Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cctv"" "subject:"ctv""
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Anonymiteten i dagens kameraövervakade stadGustafsson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet är att ta reda på vad som menas med anonymitet i dagens kameraövervakade stad. Dentraditionella uppfattningen är att stadens karaktär är anonymitet och syftet är att ta reda på huranonymiteten ser ut idag när stadsmedborgarna är kameraövervakade. Studien är en begreppsutredning av anonymitet, och dess relaterade begrepp trygghet.Huvudsakligen används Simmels teori om storstaden och Foucaults teori om övervakning,men också teoretikerna Jane Jacobs och Mike Davis och deras syn på trygghet i staden så välsom en del andra källor. Jag kopplar Simmel och Foucault till anonymitetet och trygghet,tillämpat på dagens stad. Slutsatserna är att dagens stadsmänniska är både anonym och inte, beroende på hur man serdet. De som syns i kamerans blick är de som begår brott, medan de andra fortfarande äranonyma. Gällande tryggheten kan den uppnås genom ett levande folkliv. Det handlar om attmänniskor ska våga sig ut i staden och inte stänga in sig på grund av sin rädsla. Blir stadenöde så försvinner dess traditionella karaktär, det vill säga möjligheten till möten mellan olikamänniskor. Uppsatsen är uppdelad i fyra kapitel, varav det första är inledande, sedan följer enpresentation av de centrala teorierna. Det tredje kapitlet är ägnat åt att utveckla trygghetensoch tillitens begreppsmässiga mening i relation till samtida kameraövervakade städer. Detslutliga kapitlet drar slutsatsen att det inte finns någon inneboende spänning mellankameraövervakning och trygghet, men samtidigt finns det ingen garanti att en ökning avkameraövervakning kommer att resultera i ökad offentlig trygghet.</p>
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Anonymiteten i dagens kameraövervakade stadGustafsson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
Syftet är att ta reda på vad som menas med anonymitet i dagens kameraövervakade stad. Dentraditionella uppfattningen är att stadens karaktär är anonymitet och syftet är att ta reda på huranonymiteten ser ut idag när stadsmedborgarna är kameraövervakade. Studien är en begreppsutredning av anonymitet, och dess relaterade begrepp trygghet.Huvudsakligen används Simmels teori om storstaden och Foucaults teori om övervakning,men också teoretikerna Jane Jacobs och Mike Davis och deras syn på trygghet i staden så välsom en del andra källor. Jag kopplar Simmel och Foucault till anonymitetet och trygghet,tillämpat på dagens stad. Slutsatserna är att dagens stadsmänniska är både anonym och inte, beroende på hur man serdet. De som syns i kamerans blick är de som begår brott, medan de andra fortfarande äranonyma. Gällande tryggheten kan den uppnås genom ett levande folkliv. Det handlar om attmänniskor ska våga sig ut i staden och inte stänga in sig på grund av sin rädsla. Blir stadenöde så försvinner dess traditionella karaktär, det vill säga möjligheten till möten mellan olikamänniskor. Uppsatsen är uppdelad i fyra kapitel, varav det första är inledande, sedan följer enpresentation av de centrala teorierna. Det tredje kapitlet är ägnat åt att utveckla trygghetensoch tillitens begreppsmässiga mening i relation till samtida kameraövervakade städer. Detslutliga kapitlet drar slutsatsen att det inte finns någon inneboende spänning mellankameraövervakning och trygghet, men samtidigt finns det ingen garanti att en ökning avkameraövervakning kommer att resultera i ökad offentlig trygghet.
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Bringing into focus the experience of public camera surveillanceLett, Daniel 14 September 2007 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory investigation of public opinion about open-street closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance in Canada. Since 1981, at least 14 cities in Canada have established CCTV monitoring programs to address crime, fear of crime, and social disorder. Opportunities for the public to participate in the establishment of CCTV are limited, yet the opinions and interests of Canadians are invoked in CCTV promotional rhetoric. This study involves the discourse analysis of data from focus groups on the subject of CCTV conducted with seniors and support shelter clients in downtown Kelowna, British Columbia; Kelowna has run a CCTV monitoring program since 2001. I argue that understandings of public CCTV are linked to normative visions of the downtown, rather than evidence of CCTV’s effectiveness. I also argue that public opinion about CCTV is contingent on the availability of resources and information. I recommend improved public consultation as one possible solution.
