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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av brytpunktssamtal hos patienter med cancer

Koskinen, Emily, Mason, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cancer kan uppstå i diverse delar av kroppen. Cancervården använder sig av två faser. Den kurativa fasen där målet är att patienten ska bli botad samt den palliativa fasen där vårdinriktningen är palliativ och sjukdomen inte längre går att bota. Patienter med cancer kan leva flera år i en tidig palliativ fas där behandlings målet är att fördröja sjukdomsförloppet. Därefter träder den sena palliativa fasen in där fokusering på välbefinnande och smärtlindring är huvudändamål. Det är i skiftet mellan de olika faserna som brytpunktssamtalet främst äger rum. Sjuksköterskor kan ha en betydande roll i processen kring brytpunktssamtal. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka och sammanställa sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av brytpunktsamtal hos patienter med cancer Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematisk översikt. Tio artiklar med kvalitativ ansats kvalitégranskades och sammanställdes genom innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet identifierades till tre huvudteman; Upplevelser och erfarenheter kring samverkan med patient och läkare, relationer i anknytning till brytpunktssamtal och sjuksköterskans upplevelser av hopp. Sjuksköterskor upplevde att samverkan med läkare samt tydlig kommunikation med patient var av vikt. Relationen till patienter och närstående var en faktor som sjuksköterskor upplevde fanns med i brytpunktssamtalet. Hopp var en känsla som identifierades hos sjuksköterskor under brytpunktssamtal. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor kan i samband med brytpunktssamtal med både för och nackdelar hamna i kläm mellan patienter och läkare. Sjuksköterskor är i behov av tydlig information i anknytning till brytpunktssamtal för att kunna bistå patienter och samverka inom det multidisciplinära teamet runt patienten. Sjuksköterskor oroar sig över att beröva hopp från patienter genom att diskutera och besvara frågor kring sämre prognoser. / Background: Cancer can occur in different areas of the human body. Cancer care consists of two different phases. The curative phase when the goal is to cure the patient and the palliative phase when cure is no longer possible and the goal changes to comfort care. Patients with cancer can live for several years in the early stages of palliative care when the goal is to prolong the patient’s life and slow down the progression of the disease. When prolonging life is no longer possible the late palliative phase sets in and the goal of care is to make the patient comfortable and to manage symptoms of the disease. It is in between these phases the discussion called breaking point takes place. Nurses have a meaningful role in the process around breaking point. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore and compile nurses’ experiences of discussion around breaking point with patients with cancer. Method: A systematic literature review. Ten articles with qualitative approach were graded and compiled through content analysis. Result: The results was identified into three main themes; Nurses experience of cooperation between physicians and patients, relationship within breaking point and the nurses experience of hope. Nurses experienced that cooperation with doctors and evident communication with patients was important. The relationship with patients and relatives was an element that was present during breaking point conversation according to nurses. Hope was an emotion that was identified among nurses during breaking point conversations. Conclusion: Nurses can in relation to the discussion around breaking point get stuck in the middle between patients and the physicians which has both advantages and disadvantages. Nurses can through their work with the patient establish a relationship that involves confidence between the patient and the nurse. This relationship can benefit everyone involved in the breaking point discussion. Nurses are concerned about depriving their patients of hope when talking about their worsening prognosis.

Twelve-Month and Lifetime Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Cancer Patients

