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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role des modifications des histones dans le maintien et la lecture de l’empreinte génomique chez la souris. / Role of histone modifications in the maintenance and reading of genomic imprinting in mice

Sanz, Lionel 07 December 2010 (has links)
L'empreinte génomique est un mécanisme épigénétique qui conduit à l'expression d'un seul des deux allèles parentaux pour une centaine de gènes autosomaux chez les mammifères. La majorité des gènes soumis à l'empreinte est regroupée en clusters et tous ces gènes sont sous le contrôle de séquences discrètes appelées ICR (Imprinting Control Region). Les ICRs sont marquées épigénétiquement par une méthylation d'ADN et des modifications des histones alléliques. La méthylation d'ADN au niveau de ces ICRs est un facteur clé de l'empreinte et va être établie dans les lignées germinales suivant le sexe de l'embryon. Après fécondation, le nouvel embryon portera les empreintes paternelles et maternelles, ces empreintes devront alors être maintenues pendant tout le développement et interprétés dans le but de conduire à l'expression allélique des gènes soumis à l'empreinte. Cependant, la méthylation d'ADN ne peut expliquer à elle seule tous les aspects de l'empreinte génomique. Ainsi, d'autres marques épigénétiques doivent agir dans le maintien et la lecture de ces empreintes. Nous avons mis en évidence dans un premier temps que le contrôle de l'expression allélique dans le cerveau de Grb10 repose sur la résolution d'un domaine bivalent allélique spécifiquement dans le cerveau. Ces résultats mettent en avant pour la première fois un domaine bivalent dans le contrôle de l'expression des gènes soumis à l'empreinte et propose un nouveau mécanisme dans l'expression tissu spécifique de ces gènes. D'autre part, bien que des études en cellules ES aient démontré un rôle de G9a dans le maintien des empreintes au cours du développement embryonnaire, nos données suggèrent que G9a ne serait pas essentielle a ce maintien dans un contexte in vivo. / Genomic imprinting is a developmental mechanism which leads to parent-of-origin-specific expression for about one hundred genes in mammals. Most of imprinted genes are clustered and all are under control of sequence of few kilobases called Imprinting Control Region or ICR. ICRs are epigenetically marked by allelic DNA methylation and histone modifications. DNA methylation on ICRs is a key factor which is established in germ cells according to the sex of the embryo. After fecundation, the new embryo will harbored both paternal and maternal imprints which have to be maintained during the development and read to lead to allelic expression of imprinted genes. However, allelic DNA methylation alone cannot explain every aspect of genomic imprinting. Thus, there should be other epigenetic marks which act in the maintaining and reading of the imprints.Our data first indicate that bivalent chromatin, in combination with neuronal factors, controls the paternal expression of Grb10 in brain, the bivalent domain being resolved upon neural commitment, during the developmental window in which paternal expression is activated. This finding highlights a novel mechanism to control tissue-specific imprinting. On an other hand, although previous studies in ES cells show a role for G9a in the maintaining of imprints during embryonic development, our data suggest that G9a would not be essential in an in vivo model.

