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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive and motor development in HIV infected children : a systematic review

Kgomo, Gretta Tumelo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The global epidemic of HIV continues with an estimated 2.2 million children under 15 years of age worldwide living with HIV and 640 000 newly infected in 2004 (WHO, 2009). HIV crosses the blood–brain barrier which may lead to neuronal damage and death. There is controversial evidence within available research on effects of HIV on cognitive and motor development in children because of the limitations imposed by study designs, study populations and study methodological quality. The aims of the review were: - To conduct a systematic review of published research to establish the effects and the prevalence of HIV infection on cognitive and motor development in children. - To critically appraise the methodological quality of published research regarding cognitive and motor development of HIV infected children. The objectives of the review were: - To assess evidence on the cognitive and motor development of HIV-1 infected children - To describe anthropometric outcomes including: weight for age, weight for height, height for age and head circumference in children with a HIV infection. - To assess the methodological quality of studies on the cognitive and motor development of HIV infected children. The following databases were searched for identification of articles; MEDLINE, Google Scholar, AIDSTRIALS, AIDSLINE and CINHAL. The search time frame included published works from inception to July 2011 without language restrictions. Analytical observational trials that assessed at least one outcome (cognitive or motor development or 1 of the anthropometric outcomes) between HIV positive and HIV negative children aged 5 years and below or children with a mean age of less than 5 years were employed. Two review authors independently searched for eligible studies, evaluated methodological quality and extracted the data. Meta-analysis was carried out using Rev Man 5.1 using the risk ratio for categorical data and standard mean difference for continuous data. Fifteen studies with a total of 3 086 participants met the inclusion criteria. HIV infected children were 2.45 times at higher risk of developing cognitive developmental delay than HIV negative children (RR, 95% CI, 1.95, 3.07, P < 0.00001). Infected children scored - 0.54 less than HIV negative children (SMD 95% CI, -0.70, -0.39, 97, p < 0.00001) for cognitive development and -0.68 in motor development (SMD 95% CI, -0.82, -0.55, p< 0.00001). The risk of motor developmental delays was 2.95 times in HIV positive compared with HIV negative children (RR 95% CI, 2.19, 3.99, p < 0.00001). HIV infected children are slower in aspects of cognitive and motor development compared to their HIV negative counterparts. They also showed delays in anthropometric outcomes; weight for age and height for age. Study design influenced results of the studies with children scoring more on cross sectional than cohort studies. There is still need to develop culturally appropriate or standardise neurodevelopment tools as most African studies still rely on international tools. More evidence is needed on the effectiveness of HAART in reducing cognitive and motor delay. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreldwye MIV epidemie duur voort met ongeveer 2.2 miljoen kinders onder 15 jarige ouderdom wat wêreldwyd met MIV leef en 640 000 onlangs in 2004 geïnfekteerd (WHO, 2009). MIV strek oor die bloed-brein grens wat kan lei tot neuronale skade en die dood. Daar is kontroversiële bewys binne beskikbare navorsing oor die effek wat MIV het op kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling in kinders, vanweë die beperkinge wat geplaas word deur studie ontwerpe, studie bevolkings en studie metodologiese kwaliteit. Die doelwitte van die oorsig is om - ‘n sistematiese oorsig van gepubliseerde navorsing te doen om sodoende die effek en voorkoms van MIV infeksie op kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling by kinders vas te stel - ’n kritiese waardering van die metodologiese kwaliteit van gepubliseerde navorsing te doen ten opsigte van die kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling van MIV geïnfekteerde kinders. Die doelwitte van die oorsig is om - assessering te doen van die bewyse van kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling by MIV-1 geïnfekteerde kinders - antropometriese uitkomste te beskryf, insluitend: gewig vir ouderdom, gewig vir hoogte, hoogte vir ouderdom en omtrek van die hoof by kinders met ’n MIV infeksie - die metodologiese kwaliteit te assesseer van studies op die kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling van MIV geïnfekteerde kinders. Die volgende databasisse is nagevors vir die identifisering van artikels: MEDLINE, Google Scholar, AIDSTRIALS, AIDSLINE en CINHAL. Die tydraamwerk vir navorsing het gepubliseerde werk ingesluit vanaf aanvang tot Julie 2011 sonder taalbeperkings. Analitiese waarneembare toetse wat ten minste een uitkoms geassesseer het (kognitiewe of motoriese ontwikkeling of 1 van die antropometriese uitkomste) tussen MIV positiewe en MIV negatiewe kinders van 5 jarige ouderdom en jonger, of kinders met ’n gemiddelde ouderdom van minder as 5 jaar is betrek. Twee oorsig outeurs het onafhanklik vir geskikte studies gesoek, metodologies geëvalueer en data getrek. Meta-analise was uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van Rev Man 5.1 met behulp van die risiko-ratio vir kategoriese data en die standaard gemiddelde verskil vir aaneenlopende data. Vyftien studies met ’n totaal van 3 086 deelnemers met die insluitingskriteria. MIV geïnfekteerde kinders het 2.45 keer ’n hoër risiko gehad om kognitiewe ontwikkelingsvertraging te ontwikkel as MIV negatiewe kinders (RR, 95% CI, 1.95, 3.07, P< 0.0000). Geïnfekteerde kinders het ’n -0.54 telling behaal, minder as MIV negatiewe kinders (SMD 95% CI, -0.70, -0.39,97 p < 0.00001) vir kognitiewe ontwikkeling en -0.68 vir motoriese ontwikkeling (SMD 95% CI, -0.82, -0.55, p< 0.00001). Die risiko van motoriese ontwikkelingsvertragings was 2.95 keer by MIV positiewe in vergelyking met MIV negatiewe kinders (RR 95% CI, 2.19, 3.99. p < 0.00001). MIV geïnfekteerde kinders is stadiger in aspekte van kognitiewe en motoriese ontwikkeling in vergeyking met hulle MIV negatiewe eweknieë. Hulle het ook vertragings getoon in antropometriese uitkomste; gewig vir ouderdom en hoogte vir ouderdom. Studie ontwerpe het uitslae beïnvloed van die kinders wat ’n hoër telling behaal het met deursnee as in kohort studies. Daar is nog ’n behoefte om kultureel geskikte of gestandaardiseerde neuro-ontwikkelingsinstrumente te ontwikkel, omdat die meeste Afrika-studies nog steeds staat maak op internasionale instrumente. Meer bewyse is nodig aangaande die effektiwiteit van HAART om kognitiewe en motoriese vertraging te verminder.

