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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Achados patológicos e imunoistoquímicos de cães infectados pelo vírus da cinomose canina

Sonne, Luciana January 2008 (has links)
A cinomose canina é uma doença viral e afeta principalmente os sistemas respiratório, gastrintestinal e nervoso. O presente trabalho analisou 54 cães com cinomose de um total de 760 cães necropsiados no período de julho de 2006 a outubro de 2007. As lesões macroscópicas observadas eram caracterizadas por secreção ocular e nasal mucopurulentas, hiperqueratose dos coxins digitais, pulmões de coloração avermelhada e não colabados, atrofia do timo, conteúdo intestinal diarréico e evidenciação das placas de Peyer. Os achados microscópicos caracterizavam-se principalmente por pneumonia intersticial, rarefação linfóide, desmielinização da substância branca, manguitos perivasculares e corpúsculos de inclusão viral na mucosa do estômago, epitélios da bexiga, brônquios e bronquíolos, pelve renal, coxins digitais, pálpebra e orelha, no sistema nervoso central (principalmente em astrócitos) e em células mononucleares dos linfonodos, baço e tonsilas. O teste de imunoistoquímica foi positivo em 94,4% dos casos analisados. Os tecidos foram marcados pela técnica imunoistoquímica utilizando o anticorpo monoclonal anti-cinomose canina (VMRD) na diluição de 1:400. O coxim digital se apresentou como o órgão com o maior número de casos marcados positivamente (67,4%), seguido pelo estômago com 62,7%. A utilização da imunoistoquímica auxiliou na identificação do antígeno viral em diferentes tecidos e foi importante como diagnóstico complementar da cinomose canina. / Canine distemper is a viral disease that affects mainly, respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous system. The present study analyzed 54 dogs with canine distemper from total of 760 necropsies done in dogs between July 2006 to October 2007. The macroscopic lesion were characterized by mucopurulent oculonasal discharge, hyperkeratosis of footpads, red and not collapsed lungs, thymic atrophy, watery intestinal, hyperemia and Peyer’s patches enlarged. The microscopic findings were characterized by interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid depletion, white matter demylization, perivascular cuffs and viral inclusion bodies located in stomach mucosa, bladder, bronchial, renal pelvis, footpads, eyelid, skin of the ear epithelium, central nervosus system (mainly in astrocytes) and mononuclear infiltrates in lymph nodes, spleen, and tonsils. The immunohistochemistry test was positive in 94,4% of analyzed cases. Tissues were strained by an immunohistochemical procedure with mouse monoclonal anti-cinomose (VMRD) diluted 1:400. The footpads was the best tissue with majority of positive marked cases (67,4%), followed by stomach with 62,7%. This observation suggests that the immunohistochemistry technique aided to identify distemper virus antigens in different tissue making it an important test for complementary diagnostic of canine distemper.

Avaliação da cicatrização óssea em falha mandibular com auto-enxerto ósseo associado a suspensão celular de medula óssea autógena : estudo experimental.

