Spelling suggestions: "subject:"civil core"" "subject:"zivil core""
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Obchodní kupní smlouva / Contract of sale under business lawŠvábová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis "Contract of sale under business law" is to compare changes of the contract of sale, which occurred as a result of the newly adopted Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. The aim of this thesis is to simultaneously take into account the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (Common European Sales Law, CESL). The thesis also focuses on selected provisions of the purchase - especially rules governing the acquisition of ownership from unauthorized (and the related principle of good faith) under the new Civil Code. Rules governing the acquisition of ownership were significantly changed. Thesis attepmts to specify rules which are applied in the case one of the contracting parties is in the possition of a consumer. Specific features of contracting process must be taken in consideration due to the protection of consumers and or small and medium- sized enterprises. The thesis is focused on selected aspects of the contract of sale, thus the purchase of property, asset deal or liability for defects are mentioned only in passing.
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Introdução à filosofia do direito matrimonial: a família - instituição sob proteção do EstadoKorte, Paulo Thomas 29 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-29 / This work is a Master dissertation project that address the role of Law in the civil society, especially to reach and maintain the good of all, without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination (art.3, IV, da CF). The work speaks about the need to ensure the good of society through the good of the family, its primary cell. And, to ensure the good of the latter, it is necessary to guarantee the health of its core: the relationship between men and women. The law, especially the art. 1566 of the Civil Code, makes the role of regulating the passion manifestation limits of men and women in order to lead them to keep the good in the marriage contract / O presente trabalho aborda o papel do Direito na sociedade civil, especialmente para o alcance e manutenção do bem de todos, sem preconceitos de origem, raça, sexo, cor, idade e quaisquer outras formas de discriminação (art.3º, IV, da CF). Disserta sobre a necessidade de se garantir o bem da sociedade através da família, sua célula primordial. E, para garantir o bem desta última, é necessário garantir a saúde do seu núcleo primordial: o matrimônio
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Perspectivas do direito hipotecário brasileiro : continuidades e rupturas do código civil de 1916Sontag, Kenny January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga o processo de desenvolvimento do Direito Hipotecário brasileiro, na transição da ausência à consolidação de seu registro público, verificando-se, sobretudo o papel do Código Civil de 1916. A análise histórica dos Direitos Reais é uma importante fonte para a compreensão do desenvolvimento das relações entre pessoas e coisas. Nesse sentido, o estudo histórico da hipoteca no Direito brasileiro permite um exame do embate entre os direitos de propriedade e os direitos de crédito, tornando evidentes elementos sociais, econômicos, da política fundiária e da cultura jurídica do período. Inicialmente, explanou-se sobre o ideário de modernização dos Direito reais, que garantiu a proteção da titularidade individual sobre a propriedade, e sua repercussão no Direito nacional no projeto de modernização do Direito, implementado após a Independência, em 1822. Posteriormente, foram perquiridas as alterações legislativas empreendidas até o Código Civil de 1916, que passaram a prever a publicidade e a especialidade da hipoteca. Por fim, foram efetuadas comparações de dados jurisprudenciais, referentes ao período entre anos de 1912 e 1920. / This text investigates the process of development of the Brazilian Mortgage Law in the transition of its complete lack of registration and the consolidation of its public record, verifying mainly the role of the Civil Code of 1916. The historical analysis of the Property Law is an important source for understanding the development of the relationship between people and things. In this sense, the mortgage history in Brazilian law allows an examination of the conflict between the rights of property and the creditor rights, bringing to light social, economic, land policy and legal culture elements of the period. First, the ideology of modernization of the property rights was explained, which guaranteed the protection of the individual ownership of property, and its impact on national law in the modernization project implemented after independence in 1822. Subsequently, legislative changes undertaken until the Civil Code of 1916 were studied, which begin to provide publicity and specialty to mortgage rights. Finally, comparisons were made between case law data, developed over the years 1912 and 1920.
