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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coencapsulação de curcumina e vitamina D3 em lipossomas multilamelares / Co-encapsulation of curcumin and vitamin D3 in multilamellar liposomes

Matheus Andrade Chaves 23 February 2017 (has links)
Atualmente, a demanda por alimentos com apelo funcional tem se tornado cada vez mais recorrente dentre os consumidores devido a uma crescente busca por hábitos de vida mais saudáveis. Sendo assim, o desenvolvimento de técnicas que possibilitem uma adição mais efetiva de ingredientes funcionais em matrizes alimentícias se torna uma necessidade. Essas técnicas devem possibilitar principalmente (i) a incorporação de mecanismos de liberação sustentada na formulação; (ii) o aumento da bioacessibilidade e biodisponibilidade aos ingredientes, a partir do controle da microestrutura do alimento. Esse projeto visa contemplar essas duas premissas, ao propor a encapsulação de dois bioativos hidrofóbicos, a curcumina e a vitamina D3, conhecidos pelas suas propriedades antioxidantes e nutracêuticas, em carreadores de origem lipídica, os lipossomas, estabilizando-os com diferentes hidrocoloides - goma xantana, goma guar e inulina. Os lipossomas foram produzidos por hidratação de prolipossomas e suas propriedades físico-químicas foram caracterizadas ao longo de 42 dias de armazenagem, a partir de análises de diâmetro médio hidrodinâmico, potencial zeta, colorimetria instrumental e quantificação de bioativos encapsulados. Análises que permitiram a caracterização da microestrutura das dispersões produzidas também foram realizadas, sendo elas: calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espalhamento de raios-X a baixos ângulos (SAXS) e ensaios reológicos. As análises de SAXS mostraram que lipossomas produzidos na presença de curcumina são mais estáveis que àqueles produzidos na ausência da mesma e que não houve mudança na estrutura da bicamada lipídica das vesículas após a adição de vitamina D3, mesmo quando uma alta concentração foi incorporada ao sistema (80.000 UI). Por fim, verificou-se que a coencapsulação foi possível em lipossomas multilamelares estabilizados apenas com gomas guar e xantana, resultado que pode ser comprovado pelo alto teor de retenção dos bioativos ao longo do tempo de armazenagem. / Currently, the demand for food with functional appeal has become increasingly recurrent among the consumers due to a growing search for healthier living habits. Therefore, the development of techniques that allow a more effective addition of functional ingredients in food matrices becomes a necessity. These techniques should mainly enable to (i) incorporate a sustained release mechanisms into the formulation; (ii) increase the bioaccessibility and bioavailability to these ingredients, from the control of the food microstructure. This project aims to contemplate these two premises by proposing the encapsulation of two hydrophobic bioactives, curcumin and vitamin D3, known for their antioxidant and nutraceutical properties, in liposomes - lipid carriers - stabilizing them with different hydrocolloids - xanthan gum, guar gum and inulin. Liposomes were produced by proliposomes hydration and their physicochemical properties were characterized during 42 days of storage, including analyzes of hydrodynamic average diameter, zeta potential, instrumental colorimetry and quantification of encapsulated bioactives. Analyzes that allowed the microstructure characterization of the produced dispersions were also performed, including: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small-angle X-ray scattering and rheological tests. The SAXS analysis showed that liposomes produced in the presence of curcumin were more stable when compared to the empty ones and that there was no change in the lipid bilayer of the vesicles after the addition of vitamin D3, even when a high concentration was incorporated into the system (80,000 IU). Finally, it was concluded that the coencapsulation was possible in multilamellar liposomes stabilized with guar and xanthan gums, a result that can be evidenced by the high content of bioactives retained throughout the storage time.

Avaliação da instabilidade genômica, estresse oxidativo e modulação da expressão gênica pela vitamina D em modelo de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos / Evaluation of genomic instability, oxidative stress and modulation of gene expression by vitamin D in a model of spontaneously hypertensive rats

