Spelling suggestions: "subject:"app"" "subject:"papa""
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Jämförelse av kalenderöverföringsprotokollen CAP och CalDAVJörgensen, Kristian January 2005 (has links)
Många av dagens elektroniska kalendrar och kalendersystem kan inte kommunicera med kalendrar och system av en annan typ, trots att de ofta använder sig av samma format för att beskriva händelser. Det är därför intressant att undersöka hur ett protokoll för kalenderkommunikation bör fungera och hur de förslag som idag utvecklas ser ut. Ett standardiserat kommunikationsprotokoll underlättar för användare eftersom de då har större frihet att själv välja mjukvara. Det underlättar även för utvecklare som kan undvika kostsamma misstag då de utvecklar applikationer till kalendersystem. Denna undersökning genomför en litteraturstudie av två potentiella kandidater till standard för kalenderkommunikation, CAP och CalDAV. Dessa två förslag undersöks och jämförs med avseendet att utvärdera kvalitén på design, säkerhet, prestanda, händelsehantering (event notification) och portbarhet. Arbetet försöker även avgöra vilket av protokollen som är bäst lämpat och har bäst förutsättningar att lyckas som en framtida standard. Följande undersökning visar på att CAP är det protokoll som kommigt längst i utvecklingen och har flest detaljer på plats. CalDAV lyckas däremot visa en renare och för ändamålet bättre passande design som på flera sätt lämpar sig bättre än CAP som kalenderöverföringsprotokoll. CalDAV har bland annat en större bas av verktyg, är mera känt, har indirekt bevisats skalbar och är relativt enkel. Dessutom återanvänder CalDAV mycket från tidigare protokoll och använder sig av tidigare standarder inom området vilket är en fördel för utvecklare eftersom deras arbete blir enklare.
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Byrårotationsregler : Bakgrund och effekterPasini, Filip, Sigemo, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka börsnoterade företag som kan komma att behöva ändra sin rotationsfrekvens till följd av tvingande byrårotation. Studien syftar även till att undersöka förändringar i revisionsarvodet efter en byrårotation för att se om rotationen har gett en dyrare revision året efter. Metod: Uppsatsen studerar hur Large Cap-företag roterat revisionsbyrå under perioden 2002-2016. Vidare studeras även revisionsbyråers marknadskoncentration, hur revisionsarvodet förändras vid byrårotation samt revisionsarvodens storlek under 2016. Teoretiskt perspektiv: I studiens referensram tas revisorns oberoende och synen på detta upp. Viktiga punkter är bland annat uppdragslängden och relationen mellan revisor och klient. Empiri: 64 % av företagen hade blivit tvingade till åtgärd, om reglerna hade varit implementerade tidigare. 1,4 % av revisionstillfällena var med en revisor utanför Big Four. Storbanker har roterat 0,25 gånger under perioden jämfört med snittet på 0,62 per bolag. Ingen ökning i revisionsarvodet gick att se i samband med byrårotation. Slutsats: Rotationsfrekvensen kommer tvingas öka, och därmed bli en förlust av företagsspecifik kunskap. I följd av det kan även totala kostnaderna kopplade till revisionen stiga. Även om kundomsättningen ökar så är Big Four dominant. Det finns inga tecken på att marknadskoncentrationen skulle vidgas av byrårotation. Studien finner ingen koppling mellan byrårotation och stigande revisionskostnader efter att ha undersökt de 51 byrårotationer som gjorts under den studerade perioden. En anledning till att det inte setts stiga kan vara att revisionsbyråerna har slagit ut kostnaden för inlärningsperioden över flera år, en kalkyl som nu kan komma att ändras när uppdragstiden är tidsbegränsad.
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Molecular etiological profile of atypical bacterial pathogens, viruses and coinfections among infants and children with community acquired pneumonia admitted to a national hospital in Lima, Perudel Valle-Mendoza, Juana, Silva-Caso, Wilmer, Cornejo-Tapia, Angela, Orellana-Peralta, Fiorella, Verne, Eduardo, Ugarte, Claudia, Aguilar-Luis, Miguel Angel, De Lama-Odría, María del Carmen, Nazario-Fuertes, Ronald, Esquivel-Vizcarra, Mónica, Casabona-Ore, Verónica, Weilg, Pablo, del Valle, Luis J. 06 December 2017 (has links)
Objective: The main objective of this study was to detect the presence of 14 respiratory viruses and atypical bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae), via polymerase chain reaction in patients under 18 years old hospitalized due to community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) from Lima, Peru. Results: Atypical pathogens were detected in 40% (58/146); viral etiologies in 36% (52/146) and coinfections in 19% (27/146). The most common etiological agent was M. pneumoniae (n = 47), followed by C. pneumoniae (n = 11). The most frequent respiratory viruses detected were: respiratory syncytial virus A (n = 35), influenza virus C (n = 21) and parainfluenza virus (n = 10). Viral-bacterial and bacterium-bacterium coinfections were found in 27 cases. In our study population, atypical bacteria (40%) were detected as frequently as respiratory viruses (36%). The presence of M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae should not be underestimated as they can be commonly isolated in Peruvian children with CAP.