Étude de la réparation des lésions induites par les UVs dans les extrémités chromosomiques de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Repair of UV induced lesions in the chromosome ends of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Guintini, Laetitia January 2016 (has links)
Résumé : Les télomères sont des structures nucléoprotéiques spécialisées qui assurent la stabilité du génome en protégeant les extrémités chromosomiques. Afin d’empêcher des activités indésirables, la réparation des dommages à l’ADN doit être convenablement régulée au niveau des télomères. Pourtant, il existe peu d’études de la réparation des dommages induits par les ultraviolets (UVs) dans un contexte télomérique. Le mécanisme de réparation par excision de nucléotides (NER pour « Nucleotide Excision Repair ») permet d’éliminer les photoproduits. La NER est un mécanisme très bien conservé de la levure à l’humain. Elle est divisée en deux sous voies : une réparation globale du génome (GG-NER) et une réparation couplée à la transcription (TC-NER) plus rapide et plus efficace. Dans notre modèle d’étude, la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, une forme compactée de la chromatine nommée plus fréquemment « hétérochromatine » a été décrite. Cette structure particulière est présente entre autres, au niveau des régions sous-télomériques des extrémités chromosomiques. La formation de cette chromatine particulière implique quatre protéines nommées Sir (« Silent Information Regulator »). Elle présente différentes marques épigénétiques dont l’effet est de réprimer la transcription. L’accès aux dommages par la machinerie de réparation est-il limité par cette chromatine compacte ? Nous avons donc étudié la réparation des lésions induites par les UVs dans différentes régions associées aux télomères, en absence ou en présence de protéines Sir. Nos données ont démontré une modulation de la NER par la chromatine, dépendante des nucléosomes stabilisés par les Sir, dans les régions sous-télomériques. La NER était moins efficace dans les extrémités chromosomiques que dans les régions plus proches du centromère. Cet effet était dépendant du complexe YKu de la coiffe télomérique, mais pas dépendant des protéines Sir. La transcription télomériques pourrait aider la réparation des photoproduits, par l’intermédiaire de la sous-voie de TC-NER, prévenant ainsi la formation de mutations dans les extrémités chromosomiques. Des ARN non codants nommés TERRA sont produits mais leur rôle n’est pas encore clair. Par nos analyses, nous avons confirmé que la transcription des TERRA faciliterait la NER dans les différentes régions sous-télomériques. / Abstract : Telomeric DNA is made of short tandem repeats located at the ends of chromosomes and their maintenance is critical to prevent genome instability. DNA lesions constitute a serious risk to genome integrity. Thus, DNA repair mechanisms are required for continuous and unabridged cell divisions. The nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway removes bulky DNA lesions such as UV-induced photoproducts, like the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). NER is divided in two sub-pathways: global genome repair (GGR) and the faster transcription-coupled repair (TCR), which only differ in how they recognize UV-induced lesions. In eukaryotes, NER must find and repair DNA lesions that are buried in nucleosomes. In the yeast S. cerevisiae, genes positioned close to telomeres are silenced by a heterochromatin-like structure that is formed by silent information regulator proteins (Sir). To determine if nucleosomes and chromatin in subtelomeric regions affect the efficiency of NER, we studied the repair of photoproducts in different telomere-associated regions in both, WT and SIR genes deleted cells (sirΔ). We found that NER efficiency was modulated by the presence of nucleosomes on the subtelomeric type X element. In addition, in absence of Sir proteins, NER efficiency increased and was not modulated by nucleosomes, indicating that nucleosome positioning was less defined in sirΔ cells. Remarkably, in telomeric restriction fragment, NER was less efficient at telomeres than in the subtelomere type Y’ element. We suggest that low NER efficiency at the very end of chromosomes results from attachment sites to the nuclear periphery. Our data indicate that NER in sub-telomeric chromatin is modulated by Sir proteins stabilized-nucleosomes, and that NER is inhibited in telomeric chromatin by the presence of YKu, independently from the presence of Sir proteins. It was recently shown that the chromosome ends are transcribed and a non-coding RNA, called TERRA, is produced. Currently the precise functions of TERRA are not understood. Our second goal is to help understand the function of TERRA. We think that transcription at the chromosome ends could facilitate the removal of DNA lesions from heterochromatin by TCR, which would prevent the formation of mutations and, ultimately, chromosome shortening. Our data showed that TC-NER is effective in Y’ element and the telomere. Without Sir proteins, TERRA transcription is found in a particular region at the end of the X element. The transcription of TERRA could improve the repair of UV-induced lesions.

