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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Plausibilisierung des christlichen Glaubens in einer postmodernen Gesellschaft : eine kritische Auseinadersetzung mit dem apologetischen Ansatz von Heinzpeter Hempelmann / Making Christian faith plausible in a postmodern society : a critical discussion of Heinzpeter Hempelmann's apologetic approach

Langenegger, Roland 07 1900 (has links)
Text in German / We live in a time of postmodern influence which proclaims that there are no absolute values and all opinions are equal. Consequently it is thought that no one can judge whether something is right or wrong. But, according to the Bible`s instructions, that is exactly what we should do. We shouldn’t conform to the world, but let God change our thinking and being. This is the only way to recognize right or wrong (Romans 12:2). As Christians we have been commissioned by Jesus to carry the gospel into all the world and to lead people to become his followers. For this reason we have to ask the question in this age of how the gospel can be made plausible in a postmodern context and how Christian values can be made understood. H-P Hempelmann has already dealt with such questions intensively. For this reason, this thesis will, among other things, examine his apologetic method. / Wir leben in einer Zeit postmoderner Einflüsse, in der dafür eingetreten wird, dass es keine absoluten Werte gibt und alle Meinungen gleichwertig sind. Dies hat zur Folge, dass angeblich keiner mehr beurteilen kann, ob etwas richtig oder falsch ist. Doch genau dies sollen wir nach den Anweisungen der Bibel tun. Wir sollen uns nicht der Welt anpassen, sondern unser Denken und Wesen von Gott verändern lassen. Nur auf diese Weise ist es möglich, zu erkennen, was richtig oder falsch ist (Röm 12,2). Als Christen haben wir von Jesus Christus den Auftrag erhalten, das Evangelium in alle Welt hinauszutragen und Menschen in seine Nachfolge zu führen. Aus diesem Grund stellt sich in der heutigen Zeit die Frage, wie das Evangelium im postmodernen Kontext plausibilisiert werden kann und wie christliche Werte verständlich gemacht werden können. Heinzpeter Hempelmann hat sich bereits sehr intensiv mit solchen Fragen auseinandergesetzt. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit u.a. sein apologetischer Ansatz überprüft. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)


LUIZ CLAUDIO MORAES CORREIA 13 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] O tema do testemunho cristão é o foco principal deste trabalho. Segundo Salvador Pié-Ninot, na sua Teologia Fundamental, o testemunho se apresenta como a nova via empírica, isto é, o novo caminho que, através da vida cotidiana da Igreja com suas experiências diversas, por vezes até paradoxais, se apresenta como motivo coerente e plausível para se crer. Afinal, o testemunho é como que uma condição primeira necessária à credibilidade da fé. Isso é importante na tarefa apologético-dialogal da Teologia Fundamental. Dentro desta, na parte da Eclesiologia Fundamental, o testemunho é tido como elemento-chave de credibilidade na Igreja e passa a ser conhecido como via testimonii, por ser o caminho mais enfático, notório e coerente para a evangelização. A perspectiva do testemunho que, segundo Pié-Ninot é sempre teológico, dá-se no testemunho eclesial como mistério envolto em paradoxo. O testemunho cristão conduz à tarefa apologética, facilitando o diálogo na Igreja, quer pessoal (pela oração a Deus e Liturgia), quer com os irmãos (diálogo ecumênico e inter-religioso); e na diaconia do serviço de amor ao próximo. / [en] The theme of Christian testimony is the main focus of this work. According to Salvador Pié-Ninot on his Fundamental Theology, testimony is presented as the new empirical way. It means a new way in which the daily life of the Church with its various experiences, sometimes even paradoxical ones, presents itself as a coherent and plausible reason to believe. After all, testimony is a first condition required to the credibility of the faith. It is important in the apologetic-dialogical task of Fundamental Theology. Within this, in the part of Fundamental Ecclesiology, testimony is considered as a key element of Church s credibility. It is known as via testimonii, because it is the most emphatic, notorious and coherent way for evangelization. In the perspective of testimony, according to Pié-Ninot, testimony is always theological; it is an ecclesial testimony like a mystery wrapped in paradox. Thus, Christian s testimony drives us to an apologetic task, making Church s dialogue easy. It can be personal dialogue (through prayer to God and in the Liturgy) or with the brothers (in an Ecumenical Dialogue or an Interreligious one). It can also be in a perspective of diakonia in the service of love to our brothers.

The interchange, exchange and appropriation of traditional healing, modern medicine and Christian healing in Africa today

Morekwa, Othusitse 30 November 2004 (has links)
This research work is set out to investigate healing practised in Africa today. There are many ways of healing in African; others are classified as foreign because they came out of Africa especially from European influence while others are considered local or traditional. The research shall dig out the influence of what is known as foreign methods or approaches of healing in Africa today and what African healing can learn from other methods of healing practised today. There shall be contemporary stories and facts about the situation of healing today and relevant statistics where necessary. The research also comes out with appropriate suggestions on how to combat contemporary illnesses of today. This includes what should be improved and how. This work covers the whole of Africa. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)