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Functional Analysis Of AtCAP Genes In Arabidopsis ThalianaMorakhia Anand, R 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Recent Changes in Glacier Facies Zonation on Devon Ice Cap, Nunavut, Detected from SAR Imagery and Field Validation Methodsde Jong, Johannes Tyler January 2013 (has links)
Glacier facies represent distinct regions of a glacier surface characterized by near surface structure and density that develop as a function of spatial variations in surface melt and accumulation. In post freeze-up (autumn) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite imagery, the glacier ice zone and dry snow zone have a relatively low backscatter due to the greater penetration of the radar signal into the surface. Conversely, the saturation and percolation zones are identifiable based on their high backscatter due to the presence of ice lenses and pipes acting as efficient scatterers. In this study, EnviSat ASAR imagery is used to monitor the progression of facies zones across Devon Ice Cap (DIC) from 2004 to 2011. This data is validated against in situ surface temperatures, mass balance data, and ground penetrating radar surveys from the northwest sector of DIC. Based on calibrated (sigma nought) EnviSat ASAR backscatter values, imagery from autumn 2004 to 2011 shows the disappearance of the ‘pseudo’ dry snow zone at high elevations, the migration of the glacier and superimposed ice zones to higher elevations, and reduction in area of the saturation/percolation zone. In 2011, the glacier and superimposed ice zone were at their largest extent, occupying 92% of the ice cap, leaving the saturation/percolation zone at 8% of the total area. This is indicative of anomalously high summer melt and strongly negative mass balance conditions on DIC, which results in the infilling of pore space in the exposed firn and consequent densification of the ice cap at higher elevations.
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Výroba víčka / Production of capBraško, Zdenko January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose and design the production of the cap. The cap is welded to the tube of roller regal and is used for closing the tube. They together make a fixed assembly. There is a bearing molded from inside the cap and shaft passes through the center of the cap. The main function of whole assembly is to rotate the tube around its own axis. The cap will made from deep - drawing steel DC04 with a thickness of 2 mm. After consideration various possible variants for the cap production, there was chosen deep drawing without reduction of thickness as the most profitable technology. The shape of the component was modified from the technology review. There is proposed a tool that will be used for production the caps. The caps will be produced within three operations: the first two operations form a central cup and the third operation makes the final shape of the cap. Drawings for the tool are created and delivered as part of this thesis. Based on the necessary force and work calculation, it was chosen eccentric press machine S 160 E from the ŠMERAL company. With the 25 000 series, the costs of production one piece are 51,65 CZK.
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Empirical study of methods to complete the swaption volatility cube from the caplet volatility surfaceSamuelsson, Niclas January 2021 (has links)
Fixed income markets are vast markets, involving a large number of actors including financial institutions, state actors, asset managers and corporations. An import part of these markets are contracts written on the xIBOR rates. This report is concerned with the trying to provide prices for options written on these rates, in particular for swaptions that are not at-the-money (atm) utilizing prices in the cap market. Different methods have been suggested in the literature for solving this problem. In particular we study the method suggested by Hagan et al where one calibrates a SABR model to the caplet surface with the same expiry as the swaption. One then assumes that the swaption contract with the same expiry follows the same SABR dynamics as the caplet, but with a recalibrated initial volatility to fit the atm point. We also study the approach suggested by Rebonato and Jäckel. They derive a model for swaption prices based on the individual volatilities of the forward rates that the underlying interest rate swap consists of, as well as the correlation between the forward rates. Both of these approaches are studied empirically for the STIBOR market. The data set span between 2016 and 2021 and consists of the yield curve, flat cap volatilities and swaption volatilities. We use the 1Y1Y and 5Y5Y swaption surfaces, where the prices are not only quoted atm, to verify our model. We conclude that despite the SABR model being able to fit the caplet prices well, the method suggested by Hagan does not capture the swaption smile. The Rebonato and Jäckel approach also falls short of capturing the smile and produces similar results as the Hagan et al method. This is suggested to be due to the Hagan method capturing the caplet smile well, and the constant correlation assumption made in this thesis.