The double CUE domain of chromatin remodelling factor SMARCAD1

West, Philip M. January 2012 (has links)
ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers represent a class of proteins that restructure chromatin through the action of a conserved helicase-like ATPase domain. Remodellers typically have several accessory binding domains alongside the ATPase. These confer target specificity and most commonly recognise histone post-translational modifications. SMARCAD1 is a ubiquitous chromatin remodeller involved with DNA replication and re- pair. It binds directly to PCNA at the site of DNA replication and recruits co-repressor KAP1 in order to silence newly produced chromatin. In contrast to most other chromatin remodellers, SMARCAD1 does not contain several different types of accessory domains. Only two CUE do- mains have been identified in addition to the SMARCAD1 core ATPase domain. CUE domains are a type of helical ubiquitin-binding domain. This thesis presents the findings of an investigation into the structure and function of the SMARCAD1 double CUE domain. The solution NMR structure is presented with results from NMR binding experiments mapped onto the structure. Each CUE domain was found to be an independent helix bundle connected by a dynamic flexible linker. The N-terminal CUE domain, CUE-1, binds ubiquitin and has an adjacent SUMO (a ubiquitin-like protein) binding motif on a protruding extended helix. The C-terminal CUE domain, CUE-2, has a very similar structure to several published CUE domains but does not bind ubiquitin due to a charged substitution at a highly conserved CUE consensus position. The SMARCAD1 double CUE domain binds KAP1 from nuclear extract and is likely to mediate the interaction between SMARCAD1 and KAP1. SMARCAD1 double CUE domain is not involved with PCNA binding.

Mechanisms and Dynamics of Oxidative DNA Damage Repair in Nucleosomes

Cannan, Wendy J. 01 January 2016 (has links)
DNA provides the blueprint for cell function and growth, as well as ensuring continuity from one cell generation to the next. In order to compact, protect, and regulate this vital information, DNA is packaged by histone proteins into nucleosomes, which are the fundamental subunits of chromatin. Reactive oxygen species, generated by both endogenous and exogenous agents, can react with DNA, altering base chemistry and generating DNA strand breaks. Left unrepaired, these oxidation products can result in mutations and/or cell death. The Base Excision Repair (BER) pathway exists to deal with damaged bases and single-stranded DNA breaks. However, the packaging of DNA into chromatin provides roadblocks to repair. Damaged DNA bases may be buried within nucleosomes, where they are inaccessible to repair enzymes and other DNA binding proteins. Previous in vitro studies by our lab have demonstrated that BER enzymes can function within this challenging environment, albeit in a reduced capacity. Exposure to ionizing radiation often results in multiple, clustered oxidative lesions. Near-simultaneous BER of two lesions located on opposing strands within a single helical turn of DNA of one another creates multiple DNA single-strand break intermediates. This, in turn, may create a potentially lethal double-strand break (DSB) that can no longer be repaired by BER. To determine if chromatin offers protection from this phenomenon, we incubated DNA glycosylases with nucleosomes containing clustered damages in an attempt to generate DSBs. We discovered that nucleosomes offer substantial protection from inadvertent DSB formation. Steric hindrance by the histone core in the nucleosome was a major factor in restricting DSB formation. As well, lesions positioned very close to one another were refractory to processing, with one lesion blocking or disrupting access to the second site. The nucleosome itself appears to remain intact during DSB formation, and in some cases, no DNA is released from the histones. Taken together, these results suggest that in vivo, DSBs generated by BER occur primarily in regions of the genome associated with elevated rates of nucleosome turnover or remodeling, and in the short linker DNA segments that lie between adjacent nucleosomes. DNA ligase IIIα (LigIIIα) catalyzes the final step in BER. In order to facilitate repair, DNA ligase must completely encircle the DNA helix. Thus, DNA ligase must at least transiently disrupt histone-DNA contacts. To determine how LigIIIα functions in nucleosomes, given this restraint, we incubated the enzyme with nick-containing nucleosomes. We found that a nick located further within the nucleosome was ligated at a lower rate than one located closer to the edge. This indicated that LigIIIα must wait for DNA to spontaneously, transiently unwrap from the histone octamer to expose the nick for recognition. Remarkably, the disruption that must occur for ligation is both limited and transient: the nucleosome remains resistant to enzymatic digest before and during ligation, and reforms completely once LigIIIα dissociates.

