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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Materiais híbridos baseados em argilas catiônicas e espécies com potencial terapêutico / Hybrid materials based on cationic clays and species with therapeutic potential

Ana Paula Mangoni 12 February 2014 (has links)
Os argilominerais são empregados na área farmacêutica e cosmética tanto como excipientes quanto ingredientes ativos. Esses compostos inorgânicos são inertes quimicamente, apresentam estruturas definidas e alta estabilidade térmica, o que contribui para o uso nessas áreas. Atualmente a indústria farmacêutica busca modificações no sistema de entrega de drogas (melhorias no tempo, local e taxa de liberação), objetivando um aumento na estabilidade das drogas e a prevenção e diminuição de efeitos colaterais. Nesse sentido, surge a necessidade de desenvolver novas formulações farmacêuticas, novos métodos de preparação e novos materiais. Considerando o fato dos argilominerais incorporarem espécies diversas entre suas lamelas, é interessante explorar a possibilidade de uso dessas matrizes inorgânicas como carregadores de espécies bioativas. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho foi preparar e caracterizar argilas de uso farmacêutico e/ou cosmético intercaladas com espécies que apresentam potencial terapêutico. Para tanto, usou-se duas argilas esmectitas naturais do tipo montmorilonita (Cloisita Sódica e Veegum HS) e uma esmectita sintética do tipo hectorita (Laponita RD). Os aminoácidos L-lisina, L-arginina e L-ornitina, e o dipeptídeo L-carnosina foram imobilizados em argilas catiônicas, por meio de reação de troca iônica. Na preparação dos materiais híbridos, alguns parâmetros experimentais foram avaliados: concentração hidrogeniônica (pH) da suspensão de reação, proporção argila/aminoácido e tempo de reação. As argilas precursoras e os materiais híbridos obtidos foram caracterizados por difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia vibracional na região do infravermelho e Raman, análise termogravimétrica acoplada à espectrometria de massas e análise química de carbono. Os valores de distância interlamelar (d(001)) dos materiais sugerem que a cadeia carbônica das espécies orgânicas se orienta paralelamente em relação às lamelas de baixa densidade de carga dos argilominerais. Nos espectros vibracionais na região do infravermelho há predominância das bandas características da estrutura inorgânica, mas as bandas entre 1800 e 1400 cm-1 relativas aos grupos funcionais do aminoácido permitem inferir sobre o seu grau de protonação no material híbrido. A acidez de Brönsted gerada pela polarização das moléculas de água associadas à argila foi observada para as montmorilonitas empregadas neste estudo. Amostras preparadas em suspensões nas quais o valor do pH era maior que o valor da primeira constante ácida (pKa1) dos aminoácidos apresentam bandas atribuídas ao estiramento C=O de grupo carboxilato protonado. Os espectros Raman foram obtidos apenas para a argila sintética, uma vez que as naturais apresentam luminescência. O espectro Raman da L-carnosina imobilizada em Laponita indica a presença preponderante da espécie zwitteriônica; o deslocamento das bandas atribuídas aos grupos amida e carboxílico do dipeptídeo para região de menor energia sugere a formação de ligações de hidrogênio com os grupos silanol da Laponita. Os resultados de análise termogravimétrica acoplada à espectrometria de massas dos materiais híbridos são distintos daqueles observados para os aminoácidos livres. A temperatura de início de decomposição das espécies orgânicas não é praticamente modificada após imobilização nas argilas, mas os processos térmicos se estendem até regiões de maior temperatura, evidenciando a influência da estrutura inorgânica sobre a decomposição térmica dos aminoácidos. Através dos dados de quantidade de carbono e de água nas amostras, calculou-se a concentração de aminoácidos nos materiais híbridos (massa de aminoácido / 100 gramas de material). As maiores concentrações de aminoácido (entre seis e oito por cento) foram observadas para as amostras de Cloisita e Veegum HS, isoladas