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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The nutritional status of children less than 5 years receiving child support grant in Mogalakwena Municipality, Waterberg District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Kekana, Matipa Johannah 18 May 2018 (has links)
MSCPNT / Department of Nutrition / Objectives: The study objectives were to determine demographic and environmental factors that can affect nutritional status of children receiving CSG, to assess the nutritional knowledge of caregivers, to determine the proportion of CSG spent on food and to determine the nutritional quality of food bought from CSG. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive with an analytical component Subjects: PCG of children under the age of 5 receiving CSG in Mogalakwena Municipality. 189 caregiver-child pairs were interviewed, in their households. Methods: Data collected by the interviewer included demographic data, Use of CSG, nutritional knowledge and the HHFI and anthropometric measurements were done by a 3rd year Nutrition student. Results: About 36.5% of participants were in the age 26-35 years, 75.7% were unmarried, 84.1% were unemployed and 72% had no matric. Mean age for children studied was 2.84±1.33, 77.8% of participants stayed in a household of more than 5 people. In terms of types of housing, 56% had formal houses, 55% had access to pit latrines and 52.9% used communal taps to access water, 41.3% used electricity for energy while 23.3% used wood to stretch the availability of electricity. Mean CSG received was R386.22 ±R208.75. Majority of participants (56.1%) indicated that CSG supports the whole family and 64.6% of the families depended solely on CSG for survival, while 27% of families had elderly people receiving pension grant which was supplementing the CSG. The CSG was used for different items, majority of families used 94.2% of the money for food at a mean of R171.55±159.25, followed by toiletry (71.6%) at a mean R61.89±69.24, then clothing (68.9%) at a mean of R70.77±97.14. Stokvel was also mentioned as one of the items contributed for by CSG, 32.3% of participants used more than R50.00 for stokvel. Different food items were purchased using CSG, 80.5 % of the money was used to purchase starchy food, mealie meal being the highest commodity at 43.7%. Offal (35.8%) was the highest protein source purchased followed by poultry at 26.4% and soya soup at 20%. Potatoes (19.6%) were mentioned as the most purchased vegetable, followed by cabbage (14.8%). There was a 53.5% of prevalence of stunting, of this 19.6% of children were severely xiii stunted, 5.3% underweight, and 32.3% of wasting. There were 22.1 % of PCG who were overweight and 12.1% were obese. The PCG BMI was negatively associated with WAZ (r= -0.48, p=0.515). There was a positive association between PCG BMI and HAZ (r=0.103, p=0.158), however when caregivers BMI was correlated to BAZ the association was strongly negatively significant (r=0.206, p=0.004). Most PCG received nutrition education from relatives, 71.1% were never educated on nutrition, 57.9% of children were fed 3X/ day. Conclusion: It is apparent from the study that malnutrition, precisely stunting is still a problem in South Africa, however this does not disregard the impact that CSG has on the lives of the poor. It affords the families to access basic needs in the household such as food, toiletry, electricity and even stokvel. The role of nutritionists/ dieticians is paramount in helping mothers to choose healthier economic food for the children in order to curb the burden of malnutrition. / NRF