Carla da Silva Machado 17 February 2016 (has links)
A vitamina D3 é um micronutriente obtido da dieta ou pela conversão do 7- dehidrocolesterol na epiderme após exposição à radiação UVB. A vitamina D (D2 ou D3) atua sobre o sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona, e sua deficiência vem sendo associada ao desenvolvimento da hipertensão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação ou deficiência de vitamina D3 em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR - spontaneously hypertensive rats) e seus controles normotensos (Wistar Kyoto - WKY) sobre a pressão arterial sistólica, danos ao DNA e cromossomos, marcadores bioquímicos do estresse oxidativo, burst oxidativo dos neutrófilos, análise de fibrose no rim e perfil de expressão de genes relacionados com a hipertensão arterial no rim e coração. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta controle (1.000 UI/kg), suplementada (10.000 UI/kg) ou deficiente (0 UI/kg) em vitamina D3 ao longo de 12 semanas. A quantificação plasmática de vitamina D3 foi avaliada pelo método ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) e a pressão arterial sistólica foi aferida semanalmente, por método não invasivo de pletismografia da artéria caudal. Os danos ao material genético foram avaliados pelo ensaio do cometa nas células do sangue periférico, rim e coração e pelo teste do micronúcleo nos eritrócitos da medula óssea e sangue periférico; o estresse oxidativo foi avaliado pelos ensaios de quantificação das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS - Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) e glutationa (GSH) no rim e coração; o burst oxidativo em neutrófilos do sangue periférico; a quantificação de fibrose por histologia renal e a expressão gênica por RT2 ProfilerTM PCR Arrays no rim e coração. Os resultados obtidos com os ratos SHR mostraram que a suplementação com vitamina D3 reduziu a pressão arterial sistólica, não induziu danos ao DNA e aos cromossomos, estresse oxidativo ou fibrose renal, e regulou a expressão de quatro genes envolvidos com a hipertensão arterial no rim (Ace, Agt, Ren e Edn1) e cinco genes no coração (Ace, Avp, Ephx2, Mylk3 e Ren). A deficiência em vitamina D3 aumentou a pressão arterial sistólica, os danos ao DNA e aos cromossomos, a peroxidação lipídica no rim e coração, o burst oxidativo dos neutrófilos, o percentual de fibrose no rim, e a expressão de treze genes envolvidos com a hipertensão arterial no rim (Ace, Acta2, Agt, Agtr1a, Agtr1b, Alox5, Cacna1c, Ece1, Ednra, Kcnma1, P2rx4, Scnn1g e Slc7a1) e nove genes no coração (Ace, Agtr1b, Cacna1c, Drd5, Mylk2, Nostrin, Scnn1a, Scnn1g e Sphk1). Nos animais WKY, a dieta suplementada alterou a expressão do gene Ren no rim e de dez genes no coração (Ace2, Bdkrb2, Drd3, Drd5, Itpr1, Itpr2, Itpr3, Ptgs1, Scnn1a e Scnn1g); e a dieta deficiente em vitamina D3 aumentou os danos ao DNA nos eritrócitos, induziu fibrose no rim e alterou a expressão de três genes no rim (Ace, Cps1 e Arg2) e de seis genes no coração (Ace, Cacna1c, Edrna, Ephx2, Itpr1 e Itpr2). Nos parâmetros pressão arterial sistólica, danos aos cromossomos, peroxidação lipídica e burst oxidativo, os ratos WKY alimentados com as dietas suplementada ou deficiente em vitamina D3 não diferiram em relação aos animais que receberam a dieta controle. Em conclusão, a variação da concentração de vitamina D3 da dieta alterou a fisiologia da hipertensão arterial, atuando como um anti-hipertensivo na suplementação e agravando os efeitos da hipertensão na deficiência. / Vitamin D3 is a micronutrient obtained from diet or by conversion of 7- dehydrocholesterol in the skin after exposure to UVB radiation. Vitamin D (D2 or D3) acts on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and its deficiency has been associated with hypertension development. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation or deficiency in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR - spontaneously hypertensive rats) and their normotensive controls (Wistar Kyoto - WKY) on systolic blood pressure, DNA and chromosomes damage, biochemical markers of oxidative stress, oxidative burst in neutrophils, renal fibrosis and the gene expression profile of genes related to hypertension in kidney and heart. The rats were fed a vitamin D3 control diet (1,000 IU/kg) supplemented diet (10,000 IU/kg) or deficient diet (0 IU / kg) during 12 weeks. Vitamin D3 plasma quantification was performed by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) technique and systolic blood pressure was measured weekly by noninvasive plethysmography of the caudal artery. DNA and chromosomal damage was evaluated by the comet assay in the peripheral blood, kidney and heart cells and by the micronucleus test in erythrocytes from bone marrow and peripheral blood; oxidative stress was evaluated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and glutathione (GHS) assays in kidney and heart; oxidative burst in neutrophils of peripheral blood; renal fibrosis by histology and gene expression by RT2 ProfilerTM PCR Arrays in kidney and heart. The results obtained for SHR rats showed that vitamin D3 supplementation reduced systolic blood pressure, did not induced DNA or chromosomal damage, oxidative stress or renal fibrosis, and regulated the expression of four genes involved with hypertension in the kidney (Ace, Agt, Ren and Edn1) and five genes in the heart (Ace, Avp, Ephx2, Mylk3 and Ren). Vitamin D3 deficiency increased systolic blood pressure, DNA damage in erythrocytes, lipid peroxidation in kidney and heart, oxidative burst in neutrophils and the renal fibrosis, and regulates the expression of thirteen genes involved with hypertension in kidney (Ace, Acta2, Agt, Agtr1a, Agtr1b, Alox5, Cacna1c, Ece1, Ednra, Kcnma1, P2rx4, Scnn1g and Slc7a1) and nine genes in heart (Ace, Agtr1b, Cacna1c, Drd5, Mylk2, Nostrin, Scnn1a, Scnn1g and Sphk1). In WKY rats, vitamin D3 supplementation altered the expression of Ren gene in the kidney and of ten genes in the heart (Ace2, Bdkrb2, Drd3, Drd5, Itpr1, Itpr2, Itpr3, Ptgs1, Scnn1a and Scnn1g); and vitamin D3 deficiency increased DNA damage in erythrocytes and renal fibrosis, and altered the expression of three genes in the kidney (Ace, Cps1 and Arg2) and six genes in the heart (Ace, Cacna, Ednra, Ephx2, Itpr1 and Itpr2). In the parameters systolic blood pressure, chromosomal damage, lipid peroxidation and oxidative burst, WKY rats fed with vitamin D3 supplemented or deficient diet did not differ compared to rats that received vitamin D3 control diet. In conclusion, the variation of dietary vitamin D3 levels altered the physiology of hypertension, acting as an antihypertensive in supplementation and aggravating the hypertension effects in its deficiency.


