Spelling suggestions: "subject:"child support"" "subject:"hild support""
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An evaluation of the child support grant policy as administered by the Western Cape provincial Department of Social Development in its Gugulethu officeMpambani, Lukhanyo January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Technology: Public Management
in the Faculty of Business
at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology / This research study sought to find out about the efficacy of the Child Support Grant Policy [CSGP] to the intended beneficiaries – namely, children at the Gugulethu Office in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC). An attempt was made to establish whether there is any correlation between the administration of the CSG and poverty alleviation, which the latter seeks to address to a certain extent. The study was therefore undertaken to understand the perceptions of beneficiaries of the CSG, community members and officials at Gugulethu Department of Social Development offices. Furthermore, the study examined the major challenges that serve as obstacles to individuals who try to access the CSG, and sought to offer recommendations as to how these challenges may be surmounted and resolved by the Department of Social Development, which oversees the implementation of the CSG.
The study was both interpretive (qualitative) and positivistic (quantitative) in nature, Data was collected through the use of in-depth interviews and structured questionnaires. The findings of the study reveal that the Programme meets intended beneficiaries that is the poor children, though it does not all the children receive the grant. The results of the study have also indicated that the CSG is consistent with the South African government‟s core objectives of creating a better life for all. It was therefore established in the study that the CSG is managing to create better livelihoods for the children and their maternal families as the grant is seen as a source of livelihood. However, it was also revealed in the study that the provisioning of grant has also led to increased teenage pregnancies though there is no clear association between the two. Furthermore, the findings have indicated that there is need to perform capacity building with the Gugulethu Department of Social Development employees as it has been highlighted that most of them are not competent to administer the grant. In addition, it has be found out that there is need to ensure that the grant application forms are written in a language that the applicants can comprehend.
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Quais valores? Disputas morais e monetárias em ações de alimentos - uma etnografia em varas de família- / What values? Moral and monetary disputes in alimony - an ethnography in family courts-Tatiana Santos Perrone 22 February 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa que orienta esta dissertação foi realizada no período de março a dezembro de 2008 no Fórum de Santo Amaro e na Vara Distrital de Parelheiros com mulheres que entraram com ações de alimentos contra os pais de seus filhos. As 35 mulheres entrevistadas apontaram para a multiplicidade do conflito que as fazem entrar com este tipo de ação e para a multiplicidade de papéis sociais que desempenham, embora tanto conflito quanto papéis sejam simplificados e padronizados durante as audiências de conciliação. O espaço dessas audiências se restringe à discussão do valor monetário da pensão alimentícia, o que contribui para a celeridade processual e para um certo tipo de reprodução de desigualdade de gênero, pois a paternidade é restringida à obrigação de arcar com uma parcela do sustento material do filho, enquanto da maternidade se espera não só a outra parcela desse sustento material como, em muitos casos, toda a responsabilidade pelos sustentos moral e afetivo. Como a ação de alimentos é normalmente acionada após a dissolução de uma união consensual, o conflito que costuma deflagrá-la envolve questões como divisão de bens, violência doméstica, guarda e visitas das crianças, questões estas que são vistas pelas mulheres como tão ou mais importantes do que o estabelecimento de um valor monetário de pensão alimentícia, pois abarcam a dimensão afetiva da paternidade e o reconhecimento de insultos morais de que muitas mulheres se declaram vítimas. Essas dimensões morais e afetivas do conflito não são discutidas em audiências de conciliação, sendo algumas delas objetos de outras ações judiciais. O conflito, portanto, sentido como único pelas partes, é fragmentado pelo Judiciário para que se chegue a uma solução. Apesar disto, a abordagem aprofundada de dois casos mostra que o acesso à justiça, por meio deste tipo de ação, pode ser sentido como positivo pelas mulheres, pois o contato com o Judiciário acaba por resignificar seu lugar, fazendo com que se reconheçam, mais enfaticamente, como sujeitos de direitos. / This dissertation was originated by a research carried out from March to December 2008, at Santo Amaros Court and Parelheiros District Court, with women who have filed lawsuits against their childrens fathers for child support. The 35 interviewed women pointed out the conflict multiplicity to make them file this kind of lawsuit and the social roles diversity they have to perform, although both conflict and roles are simplified and standardized during the conciliation hearings. Those hearing spaces are restricted to the discussion of the child support amount, thus contributing to procedural speed. But the reproduction of gender inequality is also reinforced, for fatherhood is understood to cover only part of the childs maintenance, while motherhood covers financial support and also, in many cases, all the moral and affective responsibility. As the child support process is usually filed after a domestic partnership has been dissolved, the conflict that often starts the lawsuit is also related to issues like distribution of property, domestic violence, and child custody and access. These issues are perceived by the women as equally or more important that the settlement of child support, for they entail the affective dimension of parenthood and the recognition of the moral offenses that many women claim to be victim of. Those moral and affective dimensions of the conflict are not discussed in conciliation hearings, while some of them are objects of other law proceedings. The conflict, thus, experienced as a whole by the parties, is divided by the Judiciary to be successfully settled. In spite of that, the deep analysis of two cases shows that access to justice, by means of this kind of legal action, is experienced as positive by the women, for the contact with the Judiciary actually reframes their places, causing them to recognize themselves, more strongly, as subjects of rights.
