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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Godlike Views Of Human Capital : A Qualitative Case Study of Different Internal Stakeholder Views of Human Capital within an Esport Organization

Johnson, Sebastian, Norman, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The esport industry is growing, and it is growing fast. Research suggests that the phenomenon of esport poses a great opportunity to research the development and assessment of human expertise in our modern digitized society. Consequently, the research in this thesis is that of a case study of an esport organization through which we have sought to answer the research question: "How do stakeholders within an esport organization view human capital, that is the investment in, and the development, assessment, and treatment of players?" We answered this research question by gathering relevant empirical material through five semi-structured interviews, which we analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying reasons and different justifications as to how human capital in the organization is viewed by different stakeholders within the organization. We present four general conclusions. Firstly, there were similar views among the different stakeholders regarding investments in and development of players. Secondly, it was apparent that the stakeholders viewed the players as the core of the business. Thirdly, upper management seemed to carry more of a goal-oriented perspective on the players development as opposed to stakeholders more ‘hierarchically’ adjacent to the players. And lastly, the investments in the players' development were justified through various aspects. Through these conclusions, we i) contribute to managerial/organizational knowledge on how or how not to invest in, develop, assess, and treat human capital in an esport organization, ii) contribute theoretically by applying various different theories and concepts in an esport context; thus expanding the theoretical knowledge of the capabilities and usage of said theories and concepts, and iii) contribute to the empirical body of literature regarding the esport phenomenon by portraying different stakeholder views of human capital within an esport context.

Kansas City, Missouri, Inner City Schools' Parent Involvement Policy, Practices, and Accreditation Problems

Ross, Gena L 01 January 2018 (has links)
In 2012, the Missouri Board of Education took away Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) accreditation status. For over 40 years, KCPS has struggled with poor academic achievement, decreased enrollment and budget, and numerous leadership turnovers. Although KCPS regained provisional accreditation in 2014 and earned enough points on the annual performance report for consideration to become a fully accredited school system, state education officials first want to ensure that the district can sustain its new performance level before granting full accreditation. The purpose of this phenomenological research study was to explore parents' perceptions about how the KCPS' parent involvement policy and practices can be improved to better engage parents in their children's education and assist the school district in regaining and sustaining its full accreditation. Putnam's social capital theory served as the theoretical foundation of this study. Data were collected using semistructured interviews with a snowball sample of 21 parents, 7 from each school. Data were analyzed through Braun and Clarke's 6 phases of thematic analysis. Findings indicated the need for school personnel to be more welcoming to visiting parents, creating afterhours activities for working parents, increasing points of contact between parents and school personnel, teachers investing more time and effort in students, and school personnel making more efforts to keep parents informed. The implications for positive social change are directed at KCPS policymakers, school district leaders, teachers, and staff members as findings can be used to develop and improve policies and practices geared towards improving parents' involvement, which may help KCPS to regain and sustain full accreditation.

Integration på arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om hur personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadsintegrationen i Halmstad.

Bekteshi, Kastriot, Aziz, Aram January 2022 (has links)
Integrationen på arbetsmarknaden visar sig vara en utmaning på grund av den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sverige. Vi har valt att utföra en studie med syftet att se hur arbetssökande personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadensintegrationen i Halmstad. Vi har analyserat hur denna målgrupp har för upplevelser och erfarenheter inom de satsningar och arbete som de deltar vid och personliga metoder och tillvägagångssätt när de ansöker om ett arbete. Under studien belyser vi hur det kan uppstå sociala klyftor i samhället utifrån integrationsmarknaden i Halmstad. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsintervju som består av åtta stycken arbetssökande män mellan 30–45 år, med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern, som är bosatta i Halmstad. Vi har använt oss av relevanta teorier från Pierre Bourdieu och Erving Goffman för att analysera resultatet i studien. Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna har olika upplevelser när det gäller integrationen på arbetsmarknaden i Halmstad. Mer än hälften av intervjupersonerna upplever att integrationsarbetet är bristande. De övriga intervjupersonerna upplever integrationsarbetet som duglig, men menar att det finns utvecklingspotential. / Integration in the labor market proves to be a challenge due to the high unemployment among foreign-born in Sweden. We have chosen to carry out a study with the aim of seeing how jobseekers with a foreign background from the Middle East experience labor market integration in Halmstad. We have analyzed how this target group experiences the initiatives and work in which they participate and personal methods and approaches they use when applying for a job. During the study, we shed light on how social gaps can arise in society based on the integration market in Halmstad. We have started from a qualitative research interview consisting of eight job-seeking men between the ages of 30 and 45, with a foreign background from the Middle East, who live in Halmstad. We have used relevant theories from Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman to analyze the results of the study. The results show that interviewees have different experiences when it comes to integration in the labor market in Halmstad. More than half of the interviewees feel that the integration work is lacking. The other interviewees perceive the integration work as capable but believe that there is development potential.

