chatbots, which were used for the interview study. The data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews and supplemented by observation. The analysis identified four types of experiences of chatbots' ability to respond to emotional interaction: affirmation, misunderstanding, problem-solving, and ideal chatbot. The study discusses how chatbots affect the human emotional experience and how chatbots should be designed for customer service interaction. The bottom line is that there is no need to develop chatbots with very complex emotional abilities and emotional understanding has been shown to be secondary in the customer service interaction. However, chatbots should be designed with a simpler form of emotional ability as it can create added value in the form of making customers feel understood.

Chattbotars påverkan inom kundservice

Pourjam, Arman January 2021 (has links)
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has increased in recent years to create more efficient and innovative solutions. One type of AI solution introduced in several different industries is chatbots that customers can interact with by typing, or choosing from a number of options, and get direct responses from the system. Through chatbots, companies can streamline their customer service as well as improve customer relationships. Thus, chatbots can be used in companies' customer service to reduce the workload. In order to study this, the following research question was formulated: How can the introduction of chatbots help businesses to streamline their customer service? To fulfill this purpose, an deductive approach was chosen and as the final result is based on a combination of data and different theories. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and observations. The data was compiled and then analyzed thematically, which led to the conclusion that the use of chatbots can contribute to streamlining and developing businesses’ customer service. / Användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI) har ökat allt mer de senaste åren för att skapa mer effektiva och innovativa lösningar. En typ av AI-lösning som införts inom flera olika branscher är chattbotar som kunder kan interagera med genom att skriva, eller välja mellan ett antal alternativfrågor, och få direkta svar från systemet. Genom chattbotar kan företag effektivisera sin kundservice samt förbättra sina kundrelationer. Därmed kan chattbotar användas inom verksamheters kundservice för att minska belastningen på den bemannade kundtjänsten. För att undersöka detta närmare ställdes frågeställningen: Kan användandet av chattbotar hjälpa verksamheter att effektivisera sin kundservice?. För att uppfylla detta syfte valdes ett deduktivt angreppssätt och slutgiltiga resultatet baseras då på en kombination av data och olika teorier. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer samt observationer. Datan sammanställdes och analyserades tematiskt, vilket ledde fram till slutsatsen att användandet av chattbotar kan bidra till att effektivisera och utveckla verksamheters kundservice.

Propuesta de un modelo de estandarización del proceso de atención call center mediante ciclo PDCA para mejorar la calidad de servicio móvil postpago en una empresa peruana

García Sánchez, Daisy Jazmín del Rocío, Vargas Caycho, Claudia Antuaned 23 February 2022 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación es mejorar la calidad de servicio móvil postpago en una empresa peruana del sector telecomunicaciones. El indicador utilizado para medir el grado de satisfacción es el NPS, el cual se obtiene mediante una encuesta a usuarios, y es calculado como la resta de clientes promotores y detractores. Al realizar el análisis de este indicador se determinó que la mayor proporción de clientes detractores se encuentra insatisfecho con el proceso de atención call center. Por ello, se analizaron las actividades de los cuatro gestores del call center y los tiempos promedio de duración de llamada (TMO). Así, se encontraron las siguientes causas raíz: Descripción desactualizada e incorrecta del procedimiento de trabajo, falta de impacto visual del sistema, marcaciones erróneas e incompletas en el sistema, y método no estandarizado. Estas fueron solucionadas implementando la filosofía lean a través de un modelo basado en Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), y las herramientas 5S, Jidoka, Poka Yoke y Estandarización de procesos. Luego de la implementación se mejoraron las causas raíz logrando reducir el TMO de los cuatro gestores traducido en un aumento en el NPS del segmento móvil postpago en 5 puntos porcentuales. Con el resultado obtenido se garantizó una solución rápida y efectiva a los clientes que se comunican al call center. / The objective of the research is to improve the postpaid mobile service quality of a Peruvian company in the telecommunications sector. The indicator used to measure the degree of satisfaction is the NPS, which is obtained through a user survey, and is calculated as the subtraction of promoter and detractor clients. When analyzing this indicator, it was determined that the highest proportion of detractor clients is dissatisfied with the call center service process. Therefore, the activities of the four call center managers and the average call duration times (TMO) were analyzed. Thus, the following root causes were found: Outdated and incorrect description of the working procedure, lack of visual impact of the system, erroneous and incomplete markings in the system, and a non-standardized method. These were solved by implementing the lean philosophy through a model based on Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and the 5S, Jidoka, Poka Yoke and Process Standardization tools. After implementation, the root causes were improved, reducing the TMO of the four managers, resulting in an increase in the NPS of the postpaid mobile segment by 5 percentage points. With the obtained result, a quick and effective solution was guaranteed to the customers who communicate with the call center. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Modelo PDCA aplicado en el call center de una empresa peruana del sector telecomunicaciones para mejorar el grado de satisfacción de clientes postpago / PDCA model applied in a Call Center of a Peruvian company in the telecommunications sector to improve the degree of postpaid customer satisfaction