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[pt] O estudo sobre a aplicação do princípio da prioridade
absoluta por varas de Família de
Justiça Gratuita da comarca do Rio de Janeiro foi o
objetivo principal desse trabalho.
Para entender a questão proposta, foi feito um histórico
da aplicação das políticas
públicas relativas a infância e às doutrinas que as
apoiavam nos diferentes momentos da
sociedade brasileira. Foi realizado também um histórico da
família e suas
transformações no decorrer dos séculos XIX a XXI, com a
legislação aplicada a ela
nesses períodos, iniciando pela família constituída
exclusivamente pelo casamento e
chegando ao conceito de família monoparental. Quanto à
Ação de Alimentos, fez-se
uma revisão de sua conceituação no sistema jurídico e sua
relação com a família, para
mostrar a sua importância face ao problema da garantia de
vida digna. O estudo mostrou
que não é dada prioridade no andamento das Ações de
Alimentos que envolvem
crianças de forma que fica mantida a violência estrutural
porque passam as classes
menos favorecidas, sem atender ao princípio da prioridade
absoluta, determinado pelo
ECA. / [en] The main goal of this dissertation is to explore the
implementation of the principle of
the absolute priority by the Family Courts in Rio de
Janeiro. It was made a historical
study of the application of the public policies concerning
the childhood and the thesis
which supported it throughout the different moments of the
Brazilian society. It was
also made a historical study of the family and its changes
from the XIX to the XXI
centuries, starting from the families based on the
marriage to the single parent ones. The
concept of the child support suit was reviewed based on
the judicial system and its links
with the family, in order to demonstrate its importance
concerning the survival. The
results showed that the maintenance of the actual
legislation concerning child support
favors the structural violence suffered mainly by the
lower income families, and does
not follow the principle of the absolute priority, in the
way its determined by the Statute
of the Child and the Adolescent.
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The child support grant in the Mdantsane and Potsdam communitiesRasi, Nondwe Yvonne January 2015 (has links)
Introduction and background to the study: This study investigates the impact of Child Support Grant on household access to food; education, and health care. The primary investigation is conducted between Mdantsane Township and Postdam communities, which are within Buffalo City Metro Municipality in the Eastern Cape.
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Assessing the effects of the child support grant programme on refugee children's poverty status in Cape Town, South AfricaByukusenge, Marie Chantal January 2016 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Cash transfers continue to be one of the tools used by many developing countries in order to alleviate poverty. South Africa was not left behind in applying this system. In 1998, the Government of South Africa introduced cash transfer programs in order to replace the old Social Maintenance Grant (SMG) that was available to single mothers when their husbands: die, get imprisoned, disabled or are untraceable. Also, this grant was supporting poor children during the apartheid era. In terms of children, the SMG did not achieve enough coverage, for instance, by 1990, it had assisted only 0.2% of African children and 1.5% of White children as well as 4.0% of Indian children and 4.8% of Coloured children (SASSA, 2012). However, the new democratic government managed to introduce a new program, which has now shown a very large achievement and has become one of the best social protection systems in Africa (UNICEF, 2012). Also, the new democratic government managed to expand the coverage to the children from age 0-16 to children of age18 years, including refugee children. With regards to refugees, after the fall of apartheid, the democratic Government of South Africa opened its doors to migrants and refugees. These refugees include children who are the most vulnerable persons. As such, in the first part of 2012, the Government of South Africa decided to provide and promote the well-being of refugee children, particularly those who are exposed to vulnerable conditions and living in poverty (CoRMSA, 2007). Despite the provision of the Child Support Grant for refugees, the beneficiaries of the grant are still facing many challenges especially those who have a low income. The study explores the perceptions of the caregivers of refugee children in Cape Town on the utility of the grant. The study adopts a qualitative research approach which is exploratory and descriptive in nature. In this regard, this study draws on in-depth interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions with women caregivers of the refugee children. In-depth interviews were conducted with 28 women participants who come from different countries but live in Cape Town, who were selected by using the snowballing sampling technique. The findings reveal that the grant was used for educational expenses and for food or clothing. The study also finds that the grant provides households with income security, improves school attendance and contributes towards improved access to health care and transport. However, the study also showed that there were challenges associated with the provision of the