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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos potenciais citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico das águas de um ambiente lêntico, por meio dos sistemas-teste de Allium cepa e Oreochromis niloticus

Christofoletti, Cintya Aparecida [UNESP] 04 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-08-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:49:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 christofoletti_ca_me_rcla.pdf: 3763933 bytes, checksum: d9284f200972936e72e67bb3de745be4 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A degradação dos recursos hídricos, como os ambientes lênticos, dentre eles, os lagos, é uma das maiores preocupações atualmente, visto que esta pode causar danos diretos ou indiretos à saúde e à sobrevivência dos organismos expostos. Um dos fatores que contribui para a alteração da qualidade das águas de ambientes lênticos é o despejo de efluentes, principalmente àqueles de origem doméstica, portadores de substâncias que chegam a ser tóxicas para o meio aquático. Por meio dos testes citogenéticos, utilizando os mais diversificados organismos-teste, é possível biomonitorar a extensão da poluição e avaliar os efeitos dessas substâncias presentes no ambiente natural. Com esse intuito, o presente trabalho tomou por modelo de estudo, um lago urbano artificial (Lago Azul, Rio Claro-SP) e objetivou avaliar o potencial citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico das águas desse ambiente, por meio dos testes de aberrações cromossômicas e micronúcleos, em células meristemáticas de Allium cepa (cebola), em dois tratamentos: o contínuo e o período de recuperação, em água ultra pura; e, pelo teste do micronúcleo associado às anormalidades nucleares e do ensaio do cometa, aplicados em eritrócitos de Oreochromis niloticus (tilápia). Coletas de águas sazonais foram realizadas na estação seca (agosto/2006 e agosto/2007) e na estação chuvosa (março/2007 e fevereiro/2008). Análises físico-químicas foram feitas para uma coleta de cada estação. A partir dos dados obtidos, pode-se inferir que as águas desse ambiente lêntico apresentam potencial citotóxico, genotóxico e mutagênico, nas duas estações de coletas, para os dois organismos-teste empregados. As análises de metais revelaram concentrações acima do permitido pela legislação de Ag, Cd2+, Cu e Fe3+, em ambas as estações. Embora os... / The degradation of water resources, as the lentics environments, among them, the lakes, is a major concern now, because it can cause direct or indirect damages to health and to the survival of the exposed organisms. One factor that can contribute to change the water quality of lentics environments is the dumping of effluents, mainly those of domestic origin, carriers of substances that come to be toxic to the aquatic environment. Through the cytogenetic tests, using the most diverse systems-test, it is possible monitoring the extent of pollution and assess the effects of substances on the natural environment. To that end, this work has taken a model of study, an urban artificial lake (Lago Azul, Rio Claro-SP) and aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potentials of waters that environment, through tests of chromosome aberrations and micronuclei in meristematic cells of Allium cepa (onion) in two treatments: the continued and the period of recovery, in ultra pure water, and by the micronucleus and nuclear abnormalities test and of the comet assay, applied in erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia). Seasonal collections of waters were held in the dry season (august/2006 and august/2007) and the rainy season (march/2007 and february/2008). Physical and chemical analyses were made for a collection of each season. From the data obtained, it can be infered that the waters of this lentic environment had cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potentials in two seasons of collections for the two systems-test employed. Analyses of metals detected high concentrations of Ag, Cd2+, Cu, Fe3+, whose values are higher than permitted by law, in both seasons. Although the cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potentials have been detected in two seasons, the dry season is that presented the highest risk... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Detecção da citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade do inseticida fipronil no organismo teste Allium cepa /