Child poverty and the performance of the child support grant in South Africa

Streak, Judith Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the cruelest legacies of the apartheid era in South Africa was that it created a situation in which a very large proportion of children in the African and Coloured populations live in households affected by severe poverty. The first aim of this dissertation is to make a contribution to knowledge about the South African child poverty profile and its sensitivity to the adult equivalence scale used in measurement. This contribution is based on the Income & Expenditure Survey 2005. In April 1998, following the recommendations of the Lund Committee, the Child Support Grant (CSG) cash transfer programme was introduced. This programme initially paid a benefit of R100 a month to primary caregivers who passed a means test to help them care for children age 0-6. Currently it offers R250 to primary caregivers of children age 0-15 who pass a means test. The second aim of this dissertation is to synthesize the main findings and knowledge gaps of the performance of the CSG based on an analysis of the existing research on the programme. The questions used to structure the CSG analysis are derived from an application of the Rossi et al. (2004) systematic approach for tailoring a social programme evaluation and cover the logic of the programme‘s impact theory, implementation impact and design. Chapter one considers conceptual and methodological issues in child poverty measurement, thereby providing methodological foundations for the analysis. Chapter two reviews the existing research on child poverty in South Africa and identifies knowledge gaps that the Income and Expenditure Survey of 2005 analysis contributes towards filling. Chapter three presents the findings on the sensitivity of the child poverty profile to changes in the adult equivalence scale as well as on the dimensions of the South African child poverty profile. Chapter four describes the Rossi et al. (2004) method for tailoring a social programme evaluation and applies it, thereby laying the foundations for the CSG programme analysis, presented in chapter five. The conclusion explains how the child poverty analysis in the first half of the dissertation relates to the CSG analysis in the second and draws implications of the dissertation‘s main findings for future research. Setting the poverty line at the 40th percentile of households calculated with different AESs, the scope and composition of child poverty are found to be relatively insensitive to the scale used. This supports the argument that it may be appropriate in South Africa to use a poverty line based on a per capita welfare measure. For the construction of the poverty profile per capita income is used as the welfare indicator, with the poverty line set at the 40th percentile of household. The profile finds that poverty remains more extensive amongst children than adults even after the massive injection of cash via the CSG into poor households with children. Large variations across provinces remain. The child poverty headcount and depth and severity measures are all found to be higher amongst children age 0-4 than children age 15-17, despite the prioritization of very young children in the roll out of the CSG programme. The finding that children age 0-4 are still most in need questions the logic behind the government‘s recent decision to expand coverage of the grant to children age 15-17 instead of allocating additional funds to support this group. The CSG programme impact theory is found to be reasonable. A substantial amount of research on the programme‘s implementation is identified, which shows the massive expansion in its coverage since 2000 and that, in general, it has been well implemented. Delay in reaching very young eligible children, under-representation of children with non-biological caregivers and failure to reach some of the very poorest children who live in remote areas emerge as weaknesses in programme implementation. Barriers to access are identified. The difficulty of distilling the effects of the CSG programme on child poverty and its associated deprivations in the absence of a randomized community trial is explained, as is the need to use direct rather than indirect monetary indicators to isolate the impacts of the CSG on child