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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

-Calle! dansar du balett eller? : En vetenskaplig essä om fritidshemsläraren som förebild i identitetsskapande processer. Sett ur ett genusperspektiv

Axelsson, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of my scientific essay is to examine the identity creating processes that goes on amongst pupils as well as pedagogues in leisure time centers. This seen from a gender perspective. The questions in this essay revolves around me as a role model in the leisure time center and how I use the binary gender categories in my line of work. Moreover, how can I present a safe environment for my pupils to try out their identity from a gender perspective. I analyze my questions seen through a leisure time center pedagogue ́s everyday worksituation under the influence of a workplace jargon. A jargon that seems to be enhancing the polatity between the binary gender categories. The theories I use in my essay to reflect upon my questions is Kants philosophy about freedom and the categorical imperative, Lenz Taguchis description of feministic poststructuralistic theory and Butlers theory on sex and gender as socially and cultural constructed. Through my scientific essay I have reflected upon my role as a role model in a way that takes me through an identity creating process of my own in my profession as a leisure time center pedagogue. And by takinga glance on my own actions it has created a bigger understanding of what has formed my own identity as a pedagogue from a gender perspective. This hopefully will increase my ability to present a safe environment for my future pupils in their identity creating processes in the leisure time center in a gender perspective. / Syftet med min vetenskapliga essä är att undersöka identitetsskapande processer på fritidshemmet, både hos pedagoger och elever. Frågeställningarna i essän berör min roll som förebild som blivande fritidshemslärare, hur jag förhåller mig till könskategorierna kvinna och man, flicka och pojke i mitt arbete. Och vidare hur jag skapar trygghet för att eleverna i fritidshemmet ska känna sig fria att pröva sin identitetur ett köns och genusperspektiv. Dessa frågor belyser jag ur ett gestaltat dilemma om hur en fritidshemslärares vardag kan präglas av en arbetsplatsjargong. En jargong som jag upplever förstärker polariteteten mellan könskategorierna kvinna och man. De teorier jag använder för att reflektera kring min vetenskapliga essäs frågeställningar är Kants teori om frihet och det kategoriska imperativet, Lenz Taguchis beskrivning av feministisk poststrukturalistisk teori och Butlers teori om kön och genus som socialt och kulturellt konstruerade. Genom min vetenskapliga essä har jag reflekterat kring min roll som förebild. Att skriva essän har i sig varit en identitetsskapande process för mig då jag vänt blicken mot mig själv i en situation som jag tidigare inte förstått min roll i. Vidare har jag genom essäskrivandet börjat förstå vilken komplex process identitetsskapande är och hur dessa processer är något som pågår samtidigt hos flera personer i ett socialt sammanhang. Min förhoppning är att detta kommer att öka min möjlighet och förmåga att se till att mina elevers identitetsskapande processer får fortgå i en trygg miljö på fritidshemmet.

Human Dignity and Rights of Persons with Disabilities / Dignidad Humana y Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad

Atienza Rodríguez, Manuel 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author analyzes the impact of the Kantian concept of human dignity in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Likewise, the author elaborates a critique of the principle which argues that persons with disabilities’ individual autonomy and capacity to make decisions must be respected, regardless of the particular circumstances of the case, and finally proposes an interpretation of this principle based on the principle of equality. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza la incidencia del concepto kantiano d e d ignidad h umana e n l a C onvención I nternacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de la ONU. Asimismo, el autor realiza una crítica al principio que sostiene que deben respetarse siempre, sin importar las circunstancias particulares del caso, la autonomía individual y la capacidad de las personas con discapacidad de adoptar decisiones, y, finalmente, propone una interpretación de este principio con base al principio de igualdad.