em condições nas quais predomina a interação eletrostática entre as lamelas e os aminoácidos com carga positiva. Nas condições experimentais empregadas neste trabalho não foi observada a saturação das argilas com os aminoácidos, ou seja, as cargas das lamelas não foram totalmente neutralizadas pelos íons orgânicos. / Clay minerals are used as excipients or active ingredients in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields. These inorganic compounds are chemically inert, have defined structures and high thermal stability, which make them useful for these areas. Currently the pharmaceutical industry seeks modifications in the drug delivery systems (improvements in the time, place and rate of release), aiming an increase in the stability of the drugs and also the prevention and reduction of side effects. In this way, it is a need to develop new pharmaceutical formulations, new preparation methods and new materials. Considering the fact that clay minerals incorporate various species between their layers, it is interesting to explore the possibility of using these inorganic matrices as carriers of bioactive species. The main aim of this work was to prepare and characterize clays of pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic usage intercalated with species of therapeutic potential. Two natural smectite clays of montmorillonite type (Sodium Cloisite and Veegum HS) and one synthetic smectite of hectorite type (Laponita RD) were employed. The amino acids L-lysine, L-arginine and L-ornithine, and the L-carnosine dipeptide were immobilized on cationic clays by ion exchange reaction. Some experimental parameters were evaluated in the preparation of hybrid materials: hydrogen ion concentration (pH) of reaction suspension, clay/amino acid proportion and reaction time. Pristine clays and hybrid materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopies, thermogravimetric analyses coupled to mass spectrometry and chemical analysis of carbon. The materials values of interlayer distance (d(001)) suggest that the carbon chain of the organic species is oriented parallel to the layers of clay minerals. The infrared vibrational spectra are dominated by the inorganic structure bands; however the bands between 1800 and 1400 cm-1 related to the functional groups of the amino acid allow to infer about the protonation degree in the hybrid material. The Brönsted acidity generated by the polarization of water molecules associated with the clay was observed for montmorillonite samples used in this study. Materials prepared in suspensions in which the pH value was greater than the value of the first acid constant (pKa1) show bands assigned to the C=O stretching of protonated carboxylate group. Raman spectra were obtained only for the synthetic clay, since the natural ones luminesce. Raman spectrum of L-carnosine immobilized on Laponita indicates the presence of mostly zwitterionic species; the displacement of bands assigned to amide and carboxylic groups of the dipeptide to the lower energy region suggests the formation of hydrogen bonds with the Laponita silanol groups. The results of thermogravimetric analyses coupled to mass spectrometry of hybrid materials are different from those observed for the free amino acids. The onset temperature of the organic species decomposition is practically unmodified after the immobilization on clays, but thermal processes are postponed up to higher temperature, revealing the inorganic structure influence on the amino acids thermal decomposition. Data on the carbon and water amounts in the samples were used to calculate the concentration of amino acids in the hybrid materials (mass of amino acid / 100 grams of material). The highest concentrations of amino acid (between six and eight percent) was observed for Cloisite and Veegum HS samples, isolated under conditions in which the electrostatic interaction between the layers and the positively charged amino acids are predominant. Under the experimental conditions employed in this study no saturation of clay with amino acids was observed, i.e. the layer charges were not completely neutralized by the organic ions.