poverty. A small yet convincing evidence base on the impacts of the programme is identified; this shows that it has been achieving its ultimate objectives of reducing child deprivation and promoting human capital development. It is argued that the existing research and current budgetary context suggests that: the income means test should not be eliminated; the CSG benefit value should not be raised substantially; school related conditions should not have been linked to receipt of the CSG benefit; and, even in the case of children age 16 and above, the grant should be paid to children via the primary caregiver. The research priorities implied by this dissertation are organized into three separate yet interrelated areas of research. The first is further research on the dimensions of multi-dimensional child poverty in South Africa. Here the spotlight needs to be on: understanding more about which children are deprived and in what sense; similarities and differences between the composition of poverty based on indirect monetary measures and other more direct measures of deprivation; the circumstances which ensure that children age 0-4 are still most in need (at least in the resource deprivation sense). The second area is research on the implementation of the CSG programme, in which case the findings from the existing research on the weaknesses in programme implementation and concerns about targeting outcomes need to guide the research. The third area of research identified as requiring further attention is that of the CSG‘s impacts on child deprivation (wellbeing). Here the focus needs to be on establishing which children are benefiting most and least from the grant and why. Towards this end quantitative researchers need to follow the lead of other researchers and use direct indicators of child outcomes. Qualitative research on who controls the resources that flow into the household, as well as how resources are allocated inside the household, can make an important contribution to answering these questions. The CSG‘s potential to generate behavioral effects which could alter household structure and/or income earned from wages is something that is also identified as important for researchers to explore. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die wreedste erfenisse van Suid-Afrika se apartheid-era was dat dit ‘n toestand geskep het waarin die grootse gros van swart en kleurling kinders in huishoudings geleef het wat deur armoede geraak is. Die eerste doel van hierdie proefskrif is om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot kennis omtrent die Suid-Afrikaanse kinderarmoedeprofiel en hoe sensitief dit is vir die volwassene-ekwivalentskaal waarmee dit gemeet word. Die empiriese bydrae oor die kinderarmoedeprofiel en sy sensitiwiteit vir die VES is gebaseer op die Inkomste- en Bestedingstudie van 2005. Na die aanbevelings van die Lund-komitee is die Kinderbystandstoelae (KBT), ʼn program van kontantoordragte, in April 1998 bekendgestel. Die program het aanvanklik ʼn voordeel van R100 per maand aan primêre versorgers betaal wat aan 'n middeletoets voldoen het om hulle te help om kinders van 0 tot 6 jaar oud te versorg. Tans word R250 aangebied aan primêre versorgers van kinders van 0 tot 16 jaar wat aan die middeletoets voldoen. Die tweede doel van hierdie proefskrif is om vas te stel wat die belangrikste vrae is wat tans gevra behoort te word omtrent die KBT se vertoning, gegrond op ʼn analise van die bestaande navorsing oor hierdie program, om die bevindings en kennisleemtes hieroor saam te vat. Hoofstuk 1 beskou konsepsuele en metodologiese kwessies rakende die metings van kinderarmoede, wat die metodologiese grondslag vir hierdie analise bied. Hoofstuk 2 gee 'n oorsig van die bestaande navorsing oor kinderarmoede in Suid-Afrika en identifiseer sodoende die kennisleemtes, wat die analise van die IBS help vul. Hoofstuk 3 bied bevindinge oor die ontleding van die sensitiwiteit van die kinderarmoedeprofiel vir die volwasse-ekwivalentskaal wat gebruik word en dateer hierdie profiel op met gebruik van die Inkomste- en Bestedingstudie van 2006. Hoofstuk 4 beskryf Rossi et el. (2004) se metode oor hoe om ʼn maatskaplike program te beoordeel en pas dit toe om belangrike vrae te identifiseer wat oor die KBT gevra behoort te word. Hoofstuk 5 bied antwoorde op hierdie vrae rakende