Gomes, Cristiano January 2008 (has links)
Defeitos mandibulares secundários a traumas e neoplasias ou deformidades freqüentemente representam um desafio para cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais e ortopedistas. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a cicatrização óssea de auto-enxerto da crista ilíaca associado a terapia celular da medula óssea. Foi criado um defeito ósseo de 10x5x5mm na mandíbula de 28 coelhos, distribuídos em grupo controle (14 animais), reparados com auto-enxerto de crista ilíaca, e grupo experimental (14 animais), em que o auto-enxerto foi associado a células mononucleares da medula óssea autógena do fêmur. Foram realizadas radiografias semanais da região operada e análise histológica de sete animais de cada grupo aos 15 e 30 dias do pós-operatório. Houve um aumento gradativo da densidade óssea, com 85,71% dos animais do grupo experimental e 42,85% do grupo controle apresentando formação de ponte óssea 28 dias após a cirurgia. Na análise histopatológica aos 15 dias, os enxertos eram facilmente visualizados e a atividade das células fagocitárias era intensa. Já aos 30 dias, a sua visualização era mais difícil e, quando possível, apenas um resquício era visualizado. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de células mononucleares da medula óssea favorece a cicatrização do auto-enxerto em defeitos mandibulares de coelhos. / Bone defects secundary to tumor, trauma or deformity often presents a significant problem for oral and maxillofacial surgeons and orthopedists. The aim of the present study is to investigate the bone regeneration of the autograft from iliac creast associated to cellular therapy with bone marrow. A bone defect was created with 10x5x5mm in 28 rabbits mandible. The control group (14 animals) was repaired with autograft of the iliac creast and the experimental group (14 animals) was associated to mononuclear cells from the bone marrow of the femur. Weekly radiographs were done from the surgery region and histophatology analysis was made in seven animals of which group, in 15 and 30 days after surgery. A gradative increase of bone density was seen and the experimental animals presented the bone bridge in 85,71% of the cases, while in control group only 42,85% of the animals had the same found 28 days after surgery. The histophatologic analysis showed that in 15 days the autografts were easily seen and the phagocytary cells activity were intense. Although in 30 days it visualisation was more difficult and when possible, only a vestige was seen. The results of this study suggest that the mononuclear cells from the bone marrow can support the autograft regeneration in mandible defects in rabbits.

Maturação in vitro de oócitos de caninos (Canis familiaris) na presença de cisteína e α-Tocoferol

Cavalcante, Liziane Ferraresi Holanda January 2009 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de meios de cultivo eficazes para a maturação in vitro de oócitos caninos tem sido um desafio para os pesquisadores em reprodução animal. O estresse oxidativo desempenha papel fundamental na maturação oocitária, uma vez que altas concentrações de espécies reativas ao oxigênio levam ao dano celular e apoptose. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar as taxas de maturação nuclear de oócitos caninos na presença de cisteína e α-tocoferol, substâncias conhecidas por suas propriedades antioxidantes. No experimento 1, avaliou-se a taxa de maturação nuclear de oócitos caninos mantidos em meio TCM-199 modificado (A) (controle) ou acrescido de 0,57mM de cisteína (B). No experimento 2, determinou-se as taxas de maturação nuclear na presença de diferentes concentrações de α-tocoferol em duas etapas independentes: experimento 1 (0, 10, 50μM) e experimento 2 (0, 100 e 500μM). Os dados foram analisados pelo teste do Qui-quadrado (P < 0,05). No experimento 1, não foi observada diferença estatística entre as taxas de Metáfase I/Anáfase I (MI/AI) e Metáfase II (MII) entre os oócitos do grupo controle (A) (7,5%, 16/213; 1,9%, 4/213) e os oócitos do grupo acrescido de cisteína (B) (6,3%, 14/223; 0,9%, 2/223). No experimento 2, não houve diferença significativa nas taxas de MI e MII dos oócitos entre os tratamentos da primeira etapa: controle (26,8%, 29/108), 10μM (22,6%, 26/115) e 50μM (29,1%, 30/103). Na segunda parte do experimento, a percentagem de oócitos que retomaram a meiose (VGBD à MII) foi de 31,9% (31/97), 34,9% (39/112) e 51,5% (54/105) para os grupos controle,100 e 500μM de α-tocoferol respectivamente (P < 0,05). Entretanto, nenhum aumento nas taxas de MII foi observado quando foram utilizadas as concentrações de 100μM (0,9%, 1/112) ou 500μM (1,0%, 1/105) de α- tocoferol no meio. Concluiu-se que, o TCM-199 modificado suplementado com cisteína não foi eficaz em elevar os índices de maturação in vitro de oócitos caninos. Ainda, a suplementação de α-tocoferol não afetou as taxas de MII de oócitos caninos. / The development of effective culture media for in vitro maturation of canine oocytes has been a challenge for researchers in animal reproduction. Oxidative stress plays a critical role in oocyte maturation since high concentrations of reactive oxygen species lead to cell damage and apoptosis. This research aimed to determine the rates of nuclear maturation of canine oocytes in the presence of cysteine and α-tocopherol, substances known for its antioxidant properties. In experiment 1, the rates of oocytes nuclear maturation exposed to modified TCM-199 (A) (control) or added with 0.57mM cysteine (B) were evaluated. In experiment 2, the rates of oocytes nuclear maturation in the presence of different concentrations of α-tocopherol were determined in two independent essays: experiment 1 (0, 10 and 50μM) and experiment 2 (0, 100 and 500μM). Data were analyzed by the Chi-square test (P < 0.05). The data obtained in experiment 1 allowed no difference among the oocytes in Metaphase I/Anaphase (MI/AI) (7.5%, 16/213; 1.9%, 4/213) and Metaphase II (MII) (6.3%, 14/223; 0.9%, 2/223) rates observed in the medium without or supplemented with cysteine respectively. In experiment 2, there was no significant difference in the rates of MI and MII oocytes among treatments designed for the first essay: control (26.8%, 29/108), 10μM (22.6%, 26/115) and 50μM (29.1%, 30/103). In the second part of the experiment, the percentage of oocytes that resumed meiosis (GVBD to MII) was 31.9% (31/97), 34.9% (39/112) and 51.5% (54/105) for control, 100 and 500μM groups respectively (P < 0.05). However, no improvement on rates of MII was observed when either 100 or 500μM α-tocopherol was added in medium. It was concluded that, modified TCM-199 supplemented with cysteine, was not effective in raising the rates of in vitro maturation of bitch oocytes. Moreover, α-tocopherol supplement did not affect the rates of MII in canine oocytes.

