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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Občanskoprávní odpovědnost při poskytování zdravotních služeb / Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services

Zykánová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
1 Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze in detail the civil-law liability arising out of the provision of health services; special focus is drawn to non-pecuniary damage to health and life of the patient and non-pecuniary damage of the close persons during the provision of health services by the breach of duties of the doctor, including ways and extent of compensation sustained harm. The thesis explains the current legal framework within which civil-law liability for the provision of health sevices is assessed, with individual references to the previous legal acts (i.e. the 1964 Civil Code and the Decree on compensation of non-pecuniary damage). The changes and weaknesses of the current legal framework are pointed out. The thesis comprises of an introduction, five main chapters and a conclusion. First and second chapters delimitate the issue at hand, introduce elementary terms important for the field [of civil-law liability for the provision of health services], and sources of law and shed light onto the relationship between the two key legal acts governing the provision of health services, that being the Civil Code and the Act on Provision of Helath Services. The substance of human life and health as two individual personal rights is...

Občanskoprávní odpovědnost při poskytování zdravotních služeb / Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services

Zykánová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
1 Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze in detail the civil-law liability arising out of the provision of health services; special focus is drawn to non-pecuniary damage to health and life of the patient and non-pecuniary damage of the close persons during the provision of health services by the breach of duties of the doctor, including ways and extent of compensation sustained harm. The thesis explains the current legal framework within which civil-law liability for the provision of health sevices is assessed, with individual references to the previous legal acts (i.e. the 1964 Civil Code and the Decree on compensation of non-pecuniary damage). The changes and weaknesses of the current legal framework are pointed out. The thesis comprises of an introduction, five main chapters and a conclusion. First and second chapters delimitate the issue at hand, introduce elementary terms important for the field [of civil-law liability for the provision of health services], and sources of law and shed light onto the relationship between the two key legal acts governing the provision of health services, that being the Civil Code and the Act on Provision of Helath Services. The substance of human life and health as two individual personal rights is...

Restructurations financières et droit français des entreprises en difficulté / Financial restructuring operations and French law of insolvency

Girval, Cyprien de 06 November 2015 (has links)
Pour répondre à leurs difficultés financières, les entreprises doivent procéder à une opération de restructuration consistant à modifier leurs éléments de passif et subsidiairement d’actif. Pour cela, elles doivent identifier et surmonter les obstacles à cette opération en vue d’aboutir à un résultat qui correspond à leurs nouveaux besoins. Chaque système juridique apporte des réponses différentes en fonction de sa tradition, de common law ou de civil law, et des intérêts qu’il cherche à préserver. Entre les intérêts du débiteur et ceux des créanciers, le droit des entreprises en difficulté français a lui-même beaucoup évolué à mesure que les entreprises et les créanciers se sont sophistiqués. D’un droit de la faillite, à un droit pro-créanciers, il est devenu un droit pro-débiteur et semble devenir un droit mixte dont la protection des intérêts de l’une et l’autre des parties parait plus équilibrée. De tradition civiliste, il subit pourtant une influence constante des tribunaux de commerce qui semblent forcer une mutation tenant compte des innovations financières et juridiques des grandes entreprises, tout en restant adapté aux petites entreprises. Ce droit vivant et volontariste affirme clairement ses objectifs de préserver l’activité, les emplois, d’apurer le passif et apporte des outils aux entreprises en difficulté, lorsque le débiteur et les créanciers n’arrivent pas à surmonter eux-mêmes leurs divergences d’intérêts. Ces outils ont évolué et doivent continuer à évoluer pour s’adapter aux innovations contractuelles de certains commerçants, tout en restant un cadre protecteur pour d’autres. / To face financial difficulties, companies shall proceed to restructuring operation involving modification of their assets and liabilities. To this end, companies shall identify and overcome barriers to this operation to reach an overcome suited to their new needs. Each legal system provides different responses according to its legal origin, common law or civil law, and the interests it aims to protect. Between the debtor’s and the creditor’s interests, French insolvency law evolved a lot as the companies and the creditors became more sophisticated. From a bankrupt law to a creditors-friendly law, French insolvency law became a debtor-friendly law and now appears to be a mixed law which seems to protect both parties interests in a more balanced way. Despite its civil law origin, French law is constantly influenced by commercial courts that seem to force a mutation following the financial and legal innovations of large companies, while remaining adapted to small businesses. This living and proactive law clearly states its objectives to preserve the business, the employment, reduce liabilities and provides tools for companies facing difficulties, when the debtor and the creditors fail to overcome their diverging interests. These tools evolved and have to continue to evolve to adapt to contractual innovations of some business stakeholders, while remaining a protective environment for others.