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Bringing into focus the experience of public camera surveillanceLett, Daniel 14 September 2007 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory investigation of public opinion about open-street closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance in Canada. Since 1981, at least 14 cities in Canada have established CCTV monitoring programs to address crime, fear of crime, and social disorder. Opportunities for the public to participate in the establishment of CCTV are limited, yet the opinions and interests of Canadians are invoked in CCTV promotional rhetoric. This study involves the discourse analysis of data from focus groups on the subject of CCTV conducted with seniors and support shelter clients in downtown Kelowna, British Columbia; Kelowna has run a CCTV monitoring program since 2001. I argue that understandings of public CCTV are linked to normative visions of the downtown, rather than evidence of CCTV’s effectiveness. I also argue that public opinion about CCTV is contingent on the availability of resources and information. I recommend improved public consultation as one possible solution.
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Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese Media Industry : A Case Study of CCTV and TencentWang, Xuan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a case study about Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese media industry. The implementation of CSR in state-owned media companies and private media companies are different. The role that the government play in Chinese media companies implementing CSR were barely studied before. Since this thesis is a case study, two media companies were chosen for this study. One is CCTV, a state-owned media company, another is Tencent, a private media company. Document analysis was chosen as the main method for the analysis. Stakeholder theory, corporate political connection, and meta-governance are the main theories used in this study. In this thesis, the analysis of implementing CSR is divided into two dimensions, internally and externally implementing CSR. The internal dimension is further analyzed in three aspects, employees and health at work, shareholders, and public welfare and charitable activities. The external dimension is further analyzed in four aspects, customers, business partners, local community, and government. The role of the government in companies implementing CSR is subsequently analyzed. The results show that in implementing CSR, state-owned media companies significantly different from private companies. State-owned media companies follow more on government’s guidance, private media companies have more freedom but they still need to build a good relationship with the government. The role of the government in both companies is different. The role of the government in state-owned media companies is like a leader, and in private media companies is like an important stakeholder.
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Using Network Attached Storage for IP-Surveillance : Bottleneck analysis and developing a method for testing Network Attached Storage performance for IP-surveillanceNymberg, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
IP-surveillance systems are surveillance systems designed to send video and audio over IP-networks, to be able to function a typical system consist of IP-cameras to record footage, a client to view footage and recordings, network hardware to send the data, protocols to administer storage and viewing operations and last but not least a location to store the captured data. One of the options for storing surveillance video is to use a Network Attached Storage. Axis has received customer cases reporting lost footage and cameras losing their connection when using NAS-devices as storage in IP-surveillance systems. This thesis aims to investigate what a NAS is and how it interacts with cameras in an IP-surveillance environment by analyzing the protocols and components being used and by performing experiments to locate the system bottleneck causing these problems. After concluding that the hard disk drive was the bottleneck because of the overload imposed on the other components by the incoming data traffic and how data is moved and temporarily stored in a system. Recommendations of possible ways to remedy these problems were suggested with the proposed problem of solving the bottleneck problem was to add more disks to improve performance, this was the second aim of the thesis, which sadly was not possible because of the 2-bay NAS systems being used in the tests. The third and final aim was to establish and develop method guidelines for testing NAS-systems. This was done by using previous research in the area and using data encountered when trying to locate the bottleneck.
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Selective privacy protection for video surveillanceMatusek, F. (Florian) 27 April 2014 (has links)
An unparalleled surge in video surveillance has occurred in recent years, due to some tragic events such as terror attacks, bank robberies and the activities of organized crime. Video surveillance technology has advanced significantly, which has even enabled the automatic tracking of individuals. However, in the opinion of the public the increase in security has brought about a decrease in personal privacy. Through video surveillance citizens could be monitored more easily than ever before, thus considerably intruding into their personal privacy. It was assumed that security and privacy in video surveillance was a zero-sum game in which citizens were forced to choose one over the other.
This study was based on the belief that this notion is false. It was assumed that it can be possible to keep personal privacy while guaranteeing the utmost security. A solution to this issue was sought using Hevner’s design science research guidelines and design science research cycles. A video surveillance system was designed and constructed that would protect the personal privacy of uninvolved individuals under surveillance while still providing a high level of security, namely the Privacy Enhancing Video Surveillance system PEVS. PEVS protected the privacy of individuals by automatically scrambling the image regions where people were present in video streams. If a criminal act should take place, it was possible, with the proper authorization, to selectively unscramble the data of individuals of interest to analyze the situation. This enabled to analyze the situation without intruding into the privacy of uninvolved people on the one hand, while on the other hand using the data as evidence of possible criminal activity. Hence, the privacy of individuals was protected while maintaining the same level of security.