Aspectos epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e cardíacos do linfoma em cães / Epidemiological, laboratorial and cardiac features of lymphoma in dogs

Neuwald, Elisa Barp January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os aspectos clínicos e imuno-histoquímicos, bem como a ocorrência de síndromes paraneoplásicas e alterações laboratoriais, e correlacionar com os tempos de sobrevida e de remissão, em cães com linfoma. Além disso, visou monitorar a função cardíaca dos pacientes que receberam quimioterapia com protococolo que incluía doxorrubicina. Trinta cães com linfoma foram atendidos no período de maio de 2010 a maio de 2012 no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e foram avaliados através de exame clínico, hemograma e análises bioquímicas, concentração sérica de troponina cardíaca I, eletrocardiograma e ecocardiograma, no momento do diagnóstico e mensalmente por mais quatro meses até o término do protocolo quimioterápico CHOP (prednisona, vincristina, ciclofosfamida e doxorrubicina). Posteriormente, os cães foram avaliados a cada dois meses até completar um ano após o diagnóstico. A maior parte dos cães diagnosticados neste estudo eram machos (60%), com média de 9 anos de idade e sem raça definida (23%). A forma multicêntrica foi a mais comumente observada (87%), principalmente associada ao imunofenótipo B (62%) e os cães apresentaram-se comumente nos estádios clínicos IV e V (64%) e subestádio “b” (83%). Alterações laboratoriais e síndromes paraneoplásicas foram frequentemente observadas no momento do diagnóstico, e incluiam anemia (57%), hipoalbuminemia (53%), leucocitose (40%), trombocitopenia (33%), hiperglobulinemia (20%), hiperproteinemia (17%) e hipercalcemia (13%). Os cães que apresentaram alterações na contagem de plaquetas, basicamente trombocitopenia, e alterações na concentração sérica da fração β2 das globulinas, bem como aqueles nos estádios clínicos IV-V e em condição corporal 1-2 no momento do diagnóstico, tiveram menor tempo de sobrevida. Os cães com hipercalcemia, trombocitopenia e elevação no volume corpuscular médio mostraram um menor tempo de remissão com maior chance de recidiva. Dos 30 cães com linfoma, 23 receberam o protocolo quimioterápico contendo doxorrubicina; não foram observadas alterações significativas nos exames cardiológicos realizados durante e após a quimioterapia. Este estudo demonstrou que os aspectos clínicos de cães com linfoma em Porto Alegre são similares aos observados em outras regiões do mundo, e alguns exames simples e de rotina se mostraram úteis para avaliar os tempos de sobrevida e remissão no momento do diagnóstico. Além disso, a doxorrubicina se mostrou uma droga segura para utilizar em cães com linfoma, desde que sejam adequadamente monitorados. / The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical and immunohistochemical features of dogs with lymphoma, as well as the occurrence of paraneoplastic syndromes and laboratory abnormalities, and their correlation with survival and remission times in those patients. Furthermore, we monitored the cardiac function of the patients receiving doxorubicin. Thirty animals with lymphoma were treated between May 2010 and May 2012 in the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and were evaluated by clinical examination, complete blood count and biochemical analysis, serum cardiac troponin I measurement, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram at diagnosis, and monthly for four months until the end of the chemotherapy protocol, which contained prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin. The animals were evaluated every two months until one year after diagnosis. Most animals diagnosed in this study were males (60%) with a mean age of 9 years and mixed-breed (23%). The multicentric form was the most commonly observed with predominance of the B cell phenotype (62%) and the animals were frequently in clinical stages IV and V (64%) and sub-stage "b" (83%). Paraneoplastic syndromes and laboratory abnormalities were frequently observed at diagnosis, corresponding to anemia (57%), hypoalbuminemia (53%), leukocytosis (40%), thrombocytopenia (33%), hyperglobulinemia (20%) and hypercalcaemia (13%). The animals that showed alterations in platelet count, especially thrombocytopenia, and β2 serum globulin fraction as well as the ones in clinical stages IV-V and with body condition scores between 1-2 at diagnosis had lower survival times. The animals with hypercalcaemia, thrombocytopenia and elevated mean corpuscular volume showed a shorter remission time with a higher incidence of relapse. Twenty three dogs received doxorubicin in the chemotherapy protocol, and there were no significant changes in the cardiac evaluations performed during and after chemotherapy. This study demonstrated that the clinical aspects of dogs with lymphoma in Porto Alegre are similar to those observed in other studies worldwide, and some simple and routine tests proved useful in the prediction of survival and remission rates at the time of diagnosis. In addition, doxorubicin proved to be a safe drug when administered in dogs with lymphoma if properly monitored.