Tvorba a realizace projektu pro podporu zdraví dětí v předškolním věku / Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children

Jedináková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
SUMMARY: Graduation theses titled - Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children - describes preparation, application and evaluation of a project which focuses on health and healthy lifestyle promotion in preschool aged children by using specific physical exercises and activities focused on health. The Project has been applied in a Preschool facility with a specific group of children and its content was adapted by the Preschool's official curriculum.


Furtado, Cristina Pereira 29 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:53:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CRISTINA PEREIRA FURTADO.pdf: 461450 bytes, checksum: 54c832616e76f0722482da7328c1659d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-29 / The subject of this study is Knowledges for a bilingual teaching in the Infant Education . The problem of this investigation consists of: Does the bilingual teaching in the Infant Education influence the children s development? It aims at verifying the possibility and the relevance of the English Language insertion for preschool children. It also aims at developing further studies regarding the bilingualism in the Infant Education. The study focused on the ideas of Grosjean (1982) Vygotsky (1998a, b, c; 2000), Luckman and Berger (1985), Barbosa (1997), Schultz (2002; 2004), Mello (1999; 2002). The investigation followed a dialectical approach. A theoretic and bibliographical research was developed taking into consideration the information collected from visits and interviews with teachers and managers from 6 private schools which offer the English language as a subject in the Infant Education as well as from a bilingual school in Goiânia. It was possible to prove, with this study, that the language is an essential factor in the children development. Moreover, learning foreign languages collaborates with this development. It was also possible to understand that, there is a need for the teacher, who works with the Infant Education, to be graduated from university and that, in the case of the education of a foreign language, he or she must have the necessary knowledge to teach it in this level of education as it is not enough being only an English teacher, it is also important to be a pedagogue. / O tema desta dissertação é Saberes para um ensino bilíngüe na Educação Infantil . O problema da investigação consiste em: o ensino-aprendizagem bilíngüe na Educação Infantil influência o desenvolvimento das crianças? Pretende-se verificar a possibilidade e relevância da inserção da língua inglesa para crianças em idade pré-escolar de 3 a 5 anos, na escola de Educação infantil. Buscou-se, também, aprofundar estudos sobre o bilingüismo na Educação Infantil. O desenvolvimento da criança e da escola e os saberes bilíngües para a Educação Infantil foram enfocados com base nas idéias de Grosjean (1982) Vygotsky (1998a,b,c; 2000), Luckman e Berger (1985), Barbosa (1997), Schultz (2002; 2004), Mello (1999; 2002). O método orientador desta investigação foi o dialético. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa teóricobibliográfica partindo de informações recolhidas em visitas e entrevistas do corpo docente e gestor de 6 escolas que oferecem curricularmente a língua inglesa na Educação Infantil e de uma escola bilíngüe no Município de Goiânia. Entre os resultados foi possível comprovar que a linguagem é fator fundamental no desenvolvimento infantil e que aprender línguas estrangeiras colabora com esse desenvolvimento. Compreendeu-se que há a necessidade de o professor, para atuar na Educação Infantil, ser formado na universidade e que, no caso do ensino de língua estrangeira, deve dominar os saberes necessários para ministrar esta disciplina na Educação Infantil, porque não basta só ser professor de inglês, tampouco somente pedagogo.

Construção de modelos de planejamento para ensino e aprendizagem de inglês e conteúdo nas séries iniciais

