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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mandatory court based mediation as an alternative dispute resolution process in the South African civil justice system

Maclons, Whitney January 2014 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Civil litigation is the primary method of dispute resolution in the South African civil justice system. This process is characterised by a number of shortcomings which include the adversarial nature of the process which often creates further conflict between disputing parties and often results in permanently destroyed relationships between them. Further shortcomings include the highly complex, costly and time-consuming nature of civil litigation. These shortcomings infringe on the constitutional imperative of access to justice for South Africans, particularly for the indigent members of society. In addition, court rolls have become overburdened due to the rapidly increasing volume of litigation at court. This often results in extensive waiting periods before matters are heard at court and further infringes the attainment of access to justice. While progress has been made in enhancing the civil justice system over the years, the aforementioned shortcomings prevail. In recent years the South African government has introduced the concept of mandatory court based mediation to the civil justice system with the view of promoting access to justice and enhancing the civil justice system. In a nutshell, mandatory court based mediation refers a civil dispute to mediation once an appearance to defend is entered at court, in order to attempt the settlement of the matter. In the event of the dispute not being resolved, the matter is then referred back to the conventional litigation process for resolution. Mandatory court based mediation, while controversial and bearing valid criticism; aims to promote access to justice and reconciliation between aggrieved parties and remedies a number of the shortcomings currently plaguing the South African civil justice system. In answering the research question of whether this ADR process is suitable to implement in South Africa in order to remedy the shortcomings of its civil justice system, the following aspects are considered in this thesis: the benefits, advantages, and the constitutionality of mandatory court based mediation, as well as the criticisms and challenges of the process. South Africa may have an adversarial civil justice system, but is no stranger to the practice of mediation. Within South African civil law a number of fields have mentioned mediation as the preferred method of dispute resolution over years. These areas of law will be highlighted in this thesis. Internationally, the jurisdiction of the Australian states of New South Wales and Victoria will also be highlighted. This analysis is done in order to assess the implementation and function of a mediation system, as a preferred method of dispute resolution, across all areas of civil law within an adversarial civil justice system. The current civil justice system in South Africa needs to be remedied due to its negative impact on civil disputants and the nation of South Africa in a broader sense. This thesis does not suggest that mandatory court based mediation is a panacea for all ills plaguing the country’s civil justice system. However, this ADR process may suit South Africa and its implementation may make a considerable remedial contribution and possibly significantly enhance its civil justice system.

Alternative dispute resolution in the BRICS nations: A comparative labour law perspective

Gerber, Marcel January 2019 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Alternative dispute resolution refers to forms of dispute resolution, other than traditional and formal court based litigation. A notable benefit of alternative dispute resolution is that different processes are available for resolving a particular dispute in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Alternative dispute resolution includes but is not limited to arbitration, mediation, negotiation, conciliation and facilitation. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, lists human dignity, equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms as the founding values of the Republic of South Africa. In terms of section 9(1) of the Constitution everyone is regarded as equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law in South Africa. Often it is however argued that traditional court based litigation hinders the full enjoyment of these rights by individuals. Consequently, alternative dispute resolution is attractive as an alternative to court based litigation as it is regarded as less expensive, more time effective and results in less conflict when it comes to resolving disputes in the most accessible, effective and efficient manner possible, in both developed and developing countries. The study will first focus on the pitfalls to traditional court based litigation in South Africa. The relevant legislation and processes which provide for alternative dispute resolution processes in South Africa, with specific focus on alternative dispute resolution in labour disputes, will be considered. Consideration will be given to the provision of alternative dispute resolution as contained in the Constitution, the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, the Rules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMA of 2003 and the Arbitration Act 42 of 1965. The study will thereafter proceed to consider the use of alternative dispute resolution in labour disputes in Brazil, Russia, India and China, who, together with South Africa, are collectively referred to as BRICS. These five nations are considered the world’s leading emerging economies, with similar economic capabilities and demographics.