Tumores de bainha de nervo periférico na pele em cães: aspectos histológicos, imuno-histoquímicos e prognóstico

Boos, Gisele Silva January 2013 (has links)
Recentemente, verificou-se que a classificação dos tumores de bainha de nervo periférico (TBNP) é arbitrária, e por isso, os mesmos têm sido agrupados simplesmente como TBNP benignos ou malignos. Outras neoplasias devem ser levadas em consideração quando surge o diagnóstico destes tumores, já que eles apresentam conformação morfológica similar aos hemangiopericitomas e fibromas. Quanto ao diagnóstico imuno-histoquímico (IHQ), uma variedade de marcadores para identificar células de origem neural periférica, como as proteínas S-100 e a glial fibrilar ácida (GFAP) são amplamente utilizados, com o intuito inicial de diferenciar os TBNP. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de determinar a frequência dos TBNP de cães, diagnosticados pelo Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, além de determinar quais raças, sexo, faixas etárias e locais do corpo do animal são mais acometidos. Com base nesses dados, objetiva-se descrever as características histológicas, IHQ e prognósticas destas neoplasias na população estudada. Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado nos arquivos do SPV-UFRGS no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2012. O histórico de todos os cães diagnosticados com TBNP foi revisado, assim como o levantamento do que aconteceu com estes animais após o diagnóstico da neoplasia. Novas lâminas foram coradas pela hematoxilina e eosina, tricrômio de Masson e azul de toluidina para classificação histológica. Para a IHQ, utilizaram-se os anticorpos anti-vimentina, anti-proteína S-100, anti-actina, anti-GFAP, anti-von Willebrand, anti-neurofilamento e anti-Ki-67. O método estreptavidina-biotina ligada à peroxidase foi empregado a todos. As variáveis de tipo tumoral (benigno ou maligno), anisocitose e anisocariose, índice mitótico, proliferação celular (Ki-67), necrose intratumoral, invasão a tecidos adjacentes, sexo e localização do tumor foram selecionadas para a análise univariada, relacionadas à recidiva tumoral. As variáveis com valores de P<0,20foram selecionadas e usadas para a construção do modelo multivariado. As variáveis que passaram no modelo univariado foram testadas para controle de confundidor e multicolinearidade. Nos 12 anos que abrangem o levantamento, 2.984 tumores de pele foram diagnosticados em cães. Destes, 2,34% correspondem a TBNP, sendo 49 benignos (70%) e 21 malignos (30%). Dos achados clínicos, os cães das raças Pastor Alemão e Poodle foram mais acometidos. Quanto ao sexo, as fêmeas representaram 55,71% das amostras. O tempo com que os animais permaneceram com o tumor até a retirada, variou de 3 semanas a 3 anos. Com relação à localização, 40% estavam nos membros torácicos, e 28,57% nos membros pélvicos, o restante localizava-se no tronco, pescoço, cabeça e cauda dos animais. A recidiva tumoral foi observada em 17 casos. Quanto à histologia, os padrões clássicos dos TBNP foram mais proeminentes nos tumores benignos, que possuem os padrões Antoni A e B bem estabelecidos. Os corpos de Verocay foram observados em uma pequena parte das amostras. Tanto as variantes benignas quanto as malignas apresentaram baixo índice mitótico. Na IHQ, os marcadores anti-vimentina e S-100 foram positivos em todas as amostras, exceto uma para vimentina. Os demais marcadores apresentaram marcação positiva em um número menor de amostras, exceto actina, que foi negativa em todas. A expressão de Ki-67 revelou índices proliferativos com diferença estatística não significativa entre os tumores malignos e benignos, porém, através da análise multivariada, foi