Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lal"" "subject:"aal""
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Evaluación Técnico Económica de un Nuevo Horno de Cal para una Empresa Productora de CelulosaCisternas González, Carlos Nicolás January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Os principais objetivos desta pesquisa são investigar o efeito da cal hidratada (HL) no comportamento de um solo expansivo, Eagle Ford do Texas (USA), e medir a eficiência do tratamento com cal sobre a redução da expansão através de variações das condições de preparação das amostras. Este estudo envolveu ensaios edométricos e ensaios de centrífuga, que é uma nova técnica desenvolvida pela Universidade do Texas em Austin (EUA). Até o presente trabalho, nenhum estudo tem sido desenvolvido usando esta centrífuga para analisar a redução da expansão em solos expansivos estabilizados. Além disso, nenhum estudo tem medido o melhoramento da eficiência do tratamento com cal devido às variáveis controladas durante a preparação das misturas solo-cal (ou seja, umidade, densidade, período entre a mistura e a compactação e tempo de cura), como também da tensão aplicada. Este trabalho também incluiu investigações sobre modificações das propriedades geotécnicas, composição mineralógica e constituição microestrutural, devido à adição de cal. A partir da análise das curvas de expansão vs. tempo, três valores foram definidos para examinar o comportamento expansivo: o potencial expansivo (Sp) e as inclinações de expansão primária (PSS) e secundária (SSS). A avaliação da eficiência do tratamento com cal, quantificada através do parâmetro Razão da Redução do Potencial Expansivo (SPR), indica: (i) eliminação de 97 por cento de Sp com 4 por cento de HL; (ii) melhoramento do SPR pelo aumento do tempo de cura; (iii) efeito adverso na SPR de períodos longos entre mistura e a compactação; (iv) possibilidade de diminuir a dosagem de cal necessária para reduzir a expansão através do aumento da umidade de compactação e/ou redução da densidade seca de compactação; e (v) dependência da dosagem da cal para prevenir a expansão no nível-g. / [en] The main objectives of this research are to investigate the effect of hydrated lime (HL) treatment on the swelling behavior of a natural expansive soil, Eagle Ford clay from Texas (USA), and to measure the efficiency of lime treatment on swelling reduction due to variations in the condition of specimen preparation. This study involved conventional free swell tests and centrifuge tests, which are a new technique developed by the University of Texas at Austin (USA). So far, no studies have been performed using this centrifuge to analyze the swelling reduction in expansive soils by stabilization treatments. Also, no studies have measured the improving of lime treatment efficiency due to variables controlled during preparation of lime-soil mixtures (i.e. compaction moisture content, compaction dry density, mellowing and curing time), as well as the applied effective stress. This work also involved investigations about modifications of geotechnical properties, mineralogical composition and microstructural constitution due to the addition of lime. From the analysis of the swelling vs. time curves, three values were defined to examine the swelling behavior: the swelling potential (Sp), the primary swelling slope (PSS) and the secondary swelling slope (SSS). Assessment of the lime treatment efficiency, as quantified by the Swelling Potential Reduction Ratio (SPR) indicates: (i) the elimination of 97 per cent of Sp with 4 per cent HL; (ii) SPR enhancement with increasing curing time; (iii) adverse effect of mellowing periods on the SPR; (iv) the possibility to decrease the necessary lime dosage by increasing the compaction moisture and/or reducing the compaction dry density; and (v) dependency of the hydrated lime dosage to prevent swelling on the applied g-level (i.e. applied stress).
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Una Legua Cuadrada: Exploring the History of Swanton Pacific Ranch and EnvironsScaramozzino, Jeanine Marie 01 December 2015 (has links)
Swanton Pacific Ranch is an educational and research facility owned by the Cal Poly Corporation and managed by the Cal Poly State University (Cal Poly) College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. Located about 180 miles north of campus and just 14 miles north of Santa Cruz, California on Highway 1, the property was first leased to and then donated to Cal Poly by the late Albert E. Smith in 1993. The rancho’s original inhabitants included Native Americans, Spaniards, Mexicans, as well as various European immigrants and their descendants; currently, the staff, faculty, and students of Cal Poly occupy the land. Each of these groups used the land’s rich environment for a variety of purposes from subsistence to financial and intellectual pursuits. Over time, researchers and local historians have discussed specific aspects of the Swanton Pacific Ranch and its environs, particularly concerning its occupants, land use (e.g. businesses, farming, research), and land features (e.g. geology, botany). The following work offers a more cohesive, descriptive narrative of the land and its people organized chronologically from prehistory to the present.
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On the Impact of Android API Evolution on Education MaterialsOwen, Kennedy 01 June 2017 (has links)
The recent growing popularity of mobile devices has led to the establishment of several popular mobile platforms such as the Android operating system. To foster growth in this evolving market, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) were created to enable developers to create mobile device applications that utilize mobile device features and functionality for personal or widespread commercial use. However, as a result of excessive device and API evolution, mobile development faces increasingly complex issues, including an alarmingly rapid decay of development resources.