Identification and characterisation of alternative forms of SETD2/HYPB (SET domain-containing protein 2 / Huntingtin yeast partner B)

Lee, Benjamin Mark January 2011 (has links)
SETD2/HYPB (SET domain-containing protein 2 / Huntingtin yeast partner B) is the predominant lysine methyltransferase in mammals that mediates histone H3 lysine-36 (H3K36) trimethylation, which is associated with transcription elongation and RNA splicing. SETD2 is further implicated in p53 function, vascular development, cancer progression and, through Huntingtin-interaction, Huntington's disease. Although different transcripts and putative protein isoforms have been detected previously, their identity, function and significance have not been rigorously investigated. This thesis aims to identify and characterise endogenous transcripts and protein isoforms of SETD2 in mouse fibroblasts. Affnity-purified N- and C-terminal antibodies specifically detected the &TildeTilde; 290 kDa methyltransferase (p290<sup>SETD2</sup>), verified by RNAi, in addition to N terminal-specific &TildeTilde; 120 kDa protein, and C terminal-specific forms at &TildeTilde; 140 and &TildeTilde; 66 kDa (p66), which all appeared too stable to deplete by transient siRNA transfection. Conserved in human and mouse cells, immunodetection of p66 exhibited unusual requirement for denaturation with urea at 95°C. Subcellular fractionation revealed distinct extraction properties of putative isoforms and facilitated partial purification of p66 for proteomic analysis. Co-fractionation and co migration by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of p66 detected by two independent C terminal antibodies suggested it represents a novel C terminal-specific isoform. Reverse transcription−PCR and DNA-sequencing demonstrated the existence of multiple, alternatively-spliced Setd2 transcripts that plausibly generate truncated proteins. A transcript variant containing a novel complete open-reading-frame, consistent for p66 generation, was identified. Its ectopic expression in mouse fibroblasts produced a distinct SETD2 isoform, whose physical and extraction characteristics were studied in comparison with endogenous immunoforms. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that multiple alternatively-spliced transcripts arise from the Setd2 gene, consistent with immunodetection of several C- and N-terminal-specific putative SETD2 isoforms, additional to the H3K36 methyltransferase. Verification of these isoforms by independent methods would have implications for proposed interactions and function of SETD2 in transcription, epigenetics, cancer development and Huntington’s disease.

Identification à l'échelle du génome des séquences d'ADN liés à la matrice nucléaire et leurs relations avec la réplication de l’ADN / Genome scale identification of the DNA sequences attached to the Nuclear Matrix.Implications for Genome organization and the regulation of DNA replication