García Sánchez, Daisy Jazmín del Rocío, Vargas Caycho, Claudia Antuaned 27 June 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como propósito mejorar el grado de satisfacción de los clientes móviles postpago en una empresa peruana del sector telecomunicaciones. El indicador utilizado para medir el grado de satisfacción es el NPS, el cual se obtiene mediante una encuesta a usuarios, y es calculado como la resta de clientes promotores y detractores. Al realizar el análisis de este indicador se determinó que la mayor proporción de clientes detractores se encuentra insatisfecho con la atención call center. Por ello, se analizaron las actividades y tiempos promedio de duración de llamada (TMO) de los cuatro gestores de atención. Así, se encontraron las siguientes causas raíz: Descripción desactualizada e incorrecta del procedimiento de trabajo, falta de impacto visual del sistema, marcaciones erróneas e incompletas en el sistema, y método no estandarizado. Estas fueron solucionadas implementando la filosofía lean a través de un modelo basado en Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), y sus herramientas 5S, Jidoka, Poka Yoke y Estandarización de procesos. Como resultado de la implementación del sistema planteado, se logró reducir el TMO de cada gestor traducido en un aumento en el NPS del segmento móvil postpago en 5 puntos porcentuales. Con el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados en las gestiones del call center, se garantizó una solución más rápida y efectiva a los clientes; como consecuencia, se mejoró la percepción de los clientes con la atención brindada. / The purpose of this research is to improve the degree of satisfaction of postpaid mobile customers in a Peruvian company in the telecommunications sector. The indicator used to measure the degree of satisfaction is the NPS, which is obtained through a user survey, and is calculated as the subtraction of promoter and detractor clients. When carrying out the analysis of this indicator, it was determined that the largest proportion of detracting clients are dissatisfied with the call center service. Therefore, the activities and average call duration times (TMO) of the four service managers were analyzed. Thus, the following root causes were found: outdated and incorrect description of the work procedure, lack of visual impact of the system, erroneous and incomplete markings in the system, and non-standardized method. These were solved by implementing the lean philosophy through a model based on Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and its 5S, Jidoka, Poka Yoke and Process Standardization tools. As a result of the implementation of the proposed system, it was possible to reduce the TMO of each manager, translated into an increase in the NPS of the postpaid mobile segment by 5 percentage points. With the fulfillment of the objectives outlined in the call center management, a faster and more effective solution was guaranteed to the clients; As a consequence, the perception of clients with the care provided improved. / Trabajo de investigación

Big Data and AI in Customer Support : A study of Big Data and AI in customer service with a focus on value-creating factors from the employee perspective

Licina, Aida January 2020 (has links)
The advance of the Internet has resulted in an immensely interconnected world, which produces a tremendous amount of data. It has come to change our daily lives and behaviours tremendously. The trend is especially seen in the field of e-commerce where the customers have started to require more and more from the product and service providers. Moreover, with the rising competition, the companies have to adopt new ways of doing things to keep their position on the market as well as keeping and attracting new customers. One important factor for this is excelling customer service. Today, companies adopt technologies like BDA and AI to enhance and provide excellent customer service. This study aims to investigate how two Swedish cooperations extract value from their customer services with the help of BDA and AI. This study also strives to create an understanding of the expectations, requirements and implications of the technologies from the participants' perspectives that in this case are the employees of these mentioned businesses. Moreover, many fail to see the true potential that the technologies can bring and especially in the field of customer service. This study helps to address these challenges and by pinpointing the ’value- factors’ that companies participating in this study extracts, it might encourage the implementation of digital technologies in the customer service with no regard to the size of the company. This thesis was conducted with a qualitative approach and with semi-structured interviews and systematic observations with two Swedish companies acting on the Chinese market. The findings from the interviews, conducted with these selected companies, present that the companies actively use BDA and AI in their customer service. Moreover, several value-factors are pinpointed in the different stages of customer service. The most reoccurring themes are: ”proactive support”, ”relationship establishment”, ”identifying attitudes and behaviours” and ”real-time support”. Moreover, as for the value-creating factors before and after the actual interaction the reoccurring themes are ”competitive advantage”, ”high-impact customer insights”, ”classification”, ”practicality”, as well as ”reflection and development”. This essay provides knowledge that can help companies to further their understanding of how important customer service along with BDA and AI is and how they can support competitive advantage as well as customer loyalty. Since the thesis only focused on the investigation of Swedish organizations on the Shanghainese market, it would be of interest to continue further research on Swedish companies as China is seen to be in the forefront when it comes to utilizing these technologies.