Scalcon, Márcia Regina Rosa 07 March 2014 (has links)
Vitamin D is an important immunomodulator. Epidemiological studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency impairs the immune functions and participates in the pathogenesis of infectious and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D supplementation has shown significant changes on circulating concentrations of inflammatory markers in different clinical conditions. However, the effect of single large-dose of vitamin D3 in immune system in elderly people remains unclear. We carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the possible benefic effect of single oral dose of 300.000 IU of vitamin D3 on inflammatory markers in elderly post-menopausal women. A total of 40 women aged over 60 years were selected to receive 300.000 IU of cholecalciferol (n = 20) or placebo (n = 20) at baseline. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were similar in both group at baseline [16.4 ng/ml (± 3.8) in vitamin D group and 15 ng/ml (± 3.7) in placebo groups, p = 0.23]. Serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10 were measured by ELISA at baseline, and 30, 60 and 90 days after intervention. In the vitamin D group, we found a significant median percent decline in levels of IL-6 (30.8%, p = 0.006) and TNF-α (48.6%, p < 0.0001), associated with a significant median percent increase in levels of IL-10 (68.4%, p < 0.0001) after 90 days. We concluded that a single oral dose of 300.000 IU of cholecalciferol, in the short time, is able to improve the cytokines profile in elderly women with vitamin D deficiency. / A vitamina D é um importante imunomodulador. Estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado que a deficiência de vitamina D prejudica as funções imunológicas e participa na patogênese de doenças infecciosas e autoimunes. A suplementação de vitamina D tem demonstrado significativas alterações nas concentrações circulantes de marcadores inflamatórios em diferentes condições clínicas. No entanto, o efeito de dose única e elevada de vitamina D3 no sistema imune de pessoas idosas, permanece obscuro. Nós realizamos um ensaio clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado por placebo para avaliar o possível efeito benéfico de uma dose oral única de 300.000 UI de vitamina D3 em marcadores inflamatórios em mulheres idosas na pós-menopausa. Um total de 40 mulheres com idade superior a 60 anos foram selecionados para receber 300.000 UI de colecalciferol (n = 20) ou placebo (n = 20) no início do estudo. As dosagens de 25-hidroxivitamina D séricas [25(OH)D] foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos no início do estudo [16,4 ng/ml (± 3,8) no grupo vitamina D e 15 ng/ml (± 3,7) no grupo placebo, p = 0,23]. Os níveis séricos de IL-6, TNF-α e IL-10 foram medidos por ELISA no início do estudo e 30, 60 e 90 dias após a intervenção. No grupo da vitamina D, verificou-se uma diminuição significativa na percentagem média dos níveis de IL-6 (30.8 %, p = 0.006) e TNF-α (48.6 %, p < 0.0001), associada com um aumento percentual médio significativo nos níveis de IL-10 (68.4 %, p < 0.0001) após 90 dias. Concluímos que uma dose oral única de 300.000 UI de colecalciferol, em um curto espaço de tempo, é capaz de melhorar o perfil das citocinas em mulheres idosas com deficiência de vitamina D.