possível constatar a chance de um animal que apresentava tumor do tipo maligno vir a desenvolver recidiva é 4,61 vezes maior em relação a um animal que apresentava tumor benigno. / Recently, it was verified that the classification of the peripheral nerve sheath tumours (PNST) is arbitrary, and thus, they have been called benign or malignant PNST. Other neoplasms should be taken into account when such tumours are diagnosed, since they display a similar morphological conformation to hemangiopericytomas and fibromas. Concerning the immunohistochemical (IHC) diagnosis, a variety of markers aiming the identification of cells with peripheral origin is widely used, such as the S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The markers are used in order to differentiate the PNSTs. The main objective of this thesis is to determine the frequency of PNST in dogs diagnosed in the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), but also to determine which breeds, sex, ages and parts of the body are more afflicted. Based on these data, we aimed to describe the histological features, IHC and prognostic of these neoplasms in the studied population. A retrospective study was carried out in the files of the SPV-UFRGS, comprising the period between January 2000 and December 2012. Records of all dogs diagnosed with PNST were revised, as well as the surveys describing what happened with the animals after the tumour diagnostic. New slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson’s trichrome and toluidine for histological classification. For IHC, the antibodies anti-vimentin, anti-S-100 protein, anti-actin, anti-GFAP, anti-von Willebrand, anti-neurofilament and Ki-67 were used. Biotin-streptavidin peroxidase method was applied to all the samples. The variables type of tumour (benign or malignant), sex, anisocytosis and anisokariosis, mitotic index, cell proliferation (Ki-67), intratumoral necrosis, invasion into surrounding tissue and location of the tumor, were selected for univariate analysis, and related to tumor recurrence. We selected the variables whose values were of P<0.20 to the multivariate analysis. The variables that passed through the univariate model, were tested to confounding and multicollinearity control.Over the 12 years comprised in this survey, 2,984 skin tumours were diagnosed in dogs. Out of these, 70 (2.34%) corresponded to PNST. Among these, 49 (70%) were benign and 21 (30%) were malignant. The top two most affected breeds were German Shepherd and Poodle. Regarding sex, females represented 55.71% of the samples. The period of time that the animals remained with the tumor until its removal ranged from three weeks to three years. Concerning the distribution of the tumors, 40% were on the forelimbs, 28.57% were on the hind limbs and the remaining were distributed on the trunk, neck, head and tail of the animals. Recurrence was observed in 17 cases. Regarding histology, typical pattern of the PNSTs are more prominent in the benign tumors, in which patterns Antoni A and B are well established. Verocay bodies were observed in a small amount of samples. Low mitotic indexes were presented by both benign and malignant varieties. IHC showed that anti-vimentin and S-100 markers were positive in all samples, except in one of them (vimentin). Other markers were positive in a small number of samples, except actin, which was negative for all samples. Expression of Ki-67 revealed proliferative indexes with no significant statistical difference between malignant and benign tumors. However, multivariate analysis showed that the chances of an animal with malignant tumor develop recurrence was 4.61 times greater than an animal with benign tumor.

