Spelling suggestions: "subject:"astrochemistry -- study anda teaching."" "subject:"astrochemistry -- study ando teaching.""
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Formação continuada por meio de atividades experimentais investigativas no ensino de química com enfoque CTS / Continuing education through experimental research activities in the teaching of chemistry with a STS approachNiezer, Tânia Mara 18 August 2017 (has links)
Acompanha: Atividades experimentais investigativas no enfoque CTS: propostas para o ensino de química / Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar quais as contribuições de um curso de formação continuada (FC) por meio de atividades experimentais investigativas no enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) para a prática pedagógica dos professores de química no Ensino Médio do município de Rio Negro, que atuam na rede Pública Estadual do Paraná, pertencentes ao Núcleo Regional de Educação da Área Metropolitana Sul. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com os dez (10) professores de química que lecionam nas escolas de Ensino Médio do município de Rio Negro. A discussão teórica dessa pesquisa considerou estudos na área da formação continuada de professores, no enfoque CTS, e atividades experimentais investigativas. A abordagem metodológica foi a qualitativa de natureza aplicada, com o encaminhamento nos princípios da pesquisa-ação segundo aporte teórico de Carr e Kemmis (1986), que sinalizam as fases de: planejamento, ação, observação, reflexão e replanejamento, formando uma espiral cíclica que produz um movimento no contexto ação-reflexão-ação. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de questionários, entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas, fotos e vídeos das atividades, observação das atividades, arguições orais, portfólios e anotações em diário de campo, sendo categorizados e discutidos pela análise textual discursiva (ATD) conforme Moraes e Galiazzi (2006). Os principais resultados evidenciam que a promoção de uma FC, sobre as atividades experimentais investigativas no enfoque CTS, pode trazer importantes contribuições e subsídios para a ação docente, levando em consideração a realidade e o contexto de sala de aula. Como resultado dessa pesquisa, gerou-se um programa de FC sobre as AEIs no Enfoque CTS nas bases da pesquisa-ação e um livro com os planejamentos dos docentes participantes. Considera-se que a oportunidade de formação continuada para professores de química do Ensino Médio, que atuam na Rede Pública Estadual de Educação do Paraná, sobre as atividades experimentais investigativas no enfoque CTS, pode contribuir na melhoria da qualidade do ensino da ciência e na formação cidadã dos alunos. / This study has as objective to analyze what the contributions of a continuing education course (CE) through experimental investigative activities in the Science-Technology-Society (STS) approach to the pedagogical practice of high school chemistry teachers in the municipality of Rio Negro, that work in the State Public Network of Paraná, belonging to the Regional Education Center of the Metropolitan South Area. The research was developed with the ten (10) chemistry teachers that teach in the high schools of Rio Negro. The theoretical discussion of this research considered studies in the area of continuing teachers training, in the STS approach and experiment investigative activities. The methodological approach was the qualitative of the applied nature, with the referral in the principles of action research according to the theoretical contribution of Carr and Kemmis (1986) that signal the phases of: planning, action, observation, reflection and replanning, forming a cyclical spiral that Produces a movement in the action-reflection-action context. The data collection was done through questionnaires, individual semi-structured interviews, photos and videos of activities, observation of activities, oral arguments, portfolios and field diary annotations, being categorized and discussed by discursive textual analysis (DTA) as Moraes and Galiazzi (2006). The main results show that the promotion of a CE over experimental investigative activities in the STS approach can bring important contributions and subsidies to the teaching action, taking into account the reality and context of the classroom. As a result of this research, a CE program was created on the AEIs in the STS Approach on the basis of action research and a book with the plans of the participating teachers. It is considered that the opportunity for continuing training for high school chemistry teachers working in the State Public Education Network of Paraná on experimental investigative activities in the STS approach can contribute to the improvement of the quality of science education and citizen education from the students.