Gasparini, Nathália Luísa Giraud January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho consiste na construção de modelos de ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdo linguístico e nãolinguístico de modo integrado nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O processo de construção é orientado: 1) pelo arcabouço teórico, representado pela análise de documentos relacionados ao currículo das séries iniciais e do ensino de línguas adicionais na escola segundo documentos nacionais, bem como pela análise de pesquisas relacionadas a ensino de línguas adicionais para crianças e 2) pela investigação bibliográfica sistemática sobre abordagens integradoras de ensino de língua e de conteúdo: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) e English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). A análise de artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos sobre aplicações dessas abordagens em contextos escolares e acadêmicos se centra em torno de duas categorias de análise: integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico e postura interdisciplinar (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). São quatro perguntas de pesquisa: 1) Como as três abordagens são definidas? 2) Como aparece a integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico nas práticas de ensino? 3) Como essas práticas ocorrem nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (do primeiro ao quinto ano)? 4) Como docentes estabelecem uma postura interdisciplinar? A partir desse levantamento, foram elaborados modelos de planejamento integrado para o contexto brasileiro, orientados a partir dos elementos que caracterizam as abordagens integradoras e as concepções de ensino-aprendizagem de linguagens comuns encontradas nos documentos orientadores nacionais: concepção sociointeracional de aprendizagem e de língua, língua como instrumento e objeto de ensino e integração entre objetos de ensino não linguísticos e linguísticos – por meio de temáticas transversais, processos cognitivos de alta ordem, tarefas, sequências e projetos. Como resultado, são apresentados quatro modelos: o primeiro e o segundo focam na atuação no ciclo de alfabetização por meio de histórias infantis e de práticas relacionadas a disciplinas; o terceiro e o quarto, na atuação em quarto e quinto ano por meio de gêneros textuais e práticas relacionadas às disciplinas com tarefas de produção escrita em língua adicional. / This dissertation is a bibliographic research about language and content integrated approaches: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). The research tools used are Portal de Periodicos da CAPES and national journals rated from A1 to B2 according to Qualis-CAPES. The analysis of the papers about the application of these approaches in academic contexts published during the last five years focuses on two categories: integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content and interdisciplinary attitude (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). The research questions are: What is the definition of the approaches? How does integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content happen during the teaching practices? How do these practices occur in the first years of schooling (primary education)? How do teachers establish interdisciplinary attitudes? Frameworks for integrated planning are presented, providing the teachers with ways to plan cooperatively during primary education, with principles that rely on the answers found. In order to accomplish that, the theoretical background explores: 1) the child (and their development) as subject of the teaching and learning process; 2) a description of primary education in Brazil according to national documents and 3) the challenges and accomplishments of the studies about teaching children additional languages in the Applied Linguistics field The results consists of four frameworks for planning: the first and the second focus on the literacy cycle of primary education (first, second and third grades) through children’s stories and disciplinary content; the third and the fourth aim at the two last years of this level, through genre-based teaching (ROCHA, 2009) and course content. The frameworks are structured based on the features of the integrated approaches and the characteristics of primary education and teaching children additional languages: social interactionist conception of learning and languages, language as a tool of learning and as an object of teaching, and integration between linguistic and non-linguistic objects of teaching – through crossdisciplinary themes, higher-order cognitive processes, tasks, sequences and projects.