Pedro, Janaina. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Aparecida Marin Morales / Banca: Carmem Silvia Fontanetti Christofoletti / Banca: Mateus Mondin / Resumo: Os agrotóxicos constituem uma importante estratégia da agricultura, para a obtenção de uma produtividade economicamente viável, pois são substâncias utilizadas no combate de organismos indesejáveis. Os inseticidas são agentes que têm ação de combater insetos, tanto na fase adulta como larval. O fipronil é um composto do grupo fenil-pirazol, toxicologicamente classificado como altamente tóxico, amplamente utilizado em campos agrícolas do estado de São Paulo, bem como nas residências, para combater insetos pragas. A ação deste inseticida se dá pela sua ligação ao canal de cloro, promovendo o bloqueio da ativação da condução dos estímulos nervosos, pelo ácido gama-aminobutírico (GABA), uma substância que controla o fluxo de íons cloro, através da membrana da célula nervosa. Em pequenas concentrações, apresenta uma eficiente ação nos organismos alvos. Esta característica também pode causar problemas ao meio ambiente, muitas vezes, longe até dos lugares onde foi aplicado. O fipronil, em temperaturas moderadas, é estável no ambiente por cerca de um ano. Estudos mostram que esse inseticida pode ser degradado em diversos metabólitos, que são ainda mais tóxicos que ele. Quanto a sua persistência no ambiente, o fipronil apresenta variações decorrentes da sua formulação, mas os seus metabólicos podem ser mais persistentes que o próprio inseticida. Resíduos de fipronil podem ser bioacumulado no tecido adiposo, indicando uma potencialidade de transferência via cadeia trófica. No presente trabalho, foram avaliadas as potencilidades tóxicas, citotóxicas, genotóxicas e mutagênicas do inseticida fipronil, por meio de bioensaios com Allium cepa, cujas sementes foram expostas à germinação em fipronil. / Abstract: The pesticides are an important strategy for agriculture, to obtain productivity economically viable, because they are substances used to eliminate pest organisms. Insecticides are agents which have action to combat insects, in both the adult and larval stage. The fipronil is a group composed of phenyl-pyrazole, toxicologically classified as highly toxic, and it is widely used in agricultural fields in Sao Paulo State, as well as in homes, to combat insect pests. This insecticide acts through its connection to the channel chlorine, promoting blockade in the activation of the conduct of nervous stimuli, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a substance that controls the flow of chloride ions through the cell membrane of nerve. In small concentrations, presents an efficient action in the organism targets. This feature can also cause problems to the environment, often far to the places where it is applied. In moderate temperatures, the fipronil is stable in the environment for about a year. Studies show that this insecticide can be degraded in various metabolites, which are even more toxic than the fipronil. Relative to its persistence in the environment, the fipronil presents variations resulting from its formula, but their metabolites may be more persistent than the insecticide. Residues of fipronil can be bioacumulated in adipose tissue, indicating a potential of transference by the food chain. In the present research, it had been evaluated the toxic, cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic potentials of the fipronil insecticide through bioassays with Allium cepa, whose seeds were exposed to germination in this insecticide. The results indicate that the insecticide presented no toxic and cytotoxic effects for the A. cepa species, when we compared the data resulting from the tests performed with the insecticide and with the negative control. / Mestre

Caracterização fenotípica em indivíduos com microarranjos na região cromossômica 22q11 / Phenotypic characterization in individuals with microarrays in the 22q11 chromosomal region

