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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prognostisering av dimensionerande grundvattennivå : En fallstudie av Chalmersmodellen och hur referensrör med olika hydrogeologiska egenskaper påverkar modellens tillförlitlighet / Predicting extreme groundwater levels : A case study of the Chalmers model and how reference wells with different hydrogeological characteristics impact the precision of the model

Cedergren, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
Grundvatten och dess varierande nivåer kan potentiellt få en stor inverkan både på byggnaderoch dess omgivning och kan innebära risker som upplyftande krafter, skred och ras. Baseratpå detta är det av vikt att kunna förutsäga extrema grundvattennivåer, kallat dimensionerandegrundvattennivåer. Däremot görs sällan mätningar under en längre tid, vilket krävs för att fastställasannolikheten av en viss grundvattennivå. För att kunna prognostisera den dimensionerandegrundvattennivån har den så kallade Chalmersmodellen utvecklats. Modellen utgår från attsätta korta mätningar från ett grundvattenrör vid en observationsplats (observationsrör) i relation till en lång mätserie från ett grundvattenrör vid en referensplats (referensrör). Enligtmetoden ska val av referensrör baseras på att det är likartade förhållanden mellan de två platserna, att de ligger inom 50 km från varandra och att mätningar i referensröret utförts i mer än 20 år. Denna studie syftar att utreda med vilken tillförlitlighet som Chalmersmodellen kan prognostisera grundvattennivåer som kan förekomma inom en viss återkomsttid. Fokus är på hur valet av referensrör som är placerade vid olikartade hydrogeologiska förhållanden påverkar Chalmersmodellens resultat. Studien utförs som en fallstudie, med utgångspunkt i utbyggnaden av tunnelbanan i Stockholm vid Sockenplan och Station Sofia. Utgångspunkten i Chalmersmodellen är att använda grundvattennivåmätningar från observationsplatsen tillsammans med mätningar från en ostörd miljö vid en referensplats. Beräkningar görs genom att utföra databehandling och beräkningar i Python i enlighet med beskrivningar från Chalmersmodellen och utvärderas genom att jämföras mot en liknande metod kallad extremvärdesanalys. Karakterisering av platserna vid observationsrören och referensrören används för att utvärdera hur stor inverkan olika hydrogeologiska egenskaper (akvifertyp och topografiskt läge) har på beräkningarna av den dimensionerande grundvattennivån. Resultaten visar att Chalmersmodellen generellt underskattar dimensionerande grundvattennivåer. Modellen har även varierande storleksordning av noggrannheten och därmed är det svårt att fastställa förväntad noggrannhet med Chalmersmodellen. Studien visar även att om observationsrör och referensrör är placerade vid en sluten akvifer kan en högre tillförlitlighet förväntas och osäkerheten i tillförlitligheten tycks öka för öppna akviferer. Slutligen om referensrör och observationsrör väljs utifrån att likartade hydrogeologiska egenskaper och samvariation mellan respektive grundvattennivåer, kan högre precision förväntas enligt denna studie. / Groundwater can potentially have a great impact on both constructions and the surrounding areas, and high groundwater levels can involve risks such as uplifting forces and landslide. Due to these risks it is important to predict and estimate the probability of extreme groundwater levels. However, when the necessary long term measurements are not available alternative methods are needed, like the Chalmers model. The Chalmers model is used for calculating extreme ground water levels, by combining a short measurement series from an observation well with the data from a reference well. For the results to be as accurate as possible, the two wells must share similar characteristics. The aim of this study is to investigate the Chalmers model when predicting the groundwater level for a specific return period. Focus will be on how the choice of different reference wells, with different characteristics, will influence the accuracy of the model.  A case study will be conducted on two station sites (Sockenplan and Station Sofia) for the extension of the metro in the southern part of Stockholm, Sweden, upon which the Chalmer model will be implemented. The different characteristics of the obeservation and reference wells are tested to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The accuracy will be evaluated by using extreme value analysis as an alternative calculation model, assumed to be more precise, and compare the difference in extreme groundwater levels. The measurements used as reference in the Chalmers model are public data from The Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU, for groundwater levels. Data processing and calculations are performed in python. This study highlights the difficulties in determining the accuracy of the Chalmers model when predicting extreme groundwater levels, and no specific expected accuracy has been determined. Generally, the model appears to underestimate extreme grounwater levels. Furthermore, if the observation well and reference well are located by a confined aquifer and between inflow- and outflow areas, a higher precision can be expected. The uncertainty of the model increases with an unconfined aquifer. The results also imply that if the reference well and the observation well are selected based on similar hydrogeological characteristics, a covariation of groundwater levels over time and between highest and lowest level, a higher accuracy can be expected.