Osobnostní práva autora uměleckého díla ve světle rekodifikace soukromého práva / Moral Rights of the Author of artwork in the Light of Civil Law Recodification

Leskovjan, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe and evaluate actual state of author's moral rights legislation in Czech republic especially with reference to civil law recodification. The author's moral rights represent a complex of basic juridical institutes, which is the whole copyright structure, derived from. The thesis has an ambition to contribute in a long term discussion about the future development of copyright by a relevant detail analysis, description and evaluation of basic copyright system elements related to author's moral rights. Selected method is based on systematically mapped normative linkage of author's moral rights within international treaties, constitutional law and unit acts. The thesis endeavours to point out some less obvious connections between author's moral rights and other juridical institutes to achieve as complex image of recent state of legislation as possible. Other purpose of this work is to analyse problematic or unclear relationships between copyright and new civil code legislation such as e.g. conception of a work protected by copyright in light of new definition of material and immaterial matter or shared principles of moral rights . After that the thesis offers a base for future relationships arrangement between copyrights and civil law in terms of a revision of a fundamental...

Smluvní a deliktní odpovědnost za způsobenou škodu / Scope and mode of damages

Moravec, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis' main focus lies in the analysis of the new statutory provisions pertaining to the civil liability for damage and identifying the differences between the old Civil Code (Act No. 40/964 Coll.) and the newly enacted Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.), which brought about major changes with respect to the traditional regulation of liability for damage, which dated back to the enactment of Austrian ABGB in 1811. In this thesis I will try to analyse these changes and critically assess their impact and improvements over the old regulation and bring forward the controversial points and drawbacks of the new Civil Code. In the first and mostly theoretical part of the thesis I will focus mainly on the analysis of the new concept of civil liability which differs from the major view of the civil theory. I will also focus on the change of terminology resulting from these conceptual changes. The second part of this thesis will be less abstract and focus more on the new differentiation between the contractual liability for damage, i. e. liability arising out of the breach of a contract, and the delictual liability for damage, which arises out of the acts violating the statutory provisions (the written law). This thesis consists of three main sections, which are further divided into subsections. The...