Dématérialisation et procédure civile / E-justice and French civil litigation process

Lignelet, Brice-Joris 15 December 2015 (has links)
La dématérialisation des méthodes de traitement, de transmission et de conservation de l’information modifie substantiellement les rapports économiques et sociaux. Le domaine juridique n’aurait pu rester étranger à ce mouvement de fond. Le droit et la justice s’en trouvent bouleversés jusque dans leurs organisations, leurs méthodes et leurs métiers. L’adaptation du droit aux technologies numériques désormais acquise, les craintes et résistances liées à leur intégration dans le fonctionnement judiciaire surmontées ; la dématérialisation des actes du procès et leur communication électronique se généralisent. Une phase de maturation débute à présent, celle d’un retour au droit de la procédure civile et de l’appréciation que la jurisprudence fera de ces innovations technologiques. Il conviendra dès lors de veiller à ce que cette appropriation serve pleinement les intérêts des justiciables et de la justice. / Paperless methods of data production, process and records management has substantially changed both the economic and social relationships. Therefore, French law and justice could not have ignored these technological evolution which is deeply impacting their own organisation, methods, and professions. The necessary adaptation by French law and Justice to digital technologies now acquired, and concerns or fears on their integration into the civil litigation process being overcome ; dematerialisation of procedural acts and their communication in electronic forms are generally used. Regarding this technological reality, attention needs henceforth to be directed towards the role of each relevant actor of the French E-justice to make sure that such proceedings allow a fair trial to any litigant

Limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas / Limits of the jurisdicional power at the determinative sentences.

Morimoto Junior, Antonio 09 June 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é identificar os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, aqui compreendidas as em que cabe ao juiz indicar o objeto, a extensão ou o modo de exercício de posição jurídica de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) em consonância com as circunstâncias do caso. O trabalho se divide em 3 partes. Na primeira, apresenta-se a trajetória histórica dessa categoria de sentenças, desde o início do século XX até os dias atuais, dando ênfase às contribuições dos autores alemães, italianos e brasileiros para o tema. Na segunda, a partir das principais ideias levantadas na primeira, o autor expõe suas próprias concepções acerca da categoria. São apontados o conceito de sentenças determinativas, fornecidos casos em que ocorrem, indicada a técnica empregada pelo legislador para viabilizar-lhes a produção. São ainda estabelecidas as relações entre as sentenças determinativas e temas correlatos, como as sentenças de equidade, a discricionariedade judicial, e com as sentenças constitutivas, condenatórias e declaratórias. Na terceira parte são analisados os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, dando-se ênfase ao estudo das medidas que podem impostas pelo juiz para realização das posições jurídicas de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) reconhecidas no processo, cujo objeto ou modo de exercício não é previamente determinado em lei. Partindo-se da premissa de que o processo deve dar, quanto for possível praticamente, a quem tenha um direito, tudo aquilo e exatamente aquilo que ele tenha direito de conseguir (CHIOVENDA), conclui-se que ao juiz deve ordenar as medidas concretamente adequadas a realização dessas posições jurídicas de vantagem, sendo-lhe vedado, porém, impor as expressamente vedadas pela ordem jurídica e aquelas que a contrariem, numa perspectiva sistemática (vedação a medidas contrárias à dignidade humana e à separação de poderes, por exemplo). Por fim, para controle de eventuais abusos judiciais, enfatiza-se a necessidade de que da motivação da sentença conste claramente as razões determinantes da decisão por ele adotada. / The objective of the thesis is to identify the limits of the judicial role in the determinative sentences, here understood as sentences in which the judge indicates the object, extent or manner of exercise of a legal position of advantage (right, legal power etc. ), in accordance with the circumstances of the case. The work is divided into 3 parts. The first presents the historical trajectory of this category of sentences, since the early twentieth century to the present day, emphasizing the contributions of the Germans, Italians and Brazilians authors to the subject. In the second part, from the main ideas raised in the first one, the author exposes his own conceptions of the category. It is pointed out the concept of determinative sentences, provided cases that then occur and explained the legal technique used to enable them. It is also established the relations between determinative sentences and related topics, such as sentences of equity, judicial discretion, constitutive, condemnatory and declaratory sentences. The third part reviews the limits of the judicial power in the determinative sentences, stressing the kinds of orders that may be imposed by the judge to perform the legal positions of advantage (right, legal power etc) recognized through the action, whose objective or manner of exercise is not predetermined by the law. Assuming that \"the process should provide the winner, as nearly as possible, everything he is entitled to get\" (CHIOVENDA), it can be concluded that the judge shall order the measures specifically suited to carry out these legal positions of advantage, and that he is forbidden to impose measures expressly prohibited by the law and those that contradict it in a systemic sense (prohibition of measures contrary to human dignity and the separation of powers, for example). At last, in order to control judicial abuses, it is emphasized that the sentence should state clearly the real reasons for the decision adopted by the judge.