The Doulgas Summerland collection

Fitzpatrick, Peter Gerard, Media Arts, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The Douglas Summerland Collection is a fictional "monographically based history"1. In essence this research is concerned with the current debates about history recording, authenticity of the photograph, methods of history construction and how the audience digests new 'knowledge'. The narrative for this body of work is drawn from a small album of maritime photographs discovered in 2004 within the archives of the Port Chalmers Regional Maritime Museum in New Zealand. The album contains vernacular images of life onboard several sailing ships from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including the DH Sterling and the William Mitchell. Through investigating the'truth' systems promoted by the photograph within the presentations of histories this research draws a link between the development of colonialism and the perception of photography. It also deliberates on how 'truth' perception is still a major part of an audience's knowledge base. 1. Anne-Marie Willis Picturing Australia: A History of Photography, Angus & Robertson Publishers, London. 1988:253

The Doulgas Summerland collection

Fitzpatrick, Peter Gerard, Media Arts, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The Douglas Summerland Collection is a fictional "monographically based history"1. In essence this research is concerned with the current debates about history recording, authenticity of the photograph, methods of history construction and how the audience digests new 'knowledge'. The narrative for this body of work is drawn from a small album of maritime photographs discovered in 2004 within the archives of the Port Chalmers Regional Maritime Museum in New Zealand. The album contains vernacular images of life onboard several sailing ships from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including the DH Sterling and the William Mitchell. Through investigating the'truth' systems promoted by the photograph within the presentations of histories this research draws a link between the development of colonialism and the perception of photography. It also deliberates on how 'truth' perception is still a major part of an audience's knowledge base. 1. Anne-Marie Willis Picturing Australia: A History of Photography, Angus & Robertson Publishers, London. 1988:253

In search of the romantic Christ : the origins of Edward Irving's theology of incarnation

Tucker, Nicholas John Cuthbert January 2018 (has links)
This thesis reassesses the evidence surrounding Edward Irving’s controversial teaching about the doctrine of the incarnation. Irving was a controversial figure in his own day and his legacy has been contested ever since he was dismissed from the ministry of the Church of Scotland for teaching that Christ had a ‘fallen’ human nature. This thesis re-examines the emergence and significance of Irving’s teaching. It evaluates the scholarly consensus that his distinctive Christology was a stable feature of his thought and argues the case that his thinking in this area did change significantly. Methodologically, this thesis draws on some aspects of Quentin Skinner’s work in the importance of context (Chapter Two) to understand Irving as he really was, rather than in terms of his later significance. In the light of this, Irving’s biography is examined in Chapter Three, before moving into a discussion of the influential part played by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Irving’s intellectual development (Chapter Four). The second half of the thesis then moves on to consider the development of Irving’s Christology and the questions surrounding its provenance and development (Chapters Five and Six). Finally, in Chapter Seven, possible sources of explanation for Irving’s distinctive ideas about the Incarnation are exhibited and assessed. The argument of this thesis is that Edward Irving developed an account of the Incarnation that was essentially novel, in response to the Romantic ideas that he had derived from Coleridge. In accordance with Coleridge’s assessment, it is argued that this derivation was rendered more complex by Irving’s incomplete apprehension of Coleridge’s underlying philosophy. Nonetheless, it is argued that Edward Irving’s teaching presented a Romantic version of Christ, and that this distinctive conception owes more to the times in which Irving lived than to the theological tradition to which he claimed adherence.

