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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et évaluation des livraisons urbaines à base de petits véhicules / Modeling and evaluation of urban delivery based on small vehicles

Guedria, Mohamed 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le VRP permet de modéliser la problématique du TMV. Pour autant dans sa version la plus simpliste il ne peut convenir aux nouvelles contraintes qui renforcent la complexité de l’environnement urbain tel que la congestion. Raison pour laquelle ce travail se positionne en premier sur un TDVRP (Time-Dependent-Vehicle-Routing-Problem) dans le but de représenter au mieux le contexte urbain actuel. La résolution de ces deux problèmes est efficace, entraînant une réduction du nombre de véhicules supplémentaires nécessaires en raison des retards de congestion peuvent être éliminés. Mais cette solution n’est pas sans conséquence pour les clients finaux puisque son but est d’éviter le passage aux heures de pointes et cela peut engendrer des retards de livraison. Pour cette raison nous voulons proposer une nouvelle solution qui permet de résoudre le problème du chemin le plus court et en intégrant la dépendance au temps (TDVRP). Cette solution se repose sur une meilleure exploitation des véhicules, en premier lieu, pour réduire le nombre de véhicule sur la route. Ce problème s’appelle MT-VRP (Multi-Trip VRP) qui a été évoqué en 2007 par (Azi, et al. 2007). Dans un deuxième temps nous voulons proposer un MT VRP qui utilise différents types de véhicule en termes de capacité de chargement. Dans cette optique vient notre travail qui propose une nouvelle solution de MTTDVRP (TW avec fenêtres de temps) en testant une nouvelle solution en utilisant un véhicule léger de faible capacité de chargement (type tricycle) dans un but de réduire les nuisances liés au TMV. / The VRP makes it possible to model the problem of TMV. However, in its most simplistic version it cannot be adapted to the new constraints which reinforce the complexity of the urban environment such as congestion. This is why this work is placed first on a TDVRP (Time-dependent-Vehicle-Routing-Problem) in order to best represent the current urban context. The resolution of these two problems is effective; resulting in a reduction in the number of additional vehicles needed due to congestion delays can be eliminated. But this solution is not without consequences for end customers since its goal is to avoid the switch to peak hours and this can lead to delivery delays. For this reason we want to propose a new solution that solves the problem of the shortest path and integrating time dependency (TDVRP). This solution relies on better operation of vehicles, in the first place, to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. This problem is called MT-VRP (Multi-Trip VRP) which was raised in 2007 by (Azi, et al. 2007). In a second step we want to propose a MT VRP that uses different types of vehicle in terms of loading capacity. In this perspective comes our work that proposes a new solution of MTTDVRP (TW with time windows) by testing a new solution using a light vehicle of low load capacity (tricycle type) in order to reduce the nuisance associated with TMV.

Možnosti uplatnění city logistiky / Possibilities of Application of City Logistics

ŽÁČKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on processes of distribution of goods in urban areas which are generally called city logistics. The aim of the thesis is to fing out the potential of the application of city logistics in Ceske Budejovice.

Aglomerace Olomouc v mezinárodních logistických sítích / Olomouc in international logistic background

Bokij, Lilia January 2009 (has links)
Thesis informs about application of concept city logistics in Olomouc.


ALDO ELIADES FERNANDEZ PEREZ 14 May 2015 (has links)
[pt] A simulação da circulação interna-interna de veículos de carga foi um estudo inédito e inovador para a revisão do Plano Diretor de Transporte Urbano da Região Metropolitana de Rio de Janeiro (PDTU-RMRJ/2011), no qual se faz uma estimação de vetores de produção e atração (P/A) de viagens de caminhões para 730 zonas de tráfego, de matrizes origem-destino (OD) e a alocação de viagens de veículos de carga para três períodos (pico da manhã, pico da tarde e entre picos). A metodologia e modelo utilizados foram baseados em uma aplicação realizada na cidade de Sevilla (Espanha). Para o caso da RMRJ foram estimados vetores de viagens de dois tipos, um com relação às entregas do tipo Empresa a Empresa (Business to Business, B2B) e outro do tipo Empresa a Domicilio (Business to Housing, B2H). Como resultados ilustrativos são mostrados os vetores (P/A) de viagens diárias de caminhões agregados por município, uma matriz OD de caminhões no período entre picos agregada por município e a alocação dessas viagens na rede de simulação do PDTU para o período entre picos. Desses resultados, destaca-se que os municípios com maior quantidade (somam mais de 80 por cento) das viagens produzidas e atraídas dentro da RMRJ são apenas cinco: Rio de Janeiro, Duque de Caxias, Niterói, São Gonçalo e Nova Iguaçu; e que as vias mais utilizadas para o tráfego de caminhões são a BR-101, BR-116 e a BR-040. / [en] Within the framework of the Revision of the Urban Transportation Master Plan for the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region (PDTU-2011) an innovative model was developed – first of its kind in Brazilian cities – for the estimation of truck flows within the study area. Productions and attractions vectors (P/A) of truck trip ends, as well as origin/destination (O/D) matrices for the 730 traffic analysis zones were estimated, and truck assignments for three daily periods (morning peak, afternoon peak, and inter-peaks) were conducted. Model methodology was based in another study conducted for the city of Seville (Spain). Two sets of P/A vectors were estimated, one for business-to-business deliveries (B2B) and another for household deliveries (B2H). Daily truck trip ends P/A vectors aggregated by city are presented, as well as a city level O/D inter-peak truck matrix and the results of its assignment to the PDTU-2011 simulation network. From those illustrative results, it is shown that only five cities (Rio de Janeiro, Duque de Caxias, Niterói, São Gonçalo e Nova Iguaçu) account for more than 80 per cent of truck trips produced and attracted within the Metropolitan Region, and that the most heavily used truck routes are comprised of BR-101, BR-116 and BR-040 expressways.


