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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Služební zákon - vývoj a výsledek / Civil service Act - Development and result

Staněk, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Civil service Act - Development and result Abstract The new Civil Service Act (CSA) is a significantly amended version of the previous Civil Service Act № 218/2002 that never came fully into force. This thesis briefly describes the main principles and reasoning behind the proposed legislative measures, taking into account specific socio-political context and reflecting previous practice of public employment in the Czech Republic. During 21 years of its existence, the Czech Republic was governed by 13 different governments. In average, the state witnessed change in its leadership every 18 months. This political instability left a significant mark on the Czech public administration that continuously suffered from excessive political interference. In connection with the accession to the EU, the Civil Service Act approved by the Commission was adopted in 2002. Its entry into force, however, was five times postponed by numerous Czech governments, allegedly because of high budgetary demands of the implementation (the reason that has never been proven). The employment of state employees was based on the Labour Code and they did not enjoy any special legal protection. Frequent changes of top and middle management of the administrative bodies that usually followed after each political change led to the loss of...

Implementace zákona o státní službě se zřetelem na stabilitu služebního vztahu / Implementation of the Civil Service Act with regard to the stability of the service relationship

Ptáčková Melicharová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
Implementation of the Civil Service Act with regard to the stability of the service relationship Abstrakt The thesis aims to descript and evaluate the Civil Service Act. Particular attention is paid to its implementation, as well as to compensating the state of government before the law takes effect, and finally to the partial more detailed treatment of Kazuistic examples. At work, I have set out to objectively, with the help of available resources and data, whether in practice the objectives of the Civil Service Act are being met, that is to de-politicise the civil service, increase transparency and stability of government, increase professionalisation, but also enhance the efficiency and performance of service offices. In the first chapter, in the context of those objectives, I set out working hypotheses that will be verified during the process of the thesis and confirmed or rejected at the conclusion of the work. For the purposes of this work, I defined three hypotheses: 1. The implementation of the Civil Service Act will increase the stability of State Government 2. Implementing the Civil Service Act will increase the expenditure on performing this service i.e. the civil service will be far more costly. 3. Implementing the Civil Service Act will not improve the efficiency of the civil service, but there...

我國公務員基準法草案規劃過程之研究 / The research of formulating process on Civil Service Act Propo- sal in the R.O.C.

郭盈森, Kung, Ying Sung Unknown Date (has links)
「政策的失敗,比貪污更為嚴重」。面對眾多政府政策訂定所引起之爭議,會令人懷疑政府政策規劃過程是否鬆散。鑑於完善之政策規劃乃施政成功之首要條件,本研究希冀藉用政策規劃之分析架構,探究「公務員基準法」草案之規劃過程,盼能發現其形成之肇因與規劃經過,並分析該法規劃過程之爭論問題,進而提供個人研究心得,做為未來政府規劃類似方案之借鏡。   本文第一章「緒論」,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍,並訂定研究過程架構,說明本文研究各章內容、及研究方法與限制。   第二章「國內外公務員法制概況與文獻探討」,除介紹美、英、德、法、日等國家公務員法制之發展、現況與基本內涵及我國公務員法制之發展、現況與檢討外,並引證相關文獻做為本研究論證之支持。   第三章「我國公務員基準法草案問題形成分析」,敘述研擬我國基準法草案問題發生、認定與議程建立、及備選方案之探討,俾瞭解政府規劃公務員基準法草案整個過程之背景全貌。   第四章「我國公務員基準法草案規劃過程分析」,主要探討的面向包括我國公務員基準法草案規劃之經過、規劃過程中遭遇較爭議之問題、及規劃之主要內涵,俾瞭解政府規劃公務員基準法草案時,所考量的因素和所面臨的難題。   第五章「結論」,綜合上述各章之分析結果,提出研究發現與建議,期供我國未來類似公共政策規劃之參考。   藉由整過研究過程,筆者歸納主要研究發現與建議如次:   一、研究發現   (一)公共政策決策屬精英理論模式。   (二)似認每個問題僅有一個理想解決方案。   (三)規劃欠缺彈性原則及權變觀念。   (四)先訂框架扼殺創新方案提議。   (五)政策欠缺整體性與前瞻性規畫。   (六)政策宣導與溝通工作並未落實。   (七)政策方案可行性分析尚未周延。   (七)學者專家與政府意見連結不足。   二、研究建議   (一)先進國家政策制定過程模式之借鏡。   (二)強化行政部門政策規劃與分析能力。   (三)善用策略加強宣導與溝通協調工作。   (四)妥善運用學者專家知識與建議意見。   (五)儘速建立完善之人事管理資訊系統。

Reforma státní správy v České republice: případ zákona o státní službě / Reform of the State Administration in the Czech Republic: Case of the Civil Service Act

Kutálková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on the reforming of the Czech civil service. The quality of the state administration is one of the most important political and economic topics. By passing the Civil Service Act the representatives aimed at depoliticization, stabilization and professionalization of the situation of civil servants. The main goal is to evaluate the law-making process of the Act and find out if the amendatory proposals and obstructions had the professional and apolitical state administration in view or aimed at lowering of the quality of this Act. Also, the objective is to assess, if the Act meets the requirements stated in the documents regarding the reforming of the Czech civil service. The master´s thesis is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis covers the state administration in theory. The second chapter contains a historical overview of the state administration in the territory of the Czech Republic from 1848 up to the present day. The third chapter presents the main documents regarding the reform and their key requirements. Furthermore, the law-making process is analysed and his crucial problems are identified. The final part concentrates on the Civil Service Act and evaluates it with reference to the main requirements stated within the reform.