Strategies Retailers Use to Build Brand Loyalty and Improve Customer Experience

Samuel, Mekus 01 January 2018 (has links)
The use of strategy to build brand loyalty and improve customer experience by retail managers is essential in driving sales revenue and increasing profitability. Retail managers should perceive customer experience strategy as a tool for product differentiation, which could be leveraged to attain benefits, such as, repeat business, positive word of mouth, increased sales, and the competitive advantage. Some retail managers may not fully comprehend customer experience strategy, and may solely focus on individual facets such as, customer service and employee training. This qualitative multiple case study explored the strategies retail managers used to build brand loyalty and improve customer experience. Olivier's confirmation- expectation theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Ten retail managers from Castries, St. Lucia, who performed their roles for a minimum of 4 years, were selected to participate in semistructured interviews using purposive sampling. Data was also collected from company documents, such as, merchandising policy, the company's website, and past campaign fliers. Three of the themes that arose from the thematic analysis of interview data and company documents were, building and sustaining brand loyalty, store image, and competitive advantage. Findings from this research may contribute to positive social change by providing retail managers a better understanding of customer experience and brand loyalty strategies as additional avenues to achieving operational results such as increased sales revenue, improved sales margins, and increased profitability. Local communities may experience increased employment opportunities, enhanced business activity, and increased tax receipts.

Service Undone: A Grounded Theory of Strategically Constructed Silos and Their Impact on Customer-Company Interactions from the Perspective of Retail Employees

O'Reilly, Kelley A. 01 May 2010 (has links)
This work elaborates the impacts of strategically constructed silos that are not byproducts of flagging cross-departmental cooperation or the cumulative effect of decades of decentralized command and control. Rather, these silos are strategically intended structures within organizations. Most significantly, the substantive theory of strategically constructed silos and their impact on customer service contributes to the field by illustrating the presence and consequence of silos occurring in suboptimal conditions. The existence of silos has implications that extend far beyond the retail area. A key take-away from this research is that contrary to how most customer service processes are designed, not all customer-company interactions are alike. As shown in the data, interaction types vary both in regard to the degree of knowledge needed by retail employees to fully serve customers, and the routine or nonroutine nature of the interaction. This is an important finding since it directly relates to whether the existence of a silo is appropriate (or optimal) for a specific interaction or task. Additionally, the findings suggest the role that a task's "routine-ness" plays is secondary to the degree of specialized knowledge needed by retail employees to meet customer expectations. Understanding the various customer-company interaction types and how each interaction type may be affected by silos is crucial for designing customer experiences that will sustain over time. Likewise, identifying customer-company interaction types correctly and then subsequently developing strategies to support these interaction types is critical for both customer experience management (CEM) initiatives and customer relationship management (CRM) system design within the company. This work provides an overview of the implications of strategically constructed silos occurring in suboptimal conditions and provides recommendations for diagnosing customer-company interactions based on interaction type. By identifying strategically constructed silos as an intended structure of the company, the model elaborated here works to deliver prescriptive and specific strategies for managers and employees' use as they attempt to improve their firm's customer-company interaction outcomes.

Factores de calidad del servicio a clientes de restaurantes que influyen en la preferencia de consumo de los mismos en el distrito de San Isidro