LEONARDO DA SILVA RIBEIRO 18 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] O aumento da população em toda a parte evidencia a necessidade de uma geração de mais demandas em todos os segmentos empresariais. Para que essa mesma demanda possa chegar no cliente, um número de veículos significativo precisa crescer, numa grande problemática que são os centros urbanos cada dia mais concorridos para a circulação, estacionamento e distribuição de mercadorias. O problema ainda se eleva em regiões como a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro que possui em seu plano diretor proibições de carga e descarga de mercadorias em certos horários considerados críticos de pico. Neste contexto, este trabalho realiza um estudo de caso em uma empresa de distribuição de bebidas do Rio de Janeiro, descrevendo uma proposta de solução para a implantação de um ponto móvel (crossdocking) através da localização de um ponto móvel na região sul da cidade utilizando a p-mediana e a roteirização de desse ponto com todos os clientes da empresa. A solução proposta pelo estudo promove adequações nos processos da distribuidora, além de identificar os fatores críticos e as etapas do processo de implantação do ponto de crossdocking móvel. / [en] The population increase everywhere evidences the need for a generation of more demands in all business segments. For this same demand to arrive at the customer, a significant number of vehicles needs to grow, in a big problem that the urban centers are increasingly busy for the circulation, parking and distribution of goods. The problem still arises in regions such as the City of Rio de Janeiro that has in its master plan prohibitions of loading and unloading of merchandise at certain times considered critical of peak. In this context, this paper carries out a case study in a beverage distribution company in Rio de Janeiro, describing a proposal for a solution for the implantation of a mobile point (crossdocking) by locating a mobile point in the southern region of the city using The p-median and the routing of this point with all the clients of the company. The solution proposed by the study promotes adjustments in the distributor s processes, as well as identifying the critical factors and the stages of the mobile crossdocking point deployment process.

Synchronizing vans and cargo bikes in a city distribution network

Anderluh, Alexandra, Hemmelmayr, Vera, Nolz, Pamela 26 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
One of the significant side-effects of growing urbanization is the constantly increasing amount of freight transportation in cities. This is mainly performed by conventional vans and trucks and causes a variety of problems such as road congestion, noise nuisance and pollution. Yet delivering goods to residents is a necessity. Sustainable concepts of city distribution networks are one way of mitigating difficulties of freight services. In this paper we develop a two-echelon city distribution scheme with temporal and spatial synchronization between cargo bikes and vans. The resulting heuristic is based on a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure with path relinking. In our computational experiments we use artificial data as well as real-world data of the city of Vienna. Furthermore we compare three distribution policies. The results show the costs caused by temporal synchronization and can give companies decision-support in planning a sustainable city distribution concept.

Actors in innovative City Logistics Networks : Individual Actors jointly forming City Logistics Networks and their Contribution towards Innovation

Bürckel, Jannik, Schreckenbach, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Background:           City Logistics is experiencing many innovative activities in the recent years. These activities are initiated and enhanced by numerous public and private actors, who jointly form innovative networks.   Purpose:                  The purpose of this thesis is to identify the actors, who jointly form the city logistics network, and determine their contribution towards innovation in these networks.   Method:                  The research is based on an interview study. We conducted interviews with representatives of a variety of city logistics actors. These interviews and additional secondary data were analyzed using content analysis. To illustrate the structure of innovative city logistics networks, we used a combination of systems and network theory.   Conclusion:             The results show that actors from six groups are strongly involved in city logistics innovation. These are policymakers, logistics companies, shippers & receivers, technology providers, research institutions and independent platforms. Actors in innovative city logistics networks show a sufficient level of commitment, but they have different focuses in their innovative activities. The most extensive contributions are made by policymakers and logistics companies. Still, policymakers struggle in their function as coordinators of city logistics.

