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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensions of speech and writing in World of Warcraft chat transcripts

Österljung, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to examine chat communication in the World of Warcraft on-line interactive game in order to place the chat on the formal/informal continuum using speech and writing as extremes, as well as to examine the linguistic context of the chat situation within a broadly Hallidayian perspective and tenor of the participants. A corpus of 3675 words was gathered from the game on the realm or game server of Bloodfeather. The data was analysed by counting the frequency of a few selected linguistic features and compared with examples of speech and writing. The research showed that the chat in World of Warcraft was highly informal and would on the continuum be placed as more informal than the speech extract used for comparison. The results also indicated that context plays a small role in shaping the chat conversation and that tenor have close to no significance at all.

Chat Language : In the continuum of speech and writing

Lind, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to determine where on a continuum between speech and writingwritten computer-mediated communication (chat language) would be placed. The essay makes use of a methodology based on Biber (1988). This was done using a quantitative research methodology based on counting and comparing specific linguistic features in different texts. The data for chat language came from the NPS Chat Corpus. Other data used were transcripts of spoken discourse as well as a popular scientific text as material for comparison. This essay is mainly focused on four features: the use of pronouns, passives, ellipsis and the type/token ration of each individual text. Despite the limited size of the material sampled, the results showed that chat language had more in common overall with speech than with writing.

"Jag känner mig liksom inte handikappad längre." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om teckenspråkiga döva och hörselskadade individers upplevelser med smartphones / "I feel like I am not disabled anymore" : A qualitative interview study about sign language speaking deaf and hearing impaired individuals experiences with smartphones

Ericson, Mathias, Baylan, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
This c-level essay examines how deaf and hearing impaired individuals use smartphones to live and communicate in a “hearing world”. The main target is to find some understanding of the struggles of this population and smartphones have made it easier to adapt to the hearing worlds’ demands with the applications that follow. To acquire the information for this essay, representatives from both the deaf and hearing impaired communities were interviewed. The findings of this qualitative study show that there are many applications that have advantages to aid the lives of deaf and hearing impaired. These include WhatsApp, Tango and many others. All of the respondents appreciated the new technology but also said that there is work to be done in that area. Especially the poor quality of the video calls is not satisfactory to the users using sign language.

Hiding behind nicknames : A linguistic study of anonymity in IRC chatrooms

Lakaw, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
Abstract This essay deals with the creation and usage of nicknames in synchronous CMC. Nicknames from four different IRC chat conversations related to three different topic groups have been examined. The method draws on Bechar-Israeli’s (1996) categorisation of nicknames, which has been adapted to suit the type of data sampled. Three research questions have been posed, which, in view of other studies related to this field of research (e.g. Ellison et al. 2006, Scheidt 2001, Chester & Gwynne 1998, etc.) have been examined to obtain information about the degree of anonymity and the topic-relatedness of nicknames used in chatrooms. The results show that users participating in synchronous CMC indeed follow topic-related rules for self-presentation and that anonymity has varying importance in different chatrooms.

Smilisen på IRC : :) :P :(

Gunnarsson, Mikael January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur vanligt förekommande smilisen är generellt på en chatt och vilka sorter som används. Som ett komplement till detta vill jag även ta reda på om enskilda personer använder många smilisar och hur många sorter dessa representerar. Först redogör jag för tidigare forskning på området och då främst när det gäller ickeverbala signaler och deras motsvarande chattstrategier. Dessutom kategoriserar jag smilisar generellt efter orientering, föreställning, funktion och variation och får på detta sätt en grund att stå på i materialanalys och diskussion. Som motivering till mitt materialval har jag även placerat in olika chattar i tre olika kategorier: parinriktade, gruppinriktade och virtuella världar. Mitt material består av sju dagars loggar från IRC-kanalen #Sweden och omfattar sammanlagt 16582 faktiska inlägg. För att inte påverka resultaten har jag insamlat detta i rollen som spion. Det jag kommer fram till är att smilisar förekommer i 14,5 % av inläggen. Dessa är orienterade både som liggande och stående med en klar övervikt på den förra. Alla tre föreställningar är representerade men föremål och händelser står bara för 1 % av totalen. Även samtliga funktioner används men bara i orienteringen liggande. Slutligen har också variationen av de liggande smilisarna visat sig vara stor. Resultaten komna ur analyser av tre chattare visar sig vara ett bra komplement. En mycket aktiv chattare visar sig endast använda ett fåtal smilisar av ett mycket litet antal sorter. Mindre aktiva chattare använder däremot en större andel smilisar. Smilisen har alltså visat sig vara ett vanligt och ett värdefullt komplement till den reella texten. Den liggande smilisen är till synes helt klart användbarast då den är både enkel att skriva och lätt att förstå. Jag tycker mig också ana att de smilisar som används oftast kan förknippas med genrestilen medan de som endast förekommer sällsynt snarare är tecken på personlig stil. Slutligen argumenterar jag för chattens och sålunda också smilisens fortsatta överlevnad.

An Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer Chat System

Edänge, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Context: Chat applications have been around since the beginning of the modern internet. Today, there are many different chat systems with various communication solutions, but only a few utilize the fully decentralized Peer-to-Peer concept. Objectives: In this report, we want to investigate to see if a fully decentralized P2P concept is a suitable choice for chat applications. In order to investigate, a P2P architecture was selected and a simulation was implemented in Java. The simulation was used to make a performance evaluation in order see if the P2P concept could meet the requirements of a chat application, and to identify problems and difficulties. Methods: Two main methods were used in this thesis. First, a qualitative design method was used to identify and discuss different possibilities of designing a distributed chat application. Second, a performance evaluation was conducted to verify the selected and implemented mechanisms are able to obtain their general performance capabilities and to tune them towards anticipated performance. Results: The simulation proved that a decentralized P2P system can scale and find resources in a network quite efficiently without the need of any centralized service. It also proved to be simpler for the user to use the P2P concept, as no special configurations are needed. However, the selected protocol (Chord) had problems with high rates of churn, which could cause problems in big chat environments. The P2P concept was also shown to be highly complex to implement. Conclusion: P2P technology is a more complex technology, but it gives the host a lower cost in terms of hardware and maintenance. It also makes the system more robust and fault-tolerant. As we have seen in this report, P2P can scale and find other resources efficiently without the need of a centralized service. However, it will consume more power for each user, which makes mobile devices bad peers.

Does electronic customer relationship management affect customer satisfaction and trust?

Lam, Hoang Chau, Li, Qiuyun January 2017 (has links)
Aim: This paper aims to explore and to understand how the E-CRM affects customer satisfaction and trust from customer perspectives in electronic commerce. Method: The research is an exploratory and qualitative study. A multiple case study involving 3 Swedish companies with 12 face-to-face interviews in Gävle, Sweden, was chosen to collect the empirical data for this study. Data were coded by hands and structured in the form of tables in accordance with 7 codes categorized in 2 themes. Coded data were interpreted to investigate the research questions by using the inductive method. Result & Conclusions: This study found that live chat and e-service quality in E-CRM directly affect how satisfied a customer feel with a company in e-commerce, thus affecting trust as well. However, the findings also showed that not all customers could perceive all the effects of E-CRM on their satisfaction and trust.   Suggestions for future research: Other features such as electronic word-of-mouth, internet branding or internet prices are suggested for the future research to have an in-depth understanding of E-CRM effects. Future studies may combine data from both company and customers to increase the validity and reliability. Furthermore, the population of samples could be collected in others cities or countries than in Gävle, Sweden to generalize the result more. The contribution of the thesis: This study contributes knowledge about E-CRM effects in Swedish e-commerce. Some differences related to existing theories were found in this research such as the effects of gender on trust or effects of prices on relationship building. Understanding the customer perspectives on E-CRM effects enables companies to have a proper E-CRM implementation and training for their organization and employees.