Stéfany Lopes Lucas Empke 20 July 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Descrever as manifestações clínicas de indivíduos com hipótese diagnostica da Sindrome de deleção 22q11 (SD22q11) confirmados por testes genéticos, na primeira avaliação e durante o acompanhamento dos mesmos em avaliações subsequentes para uma melhor definição do curso natural da doença. Local: Laboratório de Genética e Citogenética Humana do HRAC-USP Bauru/SP. Casuística e metodologia: O presente trabalho é retrospectivo e analisou os dados de prontuários de 72 indivíduos cadastrados no HRAC-USP, os quais receberam hipótese diagnóstica da SD22q11 e foram confirmadas por teste genético (MLPA ou FISH). A avaliação envolveu a analise dos dados relatados por todos os setores do HRAC-USP. Resultados e discussão: Foramanalisados 72prontuários deindivíduos com a SD22q11. Constatamos que a idade media dos indivíduos quando do cadastro no HRAC-USP foi de seis anos. Também constatamos que houve um longo período de tempo entre os retornos ao hospital e que, nesses retornos, nem todas as especialidades foram contempladas. Esses fatos prejudicaram a analise da historia natural da anomalia em questão. Com relação às características fenotipicas, observamos a presença de sinais clínicos típicos, como por exemplo: face alongada, lábios finos, hipoplasia alar, anormalidades menores na orelha, dígitos longos e fendas palpebrais, fissuras labiopalatinas, cardiopatias congenitas, dificuldade de aprendizagem, atraso de linguagem e distúrbios comportamentais. A fissura oral foi à manifestação otorrinolaringológica mais frequente, presente em 75% dos pacientes, onde as fissuras submucosas foram as mais frequentes (43%). As características cognitivas como, atraso de fala (87%), dificuldades de aprendizagem (95%) e distúrbios comportamentais (81%), tiveram um resultado significativo, descritas em quase todos os indivíduos. As cardiopatias congênitas estavam presentes em 47,2% dos prontuários analisados. De um modo geral, comparando a frequência dos sinais clínicos encontrados neste trabalho com dados da literatura, constatamos que as frequências encontram-se dentro do esperado. Conclusão: A maioria dos indivíduos cadastrados no HRAC-USP, pertencentes ao grupo de estudo, apresentou idade superior a 06 anos. Portanto, a observação do curso natural da historia da SD22q11 para avaliar características fenotípicas que surgissem ao longo da evolução clinica do indivíduo e que pudessem ajudar no diagnóstico, ficou prejudicada. Mesmo nos casos onde o indivíduo foi cadastrado no HRAC-USP com idade inferior a dois anos, o diagnóstico foi tardio devido a falta de uma ação multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar no hospital. Mesmo não sendo possível avaliar as características fenotípicas surgidas durante a historia natural da doença, constatamos que as manifestações clínicas relatadas nos prontuários cursam com as características da SD22q11 e em frequências que corroboram com as da literatura / To describe clinical manifestations observed in medical records of individuals registered in the hospital with a diagnostic hypothesis of 22q11.2DS confirmed by genetic tests (MLPA OR FISH), since the first assessment in the HRAC-USP and during the follow up of these individuals in subsequent assessments, in order to achieve a better definition to the natural courses of the disease. Local: Laboratory of Human Genetics and Cytogenetics (HRAC-USP Bauru/SP). Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 72 medical records of individuals registered at the HRAC-USP, who were diagnosed with 22q11DS and who had this diagnosis confirmed by a genetic test (MLPA OR FISH). The assessment concerned the analysis of reported data in all sectors of the HRAC-USP. Results and Discussion: 72 medical records of individuals with 22q11DS were analyzed. It was verified that the average age of individuals when registering at the HRAC-USP was six years old. It was also verified that it took a long period of time for these individuals to return to the hospital and, when they did, not all specialties were contemplated. These facts harmed the analysis of the natural history of the anomaly. About the phenotypic characteristics, some typical clinical signs were observed, such as: long face, thin lips, hypoplasia nasal alar, minor abnormalities in the ear, long digits and narrow palpebral fissures, palatal abnormalities, congenital heart defects, learning disabilities, delay speech and behavioral disorders. An oral cleft was the most frequent otorhinolaryngology manifestation, present in 75% of the patients; among which submucous cleft palate were the most frequent (43%). Cognitive features such as, delay speech (87%), learning disabilities (95%) and behavioral disorders (81%) had a significant result, described in almost all individuals. Congenital heart defects were observed at 4% to 48% of individuals with 22q11.2DS, in this study it was observed in 47.2%. In general, comparing the frequency of some clinical signs observed in this study with the literature data, it was verified that the frequencies were within expectations. Conclusion: Most of the individuals registered at the HRAC belonging to the study group were over 6 years old. Therefore, the observation of natural course of the history of 22q11DS to evaluate the phenotypic characteristics that would arise during the clinical evolution of the individual and that could help in the diagnosis was harmed. Even in cases when the individual was registered at the HRAC-USPunder the age of two, the diagnosis was delayed due to lack of a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary action in the hospital. Even not being possible to measure the phenotypic characteristics that emerged during the natural history of the disease, it was verified that the clinical manifestations reported in the records occur with the 22q11DS characteristics and in frequencies that corroborate with the literature

Fragile X chromosome associated with familial sex-linked mental retardation : expression in fibroblast culture

Jacky, Peter Bruce January 1980 (has links)
A form of familial sex-linked mental retardation has been associated with the expression of a fragile site near the terminal end of the long arm of the X chromosome. Previous reports on the fragile X chromosome showed expression of the fragile site to be limited to chromosome preparations from peripheral blood lymphocytes of mentally retarded males and their female relatives in families in which the disorder was segregating. Fragile site expression has also been shown to be a function of the medium employed in cell culture. The fragile X chromosome could only be demonstrated in lymphocytes cultured in medium 199 or media deprived of folic acid. This study was undertaken to develop a method for demonstrating the fragile X chromosome in cultured skin fibroblasts. Fibroblast cell lines from five patients (two mentally retarded males, two obligate carrier females, and a potential carrier female) from a family in which familial sex-linked mental retardation was known to be segregating were established and routinely maintained in a complete culture medium. Forty-three hours prior to chromosome harvest, cells from each patient were transferred to media deficient in folic acid. Under conditions of folic acid deprivation, it was possible to elicit expression of the fragile X chromosome in skin fibroblasts from all five patients studied. No fragile X chromosomes were detected in fibroblasts from three normal control subjects. In a preliminary assessment of the reliability of the fibroblast method, three patients (two mentally retarded males and a potential carrier female) from a second unrelated family in which the disorder is known to be segregating were studied with this method. The fragile X chromosome could be demonstrated in fibroblasts from both of the retarded male patients but could not be. demonstrated in fibroblast chromosome preparations from the potential carrier female. Lymphocytes for all patients studied were grown under similar folate deprived conditions for the purpose of comparing the effectiveness of fibroblast culture with lymphocyte culture in demonstrating the expression of the fragile X chromosome. Neither tissue was shown to consistently provide a higher frequency of expression of the fragile X chromosome. In addition to folate deprivation, it was shown that two other features of the fibroblast method influenced the frequency of expression of the fragile X chromosome. The fragile site was expressed at a significantly higher frequency in chromosome preparations in which the chromosomes were not severely contracted. The frequency of expression in fibroblasts was also shown to be significantly higher with a hypotonic treatment at chromosome harvest using 1% NaCitrate rather than 0.075M KC1. Because fragile site expression was shown to be a function of the degree of chromosome condensation, two agents, 5-BrdU and actinomycin-D, were studied to examine their decondensation effects on the frequency of expression. Neither BrdU nor actinomycin D proved effective in accentuating the frequency of expression. Since fibroblasts behave much like amniocytes in terms of cell culture and chromosome harvest, the development of a method for demonstrating the fragile X chromosome in cultured skin fibroblasts is a step toward the prospect of reliable antenatal diagnosis of familial sex-linked mental retardation associated with a fragile X chromosome. / Medicine, Faculty of / Medical Genetics, Department of / Graduate