Politicko-administrativní vztahy a politizace na ministerstvech ČR / Politico-administrative relations and politicization in ministries of Czech Republic

Zápotocká, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the topic of politico-administrative relationships and professional literature. The first part of thesis is based on the theory of politico-administrative relationships using the models created by Aberbach, Rockman, and Putnam (1981) and focuses on the development of the relationships in time. The following part introduces the phenomenon of politicization and several important typologies that specify it and show the multilayer nature of this term - it uses the knowledge of the following authors: Peters (2013), Eichbaum and Shaw (2008) and Hustedt and Salomonsen (2014). In the next part, the thesis focuses on the Czech context of this issues, briefly summarizes Civil Service Act. And introduces its own qualitative research conducted on the sample of ministerial officials. The research reveals 4 essential issues which characterise the politico-administrative relationship and politicization in the Czech Republic. These issues are third parties in in politico-administrative relationship, the position of state secretary, issue of influenzability of personal structure of ministry and positive politicization. Beside these characteristics and outline of possible ways of follow-up of research, diploma thesis emphasize importance of neutral approach to research issues, because...

Další vzdělávání pracovníků státní správy / Further education of civil servants

Štiková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the area of further education of civil servants at the level of the central government and its aim is to critically evaluate further education at selected departments in connection with the introduction of Act No. 234/2014 Coll., which came into force on the 1st January 2015. The thesis describes how the Civil Service Act influences the further education of central government officials, it outlines the key issues that are related to the education of central government officials and shows what are the problems that central government officials encounter in the field of further education. The research project is the case study, which included public policy documents related to the topic of further education and data collected through in-depth interviews with ten officials of two selected departments and two representatives of the human resources department, was used. Based on the thematic analysis, key issues of further education of central government officials were identified: educational needs, meeting educational needs, sources of information retrieval, and a official exam. Problems encountered by central government officials in the field of further education are part of these issues.

Europeizace národní politiky na případu zákona o státní službě v České republice / Europeanization of national policy on the case of the Civil Service Act in the Czech Republic

Lukavec, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a case study dealing with the role of the European Union in the adoption of the Czech Civil Service Act in 2014. The author follows the question why the Act was adopted ten years after the Czech Republic joined the European Union. The first part of the thesis deals with the European administrative area and individual models of public administration in Europe. It also discusses the use of various forms of influencing the policies of the member states with different instruments. Further, the work analyzes the development of the service law in the Czech Republic and examines the strategies and approaches of the main actors in the legislative process. In order to find out how the issue was framed by political actors, the individual verbal speeches at the plenary sittings of the Czech Parliament are examined. In the last part, the findings are generalized to represent individual strategies and the dynamics of their change. In order to respond to the research goal, the data is interpreted on the basis of the Multiple Streams Framework, demonstrating a change in the status quo in the field of public service performance regulation.

Zákon o státní službě: Sledování procesu tvorby zákona č. 234/2014 Sb., o státní službě / The Civil Service Act: Monitoring the Process of Making of the Act No. 234/2014 Coll., of the Civil Service

Tkadlčík, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
I devote major attention to the Act no. 234/2014 Coll., of the Civil Service, which was accepted despite the veto of the President on 1st October 2014. I briefly characterize the law and in the practical part I analyze and interpret the process of making of this law through a theoretical concept "Multiple Streams Approach". Within the theory I focus on the context of agenda setting to the issue and simultaneously I take into account the role of Policy Entrepreneurs in the legislative process of the Civil Service Act. After reading the reader will have an overview of the process of making the Civil Service Act. The reader will be also familiar with the shortcomings of this Act, for which it was criticized. The theoretical part is used for introducing to the issue. In the theoretical part I outline the historical development of the civil service in Czech Republic and I also briefly characterize the Civil Service Act. Subsequently the reader gets the knowledge about the content of "Multiple Streams Approach" in this part. The practical part of diploma work is enriched by attitudes and opinions of two political actors, who directly attended of discussing the law in Chamber of Deputies. It will be possible to compare the data received from expert survey with the results of the analysis process of making law.

The Prohibition of Salary (in Particular) and Economic Content(in General) of Collective Bargaining in Public Employment: An Exercise of Evaluation of Judicial Reasoning / La Prohibición del Contenido Salarial (en Particular) y Económico (en General) de la Negociación Colectiva en el Empleo Público: Un Ejercicio de Evaluación de Razonamiento Judicial

Sánchez Reyes, Christian 10 April 2018 (has links)
From a jurisprudential analysis of several judgments of the Constitutional Court, the author tries to show a new perspective based on a dynamic vision of a Social State and Constitutional Law, which ones require a fundamental presence of judges in the deliberation of court cases related to the prohibition on collective bargaining in the case of public employment, in order to show the scope of axiological protection that labor law should take in situations such as public employment and lack of funds in order to achieve equality between public and private employment , thus avoiding overt discrimination. / A partir de un análisis jurisprudencial de diversas sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional, el autor intenta presentar una perspectiva basada en el cambio de visión de un Estado Social y Constitucional de Derecho que exige una presencia fundamental de los jueces en la deliberación de los casos referentes a la prohibición de la negociación colectiva en el caso del empleo público, para con ello demostrar el ámbito de protección axiológica que debe asumir el derecho laboral frente a situaciones como el empleo público y la falta de presupuesto para lograr una igualdad entre los empleos públicos y privados, evitando así, una discriminación manifiesta.

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