die KBT sowel as bevindinge en kennisleemtes uit die literatuur rakende die KBT-program. Deur die armoedelyn op die 40e persentiel van huishoudings soos met verskillende VES‘e bereken te stel, word gevind dat die omvang en samestelling van kinderarmoede redelik onsensitief is vir die skaal wat gebruik word. Dit ondersteun die argument dat dit toepaslik mag wees om 'n per capita armoedelyn vir berekening van Suid-Afrikaanse armoedeprofiele te gebruik. Dus word die armoedelyn op die 40e persentiel van per capita inkomste gestel vir die konstruksie van die armoedeprofiel. Hierdie profiel toon dat armoede onder kinders meer algemeen is as onder volwassenes, selfs ná die massiewe inspuiting van kontant in arm huishoudings met kinderlede deur die KBT. Daar bly groot onderskeide tussen provinsies. Vir kinders 0 tot 4 is die koppetelling, diepte en intensiteit van kinderarmoede alles hoër as vir ouer kinders tot in die groep 15–17. Dit ondersteun die regering se huidige beleid om voorkeur te verleen aan jonger kinders in die stryd teen armoede. Die teorie agter die KBT program se impak word as redelik beoordeel. ʼn Beduidende hoeveelheid navorsing bestaan oor die KBT se implementering. Dit toon die massiewe uitbreiding van die program sedert 2000 en dat die program in die algemeen goed geïmplementeer is. Swakpunte in implementering wat uitgewys word is die sloering om baie jong kwalifiserende kinders te bereik en onderverteenwoordiging van kinders waarvan die versorgers nie biologies verwant is aan die kinders nie. Daar word aangevoer dat die beperkte navorsing oor die KBT-program se impak daarop dui dat dit sy uiteindelike doelstelling bereik om kinderontbering te verminder en menslike kapitaal te bevorder. Die analise van die KBT-program lei tot die slotsom dat die inkomste-middeletoets nie uitgeskakel moet word nie, dat skoolplig-voorwaardes nie vir die program moes ingestel geword het nie, dat die voordeelvlakke van die program nie tans beduidend verhoog moet word nie en dat die toelae ook in die geval van ouer kinders (16 jaar en meer) wel steeds aan die primêre versorger uitbetaal behoort te word. Een duidelike kennisleemte oor die KBT-program is hoe dit gedrag beïnvloed, in die vorm van arbeidsmigrasie, arbeidsaanbod en fertiliteit, sowel as gesinstruktuur en reëlings rondom die versorging van kinders. ʼn Verdere kennisleemte is hoe die program op die vlak van beleid en implementering met ander ondersteuningsmaatsreëls vir kinders geïntegreer is. Die analise wys op die behoefte daaraan om beleidsopsies te verken wat sal help dat kinders wie se versorgers nie biologiese verwante is nie netsoveel sal baat van die inkomste wat weens die KBT in arm huishoudings invloei as ander kinders. Navorsingsprioriteite wat uit hierdie proefskrif se bevindinge spruit kan in drie onafhanklike maar gekoppelde navorsingsgebiede gegroepeer word. Die eerste is verdere navorsing oor die dimensies van multi-dimensionele kinderarmoede in Suid-Afrika. Hier behoort die soeklig te val op: ʼn beter begrip van watter kinders ontbeer en in watter sin; ooreenkomste en verskille tussen die samestelling van armoede gebaseer op indirekte monetêre maatstawwe en ander meer direkte maatstawwe van ontbering; en wat veroorsaak dat kinders in die ouderdomsgroep 0-4 se behoefte steeds die grootste is (ten minste in die hulpbron-ontbering sin van die woord). Die tweede gebied is navorsing oor die implementering van die KBT-program, waar bevindinge oor swakhede in program-implementering uit bestaande navorsing en besorgdheid oor die uitkomste van teikening navorsing behoort te rig. Die derde navorsingsgebied wat verdere aandag verg is die KBT se impak op kinderontbering en -welsyn. Hier behoort die klem daarop te val om vas te stel watter kinders die meeste voordeel trek uit die toelae en hoekom dit die geval is. In hierdie verband word geargumenteer dat kwantitatiewe navorsers ander navorsers se voorbeeld behoort te volg en direkte maatstawwe van kinderuitkomste behoort te gebruik. Kwalitatiewe navorsing oor wie bronne beheer wat die huishouding binnevloei en hoe dit binne die huishouding toegedeel word, kan veel tot die beantwoording van hierdie vrae bydra. Nog iets wat uitgewys word as ʼn belangrike gebied wat navorsers verder moet ontgin is die KBT se potensiële effek op gedrag wat huishoudingstruktuur en/of looninkomste beïnvloed.