Differences in Outcomes Between Cholecalciferol and Ergocalciferol Supplementation in Veterans With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Youssef, Dima, Bailey, Beth, Atia, Antwan, El-Abbassi, Adel, Manning, Todd, Peiris, Alan N. 01 July 2012 (has links)
Aim: VitaminD deficiency is a global health issue associated with increased health-care costs, and could play a role in the pathogenesis and management of inflammatory bowel disease. Prior studies show a high prevalence of vitaminD deficiency in veterans with inflammatory bowel disease. We aimed to examine the outcome differences in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, comparing treatment with ergocalciferol to cholecalciferol. Methods: A retrospective review of electronic medical records of patients with inflammatory bowel disease at a Veterans Affairs Medical Facility in the Southeastern United States was carried out. Those with at least one serum 25(OH) vitaminD level were included. Initial and follow-up vitamin D values were recorded. The type of vitaminD supplementation, whether cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol, was documented. Costs in the year after measurement of vitaminD were divided into separate inpatient and outpatient categories. Results: Veterans (n=108) with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease and an available 25(OH) vitaminD level were studied. There were differences in follow-up vitaminD levels; those who received weekly ergocalciferol had higher subsequent levels than those who received cholecalciferol, especially at a second follow up, although differences did not achieve statistical significance. However, those who received vitaminD3 were less likely to use laboratory, pharmacy, radiology and fee-based services, and had lower laboratory and pharmacy costs. Conclusions: Our data suggest that cholecalciferol replacement might improve outcomes to a greater extent than ergocalciferol, and might be better in limiting health-care costs and expenses in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Estudo da suplementação de vitamina D em modelo experimental de diabetes mellitus / Study of vitamin D in experimental diabetes mellitus