Forschungsbericht über die Genetische Toxikologie von Dequalinium Chloride

Fahrig, Rudolf 12 March 2021 (has links)
Bei der Untersuchung von Dequalinium Chloride wurden alle relevanten genetischen Endpunkte berücksichtigt. Einer absolut negativen Datenlage steht lediglich ein spezifischer mutagener In vitro-Effekt im Ames-Test entgegen: In einem Bakterienstamm wurden eine bestimmte Art von Genmutationen, Frameshift-Mutationen, ausgelöst. Die Relevanz dieses Ergebnisses wurde in vivo im Spot Test überprüft. Der Spot Test war deshalb ausgewählt worden, da er die Erfassung von Mutagenen erlaubt, welche spezifisch Frameshift-Mutationen auslösen (Fahrig, 1995). Dies war eine notwendige Voraussetzung für den Einsatz des Tests, da im Ames-Test gerade diese Art von Mutationen ausgelöst worden war und deshalb dieser Endpunkt auch verfolgt werden musste. Die Verfolgung dieses genetischen Endpunkts in vivo im Spot Test mit Mäusen brachte trotz Verabreichung toxischer Dosen (5 und 7 mg/kg) ein negatives Ergebnis. Da zuvor schon der HPRT-Test ein negatives Ergebnis gezeigt hatte, stehen der spezifischen Frameshift-induzierenden Wirkung von Dequalinium Chloride in Bakterien eindeutig negative Ergebnisse im Säuger in vitro und in vivo gegenüber. Für die Relevanz der Ergebnisse im Spot Test und damit für die Wertung ist entscheidend, dass Dequalinium Chloride die Zielzellen in genügenden Konzentrationen erreicht, um eine Wirkung ausüben zu können. Bedenkt man, dass Dequalinium Chloride toxische Wirkung auf Muttertiere und Neugeborene ausübte und daß die Häufigkeit von gelben Missdifferenzierungssflecken und weißen, auf der Abtötung von Pigmentzellen beruhenden Bauchflecken gegenüber der Kontrolle erhöht war, so kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass Dequalinium Chloride die Zielzellen erreicht, aber weder mutagene noch rekombinogene Wirkung ausgeübt hat. Isoliert dastehenden positiven In-vitro-Befunden sollte von vornherein keine große Bedeutung beigemessen werden. Im vorliegenden Falle konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine mutagene Wirkung nur bei Bakterien und weder in vivo noch in vitro in Säugerzellen auftrat. Aus diesem Grunde kann dem Befund mit Bakterien keine Bedeutung für den Menschen beigemessen werden.:I. Datenlage 1. Genmutationen in vitro 1.1 Salmonella-Mikrosomen (Ames)-Test 1.2. HPRT-Test mit V79 Zellen des Chinesischen Hamsters 2. Chromosomenaberrationen in vitro 2.1 Chromosomenaberrationen in menschlichen Lymphozyten 3. Genmutationen in vivo 3.1 Spot Test mit Mäusen II. Wertung

Parallel evaluation of Doxorubicin inducing Genetic damage in human lymphocytes and sperm using the Comet assay and spectral karyotyping