(RE) produção de famílias “incapazes”: paradoxos à convivência familiar de crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados

Cardoso, Gracielle Feitosa de Loiola 04 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-08-10T13:51:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Gracielle Feitosa de Loiola Cardoso.pdf: 2571690 bytes, checksum: e6ecdc0d343fa169abc7b4eec040be25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-10T13:51:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gracielle Feitosa de Loiola Cardoso.pdf: 2571690 bytes, checksum: e6ecdc0d343fa169abc7b4eec040be25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research was to know the experiences of access to services / public policies of families with children in an institutional reception situation and the repercussions for the return to the relationship with their children. It is a relational object that pulsates in lands that are very strongly intertwined between the Single Social Assistance System and the Justice System. To carry out this study presupposes a complex movement that shows a saturated web of historical, cultural, political, economic and social mediations. From this perspective, we chose the qualitative research, carried out with the support of the oral source, as a way of getting as close as possible to the reality and historical processes experienced and counted by the subjects participating in the research. The narrative of three women, Cristina, Nega and Margareth, whose stories intersect not only through the institutionalization of their children, but also through a daily life that is crossed by inequalities, violence and abandonment. In order to help in this process, the narratives of workers working in the Justice System and the Single Social Assistance System also came on the scene: two social workers and an lawyer working in CREAS, an social worker and an psychologist from the Municipal Reception Service, an social worker of the Reception Service for children up to 06 years old, and four tutorial advisers. The orality allows us to understand how subjects give meaning to reality, the possibility of "giving life" to what is set in procedural records, medical records, reports and PIAs, to know the lives and stories behind the persons held As negligent, incapable or dependent. Thus, allowing access to other contours and living beyond the inability to care for their children. It was tried to raise questions that contribute so that families with institutionalized children have access to a social protection citizen and, the destitution of the familiar power, can be more and more an exception / Objetivou-se com a pesquisa conhecer as vivências de acesso aos serviços/políticas públicas de famílias com filhos em situação de acolhimento institucional e as repercussões para o retorno ao convívio com seus filhos. Trata-se de um objeto relacional que pulsa em terrenos que se entrelaçam muito fortemente entre o Sistema Único de Assistência Social e o Sistema de Justiça. Realizar esse estudo pressupõe um movimento complexo, que evidencia uma trama saturada de mediações históricas, culturais, políticas, econômicas e sociais. Partindo dessa perspectiva, escolhemos a pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com o suporte da fonte oral, como forma de nos aproximarmos o mais perto possível da realidade e dos processos históricos vivenciados e contados pelos sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. O fio condutor que teceu a sua construção foram as narrativas de três mulheres, Cristina, Nega e Margareth, cujas histórias se intercruzam não apenas pela institucionalização dos seus filhos, mas também por um cotidiano atravessado por desigualdades, violências e abandonos. Para auxiliar nessa tessitura também entraram em cena as narrativas de trabalhadores que atuam no Sistema de Justiça e no Sistema Único de Assistência Social, sendo: dois assistentes sociais e uma advogada atuando no CREAS, uma assistente social e uma psicóloga do Serviço de Acolhimento Municipal, uma assistente social do Serviço de Acolhimento para crianças de até 06 anos e, quatro conselheiros tutelares. A oralidade nos permite compreender a forma como os sujeitos dão significado a realidade, a possibilidade de “dar vida” ao que está posto nos autos processuais, nos prontuários, nos relatórios e nos PIAs, de conhecer as vidas e histórias por traz das pessoas tidas como negligentes, incapazes ou dependentes. Possibilitando, assim, o acesso a outros contornos e viveres para além da incapacidade de cuidarem de seus filhos. Buscou-se levantar questionamentos que contribuam para que famílias com filhos institucionalizados tenham acesso a uma proteção social cidadã e, a destituição do poder familiar, possa ser cada vez mais uma exceção

Zwischen Sorgerecht und Unterhaltspflicht. / Determinanten väterlichen Sorgehandelns in Nachtrennungsfamilien an den Beispielen Deutschland, Großbritannien und Norwegen. / Between Custody Rights and Maintenance Duties. / Determinants of Non-resident Fathering in Germany, Great Britain and Norway.

Marten, Carina 17 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Socio-economic challenges and the survival mechanisms for the female-headed households in the Bophelong Township / Dorah Dubihlela

Dubihlela, Dorah January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation studies the socio-economic challenges and the survival mechanisms of female-headed households in Bophelong Township. The study focuses on three areas namely, female-headed households, their socio-economic challenges and survival strategies. The study followed a literature survey first, then an empirical study. The literature study was undertaken to provide a theoretical framework for the empirical work. The survey process was undertaken in two phases. In the first phase, a sample survey of the whole area of Bophelong was undertaken. This was the sample from which female-headed households were identified. In the second phase, a household survey on the female-headed households serving the purpose of this study was undertaken. The method used in the measure of poverty is the Household Subsistence Level (HSL). The HSL measures the minimum amount needed by a household to maintain subsistence. It takes account of the sex and ages of household members. According to the study outcome, poverty levels amongst female-headed households in Bophelong are high. About 77% of sampled female-headed households in Bophelong were poor. The poverty gap index in these households was 0.53; meaning that on average poor households needs 53% of their income to reach their poverty line. High unemployment rate has been found to be prevalent amongst female-headed households in Bophelong, where the rate of 65% was recorded. This high unemployment rate was possibly the cause of poverty in these households together with low educational qualifications among households members; only 2% were found to have a post graduate qualification. Female-headed households in Bophelong township are engaged in a daily struggling to survive. These households have devised various means for survival. These include the search for wild fruits in the nearby areas, immigration to another region and the benefit of school feeding schemes. When it comes to the sources of household income, government grants were found to play an important role in the sustenance of these households. The average household income was calculated at R1760 per month. The average dependency ratio, which measures the number of unemployed who depend on one income earner, was 5.5. Finally, the investigation recommends a more detailed and deeper study relating to the socio-economic challenges faced by the female-headed households. There is also a need to explore on their survival means so as to direct policy actions aimed at addressing socio-economic issues relating to female-headed households in general. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