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Avaliação da geração de resíduos em disciplinas de química orgânica e inorgânica e propostas de reduçãoBarbosa, Ricardo January 2015 (has links)
O Departamento Acadêmico de Química e Biologia da UTFPR- Câmpus Curitiba conta hoje com 30 laboratórios dedicados a atividades de ensino e pesquisa. Atualmente, os resíduos gerados por esses laboratórios são recolhidos e seguem para disposição final. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um levantamento da atual situação da geração de resíduos químicos de laboratório no Departamento. Inicialmente os laboratórios de ensino foram selecionados para execução do trabalho por atenderem maior número de alunos e por suas atividades frequentes, sendo identificados os que atendiam maior número de alunos e onde eram executadas mais aulas práticas. Estudou-se as características dos resíduos gerados nestas aulas, com base nos planos de ensino, acompanhamento de algumas disciplinas durante a execução dos experimentos e registros do almoxarifado. Verificou-se as possibilidades de modificações experimentais, visando a prevenção da geração de resíduos, conforme enunciam os princípios da Química Verde. Desta forma, as disciplinas de Química Inorgânica e Orgânica foram consideradas com boas oportunidades de intervenção. Os roteiros experimentais dessas disciplinas foram estudados, e o inventário dos resíduos gerados por elas apontaram a geração de resíduos perigosos, segundo a NBR 10.004 da ABNT. Elaborou-se cinco novos roteiros de aulas práticas e as modificações metodológicas propostas envolveram a substituição de reagentes que pudessem originar resíduos perigosos contendo bário, chumbo, acetato de etila e clorofórmio. Realizou-se estudo na literatura, de modo a embasar teoricamente as propostas, as quais foram testadas em laboratório. Os testes realizados atingiram os objetivos propostos, comprovando a possibilidade de aplicação das modificações sugeridas. Um dos roteiros modificados foi aplicado em aula prática com o objetivo de verificar sua aplicabilidade e como os alunos receberiam as mudanças. Os alunos executaram e verificaram os fenômenos conforme os objetivos do roteiro, comprovando que o aprendizado não foi prejudicado e que o caráter didático da aula foi mantido. Concluiu-se que é possível executar as aulas práticas das disciplinas citadas prevenindo a geração de resíduos perigosos por meio de técnicas simples e aplicáveis, mantendo-se os objetivos iniciais das aulas práticas e incorporando-se princípios da Química Verde. / The Academic Department of Chemistry and Biology of UTFPR- Campus Curitiba today has 30 laboratories dedicated to teaching and research activities. Currently, waste generated by these laboratories are collected and proceed to final disposal. In this study, we conducted a survey of the current situation of the generation of laboratory chemical waste in the Department. Initially teaching laboratories were selected for execution of work for meeting more students and their frequent activity, were identified that met more students and where they were executed more practical classes. Studied the characteristics of the waste generated in these classes, based on the teaching plans, monitoring of some subjects during the execution of experiments and records the warehouse. There was the possibility of experimental changes, preventing the generation of waste, as set out the principles of green chemistry. Thus, the disciplines of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry were considered with good opportunities for intervention. The experimental manuals of these subjects were studied, and the inventory of the waste generated by them showed the generation of hazardous waste according to NBR 10004 of ABNT. We developed five new routes of practical classes and methodological changes proposed involved the replacement of reagents that could give rise to hazardous waste containing barium, lead, ethyl acetate and chloroform. It was proposed in the literature to explain theoretically proposed, which were tested in the laboratory. The tests met the proposed objectives, proving the applicability of the suggested changes. One of the modified scripts was applied in practical class in order to verify its applicability and how students receive the changes. Students performed and observed phenomena according to the objectives of the roadmap, proving that learning was not harmed and that the didactic nature of the class was held. In conclusion, you can perform the practical lessons of the disciplines mentioned preventing the generation of hazardous waste through simple and applicable techniques, maintaining the initial objectives of the practical classes and incorporating up principles of Green Chemistry.