CABRA, GIULIA 23 October 2020 (has links)
Edmund Husserl tratta l’etica e l’intersoggettività separatamente e con scopi diversi. Allo stesso tempo, nei suoi testi sono presenti indizi di una mutua connessione tra tali ambiti. Nel mio lavoro intendo chiarire come sia interpretabile tale connessione. In particolare, considero che l’affermazione husserliana del valore della relazione e del dovere di promuoverla indica che il soggetto può realizzare attivamente la dimensione intersoggettiva in cui si trova solo attraverso una scelta a favore della relazione. Tale scelta presuppone l’esperienza del valore altrui. Mi chiedo quindi quali siano le condizioni dell’esperienza della rilevanza assiologica ed etica dell’altro e della relazione con lui. Per rispondere a questa domanda, mi rivolgo a due ambiti della fenomenologia trascendentale di Husserl: la teoria dell’intersoggettività e le analisi etiche. Attraverso la prima, valuto se gli strati costitutivi dell’esperienza intersoggettiva abbiano una rilevanza assiologica. Tuttavia, dati i limiti di una considerazione etica della teoria dell’intersoggettività, mi rivolgo alle analisi etiche per ulteriori approfondimenti. Esse mostrano che il valore dell’altro e il dovere nei suoi confronti sono colti dall’atto emotivo dell’amore e che l’amore a sua volta è fondato nel coglimento dell’altro come soggetto trascendentale. Così facendo chiarifico la mutua connessione tra etica e teoria dell’intersoggettività in Husserl. / Edmund Husserl treats ethics and intersubjectivity separately and with different purposes. At the same time, he disseminates clues of their interconnectedness throughout his works. In my dissertation, I aim to elucidate how to interpret their connection. In particular, I argue that Husserl’s insistence on the value of relationship and on the duty to promote it indicates that the subject can actively realize the intersubjective dimension in which it is situated only through a choice in favour of the relationship. This choice presupposes the experience of the value of the other. I thus ask which are the conditions of the experience of the axiological and ethical relevance of the other and of the relationship with it. To answer this question, I turn to two areas of Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology: his theory of intersubjectivity and his ethical analyses. Through the first, I assess whether the constitutive levels of intersubjective experience have axiological relevance. However, given the limits pertaining to an ethical consideration of his theory of intersubjectivity, I move to Husserl’s ethical analyses for further insights. These analyses show that the value of the other and the duty towards it are captured by the emotional act of love, and that love is in turn grounded on grasping the other as a transcendental subject. I thereby shed light on the interconnectedness of Husserl’s ethics and theory of intersubjectivity.

Το ηθικό, το νόμιμο, το πολιτικό : θεμελιώσεις και διακρίσεις, ανεξαρτησία και σύνδεση της ηθικής, του δικαίου και της πολιτικής, με βάση τη Θεωρία του Δικαίου του Καντ και σε προβολή προς τις θεωρίες δικαίου του νομικού θετικισμού / The ethical, the rightful, the political

Χατζηνάσου, Ευθυμία 04 May 2011 (has links)
Στην εργασία παρουσιάζεται η Θεωρία Δικαίου του Καντ, σε συνδυασμό με την Ηθική και Πολιτική Φιλοσοφία του φιλοσόφου προκειμένου να αναδειχθεί η κοινή θεμελίωσή τους στον ηθικό νόμο που ενυπάρχει στον ανθρώπινο Λόγο και ελευθερία.. Η σύνδεση πολιτικής, δικαίου και ηθικής διατυπώνεται ρητά από τον Καντ, και επίσης υπό την ανάλυση του σύγχρονου φιλοσοφικού στοχασμού (Τίμμονς, Βίλλασεκ, ΜακΝτάουελ) τεκμηριώνεται η ανεξάλειπτη ηθική διάσταση εντός του δικαίου και της πολιτικής μέσα από την πραγμάτευση των σύγχρονων αντιλήψεων, όπως η περιγραφικότητας, η εξωτερικότητα και η επιτακτικότητα, και μέσα από την απόρριψη των επιμέρους θέσεων της ανεξαρτησίας και της εξωτερικότητας του δικαίου. / In this paper, the Kant’s Doctrine of Right is presented in combination with his Moral and Political Philosophy, in order to display; their common foundation on the moral law that prevails on the human Reason and freedom. Kant has explicitly expressed the connection between politics, law and morality, and additionally in the modern philosophical thought (Timmons, Willaschek, McDowell) the ineffaceable moral dimension of right and politics is validated through the modern concepts of descriptivity, externality and prescreptivity, by the refutation of Independence and Externality Theses.

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