Bella, Leonardo Mendes 08 October 2014 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença com prevalência e morbidade elevadas em todo o mundo, sendo que o DM1 é responsável por 5-10% dos casos. A vitamina D, hormônio de ação pleiotrópica, pode melhorar o curso do DM1, embora os mecanismos não estejam completamente elucidados. Dessa forma, ampliar o conhecimento sobre a ação desse hormônio pode auxiliar no prognóstico, bem como na compreensão dos possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na prevenção do DM. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados os efeitos fisiológicos da suplementação de vitamina D (800 UI/dia/sete dias; via oral) em camundongos machos (n=31; linhagem C57BL/6) distribuídos em quatro grupos: Controle + Água (CA; n=9); Controle + Vitamina D (CV; n=9); Diabético + Água (DA; n=6) e Diabético + Vitamina D (DV; n=7). Os camundongos tornados diabéticos (aloxana, 60 mg/Kg, intravenosa), quando comparados aos controles, exibiram redução do peso corporal e concentrações plasmáticas de glicose mais elevadas durante o período experimental de 10 dias (características do estado insulinopênico). Entretanto, a suplementação com vitamina D não alterou essa condição. Camundongos tornados diabéticos, em relação aos controles, exibiram redução do peso corporal (p<0,05) e concentrações plasmáticas de glicose (p<0,001) mais elevadas durante o período experimental. Animais suplementados com vitamina D apresentaram, em relação aos controles, níveis de 25(OH)D mais elevados (CA vs CV, p<0,001; DA vs DV, p<0,001). Níveis séricos maiores de ureia (CA vs DA, p<0,05; CA vs DV, p<0,01; CV vs DA, p<0,05; CV vs DV, p<0,01) e creatinina (CA vs DA, p<0,001; CA vs DV, p<0,001; CV vs DA, p<0,001; CV vs DV, p<0,001), espessamento da cápsula de Bowman, hipertrofia glomerular e destruição de hepatócitos foram observados em camundongos diabéticos em relação aos controles. Entretanto, a suplementação com vitamina D não alterou estas condições. O grupo DA apresentou menor nível sérico de albumina em relação aos grupos CA (p<0,05) e CV (p<0,05); níveis inferiores de hemoglobina (p<0,05) e hematócrito (p<0,05) em relação ao grupo DV; e menor leucometria (p<0,05) e mononucleares sanguíneos (p<0,05) em relação ao grupo CA. Os resultados sugerem que a vitamina D possa influenciar a resposta imunológica em animais diabéticos, modulando hematócrito, hemoglobina, bem como os níveis séricos de albumina / Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease with high prevalence and morbidity worldwide, and the DM1 is responsible for 5-10% of cases. The vitamin D hormone pleiotropic action, can improve the course of T1DM, although the mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Thus, better understanding the action of this hormone can aid in prognosis as well as in understanding the possible mechanisms involved in the prevention of diabetes. We evaluated the physiological effects of vitamin D (800 IU/day/seven days, v.o.) in male mice (n=31, C57BL/6 strain) divided into four groups: Control + Water (CW, n=9); Control Vitamin D + (CV n=9); Diabetic + Water (DW, n=6) Diabetic + Vitamin D (VD, n=7). The mice induced-diabetes by alloxan (60 mg/kg, i.v.), when compared to controls, exhibited reduced body weight and plasma glucose concentrations were higher during the experimental period of 10 days (features insulinopenic state). However, vitamin D supplementation did not alter this condition. Diabetic mice, compared to controls, exhibited reduced body weight (p<0,05) and plasma glucose concentrations (p <0.001) higher during the trial period. Animals supplemented with vitamin D showed higher levels of 25 (OH) D than controls (CW vs CV, p <0,001; DW vs DV, p<0,001). Higher serum urea (CW vs. DW, p <0,05; CW vs DV, p <0,01; CV vs DA, p <0,05; CV vs DV, p <0,01) and creatinine (CW vs. DW, p <0,001; CW vs DV, p <0,001; CV vs DW, p <0,001; CV vs DW, p <0,001), thickening of Bowman\'s capsule, glomerular hypertrophy and destruction of hepatocytes were observed in diabetic mice compared to controls. However, vitamin D supplementation did not alter these conditions. The DW group showed lower serum albumin compared to CW (p<0,05) and CV (p<0,05) groups; lower hemoglobin (p<0,05) and hematocrit (p <0,05) compared to the DV group; and lower leukocyte counts compared to CW (p <0,05) and mononuclear blood (p <0,05) compared to the CW group. The results suggest that Vitamin D may influence the immune response in diabetic animals, modulating hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum albumin

Impacto da administração das vitaminas D e E na sensibilidade insulínica, metabolismo oxidativo e aspectos da imunidade em ovelhas no período periparto / Impact of Vitamins D and E administration on insulin sensitivity, oxidative stress and immunity aspects of ewes in the peripartum period