Sucessão necessária / Necessary succession

Antonini, Mauro 10 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é promover estudo abrangente de fenômeno do direito das sucessões que denominamos de sucessão necessária. Trata-se da tutela sucessória imperativa concedida a familiares mais próximos do autor da herança, irredutível por testamento ou doações, excluída nas restritas hipóteses de indignidade e deserdação. Pretende-se demonstrar que, na classificação da sucessão quanto à fonte da vocação hereditária, a sucessão necessária é subespécie autônoma de sucessão legítima, com elementos e fundamentos próprios, regida por normas de natureza distinta da sucessão legítima intestada e da sucessão testamentária. E que, apesar dessas peculiaridades, o Código Civil brasileiro não a reconhece expressamente como mais uma modalidade sucessória, tratando dos temas a ela relacionados de forma dispersa, dificultando visão de conjunto e adequada compreensão do instituto em seu todo. Essa sistematização legal que nos parece inapropriada ainda obscurece a importante evolução da sucessão necessária verificada durante a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, consolidada e ampliada pelo Código Civil de 2002, com incorporação de novas figuras, como legados legais necessários e sucessão imperativa concorrente do cônjuge e companheiro com descendentes e ascendentes. Com o intuito de restabelecer a visão de conjunto e recapitular essa evolução da sucessão necessária, serão examinados os principais aspectos dessa modalidade sucessória, inclusive em sua inter-relação com a sucessão intestada e a sucessão testamentária, apontando seus aspectos singulares. Em seguida, será apresentada a evolução da proteção sucessória imperativa, desde seu passado mais remoto no direito romano, passando pelos antecedentes no direito brasileiro, até seu perfil atual, consolidado pelo Código Civil de 2002, examinando-se os principais temas a ela relacionados. Por fim, serão analisadas as perspectivas da sucessão necessária, em termos de projeções futuras, apontando a tendência, no direito contemporâneo, em direção a sistemas de proteção sucessória imperativa mais abertos, flexíveis e proporcionais. / The objective of this dissertation is to carry out a wide study of the phenomenon of the inheritance law that we call imperative inheritance. It concerns the imperative inheritance guardianship given to the closest relatives of the deceased, which is irreducible by will or donations, except for some particular hypothesis of indignity and disinheritance. The intention is to demonstrate that, in the classification of the succession, according to the source of the hereditary calling, the imperative inheritance is an autonomous subspecies of the legal succession, with its own elements and grounds, guided by rules of a different nature than the legal succession without a will and than the testate succession. Moreover, in spite of these peculiarities, the Brazilian Civil Code doesn´t recognize it as another form of succession and deals with the subjects related to it in a scattered way, reason by which it is difficult to see the entire scene and to have a proper understanding of the institute in its whole. This legal system, that seems to be inappropriate, still obscures the important development of the imperative succession seen during the validity of the 1916 Civil Code, consolidated and enlarged by the 2002 Civil Code, with the incorporation of new figures, as necessary legal legacy and competitive imperative inheritance of the spouse or non-ceremonial wife or husband with ascendants or descendants. With the purpose of reestablishing a view of the whole and reviewing the development of the imperative inheritance, the main aspects of this form of succession, including its inter relation with the succession without a will and the testate succession, will be examined pointing out its specific aspects. Furthermore, the development of the protection of the imperative inheritance, since its most remote past in the Roman Law, through the antecedents of the Brazilian Law, until its present profile, consolidated by the 2002 Civil Code will be presented, examining the main issues related to it. Finally, the perspectives of the imperative inheritance will be analyzed, in terms of future projection, showing the trends in the contemporary law, leading to more open, flexible and proportional systems of protection of the imperative inheritance.

Bezdůvodné obohacení ze srovnávacího pohledu / Unjustified Enrichment in the Comparative Perspective

Petrov, Jan January 2015 (has links)
strana 259 Unjustified Enrichment in the Comparative Perspective Abstract The aim of the thesis is the legal research of important results concerning unjustified en- richment that have been attained in foreign jurisprudence and judicial opinions, especially within the German legal family, and their comparative application to all provisions of the New Czech Civil Code ("NCC") regulating unjustified enrichment, including their rela- tion to other parts of civil law. The thesis thus draws extensively from Austrian and Ger- man jurisprudence and case law, from the Draft Common Frame of Reference, from Swiss law and from comparative literature; further legal orders are also mentioned and a refined translation of relevant foreign provisions is included in the appendix. The thesis does not include a mere description, but rather follows the interests of Czech law and aims to make a contribution to Czech jurisprudence and application the of law. Accord- ingly, the thesis is also founded on complete research of the Czech Supreme Court case law made in and after 2010. The thesis comes to a number of conclusions (summarized in the itemized resumé) which may be deemed for original from the point of view of the Czech legal discourse. These conclusions corroborate the hypothesis that the Czech law of unjustified...