Hipoteca judiciária / Judicial mortgage

Neves, Douglas Ribeiro 29 March 2011 (has links)
O objeto da dissertação é a hipoteca judiciária. O mote que inspirou o trabalho foi a preocupação com a efetividade do processo. Partiu-se do postulado de que o processo não deve ser um instrumento de mera declaração de direitos. Deve, ao revés, viabilizar a alteração da realidade, de modo que, ao final do processo, o jurisdicionado exerça seu direito tal como teria exercido se a correspondente obrigação tivesse sido cumprida espontaneamente. A matéria carece de obras específicas. Salvo alguns poucos artigos, é tratada nos manuais de direito civil e de direito processual civil como assunto de importância nenhuma ou secundária. Embora se trate de direito real de garantia, a circunstância de nascer em razão de um fato processual e com a finalidade de fomentar a efetividade do processo firma-nos a convicção de que o assunto deve ser tratado no âmbito do Direito Processual Civil. Cremos que a ausência de disposição legal a respeito do tema no Código Civil de 2002, eliminando, assim, a exclusão do direito de preferência da hipoteca judiciária, longe de torná-la obsoleta, aumentou a importância do instituto. O primeiro capítulo propõe enquadrar a hipoteca judiciária como instrumento de exercício do direito constitucional à efetividade da tutela jurisdicional. O segundo capítulo reúne as características principais do direito real de hipoteca. O terceiro capítulo contém a evolução histórica da hipoteca judiciária. O quarto capítulo traz notícias sobre a hipoteca judiciária nos ordenamentos jurídicos de Portugal e Itália, com as respectivas semelhanças e diferenças em relação ao modo como o instituto é regrado no ordenamento pátrio. O quinto e sexto capítulos referem-se à natureza jurídica da hipoteca judiciária e sua diferença em relação a institutos com os quais, por vezes, é confundida: a ineficácia da alienação ou oneração de bens em fraude à execução, a tutela cautelar, a tutela executiva, a antecipação de tutela e a hipoteca legal. O sétimo capítulo estuda os requisitos necessários à constituição da hipoteca judiciária: (i) decisão jurisdicional, (ii) reconhecimento de obrigação de pagar, dar, fazer ou não fazer (sem necessidade de preceito condenatório), (iii) contraditório prévio e (iv) proporcionalidade. O oitavo capítulo refere-se às especificidades da hipoteca judiciária gerada com base em sentenças proferidas em ação coletiva, ação popular, dissídio individual trabalhista, arbitragem, por autoridades estrangeiras. Destacamos, nesse capítulo, a defesa de que a decisão interlocutória, dependendo de seu conteúdo, gera hipoteca judiciária. O nono capítulo foi reservado ao estudo da hipoteca judiciária no contexto do processo, como, por exemplo, o fato de que não compõe o objeto do processo, nem está sujeita à preclusão. O décimo capítulo trata da competência para especializar e ordenar o registro da hipoteca judiciária, bem como o meio pelo qual o registro deve ser feito. Sublinha-se, aqui, a discussão sobre o fundamento em razão do qual o efeito suspensivo recursal não deve impedir a constituição da hipoteca judiciária. O décimo primeiro capítulo contém os bens que podem e os que não podem ser objeto de hipoteca judiciária, com a proposição, de lege ferenda, de que alguns bens possam ser objeto de penhor judiciário. O décimo segundo e o décimo terceiro capítulo contém o estudo do direito de preferência que, segundo se propôs, é gerado pela hipoteca judiciária, tratando-o, primeiramente, de forma geral e, depois, no concurso comum e nos concursos especiais de credores (falência, insolvência civil, liquidação extrajudicial e recuperação). O décimo terceiro capítulo contém as conclusões do trabalho. No décimo quarto capítulo, há crítica ao texto que foi aprovado no Senado para substituir o artigo 466 do Código de Processo Civil atual. Finalmente, o décimo quinto capítulo contém a bibliografia referenciada. / The object of this dissertation is the mortgage created by the law to assure the accomplishment of obligations recognized jurisdictionally (judicial mortgage). The motto that inspired the thesis was the concern about the effectiveness of the process. This started from the premise that the process should not be a mere instrument of rights declaration. Must, in reverse, enabling the alteration of reality, so that, by the end of the process, the creditor exercise its right as would have exercised if the corresponding obligation had been fulfilled spontaneously. The matter requires specific works. Except a few articles, is treated in manuals of civil law and civil procedural law as a matter of no importance or secondary. Although it is substantive right (of guaranty), the circumstance of being born from a procedural fact and in order to promote the effectiveness of process conducts to the conviction that the judicial mortgage shall be dealt by litigation doctrine. The absence of legal provision on the subject in the Brazilian Civil Code, thus eliminating the exclusion of preference right of judicial mortgage, far from making it obsolete, increased the institute importance. The first chapter proposes catalogue the judicial mortgage as a tool for exercising the constitutional right to effective judicial protection. The second chapter brings together the main characteristics of the right of mortgage. The third chapter contains its historical evolution. The fourth chapter contains a record of how the mortgage is regulated in Portugal and Italy. The fifth and sixth chapters relate to the legal nature of the judicial mortgage and its difference from the institutes with which it sometimes is mistaken: the ineffectiveness of alienation or lien in fraud, injunction, foreclosure, motion in limine and legal mortgage. The seventh chapter examines the requirements necessary to constitute the judicial mortgage: (i) judiciary decision, (ii) recognition of the obligation to pay, give, do or not do (being unnecessary a condemnation commandment), (iii) prior manifestation of the adversary and (iv) proportionality. The eighth chapter covers the specificities of the judicial mortgage created on the basis of judgments in class action, action to defense the public property, individual labor action, arbitration or by foreign authorities. It stands out in this chapter the defense that the interlocutory decision, depending on its content, creates judicial mortgage. The ninth chapter was reserved for study of the mortgage in the context of judicial proceedings. The tenth chapter deals with the jurisdiction to specialize and to order the registration of the judicial mortgage, as well as the means by which registration must be done. It is stressed here the discussion on the merits on the grounds of which the suspensive effect of the appeal should not prevent the establishment of judicial mortgage. The eleventh chapter contains goods that can and can not be subject to judicial mortgage, with the proposition, lege ferenda, that some goods may be subject to judicial pledge. The twelfth and thirteenth chapter contains a study of preference right, which, according to what was proposed, is generated by the mortgage judicial, treating it, first generally and in special contests creditors (bankruptcy, civil insolvency, liquidation and reorganization). The thirteenth chapter contains the conclusions. In the fourteenth chapter, there is a criticism of the text that was approved in the Senate to replace the current Article 466 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Law. Finally, the fifteenth chapter contains a bibliography referenced.

Limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas / Limits of the jurisdicional power at the determinative sentences.

Antonio Morimoto Junior 09 June 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é identificar os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, aqui compreendidas as em que cabe ao juiz indicar o objeto, a extensão ou o modo de exercício de posição jurídica de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) em consonância com as circunstâncias do caso. O trabalho se divide em 3 partes. Na primeira, apresenta-se a trajetória histórica dessa categoria de sentenças, desde o início do século XX até os dias atuais, dando ênfase às contribuições dos autores alemães, italianos e brasileiros para o tema. Na segunda, a partir das principais ideias levantadas na primeira, o autor expõe suas próprias concepções acerca da categoria. São apontados o conceito de sentenças determinativas, fornecidos casos em que ocorrem, indicada a técnica empregada pelo legislador para viabilizar-lhes a produção. São ainda estabelecidas as relações entre as sentenças determinativas e temas correlatos, como as sentenças de equidade, a discricionariedade judicial, e com as sentenças constitutivas, condenatórias e declaratórias. Na terceira parte são analisados os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, dando-se ênfase ao estudo das medidas que podem impostas pelo juiz para realização das posições jurídicas de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) reconhecidas no processo, cujo objeto ou modo de exercício não é previamente determinado em lei. Partindo-se da premissa de que o processo deve dar, quanto for possível praticamente, a quem tenha um direito, tudo aquilo e exatamente aquilo que ele tenha direito de conseguir (CHIOVENDA), conclui-se que ao juiz deve ordenar as medidas concretamente adequadas a realização dessas posições jurídicas de vantagem, sendo-lhe vedado, porém, impor as expressamente vedadas pela ordem jurídica e aquelas que a contrariem, numa perspectiva sistemática (vedação a medidas contrárias à dignidade humana e à separação de poderes, por exemplo). Por fim, para controle de eventuais abusos judiciais, enfatiza-se a necessidade de que da motivação da sentença conste claramente as razões determinantes da decisão por ele adotada. / The objective of the thesis is to identify the limits of the judicial role in the determinative sentences, here understood as sentences in which the judge indicates the object, extent or manner of exercise of a legal position of advantage (right, legal power etc. ), in accordance with the circumstances of the case. The work is divided into 3 parts. The first presents the historical trajectory of this category of sentences, since the early twentieth century to the present day, emphasizing the contributions of the Germans, Italians and Brazilians authors to the subject. In the second part, from the main ideas raised in the first one, the author exposes his own conceptions of the category. It is pointed out the concept of determinative sentences, provided cases that then occur and explained the legal technique used to enable them. It is also established the relations between determinative sentences and related topics, such as sentences of equity, judicial discretion, constitutive, condemnatory and declaratory sentences. The third part reviews the limits of the judicial power in the determinative sentences, stressing the kinds of orders that may be imposed by the judge to perform the legal positions of advantage (right, legal power etc) recognized through the action, whose objective or manner of exercise is not predetermined by the law. Assuming that \"the process should provide the winner, as nearly as possible, everything he is entitled to get\" (CHIOVENDA), it can be concluded that the judge shall order the measures specifically suited to carry out these legal positions of advantage, and that he is forbidden to impose measures expressly prohibited by the law and those that contradict it in a systemic sense (prohibition of measures contrary to human dignity and the separation of powers, for example). At last, in order to control judicial abuses, it is emphasized that the sentence should state clearly the real reasons for the decision adopted by the judge.