Framtagning av en ny E-DUO-koncepttrailer : Ett hållbart koncept för framtida E-DUO-trailer / Developing of a new E-DUO-concept trailer

Sateei, Shiva, Fernvik, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle spelar miljön en viktig roll, både för hur miljön skall bevaras och hur miljöproblem kan undvikas. Med detta uppmanas allt fler människor ha en större miljömedvetenhet. Miljöproblemet är ytterst märkbart i infrastrukturen och främst transporter av dess olika slag. Större fordon, såsom lastbilar, färdas långa sträckor för att transportera gods som i sin tur ökar bränsleförbrukning och gör att utsläppen blir allt mer. Genom att öka lasten, per transporterad enhet, på de tyngre fordonen så kan bränsleförbrukningen minskas. Företaget Parator Industri AB som tillverkar lastbilstrailers är med i ett HCT-projekt (High Capacity Transport) där de tillsammans med andra involverade företag ska ta fram en ny konstruktion av tyngre fordon med ett hållbarhetstänk.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att är att ta fram en lösning för kombination av en lastbil med kopplat släp vilket senare kommer utgöra produktionsunderlaget till företaget Parator. Detta genom att hjälpa företaget konstruera en ny DUO-trailern som kommer bestå av två chassin som ska sammanfogas och som kommer transportera containrar med gods i. Genom aktionsforskning med fokus på intervjuer och observationer, har vetenskapliga källor samlats in. Detta kombineras med modellering på dataprogrammet SolidWorks där 3D-modellering av den nya konstruktionen utförs. Med överslagsberäkning beräknas hållfastheten fram på den nya trailerns infästningar. Även ett nytt produktionsunderlag, med tillhörande materiallista och ritningar har tagits fram i rapporten. Studien har vidare analyserat huruvida de tillämpade tillverkningsmetoderna samt monteringar kan vara hållbara ur ett produktionsperspektiv. / Today the environment is a common question and how to reduce emissions into nature. With this more people are encouraged to have an environmental mindset. Mostly the environmental damage comes from the transport with different kinds of vehicles and their exhaust gas. Larger vehicles, such as trucks, travel long distances to deliver goods which increases fuel consumption and increases emissions. By increasing the load, per transported unit on the heavier vehicles, fuel consumption can be reduced. The company Parator Industry AB that designs truck-trailers is involved in an HCT-project (High Capacity Transport) together with other companies where the goal for the company is to achieve a more sustainable production material and have less impact on nature.The purpose of this study is to find a solution for a combination of the truck connected with a trailer which will later form the production basis for the company Parator. This by helping the company design a new DUO-trailer which will consist of two chassis to be joined and will transport containers with goods. Through action research with a focus on interviews and observations, scientific sources can be collected. This will be combined with modeling on the computer program SolidWorks where 3Dmodeling of the new design is performed.Estimated value of the design is done for the new attachments. The study also contains a production base with produced drawings and material list. The study also analyzes the relevance of the calculated values and if they will be sustainable in the future.

Invariance organisationnelle et conscience artificielle

Brodeur, Julien 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se penche sur la possibilité de la conscience artificielle. Plus spécifiquement, je me demande s’il est possible qu’un robot, un ordinateur ou toute autre machine ait une conscience phénoménale, i.e. qu’il y ait un effet que cela fait que d’être ces systèmes. Après avoir brièvement caractérisé la conscience phénoménale, j’investiguerai quelques problèmes qui sont propres à la conscience, soit le problème difficile de la conscience ainsi que le problème des autres esprits, dans le but d’établir le cadre conceptuel qui nous permettra de réfléchir quant à la possibilité de la conscience artificielle. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je défendrai la thèse selon laquelle la conscience artificielle est possible en m’appuyant notamment sur le principe d’invariance organisationnelle défendu, entre autres, par David Chalmers, ainsi que sur la théorie computationnelle de l’esprit. Finalement, dans le troisième et dernier chapitre, j’évaluerai diverses objections contre la possibilité de la conscience artificielle que je tenterai tour à tour de réfuter dans le but maintenir ma thèse initiale aussi intacte que possible. / This thesis examines the possibility of artificial consciousness. More specifically, I consider the possibility for a robot, computer or any other machine to have phenomenal consciousness, i.e. that there is something it is like to be those systems. After having briefly characterized phenomenal consciousness, I will investigate some problems that are specific to consciousness, namely the hard problem of consciousness as well as the problem of other minds, in order to establish the conceptual framework that will allow us to reflect upon the possibility of artificial consciousness. In the second chapter, I will defend the thesis that artificial consciousness is possible by relying on the principle of organizational invariance which is defended by David Chalmers, among others, as well as on the computational theory of the mind. Finally, in the third and last chapter, I will assess various objections against the possibility of artificial consciousness which I will try to refute in turn in order to keep my initial thesis as intact as possible.

