Spelling suggestions: "subject:"citizen action"" "subject:"itizen action""
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Voluntary action, disability and citizenship : evidence from Northern IrelandAcheson, Nicholas Vincent January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Le vote : un agir politique citoyen et une action raisonnée / Voting : a citizen's political action and a reasoned actionDafer Laisney, Malika 18 December 2017 (has links)
Associé à la démocratie représentative, le vote en France est souvent observé à travers ses résultats (chiffre d’abstention, du vote blanc, inscription ou non inscription sur les listes électorales, etc.), ce qui laisse entendre que le fait démocratique serait caractérisé par les suffrages exprimés. Or, pour le citoyen le vote a un sens qui va au-delà du rituel des urnes. En tant que Sujet socio-psychologique, il vote en agissant autour d’enjeux fondamentaux dans le but de construire et de se construire par un acte puissant et utile en confirmant son histoire.Pour comprendre la signification du vote en tant qu’agir politique articulé à de nombreux agir (s) sociaux, eux-mêmes reposant sur des fondements psychologiques de l’agir humain, nous nous sommes positionnés en amont et en aval de la dynamique électorale et envisagé le comportement votant en fonction des connaissances, des croyances, des prédispositions normatives, affectives, bref, de l’attitude qui le sous-tend.La question générale de notre recherche est de décliner les conditions qui construisent le comportement votant. / Associated with representative democracy, voting in France is often seen through its results (abstention, blank vote, registration or non-registration on electoral lists, etc.), which suggests that the actual democratic would be characterized by the votes cast. For the citizen, the vote has a meaning that goes beyond the ritual of the ballot box. As a socio-psychological subject, he votes regarding fundamental issues in order to bring out solutions and construct himself through this historical action seen as a powerful, effective and useful. In order to understand the significance of voting as a political act expressed in many social actions, which are based on the psychological foundations of human action, we positioned ourselves upstream and downstream of the vote and considered the voting behavior relatively to knowledge, beliefs, normative, affective dimensions, in short, to the attitude that supports it.The general aim of our research is to specify the conditions that construct the voting behavior.
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Trabalho voluntário : da caridade cristã ao exercício cidadão /Queiroz, Adriana de Souza Lima. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rosalinda Chedian Pimentel / Resumo: A presente tese versa sobre o trabalho voluntário, tema pouco explorado nas pesquisas acadêmicas, principalmente, no âmbito do Serviço Social, considerando que esse tipo de trabalho está interligado com a profissão desde sua gênese e, na atualidade, vem ocupando, cada vez mais, espaços na prestação de serviços assistências à população economicamente necessitada. O trabalho voluntário no Brasil remonta, pelo menos, ao início do século XX, tendo assumido distintas formas e funções ao longo de mais de um século, ora associado a práticas cristãs, à caridade e à fé, ora à chamada “ação cidadã”, incentivada pelos programas governamentais e pelo aumento de instituições de cunho filantrópico. Tendo por base a incorporação da caridade cristã para o exercício da ação cidadã, este estudo objetivou conhecer o trabalho voluntário nas perspectivas enunciadas, para entender como tal tipo de trabalho é organizado e compreendido pelos trabalhadores voluntários no município de Passos/MG. O cenário da pesquisa se deu em torno das 13 instituições/entidades socioassistenciais cadastradas no Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social de Passos/MG, que executam seus serviços com o apoio do trabalho voluntário. Esta tese parte do pressuposto que as alterações ocorridas nas últimas décadas, com relação ao trabalho voluntário, estão relacionadas às múltiplas formas que se criaram para atender às expressões da questão social e ao processo de flexibilização do trabalho no modo de produção capitalista. Tam... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This thesis deals with voluntary work, an issue that has not been explored in academic research, especially in the field of Social Work, considering that this type of work has been linked to the profession since its genesis and, nowadays, is occupying more and more spaces in the provision services to the economically disadvantaged population. Volunteer work in Brazil dates back at least to the beginning of the XX century, having assumed different forms and functions for more than a century, now associated with Christian practices, charity and faith, and so-called "citizen action". encouraged by government programs and by the increase of philanthropic institutions. Based on the incorporation of Christian charity to the exercise of citizen action, this study aimed to know the voluntary work in the perspectives enunciated, to understand how this type of work is organized and understood by volunteer workers in the city of Passos/MG. The research scenario was centered around the 13 socio-welfare institutions registered in the Municipal Council of Social Assistance of Passos/MG, which carry out their services with the support of volunteer work. This thesis is based on the assumption that the changes that occurred in the last decades in relation to voluntary work are related to the multiple forms that were created to attend to the expressions of the social question and to the process of flexibilization of labor in the capitalist mode of production. It also seeks to know, from the hi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumen: La presente tesis versa sobre el trabajo voluntario, tema poco explorado en las investigaciones académicas, principalmente en el ámbito del Servicio Social, considerando que ese tipo de trabajo está interconectado con la profesión desde su génesis y, en la actualidad, viene ocupando cada vez más espacios en la prestación de servicios asistencias a la población económicamente necesitada. El trabajo voluntario en Brasil se remonta al menos al inicio del siglo XX, habiendo asumido distintas formas y funciones a lo largo de más de un siglo, ya asociada a prácticas cristianas, a la caridad ya la fe, a la llamada "acción ciudadana", incentivada por los programas gubernamentales y por el aumento de instituciones de cuño filantrópico. En el marco de la incorporación de la caridad cristiana para el ejercicio de la acción ciudadana, este estudio objetivó conocer el trabajo voluntario en las perspectivas enunciadas, para entender como tal tipo de trabajo es organizado y comprendido por los trabajadores voluntarios en el municipio de Passos / MG. El escenario de la investigación se dio en torno a las 13 instituciones / entidades socioasistenciales registradas en el Consejo Municipal de Asistencia Social de Passos / MG, que ejecutan sus servicios con el apoyo del trabajo voluntario. Esta tesis parte del supuesto de que los cambios ocurridos en las últimas décadas, con relación al trabajo voluntario, están relacionados a las múltiples formas que se crearon para atender a las expresiones de... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo) / Doutor
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Internet Media Dreamin : un idéal démocratique incarné par le journalisme alternatif en ligne au Brésil et en France / Internet Media Dreamin’ : a democratic ideal embodied by alternative online journalism in Brazil and FranceKurpiel, Solange 11 June 2019 (has links)
Avec l’ouverture d’Internet au public, en 1994, une nouvelle offre journalistique alternative naît à travers le monde. À l’initiative de professionnels expérimentés et reconnus, ces sites d’information s'inscrivent dans un projet idéologique et démocratique commun : l’Internet Media Dreamin’. Ils rêvent de réhabiliter un journalisme engagé dans les intérêts démocratiques et citoyens, qui a été perverti au fil des années par des logiques économiques de marché. Pour ce faire, les dreamers’ adhèrent au cyberespace public, ainsi qu’à ses promesses d’autonomisation citoyenne, de désinstitutionnalisation du débat public et de liberté du partage informationnel. Internet est pour eux bien plus qu’une technologie : c’est une solution qui leur permettrait de dribbler un environnement informationnel hégémonique. Portée sur le processus de reconfiguration du paysage journalistique, cette thèse interroge la capacité de l’offre alternative en ligne à rompre avec les hiérarchies institutionnalisées de l’information, en proposant des espaces médiatiques qui favorisent l’expression citoyenne polyphonique. Ce questionnement initial est décliné en trois perspectives de réflexion : 1) l’individu et son action médiatique citoyenne ; 2) les instances médiatiques et leur positionnement communicationnel dans le débat public ; et 3) les structures médiatiques et les pratiques journalistiques. Notre panel d'étude est composé par 50 pure players d’information du Brésil et de la France : un média global ayant des déclinaisons dans les deux pays étudiés et 48 projets alternatifs nationaux. Pour son traitement, nous avons mené une analyse de contenus thématique à partir des données récoltées lors de veilles documentaires réalisées entre 2016 et 2019, et de 31 entretiens semi-directifs menés auprès des producteurs de contenus inscrits dans les projets étudiés. Inspirés par le dispositif d’analyse de genre d’information médiatique établi par Patrick Charaudeau (1997, 2006, 2011), nous avons procédé à l'analyse de discours de publications selon deux « thèmes-événements » (Soulages, 2002) : la condition féminine et les élections présidentielles de 2017 en France et de 2018 au Brésil. Pour la réalisation de cette étude, 3 147 textes ont été récoltés à l’aide de méthodes manuelles et automatiques, puis traités à partir du positionnement et des degrés d’engagement des locuteurs selon deux axes : postures énonciatives et points de vue discursifs. Pour structurer nos discussions, notre thèse est organisée en deux parties, renvoyant à la temporalité évolutive du développement idéologique et médiatique des projets journalistiques alternatifs en ligne. La première partie, intitulée « en Rêve », révèle une problématisation théorique et empirique de trois projets idéologiques et démocratiques que nous avons convenu d’appeler Internet Dreamin’, Media Dreamin’ et Internet Media Dreamin’. Ensuite « en Chair et en Os » est dédiée à l’incarnation de l’Internet Media Dreamin’ dans et par le corps social. Pour cela, nous développons trois chapitres structurés à partir des tensions établies par les producteurs d’information alternatifs par rapport aux modèles journalistiques dominants : 1) voix bourgeoise et citoyenne ; 2) information homogène et hétérogène ; 3) dépendance et indépendance médiatique. En plus des discussions théoriques et empiriques, cette thèse a pour ambition de proposer une méthodologie pour la constitution des cartographies discursives, révélatrices du degré d’engagement de l’offre médiatique. / With the opening of the Internet to the public, in 1994, a new alternative journalistic offer emerged around the world. On the initiative of experienced and recognized professionals, these news websites are part of a common ideological and democratic project: the Internet Media Dreamin'. It represents the dream of rehabilitating a journalism committed to democratic interests and citizens, which has been perverted over the years by the economic logic of the market. To achieve this, these dreamers' adhere to the