Tvorba a realizace projektu pro podporu zdraví dětí v předškolním věku / Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children

Jedináková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
SUMMARY: Graduation theses titled - Development and Application of the health and wellbeing promotion in preschool children - describes preparation, application and evaluation of a project which focuses on health and healthy lifestyle promotion in preschool aged children by using specific physical exercises and activities focused on health. The Project has been applied in a Preschool facility with a specific group of children and its content was adapted by the Preschool's official curriculum.

Construção de modelos de planejamento para ensino e aprendizagem de inglês e conteúdo nas séries iniciais

Gasparini, Nathália Luísa Giraud January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho consiste na construção de modelos de ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdo linguístico e nãolinguístico de modo integrado nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O processo de construção é orientado: 1) pelo arcabouço teórico, representado pela análise de documentos relacionados ao currículo das séries iniciais e do ensino de línguas adicionais na escola segundo documentos nacionais, bem como pela análise de pesquisas relacionadas a ensino de línguas adicionais para crianças e 2) pela investigação bibliográfica sistemática sobre abordagens integradoras de ensino de língua e de conteúdo: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) e English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). A análise de artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos sobre aplicações dessas abordagens em contextos escolares e acadêmicos se centra em torno de duas categorias de análise: integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico e postura interdisciplinar (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). São quatro perguntas de pesquisa: 1) Como as três abordagens são definidas? 2) Como aparece a integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico nas práticas de ensino? 3) Como essas práticas ocorrem nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (do primeiro ao quinto ano)? 4) Como docentes estabelecem uma postura interdisciplinar? A partir desse levantamento, foram elaborados modelos de planejamento integrado para o contexto brasileiro, orientados a partir dos elementos que caracterizam as abordagens integradoras e as concepções de ensino-aprendizagem de linguagens comuns encontradas nos documentos orientadores nacionais: concepção sociointeracional de aprendizagem e de língua, língua como instrumento e objeto de ensino e integração entre objetos de ensino não linguísticos e linguísticos – por meio de temáticas transversais, processos cognitivos de alta ordem, tarefas, sequências e projetos. Como resultado, são apresentados quatro modelos: o primeiro e o segundo focam na atuação no ciclo de alfabetização por meio de histórias infantis e de práticas relacionadas a disciplinas; o terceiro e o quarto, na atuação em quarto e quinto ano por meio de gêneros textuais e práticas relacionadas às disciplinas com tarefas de produção escrita em língua adicional. / This dissertation is a bibliographic research about language and content integrated approaches: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). The research tools used are Portal de Periodicos da CAPES and national journals rated from A1 to B2 according to Qualis-CAPES. The analysis of the papers about the application of these approaches in academic contexts published during the last five years focuses on two categories: integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content and interdisciplinary attitude (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). The research questions are: What is the definition of the approaches? How does integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content happen during the teaching practices? How do these practices occur in the first years of schooling (primary education)? How do teachers establish interdisciplinary attitudes? Frameworks for integrated planning are presented, providing the teachers with ways to plan cooperatively during primary education, with principles that rely on the answers found. In order to accomplish that, the theoretical background explores: 1) the child (and their development) as subject of the teaching and learning process; 2) a description of primary education in Brazil according to national documents and 3) the challenges and accomplishments of the studies about teaching children additional languages in the Applied Linguistics field The results consists of four frameworks for planning: the first and the second focus on the literacy cycle of primary education (first, second and third grades) through children’s stories and disciplinary content; the third and the fourth aim at the two last years of this level, through genre-based teaching (ROCHA, 2009) and course content. The frameworks are structured based on the features of the integrated approaches and the characteristics of primary education and teaching children additional languages: social interactionist conception of learning and languages, language as a tool of learning and as an object of teaching, and integration between linguistic and non-linguistic objects of teaching – through crossdisciplinary themes, higher-order cognitive processes, tasks, sequences and projects.