Anormalidades hematológicas, bioquimicas e hemostáticas de origem paraneoplásica em fêmeas caninas com neoplasia mamária / Hematologic, biochemical and hemostatic abnormalities of paraneoplastic origin in female dogs with mammary Neoplasms

Duda, Naila Cristina Blatt January 2014 (has links)
As anormalidades hematológicas de origem paraneoplásica são identificadas em diversos tipos de neoplasias que acometem cães e gatos. Nas neoplasias mamárias em cadelas, já foram identificadas anormalidades relacionadas com a coagulação, onde verificou-se que a coagulação intravascular disseminada (CID) clínica e subclínica pode estar presente em 83% das cadelas com carcinoma mamário. Na medicina humana, é dada relevância à investigação de tais alterações uma vez que são fatores indicadores de prognóstico do câncer. Enquanto isso, na medicina veterinária, são escassos os estudos que relacionam as alterações hematológicas com o tipo tumoral, estadiamento e determinação de prognóstico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a avaliação hematológica, bioquímica e da hemostasia de cadelas acometidas por neoplasia mamária para identificar a alteração mais frequente, além de relacionar as anormalidades com o estadiamento tumoral. Para isso, foram utilizadas 25 cadelas atendidas pelo Grupo de Estudos em Oncologia em pequenos animais (ONCOVET) do Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da UFRGS (HCV-UFRGS) durante o período de 4 meses. Foi realizado coleta de sangue para hemograma, contagem de plaquetas, bioquímica sérica (albumina, ALT, cálcio, creatinina, FA, glicose, ureia) e teste de coagulação que constou de TP (tempo de protrombina), TTPa (tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada), TT (tempo de trombina), fibrinogênio e mensuração do dímero-D. O estadiamento tumoral foi obtido através do exame físico e do resultado da biopsia das mamas. As anormalidades encontradas incluíram anemia, leucocitose neutrofílica, monocitose, eosinofilia, trombocitose, hipoalbuminemia, hipocalcemia, hipoglicemia e diminuição dos níveis de ureia sanguínea. Entretanto, essas alterações não foram relacionadas diretamente com a progressão tumoral, uma vez que não houve diferença entre os grupos avaliados. Apenas as variáveis RDW e ALT apresentaram relação significativa entre os grupos, contudo, sem relevância clínica. No teste de coagulação, houve diferença significativa entre os grupos apenas no TT e fibrinogênio, que foi relacionado com o estadiamento tumoral. / Hematological abnormalities of paraneoplastic origin are identified in several types of cancers that affect dogs and cats. In dogs with mammary neoplasms, abnormalities associated with coagulation have been identified, and verified that disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) clinical and subclinical may be present in 83% of dogs with mammary carcinoma. In human medicine, research in this field has been relevant since those factors are indicators of cancer prognosis. Meanwhile, in veterinary medicine, there are few studies that relate hematological changes with tumor type, staging and determination of prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hematological, biochemical and hemostathic abnormalities in bitches affected by mammary cancer to identify the most frequent alteration and associate with tumor staging. For this, 25 bitches attended by the Oncology Study Group in small animals (ONCOVET) of the Veterinary Hospital of UFRGS (HCV-UFRGS) for the period of 4 months were used. Blood collection for complete blood count, platelet count, serum biochemistry (albumin, ALT, calcium, creatinine, ALP, glucose, urea) and coagulation test that consisted of PT (prothrombin time), aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), TT (thrombin time), fibrinogen and D-dimer measurement were performed. Tumor staging was obtained by physical examination and the results of the biopsy of the breast. The abnormalities found included anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, monocytosis, eosinophilia, thrombocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia and decreased levels of urea. However, these changes were not associated directly with tumor progression, since there was no difference among the groups. Only the RDW and ALT variables was associated significantly between the groups, however, with no clinical relevance. In the coagulation test, there was significant difference between the groups only in TT and fibrinogen, which was associated with tumor staging.