public cyberspace, as well as to its promises of citizen empowerment, deinstitutionalization of the public debate, and freedom of information sharing. For them, the Internet is more than a technology: it is a solution that would allow them to circumvent a hegemonic information environment. Focusing on the process of reconfiguration of the journalistic landscape, this PhD thesis questions the ability of the online alternative offer to break with the institutional hierarchies of information, by proposing media spaces that promote a polyphonic citizen expression. This initial questioning is developed from three perspectives: 1) the individual and their citizen and media action; 2) the media and their communication positioning in the public debate; and 3) media structures and journalistic practices.Our study panel is composed of 50 news pure plays from Brazil and from France: a global one with editions in each of the two countries, and 48 alternative national projects. For its treatment, we implemented a thematic content analysis based on data collected through information monitoring conducted between 2016 and 2019, and 31 semi-structured interviews with content producers involved in the projects studied. Inspired by the method of media information gender analysis established by Patrick Charaudeau (1997, 2006, 2011), we analyzed the discourse of two "event-theme" articles (Soulages, 2002): women's condition and presidential elections of 2017 in France and 2018 in Brazil. To carry out this study, 3,147 texts were collected using manual and automatic methods, then processed according to the positions and the engagement levels of the speakers, according to two axes: enunciative postures and discursive points of view. To structure our discussions, this thesis is organized in two parts, which refer to the temporal evolution of the ideological and media development of alternative online journalistic projects. The first part, entitled "In Dreams", reveals a theoretical and empirical problematization of three ideological and democratic projects, that we call Internet Dreamin', Media Dreamin' and Internet Media Dreamin '. Then "In flesh and blood" aims to ponder about the incarnation process of the Internet Media Dreamin' in and by the social body. For this, we develop three chapters based on the tensions established by alternative journalism producers regarding the dominant journalistic models: 1) bourgeois and citizen voice; 2) homogeneous and heterogeneous information; 3) dependent and independent media. In addition to these theoretical and empirical contributions, this thesis aims to propose a methodology for the constitution of discursive cartography, eliciting the degree of commitment of the media offer.
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V. Topičův salon 2008 - 2014 (od obnovení po smrt galeristy Pavla Vašíčka) / Topičův salon 2008 - 2014Stárková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The thesis will focus on period of the 5th Topič Gallery (Topičův salon) in the period 2008 - 2014, which was led by a big art enthusiast and philanthropist Mr. Pavel Vašíček. It will deal with broad historical context of the gallery, which was reopened in 2008. There has not been done any research into the topic yet. The thesis will be based on accessible archive documents, oral history, exhibition reviews and exhibitions catalogues. Keywords: Topič Gallery, 5th Topič Gallery, 2008-2014, Topičův salon Society, Mr. Pavel Vašíček, Topič, nonprofit gallery, Prague, exhibition
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The City Press presentation of citizen action on housing delivery in South Africa: 2005-2015Jacobs, Vuyelwa Vivian 10 1900 (has links)
Housing delivery has been in a state of crisis long before the realisation of democracy in South Africa and still remains a point of contention for the poor. Issues of service delivery, particularly housing delivery, have consistently made newspaper headlines in post-apartheid South Africa. Between 2004 and 2012, service delivery protests increased from 34% in 2005 to 173% in 2012. The City Press, a weekly newspaper, focused on the coverage of issues of development in South Africa, emerging as an important voice in reporting on citizen action related to service delivery in the country during this time. Therefore, the principal objective of this study was to investigate the City Press representation of citizen action on housing delivery in South Africa between 2005 and 2015.
With a view to providing insight into the role of the media in development, this study employed qualitative research methodology. Qualitative content analysis was utilised in studying the City Press editorials and the City Press individual journalist’ opinion pieces and the newspaper news reports. In addition, past and present City Press journalists identified with reporting on developmental issues were interviewed. The development communication theory was explored as an appropriate theoretical framework for this study,
The investigation of the City Press representation of citizen action on housing delivery found that there were several complex issues and processes that negatively impacted the process of housing delivery during the second decade of South African democracy, including a scourge of corruption driven by inefficiencies administration of the housing delivery process. In that respect the study revealed that housing delivery has been hindered by many aspects, resulting in tensions and a strained relationship between the government and the poor citizens of South Africa. Furthermore, the study established that the City Press individual journalists played a significant role in the representation of citizen action through portraying housing delivery protests at key moments when these happened. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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