Kuhnt, Susanne, Brähler, Elmar, Faller, Hermann, Härter, Martin, Keller, Monika, Schulz, Holger, Wegscheider, Karl, Weis, Joachim, Boehncke, Anna, Hund, Bianca, Reuter, Katrin, Richard, Matthias, Sehner, Susanne, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Koch, Uwe, Mehnert, Anja 22 May 2020 (has links)
Background: Psychological problems are common in cancer patients. For the purpose of planning psycho-oncological interventions and services tailored to the specific needs of different cancer patient populations, it is necessary to know to what extent psychological problems meet the criteria of mental disorders. The purpose of this study was to estimate the 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates of mental disorders in cancer patients. Methods: A representative sample of patients with different tumour entities and tumour stages (n = 2,141) in outpatient, inpatient and rehabilitation settings underwent the standardized computer-assisted Composite International Diagnostic Interview for mental disorders adapted for cancer patients (CIDI-O). Results: The overall 12-month prevalence for any mental disorder was 39.4% (95% CI: 37.3–41.5), that for anxiety disorders was 15.8% (95% CI: 14.4–17.4), 12.5% (95% CI: 11.3–14.0) for mood disorders, 9.5% (95% CI: 8.3–10.9) for somatoform disorders, 7.3% (95% CI: 6.2–8.5) for nicotine dependence, 3.7% (95% CI: 3.0–4.6) for disorders due to general medical condition, and 1.1% (95% CI: 0.7–1.6) for alcohol abuse or dependence. Lifetime prevalence for any mental disorder was 56.3% (95% CI 54.1–58.6), that for anxiety disorders was 24.1% (95% CI: 22.3–25.9), 20.5% (95% CI: 18.9–22.3) for mood disorders, 19.9% (95% CI: 18.3–21.7) for somatoform disorders, 18.2% (95% CI: 16.6–20.0) for nicotine dependence, 6.4% (95% CI: 5.4–7.6) for alcohol abuse or dependence, 4.6% (95% CI: 3.8–5.6) for disorders due to general medical condition, and 0.2% (95% CI: 0.1–0.6) for eating disorders. Conclusions: Mental disorders are highly prevalent in cancer patients, indicating the need for provision of continuous psycho-oncological support from inpatient to outpatient care, leading to an appropriate allocation of direct personnel and other resources.

Die emosionele belewenis van 'n beenmurgoorplanting : 'n Maatskaplike Werk perspektief

Opperman, Johanna Alberta 25 July 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document Please cite as follows: Opperman JA, 2002, Die emosionele belewenis van 'n beenmurgoorplanting : 'n Maatskaplike Werk perspektief, MA dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd- 07252005-110248/ > / Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Social Work and Criminology / MA (Social Work) / unrestricted

Crossover Mixed Analysis in a Convergent Mixed Methods Design Used to Investigate Clinical Dialogues About Cancer Treatment in the Japanese Context / がん医療現場における対話の分析:収斂デサインとクロスオーバー分析を用いた混合型研究

Hatta, Taichi 23 January 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13222号 / 論医博第2169号 / 新制||医||1033(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 中山 健夫, 教授 松村 由美, 教授 森田 智視 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Separate and Somewhat Equal: Racial Disparity in the Prescription of Peripheral Nerve Block and Pharmacotherapy to Treat Postoperative Breast Cancer Pain

Farrell, Nsenga Magnus January 2022 (has links)
Existing research on health disparities in breast cancer is heavily focused on outcomes for poor or low-income women. Little is known about the experience of privately insured Black breast cancer patients that have moderate to high SES. As a result, the present study was conducted to learn more about their experiences. It examines differences in physician prescribing of two breast cancer pain treatments, peripheral nerve block (PNB) and opioids, for Black and White women with like levels of health insurance coverage and socioeconomic status (SES). Three specific questions are addressed: 1. What, if any, race-based disparities exist in usage of PNBs at time of total mastectomy? 2. What, if any, race based disparities exist in the prescription of opioids for postoperative pain following total mastectomy? 3. What, if any, changes have occurred in the frequency of orders placed for PNBs and prescription opioids over time, to treat postoperative pain resulting from mastectomy? A cross-sectional designed was used relying on an existing national dataset, Optum Clinformatics Data Mart. The study period was January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2019. Study results revealed that while moderate to higher SES Black women have equitable access to PNB and opioids - a kind of shield from long established physician bias against Black women – this protection is quite porous. They still do not have open and ready access to PNB as a more advanced pain treatment. Nor do they have assurance that they are protected from the overprescribing of opioids, a class of drugs with serious and well-known safety risks. Therefore, on the surface, it appears that equity and racial inclusion are hallmarks of physician prescribing of postoperative breast cancer pain treatment. However, further interrogation reveals that ‘separate and somewhat equal’ is a more accurate characterization of their prescribing practices, based both on race and SES.