Hipoteca judiciária / Judicial mortgage

Douglas Ribeiro Neves 29 March 2011 (has links)
O objeto da dissertação é a hipoteca judiciária. O mote que inspirou o trabalho foi a preocupação com a efetividade do processo. Partiu-se do postulado de que o processo não deve ser um instrumento de mera declaração de direitos. Deve, ao revés, viabilizar a alteração da realidade, de modo que, ao final do processo, o jurisdicionado exerça seu direito tal como teria exercido se a correspondente obrigação tivesse sido cumprida espontaneamente. A matéria carece de obras específicas. Salvo alguns poucos artigos, é tratada nos manuais de direito civil e de direito processual civil como assunto de importância nenhuma ou secundária. Embora se trate de direito real de garantia, a circunstância de nascer em razão de um fato processual e com a finalidade de fomentar a efetividade do processo firma-nos a convicção de que o assunto deve ser tratado no âmbito do Direito Processual Civil. Cremos que a ausência de disposição legal a respeito do tema no Código Civil de 2002, eliminando, assim, a exclusão do direito de preferência da hipoteca judiciária, longe de torná-la obsoleta, aumentou a importância do instituto. O primeiro capítulo propõe enquadrar a hipoteca judiciária como instrumento de exercício do direito constitucional à efetividade da tutela jurisdicional. O segundo capítulo reúne as características principais do direito real de hipoteca. O terceiro capítulo contém a evolução histórica da hipoteca judiciária. O quarto capítulo traz notícias sobre a hipoteca judiciária nos ordenamentos jurídicos de Portugal e Itália, com as respectivas semelhanças e diferenças em relação ao modo como o instituto é regrado no ordenamento pátrio. O quinto e sexto capítulos referem-se à natureza jurídica da hipoteca judiciária e sua diferença em relação a institutos com os quais, por vezes, é confundida: a ineficácia da alienação ou oneração de bens em fraude à execução, a tutela cautelar, a tutela executiva, a antecipação de tutela e a hipoteca legal. O sétimo capítulo estuda os requisitos necessários à constituição da hipoteca judiciária: (i) decisão jurisdicional, (ii) reconhecimento de obrigação de pagar, dar, fazer ou não fazer (sem necessidade de preceito condenatório), (iii) contraditório prévio e (iv) proporcionalidade. O oitavo capítulo refere-se às especificidades da hipoteca judiciária gerada com base em sentenças proferidas em ação coletiva, ação popular, dissídio individual trabalhista, arbitragem, por autoridades estrangeiras. Destacamos, nesse capítulo, a defesa de que a decisão interlocutória, dependendo de seu conteúdo, gera hipoteca judiciária. O nono capítulo foi reservado ao estudo da hipoteca judiciária no contexto do processo, como, por exemplo, o fato de que não compõe o objeto do processo, nem está sujeita à preclusão. O décimo capítulo trata da competência para especializar e ordenar o registro da hipoteca judiciária, bem como o meio pelo qual o registro deve ser feito. Sublinha-se, aqui, a discussão sobre o fundamento em razão do qual o efeito suspensivo recursal não deve impedir a constituição da hipoteca judiciária. O décimo primeiro capítulo contém os bens que podem e os que não podem ser objeto de hipoteca judiciária, com a proposição, de lege ferenda, de que alguns bens possam ser objeto de penhor judiciário. O décimo segundo e o décimo terceiro capítulo contém o estudo do direito de preferência que, segundo se propôs, é gerado pela hipoteca judiciária, tratando-o, primeiramente, de forma geral e, depois, no concurso comum e nos concursos especiais de credores (falência, insolvência civil, liquidação extrajudicial e recuperação). O décimo terceiro capítulo contém as conclusões do trabalho. No décimo quarto capítulo, há crítica ao texto que foi aprovado no