Anderson, Diana, Baumgartner, Adolf, Cemeli, Eduardo, Schmid, Thomas E. January 2004 (has links)
No / In recent years, two techniques for detecting genetic damage in the whole genome have gained importance: the alkaline comet assay, to detect DNA damage such as strand breaks and alkali-labile sites, and a multicolour FISH method, spectral karyotyping (SKY), to identify chromosomal aberrations simultaneously in all metaphase chromosomes. In the present study, the induction of DNA damage in human sperm and lymphocytes in vitro has been studied employing an anticancer drug, doxorubicin (DX). An increase in DNA damage was observed with the comet assay as the median per cent head DNA of sperm significantly decreased from 82.07 and 85.14% in the untreated control groups to 63.48 and 72.52% at doses of 0.8 µM DX. At 1.6 µM the percentage declined to 60.96% (the corresponding tail moment increased from 4.42 to 12.19). In stimulated lymphocytes, a significant increase was observed in tail moment, from 0.72 and 0.53 in controls to 15.17 and 12.10 at 0.2 µM DX, continuing at the same level to a final concentration of 1.6 µM. Structural aberrations found in the parallel SKY study in stimulated lymphocytes at 0.2 µM DX consisted of 14% chromatid-type and 2% chromosome-type aberrations; none were found in controls. The SKY results correlate very well with the findings of the comet assay in lymphocytes where DNA damage was observed at similar doses. This study is the first reporting use of the comet assay and SKY analysis in parallel after chemical treatment. The potential of the two techniques together is evident, as they represent a set of assays feasible for evaluating damage in human somatic and germ cells after chemical treatment (i) by direct observation of two different end-points, detecting general DNA damage and chromosomal aberrations and (ii) by extrapolation from lymphocytes to sperm, which provides a `parallelogram¿ approach in human cells.

Mažų jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės apšvitos dozių poveikio citogenetiniai tyrimai ir biologinė dozimetrija / Cytogenetic effects of low ionising radiation doses and biological dosimetry

Gricienė, Birutė 23 December 2010 (has links)
Įvairiais tikslais naudojant jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės (JS) šaltinius, darbuotojai ir gyventojai patiria JS apšvitą, kurią lydi neigiamo poveikio organizmui rizika. Taikant nestabilių chromosomų aberacijų analizės metodiką buvo nustatyta, kad ir mažos, neviršijančios darbuotojams nustatytų ribų (50 mSv), JS dozės gali iššaukti chromosomų pažaidas žmogaus limfocituose. Branduolinės energetikos srityje dirbančių asmenų grupėjė (N=84) nustatytas patikimai didesnis, palyginti su kontroline grupe (N=82), chromosomų pažaidų dažnis, įvertinta chromosomų pažaidų dažnio priklausomybė nuo jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės ir apšvitos tipo. Konstatuota, kad veikla, susijusi su vidine ir neutronų apšvita, gali būti laikoma potencialiai pavojingesne bei sąlygojančia didesnę chromosomų pažaidų indukcijos riziką nei veikla, susijusi tik su išorinės gama spinduliuotės apšvita. Rūkymo ir amžiaus įtakos chromosomų aberacijų dažniui nenustatyta. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad citogenetinis monitoringas gali būti taikomas atskirų darbuotojų grupių JS apšvitos rizikos vertinimui bei suteikia papildomos informacijos užtikrinant ir optimizuojant darbuotojų radiacinę saugą. Šio darbo metu sudarytos gama spinduliuotės (60Co) kalibracinės dozės-atsako kreivės leidžia Lietuvoje atlikti biologinį dozių įvertinimą radiacinės avarijos metu nukentėjusiems ir dideles JS dozes gavusiems asmenis, kas svarbu tinkamai parenkant gydymo metodus. Taip pat bus galima papildomai įvertinti darbuotojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The intensive use of ionising radiation (IR) sources and development of IR technology is related to increased exposure and adverse health risk to workers and public. The unstable chromosome aberration analysis in the group of nuclear energy workers (N=84) has shown that doses below annual dose limit (50 mSv) can induce chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Significantly higher frequencies of the total chromosome aberrations were determened in the study group when compared to the controls ((N=82). The risks were found to differ with the type of activities and occupational exposure. Activities related to internal and neutron exposure risk may be regarded as potentially more dangerous when compared to other activities related with external gamma exposure doses only. The impact of age and smoking to chromosome aberration frequency was found to be insignificant. The results of this study show that cytogenetic monitoring can be used for IR occupational exposure risk assessment for different occupational groups of radiation workers and may provide additional information to ensure and optimise the radiation protection of radiation workers. The gamma radiation (60Co) dose-response curves for chromosome aberrations in vitro were established in Lithuania for the first time. Application of the established dose-response curves enables to perform the biological dosimetry in the country, to assess the doses of the first responders and people accidentally exposed to... [to full text]