O enriquecimento sem causa no código civil brasileiro

Leite, Adriano Pugliesi 22 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:28:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriano Pugliesi Leite.pdf: 880029 bytes, checksum: 2e6183dd31ee16f79ce947f9045bbee8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-22 / The unjust enrichment in the Brazilian Civil Code is viewed as a source of obligations and a principle of Civil Law. The Civil Code of 2002 defined the term of unjust enrichment, in an innovative and autonomous manner, as a source of obligatons in the form of a unilateral act (arts. 884 to 886). At the same time, unjust enrichment existed before the publishing of this Code and remains in existance as a general principle of Civil Law. The present work has, as its objective, the analysis of historical aspects that resulted in the legal establishment of the term as a source of obligations, the main theories surrounding the theme, as well as the analysis of normative dispositions of the Brazilian Civil Code and its position in international judicial order, relating its fundamental principles to the manner in which it is applied. Therefore, the work intends to analyse the general characteristics of the term, its reach within Private Law, relating hypotheses of the configuration of the term expressed in the Brazilian Civil Code and examples of its application in Brazilian jurisprudence. The development of the project demonstrates that unjust enrichment has a large and growing importance in the Brazilian legal context, presenting itself as an important tool to render balance and justice to private dealings. The methodological direction used lies in judicial/dogmatic principles, since the intention is to analyse legal norms and their repercussion on the presented theme. In some aspects, it comes close to judicial/theoretical methodology, considering the social relevance that surrounds the term under scrutiny. As to the generic investigation types, the judicial/descriptive method predominates, since this work has, as its main objective, the interpretation of legal terms, not eliminating the possibility of judicial/progressive research, inasmuch as the study may lead to future tendencies concerning the application of the measure. The hypothetical/deductive method is applied, in which a theme is proposed and an analysis of the development of its characteristics is requested. The conclusions about the theme are relative and result from the argumentation structure presented in this dissertation, without disconsidering the fundaments of other studies, especially because it is a term whose comprehension is increasing with every new day / Trata-se de análise sobre o enriquecimento sem causa no Código Civil brasileiro, como fonte de obrigação e como princípio de Direito Civil. O Código Civil de 2002 disciplinou, de forma autônoma e inovadora, o instituto do enriquecimento sem causa como fonte de obrigação na espécie de ato unilateral (arts. 884 a 886). Paralelamente, o enriquecimento sem causa já existia antes do advento deste Código e continua a existir como princípio geral do Direito Civil. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos históricos que resultaram na previsão legal do instituto como fonte de obrigações, as principais teorias acerca do tema, bem como a previsão em ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros. Pretende-se também a análise das disposições normativas do Código Civil brasileiro e sua contextualização no ordenamento jurídico, relacionando seu fundamento principiológico e critérios para sua aplicação. Objetiva-se, assim, a análise das características gerais do instituto, seu alcance no Direito Privado, relacionando-se hipóteses de configuração do instituto expressamente previstas no Código Civil brasileiro e exemplos de sua aplicação pela jurisprudência brasileira. O desenvolvimento do trabalho demonstra que o enriquecimento sem causa tem grande e crescente importância no contexto jurídico brasileiro, apresentando-se como ferramenta importante para conferir equilíbrio e justiça às relações privadas. A vertente metodológica utilizada é a jurídico-dogmática, uma vez que se pretende analisar as normas legais e sua repercussão na análise do tema apresentado. Em alguns aspectos, aproxima-se da metodologia jurídico-teórica, tendo em vista a relevância social que circunda o tema em debate. Quanto aos tipos genéricos de investigação, tem-se a predominância jurídico-descritiva, pois o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a interpretação dos institutos legais, não se podendo descartar a possibilidade de pesquisa jurídico-projetiva, na medida em que o estudo poderá conduzir às futuras tendências quanto à aplicação do instituto. O método utilizado é o hipotético-dedutivo, em que, a partir do tema fornecido, propõe-se a análise e desenvolvimento de suas características. As conclusões a respeito do tema são relativas e decorrem da estrutura dos argumentos apresentados nessa dissertação, sem que se desconsidere a fundamentação de outros estudos, principalmente por tratar-se de um instituto cuja compreensão é construída a cada dia

A escravidão e a lei: gênese e conformação da tradição legal castelhana e portuguesa sobre a escravidão negra na América, séculos XVI-XVIII / Slavery and the Law: the genesis and shaping of the legal tradition Castilian and Portuguese on black slavery in America, 16th - 18th century