grant. Firstly, some of the caregivers reported irregularities of the system and waiting in long queues. Secondly, the caregivers reported inadequacy of the grant. Lastly, the receivers of Child Support Grant for refugees noted that documentation required by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is also another major challenge they are facing. Unemployment and accommodation are also mentioned as the challenges the caregivers of refugees’ children face. The majority of them stated that finding a job in South Africa is not easy. Furthermore, the caregivers reported the issue of finding a good place to rent. In terms of accommodation, the majority of the caregivers stated that landlords require many papers which they do not have and they cannot afford the rent required by them. The recommendations made are that participants felt that, they wish the Government of South Africa can allow them to work, as the majority of them have qualifications. However, others felt that it will be a good idea if the Government of South Africa increases the size of the grant. The SASSA staff advised that the caregivers of refugee children must submit the entire set of documentation required in order to receive or to apply for the Child Support Grant on time. The study concludes that the Child Support Grant for refugees provides children with a safety net and enables them to access basic services. However, this program needs to be monitored and evaluated in order for the service to be better rendered. The findings of this study have the potential to influence social welfare policy-makers to address the challenges associated with the provision of the grant. The findings of this study would also allow the policy makers to establish ways of ensuring the sustainable provision of the grant. The outcomes of this study will also have the potential to allow the policy makers to create ways of ensuring the sustainable provision of the Child Support Grant for refugees.
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Alimentos pagos pelo genitor aparente : soluções de reparação propostas ante a irrepetibilidade dos alimentosDias, Ádamo Brasil January 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de dissertação de mestrado acadêmico cujo problema de pesquisa consiste na identificação de soluções e respectivos fundamentos jurídicos para a reparação do dano sofrido pelo genitor aparente que é indevidamente obrigado ao pagamento de alimentos, considerando tratar-se de verba irrepetível. Foi utilizado como método de abordagem o hipotético-dedutivo e como métodos de procedimento o monográfico e o histórico. O trabalho foi dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo foi destinado ao aprofundamento do estudo da obrigação alimentar, com abordagem da evolução histórica, características, classificações, pressupostos, presunção de paternidade, alimentos gravídicos e, por fim, a identificação do dano consubstanciado na constatação da imposição do dever alimentar a destinatário ilegítimo. O segundo capítulo propôs uma solução ideal, que consiste no dever de reparação do dano pelo genitor verdadeiro, analisando inicialmente a possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva, mas concluindo, por fim, estar no enriquecimento sem causa o fundamento adequado. O terceiro capítulo apresentou soluções subsidiárias, para o caso de desconhecimento do genitor verdadeiro, buscando imputar o dever de reparação à genitora que age culposamente ao indicar o alimentante errado em juízo. Para tanto, quatro possíveis fundamentos foram cogitados: enriquecimento sem causa, abuso de direito e responsabilidades civis subjetiva e objetiva, concluindo-se que, em todos os casos, haverá responsabilidade objetiva da genitora guardiã ou gestante, embora ainda impositiva a irrepetibilidade quando presente a boa-fé da agente. / This is an academic master's thesis which research problem consists in the identification of solutions and respective legal grounds for the relief of the damage suffered by the apparent parent who is improperly required to pay for the child support, considering that it is an unrepeatable sum. It was used as method of approach the hypothetical-deductive one and as method of procedure the monographic and historical ones. The work was divided in three chapters. The first chapter aimed the deepening of the study of child support obligation, with an approach to historical evolution, characteristics, classifications, assumptions, presumption of paternity, child support during pregnancy, and, finally, the identification of the damage consubstantiated in the obligation of the imposition of paying the child support to an illegitimate child. The second chapter proposed a idealsolution, consisting of the obligation to repair the damage by the true parent, which initially examined the possibility of imputation of strict liability, but finally concluded that unjust enrichment was the appropriate basis. The third chapter presented subsidiary solutions, in the case of ignorance of the true parent, seeking to impute the duty of reparation to the mother who acts guilty by indicating the wrong parent in court. In order to do so, four possible reasons have been considered: unjust enrichment, abuse of rights and liability and strict liability, and it is concluded that in all cases there will be strict liability of the female custodian or pregnant mother, although still impositive the unrepeatable when present the good faith of the agent.