Cytogenetic effects of low ionising radiation doses and biological dosimetry / Mažų jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės apšvitos dozių poveikio citogenetiniai tyrimai ir biologinė dozimetrija

Gricienė, Birutė 23 December 2010 (has links)
The intensive use of ionising radiation (IR) sources and development of IR technology is related to increased exposure and adverse health risk to workers and public. The unstable chromosome aberration analysis in the group of nuclear energy workers (N=84) has shown that doses below annual dose limit (50 mSv) can induce chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Significantly higher frequencies of the total chromosome aberrations were determened in the study group when compared to the controls ((N=82). The risks were found to differ with the type of activities and occupational exposure. Activities related to internal and neutron exposure risk may be regarded as potentially more dangerous when compared to other activities related with external gamma exposure doses only. The impact of age and smoking to chromosome aberration frequency was found to be insignificant. The results of this study show that cytogenetic monitoring can be used for IR occupational exposure risk assessment for different occupational groups of radiation workers and may provide additional information to ensure and optimise the radiation protection of radiation workers. The gamma radiation (60Co) dose-response curves for chromosome aberrations in vitro were established in Lithuania for the first time. Application of the established dose-response curves enables to perform the biological dosimetry in the country, to assess the doses of the first responders and people accidentally exposed to... [to full text] / Įvairiais tikslais naudojant jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės (JS) šaltinius, darbuotojai ir gyventojai patiria JS apšvitą, kurią lydi neigiamo poveikio organizmui rizika. Taikant nestabilių chromosomų aberacijų analizės metodiką buvo nustatyta, kad ir mažos, neviršijančios darbuotojams nustatytų ribų (50 mSv), JS dozės gali iššaukti chromosomų pažaidas žmogaus limfocituose. Branduolinės energetikos srityje dirbančių asmenų grupėjė (N=84) nustatytas patikimai didesnis, palyginti su kontroline grupe (N=82), chromosomų pažaidų dažnis, įvertinta chromosomų pažaidų dažnio priklausomybė nuo jonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės ir apšvitos tipo. Konstatuota, kad veikla, susijusi su vidine ir neutronų apšvita, gali būti laikoma potencialiai pavojingesne bei sąlygojančia didesnę chromosomų pažaidų indukcijos riziką nei veikla, susijusi tik su išorinės gama spinduliuotės apšvita. Rūkymo ir amžiaus įtakos chromosomų aberacijų dažniui nenustatyta. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad citogenetinis monitoringas gali būti taikomas atskirų darbuotojų grupių JS apšvitos rizikos vertinimui bei suteikia papildomos informacijos užtikrinant ir optimizuojant darbuotojų radiacinę saugą. Šio darbo metu sudarytos gama spinduliuotės (60Co) kalibracinės dozės-atsako kreivės leidžia Lietuvoje atlikti biologinį dozių įvertinimą radiacinės avarijos metu nukentėjusiems ir dideles JS dozes gavusiems asmenis, kas svarbu tinkamai parenkant gydymo metodus. Taip pat bus galima papildomai įvertinti darbuotojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Characterizing the spectrum of chromosome copy number variants among fetuses with increased nuchal translucency and normal karyotype by chromosome microarray analysis.