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Pressupostos da obrigação de restituir o enriquecimento sem causa no Código Civil brasileiro / Requisites of the obligation created by unjust enrichment under the Brazilian civil codeHildebrand, Lucas Fajardo Nunes 23 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo da dissertação é investigar os Pressupostos da Obrigação de Restituir o Enriquecimento sem Causa no Código Civil Brasileiro. O enriquecimento sem causa, que tem antecedentes romanos, é reconhecido no Brasil independente desde os tempos do Império, passou por uma rejeição quando do advento do Código Civil de 1916, que não o previu expressamente, porém retomou sua força ao longo do século XX, ao fim do qual já era corrente a opinião de que se tratava de fonte de obrigações autônoma. Na vigência do Código Civil de 1916 não havia unanimidade quanto à enumeração e ao preenchimento de sentido dos pressupostos da obrigação restituitória. Uma minoria dispensava os requisitos do empobrecimento e da correlação entre o enriquecimento e o empobrecimento em favor de um novo pressuposto, qual seja, o de que o enriquecimento se dê à custa de outrem. O Código Civil de 2002, nos arts. 884 a 886, regulou expressamente o enriquecimento sem causa como fonte de obrigação, sendo que os autores atuais têm em geral indicado como seus pressupostos a existência de um (i) enriquecimento que ocorra (ii) à custa de outrem sem (iii) justa causa e que (iv) não concorra com outro remédio jurídico (i.e., subsidiariedade), não sendo essenciais os requisitos do empobrecimento e da correlação. O estudo dos principais paradigmas cristalizados na doutrina estrangeira, especialmente na portuguesa e na alemã, permitiu a conclusão de que deve ser adotado o paradigma da divisão do instituto do enriquecimento sem causa, pelo qual se investigam os pressupostos da obrigação de acordo com as suas diversas categorias, a saber, no Brasil, o enriquecimento por prestação, o enriquecimento por intervenção e o enriquecimento por despesas efetuadas por outrem. O enriquecimento por prestação tem por pressupostos o (i) enriquecimento em sentido real que (ii) ocorre por prestação (iii) sem justa causa, entendida esta última como a frustração do fim da prestação. O enriquecimento por intervenção tem por pressupostos (i) o enriquecimento (ii) obtido à custa de outrem (iii) sem causa jurídica ou, mais analiticamente, o (i) enriquecimento em sentido patrimonial (ii) obtido pela intromissão em direitos de outrem, quando na verdade (iii) é reservado pela ordem jurídica ao titular da posição jurídica afetada. Já o enriquecimento por despesas efetuadas por outrem tem por pressupostos o (i) enriquecimento em sentido patrimonial cuja (ii) conservação seja vedada pelo ordenamento jurídico e que decorra de uma (iii) despesa efetuada por outrem, sendo a restituição limitada, na circunstância de o beneficio ser imposto, ao que resultar de dispêndios de necessários. A regra da subsidiariedade não consubstancia um pressuposto propriamente dito, pois não integra o suporte fático da obrigação restituitória, funcionando mais como uma norma de sobredireito que fixa o caráter especialíssimo dos arts. 884 e 885 do Código Civil, e tem um sentido concreto, ou seja, somente obsta a pretensão restituitória o meio jurídico alternativo que concretamente forneça a mesma solução que é garantida pelo instituto do enriquecimento sem causa. Por fim, pela análise de dois grupos de casos comuns na jurisprudência, concluiu-se que, por falta de familiaridade com a lei, os tribunais brasileiros, ao menos quanto aos casos pesquisados, ainda não deram efetividade ao enriquecimento sem causa como fonte de obrigação. / The purpose of the present thesis is to unveil the requisites of the obligation based on the law of restitution according to the Brazilian Civil Code. The law of restitution, which has its roots in the Roman law, has been acknowledged in independent Brazil since the 19th century. In spite of the fact that it has not been expressly stated in the Brazilian Civil Code of 1916, the authors throughout the 20th century have recognized the unjust enrichment as an obligation-creating event. Nevertheless, the doctrine under the Civil Code of 1916 was not unanimous regarding the enumeration and the content of the requirements of the restitutionary obligation. In fact, there was a minority that downplayed the requisites of both impoverishment and correlation between the enrichment and the impoverishment in favor of others, i.e., that the enrichment occurs at the plaintiffs expense. The rise of the unjust enrichment as an obligation-creating event had its climax with the publication of the 2002 Brazilian Civil Code. Specifically, its articles 884, 885 and 886 included the phenomenon amidst the source of obligations. Under the new Code, it has been generally assumed that the requisites underlying the unjust enrichment are the presence of an (i) unjust (ii) enrichment (iii) at the plaintiffs expense that (iv) does not compete with an alternative legal remedy (i.e., rule of subsidiarity). The requirements of impoverishment and correlation aforementioned were abandoned by most authors. An adequate answer to the questions regarding the requisites of the restitutionary obligation, however, demands the analysis of the paradigms crystallized in the foreign doctrine, especially of the German and Portuguese legislation. It has been concluded that the paradigm of the categorization of the unjust enrichment has to be adopted. In compliance with this perspective, the requisites underlying the restitutionary obligation have to be investigated pursuant to the different categories, namely the enrichment through transfers, the enrichment through interference and the enrichment through expenditures made by the plaintiff. The requisites of the restitution based on enrichment through transfers are (i) the enrichment in its objective sense that (ii) occurs through the performance of a conscious and goal oriented patrimonial increment in which it is evident (iii) the failure of this particular goal. Importantly, this goal is sought to be assessed objectively from the unilateral manifestation of the performer, in conformity to the good-faith principle. The restitution based on enrichment through interference has as requirements (i) the enrichment in its subjective sense (ii) obtained through the interference with the rights (iii) legally reserved to the plaintiff. Finally, the requirements of the restitution based on enrichment through expenditures made by the plaintiff are (i) the subjective enrichment (ii) that the law forbids and that is originated from (iii) an expense effectuated by the plaintiff. In the particular case of an imposed enrichment, the restitution is constrained to the incontrovertible benefits resulting from the act of the plaintiff. Because the subsidiarity rule does not integrate the fattispecie of the restitutionary obligation, it does not substantiate a requisite by itself. The subsidiarity rule functions rather as a secondary norm that determines the character of lex specialis of the articles 884 and 885 of the Civil Code. Additionally, the subsidiarity rule has a concrete character, i.e., the restitutionary pretensions are only prevented by an alternative legal remedy that offers an effective solution that is identical to the one ensured by the law of restitution.