Velilla, Fabien 13 December 2012 (has links)
Les chromosomes sont organisés en plusieurs niveaux hiérarchiques de repliements de la chromatine. Cette organisation spatiale de la chromatine dans le noyau a été impliquée dans la régulation de nombreux processus cellulaires comme la réplication ou la transcription. En effet, différentes expériences suggèrent que la chromatine est organisée en boucles, dont les bases seraient maintenues attachées ensemble, formant une structure qui serait un soutien structurel de la chromatine.Mon projet de thèse a visé à identifier les séquences d'ADN constituant la base de ces boucles de la chromatine par hybridation sur puces. Notre étude a été réalisée sur des MEF asynchrones et synchronisées en G0/G1 afin d'établir la dynamique des MARs au cours du cycle cellulaire.Nos résultats montrent que les MARs constituent des grands domaines, qui sont associés de façon significative avec les domaines d'ADN liées à la Lamine B1 et les domaines tardifs du timing de réplication. L'analyse des MARs ayant été réalisée sur des MEFs synchronisées en G0, les domaines de timing seraient donc déjà définis en G0/G1. L'analyse de plusieurs marques des histones suggère que les MARs sont associées à la chromatine transcriptionnellement inactive. En parallèle, nous avons réalisé une analyse protéomique de la matrice. Celle-ci a permis de valider notre approche expérimentale mais nous a aussi donné l'opportunité de caractériser la matrice nucléaire d'un point de vue protéique.L'ensemble de nos résultats révèle que les séquences d'ADN liées à la matrice nucléaire constituent une zone de répression, tant au niveau transcriptionnel que réplicatif. / Chromosomes are organised into several hierarchical levels of chromatin compaction. This spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus has been involved in regulating many cellular processes such as DNA replication and transcription. Indeed, different experiments suggest that chromatin is organized in loops, whose bases are kept attached together, forming a structure, often called the nuclear matrix, acting as a structural support of the chromatin. My project was to identify the DNA sequences that belong to the bases of these chromatin loops. Matrix-attached regions (MARs) were mapped by hybridization on microarrays. This study was performed on asynchronous as well as G0/G1-phase synchronized MEFs to establish the dynamics of MARs during the cell cycle. MARs were found in megabase-sized domains, with sequences significantly related to previously-published Lamin B1 associated domains and replication timing domains. Since our analysis of MARs was performed on G0-synchronized MEFs, our data strongly suggest that the timing domains might already be defined in G0/G1. Analysis of several histone marks suggested that MARs were associated with transcriptionally-repressed chromatin. In parallel, we also performed a proteomic analysis of our matrix preparations, and found known "matrix-attached" proteins, thus validating our experimental approach, plus other components that permitted a better characterization of the nuclear matrix. Taken together, our results show that DNA sequences bound to the nuclear matrix constitute a repressive zone, at the transcription and replication levels.

Principes de la régulation des origines de réplication par la lysine méthyltransférase PR-Set7 / Principle of replication origins regulation by the lysine methyltransferase PR-Set7