Influência do estado de treinamento sobre o desempenho físico em resposta à suplementação de beta-alanina / Influence of training status on physical performance in response to beta-alanine supplementation

Vitor de Salles Painelli 29 April 2013 (has links)
Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que a suplementação de beta-alanina (BA) pode melhorar o desempenho físico. O mecanismo proposto para tal resultado envolve o aumento das concentrações intramusculares de carnosina, um dipeptídeo cuja função mais bem atribuída é a de manutenção do equilíbrio ácido-básico. Apesar do emergente corpo literário acerca dos efeitos ergogênicos da suplementação de BA, a maior parte das evidências provém de estudos conduzidos com indivíduos não treinados ou fisicamente ativos, enquanto os estudos com indivíduos treinados são escassos, e seus resultados, controversos. Tem sido especulado que a diferença na capacidade tamponante muscular entre indivíduos treinados e não treinados é um possível fator mascarando o efeito ergogênico da suplementação de BA em indivíduos treinados, já que têm sido demonstrado que este perfil de indivíduos possui maior capacidade tamponante e conteúdo muscular de carnosina. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência do estado de treinamento sobre o desempenho físico intermitente de membros inferiores em resposta à suplementação de BA. Para tanto, 40 homens jovens e saudáveis foram recrutados para participar do estudo, e divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o seu estado de treinamento [ciclistas treinados (T) ou indivíduos não treinados (NT)]. Os participantes foram aleatoriamente designados a um grupo suplementado com BA ou placebo (dextrose - PL), provendo quatro condições experimentais: NTPL, NTBA, TPL e TBA. A suplementação foi realizada com a ingestão de 6.4 gramas de BA ou PL por dia, durante 4 semanas. Antes e após o período de suplementação, os participantes completaram 4 séries do teste de Wingate para membro inferior, com 30 segundos de duração cada uma e 3 minutos de descanso entre elas. O trabalho total realizado foi significantemente aumentado após o período de suplementação em ambos os grupos NTBA (+1349 ± 1411 kJ; P = 0.03) e TBA (+1978 ± 1508 kJ; P = 0.002), foi significantemente reduzido no grupo NTPL (-1385 ± 2815 kJ; P = 0.03), e não se alterou no grupo TPL (-219 ± 1507 kJ; P = 0.73). Comparada ao período pré-suplementação, a potência média no período pós-suplementação foi significantemente maior na série 4 para o grupo NTBA (P = 0.0004), enquanto a mesma foi maior nas séries 1, 2 e 4 (P <= 0.05) para o grupo TBA. Não foram observadas diferenças na potência média entre o período pré- e pós-suplementação para os grupos NTPL e TPL. Em conclusão, quatro semanas de suplementação de BA foram efetivas em melhorar o desempenho físico intermitente de membros inferiores em ambos os participantes treinados e não treinados. Estes dados ressaltam a eficácia ergogênica da suplementação de BA para exercícios de alta-intensidade, independentemente do estado de treinamento do indivíduo / Recent studies have demonstrated that beta-alanine (BA) supplementation can improve performance. The proposed mechanisms for this result involve an increased muscle carnosine content, a dipeptide whose function is attributed to the maintenance of acid-base balance. Even though the body of evidence surrounding the ergogenic effects of BA supplementation is increasing, most of the evidences come from studies conducted with physically active or untrained individuals, while studies with trained participants are scarce, and their results, controversial. It has been speculated that the difference in muscle buffering capacity between trained and untrained individuals is a possible factor masking the ergogenic effect of BA supplementation in trained individuals, who have already been demonstrated to have greater buffering capacity and muscle carnosine content. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of training status on intermittent lower-body performance in response to BA supplementation. For this purpose, forty young males were divided into two groups according to their training status (trained - T, and untrained - NT cyclists). Participants were further randomly allocated to BA or placebo (dextrose - PL) groups, providing four experimental conditions: NTPL, NTBA, TPL, TBA. BA or PL was ingested by 6.4 g·d-1, during for 4 weeks. Before and after the supplementation period, participants completed four 30-seconds lower-body Wingate bouts, separated by 3 minutes. Total work done was significantly increased following supplementation in both NTBA (+1349 ± 1411 kJ; P = 0.03) and TBA (+1978 ± 1508 kJ; P = 0.002), and it was significantly reduced in NTPL (-1385 ± 2815 kJ; P = 0.03) with no difference for TPL (-219 ± 1507 kJ; P = 0.73). Compared to pre-supplementation, post-supplementation mean power output was significantly higher in bout 4 for NTBA (P = 0.0004), and higher in bouts 1, 2 and 4 (P <= 0.05) for TBA. No differences were observed in mean power output for NTPL and TPL from pre- to post-supplementation period. In conclusion, four weeks of BA supplementation was effective at improving intermittent lower-body performance in both untrained and trained individuals. These data highlight the efficacy of BA as an ergogenic aid for high-intensity exercise regardless of the training status of the individual

Untersuchungen zur Regulation des Glucosestoffwechsels in Glioblastomen und dessen Beeinflussung durch Carnosin: Untersuchungen zur Regulation des Glucosestoffwechsels inGlioblastomen und dessen Beeinflussung durch Carnosin