PEVS provided the first technology-based video surveillance solution, which showed only relevant individuals in the image while leaving the identity of everyone else unrevealed. Therefore, the main contribution of this thesis was the construction of a novel approach to video surveillance systems, capable of selectively protecting the privacy of individuals. This included introducing an architecture for a privacy preserving video surveillance system, which consisted of several sub-constructs. These included storage techniques for privacy data and shadow detection and segmentation methods, which increased the accuracy and speed of previous methods. Further, novel security and privacy metrics for video surveillance were introduced. The overall system was a significant improvement over the existing knowledge base that has thus far seen only first steps to selective privacy protection but has failed to provide a complete system. / Tiivistelmä
Videovalvonnassa on tapahtunut viime vuosina merkittävää kasvua johtuen järkyttävistä tapahtumista kuten terrori-iskut, pankkiryöstöt ja järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden toimet. Videovalvontateknologia on kehittynyt merkittävästi mahdollistaen jopa yksittäisten ihmisten automaattisen seurannan. Turvallisuuden lisääntymisen katsotaan kuitenkin vähentäneen yksityisyyttä. Videovalvonnan avulla ihmisiä pystytään seuraamaan helpommin kuin koskaan aikaisemmin tunkeutuen täten heidän yksityisyytensä alueelle. On oletettu, että turvallisuus ja yksityisyys videovalvonnassa on nollasummapeliä, jossa kansalaisten on valittava yksityisyyden ja turvallisuuden välillä.
Tämä tutkimus perustuu olettamukseen, että edellä esitetty ei pidä paikkaansa, vaan että on mahdollista suojata yksityisyys samalla taaten täysi turvallisuus. Ratkaisua tähän ongelmaan etsittiin suunnittelutieteellisen tutkimuksen avulla. Työssä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin videovalvontajärjestelmä PEVS (Privacy Enhancing Video Surveillance system), joka suojaa valvonnanalaisten sivullisten yksityisyyttä ja siitä huolimatta tuottaa korkean turvallisuustason.. PEVS suojaa henkilöiden yksityisyyttä salaamalla automaattisesti videoaineistosta ne kuva-alat, joissa esiintyy ihmisiä. Mikäli laitonta toimintaa havaittaisiin, olisi riittävillä käyttöoikeuksilla mahdollista purkaa salaus mielenkiinnon kohteena olevien henkilöiden kohdalta tilanteen analysoimiseksi. Tämä mahdollisti yhtäältä puuttumattomuuden sivullisten yksityisyyteen ja toisaalta tiedon käyttämisen todistusaineistona mahdollisen rikoksen tutkimisessa. Tällä järjestelmällä yksityisyys oli mahdollista suojata samanaikaisesti, kun turvallisuudesta huolehdittiin.
PEVS mahdollisti ensimmäistä kertaa maailmassa videovalvonnan, joka näyttää vain relevantit henkilöt jättäen muiden henkilöllisyyden paljastamatta. Sen takia tämän tutkimuksen merkittävin kontribuutio oli uudenlaisen lähestymistavan kehittäminen videovalvontaan, joka kykenee valikoivasti suojelemaan ihmisten yksityisyyttä. Tämä ratkaisu sisältää yksityisyyden suojaavan, useita rakenneosia sisältävän videovalvontajärjestelmäarkkitehtuurin esittelyn. Rakenneosiin kuuluu yksityisen tiedon tallennusmenetelmiä ja varjontunnistus- ja segmentointimetodeja, jotka paransivat aiemmin käytettyjen metodien tarkkuutta ja nopeutta. Lisäksi esiteltiin uudenlainen turvallisuus- ja yksityisyysmetriikka videovalvonnalle. Toteutettu järjestelmä on huomattava lisäys nykytietämykseen, jossa yksityisyyden suojan osalta on otettu vasta ensiaskelia ja joka ei mahdollista kattavaa järjestelmää.
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Výroba plynových ventilů na automatické lince / Production of gas valves on the automatic linePešl, Milan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of manufacturing gas valves on the automatic line and the design of CCTV systems to detect errors at assembly in Honeywell Czech Republic Ltd. The aim of this thesis is mutual comparison of the respective proposed options of the camera system, their optimal selection, and the evaluation of detected errors of the line by using Pareto Charts. An integral part of this work is a brief description of the automatic line for gas valves and the history of Honeywell Company.