Brustel, Julien 14 December 2012 (has links)
La réplication de l'ADN au cours de la phase S est initiée au niveau de sites spécifiques, appelés origines de réplication, qui sont distribués de manière adéquate le long des chromosomes et actifs une seule fois par cycle cellulaire. Les mécanismes qui contrôlent la position des origines de réplication restent énigmatiques chez les mammifères. Les travaux réalisés pendant cette thèse révèlent que la lysine méthyltransférase PR-Set7 humaine, responsable de la mono-méthylation de la lysine 20 de l'histone H4, induit un réarrangement chromatinien au niveau des nombreuses origines de réplication des gènes actifs. Celui-ci est caractérisé par la mono- et tri-méthylation de la lysine 20 de l'histone H4 et la tri-méthylation de la lysine 4 de l'histone H3. Ce profil de méthylation d'histones constituerait un signal épigénétique pour le recrutement sur la chromatine des facteurs nécessaires à la formation des origines de réplication, indépendamment d'un rôle sur la transcription. En effet, la présence d'une forme active de PR-Set7 en amont d'un gène rapporteur est suffisante pour induire cette cascade de méthylation et la formation d'une nouvelle origine de réplication au niveau de ce gène sans en modifier son expression. De la même manière, l'inactivation de l'enzyme dans une cellule conduit à l'inverse à une diminution du nombre total d'origines sans un effet majeur sur l'expression des gènes. Lors de la phase S, PR-Set7 est dégradée via le complexe E3 ligase CRL4Cdt2 et la protéine PCNA. Cette dégradation permet la disparition au niveau de la chromatine du signal de formation des origines, s'assurant ainsi qu'elles sont actives une seule fois par cycle. La mutation du domaine d'interaction avec PCNA est suffisante en effet pour empêcher la dégradation de PR-Set7, entraînant alors la formation et activation répétées des origines pendant la phase S (phénotype de sur-réplication). Ces résultats établissent la cascade de méthylation initiée par PR-Set7 pendant la mitose comme le mécanisme épigénétique contrôlant la mise en place et l'activation d'au moins la moitié des origines de réplication chez les mammifères. / In order to ensure accurate inheritance of genetic information through cell proliferation, chromosomes must be precisely copied once and only once and then correctly distributed to daughter cells. Chromosome replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle and is initiated at discrete chromosomal sites called replication origins. However, the ability to activate replication origins occurs during mitosis of the previous cell cycle and continuing into early G1 phase. This crucial step, called DNA replication licensing, consists of the assembly of a multi-protein pre-Replicative Complex (pre-RC) onto origins, making them competent for replication. During S phase, pre-RC are inhibited by different ways, that ensures that origins are activated only once per cycle and prevents DNA rereplication (multiple initiations from the same origin). In metazoans, functional replication origins do not show defined DNA consensus sequences, thus evoking the involvement of chromatin determinants in the selection of these origins.During my thesis, I have discovered that that the onset of licensing in mammalian cells coincides with an increase in histone H4 Lysine 20 monomethylation (H4K20me1) at replication origins by the methyltransferase PR-Set7. By genome mapping of H4-20me1 signals during the cell cycle, we found that nearly half of origins that fire during S phase are associated with H4-K20me1 during mitosis, when the process of replication licensing is activated. This mitotic H4-K20me1 signature is highly significant for origins located near transcription start sites and promoters that are characterized by the presence of CpG islands and H3-K4me3 signals. Furthermore, tethering PR-Set7 methylase activity to an origin-free genomic locus is sufficient to promote a chromatin remodeling follow by a creation of a functional origin of replication and promotes replication initiation. PR-Set7 and H4K20me1 are cell-cycle regulated, with high levels during M and early G1 and very low in S phase. At the onset of S phase, PR-Set7 undergoes an ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, which depends on its interaction with the sliding-clamp protein PCNA and involves the ubiquitin E3 ligase CRL4-Cdt2. Strikingly, expression of a PR-Set7 mutant insensitive to this degradation causes the maintenance of H4K20me1 and repeated DNA replication at origins. This photolytic regulation controls the initiation of replication origin.This suggests that a cascade of lysine methylation events, initiated by PR-Set7 during mitosis, would define the position of origins in open chromatin structures.

Organisation de la chromatine et signalisation par les oestrogènes / Impact of the chromatine organization in transcriptional regulation mediated by estrogen receptor

Quintin, Justine 06 March 2013 (has links)
En réponse à son environnement composé de signaux endogènes et exogènes, une cellule doit pouvoir adapter son transcriptome, et cela à travers une modulation fine de l'expression de ses gènes. Les mécanismes permettant une telle adaptation reposent sur de multiples paramètres, entre autre l'organisation du génome, que ce soit au niveau de sa séquence primaire ou de son organisation au sein de la chromatine qui est un support pour l'intégration de nombreuses informations (structurelles et épigénétiques). De plus, l'organisation tridimensionnelle du noyau cellulaire apporte des contraintes physiques et fonctionnelles qui contribuent également à ces régulations. Afin de comprendre comment toutes ces informations peuvent être intégrées lorsqu'un signal régule la transcription d'un ensemble de gènes colinéaires («cluster» de gènes), nos études se sont focalisées sur la description et dissection des mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation coordonnées de gènes œstrogéno-dépendant par le récepteur aux œstrogènes (ER) et ses facteurs pionniers (FOXA1, FOXA2 et GATAs) dans des cellules cancéreuses d'origine mammaire. Dans ce cadre, nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés au cluster TFF, situé sur le bras long du chromosome 21, incluant le gène modèle TFF1, en utilisant des techniques d'analyse à grande échelle (ChIP-chip, ChIP-seq, 4C et analyses transcriptomiques). / A given cell has to be able to adapt its fate and homeostasis in response to endogenous and exogenous signals. This adaptation occurs through finely tuned regulations of genes' expressions leading to the variation of their transcriptomes. Multiple parameters have to be integrated in order to provide such mechanisms of regulation. First, the primary sequence of the genome and its organization into chromatin are major regulatory components that harbor genetic, structural and epigenetic information. Second, the three-dimensional organization of the genome into the nucleus brings both physical and functional constraints that also contribute towards these regulatory processes. Here, we engaged a work aiming to understand and dissect how these several levels of information are integrated during the transcriptional regulation of colinear genes (cluster of genes) by the same signal. We took as a model the coordinated regulation of the estrogen-sensitive TFF cluster driven by the estrogen receptor (ER) and its pioneering factors (FOXA1, FOXA2 and GATAs) in mammary cancer cells. This cluster is located within the long arm of the chromosome 21, and contains the gene model termed TFF1. We used large-scale methods (ChIP-chip, ChIP-seq, 4C and microarray transcriptomic analyses) to decipher these dynamic mechanisms.