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A interdisciplinaridade nas licenciaturas das áreas constituintes das ciências naturais: um estudo de caso na Universidade Federal do ABC / Interdisciplinary degrees of constituents in the natural sciences: a case study at the Federal University of ABCKarla Beatriz Gomes Saraiva 06 October 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou compreender a importância da interdisciplinaridade na formação de professores das áreas constituintes das ciências naturais de acordo com a Universidade Federal do ABC. Para isso, fez-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, na forma de estudo de caso, que realizou uma análise documental do Projeto Político Pedagógico Acadêmico de cada uma das licenciaturas constituintes da área das ciências naturais, Ciências Biológicas, Física e Química, da UFABC. A partir dela, analisamos mais profundamente esses documentos e as características contidas neles, procurando entender a importância de uma formação interdisciplinar para a atuação de professores das áreas constituintes das ciências naturais de acordo com essa instituição de ensino superior. Para compreendê-los melhor, entrevistou-se três dos professores que o elaboraram, com o auxílio de um roteiro de entrevista semi-dirigido. Através da realização desta pesquisa, com base nos documentos analisados e nas entrevistas feitas, conclui-se que a formação interdisciplinar de professores é fundamental para que o futuro docente perceba a complexidade dos conhecimentos globais, que envolvem as esferas social, ambiental e tecnológica. Um curso de licenciatura interdisciplinar é essencial para que o professor entenda como acontece a interação entre todos os campos científicos e saiba se posicionar perante todos eles, capacitando o seu aluno a essa competência. A abordagem interdisciplinar fundamentada na discussão e, principalmente no diálogo entre pessoas provenientes de diferentes campos científicos e com distintas visões habilita o professor a enfrentar as demandas educacionais de um mundo em vertiginosas mudanças. Essa formação, com certeza, reflete na atuação didático-pedagógica do docente, que forma, assim, um cidadão apto a se posicionar diante das questões do cotidiano e opinar, conscientemente, sobre problemas cada vez mais atuais. / This study aimed to understand the importance of interdisciplinarity in training teachers of the constituent areas of the natural sciences according to the Federal University of ABC. For this, there was a qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive, in the form of case study, we conducted a documentary analysis of the Project Political Scholar of each constituent degrees of natural science, Biological Sciences, Physics and chemistry, UFABC. From there, we analyze further these documents and features contained in them, trying to understand the importance of interdisciplinary training for practicing teachers of the constituent areas of the natural sciences according to this HEI. To understand them better, if interviewed three of the teachers who prepared with the aid of a script semi-directed interview. Through this research, based on the documents reviewed and the interviews, it is concluded that the interdisciplinary training of teachers is essential to the future teacher realizes the complexity of global knowledge, involving social, environmental and technological spheres. An interdisciplinary undergraduate course is essential for the teacher to understand how the interaction happens between all scientific fields and learn to stand before them all, enabling your student to that jurisdiction. The interdisciplinary approach based on the discussion and especially the dialogue between people from different scientific fields and with different views enables the teacher to meet the educational demands of a world in vertinosas changes. This training surely reflects the didactic-pedagogic activities of teachers, which thus forms a fit to stand on everyday questions and comment knowingly on increasing current problems citizen.
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Management of high school learners academic performance in ChemistryNesengani, Alidzulwi Thomas 18 September 2017 (has links)
DEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / Performance of learners in Chemistry in South Africa has been below the international
average. This study intended to investigate the management of high school learners’
academic performance in Chemistry as a component of Physical Science. The study
employed mixed designs which are qualitative and quantitative. The population of this
study comprised learners who were doing Physical Science, Physical Science teachers
and school principals. The principals as participants were purposively sampled whereas
teachers and learners were stratified random sampled. Data were collected through
questionnaires which were distributed to learners and teachers, while school principals
were orally interviewed. Data obtained from questionnaires were analysed using SPSS
software. Qualitative data were analysed through identification of themes, development
of codes and sub-themes. The improvement of teaching and learning will have a
positive impact on the academic performance of high school learners in Chemistry. The
findings showed that there are factors which affect the management of high school
learners like (school location, inadequate physical resources, attitude and anxiety)
contribute to the performance of learners in Chemistry. The findings also showed that
factors influencing the academic performance of learners in Chemistry like (effective
teaching, In-service Training of Chemistry teachers and Chemistry syllabus and
content) contribute to the performance of learners in Chemistry. This study will give new
insight to curriculum developers and implementers, and researchers regarding
emerging issues on performance and influence the Ministry of Basic Education on policy
formulation. Improved Chemistry performance will give learners opportunities to pursue
science related courses in higher institutions of learning and middle level colleges.
