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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη σφαλμάτων από κεραυνούς μέσης τάσης της νήσου Χίου

Μπεκιάρης, Πέτρος 13 October 2013 (has links)
Σε αυτήν την διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται η μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς των γραμμών μέσης τάσης σε καταπονήσεις από κεραυνούς της νήσου Χίου. Οι κεραυνοί αποτελούν ένα φυσικό φαινόμενο με επικίνδυνα αποτελέσματα για την ασφάλεια των ανθρώπων, των κτιρίων και των ηλεκτρικών συστημάτων. Έτσι, κεραυνοί που πλήττουν άμεσα γραμμές διανομής ή γειτονικό σε αυτές έδαφος, είναι υπεύθυνοι για τα σφάλματα που λαμβάνουμε στο ηλεκτρικό σύστημα. Το αποτέλεσμα της πτώσης κεραυνού μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε στιγμιαίο ή και μόνιμο σφάλμα. Οι προβλέψεις για την συμπεριφορά των εναερίων γραμμών διανομής εμπεριέχουν πολλές αβεβαιότητες. Μερικές βασικές παράμετροι όπως η πυκνότητα των κεραυνών, που μετριέται με την πυκνότητα των κεραυνών στο έδαφος (GFD), ή ο υπολογισμός του αριθμού των απευθείας πληγμάτων στην γραμμή απέχουν από την πραγματικότητα. Μελετώντας την εργασία αυτή μπορούμε να κάνουμε προβλέψεις σφαλμάτων λόγω κεραυνών σε μια γραμμή διανομής με μια αρκετά καλή ακρίβεια. / This diploma thesis studies the lightning performance of electric power overhead distribution lines. The lightning is a natural phenomenon with dangerous effects on the safety of people, buildings and electrical systems. So a lightning that strikes directly to a distribution line, or to the nearby area is responsible for the damage happening to the electric circuit. Lightning usually causes temporary faults onoverhead distribution lines. Estimates of the lightning performance of distribution lines contain many uncertainties. Some of the basics such as lightning intensity measured by ground flash density (GFD), or estimating the number of direct strikes to a distribution line may have significant errors. Often, rough estimates or generally accepted practices are just as effective as detailed calculations. This guide is intended to provide straightforward estimates of lightning-caused faults.

Les fragments d'Ion de Chios : introduction, traduction et commentaire / The Fragments of Ion of Chios : Introduction, Translation and Commentary

Roques, Lisa 13 October 2018 (has links)
Les œuvres d'Ion de Chios, un auteur polygraphe du Vème siècle avant notre ère, présentent d'une part la particularité d'appartenir à des genres littéraires différents et d'autre part celle d'être parvenues jusqu'à nous sous forme fragmentaire. Il s'agit uniquement de citations chez des auteurs contemporains ou postérieurs. Étudier ses fragments nécessite tout d'abord de présenter le contexte historique dans lequel ces œuvres furent produites, notamment en interrogeant la pluralité des liens (politique, militaire, économique, commercial, juridique, ou encore cultuel et culturel) tissés par l'île de Chios avec les différentes cités grecques, à commencer par Athènes. Partant, il devient possible de retracer la vie de l'auteur dans le monde grec du Vème siècle, ses voyages et ses rencontres, et surtout de mettre en avant le rôle qu'il joua dans la mise en place de l'impérialisme athénien. Il convient ensuite d'établir la traduction et l'analyse des différents fragments : drames, élégies et poèmes lyriques, traités philosophiques, récit de fondation et récit de voyages. En étudiant ainsi les différents genres pratiqués par Ion, nous montrons non seulement les apports et les écarts d'Ion à la tradition littéraire dans laquelle il s'inscrit, mais nous révélons aussi la cohérence de l'ensemble de son œuvre. Les analyses stylistiques et littéraires rencontrent alors des enjeux sociaux et politiques. Ces fragments appartenant exclusivement à la tradition indirecte des textes, les intentions des citateurs doivent aussi être prises en compte. Cela nous amène à proposer, pour finir, un aperçu de la réception d'Ion de Chios dans l'Antiquité, de la période classique à la renaissance byzantine. Force est de constater le rôle de modèle qu'Ion de Chios joua, non seulement pour les auteurs hellénistiques - Callimaque en témoigne -, mais aussi ceux de la Seconde Sophistique, Athénée ou Plutarque. / The works of Ion of Chios, a polymath writer of the fifth century B.C., have two particularities : firstly, they belong to different literary genres, secondly, they are uniquely fragmentary works, quotations quoted either by contemporary authors or by authors who lived after him. To study this fragments, we first need to present the historical context in which this works were written, in particular by showing the different kinds of links (political, military, economic, commercial, juridical or even cultic and cultural) between Chios island and the other Greek poleis and, first of all, between Chios and Athens. Thanks to this first analysis, it becomes possible to recount the life of Ion of Chios, his trips and his encounters, and, most of all, to reveal the major role he played (with his family) in the rising Athenian empire. Then, we have to establish the translation and the commentary of the different fragments : tragedies, elegies and lyrical pieces, philosophical treatise, philosophical logos, story of foundation, journeys. By considering the different literary genres that Ion wrote, we not only show the tribute and the contribution of Ion to literary tradition, but also the consistency of most of his works. Here, poetic and stylistic analysis meet historical and political issues. These fragments belonging exclusively to the "indirect tradition" of the text, we have to examine the intentions of the authors who quoted Ion of Chios. This search leads us to finally give an insight of the reception of Ion of Chios in Antiquity, from the classical period to the Byzantine Renaissance. It is here necessary to acknowledge the major role of Ion in literary history : he was not only a a leading figure and a role model for Hellenistic poets (Callimachus is the best example), but also a paradigm for the writers of the Second Sophistic, like Athenaeus or Plutarchus.