Construção de modelos de planejamento para ensino e aprendizagem de inglês e conteúdo nas séries iniciais

Gasparini, Nathália Luísa Giraud January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho consiste na construção de modelos de ensino-aprendizagem de conteúdo linguístico e nãolinguístico de modo integrado nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. O processo de construção é orientado: 1) pelo arcabouço teórico, representado pela análise de documentos relacionados ao currículo das séries iniciais e do ensino de línguas adicionais na escola segundo documentos nacionais, bem como pela análise de pesquisas relacionadas a ensino de línguas adicionais para crianças e 2) pela investigação bibliográfica sistemática sobre abordagens integradoras de ensino de língua e de conteúdo: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) e English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). A análise de artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos sobre aplicações dessas abordagens em contextos escolares e acadêmicos se centra em torno de duas categorias de análise: integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico e postura interdisciplinar (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). São quatro perguntas de pesquisa: 1) Como as três abordagens são definidas? 2) Como aparece a integração entre conteúdo linguístico e não-linguístico nas práticas de ensino? 3) Como essas práticas ocorrem nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental (do primeiro ao quinto ano)? 4) Como docentes estabelecem uma postura interdisciplinar? A partir desse levantamento, foram elaborados modelos de planejamento integrado para o contexto brasileiro, orientados a partir dos elementos que caracterizam as abordagens integradoras e as concepções de ensino-aprendizagem de linguagens comuns encontradas nos documentos orientadores nacionais: concepção sociointeracional de aprendizagem e de língua, língua como instrumento e objeto de ensino e integração entre objetos de ensino não linguísticos e linguísticos – por meio de temáticas transversais, processos cognitivos de alta ordem, tarefas, sequências e projetos. Como resultado, são apresentados quatro modelos: o primeiro e o segundo focam na atuação no ciclo de alfabetização por meio de histórias infantis e de práticas relacionadas a disciplinas; o terceiro e o quarto, na atuação em quarto e quinto ano por meio de gêneros textuais e práticas relacionadas às disciplinas com tarefas de produção escrita em língua adicional. / This dissertation is a bibliographic research about language and content integrated approaches: Content-Based Instruction (CBI), Content and Based Integrated Learning (CLIL) and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). The research tools used are Portal de Periodicos da CAPES and national journals rated from A1 to B2 according to Qualis-CAPES. The analysis of the papers about the application of these approaches in academic contexts published during the last five years focuses on two categories: integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content and interdisciplinary attitude (FAZENDA, 1993; SCHLATTER; GARCEZ, 2012). The research questions are: What is the definition of the approaches? How does integration between linguistic and non-linguistic content happen during the teaching practices? How do these practices occur in the first years of schooling (primary education)? How do teachers establish interdisciplinary attitudes? Frameworks for integrated planning are presented, providing the teachers with ways to plan cooperatively during primary education, with principles that rely on the answers found. In order to accomplish that, the theoretical background explores: 1) the child (and their development) as subject of the teaching and learning process; 2) a description of primary education in Brazil according to national documents and 3) the challenges and accomplishments of the studies about teaching children additional languages in the Applied Linguistics field The results consists of four frameworks for planning: the first and the second focus on the literacy cycle of primary education (first, second and third grades) through children’s stories and disciplinary content; the third and the fourth aim at the two last years of this level, through genre-based teaching (ROCHA, 2009) and course content. The frameworks are structured based on the features of the integrated approaches and the characteristics of primary education and teaching children additional languages: social interactionist conception of learning and languages, language as a tool of learning and as an object of teaching, and integration between linguistic and non-linguistic objects of teaching – through crossdisciplinary themes, higher-order cognitive processes, tasks, sequences and projects.