January 2014 (has links)
目前廣泛應用于胎兒醫學的唐氏綜合症篩查法,即結合早孕期胎兒頸項透明層的超聲檢查,及母體血清生化指標的綜合篩查法。頸項透明層是指在早孕期利用超聲檢測到的胎兒頸后的皮下積水,其作為預測胎兒異常的一項重要“軟指標,其臨床意義,尤其是與胎兒染色體異常及器官結構異常之間的關係,逐漸得到深入的認識,但其形成機制尚未明確。現在已知有一百餘種畸形及遺傳綜合征與胎兒頸項透明層增厚相關,但其染色體異常譜系,尤其是亞顯微的染色體異常仍有待明確。大部分頸項透明層增厚但核型正常的胎兒預後良好,但約3-10%的這部分胎兒會伴有畸形或出生后的神經智力發育缺陷。而傳統核型分析無法檢測到亞顯微的染色體異常,從而無法判斷這部分核型正常卻伴有缺陷的胎兒是否因為這類染色體異常而致病。 / 微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片作為檢測兒童發育遲緩者及器官結構異常原因的重要手段已廣泛應用于臨床。在染色體核型正常的胎兒中,若伴有器官結構異常的胎兒,5-12%被檢出與該畸形相關的微缺失及微重複;若僅伴有孕婦高齡或唐氏篩查高危,則微缺失及微重複檢出率約1%。 / 該課題旨在研究頸項透明層增厚但核型正常的胎兒中,染色體拷貝數變異發生的頻率及頻譜;評估微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片在協助臨床判斷胎兒預後中的作用。因此,我們開展該多中心隊列研究,通過納入449例頸項透明層厚度≧3.5 mm但正常核型胎兒的,檢測其染色體拷貝數變異,監測并記錄其圍產、產後及新生兒期情況。微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片總共檢出2.8%的異常拷貝數變異,其大小範圍為0.1 kb至18Mb。在伴有器官結構異常的胎兒組中,異常拷貝數變異檢出率達7.8%。對於頸項透明層厚度≧4.0 mm的胎兒,異常拷貝數變異檢出率可達7.3%。 / 對於頸項透明層增厚的胎兒,致病拷貝數變異暫未發現特定的頻譜。但,該研究中發現重複的致病拷貝數變異,如22號染色體長臂1區1帶的微重複或微缺失,2號染色體長臂2區2帶的微缺失。未在3號、7號、12號、13號、18號、20號、21號或Y染色體上發現與胎兒頸項透明層增厚相關的致病拷貝數變異。 / 頸項透明層增厚的胎兒79.3%預後良好;若經微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片未檢出致病拷貝數變異,則81.2%預後良好。如果僅頸項透明層增厚不伴有結構異常的胎兒,經微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片未檢出致病拷貝數變異,則93.5%預後良好。 / 綜上所述,微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片顯著提高了致病拷貝數變異的檢出率。可考慮將微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片作為頸項透明層厚度≧4.0 mm的胎兒染色體異常檢查的首要方法。對於僅頸項透明層增厚不伴有結構異常的胎兒,且經微陣列比較基因組雜交芯片未檢出致病拷貝數變異,絶大部分預後良好。對於頸項透明層增厚的胎兒,致病拷貝數變異暫未發現特定的頻譜,但發現重複出現的致病拷貝數變異。通過初步的基因本體分析及基因通路分析,神經嵴細胞的分化遷徙功能異常可作為今後研究頸項透明層增厚的病理生理機制的方向。 / Measurement of nuchal translucency (NT) has been recognized as a sensitive marker for fetal chromosomal disorders for more than a decade, and is presently used as a routine first-trimester screening test. Although over 100 abnormalities and genetic syndromes have been reported to be associated with increased NT, these associations have not been fully explored and the relevant spectrum of associated submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities has not been sufficiently investigated. The majority of euploid fetuses with increased NT have a good outcome, but around 3-10% of fetuses present with structural or neurodevelopmental abnormalities postnatally. A range of genetic syndromes has been reported, many of which are linked to submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities that are typically missed by conventional karyotyping. / Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (arrayCGH) has been applied as the first-tier diagnostic tool for the evaluation of developmental delay and structural malformations in children. In fetuses with a normal karyotype, microarray analysis revealed clinically relevant deletions or duplications in 5-12% with a structural anomaly and in about 1% of those whose indications were advanced maternal age or positive screening results. / The objectives of this study were to delineate the frequency and spectrum of pathogenic chromosome copy number variants (CNVs) among fetuses with increased NT and normal karyotype; to evaluate the role of arrayCGH to predict the prognosis of the high NT fetuses; to explore the genotype-phenotype correlations of increased NT. Therefore, a multi-centre cohort of 449 fetuses with NT ≧3.5 mm and normal karyotype were further investigated by arrayCGH. Antenatal surveillance, pregnancy outcome and paediatric follow up were documented. ArrayCGH detected abnormal CNVs in 2.8% (14 of 449) of the fetuses with high NT; the size of CNVs ranged from 0.1 kb to 18Mb. Among fetuses with major congenital abnormalities the incidence of abnormal CNV reached 7.8% (4 of 51). By adjusting the NT to ≧4.0 mm as the referral indication, 7.3% (14 of 192) of the fetuses would have abnormal arrayCGH results. The spectrum of pathogenic CNVs found associated with increased NT was diverse. However, there were recurrent ones such as the deletions or duplications at chromosomal region 22q11, and deletions in ZEB2. There was no pathogenic CNV related with increased NT found in chromosomes 3, 7, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, or Y. The total normal outcome rate of euploid fetuses with an increased NT was 79.3%; for fetuses with normal arrayCGH results 81.2% had a normal outcome. In fetuses with isolated increased NT, normal arrayCGH results predict a favorable prognosis of 93.5%. / In conclusion, arrayCGH significantly increased the diagnostic yield of pathogenic CNVs. In clinical practice arrayCGH may be considered as the first tier investigation in fetuses with an increased NT more than 4.0 mm. In cases with an isolated increased NT with normal arrayCGH results the pregnancy outcome is likely to be favorable. The spectrum of abnormal CNVs found by arrayCGH is diverse but there are recurrent cases such as del/dup 22q11 and del ZEB2. Our preliminary gene ontology and pathway analysis showed that gene pathways related to neural crest cells may be considered as a future study for physiopathologic mechanisms of NT. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Huang, Jin. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-120). / Abstracts also in Chinese.