Omnia Omnium Sunt – Everything Belongs to Everybody : Knowledge as a Nonpositional Good in an Education System Governed by Human Capital Theory

Morsing, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Starting from the experience of watching the role of the teacher turn into a bureaucrat, this work examines the factors dominating current education systems. It identies Human Capital Theory as a main inuence on policy and prioritization decisions in education. A central tension that results from this inuence is the fact that economic theory assumes consumer sovereignty, which dismisses many ideological and political aspects of education as paternalism. This inherent conict between economic theory and educational theory leads to an overemphasis on positional goods, goods that are limited by scarcity, over nonpositional goods, such as knowledge. Educating for positional goods is contrasted to the Spinozistic ideal of education for freedom and for increased conatus. It is then discussed how current assessment practices play a central role in cementing the current hegemony in education as governed by economic concerns. Assessment practices are found to both contribute to current trends in education as well as stabilizing the system overall making transformative change less likely. This is more specically illustrated by two particular assessment practices, namely standardized testing and assessment for learning. It concludes with a search for possible paths to meaningful change in education.

From International Schools in Asia to Anglophone World-Class Universities: Student Preparation, Transition, and Development

Wang, Lizhou January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Hans de Wit / Thesis advisor: Gerardo L. Blanco / Today’s global knowledge economy has become complex, dynamic, and competitive. In this environment, the talented workforce is increasingly diverse, educated, and mobile. International talents tend to migrate to anglophone countries and contribute to technological innovation, scientific discoveries, and economic growth. The largest international student population in the top destination countries comes from Asia. At the same time, research has shown that Asian international students reported lower satisfaction and higher adjustment challenges due to linguistic and cultural barriers, negatively impacting their learning and living experiences. This dissertation aims to understand and explain the transnational transition process through a subset of the Asian international student population. Thirty-five current university student interviewees are purposefully selected. They are graduates of the “International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,” a rigorous education pathway program popular in Asia for families to prepare their children for Western higher education. Asian International Baccalaureate (IB) alums, who received education in linguistically and culturally diverse settings, offered more nuanced and complex answers to what traditional literature has indicated about international student transitions and experiences. A Successful International University Transition Model is generated from the grounded theory analysis. This model illustrates the causal and intervening conditions that impact international transitions, with the central tasks of being a university student and becoming an adult. Further, the results are discussed with Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus/practice to explain the heterogeneity in the process amongst the diverse international student population. Lastly, recommendations to stakeholders suggest ways to support globally mobile young adults in their transition and development journey. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

A National Longitudinal Study of the Influence of Federal Student Aid on Time to Associate-Degree Attainment

Proudfit, Ann Hartle 21 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Individual social captial: an analysis of factors influencing investment

Shideler, David W. 01 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Local Ties Shape Our Global Eyes : Exploring the interplay between place-based identity in the U.S. and trust in international organizations and the role of civic engagement