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L’évaluation des politiques publiques de sécurité : résultats et enseignements de l’étude d’un programme de vidéosurveillance de la Ville de Montpellier / Crime Prevention Evaluation in France : results and teachings of a CCTV program assessment in MontpellierGormand, Guillaume 30 November 2017 (has links)
Le développement de la vidéosurveillance en France depuis les années 1990 révèle une évolution atypique. Cette opportunité technique portée par l’innovation technologique s’est tout d’abord fermement inscrite dans un violent débat, confrontant des positionnements idéologiques favorables ou opposés à la charge symbolique que véhiculait la vidéosurveillance. Finalement, grâce à des campagnes convergentes de légitimation que cette thèse décrit, les caméras de surveillance ont progressivement été affranchies de leur image liberticide pour durablement s’inscrire dans les programmes locaux de sécurité ainsi que dans les politiques publiques nationales. Cependant, après plus de deux décennies d’installations et d’extensions de réseaux de vidéosurveillance sur la voie publique, il n’existait, avant ce travail de recherche, aucune étude scientifique des contributions de cette technologie à la sécurisation d’un territoire.Avant toute chose, une contextualisation, nationale et locale, du succès de cet outil sociotechnique permet une mise en perspective de l’opportunité d’une démarche d’évaluation de politique publique pour éprouver la vidéosurveillance. Ce travail préalable révèle l’état des études françaises relatives au développement des caméras de surveillance et examine les méthodes d’évaluation disponibles.Le cœur de cette recherche interroge une promotion de la vidéosurveillance qui semble dépourvue de tout fondement rationnel, en rapportant les enseignements et résultats issus d’une démarche d’évaluation d’un programme d’extension de caméras de surveillance dans une grande commune française : Montpellier. Volontairement détaché des questionnements autour de la préservation des libertés individuelles, le travail réalisé se concentre sur l’identification et l’emploi d’une formule permettant l’examen de la vidéosurveillance et sur la justification des résultats obtenus sur un terrain spécifique. Pour cela, la recherche de terrain, conduite entre 2012 et 2015 dans le cadre d’une convention industrielle de formation par la recherche (CIFRE), a donc consisté à mettre en pratique une importante collecte de données encadrée par un protocole rigoureux.Ce travail interroge aussi la place de l’évaluation des politiques publiques de sécurité en France, en proposant une approche originale ouverte aux doctrines internationales. Conscient de l’opposition des méthodes expérimentales et réalistes, cette thèse suggère une voie de conciliation de ces deux écoles. Elle propose pour cela un protocole respectant les standards de la Campbell Collaboration mis en parallèle d’une interprétation des données guidée par la doctrine réaliste de l’évaluation.Après avoir établi la rigueur de la méthode déployée, cette recherche présente des conclusions argumentées quant à la contribution de la vidéosurveillance à la sécurité publique d’un territoire. Les résultats de l’évaluation s’attardent principalement à démontrer la pertinence du positionnement légal de la vidéosurveillance comme un dispositif de prévention situationnelle de la délinquance.Au final, après avoir exposé la validité interne et externe des résultats obtenus, la thèse interroge le paradoxe de la diffusion d’un outil qui paraît insensible à sa remise en cause pragmatique. Car malgré des résultats fiables quant à une contribution finalement négligeable de la vidéosurveillance à la sécurisation d’espaces publics, il semble que la croissance de cet outil repose sur une pernicieuse synergie de rationalités hétérogènes que la présente thèse tâche de décrire. / The growth of CCTV deployment in France since the 90’s has shown interesting developments. . In the beginning, this result of technological progress is in violent opposition to ideological positions that see cameras only as a symbol. After some a period of time, due to a legitimation campaign that this thesis describes, surveillance cameras were emancipated from there liberticidal vision and were for a long time used in local and national security policy. Meanwhile, after more than two decades of their widespread use by local governments, there was never in France any reliable demonstration of the effectiveness of CCTV against crime in public areas. Therefore, present research interrogates this irrational promotion of CCTV while presenting results and implications of an empirical study on French local policy developing public surveillance webs in Montpellier.First of all, a description of national and local contexts will justify the usefulness and opportunity of CCTV policy assessment. This part of the thesis points to the lack of crime prevention policy evaluation in France and the lack of investigation into the methods that are available.Thereafter, the keystone of this thesis is the description of an empirical experiment conducted in Montpellier between 2012 and 2015 in a tripartite convention associating local government, a research centre and a PhD student. Voluntarily detached from the discussions surrounding the protection of individual rights, the author focuses on how CCTV results can be observed and measured, and what were these results in a particular research field.Relying on the first scientific assessment of a public CCTV program in France, this thesis explains the method, the difficulty and the results of impact measurements and assessment. The data collected provides reliable findings on the contributions of a CCTV system against problems of crime in France.This work also clarifies the situation of evaluation practices on crime prevention programs in France. Aware of some shortcomings in this field, the author draws on North American and British methods to support his approach. Influenced both by the rigor of Campbell collaboration standards and the relevance of the realist approach, the author proposes a method to combine these two opposing doctrines of evaluation.Finally, after examining the internal and external validity of the evaluation results, this thesis reveals that CCTV development seems insensitive to its pragmatic questioning. Despite reliable results demonstrating a marginal contribution of CCTV cameras against crime in public areas, the success of this tool seems to rely on a pernicious mechanics that the present thesis attempts to describe
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I'm Ready for My Close-Up: Cameras as a Privacy Issue in State and Federal CourtsO'Meara, Laura Ann January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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