Nascimento, Priscilla Marques do 14 March 2018 (has links)
Trinta ovelhas, mestiças (Santa Inês X Dorper), adultas e hígidas foram selecionadas para avaliar o efeito da suplementação intramuscular com as vitaminas D e E no perfil bioquímico, metabolismo energético, metabolismo oxidativo, sensibilidade insulínica e imunidade no periparto. Após confirmação da gestação essas fêmeas foram distribuídas em três grupos de dez animais e no 108&deg; dia de gestação receberam veículo oleoso (grupo controle-GC); ou 70.000 UI/kg de P.V. de vitamina D3 (colecalciferol) (grupo tratado-GD); ou 60UI/kg de P.V. de vitamina E (-tocoferol) (grupo tratado-GE). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas previamente à aplicação da vitamina (-45), quatro (-30); e duas semanas (-15) antes do parto; até duas horas do parto (0), uma (7); duas (15); e quatro semanas após o parto (30). Foram analisadas as concentrações plasmáticas de glicose, beta hidroxibutirato (BHB), ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs) e as concentrações séricas de colesterol, triglicérides, ureia, creatinina, cálcio total, cálcio iônico, proteína total, ácido úrico, aspartato amino transferase (AST), gamaglutamil transferase (GGT), e ainda a creatina quinase (CK). Foram também analisadas as concentrações de insulina e cortisol. Do metabolismo oxidativo foram determinadas as atividades da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e glutationa peroxidase (GSH-Px), a habilidade de redução férrica plasmática (HRFP), substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), bem como o status antioxidante total (TAS). Para avaliar aspectos relacionados à imunidade de monócitos e neutrófilos, por método in vitro, em 24 ovelhas (seis de cada tratamento). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas nos momentos 30; 0; e 30 e avaliadas sem estímulo (burst basal) e com estímulo por DCFH-DA, SaPI e PMA. A imunofenotipagem com anticorpos monoclonais CD8, CD4, CD14, CD16, CD45R, WC1, CD206, foi realizada aos dias -30, -15,0,7 e 30. Foram determinadas as concentrações das vitaminas D e E, nos momentos pré-determinados das coletas e no dia do teste de tolerância à glicose (TTG), realizado para avaliar a sensibilidade insulínica, e foi calculado RQUICKI e RQUICKI BHB. Todas as variáveis estudadas apresentaram efeito de tempo. Houve interação tempo*tratamento em TBARS (P=0,0217) e tendência para vitamina E (0,0811), SOD (0,0886) e GSH-Px (P=0,0643). Houve efeito de tratamento no colesterol (P=0,0088) e vitamina D (P<0,0001) e tendência para TAS (P=0,0830). No TTG, com resultados de AUC de BHB e AGNE apresentaram efeito de número de fetos gestados (P=0,0006 e 0,0005 respectivamente) e o RQUICKIBHB mostrou-se melhor indicador de sensibilidade insulínica do que o RQUICKI em ovelhas. A suplementação com vitamina D influenciou os teores plasmáticos de alfa tocoferol e a resposta imune das ovelhas. A suplementação com vitamina E reduziu a peroxidação lipídica no parto e relacionou-se positivamente com a melhora oxidativa dos monócitos sem estímulo e estimulados por PMA. / Thirty healthy adult ewes were selected to evaluate the effect of supplementation with intramuscular vitamins D and E in peripartum period on the biochemical profile, energetic metabolism, oxidative metabolism, insulin sensitivity and immunity. After pregnancy confirmation these females were distributed into three groups of ten animals treated with intramuscular injection containing oily vehicle (control-to-control group) on the 108th day of pregnancy, (CG); or 70,000 IU / kg of body weight of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) (treated group-GD); or 60 IU / kg of body weight of vitamin E (-tocopherol) (treated group-GE). Blood samples were collected before the application of the vitamins and vehicle (-45), four (-30); and two weeks (-15) before lambing; until 2 hours of lambing (0); one (7), two (15) and four weeks postpartum (30). Plasma concentrations of glucose, beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, total calcium, ionic calcium, total protein, uric acid, aspartate amino transferase (AST), gammaglutamyl transferase (GGT), and creatine kinase (CK) were measured. The concentrations of insulin and cortisol, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), plasma ferric reduction ability (FRAP), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), as well as total antioxidant status (TAS) were determinate. Monocytes and neutrophils were assessed by in vitro method to identify aspects related to immunity in 24 ewes (six from each treatment) at -30, 0 and 30. Blood samples were evaluated without stimulus (basal burst), with DCFH-DA, SaPI and PMA stimulus. Immunophenotyping with monoclonal antibodies CD8, CD4, CD14, CD16, CD45R, WC1, CD206 were performed at -30, -15, 0, 7 and 30. The concentrations of vitamins D and E were determinate at the predetermined collection times and on the day of the Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test (IVGTT), realized to evaluate the insulin sensitivity, as well as RQUICKI and RQUICKI BHB. All variables studied showed time effects. There were interaction time * treatment in TBARS (P = 0.0217) and tendency for vitamin E (0.0811), SOD (0.0886) and GSH-Px 16 (P = 0.0643). Treatment effect on cholesterol (P = 0.0088) and vitamin D (P &lt;0.0001) and tendency for TAS (P = 0.0830) were observed. About of IVGTT, AUC results of BHB and AGNE showed number of fetuses effect (P = 0.0006 and 0.0005 respectively). RQUICKIBHB was a better indicator of insulin sensitivity than RQUICKI in ewes. Vitamin D supplementation influenced the plasma levels of alpha tocopherol and the immune response of ewes. Vitamin E supplementation reduced lipid peroxidation at parturition and was positively related to the oxidative improvement of the monocytes without stimulation and stimulated by PMA. High doses of vitamins D or E administered 45 days before parturition on healthy ewes can be beneficial; however more studies are needed about this topic.