Social/emotional problems among children and youth with differing degrees of sensorineural hearing loss

Dinsman, Patricia L. 01 January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Action perception in development: The role of experience

Keitel, Anne 30 January 2014 (has links)
The perception of an action and its production are inextricably linked. This entails that, during development, the skills that children are able to perform influence their perception of others\\\'' actions. The present dissertation aimed to investigate the role of children’s experience on the perception of actions in three distinctive areas: manual actions performed by one person (individual action), manual actions performed by two people (joint action), and a conversation between two people. In order to succeed in each of the three areas, children have to acquire new skills and do so successively during their first three years of life. The methodological approach of this work was to measure the gaze behaviour of children, aged 6 months to 3 years, and adults during the observation of visually presented actions, which provided information on whether they were able to anticipate action goals. The findings obtained generally show an influence of experience on the anticipation of action goals in each of the three areas. First, a link between action and perception is not established as soon as an action emerges. There is at least some experience necessary for its development. Second, infants with no coordinated joint-action skills themselves anticipate the goals of joint action less well than those of individual action. Adults with considerable joint-action skills anticipate both equally well. And third, the course of a conversation can only be reliably anticipated by children aged 3 years and adults, whereas younger children shift their gaze between speakers randomly. Furthermore, only at the age of 3 years, did intonation support children’s anticipation of conversations.

Indicateurs posturaux et oculomoteurs impliquant l’intégration cérébelleuse dans les troubles neuro-développementaux / Postural and oculomotor factors involving cerebellar integration in developmental disabilities

Goulème, Nathalie 09 February 2016 (has links)
Le contrôle postural fait intervenir l’intégration cérébelleuse de différentes entrées sensorielles (le vestibule, la vision, la somesthésie). Nous avons évalué le contrôle postural à l’aide de différents dispositifs : la plateforme Techno Concept®, le Multitest Framiral® et les mouvements oculaires avec l’oculomètre : le Mobile e(ye)BRAIN T2® chez des participants contrôles et des enfants présentant des déficits neuro-développementaux, troubles appartenant au spectre autistique et dyslexie. Au cours de nos travaux, nous avons décrit un aspect développemental physiologique des indices posturaux et oculomoteurs et également un déficit de ces indicateurs auprès d’enfants avec retards d’apprentissage. En effet, chez ces enfants, la stabilité posturale est déficitaire et les stratégies d’exploration sont différentes par rapport aux contrôles. Nous avons basé nos hypothèses sur le fait que ce déficit serait du à un défaut d’utilisation des informations sensorielles ainsi qu’à une mauvaise intégration cérébelleuse. Les résultats de nos études nous permettent de mieux préciser les caractéristiques neuropsychologiques impliquant les fonctions cérébelleuses chez ces enfants afin de pouvoir suggérer des prises en charge thérapeutiques multimodales capables d’entrainer simultanément plusieurs fonctions. Notre objectif final est de pouvoir identifier une médiation thérapeutique spécifique pour ces enfants. / Postural control involves cerebellar integration of several sensory inputs (vestibular, visual and somesthesic). We evaluated postural control with force plateform: Techno Concept®, Multitest Framiral® and the eye movements with the Mobile e(ye)BRAIN T2® in healthy children population as well as in children with developmental disorders (autistic spectrum desorders and dyslexia). The results of our studies showed a developmental aspect of postural and oculomotor factors in healthy children and a deficit of both postural and oculomotor control in children with autistic spectrum desorders and with dyslexia. Indeed, in these children postural stability is poor and visual strategy is different with respect to healthy children. Our hypothesis is that these deficits could be due to a lack in using appropriately sensory inputs and of their integration via cerebellar activity. The importance of these studies is to better understand the involvement of cerebellar function in such developmental disorders. Our final goal is to suggest new training tecniques to use sensory inputs more efficiently in these children with developmental disorders.

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