This thesis conducts a case study around one such resource: a series of Android app development lab exercises used in an Android app development course taught at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. First, these labs and their respective written guides were modernized and fitted for backwards-compatibility to better reflect newer Android devices and development tools at the time. The updated labs were subsequently used in the next course offering, with student lab feedback recorded for evaluation. Several years later, the apps from these new labs were further tested for abnormal behavior on a variety of Android devices. Results from analyzing all feedback and observations show that despite all measures taken to future-proof these labs, Android device and API evolution continues to vastly outpace third-party Android resources without frequent modernization and upgrades.
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Evaluación del efecto de la cal hidratada y el polvo de ladrillo utilizado como relleno mineral en las propiedades de una mezcla asfálticaValera Nuñez, Fiorella Lizeth January 2018 (has links)
En la presente investigación se plantea el uso del polvo de ladrillo para ser usado como material de relleno o filler en una mezcla asfáltica reemplazando a la cal hidratada que es de uso convencional por las plantas de asfalto, siendo este polvo de ladrillo procedente de los residuos de construcción y demolición de la ciudad de Chiclayo y sus alrededores. De esta manera podemos lograr reducir la polución causada por estos residuos encontrándoles una utilidad. En la primera etapa de la investigación comparó los resultados obtenidos en un diseño de mezcla convencional, trabajando con el óptimo contenido de cemento asfaltico, y elaborando briquetas variando la relación de filler (cal – polvo de ladrillo) con porcentajes de 80% cal – 20% polvo de ladrillo, 60% cal – 40% polvo de ladrillo hasta llegar al 100% de ladrillo.
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Evaluación de la erosión y la resistencia del adobe adicionado con cenizas de carbón y calSandoval Alvarado, Grecia Darinka January 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo la incorporación de la ceniza de carbón y la cal en porcentajes que están en función del peso del adobe, con el fin de evaluar su erosión y su resistencia. El desarrollo de la investigación se centró en el distrito de Túcume, en primer lugar se realizaron: ensayos in situ para seleccionar el material, ensayos en laboratorio para determinar el suelo más apto con el que se fabricaron los adobes. Por otro lado, se obtuvieron las cenizas de carbón de la ladrillera artesanal y la obtención de la cal en la zona norte de Lambayeque. También abarca ensayos físicos y mecánicos en los dos tipos de adobe, el adobe tradicional de la zona y el adobe con la incorporación de las cenizas de carbón y la cal en 3%, 5%, 8%,10% y 12% para comparar sus propiedades. Asimismo se construyeron Muros tipo Patrón y se realizó una inundación simulada para evaluar la resistencia al estar expuestos al agua. Una vez obtenidos los resultados, se concluyó que la mejora de la resistencia a la erosión y resistencia a compresión del adobe se da con el 10% de adición de cal y cenizas de carbón.
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California Polytechnic State University Wind Resource AssessmentSmith, Jason Allan 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Wind resource assessment at California Polytechnic State University shows there is potential for wind power generation on Cal Poly land. A computational fluid dynamics model based on wind data collected from a campus maintained meteorological tower on Escuela Ranch approximately 5 miles northwest of campus suggests there are areas of Cal Poly land with an IEC Class III wind resource at a height of 80 meters above ground. In addition during the daytime when the campus uses the most energy there are large portions of land with annual average daytime wind speeds above 6.9m/s. These areas have been identified by analyzing the wind speed and directional data collected at the meteorological tower and using it to create the boundary conditions and turbulence parameters for the computer model. The model boundary conditions and turbulence parameters have been verified through comparison between data collected at Askervein hill in Scotland during the 1980’s and the results of a simulation of Askervein hill using the same model. Before constructing a wind farm for power generation, additional meteorological towers should be constructed in Poly Canyon to further confirm the wind resource prediction.
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Development of Tools Needed for Radiation Analysis of a Cubesat Deployer Using OltarisGonzalez-Dorbecker, Marycarmen 01 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Currently, the CubeSat spacecraft is predominantly used for missions at Low- Earth Orbit (LEO). There are various limitations to expanding past that range, one of the major ones being the lack of sufficient radiation shielding on the Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). The P-POD attaches to a launch vehicle transporting a primary spacecraft and takes the CubeSats out into their orbit. As the demand for interplanetary exploration grows, there is an equal increase in interest in sending CubeSats further out past their current regime. In a collaboration with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), students from the Cal Poly CubeSat program worked on a preliminary design of an interplanetary CubeSat deployer, the Poly-Picosatellite Deep Space Deployer (PDSD). Radiation concerns were mitigated in a very basic manner, by simply increasing the thickness of the deployer wall panels. While this provided a preliminary idea for improved radiation shielding, full analysis was not conducted to determine what changes to the current P-POD are necessary to make it sufficiently radiation hardened for interplanetary travel.