Proposition d’un système de transport urbain mixte : application dans le cadre de la ville moyenne de La Rochelle / Shared passenger & goods urban transport system proposition : application to the French middle-size city of La Rochelle

Trentini, Anna 13 December 2012 (has links)
La mobilité urbaine est clairement identifiée aujourd'hui comme étant la mobilitédes personnes et des biens dans une ville. Si les passagers ont connu l'effervescencescientifique pour la planification des transports, le développement de nouveaux servicesou encore la mise en place de systèmes d'information sophistiqués, il demeure unecomposante encore trop méconnue qui est celle du transport de biens. Par ailleurs,intuitivement, les deux flux s'influencent mutuellement puisqu'ils utilisent la mêmeinfrastructure. Alors, pour une autorité organisatrice des transports, l'objectif est, à terme,de rationaliser les flux de passagers et marchandises pour réduire la congestion, lapollution et la consommation d'énergie, étapes nécessaires au développement urbaindurable. Par conséquent, les services techniques de déplacements des villes s'interrogentsur les méthodes et outils pour pouvoir intégrer ces deux types de flux lors de la prise dedécisions liées à la mobilité urbaine.Cette thèse, conduite dans le cadre du projet de recherche national ANR CGOODS quiréunit plusieurs partenaires académiques et institutionnels, se propose d'évaluer l'intérêtde la mise en oeuvre d'un système de transport urbain mixte au profit de voyageurs et dufret. Le système de transport proposé assure la distribution de marchandises à partir d'uncentre de distribution urbaine, en s'appuyant sur une ligne de transport en commun. Lesvéhicules circulant sur la ligne utilisent leur capacité résiduelle pour transporter lesmarchandises. Les marchandises sont déchargées aux arrêts de la ligne. Un système dedistribution capillaire associé à chaque arrêt assure la livraison aux destinataires finauxpar des tournées. Nous visons à définir d'un point de vue organisationnel et fonctionnelles atouts économiques, environnementaux et sociétaux de ce système ; le but est defournir un cadre méthodologique pour guider sa mise en place. / An efficient and effective transport for passengers and goods is an essentialelement for cities' daily life and development. As passengers need to resort to efficienttransport solutions, allowing to reach their destinations at scheduled time, similarly,goods must be handled quickly to avoid creating excessive stocks and to minimizewarehouses size and related operating costs. As urban space is a limited resource, it iscommonly argued that passengers and goods flows inter-act each other strongly.Considering the fact that both flows are growing and growing in urban environment(European Commission, 2007) the global level of urban accessibility decreases.According to this trend, congestion problems occur and as a result the travel timeincreases for all.Cities need new scenarios to reverse this trend. Facing this challenge, ourresearch aims at defining a model which will constitute a first framework to plan and tocontrol both passengers and goods flows in the urban environment. It focuses on thesharing concept, which means to make a joint use of transport resources, betweenpassengers and goods flows. Driving under the national research project ANR CGOODS(City Goods Operation Optimization using Decision support System) this study assessesthe interest of implementing an shared urban transport system. The proposed transportsystem ensures the supply of goods in a medium-sized town, from an urban distributioncenter, based on a transit line that carries passengers. Vehicles running on the line usetheir residual capacity to transport goods. The goods are unloaded by the stops of the line.An capillary distribution system associated with each stop ensures goods deliveries tofinal destinations. We aim to define the economic, environmental and societal impacts ofthis system, the purpose being to provide a methodological framework to guide itsimplementation.

Evaluation de la performance économique des Centres de Distribution Urbaine / Evaluation of the economical performance of Urban Consolidation Centers