Silva Junior, Waldomiro Lourenço da 21 September 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a gênese da tradição legal relativa à escravidão negra nas Américas castelhana e portuguesa e a sua conformação entre o início do século XVI e a primeira metade do século XVIII, período em que prevalecia a cultura jurídica do ius commune. A hipótese com a qual se trabalha é a de que a partir da articulação entre processo legislativo e prática social constituiu-se um modo de produção das leis escravistas típico aos ibéricos. Diante da infinidade de matérias abordadas na legislação, procurou-se efetuar um recorte temático que propiciasse a realização do escopo da investigação dentro das limitações de uma pesquisa de mestrado. Os temas eleitos em função da compreensão de sua importância na dinâmica dos regimes de escravidão ibero-americanos foram: manumissão e políticas de controle da rebeldia escrava. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the genesis of the legal tradition on African slavery in the Castilian and Portuguese Americas and its configuration from the beginning of XVIth century to the first half of XVIIIth century, a period when the legal culture of the ius commune prevailed. The hypothesis is that by the relationship between legislative process and social practice a particular Iberian slave law mode of production took shape. Due the great diversity of subjects approached by this legislation, the dissertation makes a thematic selection appropriate to a M.A. Regarding its importance to the dynamics of Iberian American slave regimes, the themes elected to the inquiry were the manumissions and the politics of controlling slave resistance.

Função social do contrato: Um limite imposto à liberdade contratual / The Social Role of the Contract: a limit for de contract's freedom

Moreira, Carolina Xavier da Silveira 26 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:19:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarolinaMoreira.pdf: 547490 bytes, checksum: c68383b83f9e564abba2379dbbdc283f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-26 / The Social Role of the Contract analyses this institute through the historical evolution of contractual freedom, from its regulation however implicit in the 1988 s Federal Constitution, to its explicitness through the 2002 s Civil Code. It shows the different points of view about the subject, jutting out the existent diversities, such as: a) the range of the social role of the contract; b) the attenuation of the relativity principle and the contract mandatory power without prejudice to the contract essence maintenance; and c) its application beyond the legal issue regulated by the Civil Code. The Social Role of the Contract proposes an open concept for this new institution and analyzes the recent jurisprudence about the subject showing some of the several existent application possibilities. The conclusions about the subject, as any matter in Law, are relative and intended only to clarify the approach adopted in this dissertation, and do not disregard the importance of the arguments by those who defend ideas contrary to the ones presented here. / Perfil da função social do contrato. Analisar-se-á esse instituto por meio das seguintes ferramentas, quais sejam, a evolução histórica da liberdade contratual, desde a Idade Média até a Idade Contemporânea; a previsão da função social do contrato, ainda que implícita, na Constituição Federal de 1988; e a efetiva positivação da função social do contrato por meio do Código Civil de 2002. Apontar-se-ão as diversas posições doutrinárias a respeito do tema, salientando as divergências existentes, importantes para a elaboração desta monografia de conclusão de curso de mestrado, tais como: a) âmbito de atuação da função social do contrato, isto é, reflexo desse instituto nas relações internas e externas do contrato; b) mitigação do princípio da relatividade dos contratos e da força obrigatória dos contratos, sem prejuízo da manutenção do espírito dos contratos, isto é, sem supressão desses princípios; c) aplicação para além das figuras legais previstas pelo Código Civil de 2002, isto é, aplicação para todas as hipóteses que se subsumam à função social do contrato. Propor-se-á um conceito aberto para esse novo instituto conceito esse que é fruto do estudo de diversas outras obras a respeito da função social do contrato - e analisar-se-á a recente jurisprudência sobre o tema, demonstrando algumas das diversas possibilidades de aplicação existentes. As conclusões a respeito do tema, como qualquer assunto em Direito, são relativas e têm apenas a pretensão de demonstrar a linha adotada nesse trabalho, sem que se desconsidere a importância dos argumentos adotados pelas posições contrárias, fundamentais para a elaboração crítica desta monografia.

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