The impact of government grants on poverty in Sharpeville / Boitumelo Reneilwe Hatla

Hatla, Boitumelo Reneilwe January 2011 (has links)
South Africa, like international countries, has been experiencing an increase in the levels of poverty over the years. Poverty affects vulnerable groups of society more intensely and these groups include children, the old, disabled people and women, especially those who are single parents. This dissertation studies the role social grants have on the level of poverty in households of Sharpeville. This study focuses on two areas namely the theoretical background of poverty and social grants; and what the impact is of income from social grants. The South African government provides its citizens with eight different social grants to help those in need and/or vulnerable. From these social grants only six are investigated for the purpose of this study. These grants include the old age grant, child dependency grant, foster care grant, child support grant, disability grant and the war veteran grant. Poverty is defined as the inability to attain a minimal material standard of living by the World Bank. The different indicators used in this study to profile poor households in Sharpeville include the Household Subsistence Level (HSL) as the poverty line, the poverty gap ratio, the headcount index and the dependency ratio. This dissertation shows that poverty within the township has increased over the five years. And to do this the results from the data survey conducted in 2009 are compared to the results from Sekatane‘s 2004 data. The poverty gap ratio and the headcount index for the township in 2009 were estimated at 0.86 and 0.654 respectively. In the year 2004 the headcount index was estimated at 0.431 indicating a 22.3 percent increase in the number of people living in poverty. This means that an estimated 5 477 households in Sharpeville, in 2009, were regarded to be poor When government grants are excluded from the household‘s income within the township both the poverty gap ratio and the headcount index decrease to 0.93 and 0.705 respectively. This means that when government grants are excluded from households‘ income within Sharpeville, the depth of poverty within household‘s increases. The income from government grants might be regarded as minimal, however it assists in moving households further from the poverty line. This study recommends that activities within the informal sector should be encouraged as this will increase employment opportunities for those unemployed in the township. As the vast majority of the unemployed people have skills from trading/retail sector; employment creation should be focused in this sector. Lastly, the income threshold used in the means test equation to check affordability of social grant applicant should be decreased as people meeting the current criteria are already living in dire poverty. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Socio-economic challenges and the survival mechanisms for the female-headed households in the Bophelong Township / Dorah Dubihlela

Dubihlela, Dorah January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation studies the socio-economic challenges and the survival mechanisms of female-headed households in Bophelong Township. The study focuses on three areas namely, female-headed households, their socio-economic challenges and survival strategies. The study followed a literature survey first, then an empirical study. The literature study was undertaken to provide a theoretical framework for the empirical work. The survey process was undertaken in two phases. In the first phase, a sample survey of the whole area of Bophelong was undertaken. This was the sample from which female-headed households were identified. In the second phase, a household survey on the female-headed households serving the purpose of this study was undertaken. The method used in the measure of poverty is the Household Subsistence Level (HSL). The HSL measures the minimum amount needed by a household to maintain subsistence. It takes account of the sex and ages of household members. According to the study outcome, poverty levels amongst female-headed households in Bophelong are high. About 77% of sampled female-headed households in Bophelong were poor. The poverty gap index in these households was 0.53; meaning that on average poor households needs 53% of their income to reach their poverty line. High unemployment rate has been found to be prevalent amongst female-headed households in Bophelong, where the rate of 65% was recorded. This high unemployment rate was possibly the cause of poverty in these households together with low educational qualifications among households members; only 2% were found to have a post graduate qualification. Female-headed households in Bophelong township are engaged in a daily struggling to survive. These households have devised various means for survival. These include the search for wild fruits in the nearby areas, immigration to another region and the benefit of school feeding schemes. When it comes to the sources of household income, government grants were found to play an important role in the sustenance of these households. The average household income was calculated at R1760 per month. The average dependency ratio, which measures the number of unemployed who depend on one income earner, was 5.5. Finally, the investigation recommends a more detailed and deeper study relating to the socio-economic challenges faced by the female-headed households. There is also a need to explore on their survival means so as to direct policy actions aimed at addressing socio-economic issues relating to female-headed households in general. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