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Dědické právo z pohledu současné právní úpravy a změny v novém občanského zákoníku / Inheritance law from the view of current legal form and the changes of this legal form in the new Civil CodeMitáčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problems of inheritance law. The main goal is the comparison of its legal form in the current Civil Code and in the new Civil Code, followed by the analyzing and the evaluating of the changes. The thesis concentrates on both legal forms of inheritance law to fulfil this goal. These legal forms are compared after and the changes are analyzed to answer the question, whether these changes are beneficial for citizens, why this part of law was changed and what its deficiency and correction is.
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Nájem bytu / Residential leaseLegnavský, Mário January 2019 (has links)
RESIDENTIAL LEASE ABSTRACT This thesis aims to provide complex analysis of a legal institute of residential lease based on current legal framework (in particular Act No. 89/2012 Sb.) in comparison with the previous legal framework (in particular Act No. 40/1964 Sb., in the version effective on 31 December 2013) while considering the historical context of older legal frameworks of residential lease and the milestones in the development of civil law on our territory. The thesis is structured into 3 chapters which are further divided into subchapters, sections and subsections. The first chapter is devoted to the development of legal framework of residential lease on our territory (except for Roman law framework) until 1989. The beginning of the first chapter outlines the Roman law together with the medieval Koldín's Code. Subsequently are described general characteristics within the historical context of the key Civil Codes which were in force in the specific period on our territory including the General Civil Code (Imperial Patent No. 946/1811 Sb. z. s.), the Civil Code of 1950 (Act No. 141/1950 Sb.) and the Civil Code of 1964 (Act No. 40/1964 Sb.). The legal frameworks of residential lease, or personal use, which were included in the mentioned codes, are elaborated on in more detail in this chapter together...
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L'acquisition et la perte de la nationalité française : 1804-1927Aktas, Arzu 06 October 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse porte sur l’acquisition et la perte de la nationalité française entre 1804 et 1927.Pendant cette période, aussi bien l’acquisition que la perte de la nationalité française ont subi l’influence des impératifs politiques, économiques et sociologiques de l’époque.D’une part, s’agissant de l’acquisition de la nationalité française deux critères ont été retenus par les différents auteurs pour octroyer la qualité de Français. Selon eux, seuls le jus sanguinis ou le jus soli permettait d’acquérir la nationalité française. Or, force est de constater qu’il n’en est rien. En effet, nous avons pu établir à travers l’étude des travaux préparatoires du Code civil qu’un troisième critère prenant en compte les qualités essentielles c'est-à-dire l’assimilation des moeurs, des usages, des habitudes et de la culture française, était à l’origine d’un grand nombre d’acquisition de la nationalité française.D’autre part, ces mêmes impératifs ont déterminé avec plus ou moins de sévérité les conditions de perte de la nationalité française.Dès lors, la définition de la nationalité est française est éphémère.Par conséquent, il est difficile de déterminer avec précision ce qu’est un Français. / Our thesis concerns the acquisition and the loss of the French nationality between 1804 and 1927.During this period, as well the acquisition as the loss of the French nationality were subjet to the the influence of the political, economic and sociological imperatives of time.On the one hand, as regards the acquisition of the French nationality two criteria were retained by the various authors to grant the quality of French. According to them, only the jus sanguinis or the jus soli allowed to acquire the French nationality. However, we have to admit that it is nothing. Indeed, we were able to establish through the preparatory work study of the Civil code that a third criterion taking into account the essential qualities that is the assimilation of the customs, the manners, the habits and the French culture, was at the origin of a large number of acquisition of the French nationality.On the other hand, these same imperatives determined with more or less of severity the conditions of loss of French nationality.Consequently, it is difficult to determine with precision what is a French.