Understanding Quality of Life in Adolescents Living with Advanced Cancer

Bell, Cynthia J. 08 July 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The purpose of this study is to advance theoretical understanding of how an adolescent with incurable cancer prepares for end-of-life (EOL). A theoretical model was developed to link awareness, acceptance, and willingness to take action to EOL preparedness (knowledge about EOL, acknowledgement of grief and emotion, identification of the meaning of death and spirituality, and conceptualization of personal plan) and communication about EOL preferences and priorities; and to determine impact on quality of life (QOL). Method: Case study research method was used to guide data collection and analyses on two adolescent cases across two time points. The theoretically-based model was developed prior to data collection and based on research studies conducted in adult and pediatric EOL literature. Multiple sources of data were collected and triangulated to assess relationships between qualitative and quantitative data. Through an iterative process of pattern matching, data were compared to constructs in the conceptual model for both across cases, and across time. Results: Results indicate awareness (cognitive recognition of incurable prognosis) and acceptance (emotional acknowledgement of incurable prognosis) are both fluid concepts and varied within each time point and across time. Contextual factors (demographic, environmental, personal, and social support characteristics) influenced awareness, EOL preparedness, and willingness to take action; and directly influenced QOL. Level of awareness influenced involvement in EOL preparedness. Information preference and willingness to engage in discussions regarding knowledge about EOL were incongruent with actual knowledge about EOL. Adolescents demonstrated a willingness to discuss potential disease progression in order to conceptualize an EOL advanced care plan regardless of emotional acceptance of incurable prognosis. In contrast, acknowledgment of grief and emotions, and identification of the meaning of death and spirituality were related to acceptance of incurable prognosis and further determined conceptualization of immediate EOL priorities. Social constraint or lack of ability to discuss prognosis, was identified as an important construct that influenced communications. Implications: This study provides increased theoretical understanding of how adolescents living with advanced cancer confront EOL. Insight led to theory modification and expansion which may serve as a guide for future research to assist clinicians caring for adolescents living with incurable cancer. Victoria L. Champion, PhD, RN, FAAN, Chair

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av samtal om sexuell hälsa med cancerpatienter : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie / Nurses’ perspectives on conversations regarding sexual health with cancer patients : A qualitative literature review

Mulder, Klara, Kolgjini, Camille January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cancer kan avsevärt påverka en individs sexuella hälsa på olika nivåer; biologiskt, psykologiskt och socialt. World Health Organization (WHO) definierar sexuell hälsa som ett välbefinnande som omfattar fysiska, emotionella, mentala och sociala aspekter av sexualiteten. Sjuksköterskans kärnkompetenser inkluderar personcentrerad omvårdnad, vilket innebär att se hela individen och beakta deras andliga, existentiella, sociala och psykiska behov lika mycket som de fysiska. Att inte inkludera sexuell hälsa kan leda till en bristfällig helhetsbild av patientens behov. Patienter känner ett behov av att diskutera sin sexuella hälsa och framhåller bristen på initiativ från sjuksköterskor att inleda dessa samtal. Det råder en tvåvägs-tabu kring sexuell hälsa vilket försvårar kommunikationen. Genom att förstå sjuksköterskans perspektiv kan denna studie bidra med insikter som kan förbättra vårdpraxis och utbildning inom detta område. Syfte: Studien syftade till att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelse av samtal med cancerpatienter. Metod: Litteraturstudie som sammanställt och analyserat resultat från empiriska studier med kvalitativ ansats. Vetenskapliga artiklar inhämtades från CINAHL, en databas med inriktning på omvårdnad och medicin. Studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer, publicerade mellan år 2000–2023, utan geografisk avgränsning. Resultaten: Vid analysen identifierades tre olika huvudkategorier av betydelse för sjuksköterskans upplevelse av samtal om sexuell hälsa; Individuella faktorer, Sociala faktorer och Organisatoriska kulturer och barriärer. Därifrån utformades ytterligare åtta subkategorier. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor upplever diverse hinder i kommunikationen om sexuell hälsa med cancerpatienter. Ämnet upplevs pinsamt och känsligt att röra vid. Det finns en osäkerhet i hur man initierar samtalet, dock uppger vissa sjuksköterskor samtalsstrategier som normaliserar samtalet vilket hjälper patienter att våga öppna upp sig. Patientens personliga egenskaper, såsom ålder, könstillhörighet, civilstånd, sexuell läggning och språk, påverkade sjuksköterskans tillvägagångssätt i samtalet och om samtalet ens skulle äga rum. Organisatoriska hinder som tidsbrist och överdriven byråkrati skapar en diskrepans mellan förväntningar och möjligheter inom vården.

A Qualitative Analysis of Quantitative Assessments in Art Therapy Research with Patients with Cancer in a Medical Setting

Levenberg, Jill 30 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This paper uses a qualitative approach to explore quantitative assessment tools and their use in art therapy research with patients with cancer. An archival method was used to gather articles on cancer research which were compiled from peer-reviewed journal articles available online. The author used a systematic analysis to select articles that met the specific research criteria of working with cancer patients in a medical setting, included the implementation of art therapy, and the administration of a pre- and post-test. Twenty-two quantitative assessments fit these criteria. Further exploration was conducted on the five most common assessment tools. These five assessments were further analyzed for emergent themes and characteristics. These common traits were that all of the assessments were self-report questionnaires, four out of five were Likert scales, the assessments were chosen for their accessibility, and many of the research studies were not accessible to a diverse population. It was concluded that these quantitative assessment tools are helpful in art therapy as they contribute towards creating quantifiable results in the research. It may be useful to implement these assessment tools in further art therapy research with cancer patients in order for art therapy to be more frequently employed in medical settings.