Oppermann, Henry 26 March 2015 (has links)
Das Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) ist der am häufigsten vorkommende maligne Hirntumor mit äußerst ungünstiger Prognose für die betroffenen Patienten. Typisch für die Tumore ist eine hohe Aktivität der Glykolyse zur Generierung von ATP und zur Bereitstellung von Makromolekülen für die Zellproliferation, während die oxidative Phosphorylierung auch in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff praktisch keine Bedeutung für die Generation von ATP hat, was auch als Warburg Effekt bekannt ist. Das natürlich vorkommende Carnosin (β-Alanyl-LHistidin) wirkt sich antiproliferativ auf Tumorzellen aus, was mit einer Inhibition der glykolytischen ATP Produktion einhergeht. Der Mechanismus der Inhibition ist weitgehend unverstanden und ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Carnosin auf die mRNA Expressionen von für die Glykolyse relevanten Genen untersucht, wobei eine starke Induktion der Pyruvatdehydrogenase Kinase (PDK) 4 in drei GBM Zelllinien beobachtet wurde. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass L-Histidin den gleichen Effekt wie Carnosin zeigt, nicht jedoch β-Alanin, L-Alanin oder L-Alanyl-L-Histidin. Da Tumorzellen die intrazelluläre Gewebscarnosinase aber kaum die extrazelluläre Serumcarnosinase exprimieren, liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die antineoplastische Wirkung des Carnosins auf die enzymatische Spaltung von Carnosin und die daraus resultierende Freisetzung von L-Histidin zurückzuführen ist. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurden Hinweise erbracht, dass Carnosin durch eine Beeinflussung von Histon-Deacetylasen, die endogene PDK4 mRNA Expression steigern könnte. Zusätzlich wurden die Proteinexpressionen der PDK1 und 4 unter dem Einfluss von Carnosin untersucht.

Biochemische Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Carnosin auf das Wachstum humaner Glioblastomzellen

Asperger, Ansgar Karl Adam 13 January 2011 (has links)
Das Glioblastom ist mit 70 % aller Gliome der häufigste humane Hirntumor mit sehr ungünstiger Prognose. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das natürlich vorkommende Dipeptid Carnosin (β-Alanyl-L-histidin) die Proliferation von Glioblastomzellen inhibiert. Diese Wirkung des Carnosins konnte ebenfalls in vivo nachgewiesen werden. Da Carnosin auch einen Einfluss auf den ATP-Haushalt der Glioblastomzellen besitzt, war das Ziel dieser Arbeit einen Wirkungsort von Carnosin zu identifizieren, womit die ATP mindernden und proliferationshemmenden Eigenschaften erklärt werden können. Es wurde untersucht, ob Carnosin den Energiemetabolismus der Glioblastome beeinflusst. Dabei konnte mithilfe zellbiochemischer Methoden gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchten Zelllinien nicht von der Energieversorgung durch die mitochondriale oxidative Phosphorylierung abhängen, da sich weder Hemmung (KCN) noch Entkopplung (DNP) der Elektronentransportkette auf den zellulären ATP-Gehalt auswirkten. Carnosin hingegen verringerte den ATP-Spiegel dieser Zellen. Die Hemmung der Glykolyse durch Oxamat (LDH-Hemmung), bewirkte einen starken Abfall des intrazellulären ATP-Spiegels, worauf Carnosin keinen zusätzlichen Effekt mehr besaß. Carnosin konnte eine Wirkung auf die glykolytische ATP-Synthese zugesprochen werden. Da ein direkter, molekularer Wirkungsort auf diesem Weg nicht identifiziert werden konnte, wurde parallel untersucht, ob sich über Proteomanalysen der Glioblastomzelllinie T98G ein Wirkungsort, bzw. -mechanismus bestimmen lässt. Anhand der Methode der zweidimensionalen Gelelektrophorese (2D-GE) konnten 31 signifikant differenziell exprimierte Proteine detektiert werden, von denen 6 Proteine (VBP-1, OLA-1, TALDO 1, UROD, BAG-2, GRPEL1) über MALDI-TOF-Analysen identifiziert wurden. In Western-Blot-Analysen konnte ein Protein (VBP-1), neben T98G, auch in primären Glioblastomzelllinien als differenziell exprimiert nachgewiesen werden. Anhand der zellbiologischen und proteinbiochemischen Untersuchungen konnte einerseits eine Verbindung des Carnosins zum HIF1α-Signalweg und andererseits zur generellen posttranslationalen Peptidprozessierung hergestellt werden. Der direkte Nachweis eines Einflusses von Carnosin auf HIF1α wurde aber bisher nicht erbracht.