The impact of government grants on poverty in Sharpeville / Boitumelo Reneilwe Hatla

Hatla, Boitumelo Reneilwe January 2011 (has links)
South Africa, like international countries, has been experiencing an increase in the levels of poverty over the years. Poverty affects vulnerable groups of society more intensely and these groups include children, the old, disabled people and women, especially those who are single parents. This dissertation studies the role social grants have on the level of poverty in households of Sharpeville. This study focuses on two areas namely the theoretical background of poverty and social grants; and what the impact is of income from social grants. The South African government provides its citizens with eight different social grants to help those in need and/or vulnerable. From these social grants only six are investigated for the purpose of this study. These grants include the old age grant, child dependency grant, foster care grant, child support grant, disability grant and the war veteran grant. Poverty is defined as the inability to attain a minimal material standard of living by the World Bank. The different indicators used in this study to profile poor households in Sharpeville include the Household Subsistence Level (HSL) as the poverty line, the poverty gap ratio, the headcount index and the dependency ratio. This dissertation shows that poverty within the township has increased over the five years. And to do this the results from the data survey conducted in 2009 are compared to the results from Sekatane‘s 2004 data. The poverty gap ratio and the headcount index for the township in 2009 were estimated at 0.86 and 0.654 respectively. In the year 2004 the headcount index was estimated at 0.431 indicating a 22.3 percent increase in the number of people living in poverty. This means that an estimated 5 477 households in Sharpeville, in 2009, were regarded to be poor When government grants are excluded from the household‘s income within the township both the poverty gap ratio and the headcount index decrease to 0.93 and 0.705 respectively. This means that when government grants are excluded from households‘ income within Sharpeville, the depth of poverty within household‘s increases. The income from government grants might be regarded as minimal, however it assists in moving households further from the poverty line. This study recommends that activities within the informal sector should be encouraged as this will increase employment opportunities for those unemployed in the township. As the vast majority of the unemployed people have skills from trading/retail sector; employment creation should be focused in this sector. Lastly, the income threshold used in the means test equation to check affordability of social grant applicant should be decreased as people meeting the current criteria are already living in dire poverty. / Thesis (M.Com. (Economics))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011


DEO CAMPOS DUTRA 11 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] O Direito Internacional Privado, tendo como eixo axiológico o homem, é um dos mais importantes instrumentos da ciência jurídica no reconhecimento e preservação da dignidade e dos direitos humanos. Em se tratando de família, essa propriedade vem sendo notada no decorrer de sua história, fornecendo ao homem a oportunidade de ter sua dignidade respeitada das mais diversas formas. A uniformização e a codificação do Direito Internacional Privado, através da composição de grandes ambientes de debates e negociação, como a Convenção Permanente da Haia, possibilitam o respeito às diferenças culturais e sociais. Consequentemente, no momento da construção da melhor lei a ser aplicada ou até mesmo da lei material adotada pela Convenção, constrói-se um conjunto normativo sólido e legítimo que fornece ao indivíduo sua promoção. / [en] The Private international law, having as the axiological axis the man, is one of the most important tools of legal science in the recognition and preservation of dignity and human rights. When it comes to family, this property has been recognized in the course of its history, giving the man the opportunity to have their dignity respected in many different ways. The standardization and codification of Private International Law, through the composition of large spaces of debate and negotiation, as the Permanent Convention Hague, allow respect for cultural and social differences. Consequently, during the construction of the best law to be applied or even the substantive law adopted by the Convention, it s built a solid and legitimate set of rules that provides promotion to the individual.

Challenges faced by secondary school educators in managing teenage mothers who receive child support grant: a research study mini-dissertation

Netshiongolwe, Tshamano Victor 14 January 2015 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies

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