Le rôle du perfectionnisme dans l'adaptation psychologique au cancer : une étude prospective

Massicotte, Véronique 26 March 2024 (has links)
Thèse ou mémoire avec insertion d'articles. / La présente thèse doctorale visait à explorer le rôle du perfectionnisme et de ses deux dimensions principales (aspirations et préoccupations perfectionnistes) dans l'adaptation psychologique au cancer de femmes traitées par chimiothérapie pour un cancer du sein non métastatique. Plus spécifiquement, cette étude a évalué : 1) les relations transversales et prospectives entre les aspirations et les préoccupations perfectionnistes et les symptômes psychologiques (anxiété, dépression, peur de la récidive du cancer [PRC]) et psychophysiologiques (insomnie, fatigue, douleur, difficultés cognitives, dysfonctions sexuelles) avant (T1), pendant (T2) et après la fin des traitements de chimiothérapie (T3), de même que six mois plus tard (T4); et 2) le rôle médiateur de l'autocompassion et de l'autodissimulation évaluées au T2 dans la relation entre les aspirations et les préoccupations perfectionnistes mesurées au T1 et les symptômes psychologiques évalués au T3. Pour ce faire, 40 patientes ayant récemment reçu un diagnostic de cancer du sein non métastatique et étant sur le point de commencer des traitements de chimiothérapie ont été recrutées au Centre des maladies du sein Deschênes-Fabia de l'Hôpital du St-Sacrement (CHU de Québec-Université Laval). Les participantes ont rempli des questionnaires auto-rapportés évaluant le perfectionnisme et ses dimensions, l'autocompassion, l'autodissimulation et les symptômes psychologiques et psychophysiologiques à l'ensemble des temps de mesure (T1 à T4). Des corrélations de Spearman, des corrélations partielles (contrôlant pour la variance partagée entre les dimensions du perfectionnisme; analyses transversales), des modèles linéaires à mesures répétées avec effet aléatoire de la participante (analyses prospectives), ainsi que des analyses de dépendance (path analysis; analyses de médiation séquentielle) ont été réalisés afin de tester les hypothèses. Les résultats ont révélé plusieurs associations significatives sur le plan transversal entre les aspirations et les préoccupations perfectionnistes et des niveaux plus élevés d'anxiété, de symptômes dépressifs et de PRC. Ces corrélations étaient relativement constantes à travers les temps de mesure (T1 à T4). Certaines associations significatives ont également été observées entre les dimensions du perfectionnisme et les symptômes psychophysiologiques, notamment une fatigue plus élevée au T2 et au T4. Ces relations étaient toutefois moins stables d'un temps de mesure à l'autre. Les corrélations partielles n'ont, quant à elles, révélé aucune association significative entre une dimension du perfectionnisme et les symptômes psychologiques et psychophysiologiques lorsqu'un contrôle statistique était effectué pour l'autre dimension du perfectionnisme. Ceci peut s'expliquer par l'importante covariance observée entre les aspirations et les préoccupations perfectionnistes dans le cadre de la présente étude (rₛ = .68 à .75, ps ≤ .001). Concernant les relations prospectives évaluées (combinant les T1 à T4), seule la dimension des aspirations perfectionnistes était significativement associée à une anxiété plus élevée, alors que seule celle des préoccupations perfectionnistes était significativement associée à des symptômes dépressifs plus sévères. Ces relations étaient stables à l'ensemble des temps de mesure. Aucune relation significative n'a été observée entre les deux dimensions du perfectionnisme et la PRC, l'insomnie, la fatigue, la douleur, les difficultés cognitives et les dysfonctions sexuelles sur le plan prospectif. Enfin, en ce qui a trait aux analyses de médiation effectuées, un niveau plus faible d'autocompassion durant la chimiothérapie (T2) était un médiateur significatif de la relation entre un niveau plus important de préoccupations perfectionnistes avant la chimiothérapie (T1) et des symptômes anxieux et dépressifs plus sévères après la fin de celle-ci (T3). La relation était marginalement significative pour la PRC. Cependant, l'autocompassion ne contribuait pas significativement à expliquer les relations entre les aspirations perfectionnistes et les symptômes psychologiques. De plus, aucune relation de médiation significative n'a été observée pour l'autodissimulation. En somme, ces résultats soulignent la pertinence d'étudier le perfectionnisme en contexte oncologique et suggèrent que les patients présentant des niveaux plus élevés d'aspirations et de préoccupations perfectionnistes seraient plus à risque de vivre de la détresse psychologique (anxiété, dépression) au cours de leur trajectoire de soins. Ils soulignent aussi le potentiel rôle protecteur d'un niveau plus élevé d'autocompassion chez les patients atteints de cancer présentant davantage de préoccupations perfectionnistes et appuient la pertinence d'inclure une composante visant la promotion de l'autocompassion dans les interventions psychologiques offertes à ces derniers.