The influence of carnosine on PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling in glioblastoma cells

Faust, Helene 04 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Carnosine as a Mechanism-based Intervention in the Thy1-aSyn Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease: Neurobehavioral, Biochemical, and Bioinformatic Analyses

Bermúdez, Mei-Ling January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The proton-coupled oligopeptide transporters PEPT2, PHT1 and PHT2 mediate the uptake of carnosine in glioblastoma cells

Heinrich, Marcus 08 March 2021 (has links)
The previous studies demonstrated that carnosine (β-alanyl- L -histidine) inhibits the growth of tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Considering carnosine for the treatment of glioblastoma, we investigated which proton-coupled oligopeptide transporters (POTs) are present in glioblastoma cells and how they contribute to the uptake of carnosine. Therefore, mRNA expression of the four known POTs (PEPT1, PEPT2, PHT1, and PHT2) was examined in three glioblastoma cell lines, ten primary tumor cell cultures, in freshly isolated tumor tissue and in healthy brain. Using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, the uptake of carnosine was investigated in the presence of competitive inhibitors and after siRNA-mediated knockdown of POTs. Whereas PEPT1 mRNA was not detected in any sample, expression of the three other transporters was significantly increased in tumor tissue compared to healthy brain. In cell culture, PHT1 expression was comparable to expression in tumor tissue, PHT2 exhibited a slightly reduced expression, and PEPT2 expression was reduced to normal brain tissue levels. In the cell line LN405, the competitive inhibitors β-alanyl-L-alanine (inhibits all transporters) and L-histidine (inhibitor of PHT1/2) both inhibited the uptake of carnosine. SiRNA-mediated knockdown of PHT1 and PHT2 revealed a significantly reduced uptake of carnosine. Interestingly, despite its low expression at the level of mRNA, knockdown of PEPT2 also resulted in decreased uptake. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the transporters PEPT2, PHT1, and PHT2 are responsible for the uptake of carnosine into glioblastoma cells and full function of all three transporters is required for maximum uptake.

Intranasal carnosine protects against alpha-synuclein accumulation in the substantia nigra and motor dysfunction in the Thy1-aSyn mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.

Brown, Josephine M., B.S. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Protective effects of Zinc-L-Carnosine/ Vitamin E on aspirin-induced gastroduodenal injury in dogs

Baan, Mieke 15 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

L’étude de l’interaction entre les chondrocytes et le collagène modifié par le 4-Hydroxynonénal : implication dans le développement de l’arthrose