Vitamin D Status and its Contribution to Multiple Sclerosis Risk: Insights Gained through the Study of Children with Central Nervous System Demyelination

Hanwell, Heather 06 December 2012 (has links)
Acute demyelination in children may be a monophasic illness or the sentinel attack of multiple sclerosis (MS) – a chronic inflammatory neurodegenerative demyelinating disease. MS risk is largely determined during childhood and vitamin D may protect against MS. The primary objective of this thesis was to evaluate vitamin D status in children presenting with acute demyelinating syndromes (ADS) as a potential contributor to MS outcome. The LIAISON “25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL” assay was validated to assess the biomarker of vitamin D status – serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations. Consecutive patients (<16 y) were enrolled at presentation with ADS and prospectively evaluated at 23 Canadian centres. MS was defined by a second clinical demyelinating event or by MRI evidence of new lesions over time. Cox proportional hazards regression models assessed risk of MS outcome as a function of serum 25(OH)D tertiles, accounting for factors associated with either MS risk or vitamin D status – age, sex, season, and HLA-DRB1*15 status. Of 211 children with 25(OH)D measured in sera obtained a median of 9 days from onset (interquartile range, 5 – 17 d; maximum 36 days), 20% (n = 41) were diagnosed with MS after 3.7 mos. (3.1 – 7.3 mos.). Risk of MS was lower in children with 25(OH)D levels in the highest tertile (≥ 74 nmol/L) at ADS versus those in the lowest tertile (<50 nmol/L) (HR 0.41; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.97, adjusted model). Children with higher circulating 25(OH)D concentrations at ADS have a lower risk of MS. Further evidence for a role of vitamin D insufficiency during childhood and adolescence contributing to MS risk comes from three MS patients with suboptimally managed pseudo-vitamin D deficiency rickets. Finally, a sun exposure questionnaire was validated in the latter part of this thesis for use in future research into determinants of vitamin D status and their association with risk of MS.

Vitamin D Status and its Contribution to Multiple Sclerosis Risk: Insights Gained through the Study of Children with Central Nervous System Demyelination

Hanwell, Heather 06 December 2012 (has links)
Acute demyelination in children may be a monophasic illness or the sentinel attack of multiple sclerosis (MS) – a chronic inflammatory neurodegenerative demyelinating disease. MS risk is largely determined during childhood and vitamin D may protect against MS. The primary objective of this thesis was to evaluate vitamin D status in children presenting with acute demyelinating syndromes (ADS) as a potential contributor to MS outcome. The LIAISON “25 OH Vitamin D TOTAL” assay was validated to assess the biomarker of vitamin D status – serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations. Consecutive patients (<16 y) were enrolled at presentation with ADS and prospectively evaluated at 23 Canadian centres. MS was defined by a second clinical demyelinating event or by MRI evidence of new lesions over time. Cox proportional hazards regression models assessed risk of MS outcome as a function of serum 25(OH)D tertiles, accounting for factors associated with either MS risk or vitamin D status – age, sex, season, and HLA-DRB1*15 status. Of 211 children with 25(OH)D measured in sera obtained a median of 9 days from onset (interquartile range, 5 – 17 d; maximum 36 days), 20% (n = 41) were diagnosed with MS after 3.7 mos. (3.1 – 7.3 mos.). Risk of MS was lower in children with 25(OH)D levels in the highest tertile (≥ 74 nmol/L) at ADS versus those in the lowest tertile (<50 nmol/L) (HR 0.41; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.97, adjusted model). Children with higher circulating 25(OH)D concentrations at ADS have a lower risk of MS. Further evidence for a role of vitamin D insufficiency during childhood and adolescence contributing to MS risk comes from three MS patients with suboptimally managed pseudo-vitamin D deficiency rickets. Finally, a sun exposure questionnaire was validated in the latter part of this thesis for use in future research into determinants of vitamin D status and their association with risk of MS.