Étude qualitative sur l'effet du méthylphénidate sur la fonction cognitive des patientes en rémission d'un cancer du sein

Selihi, Zineb 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 31 octobre 2023) / CONTEXTE : L'apparition de troubles cognitifs à la suite de traitements anticancéreux touche une proportion substantielle des patientes ayant un cancer du sein, affectant principalement les fonctions exécutives, la vitesse de traitement de l'information, la mémoire épisodique et la mémoire de travail. Le méthylphénidate pourrait contribuer à améliorer la qualité de vie de ces patientes. OBJECTIF: Explorer l'effet du méthylphénidate sur l'expérience de la perception des troubles cognitifs et leurs conséquences sur le vécu des patientes traitées pour un cancer du sein non métastatique. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Volet qualitatif d'une étude clinique randomisée à double insu comparant les effets du méthylphénidate versus un placebo sur l'expérience subjective des difficultés cognitives et d'autres symptômes suite aux traitements oncologiques chez des femmes en rémission d'un cancer du sein non métastatique. Les participantes furent évaluées à l'aide d'entrevues individuelles semi-structurées. Les entrevues ont été retranscrites intégralement. Une analyse thématique des verbatims basée sur le modèle de Wilson et Cleary a été réalisée. RÉSULTATS: Neuf (9) participantes ont reçu le méthylphénidate et onze, le placebo. Avant l'intervention, les participantes percevaient une atteinte de leurs capacités intellectuelles, une fatigabilité physique, de l'anxiété et de l'irritabilité. Elles ont clairement décrit que leurs difficultés cognitives affectaient de façon marquée leur vie familiale, sociale et professionnelle. Après l'intervention, les participantes recevant le méthylphénidate étaient plus nombreuses que les autres à rapporter une amélioration: de la concentration, de la capacité à effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois, de l'énergie, du bien-être émotionnel, du rendement au travail, de l'organisation des tâches, du confort et de la qualité de vie liée à la santé. CONCLUSION : Le méthylphénidate entraine une amélioration réelle dans l'expérience de vie des patientes, d'où la pertinence d'une étude de phase III afin d'évaluer l'efficacité du méthylphénidate chez les patientes traitées pour un cancer du sein . / BACKGROUND: A substantial proportion of breast cancer patients develop cognitive disorders following cancer treatment, mainly affecting executive function, information processing speed, episodic memory and working memory. Methylphenidate could help improve these patients' quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of methylphenidate on the experience of perceived cognitive impairment and its consequences on the experience of patients treated for non-metastatic breast cancer. METHODOLOGY: Qualitative component of a double-blind randomized clinical trial comparing the effects of methylphenidate versus placebo on the subjective experience of cognitive difficulties and other symptoms following oncological treatments in women in remission from non-metastatic breast cancer. Participants were evaluated using individual semi-structured interviews. Interviews were transcribed in full. A thematic analysis of verbatims based on Wilson and Cleary's model was performed. RESULTS: Nine (9) participants received methylphenidate and 11 received placebo. Before the intervention, the participants perceived an impairment of their intellectual abilities, physical tiredness, anxiety and irritability. They clearly described how their cognitive difficulties markedly affected their family, social and professional lives. After the intervention, participants receiving methylphenidate were more likely than others to report improvements in: concentration, multitasking, energy, emotional well-being, work performance, task organization and comfort, and health-related quality of life. CONCLUSION: Methylphenidate brings about a real improvement in patients' experience of life, hence the relevance of launching a Phase III study to assess the efficacy of methylphenidate in patients treated for breast cancer.

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