Internet chat rooms: new meeting places for real identities

Marneweck, Maritha 27 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / The anonymity associated with Computer Mediated Communication has formed the basis of an assumption that fantasy is a prominent feature of interactions taking place via the internet. Some of the literature argues that through fantasy identities all participants are able to become whoever they want to be, creating new virtual communities where equality between members is fundamental in their interactions. The findings of this dissertation suggest, however, that anonymity is limited by the reasons for chat room participation. Further, all the members are not equal, with a clear hierarchy evident as one logs onto the site. This study also argues that the concept of ‘virtual communities’ is not an accurate description of what occurs in chat rooms. The examination of chat rooms as ‘new meeting places’ for real identities is expected to generate more accurate theoretical postulations, in which the significance of the linkages between on- and offline realities is acknowledged. The extended case method was used to examine a chat room, known as Conversations, to investigate the linkages between online participation patterns and offline realities. Issues concerning identity and identity formation informed the principal motives in the selection of a research design that allowed the researcher extensive exposure to the members of this chat room. Since the emphasis was on the discovery of the meaning the chatters themselves attached to their participation, it was important to use a comprehensive research design. To this effect, three complementary data gathering techniques were employed; namely: virtual participant observation, face-to-face participant observation and in-depth interviews. Through this innovative research design the linkages between social opportunities, individual motivation and chat room participation were illuminated. / Meera Ichharam Chris Bolsmann

Vad händer med språket och skrivandet när eleverna chattar på spansklektionen? : En jämförelse av individuellt skrivande och chattskrivande i socialt medium

Salinas, Helen January 2017 (has links)
In this study, individually written essays are compared with interactively written chat texts with the aim to investigate, describe and to some extent explain what happens to the language and the writing during a chat session. Students in a Swedish upper secondary school studying Spanish A2 completed two jigsaw tasks through writing and the texts were analyzed from a descriptive grammatical and stylistic perspective through variable analysis. In the results, the essays tended to be more complex syntactically whereas the chat texts showed more variation and accuracy regarding verb conjugation. As to fluency (text length), number of clauses and verbal forms there were no major differences. Chatting in school environment seemed to become semiformal in this study, with many incomplete sentences and interjections, but with few extra-linguistic signs and only some decline in the usage of accents. A challenging feature of the chat practice is that the interactivity makes the final text result an inseparable entity of two individual texts both regarding content and language. At the same time the interactivity could be the reason for the higher variation and accuracy of the verb conjugation in the chat texts of this study.

Mouse cortical cholinergic neurons: Ontogeny of phenotypes in vivo and in vitro.

Coiculescu, Olivia Elena 08 1900 (has links)
The development of cholinergic neurons in mouse frontal cortex was studied both in vivo and in vitro by immunocytochemistry with an antibody to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the enzyme responsible for acetylcholine synthesis. While cortical cholinergic neurons have previously been characterized in rat cortex, up until very recently, intrinsic cortical cholinergic neurons were considered to be absent in mouse, and little is known about their development or phenotypic characteristics. The present study found no ChAT-positive neurons in mouse frontal cortex on postnatal day 0 (P0, the day of birth). On P7 there were few, faintly stained, ChAT-positive neurons. The numerical density of ChAT-positive neurons increased substantially with age, from none on P0, to 9.2 + 1.4 on P7, to 14.8 + 0.9 on P16, and 41.6 + 3.9 in adulthood. Considering that the numerical density of total neurons decreases during this postnatal period, the data represent a marked developmental increase in the percentage of cholinergic neurons. The development of cholinergic neurons showed very similar timelines in rat and mouse frontal cortex. Cultures prepared from mouse frontal cortex on embryonic day 16 were maintained for 25, 76, or 100 days in vitro (div). The percentage of ChAT-positive neurons was considerably higher than in vivo, ranging from a mean 28% to 31% across the three age (div) groups. With increasing age of the cultures, the numerical density of total neurons and ChAT-positive neurons decreased while the percentage of ChAT-positive neurons did not change significantly. These observations suggest some temporal stability in the cultures. Using dual immunofluorescence, ChAT-positive neurons were tested for colocalization with GAD or TH. The majority of ChAT-positive neurons colocalized with GAD, both in vitro and in vivo. However, ChAT did not colocalize with TH, either in vitro or in vivo. Our comparison of intact frontal cortex and cultures suggest that while the percentage of cholinergic neurons was greater in the cultures, the cholinergic neurons developed phenotypic similarities in vitro and in vivo.

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