Palmén, Frida January 2024 (has links)
This paper investigates the impact of place-based identity on trust in international organizations and examines the role of civic engagement in reinforcing or mitigating these attitudes. In an era marked by global challenges and increasing polarization, trust in international organizations has become crucial for effective cooperation. Previous research has identified place-based identity as a fundamental social identity that influences out-group attitudes and plays a role in shaping civic engagement outcomes. Drawing on social identity theory and social capital theory, this study employs quantitative methods, utilizing ANES survey data conducted in the United States to explore the relationship between place-based identity and trust in international organizations. Focusing on the distinction between rural- and urban-identifying American citizens, the results reveal that rural-identifying individuals exhibit lower levels of trust in international organizations compared to their urban counterparts. These differences are characterized by marginal yet statistically significant effects. Furthermore, although the conditioning effect of civic engagement is not statistically significant, it provides intriguing insights that suggest it may reinforce the impact of place-based identity, potentially leading to negative effects on trust in civil society. These findings contribute to a broadened understanding of the interplay between identity and political attitudes, shedding light on the factors that influence them.


Abouradi, Omar Mokbel, Adam, Ahmed January 2024 (has links)
Background: In the digital era, the streetwear fashion industry has undergone significanttransformation due to the rise of social media. Traditional marketing methods have shiftedtowards direct consumer engagement through digital platforms, where brand authenticity andexclusivity are crucial for maintaining perceived value and consumer loyalty. Streetwearfashion, rooted in urban subcultures, relies heavily on these elements to establish and maintainits brand identity.Purpose: This thesis aims to critically examine how streetwear fashion brands utilize socialmedia to manage the authenticity paradox while driving exclusivity. It investigates the impactof these strategies on consumer behavior and brand loyalty within digital spaces.Method: The research employs a qualitative, exploratory design within an interpretivistparadigm. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of12 participants, including influencers, brand managers, and consumers actively engaged withstreetwear brands on social media. Thematic analysis was used to identify key patterns andinsights from the data.Conclusion: The findings reveal that streetwear brands effectively use social media to projectauthenticity through transparent communication and cultural engagement, while strategicexclusivity is maintained through limited releases and exclusive collaborations. Thesestrategies not only enhance perceived brand value but also foster strong community ties andconsumer loyalty. The study highlights the importance of balancing authenticity withexclusivity to navigate the competitive digital landscape and sustain brand appeal

Internship: Business Students´ Ticket to Soft Skill Development

Strand, Nils, Jäger Röding, Fanny January 2024 (has links)
Amidst the ever-evolving dynamics of the labour market, business graduates continuallyfind themselves adapting their skill sets to stay competitive and relevant. Extensiveresearch has delved into employability, highlighting the pivotal role of soft skills inadequately preparing business students for today's labour market. Notably, existingliterature indicates that the cultivation of these skills often occurs during youth and isparticularly profound within university settings. However, a debate arises regarding theeffectiveness of business universities in imparting soft skills to students. Given this, priorstudies advocate for closer collaboration between business schools and industry to aligneducation with professional demands and equip students with essential soft skills. In thiscontext, internships emerge as a focal point, with previous research emphasizing theirrole in effectively developing soft skills among students. However, there remains a needfor further research to comprehensively understand how internships influence the processof the development of soft skills. Through a qualitative study and the incorporation ofwell-known theories related to this area, we will delve deeper into this subject. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of internships in enhancing theemployability of business students by contribution to the process of developing four keysoft skills: communication, teamwork, self-management, and problem-solving. Thisobjective is pursued by addressing the following research questions: How can internshipscontribute to the process of the development of communication, teamwork, self-management, and problem-solving skills among Swedish nationals enrolled in businesseducation programs? To achieve this, we conducted in-depth interviews with sevenformer business administration students, all of whom completed internships. Theseindividuals secured employment before their graduation dates, spanning from 2022 to2023, and are all Swedish nationals who pursued their business education at universitiesin Sweden. Through these interviews, we gained insights into their subjectiveexperiences. It has been found, with the application of the experiential learning theory, human capitaltheory, and emotional intelligence theory, that internships indeed contribute to the processof developing communication, teamwork, self-management, and problem-solving skillsamong business students. Furthermore, enhances students’ employability. The analysisindicates that alumni collectively emphasize that internships significantly contribute tothe development of these soft skills, crediting practical experiences, increasedresponsibility, and exposure to workplace dynamics. Consequently, we suggest thatbusiness students should engage in internships. Further, that both business universitiesand organizations at large should encourage and support them in achieving this goal

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