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The relationship between teacher-learner interaction and the laboratory learning environment during chemistry practicals in NamibiaTuaundu, Colen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out if there is a relationship between teacher-learner interactions and laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in Namibia. Literatures and questionnaires from 1383 learners and 12 teachers have proven that the interactions between teacher and learners have great impact on the performance, understanding and the environment that prevail in the laboratory.
The main data collection methods used was the mixed method research through the use of questionnaires and interviews. The results from the study show that good teacher-learner interactions have contributed to the positive learning environment that prevails in Namibian schools. Although the majority of the learners especially the girls have negative connotations towards Chemistry in terms of content, calculations and assessment generally learners look forward and are excited to do experiments in practical work. The impact of the excitement and willingness of learners to do practical investigations has not proven to improve learners‘ performance in Chemistry practical work in Namibia. The majority of the learners rated their teachers as good in subject knowledge, good leaders, helpful and friendly during practical investigations. The shortage of chemicals, equipments in laboratory activities that should have inspired involvement of learners in handling equipments is one of the factors that contributed negatively to the learning environment and teacher-learners interactions. Teachers mostly resolve to demonstrations due to lack of chemicals and equipment. Some schools show low/poor level of learner-learner interactions because some learners tease, laugh and discourage others during practical investigations. Chemistry laboratories in Namibia are characterised by lack of equipment, chemicals, poorly behave learners while on the other hand there are good behaviours from the teachers‘ side with most learners showing that their teachers always try to make the best out of the prevailing situations in the laboratories.
The laboratory environment in Namibia closely resemble laboratory environment in other studies in Asia, Africa and Europe. From empirical evidence it can be therefore concluded that there is a relationship between teacher-learner interactions and laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in Namibia. Although the relationship is not as harmonious or congruent as it ought to be, the government of Namibia can play a greater role in creating positive, productive and enjoyable learning environment by supplying secondary schools‘ laboratories with the needed equipment and chemicals to support the practical work as stated in the Physical Science syllabi.
The three questionnaire used were rated by learners and teacher as effective; easy to understand; covering most areas of the Chemistry environment; not time consuming, statistically valid and consistent. The changes made to the questionnaire fit well to the Namibia Chemistry environment and it produced nearly the same reliability and validity when compared to the pilot study questionnaire and other similar questionnaires used in other country. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics of Education)
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The relationship between teacher-learner interaction and the laboratory learning environment during chemistry practicals in NamibiaColen, Tuaundu 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out if there is a relationship between teacher-learner interactions and laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in Namibia. Literatures and questionnaires from 1383 learners and 12 teachers have proven that the interactions between teacher and learners have great impact on the performance, understanding and the environment that prevail in the laboratory.
The main data collection methods used was the mixed method research through the use of questionnaires and interviews. The results from the study show that good teacher-learner interactions have contributed to the positive learning environment that prevails in Namibian schools. Although the majority of the learners especially the girls have negative connotations towards Chemistry in terms of content, calculations and assessment generally learners look forward and are excited to do experiments in practical work. The impact of the excitement and willingness of learners to do practical investigations has not proven to improve learners‘ performance in Chemistry practical work in Namibia. The majority of the learners rated their teachers as good in subject knowledge, good leaders, helpful and friendly during practical investigations. The shortage of chemicals, equipments in laboratory activities that should have inspired involvement of learners in handling equipments is one of the factors that contributed negatively to the learning environment and teacher-learners interactions. Teachers mostly resolve to demonstrations due to lack of chemicals and equipment. Some schools show low/poor level of learner-learner interactions because some learners tease, laugh and discourage others during practical investigations. Chemistry laboratories in Namibia are characterised by lack of equipment, chemicals, poorly behave learners while on the other hand there are good behaviours from the teachers‘ side with most learners showing that their teachers always try to make the best out of the prevailing situations in the laboratories.