Quispe Ayala, Luis Felipe 20 April 2021 (has links)
Se ha estudiado, a lo largo de la historia, sobre diversos factores del servicio al cliente que pueden influir en la preferencia de consumo de los mismos, al igual que se han desarrollado diversos escritos sobre restaurantes a nivel mundial y también en el Perú; sin embargo, ¿se ha escrito lo suficiente sobre los factores de calidad del servicio al cliente que influyen en la preferencia de consumo de los clientes hacia diversos restaurantes? El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si existe relación entre los factores de calidad del servicio al cliente y la preferencia de consumo en restaurantes, pero para tener un panorama más específico, este estudio se centrará en el distrito limeño de San Isidro, por poseer una gran variedad de ofertas de platos, así como por poseer rangos diferentes de precios. En este contexto, se ha realizado un estudio de tipo exploratorio descriptivo correlacional, puesto que se busca establecer la relación existente entre las variables del estudio. El diseño del estudio se basó un uno no experimental de corte transversal, debido a que se analiza la variable de estudio sin la necesidad de tener que manipular o realizar cambios, puesto que solo serán observados los hechos que surgen de forma natural. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se recomienda que los restaurantes realicen evaluaciones sobre la calidad de servicio, para que tomen conocimiento de los puntos negativos que aquejan a los clientes, a fin de destinar presupuesto para corregir y tomar medidas de mejora. Se recomienda también aplicar una clara estrategia de marketing sensorial, en donde se ocupen de redistribuir el mobiliario del local o destinar presupuesto para ampliar el lugar y generar accesos para personas con discapacidad, además de colocar señalética que ofrezca mayor comodidad a los comensales. / Throughout history, various factors of customer service that can influence consumer preference have been studied, just as various writings have been developed on restaurants worldwide and also in Peru. However, has enough been written about the customer service quality factors that influence customers' consumer preference for various restaurants? The objective of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between the factors of quality of customer service and the preference of consumption in restaurants, but to have a more specific panorama, this study will focus on San Isidro, which is a district of Lima, as it has a wide variety of dish offers, as well as having different price ranges. In this context, a correlational descriptive exploratory study has been carried out, since it seeks to establish the relationship between the study variables. The study design was based on a non-experimental cross-sectional one, because the study variable is analyzed without the need to manipulate or make changes, since only the facts that arise naturally will be observed. Likewise, it is recommended that restaurants carry out evaluations on the quality of service, so that they become aware of the negative points that affect customers, in order to allocate a budget to correct and take improvement measures. It is also recommended to apply a clear sensory marketing strategy, where they take care of redistributing the furniture of the premises or allocate a budget to expand the place and generate access for people with disabilities, in addition to placing signage that offers greater comfort to diners / Tesis

Customers perception of Artificial Intelligence as Chatbots in CRM

Kuylenstierna, Elsa, Trägårdh, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Title: Customers perception of Artificial Intelligence as Chatbots in CRM  Subject: Bachelor thesis in business administration, 15 hp  Authors: Hanna Trägårdh & Elsa Kuylenstierna  Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen  Examiner: Ulf Aagerup  Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Chatbots, Customer Relationship Management, Generation Z, Generation Y  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the perception Swedish customers from Gen Z and Gen Y have of companies using chatbots in customer relationship management. Furthermore the study will analyze if the different generational groups perceive chatbots in different ways. The study also focuses on finding out what role chatbots play in terms of CRM.  Methodology: In this study a deductive research approach was used where the empirical study was collected through a survey. The survey had 212 respondents, 100 of them were between 15 and 25 years old and 112 were between 26 and 44 years old.  Conclusion: Gen Z and Gen Y have similar opinions about how they perceive chatbots. Both Gen Z and Gen Y prefer communicating with a human since chatbots are not living up to their expectations. However, they are optimistic that chatbots have the potential to improve customer services to the better. Companies need to make sure that chatbots create value for customers and not only for companies themselves. Chatbots need to keep developing and make progress to be beneficial for customers to use.  Implications: This study can contribute with new perspectives about chatbots and customer relationships that can be a big advantage for companies when implementing chatbots for their business. The study brings attention to the unexplored issue of Gen Z and Gen Y’s perception in this matter. This study can also be helpful for further research within the subject area.

The implementation of the indigent policy in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mosehla, Lesiba Gift January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (MPA.) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Policy development and management remains the subject of boardrooms and societal preoccupation. This is precisely because policies are a vehicle for customer service and service delivery. For any product or service that is produced or consumed or used, there must be certain standard operating procedures, processes, and protocols generated and developed to produce or deliver that product or service to the users (consumers) who are mainly the people. Therefore, policy implementation is the framework that guides processes and procedures to deliver services and products to the people. Thus, this study focuses on the policy implementation process. The aim of the study was to investigate public policy implementation, with a focus on the indigent policy in a local municipality. A qualitative study was undertaken to investigate implementing the indigent policy in the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality, hereafter referred to as the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. A non-probability sample frame was used where purposive samples were drawn from among municipal administrators (staff), ward committee members, community development workers, politicians (Councillors), indigent beneficiaries, and ordinary community members of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Data was collected using semi-structured open-ended question interview guide. In-depth, face-to-face (one-on-one) and telephonic interviews were conducted with the director responsible for finance and the councillor responsible for the social cluster portfolio in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality respectively. Focus group discussions including the officers (staff) responsible for the management and delivery of the indigent services in the Greater Tzaneen, the ward committee members, the community development workers (six), the ward councillors (six), community members and the indigents (six) of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality were also conducted. The participants were organised into Groups A, B, and C for efficient data management. There was a total complement of 20 participants and respondents. This study used the 5C Protocol plus the sixth C, hereinafter also referred to as the Protocol, to investigate implementing the indigent policy in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Findings and recommendations deduced from the study mainly highlight the positive or negative outcomes of compliance, namely, lack of capacity to measure water and sanitation in rural areas; policy content well designed and packaged; context variable still needs more attention to cite but a few

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