This thesis develops a tool that can be used to further analyze the radiation environment concerns that come up with interplanetary travel. This tool is the connection between any geometry modeled in CAD software and the radiation tool OLTARIS (On- Page iv Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation In Space). It reads in the CAD file and converts it into MATLAB, at which point it can then perform ray-tracing analysis to get a thickness distribution at any user-defined target points. This thickness distribution file is uploaded to OLTARIS for radiation analysis of the user geometry.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the tool, the radiation environment that a CubeSat sees inside of the current P-POD is characterized to create a radiation map that CubeSat developers can use to better design their satellites. Cases were run to determine the radiation in a low altitude orbit compared to a high altitude orbit, as well as a Europa mission. For the LEO trajectory, doses were seen at levels of 102 mGy, while the GEO trajectory showed results at one order of magnitude lower. Electronics inside the P-POD can survive these doses with the current design, confirming that Earth orbits are safe for CubeSats. The Europa- Jovian Tour mission showed results on a higher scale of 107 mGy, which is too high for electronics in the P-POD. Additional cases at double the original thickness and 100 times the original thickness resulted in dose levels at orders of about 107 and 104 mGy respectively. This gives a scale to work off for a “worst case” scenario and provides a path forward to modifying the shielding on deployers for interplanetary missions. Further analysis is required since increasing the existing P-POD thickness by 100 times is unfeasible from both size and mass perspectives. Ultimately, the end result is that the current P-POD standard does not work too far outside of Earth orbits. Radiation-based changes in the design, materials, and overall shielding of the P- POD need to be made before CubeSats can feasibly perform interplanetary missions.
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Implementation of a ¼ Inch Hollow Cathode Into a Miniature Xenon Ion Thruster (MiXI)Knapp, David Wayne 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last decade, miniature ion thruster development has remained an active area of research do to its low power, low thrust, and high efficiency, however, due to several technical issues; a flight level miniature ion thruster has proved elusive. This thesis covers the design, fabrication, assembly, and test of an altered version of the Miniature Xenon Ion thruster (MiXI), originally developed by lead engineer Dr. Richard Wirz, at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). In collaboration with Dr. Wirz, MiXI-CP-V3 was developed at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with the goal of implementing of a ¼ inch hollow cathode and 3mmx3mm plasma confinement magnets in order to improve the plasma confinement characteristics, reliability, and performance of the MiXI design. Operational testing revealed a mass utilization efficiency of 35-75% and a discharge loss of 550-1200 eV/ion over plasma discharge currents of 0.5-1.5A and propellant flow rates of 0.8-1.3 SCCM. Testing revealed that the MiXI thruster can be operated with a hollow cathode and observations and data gained from this study have led to a greater understanding of the operational parameters of the MiXI thruster, and will contribute to the development and advancement of the MiXI baseline design, with the goal of creating an efficient and reliable flight level miniature ion thruster.
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Mejoramiento de la capa de rodadura con adición suelo cal y/o polímero soil-sement, con fines de impermeabilización en la vía carrozable tramo La Parra - Faicalito, distrito de Picsi, 2019Wong Mendoza, Fredy Armando January 2023 (has links)
La carretera no pavimentada para el mejoramiento de la capa de rodadura con adición suelo Cal y/o Polímero Soil-Sement con fines de impermeabilización en la vía carrozable tramo la parra - Faicalito, distrito de Picsi, 2019 tomándose como una vía importante para los centros poblados aledaños; en la actualidad es una trocha muy utilizada por transporte pesado para la cual no fue diseñada; en la condición actual de la vía se encuentra considerablemente deteriorada.
Mayormente, en el tramo +01.000 - +07.500 se ha utilizado el suelo de la misma vía el mismo que se encuentra ubicado entre los centros poblados La Parra- Faicalito. El objetivo general de la investigación del presente trabajo es determinar el mejoramiento estructural de la superficie de rodadura de la vía carrozable tramo La Parra – Faicalito, impermeabilizándola con suelo cal y polímero Soil-Sement, del Distrito de Picsi, Provincia de Chiclayo, Departamento de Lambayeque; es así como los resultados obtenidos ejemplo en el (Ip) han dado valores promedio de 8%, (Ds) de 1.826 gr/cm3, CBR al 100% de 17.20%,según los recomendados por el MTC se estima que son suelos regulares, a tal inquietud se ha manifestado mejorar las propiedades mecánicas con adición de polímero en 0.40%, 0.50% y 0.60% y adición de cal en 2%, 5% y 8% basándose en el catálogo del fabricante y en el manual del MTC. Los resultados con adición del aditivo Soil- Sement han dado óptimos resultados, como en el (Ip) de 2%,
densidad seca en 1.950% y CBR al 100% en 140.20%; al 0.40% de aditivo en peso y con la adición de cal con 5%, con (Ip) de 3%, densidad seca en 1.936% y CBR al 100% en 145.5% ,
Analizando los resultados se puede decir que los suelos de la carretera no pavimentada por lo que es útil estabilizarlos con adición de aditivo Soil-Sement logrando soluciones, así como lo menciona el MTC.
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