LUIZ FERNANDO LIMA RANGEL 04 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O tema da misericórdia é estudado a partir do que é apresentado no Livro de Walter Kasper A Misericórdia – Condição fundamental do Evangelho e chave da vida Cristã , com elementos para o aprofundamento do conhecimento da misericórdia de Deus, nas Escrituras, no ensinamento e na vida da Igreja, e sua ação dentro da Igreja e no mundo. Juntamente com o estudo de Kasper, a dissertação procura verificar o ensinamento do Papa Francisco no ano do Jubileu Extraordinário da Misericórdia. A dissertação destaca elementos do livro de Kasper e ênfases do ensinamento do Papa Francisco, em principais documentos pontífícios no ano jubilar, como a Bula Misericordiae Vultus que abre o ano da misericórdia e a carta apostólica Mirecordie et Misera fechando o ano e em audiências. Em Kasper e em Francisco apresentam-se questões importantes para o agir do cristão no mundo. A Escritura mostra a misericórdia de Deus. A misericórdia está na obra salvífica de Deus. A misericórdia deve estar na fé e na vida dos cristãos. O diálogo da misericórdia será necessário para levar a ação da misericórdia de Deus para uma cultura da misericórdia e para a evangelização do mundo. A Igreja deve receber a misericórdia de Deus e anunciar com palavras e obras da misericórdia e nos sacramentos. É necessário ter atenção com o sacramento da reconciliação onde a pessoa se encontra com o perdão e a misericórdia de Deus. / [en] The theme of mercy is studied from what is presented in Walter Kasper s book Mercy-The essential condition of the Gospel and the Key to the Christian Life with elements for deepening the knowledge to God s mercy in the Scriptures, in the teaching and in the life at Church, and its action within the Church and in the world. Together with Kasper s study, the thesis seeks to verify the teaching of Pope Francis by year during Jubilee extraordinary of Mercy. See the deepening of mercy in the main section of the Pope s hearings in this jubilee. The dissertation highlights elements of Kasper s book and emphases of the teaching of Pope Francis with pontifical texts in the jubilee year, as in the Bull Misericordiae Vultus that the year of mercy was opened and the apostolic letter Misericordia and Misera closing the jubilee year. In Kasper and Francis are presented important questions for the action of the Christian in the world. Scripture shows the mercy of God. Mercy is in the saving work of God. Mercy must be in the faith and life of Christians. The dialogue of mercy will be necessary to bring the action of God s mercy to a culture of mercy and to the evangelization of the world. The Church must receive the mercy of God and proclaim with words and works of mercy and the sacraments. Within this framework, attention will need to be paid, among other things, the sacrament of reconciliation where one encounters the forgiveness and the mercy of God.

Die Plausibilisierung des christlichen Glaubens in einer postmodernen Gesellschaft : eine kritische Auseinadersetzung mit dem apologetischen Ansatz von Heinzpeter Hempelmann / Making Christian faith plausible in a postmodern society : a critical discussion of Heinzpeter Hempelmann's apologetic approach

Langenegger, Roland 07 1900 (has links)
Text in German / We live in a time of postmodern influence which proclaims that there are no absolute values and all opinions are equal. Consequently it is thought that no one can judge whether something is right or wrong. But, according to the Bible`s instructions, that is exactly what we should do. We shouldn’t conform to the world, but let God change our thinking and being. This is the only way to recognize right or wrong (Romans 12:2). As Christians we have been commissioned by Jesus to carry the gospel into all the world and to lead people to become his followers. For this reason we have to ask the question in this age of how the gospel can be made plausible in a postmodern context and how Christian values can be made understood. H-P Hempelmann has already dealt with such questions intensively. For this reason, this thesis will, among other things, examine his apologetic method. / Wir leben in einer Zeit postmoderner Einflüsse, in der dafür eingetreten wird, dass es keine absoluten Werte gibt und alle Meinungen gleichwertig sind. Dies hat zur Folge, dass angeblich keiner mehr beurteilen kann, ob etwas richtig oder falsch ist. Doch genau dies sollen wir nach den Anweisungen der Bibel tun. Wir sollen uns nicht der Welt anpassen, sondern unser Denken und Wesen von Gott verändern lassen. Nur auf diese Weise ist es möglich, zu erkennen, was richtig oder falsch ist (Röm 12,2). Als Christen haben wir von Jesus Christus den Auftrag erhalten, das Evangelium in alle Welt hinauszutragen und Menschen in seine Nachfolge zu führen. Aus diesem Grund stellt sich in der heutigen Zeit die Frage, wie das Evangelium im postmodernen Kontext plausibilisiert werden kann und wie christliche Werte verständlich gemacht werden können. Heinzpeter Hempelmann hat sich bereits sehr intensiv mit solchen Fragen auseinandergesetzt. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit u.a. sein apologetischer Ansatz überprüft. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Srovnání vlivů výchovy působících na předškolní děti a dospívající mládež k získání základů křesťanské víry a utváření jejich křesťanského života / The Assesment of the Influences of the Education on the Preschool Children and Teen-agers for the Acquiring of the Basis of Christian Faith and the Formation of their Christian Life

BŮŽKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the presented theses is to discover and to compare the impacts of the education on the children in the preschool care and on the schoolchildren (teen-agers) as far as the acquiring of the basis of the Christianity as a religion and the formation of their life as Christians. In principle the corn of the theses lies in the assessment of the influence of different factors (as the family, friends, priest, Christian broadcasting, literature, participation of the parish activities) on the Christian faith of children and young people. In other words, whether the formation of the Christian life gained through the family (from birth up) has a more stabile and permanent experiences with God than the faith acquired at a later stage of growing up. The methods of testing, of questionnaire survey and the method of monitoring the behaviour of children and young people were used in the theses. The outcome of my research was the finding, that even if some adolescents have an interest in the matters of faith and God, this meeting with the religion does not form deep relationships to the faith as such and to the God. Only by a slight number of the young people has such a late cognition an influence on the formation of their future Christian life. By contrast, the acquiring of the Christian faith from the childhood on has other difficulties. The Christian faith of children faces the misunderstanding of classmates and later on of an atheist partner. Fort the maintenance of the faith of the adolescents the factors like family values, stand-points and patterns are of special importance.

Analysis of the religious practices of Hindus at Saint Joseph's Oratory : transmission of Christian faith after the Second Vatican Council

Jomon Kalladanthiyil, John 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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