Étude du lien entre la régulation épigénétique et le stress du réticulum endoplasmique chez Caenorhabditis elegans / Link between epigenetic regulation and endoplasmic reticulum stress in Caenorhabditis elegans

Kozlowski, Lucie 13 June 2014 (has links)
L’adaptation cellulaire au stress dépend en partie de changements dans l’expression de gènes de réponse au stress, souvent accompagnés par des modifications dans la structure chromatinienne. Des facteurs chromatiniens pourraient être à l’origine de ces modifications mais leurs mécanismes d’action restent mal connus au cours du développement. La réponse aux protéines malconformées (UPR) est une réponse à des conditions de stress physiologique qui ciblent le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) ; l’UPR a été impliquée dans de nombreuses maladies humaines incluant le cancer et différents composants de cette réponse pourraient être de potentielles cibles pharmaceutiques. Nous avons démontré que HPL-2, l’homologue de la protéine HP1 chez Caenorhabditis elegans, est nécessaire pour la réponse au stress du RE. L’inactivation d’HPL-2 montre une résistance accrue au stress du RE qui dépend d’une part de la voie XBP-1 de l’UPR et d’autre part d’un flux autophagique augmenté. La résistance accrue des vers dépourvu d’HPL-2 est associée avec une augmentation de l’activation d’XBP-1 et de chaperonnes du RE en conditions physiologiques. L’expression d’HPL-2 est ubiquitaire et nous avons déterminé qu’HPL-2 joue un rôle antagoniste dans les cellules neuronales et intestinales pour influencer la réponse au stress du RE. Nous avons également montré qu’une modulation de l’état de la chromatine par une inhibition chimique d’histones déacétylases donnait le même phénotype que l’absence d’HPL-2. De plus, l’augmentation ou la diminution de la méthylation de la lysine 4 de l’histone 3 (H3K4me) joue également un rôle dans la réponse au stress du RE. Ces travaux contribuent ainsi à une meilleure compréhension du lien entre l’UPR, le stress du RE et la structure chromatinienne aussi bien dans un processus normal que dans certaines pathologies. / Cellular adaptation to environmental changes and stress relies on a wide range of regulatory mechanisms which are tightly controlled at several levels, including transcription. Chromatin structure and chromatin binding proteins are important factors contributing to the transcriptional response to stress. However, it remains largely unknown to what extent specific chromatin factors influence these distinct responses in a developmental context. One of the best characterized stress response pathways is the unfolded protein response (UPR), which is activated by accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we show that Caenorhabditis elegans HPL-2, the homologue of the HP1 chromatin associated protein, is required for the ER stress response. Inactivation of HPL-2 results in enhanced resistance to ER stress dependent on the XBP-1 branch of the UPR and the closely related process of autophagy. Increased resistance to ER stress in animals lacking HPL-2 is associated with increased basal levels of XBP-1 activation and ER chaperones under physiological conditions. Using tissue specific rescue experiments, we find that HPL-2 plays antagonistic roles in intestinal and neuronal cells to influence the ER stress response. We further show that chemical inhibition of histone deacetylase activity mimics the HPL-2 loss of function phenotype, and that increasing or decreasing histone H3 lysine 4 methylation (H3K4me) has antagonistic effects on animal survival in response to ER stress. Altogether our results point to an important function for specific chromatin factors and chromatin modifications in maintaining ER homeostasis in a developmental context.

Mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in epidermal keratinocytes during skin development : role of p63 transcription factor in the establishment of lineage-specific gene expression programs in keratinocytes via regulation of nuclear envelope-associated genes and polycomb chromatin remodelling factors

Rapisarda, Valentina January 2014 (has links)
During tissues development multipotent progenitor cells establish tissue-specific gene expression programmes, leading to differentiation into specialized cell types. It has been previously shown that the transcription factor p63, a master regulator of skin development, controls the expression of adhesion molecules and essential cytoskeleton components. It has also been shown that p63 plays an important role in establishing distinct three-dimensional conformations in the Epidermal Differentiation Complex (EDC) locus (Fessing et al., 2011). Here we show that in p63-null mice about 32% of keratinocytes showed altered nuclear morphology. Alterations in the nuclear shape were accompanied by decreased expression of nuclear lamins (Lamin A/C and Lamin B1), proteins of the LINC complex (Sun-1, nesprin-2/3) and Plectin. Plectin links components of the nuclear envelope (nesprin-3) with cytoskeleton and ChIP-qPCR assay with adult epidermal keratinocytes showed p63 binding to the consensus binding sequences on Plectin 1c, Sun-1 and Nesprin-3 promoters. As a possible consequence of the altered expression of nuclear lamins and nuclear envelope-associated proteins, changes in heterochromatin distribution as well as decrease of the expression of several polycomb proteins (Ezh2, Ring1B, Cbx4) has been observed in p63-null keratinocytes. Moreover, recent data in our lab have showed that p63 directly regulates Cbx4, a component of the polycomb PRC1 complex. Here we show that mice lacking Cbx4 displayed a skin phenotype, which partially resembles the one observed in p63-null mice with reduced epidermal thickness and keratinocyte proliferation. All together these data demonstrate that p63-regulated gene expression program in epidermal keratinocytes includes not only genes encoding adhesion molecules, cytoskeleton proteins (cytokeratins) and chromatin remodelling factors (Satb1, Brg1), but also polycomb proteins and components of the nuclear envelope, suggesting the existence of a functional link between cytoskeleton, nuclear architecture and three dimensional nuclear organization. Other proteins important for proper epidermal development and stratification, are cytokeratins. Here, we show that keratin genes play an essential role in spatial organization of other lineage-specific genes in keratinocytes during epidermal development. In fact, ablation of keratin type II locus from chromosome 15 in epidermal keratinocytes led to changes in the genomic organization with increased distance between the Loricrin gene located on chromosome 3 as well as between Satb1 gene located on chromosome 17 and keratin type II locus, resulting in a more peripheral localization of these genes in the nucleus. As a possible consequence of their peripheral localization, reduced expression of Loricrin and Satb1 has also been observed in keratins type II-deficient mice. These findings together with recent circularized chromosome conformation capture (4C) data, strongly suggest that keratin 5, Loricrin and Satb1 are part of the same interactome, which is required for the proper expression of these genes and proper epidermal development and epidermal barrier formation. Taken together these data suggest that higher order chromatin remodelling and spatial organization of genes in the nucleus are important for the establishment of lineage-specific differentiation programs in epidermal progenitor cells. These data provide an important background for further analyses of nuclear architecture in the alterations of epidermal differentiation, seen in pathological conditions, such as psoriasis and epithelial skin cancers.

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