Caveolae and Caveolin-1 are important for Vitamin D signalling

Wong, Kevin L. 20 October 2010 (has links)
The most active form of Vitamin D, 1alpha,25(OH)2D3, modulates cells via receptor mediated mechanisms. While studies have elucidated the pathway via the classical nuclear Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), little is known about the membrane-associated Vitamin D Receptor (ERp60). Caveolae and its characteristic protein Caveolin-1 have been involved in many signaling pathways due to its specific structure and physical configuration. Other studies have shown that many components of the Vitamin D pathway have been found in caveolae. This study hypothesizes that caveolae and Caveolin-1 are important for the effects of 1,25 Vitamin D signaling via ERp60. Research up to date have shown that in rat and mouse growth zone chondrocytes, cells deprived of intact caveolae either through disruption through beta-Cyclodextrin or genetic knockout do not exhibit the characteristic responses to Vitamin D through ERp60 when compared to chondrocytes with functional caveolae. Studies using immunofluorescence co-localization and caveolae fractionation have shown that ERp60 is localized in the caveolae domains. Cellular fractionation was also performed to examine the localization of the ERp60 receptor in lipid rafts and caveolae. Histology and transmission electron microscopy were also used to examine the physiological importance of caveolae and Caveolin-1 in growth plate morphology and cellular characteristics.

Mutational analysis and engineering of the human vitamin D receptor to bind and activate in response to a novel small molecule ligand

Castillo, Hilda S. 22 January 2011 (has links)
Nuclear receptors (NRs) are ligand-activated transcription factors that regulate the expression of genes involved in all physiological activities. Disruption in NR function (e.g. mutations) can lead to a variety of diseases; making these receptors important targets for drug discovery. The ability to bind a broad range of 'drug-like' molecules also make these receptors attractive candidates for protein engineering, such that they can be engineered to bind novel small molecule ligands, for several applications. One application is the creation of potential molecular switches, tools that can be used for controlling gene expression. Gaining knowledge of specific molecular interactions that occur between a receptor and its ligand is of interest, as they contribute towards the activation or repression of target genes. The focus of this work has been to investigate the structural and functional relationships between the human vitamin D receptor (hVDR) and its ligands. To date, mutational assessments of the hVDR have focused on alanine scanning and residues typically lining the ligand binding pocket (LBP)that are involved in direct interactions with the ligand. A comprehensive analysis of the tolerance of these residues in the binding and activation of the receptor by its ligands has not been performed. Furthermore, residues not in contact with the ligand or that do not line the LBP may also play an important role in determining the activation profiles observed for NRs, and therefore need to be explored further. In order to engineer and use the hVDR in chemical complementation, a genetic selection system in which the survival of yeast is linked to the activation of a NR by an agonist, the hVDR gene was isolated from cDNA. To gain insight into how chemical and physical changes within the ligand binding domain (LBD) affect receptor-ligand interactions, libraries of hVDR variants exploring the role and tolerance of hVDR residues were created. To develop a comprehensive mutational analysis while also engineering the hVDR to bind a novel small molecule ligand, a rational and a random mutagenic approach were used to create the libraries. A variant, hVDRC410Y, that displayed enhanced activity with lithocholic acid (LCA), a known hVDR ligand, and novel activation with cholecalciferol (chole), a precursor of the hVDR's natural ligand known not to activate the wild-type hVDR, was discovered. The presence of a tyrosine at the C410 position resulting in novel activation profiles with both LCA and chole, and the fact that this residue does not line the hVDR's LBP led to interest in determining whether a physical or chemical property of the residue was responsible for the observed activity. When residue C410 was further assessed for its tolerance to varying amino acids, the results indicated that bulkiness at this end of the pocket is important for activation with these ligands. Both LCA and chole have reduced molecular volumes compared to the natural ligand, 1alpha, 25(OH)2D3. As a result, increased bulkiness at the C410 position may contribute additional molecular interactions between the receptor and ligands. Results obtained throughout this work suggest that the end of the hVDR's LBP consisting of two ligand anchoring residues, H305 and H397, and residue C410 tolerates structural variations, as numerous variants with mutations at these positions displayed enhanced activity. The receptor contains two tyrosines, Y143 and Y147, which were targeted for mutagenesis in one of the rationally designed libraries, located at the exact opposite end of the pocket. In an effort to gain further insight into the role of these residues at the other end of the LBP, mutagenesis assessing the tolerance of tyrosines 143 and 147 was performed. Overall, most changes at these positions proved to be detrimental to the function of the receptor supporting the hypothesis that this end of the LBP is less tolerant of structural changes, compared to the opposite end consisting of residues H305, H397 and C410. Overall, a better understanding of the structural and functional relationships between the human vitamin D receptor (hVDR) and its ligands was achieved. The effects of residue C410 on specificity and activation with the different ligands studied were unforeseen, as this residue does not line the receptor's ligand binding pocket (LBP). However, they serve as an example of the significant impact distant residues can have on receptor activation and also emphasize the important role physical properties of residues, such as volume, can play for specific ends of the LBP compared to chemical properties.

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