Keramika střední a pozdní doby bronzové z lokality Emporio na ostrově Chios / Middle and Late Bronze Age Pottery from Emporio on Chios

Jarošová, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with middle bronze age and late bronze age pottery from site Emporio on Chios island. The aim of the thesis is to review older excavation that was provided by British School at Athens under direction of Sinclair Hood. The focus is set on new sorting of pottery mainly from Areas D and F, description, style analysis and making new Catalogue. Important contribution is new dating of stratigraphic contexts and ceramic material as well as newly published fragments of pottery. In the following chapters author also discusses relations with areas outside Chios based on analogies of ceramic finds.

Remembering Martyrdom: Delacroix's Massacre of Chios as a Site of Collective Memory

Burton, Colette 18 July 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The Massacre of Chios (1824) by Eugéne Delacroix illustrates the titular genocide from the Greek War of Independence. This genocide was a veritable razing of the entire island by Ottoman Turks in 1822. Today, a replica of Delacroix's painting resides on the island inside the entrance of the Chios Byzantine Museum, located in a converted mosque built on the ruins of a Christian church. This site is a case for the existence of non-Western temporalities, including liturgical and Aegean temporalities, as they pertain to the commemoration of the massacre through interaction with the replica. These temporalities are not causal or linear as in the West. On Chios, everyday interactions with history happen through the orthodox devotions and concomitant emotions of the present, with temporally transcendent icons, relics, and rituals promoting the imbrication of temporalities. The layout of the mosque, in its simplicity, conforms roughly to the plan of a Greek Orthodox church with the museum space organized to emphasize this, encouraging a liturgical temporality. Given that Chiots remember the massacre victims as tantamount to saints, the saturation of Christian elements in Delacroix's composition communes with the museum space to create an active site of memory, with the replica functioning like the Holy Greek Orthodox icons in the adjacent room, inviting a liturgical temporality. A comparable site, Agio Minas, a major massacre site in Southern Chios, also exhibits genocide victims as saints through eikonic imagery; here, victims' remains are displayed as relics alongside an icon of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, setting the stage, so to speak, for the naos where blood still stains the stone floor. In a similar way, the replica located in the "narthex" of the museum mediates a preparatory experience that overlays a narrative of Christian martyrdom onto the museum's "naos," where visitors engage with the icon collection. The proximity of replica and Byzantine collection overlays Chios' destruction with that of Constantinople's, collapsing time and presenting the two as related events. The Chios Byzantine Museum exemplifies what anthropologist Nicolas Argenti has termed "Aegean temporality," where past and present overlap in physical and incorporeal sites of memory. Orthodox icons do just that: transcendent and a-temporal by nature, their efficacy lies in bringing the pictured figure into the present moment and "enfleshing" remembrance as a current reality. The replica Massacre of Chios likewise acts as an active a-temporal object. Because of affordances granted by the narthex space and eikonic associations, it sacralizes the museum space into a living site of memory. With Aegean temporality facilitating a constant re-experiencing of the massacre, the massacre's presence and potency is not something left in the past. The painting's status as a semi-icon supports the immediacy of the massacre, as the viewer spiritually interacts with the image in the present.

Determining the Significance of Alliance Pathologies in BipolarSystems: A Case of the Peloponnesian War from 431-421 BCE

Meyer, Anthony Lee Isaac 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

ATENE E GLI ALLEATI NEL NORD DELLA GRECIA DOPO LA GUERRA SOCIALE: TESTIMONIANZE EPIGRAFICHE / Athens and its Allies in Northern Greece after the Social War: Epigraphical Evidence

BERTI, STEFANO 15 April 2013 (has links)
La tesi riguarda la Seconda Lega ateniese, di cui si studia il periodo, solitamente trascurato, compreso tra la fine della Guerra Sociale (355/4 a.C.) e la sconfitta di Atene a Cheronea (338 a.C.). Fonti principali, come del resto per il periodo precedente, sono le iscrizioni. Vengono quindi analizzate, in ordine geografico e cronologico, diciassette epigrafi di interesse storico (per lo più iscrizioni onorarie e trattati), considerate utili nella ricostruzione delle modalità di intervento ateniese all’interno della Lega. Area geografica privilegiata è la Grecia settentrionale, più immediatamente a contatto con l’espansionismo macedone. Obiettivo della tesi è infatti chiarire se la storia della Lega navale, più che una progressiva perdita di significato, non metta in evidenza un costante e coerente riorientamento degli obiettivi, stimolata dal confronto con Filippo II di Macedonia. / The topic of this thesis is the Second Athenian League during its final, usually underrated period, namely between the end of the Social War (355/4 B.C.) and the Athenian defeat at Chaeronea (338 B.C.). The sources for the history of the League both before and after the Social War are mainly epigraphical. Accordingly, seventeen historical inscriptions are carefully examined and thoroughly commented on: these are mostly honorific decrees and treaties, all of which proved to be useful to investigate how Athens acted within its League. The study, focusing on Northern Greece as the latter became more and more endangered by the growing power of Macedon, tries to ascertain whether the history of the Second Athenian League, far from becoming meaningless, might show a steady and consistent reorientation of its tasks, in and because of the military confrontation with Philip II.

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