"Efeito Citogenético do 153Sm-EDTMP em Linfócitos Periféricos de Pacientes com Câncer Metastático" / Cytogenetic effect of Sm-153-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with metastaic cancer

Silva, Marcia Augusta da 05 September 2001 (has links)
O 153Sm-EDTMP é um radiofármaco utilizado em medicina nuclear com resultados promissores no alívio da dor metastática. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do 153Sm-EDTMP em nível celular. O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o intuito de avaliar os efeitos citogenéticos do 153Sm-EDTMP em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes com metástases ósseas (com e sem radio e/ou quimioterapias anteriores) pela da técnica de detecção de aberrações cromossômicas, tanto in vivo como in vitro. Para tanto, as amostras sangüíneas foram coletadas antes e 1 hora após a administração endovenosa do 153Sm- EDTMP (atividade média de 42,53 + 5,31 MBq/kg de peso corpóreo), levando-se em consideração o rápido clearance sangüíneo. Os principais tipos de aberrações cromossômicas estruturais encontrados foram os gaps e quebras, fragmentos acêntricos, anéis cêntricos, double minutes e dicêntricos. A análise estatística mostrou que o único grupo de pacientes que apresentou uma diferença significativa na freqüência de aberrações cromossômicas 1 hora após o tratamento foi o que recebeu prévio tratamento radio e quimioterápico antes da terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP. Quanto a averiguação do número modal de cromossomos e da cinética do ciclo celular, a análise estatística mostrou que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados, sugerindo que o tratamento com 153Sm-EDTMP não influenciou nesses parâmetros. A molécula carreadora, EDTMP, não teve qualquer influência na indução de aberrações cromossômicas. Em relação aos ensaios in vitro, os dados obtidos de linfócitos periféricos submetidos às diferentes concentrações radioativas de 153Sm-EDTMP (0,046 – 1,110 MBq/mL) de doadores sadios e de pacientes sem prévio tratamento se ajustaram melhor ao modelo de regressão linear (Y=A+BX). O dano cromossômico induzido pelo 153Sm-EDTMP observado in vitro foi cerca de 2 vezes maior do que o encontrado in vivo para o grupo de pacientes sem prévio tratamento. Os dados obtidos mostraram que a terapia com 153Sm-EDTMP induziu uma pequena quantidade de danos citogenéticos em linfócitos periféricos de pacientes 1 hora após sua administração, embora, teoricamente, um efeito estocástico a longo prazo não possa ser descartado. / The 153Sm-EDTMP is a radiopharmaceutical used in nuclear medicine with promising results for the relief of metastatic pain. Therefore, there are few knowledge about the effects of 153Sm-EDTMP at cellular level. The present study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the cytogenetic effects of 153Sm-EDTMP in peripheral lymphocytes from patients with bone metastasis (with and without previous radio and/or chemotherapy) by the chromosome aberration technique, either in vivo or in vitro. For that, the blood samples were collected before and one hour after the endovenous administrations of 153Sm-EDTMP (mean activity of 42.53 + 5.31 MBq/kg body weight), taking into account the rapid blood clearance. The principal types of structural chromosome aberrations found gaps and breaks, acentric fragments centric rings, double minutes and dicentrics. The statistical analysis showed that the group submitted to previous radio and chemotherapy before153Sm-EDTMP administration showed significant difference in chromosome aberrations frequency one hour after the treatment. The analysis of the chromosome modal number and the kinetics of cellular cycle showed no statistical difference among the groups, suggesting that the treatment with 153Sm-EDTMP, did not influence these parameters. The carrier molecule, EDTMP, did not influence the induction of chromosome aberration. In relation to the in vitro assays, the obtained data of peripheral lymphocytes of healthy donors and patients with no previous treatment exposed to different radioactive concentration of 153Sm-EDTMP (0.046 – 1.110 MBq/mL) were better adjusted by linear regression model (Y=A+BX). The chromosome damage induced by 153Sm-EDTMP observed in vitro was about 2 fold higher than that found in vivo for the group of patients with no previous treatment. The obtained data showed that the therapy with 153Sm- EDTMP induced a few quantity of cytogenetic damages in peripheral lymphocytes one hour after its administration in patients, although, theoretically, a long term stochastic effect cannot be disregarded.

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