Tragicommedia, Melodramma e Burlesque: Metamorfosi del King Lear in Inghilterra dalla Restaurazione all'Ottocento / Tragicomedy, Melodrama and Burlesque: Metamorphoses of King Lear from the Restauration to the Nineteenth Century

GRANDI, ROBERTA 01 April 2009 (has links)
Questa tesi si occupa di percorrere il percorso di evoluzione del King Lear attraverso due secoli e mezzo di adattamenti teatrali e riscritture. Prende in esame gli adattamenti di Nahum Tate, David Garrick, George Colman, John Philip Kemble, Edmund Kean e William Charles Macready. La tesi propone anche l’analisi del melodramma di W.T. Moncrieff nonché i burlesques di John Chalmers, Joseph Halford e C.J. Collins, e Frederick Marchant. / This doctoral thesis focuses on the evolution of the story of King Lear through two centuries and a half of theatrical history. The research is concentrated on the adaptations proposed by Nahum Tate, David Garrick, George Colman, John Philip Kemble, Edmund Kean and William Charles Macready. The analysis also takes into considerations some rewritings such as the melodrama written by W.T. Moncrieff and the burlesques produced by John Chalmers, Joseph Halford and C.J. Collins, and Frederick Marchant.

Tiyo Soga : man of four names

Davis, Joanne Ruth 02 1900 (has links)
This study finds its place in a global resurgence of interest in the Reverend Tiyo 'Zisani' Soga's and nineteenth century black political activism. It attempts to deepen our inderstanding od Soga's global milieu and identity, providing an assessment of scholarship on Soga's life and commenting on the major critical works on Soga provided by Williams, de Kock and Attwell and addressing the question of his multiple identities. The thesis explores Soga's relationship with textuality to reveal the struggles he encountered during his career as an author, most especially as the translator of the Bible. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

Rooted in all its story, more is meant than meets the ear : a study of the relational and revelational nature of George MacDonald's mythopoeic art

Jeffrey Johnson, Kirstin Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Scholars and storytellers alike have deemed George MacDonald a great mythopoeic writer, an exemplar of the art. Examination of this accolade by those who first applied it to him proves it profoundly theological: for them a mythopoeic tale was a relational medium through which transformation might occur, transcending boundaries of time and space. The implications challenge much contemporary critical study of MacDonald, for they demand that his literary life and his theological life cannot be divorced if either is to be adequately assessed. Yet they prove consistent with the critical methodology MacDonald himself models and promotes. Utilizing MacDonald’s relational methodology evinces his intentional facilitating of Mythopoesis. It also reveals how oversights have impeded critical readings both of MacDonald’s writing and of his character. It evokes a redressing of MacDonald’s relationship with his Scottish cultural, theological, and familial environment – of how his writing is a response that rises out of these, rather than, as has so often been asserted, a mere reaction against them. Consequently it becomes evident that key relationships, both literary and personal, have been neglected in MacDonald scholarship – relationships that confirm MacDonald’s convictions and inform his writing, and the examination of which restores his identity as a literature scholar. Of particular relational import in this reassessment is A.J. Scott, a Scottish visionary intentionally chosen by MacDonald to mentor him in a holistic Weltanschauung. Little has been written on Scott, yet not only was he MacDonald’s prime influence in adulthood, but he forged the literary vocation that became MacDonald’s own. Previously unexamined personal and textual engagement with John Ruskin enables entirely new readings of standard MacDonald texts, as does the textual engagement with Matthew Arnold and F.D. Maurice. These close readings, informed by the established context, demonstrate MacDonald’s emergence, practice, and intent as a mythopoeic writer.

Tiyo Soga : man of four names

Davis, Joanne Ruth 02 1900 (has links)
This study finds its place in a global resurgence of interest in the Reverend Tiyo 'Zisani' Soga's and nineteenth century black political activism. It attempts to deepen our inderstanding od Soga's global milieu and identity, providing an assessment of scholarship on Soga's life and commenting on the major critical works on Soga provided by Williams, de Kock and Attwell and addressing the question of his multiple identities. The thesis explores Soga's relationship with textuality to reveal the struggles he encountered during his career as an author, most especially as the translator of the Bible. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

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