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The Right to Social Security : South Africa in Between Rights and ReliefGranlund, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
Social protection has become an important tool in efforts to eradicate poverty in developing countries and also risen strongly on the global development agenda the last decade. This thesis will look at different approaches to social protection and their relation to the human right to social security with South Africa as a case study. In using different scholars in the field of social protection and social justice together with qualitative fieldwork, the thesis explores the importance of social protection and the politics underlying efforts to protect the right to social security of South Africans living in poverty. The thesis suggests that South Africa’s social protection system lies somewhere in between rights and relief and more universal systems comply better with a rights based approach to social protection. Although significant progress has been made to social protection in South Africa the last decade, more needs to be done for South Africa to reduce rampant inequalities and combat poverty in the future.
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Documenting adolescent sexual and reproductive practices, and exploring perceptions of the impact of child support grant : a case of Durban.Dlamini, Sheila. January 2012 (has links)
Teenage childbearing has been a cause for concern in South Africa. A number of studies claim that early childbearing has been increasing, while other studies indicate that say it has remained constant. Despite lack of consensus on the trend, there is agreement that the levels are high. The Reproductive Health Research Unit (2003) survey reported that close to 15 percent of teenage women become pregnant between the ages of 15 to 19 years. Teenage childbearing has raised major concerns for government, researchers and communities (Cherry et al, 2001). Researchers have identified a number of factors which contribute to teenage childbearing. Lately, there has been an ongoing debate about the introduction of social security system (Child Support Grants), which is meant to assist in alleviating child poverty. Some argued that Child Support Grants has contributed in high pregnancies among teenagers. However, the research on the relationship between Child Support Grants and teenage childbearing has not been consistent. This study explored sexual and reproductive patterns observed among teenagers. The focus was on understanding experiences of school going adolescents. The study also aimed to establish the environment surrounding childbearing in schools and the perception of child support grants through interviewing key informants and teenagers themselves. In summary, the study collected qualitative and qualtitative information from teenagers and teachers in schools, and from teenagers collecting CSG from paypoints. Findings from this sudy indicate that sexual practices among teenagers are complex. Teenagers are aware of the negative effects around early sexual initiation and childbearing support. However despite of this awareness, the study shows that more than half (52.7 percent) of teenagers become sexually at an early age more males (53.7 percent) than females (46.3 percent) were sexual active. Of the sexually active teenagers, findings show that 26.7 percent had their first sexual intercourse at the age of 15 years, 22.0 percent at 14 years, and 16.8 percent at the age of 16 years. The median age at sexual debut for both males and females was 14 years.
While, teenagers without children were most likely to report that teenage mothers are having children to receive CSG, but teenage mothers did not confirm this. It was also interesting to discover that more males than females believed that teenagers take advantage of CSGs. However, indings clearly indicate that there are mixed perceptions with regard to impact of CSG on teen childbearing. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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Alimentos pagos pelo genitor aparente : soluções de reparação propostas ante a irrepetibilidade dos alimentosDias, Ádamo Brasil January 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de dissertação de mestrado acadêmico cujo problema de pesquisa consiste na identificação de soluções e respectivos fundamentos jurídicos para a reparação do dano sofrido pelo genitor aparente que é indevidamente obrigado ao pagamento de alimentos, considerando tratar-se de verba irrepetível. Foi utilizado como método de abordagem o hipotético-dedutivo e como métodos de procedimento o monográfico e o histórico. O trabalho foi dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo foi destinado ao aprofundamento do estudo da obrigação alimentar, com abordagem da evolução histórica, características, classificações, pressupostos, presunção de paternidade, alimentos gravídicos e, por fim, a identificação do dano consubstanciado na constatação da imposição do dever alimentar a destinatário ilegítimo. O segundo capítulo propôs uma solução ideal, que consiste no dever de reparação do dano pelo genitor verdadeiro, analisando inicialmente a possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva, mas concluindo, por fim, estar no enriquecimento sem causa o fundamento adequado. O terceiro capítulo apresentou soluções subsidiárias, para o caso de desconhecimento do genitor verdadeiro, buscando imputar o dever de reparação à genitora que age culposamente ao indicar