Senado para substituir o artigo 466 do Código de Processo Civil atual. Finalmente, o décimo quinto capítulo contém a bibliografia referenciada. / The object of this dissertation is the mortgage created by the law to assure the accomplishment of obligations recognized jurisdictionally (judicial mortgage). The motto that inspired the thesis was the concern about the effectiveness of the process. This started from the premise that the process should not be a mere instrument of rights declaration. Must, in reverse, enabling the alteration of reality, so that, by the end of the process, the creditor exercise its right as would have exercised if the corresponding obligation had been fulfilled spontaneously. The matter requires specific works. Except a few articles, is treated in manuals of civil law and civil procedural law as a matter of no importance or secondary. Although it is substantive right (of guaranty), the circumstance of being born from a procedural fact and in order to promote the effectiveness of process conducts to the conviction that the judicial mortgage shall be dealt by litigation doctrine. The absence of legal provision on the subject in the Brazilian Civil Code, thus eliminating the exclusion of preference right of judicial mortgage, far from making it obsolete, increased the institute importance. The first chapter proposes catalogue the judicial mortgage as a tool for exercising the constitutional right to effective judicial protection. The second chapter brings together the main characteristics of the right of mortgage. The third chapter contains its historical evolution. The fourth chapter contains a record of how the mortgage is regulated in Portugal and Italy. The fifth and sixth chapters relate to the legal nature of the judicial mortgage and its difference from the institutes with which it sometimes is mistaken: the ineffectiveness of alienation or lien in fraud, injunction, foreclosure, motion in limine and legal mortgage. The seventh chapter examines the requirements necessary to constitute the judicial mortgage: (i) judiciary decision, (ii) recognition of the obligation to pay, give, do or not do (being unnecessary a condemnation commandment), (iii) prior manifestation of the adversary and (iv) proportionality. The eighth chapter covers the specificities of the judicial mortgage created on the basis of judgments in class action, action to defense the public property, individual labor action, arbitration or by foreign authorities. It stands out in this chapter the defense that the interlocutory decision, depending on its content, creates judicial mortgage. The ninth chapter was reserved for study of the mortgage in the context of judicial proceedings. The tenth chapter deals with the jurisdiction to specialize and to order the registration of the judicial mortgage, as well as the means by which registration must be done. It is stressed here the discussion on the merits on the grounds of which the suspensive effect of the appeal should not prevent the establishment of judicial mortgage. The eleventh chapter contains goods that can and can not be subject to judicial mortgage, with the proposition, lege ferenda, that some goods may be subject to judicial pledge. The twelfth and thirteenth chapter contains a study of preference right, which, according to what was proposed, is generated by the mortgage judicial, treating it, first generally and in special contests creditors (bankruptcy, civil insolvency, liquidation and reorganization). The thirteenth chapter contains the conclusions. In the fourteenth chapter, there is a criticism of the text that was approved in the Senate to replace the current Article 466 of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Law. Finally, the fifteenth chapter contains a bibliography referenced.