Faure, Lucile 24 November 2015 (has links)
Les villes sont de plus en plus au cœur d’enjeux contradictoires. D’un côté le e-commerce a considérablement augmenté les flux circulant en ville. D’un autre côté on aspire à créer des espaces de vie agréables et piétons, dans lesquels les véhicules de marchandises sont souvent proscrits. L’approvisionnement est pourtant indispensable pour conserver l’attractivité de la ville.Face à cela, la logistique urbaine est apparue, visant à organiser le dernier maillon de la chaine logistique en élaborant des solutions dont les aires de livraison, la réglementation ou encore les Centres de Distribution Urbaine (CDU). Il s’agit d’une plateforme de mutualisation logistique, localisée à proximité du centre-ville et des grands axes routiers. Sa mission est de consolider le fret à destination de la ville afin de réduire le nombre de camions et d’utiliser des modes de livraison doux tel le véhicule électrique ou le triporteur.Pourtant les CDU peinent à atteindre une zone d’équilibre économique. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’identifier si un CDU peut être rentable dans une ville européenne de taille moyenne. Nous montrerons que oui mais sous certaines conditions que nous préciserons et testerons.Pour cela, nous avons développé deux modèles, l’un économique basé sur les coûts opérationnels du CDU, et l’autre physique basé sur les temps du processus de livraison. Ce dernier présente l’intérêt d’identifier des leviers pour améliorer la performance économique du CDU et de pouvoir tester leur impact. Nous avons illustré certains leviers dans une étude de cas au cours de laquelle l’impact de la morphologie, le type de véhicules ou encore le prix de vente, par ex., ont été testés. / The supply of freight inside cities is the last link of global logistics. Cities are actually in the middle of contradictory issues. On one hand the e-commerce revolution has significantly increased the ingoing flow inside the city. On the other hand people yearn to create pleasant pedestrian spaces of life in which vehicles are not welcome. Yet, freight supply is required to keep the attractiveness of city. It is necessary to provide solutions meeting all these needs.A lot of solutions have been studied to face city logistics issues. Among them, we focus our research on a flow pooling solution exploiting an Urban Consolidation Centre (UCC). It consists of a centralization platform for the distribution of freight intended for the city centre. The purpose is to pool freight from different carriers to limit the use of resources in urban areas. This kind of project is particularly designed to avoid semis from entering the city. Thus, the warehouse is located as close as possible to city centres as well as being as accessible as possible for carriers.Despite the enthusiasm for the UCC concept, this type of solution has not shown much success until now. That is why we choose to concentrate our approach on the observation and assessment of logistics costs to operate a UCC in real life with the aim to answer the question: Can an UCC be viable in a middle size European city? Particularly, we show this is the case but with some specific conditions that we present in details.To do so, we developed two models: the first one is an economical model based on operational costs and the second is a physical model based on the study of process ‘times. The combination between both models gave the opportunity to highlight some levers. Then we tested these levers on case studies and we suggest some improvement of the performance thanks to a new logistics organisation called « Physical Internet ».

Proposta de um sistema de análise da logística urbana para cidades de pequeno e médio porte / Proposal of an urban logistic analysis system for small and medium size cities

Carnielle, Leonardo Gonçalves 04 February 2009 (has links)
O fluxo de veículos de carga em centros urbanos ocasiona degradação no tráfego das vias utilizadas e na área de entorno de seus destinos. Os veículos de grande porte trafegam em geral com menor velocidade, necessitam de áreas maiores para conversões e, para não interferir no fluxo das faixas de rolamento, necessitam de locais apropriados para as operações de carga e descarga. Esta dissertação propõe um método de avaliação da interferência dos veículos de carga nas vias urbanas, para cidades brasileiras de pequeno e médio porte. O método se baseia na coleta de dados junto aos órgãos públicos e privados envolvidos com o problema. Para a aplicação do método é necessária a identificação dos veículos utilizados, das quantidades por viagem e volumes totais movimentados pelas empresas, das características geométricas e de tráfego das vias urbanas e das formas de carregamento e descarregamento dos veículos. As áreas necessárias à conversão dos veículos são comparadas com as existentes nas vias trafegadas, com o auxílio de um SIG - Sistema de Informações Geográficas e um método de computação gráfica das trajetórias dos pontos críticos. A interferência no tráfego das vias, próximas a pontos de carga e descarga, é estudada de acordo com a configuração geométrica desses pontos. Para a avaliação quantitativa dos impactos sobre os fluxos de tráfego utiliza-se o software Integration. Um exemplo em pequena escala de uso do método proposto é apresentado, e algumas soluções são sugeridas. Essa aplicação do método apresenta as restrições do cenário operacional atual e os efeitos positivos de algumas alternativas de reformulação do tráfego de veículos de carga. / The cargo vehicle flow in urban centers causes traffic degradation on the roads used and at the destination surroundings. Heavy vehicles travel in general at lower speeds, need larger areas for conversions and, in order to not interfere in the traffic flow lanes, need appropriate docks for loading and unloading. This dissertation proposes method to evaluate the interference of cargo vehicles on urban roads, of medium and small size Brazilian cities. The method is based on data collection at public and private organizations involved with the problem. The application of the method requires the identification of the vehicles used in the operation, the quantities per haul and total volumes of goods transported by the companies, the geometric characteristics and traffic volumes of the road network and the forms of loading and unloading the vehicles. The areas needed for vehicle turns are compared with the existent along the roads traveled, with the aid of a GIS (Geographic Information System) and a graphical computation method. The traffic interference close to the loading and unloading docks is studied in accordance to the geometric configuration of these points. To quantify the impact on the traffic flow the Integration software is used. A small scale example of the proposed methods utilization is presented, and some solutions are suggested. This application of the method presents the constraints of the present operational scenario and the positive effects of some alternatives of cargo vehicle flow reformulation.

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