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Productivity of the Regional Bell Operating Companies Under Rate-of-Return and Price-Cap RegulationKelly, Tracey Elizabeth 25 April 1997 (has links)
In 1991, the Federal Communications Commission began regulating the tariffed rates of the nation's largest local exchange carriers under a new regulatory scheme: price-cap regulation. Price caps were intended to "remedy" the ills of traditional rate-of-return regulation. They were to provide incentive for the telephone companies to adopt innovative technology, cost-cutting measures and provide telephone services more efficiently. To test the effectiveness of this incentive, this study examined productivity of the regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs) under both rate-of-return regulation and price-cap regulation. A total factor productivity model was developed and productivity gains were calculated under both regulatory regimes. The assumption of total factor productivity was then relaxed and value-added productivity and labor productivity measures were also examined. The point estimates of productivity gains indicate that price caps have led to greater productivity gains. Although productivity gains varied greatly across individual RBOCs, use of total RBOC data indicated that average productivity gains improved 1.3 percent under price caps using the TFP model. Similar improvements under price caps were estimated using the value-added (1.1 percent) and labor productivity measurements (1.3 percent). However, because of the variability of the annual estimates, none of the productivity improvements are statistically significant. In conclusion, calculations of RBOC productivity gains suggest that price caps have led to more efficient use of inputs--labor; materials, rents and services; and capital--in the production of telephone company output. Yet, the statistical evidence is not strong enough to unequivocally support the assertion that price cap regulation has led to great productivity gains. / Master of Arts
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EU:s handel med utsläppsrätter i svenska verksamheter: Hur påverkar EU:s lagstiftning om koldioxidutsläppsrätter olika industriverksamheter i Sverige?Lilja, Ellen, Persson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen omfattar EU:s handel med utsläppsrätter och hur denna typ av lagstiftning påverkar företag inom olika industriella verksamheter. Genom en kvalitativ enkätstudie tillfrågades olika företag varav tre stora och två mindre inom verksamheterna järn- och stålindustrin, mineralindustrin samt metallindustrin. För att undersöka företagens syn på hur väl handel med utsläppsrätter fungerar för att minska EU:s klimatpåverkan genomfördes en analys baserad på passiva synteser och perspektivet av ekologisk modernisering på den insamlade empirin. Vi kom fram till att de svenska företagen som vi har undersökt anpassat sig efter EU ETS på olika sätt beroende på mängden tillgångar i form av resurser men även kostnader i form av utgifter. Nackdelarna med systemet påverkar främst de mindre företagen tillsammans med stora finansiella utgifter i form av byråkrati och resurskostnader. Ytterligare konsekvenser avser konkurrenskraft för företag som finns inom systemet i förhållande till de som står utanför. Fördelarna omfattar moment av ekonomisk styrning samt att systemet till viss del är drivande för investeringar i företagens klimatarbete. För att utveckling av cap-and-trade system ska fungera krävs det att ekonomisk utveckling, reducerade utsläpp och kreativa anpassningsmetoder går hand i hand. Klimatförändringarna presenterar därför en unik utmaning för utvecklingen av ekonomiska styrmedel i bekämpningen av utsläpp inom industrier. / The thesis covers the EU's emissions trading and how this type of legislation affects companies in various industrial activities. Through a qualitative survey, various companies were consulted, of which three were large and two smaller in the iron and steel industry, the mineral industry and the metal industry. To examine the companies' view of how well trading in emission rights works to reduce the EU's climate impact, an analysis was carried out based on passive syntheses and the perspective of ecological modernization on the collected empirical data. We concluded that the Swedish companies that we have examined adapted to the EU ETS in different ways depending on the amount of assets in the form of resources, but also costs in the form of expenses. The disadvantages of the system mainly affect the smaller companies together with large financial expenses in the form of bureaucracy and resource costs. Further consequences relate to the competitiveness of companies that are within the system in relation to those who are outside. The benefits include elements of economic governance and that the system is to some extent a driving force for investments in the companies' climate work. In order for the development of cap-and-trade systems to work, it is necessary that economic development, reduced emissions and creative adaptation methods go hand in hand. Climate change therefore presents a unique challenge for the development of economic instruments in the fight against emissions within industries.
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A Study of the Dayside High-Lattitude Ionospheric Electrodynamics During Extended Solar MinimumJenniges, Janelle V. 01 May 2015 (has links)
The high-latitude electric eld fall-o region connects convection in the polar cap to the region where ring currents modify the penetration electric field equatorward of the polar cap boundary. This region is often overlooked because it falls between the limits of low latitude and high-latitude ionospheric models. However, penetrating electric fields cause large changes in ion composition; and therefore, correctly modeling the electric fields and plasma drift in this region aids in correctly specifying the ionosphere. Many ionospheric models use the Kp index as a physical driver, and so the latitude dependence of the plasma drift in the fall-o region was investigated as a function of Kp using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program ion drift data from the 2007{2010 solar minimum. Both the dusk and dawn sectors were analyzed and t to analytical functions describing the fall-o with decreasing latitude. The latitude dependencies were found to dier in the dusk and dawn sectors with a factor of two increase in the expansion of the duskside polar cap radius and auroral region over the dawnside. Additionally, the low-Kp polar cap radius was found to be five degrees smaller than the radius currently used in simple ionospheric models.
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