Ovariohisterectomia videolaparoscópica híbrida por Acesso único e por dois portais em cadelas com até 10 Kg de peso corporal

Mottin, Tatiane da Silva January 2014 (has links)
A ovariohisterectomia (OVH) é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos mais realizados na rotina médica veterinária e traz benefícios para a saúde do animal, como prevenção de doenças reprodutivas, e para a sociedade, já que é fundamental para o controle populacional de cães e gatos. Diversas técnicas laparoscópicas têm sido descritas para a realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos em medicina veterinária, especialmente na área de cirurgia dos pequenos animais domésticos. Um grande número de trabalhos vem estabelecendo variações em relação à técnica de OVH laparoscópica, propondo alternativas no número e localização dos trocartes, tipos de hemostasia, comparação com a cirurgia convencional, entre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e avaliar a técnica de OVH híbrida pelo acesso laparoscópico através de um único portal (Centry Port®) em cadelas, além de comparar a mesma à cirurgia híbrida por dois portais. Utilizou-se 20 cadelas, hígidas, com peso corporal até 10 kg, que foram distribuídas em dois grupos. No grupo um (GI), a cirurgia foi realizada por um único acesso, localizado na região pré-púbica, sobre a linha alba. No grupo dois (GII), a OVH laparoscópica foi executada com o uso de dois acessos, um pré-umbilical e outro pré-púbico, ambos sobre a linha alba. Nos dois grupos, o método para hemostasia do complexo arteriovenoso ovariano foi a eletrocoagulação. A hemostasia e secção do corpo do útero foram realizados após a exteriorização deste, de forma convencional, com a técnica das três pinças. Foram avaliados os tempos cirúrgicos, as complicações trans e pós-operatórias, além da estimativa de dor utilizando a escala descritiva da Universidade de Melbourne. Observou-se que as cirurgias do GI foram realizadas em menor tempo, levando a uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no tempo cirúrgico total e no tempo cirúrgico laparoscópico em relação ao GII. Não houve diferença significativa nas avaliações de dor entre os grupos. Não foi necessário converter os procedimentos laparoscópicos para cirurgia convencional em nenhum dos animais. Concluiu-se que a OVH híbrida por single port com o uso do Centry Port® é exequível em cadelas de até 10 kg de massa corporal e, além de apresentar menor tempo cirúrgico do que a técnica por dois portais, permitindo que a cirurgia seja realizada de forma segura e sem intercorrências, mesmo que por cirurgião não proficiente. / The ovariohysterectomy (OVH) is one of the most common surgical procedures in veterinary medical routine and brings benefits to the health of the animal, such as prevention of reproductive diseases, and for society, since it is fundamental to control the population of dogs and cats. Several laparoscopic techniques have been described for surgical procedures in veterinary medicine, especially in the area of surgery for small pets. A lot of studies has been establishing variations in relation to the technique of laparoscopic OVH, proposing alternatives on the number and location of the trocars, types of hemostasis, compared with conventional surgery, among others . The objective of this study is to describe and evaluate the technique of hybrid OVH by laparoscopy through a single portal (Centry Port®) in dogs and to compare this technique with hybrid surgery by two portals. We used 20 bitches, otherwise healthy, weighing up to 10 kg were divided into two groups. In group one (GI), surgery was performed by a single access, located in the pre-pubic region, on the alba linea. In group two (GII), laparoscopic OVH was performed using two access, a pre-umbilical and other pre- pubic, both on the alba linea. In both groups, the method for hemostasis of the ovarian arteriovenous complex was electrocoagulation. Hemostasis and body section of the uterus were carried out after the uterus externalization, in conventional manner, with the technique of the three clamps. Surgery times, trans and postoperative complications were assessed, and the estimate of pain using a descriptive scale of the University of Melbourne. It was observed that the GI surgeries were performed in less time, leading to a statistically significant difference in total operative time and laparoscopic surgical time compared to GII. There was no significant difference in pain ratings between groups. It was necessary to convert the laparoscopic procedure to open surgery in any animal. It was concluded that hybrid OVH single port by using the Centry Port® is practicable in dogs up to 10 kg of body weight, as well as presenting less surgical time than the technique by two portals, allows the surgery to be performed safely and uneventfully, even for not proficient surgeon.