A Comparison of Plaintiff and Defense Expert Witness H-Index Scores in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Civil Litigation

Victor, Elise C 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the background and qualifications of plaintiff and defense experts using the H-Index score as quantification of expert background and qualifications. The goal is to better understand the similarities and differences among the professionals offering paid expert witness testimony in mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) civil litigation. In this quantitative study, descriptive statistics include the mean and standard deviation scores for the data to support examining measures of central tendency and variance, respectively. The study includes the use of logistic regression and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and their statistical assumptions were tested to determine whether they would be used or if it was more appropriate to use a non-parametric test. The study included two research questions: How do the qualifications of plaintiff and defense expert witnesses in mild traumatic brain injury civil litigation compare? and to what extent does a higher h-index correlate with a favorable litigation outcome in a mild traumatic brain injury case? The findings for the hypothesis tests associated with the research questions led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis in each test. There was a lack of asymptotic significance in Hypothesis 1 and a lack of significance in Hypothesis 2. The findings from these tests shall support the discussion of the implications of this research and the direction of future research.

The sale of law : ethical advising and advocacy in light of billing for civil litigation services

2015 October 1900 (has links)
This thesis identifies the financial incentives of litigants and lawyers to behave in certain ways in relation to civil litigation files. By identifying such incentives, this thesis raises questions about the extent to which substantive and procedural private law is capable of being influenced by them. Specifically, this thesis argues that: lawyers have a lawmaking function within the private law system; lawyers have financial incentives distinct from those of their clients; and the costs of retaining lawyers produce observable incentives and effects on the outcomes of civil litigation matters. In addition to the many theoretical materials cited, empirical data have been cited from research observing the legal profession in North America and elsewhere. This thesis argues that external influences--such as financial incentives for non-parties--can affect the way private law applies and develops. This thesis also identifies general regulatory strategies that might limit the influence of external factors on private law.

O Procedimento Recursal e as Garantias Fundamentais do Processo: a Colegialidade no Julgamento da Apelação / The appeallate procedure and the fundamental gudrantbes of the parties: the collegial judgment of appeal

Guilherme Jales Sokal 19 September 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o julgamento colegiado dos recursos nos Tribunais de segunda instância, à luz das razões teóricas subjacentes à colegialidade e das garantias fundamentais do processo. Após a exposição das finalidades com que, em abstrato, a lei processual institui um órgão judicial colegiado para o julgamento dos recursos (i) reforço da cognição judicial, (ii) garantia de independência dos julgadores e (iii) contenção do arbítrio individual , é feita a análise pormenorizada das sucessivas etapas de que se compõe o procedimento recursal ordinário da apelação, conforme a disciplina prevista nas leis federais e em disposições regimentais, como a distribuição dos recursos, o papel do relator, a figura do revisor, a pauta da sessão de julgamento, o regime da sustentação oral, a mecânica da deliberação colegiada, a atividade de redação do acórdão e a intimação das partes quanto ao teor da decisão, a fim de identificar os pontos em que o regime formal do julgamento dos recursos termina por revelar um descompasso com as premissas por que deveria se guiar. Em todo o trabalho, o marco teórico utilizado deita raízes na concepção democrática do direito processual civil, fundada na máxima eficácia das garantias fundamentais do processo previstas na Constituição Federal de 1988. / The present study aims to analyze the collegial judgment of appeals in the second instance Courts, from the viewpoint of the theoretical reasons underlying the collegiality and the fundamental guarantees of the parties in the civil litigation. After the exposure of the purposes for which, in the abstract, the procedural law establishes a judicial collegiate body for judging appeals (i) strengthening of judicial cognition, (ii) ensuring the independence of judges and (iii) restrainting individual will , it is made a detailed analysis of the successive steps that comprise the ordinary appellate procedure, according to the disciplines provided by federal laws and regimental rules, as the distribution of appeals, the role of the rapporteur, the figure of the reviewer, the agenda of the Court, the oral argument, the collegiate deliberation, the elaboration of the decisions text and the partiess notice about the content of the decision, in order to identify the points where the formal scheme of the appellate procedure reveals a dissonance with the assumptions by which should be guided. The study is guided by a democratic conception of civil procedural law, founded on maximum effectiveness of the fundamental guarantees of the parties in civil litigation as proclaimed by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.

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