The laboratory environment in Namibia closely resemble laboratory environment in other studies in Asia, Africa and Europe. From empirical evidence it can be therefore concluded that there is a relationship between teacher-learner interactions and laboratory learning environment in Chemistry practicals in Namibia. Although the relationship is not as harmonious or congruent as it ought to be, the government of Namibia can play a greater role in creating positive, productive and enjoyable learning environment by supplying secondary schools‘ laboratories with the needed equipment and chemicals to support the practical work as stated in the Physical Science syllabi.
The three questionnaire used were rated by learners and teacher as effective; easy to understand; covering most areas of the Chemistry environment; not time consuming, statistically valid and consistent. The changes made to the questionnaire fit well to the Namibia Chemistry environment and it produced nearly the same reliability and validity when compared to the pilot study questionnaire and other similar questionnaires used in other country. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics of Education)
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"What Does This Graph Mean?" Formative Assessment With Science Inquiry to Improve Data AnalysisLeech, Andrea Dawn 17 January 2014 (has links)
This study investigated the use of formative assessment to improve three specific data analysis skills within the context of a high school chemistry class: graph interpretation, pattern recognition, and making conclusions based on data. Students need to be able to collect data, analyze that data, and produce accurate scientific explanations (NRC, 2011) if they want to be ready for college and careers after high school. This mixed methods study, performed in a high school chemistry classroom, investigated the impact of the formative assessment process on data analysis skills that require higher order thinking. We hypothesized that the use of evaluative feedback within the formative assessment process would improve specific data analysis skills. The evaluative feedback was given to the one group and withheld from the other for the first part of the study. The treatment group had statistically better data analysis skills after evaluative feedback over the control. While these results are promising, they must be considered preliminary due to a number of limitations involved in this study.
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Measuring the views of grade 10-12 Gauteng school learners on Chemistry practicalsDavis, Bridgit Helen 29 February 2004 (has links)
The two-part Views on Chemistry Practicals (VOCP) instrument for measuring the views of grade 10 to 12 Physical Science students about the benefits and problems of Chemistry practicals was empirically developed and trialed using six schools in Gauteng. The summary part of the resultant VOCP instrument comprises 24 Likert items and the explanatory part comprises 24 multiple-choice items with 163 options, thus creating a unique current record of a wide range of students' views of chemistry practicals and providing teachers with a tool for improving chemistry practicals. The trial of the instrument with 230 students from three schools indicated that the summary part of the instrument is reliable (Cronbach alpha coefficient) and that a shortened explanatory part of the instrument is reliable (Chi squared values for 17 items with 98 options). The validity of the VOCP instrument was established through the empirical development of the instrument using triangulation of data. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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Exploring students' academic performance in some fundamental concepts in chemistry through learning styles and instructional materials at two preparatory schools in EthiopiaDereje Andargie Kidanemariam 11 1900 (has links)
The main objective of the study was to explain how learning styles and instructional material influence students’ academic performance in some fundamental chemical concepts, and to integrate a specific learning styles model into the literatures of chemistry education and suggest how to apply it in the teaching-learning process of chemistry. To achieve the intended objective, a sequential explanatory mixed method design was applied. Out of 1676 science students in two preparatory schools, 326 participants were selected using a disproportionate random sampling and a sequential mixed method with a nested sampling strategy. Data were collected through Learning Styles Index, Chemistry test, and Semi-structured and open-ended
questionnaire. The quantitative part of the data was analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including an independent sample t-test and multiple regression analysis. The qualitative part of the data was analysed using a framework analysis approach. This approach involves thematic analysis followed by comparisons both within and between themes, and between cases. The quantitative phase of the study found that the contributions of learning styles to academic performance in some fundamental chemical concepts have not statistically significant contribution. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was not any superior learning
style that lead students to success in the fundamental chemical concepts considered in this study. The qualitative part of the study showed that the majority of students preferred the same nature of chemistry instructional materials. It also showed that nature of chemistry instructional materials used in the schools were different which can accommodate students’ with different learning styles. Based on the findings it is recommended that instructional designers and teachers take into consideration the representational nature of chemical concepts and then students learning styles when making instructional decisions. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Chemistry Education))
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中國內地高中化學課程中科學素養主題的研究 / Study of the high school chemistry curriculum for scientific literacy themes in the P. R. China陳博 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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