Akumulace energie v tlakovém vzduchu / Accumulation of energy in compressed air

Rešiliáno, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the principle and issues associated with operation of the storage power stations, known under the acronym CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage). Examples of existing and upcoming CAES power stations from commercial sphere are listed and described there. The paper also includes an overview of basic CAES station wiring diagrams and a simplified calculation is performed to compare the efficiency of the chosen diagrams. In the final part of the thesis there is a scheme of so-called adiabatic CAES designed and calculated. For this type of device has been designed suitable wiring and a thermodynamic calculation of the cycle was performed for the purpose of evaluation.

Investigation of Compressed Air Energy Storage Efficiency

Keeney, James W 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) application in the electrical power and transportation industries. Information concerning current CAES projects is presented. A thorough thermodynamic analysis of the CAES process is completed; including theoretical efficiency determination for several variants of the compression and expansion processes. Industry claimed efficiencies ranging from 26% to 82% are presented and explained. Isothermal and Isentropic efficiency baselines are developed. Energy density of compressed air on both a mass and volume basis is compared to other energy storage methods. Best expected efficiency of a hypothetical CAES system is determined to be 34% using currently achievable efficiencies and 63% considering 100% efficient compression and expansion. A .5 kW CAES system, built from commercial off the shelf components (COTS) to demonstrate the CAES concept, is documented and discussed. This system includes a LabView data acquisition system which was used to record all test results. LabView was also used to develop a complete test bed program that determined real time thermodynamic state properties, component efficiencies, mass flow rates, power outputs and several other performance characteristics of the demonstration system. The LabView program allowed real time efficiency and power optimization of the demonstration system. Results of demonstration system testing are thoroughly discussed. Total system efficiency was very poor; 3.6% electrical conversion efficiency, .040 refrigeration coefficient of performance (COP) and a 5.0% overall efficiency which considers both cooling and electrical storage properties. Several paths for possible future projects involving the demonstration system and CAES are presented.

AA-CAES physical modelling: integration of a 1D TES code and plant performance analysis

Santo, Luca January 2018 (has links)
The focus of this thesis work was the development of an approachto couple a previosly existing Thermal Energy Storage (TES) modelwritten in C++ with a Simulink/Simscape plant model to simulate anAdvanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (AA-CAES) plant.After the creation and validation of such tool, the complete modelwas used to run simulations, with the aim of assessing the AA-CAESplant's performance under multiple patterns of charge anddischarge.Most of the works found in the literature only provide values ofstorage efficiency obtained from analytical approaches, whilethose that use simulation tools provide average values ofefficiencies when the plant is performing a series of identicalcycles of charge and discharge. During this thesis project,instead, simulations were performed for consecutive irregularcycles determined as the plant response to the electric grid powerrequest. The average efficiency values obtained provide thereforea better representation of how the plant would perform in realapplications.The results show that, under the assumptions made, the AA-CAESplant's overall storage efficiency is influenced very weakly byalterations of the charge-discharge patterns, and that goodperformances can be expected not only for identical chargedischargeconsucutive cycles, but for any pattern that observesthe cavern pressure limits, as long as the thermal energy storageis sized wisely.In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed in order toassess the influence of turbomachinery efficiency on overallstorage efficiency, for a specified plant layout. The results showthat the turbine efficiency is the most affecting parameter to theplant's performance, while the impact of the main compressors'sinefficiency is mitigated by the thermal recovery that takes placein the TES.The present work confirms that AA-CAES is a promising technologyand that storage efficiencies above 70% can be achieved even inrealistic production scenarios.Finally, future steps for more accurate simulations of plants'performances and more detailed energy production scenarios areproposed.MSc ET 18007Examinator: Joakim WidénÄmnesgranskare: Ane HåkanssonHandledare:

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