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La place de la coutume en droit de la famille cambodgien : le couple / The custom's position in the family law of Cambodian : the couplePrum, Rithy 09 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude de la construction du droit civil cambodgien : le code civil de 2007. Ce code civil est le fruit de la combinaison entre la coutume cambodgienne et le droit romano-germanique. Au travers de l'histoire du droit cambodgien, on constate que la civilisation cambodgienne a toujours été une civilisation traditionnelle. La tradition khmère est le résultat d’un mélange entre les religions (hindouisme et bouddhisme) et la croyance des âmes (animisme). Elles persistent encore aujourd’hui et sont un des fondements du droit khmer ancien. En matière de droit de la famille cambodgienne, la coutume a toujours montré un rôle important par rapport au droit positif dans la société cambodgienne, même après l’entrée en application du code civil de 2012. Il est nécessaire d'analyser les enjeux de la place de la coutume en concurrence avec le nouveau droit positif dans le domaine du droit de la famille, notamment sur la formation de couple, la gestion des biens de couple et la liquidation successorale. / This research aims to study the construction of the Cambodian Civil Law through the Civil Code of 2007. This Cambodian Civil Code has been the result of the combination between its own custom and Romano-Germanic Legal Systems.Through history of Cambodian legal system, we observe that the Cambodian Civilization has always been a traditionnal civilization. Khmer Tradition is the result of the mixture between two religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) and the belief of souls (Animism). To date, This tradition still exist and become a corenerstone of the Ancient Khmer Law.Regarding to the Camobodian Family Law, the Custom has always shown an important role as compared to the substantive law in Cambodian society, even after the Civil Code has taken effect in 2012. It’s necessary to analyze the role of Custom regarding the new positive law in the Family Law field, including torque training and particularly the management of goods and torque succesorale liquidation.
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Ending corporal punishment of children in the home: Rwanda as a case studyRushema, Chantal January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Savigyna Lietuvos civilinėje teisėje / Self-defence in Lithuanian civil lawJuodis, Laimonas 09 May 2006 (has links)
Šiame diplominiame darbe nagrinėjamas civilinių teisių gynybos institutas – savigyna. Lietuvoje ji buvo žinoma nuo seniausių laikų. Sovietų Sąjungai okupavus Lietuvą, savigyna buvo uždrausta. Kadangi šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos civilinėje teisėje šis institutas atsirado kartu su naujuoju Civiliniu kodeksu, Lietuvos teisės teoretikų jis dar beveik neanalizuotas. Teismų praktika taikant savigyną reglamentuojančias teisės normas irgi labai nedidelė. Visa tai nulėmė autoriaus pasirinkimą plačiau paanalizuoti savigyną Lietuvos civilinėje teisėje.
Darbe magistrantas atskleidžia savigynos teisinę prigimtį, t. y. nurodo jos vietą civilinių teisių gynybos sistemoje. Autorius prieina išvadą, kad Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse savigyna įtvirtinta kaip viena iš neteisminių civilinių teisių gynybos formų.
Magistrantas analizuoja savigynos sąvokos ir turinio probleminius aspektus. Atsižvelgdamas į tai, kaip savigyna Lietuvoje buvo suprantama Statutų galiojimo ir vėlesniais laikais, ir remdamasis savigynos samprata kitų valstybių civiliniuose įstatymuose, jis konstatuoja, kad Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse savigynos samprata yra nepagrįstai susiaurinta. Remiantis atliktu tyrimu, siūloma keisti kai kurias savigyną reglamentuojančias teisės normas.
Darbe pateikiama savigynos būdų samprata. Plačiau analizuojamas vienas iš jų – daikto sulaikymas. Magistro darbo autorius atkreipia dėmesį į tai, kad, taikant daikto sulaikymo teisę reglamentuojančias normas praktiškai gali kilti tam... [to full text] / Presented work analyses the institute of the defence of civil rights – self-defence. It has been known in Lithuania for a very long time. Self-defence was forbidden when Lithuania was occupied by the Soviet Union. As this institute only appeared in the modern civil law in Lithuania together with the new Civil Code, it has not yet been analyzed by Lithuanian law theoreticians in more detail. Practice of courts applying legal norms which regulate self-defence is also limited. All the above mentioned reasons have influenced the author’s decision to analyze civil-defense in the Lithuanian civil law in greater detail.
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