o alimentante errado em juízo. Para tanto, quatro possíveis fundamentos foram cogitados: enriquecimento sem causa, abuso de direito e responsabilidades civis subjetiva e objetiva, concluindo-se que, em todos os casos, haverá responsabilidade objetiva da genitora guardiã ou gestante, embora ainda impositiva a irrepetibilidade quando presente a boa-fé da agente. / This is an academic master's thesis which research problem consists in the identification of solutions and respective legal grounds for the relief of the damage suffered by the apparent parent who is improperly required to pay for the child support, considering that it is an unrepeatable sum. It was used as method of approach the hypothetical-deductive one and as method of procedure the monographic and historical ones. The work was divided in three chapters. The first chapter aimed the deepening of the study of child support obligation, with an approach to historical evolution, characteristics, classifications, assumptions, presumption of paternity, child support during pregnancy, and, finally, the identification of the damage consubstantiated in the obligation of the imposition of paying the child support to an illegitimate child. The second chapter proposed a idealsolution, consisting of the obligation to repair the damage by the true parent, which initially examined the possibility of imputation of strict liability, but finally concluded that unjust enrichment was the appropriate basis. The third chapter presented subsidiary solutions, in the case of ignorance of the true parent, seeking to impute the duty of reparation to the mother who acts guilty by indicating the wrong parent in court. In order to do so, four possible reasons have been considered: unjust enrichment, abuse of rights and liability and strict liability, and it is concluded that in all cases there will be strict liability of the female custodian or pregnant mother, although still impositive the unrepeatable when present the good faith of the agent.
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Alimentos pagos pelo genitor aparente : soluções de reparação propostas ante a irrepetibilidade dos alimentosDias, Ádamo Brasil January 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de dissertação de mestrado acadêmico cujo problema de pesquisa consiste na identificação de soluções e respectivos fundamentos jurídicos para a reparação do dano sofrido pelo genitor aparente que é indevidamente obrigado ao pagamento de alimentos, considerando tratar-se de verba irrepetível. Foi utilizado como método de abordagem o hipotético-dedutivo e como métodos de procedimento o monográfico e o histórico. O trabalho foi dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo foi destinado ao aprofundamento do estudo da obrigação alimentar, com abordagem da evolução histórica, características, classificações, pressupostos, presunção de paternidade, alimentos gravídicos e, por fim, a identificação do dano consubstanciado na constatação da imposição do dever alimentar a destinatário ilegítimo. O segundo capítulo propôs uma solução ideal, que consiste no dever de reparação do dano pelo genitor verdadeiro, analisando inicialmente a possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva, mas concluindo, por fim, estar no enriquecimento sem causa o fundamento adequado. O terceiro capítulo apresentou soluções subsidiárias, para o caso de desconhecimento do genitor verdadeiro, buscando imputar o dever de reparação à genitora que age culposamente ao indicar o alimentante errado em juízo. Para tanto, quatro possíveis fundamentos foram cogitados: enriquecimento sem causa, abuso de direito e responsabilidades civis subjetiva e objetiva, concluindo-se que, em todos os casos, haverá responsabilidade objetiva da genitora guardiã ou gestante, embora ainda impositiva a irrepetibilidade quando presente a boa-fé da agente. / This is an academic master's thesis which research problem consists in the identification of solutions and respective legal grounds for the relief of the damage suffered by the apparent parent who is improperly required to pay for the child support, considering that it is an unrepeatable sum. It was used as method of approach the hypothetical-deductive one and as method of procedure the monographic and historical ones. The work was divided in three chapters. The first chapter aimed the deepening of the study of child support obligation, with an approach to historical evolution, characteristics, classifications, assumptions, presumption of paternity, child support during pregnancy, and, finally, the identification of the damage consubstantiated in the obligation of the imposition of paying the child support to an illegitimate child. The second chapter proposed a idealsolution, consisting of the obligation to repair the damage by the true parent, which initially examined the possibility of imputation of strict liability, but finally concluded that unjust enrichment was the appropriate basis. The third chapter presented subsidiary solutions, in the case of ignorance of the true parent, seeking to impute the duty of reparation to the mother who acts guilty by indicating the wrong parent in court. In order to do so, four possible reasons have been considered: unjust enrichment, abuse of rights and liability and strict liability, and it is concluded that in all cases there will be strict liability of the female custodian or pregnant mother, although still impositive the unrepeatable when present the good faith of the agent.
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