El Bikai, Rana 01 1900 (has links)
OBJECTIF: Récemment, nous avons démontré que la modification du collagène type II (Col II) par le 4-hydroxynonénal (HNE), un produit de la peroxydation lipidique, est augmentée dans le cartilage arthrosique sans qu’on sache la signification de cette augmentation dans la pathogenèse de l’arthrose. L’objectif de cette étude vise à démontrer que cette modification affecte l’interaction chondrocytes/matrice extracellulaire (MEC) et en conséquence induit des changements phénotypiques et fonctionnels de ces cellules. METHODES: Des plaques de culture ont été préalablement cotées avec du Col II puis traitées avec du HNE (0.1-2 mM) excepté le puits contrôle. Les chondrocytes ont été ensuite ensemencés puis incubés pendant 48 heures. La viabilité des cellules est évaluée par le test MTT. Le Western blot est utilisé pour mesurer l’expression des molécules d’adhésion (l’ICAM-1 et l’intégrine α1β1), de la cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), du Col II ainsi que la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 et NF-κB-p65. La RT-PCR en temps réel est utilisée pour mesurer l’expression de l’ARNm de l’ICAM-1, des intégrines α1β1, de la COX-2 et de la métalloprotéinases-13 (MMP-13). La détermination de l’expression de l’ICAM-1 à la surface des cellules est réalisée par cytométrie de flux. Des kits commerciaux ont servi pour mesurer le niveau de la MMP-13, de la prostaglandine E2 (PGE2), de l’activité de la caspase-8 et de la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, ERK1/2 et NF-κB-p65. RESULTATS: La modification du Col II par 0.2 mM HNE induit significativement l’expression des molécules d’adhésion telles que l’ICAM-1 et l’intégrine α1β1, de la MMP-13 sans avoir un effet sur la morphologie, la survie et le phénotype cellulaires. Nos résultats montrent aussi une forte augmentation de la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK, d’ERK1/2 et de NF-κB-p65. Cependant, la modification du Col II par 2 mM HNE affecte la morphologie et la viabilité cellulaires et induit l’activité de la caspase-8. Elle inhibe fortement l’expression des integrines α1β1 et du Col II ainsi que la phosphorylation de l’ERK1/2 et de NF-κB-p65, mais par contre, induit significativement la production de la COX-2 et son produit la PGE2 ainsi que la phosphorylation de la p38 MAPK. Fait intéressant, le prétraitement des complexes HNE/Col II par 0.1 mM de carnosine empêche les changements phénotypiques et fonctionnels des chondrocytes. CONCLUSION : Ces nouveaux résultats suggèrent le rôle important de la modification du Col II par le HNE dans l’arthrose, en affectant le phénotype et le fonctionnement cellulaires des chondrocytes. La carnosine, par sa capacité de neutraliser le HNE, a révélé d’être un agent promoteur dans le traitement de l’arthrose. / OBJECTIVE: The regulation of cell phenotype and function by the surrounding environment is deeply altered by the oxidative modifications of extracellular matrix (ECM) components that modify their structural and functional properties. This modification may be one cause involved in cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis (OA). Type II collagen (Col II) was reported to be targeted for 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) binding, a very reactive product of lipid peroxydation. In the present study, we investigated whether HNE-binding to Col II affects OA chondrocytes phenotype and function and then, we determined the protective role of carnosine treatment in preventing these changes. METHODS: Isolated human OA chondrocytes were seeded in control wells and in HNE/Col II adducts-coated plates and incubated afterwards for 48 hours. Adhesion molecules at protein and mRNA levels were determined by Western blotting, flow cytometry and real-time RT-PCR. Commercial kits were used to evaluate cell death, caspase-8 activity and levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13), MAPK and NF-κB-p65. Col II, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), MAPK and NF-κB-p65 levels were assessed by Western blotting. RESULTS: After 48 hours of incubation, the modification of Col II by 0.2 mM HNE induced strongly the expression of ICAM-1, integrin α1β1, MMP-13 and slightly COX-2 as well as PGE2 release without affecting cell morphology and viability as well as Col II expression. However, the modification of Col II with 2 mM HNE induced shape changes of cells from typical chondrocyte-like polygon shape to round semi-detached, affecting cells viability and inducing caspase-8 activity. It inhibited the expression of ICAM-1, integrin α1β1 and Col II, but in contrast, induced strongly PGE2 release and COX-2 expression. All these effects were prevented by 0.1 mM carnosine treatment, an HNE trapping drug. Carnosine was added to HNE-modified, Col II-coated plates 1h before cell seeding. Upon examination of different signalling pathways involved in these responses, we found that modified Col II with 2 mM HNE inhibited strongly the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and NF-κB-p65 but induced strongly p38 MAPK. In contrast, the results indicated that MAPK and NF-κB-p65 were activated when cells were incubated with modified Col II by 0.2 mM HNE. CONCLUSION: The interaction between chondrocytes and collagen-bound HNE modulates different signalling pathways via adhesion molecules regulation and consequently leads to the expression of catabolic and inflammatory factors. Carnosine was shown to be an efficient HNE trapping agent able to counteract these effects.

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