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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robust determinants of OECD FDI in developing countries: Insights from Bayesian model averaging

Antonakakis, Nikolaos, Tondl, Gabriele 09 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, we examine the determinants of outward FDI from four major OECD investors, namely, the US, Germany, France, and the Netherlands, to 129 developing countries classified under five regions over the period 1995-2008. Our goal is to distinguish whether the motivation for FDI differs among these investors in developing countries. Rather than relying on specific theories of FDI determinants, we examine them all simultaneously by employing Bayesian model averaging (BMA). This approach permits us to select the most appropriate model (or combination of models) that governs FDI allocation and to distinguish robust FDI determinants. We find that no single theory governs the decision of OECD FDI in developing countries but a combination of theories. In particular, OECD investors search for destinations with whom they have established intensive trade relations and that offer a qualified labor force. Low wages and attractive tax rates are robust investment criteria too, and a considerable share of FDI is still resource-driven. Overall, investors show fairly similar strategies in the five developing regions.

Modélisation surfacique et volumique de la peau : classification et analyse couleur

Breugnot, Josselin 27 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Grâce aux innovations technologiques récentes, l'exploration cutanée est devenue de plus en plus facile et précise. Le relevé topographique de la surface de peau par projection de franges ainsi que l'exploration des structures intradermiques par microscopie confocale in-vivo en sont des exemples parfaits. La mise en place de ces techniques et les développements sont présentés dans cette thèse. L'apport de l'imagerie est évident tant pour le traitement des acquisitions de ces appareils que pour l'évaluation de paramètres cutanés à partir de photographie par exemple. L'extension du modèle LIP niveaux de gris à la couleur a été réalisée pour apporter une évaluation proche de celle d'un expert grâce aux fondements logarithmiques du modèle, proches de la vision humaine. Enfin, la classification de données dans une image, sujet omniprésent dans le traitement d'images, a été abordée par les classifications hiérarchiques ascendantes, utilisant un cadre mathématique rigoureux grâce aux métriques ultramétriques.

On the Efficient Solution of Variational Inequalities; Complexity and Computational Efficiency

Perakis, Georgia, Zaretsky, M. (Marina) 01 1900 (has links)
In this paper we combine ideas from cutting plane and interior point methods in order to solve variational inequality problems efficiently. In particular, we introduce a general framework that incorporates nonlinear as well as linear "smarter" cuts. These cuts utilize second order information on the problem through the use of a gap function. We establish convergence as well as complexity results for this framework. Moreover, in order to devise more practical methods, we consider an affine scaling method as it applies to symmetric, monotone variationalinequality problems and demonstrate its convergence. Finally, in order to further improve the computational efficiency of the methods in this paper, we combine the cutting plane approach with the affine scaling approach.

Comparison of value-added models for school ranking and classification: a Monte Carlo study

Wang, Zhongmiao 15 May 2009 (has links)
A “Value-Added” definition of school effectiveness calls for the evaluation of schools based on the unique contribution of schools to individual student academic growth. The estimates of value-added school effectiveness are usually used for ranking and classifying schools. The current simulation study examined and compared the validity of school effectiveness estimates in four statistical models for school ranking and classification. The simulation study was conducted under two sample size conditions and the situations typical in school effectiveness research. The Conditional Cross-Classified Model (CCCM) was used to simulate data. The findings indicated that the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of kindergarten (i. e., prior entering to an elementary school) (Gain_kindergarten) could validly rank and classify schools. Other models, including the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of Grade 4 (i. e., one year before estimating the school effectiveness in Grade 5) (Gain_grade4), the Unconditional Cross-Classified Model (UCCM), and the Layered Mixed Effect Model (LMEM), could not validly rank or classify schools. The failure of the UCCM model in school ranking and classification indicated that ignoring covariates would distort school rankings and classifications if no other analytical remedies were applied. The failure of the LMEM model in school ranking and classification indicated that estimation of correlations among repeated measures could not alleviate the damage caused by the omitted covariates. The failure of the Gain_grade4 model cautioned against adjustment using the test scores of the previous year. The success of the Gain_kindergarten model indicated that under some circumstances, it was possible to achieve valid school rankings and classifications with only two time points of data.

Comparison of value-added models for school ranking and classification: a Monte Carlo study

Wang, Zhongmiao 15 May 2009 (has links)
A “Value-Added” definition of school effectiveness calls for the evaluation of schools based on the unique contribution of schools to individual student academic growth. The estimates of value-added school effectiveness are usually used for ranking and classifying schools. The current simulation study examined and compared the validity of school effectiveness estimates in four statistical models for school ranking and classification. The simulation study was conducted under two sample size conditions and the situations typical in school effectiveness research. The Conditional Cross-Classified Model (CCCM) was used to simulate data. The findings indicated that the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of kindergarten (i. e., prior entering to an elementary school) (Gain_kindergarten) could validly rank and classify schools. Other models, including the gain score model adjusting for students’ test scores at the end of Grade 4 (i. e., one year before estimating the school effectiveness in Grade 5) (Gain_grade4), the Unconditional Cross-Classified Model (UCCM), and the Layered Mixed Effect Model (LMEM), could not validly rank or classify schools. The failure of the UCCM model in school ranking and classification indicated that ignoring covariates would distort school rankings and classifications if no other analytical remedies were applied. The failure of the LMEM model in school ranking and classification indicated that estimation of correlations among repeated measures could not alleviate the damage caused by the omitted covariates. The failure of the Gain_grade4 model cautioned against adjustment using the test scores of the previous year. The success of the Gain_kindergarten model indicated that under some circumstances, it was possible to achieve valid school rankings and classifications with only two time points of data.

Développement et automatisation de méthodes de classification à partir de séries temporelles d'images de télédétection - Application aux changements d'occupation des sols et à l'estimation du bilan carbone

Masse, Antoine 11 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La quantité de données de télédétection archivées est de plus en plus importante et grâce aux nouveaux et futurs satellites, ces données offriront une plus grande diversité de caractéristiques : spectrale, temporelle, résolution spatiale et superficie de l'emprise du satellite. Cependant, il n'existe pas de méthode universelle qui maximise la performance des traitements pour tous les types de caractéristiques citées précédemment; chaque méthode ayant ses avantages et ses inconvénients. Les travaux de cette thèse se sont articulés autour de deux grands axes que sont l'amélioration et l'automatisation de la classification d'images de télédétection, dans le but d'obtenir une carte d'occupation des sols la plus fiable possible. En particulier, les travaux ont portés sur la la sélection automatique de données pour la classification supervisée, la fusion automatique d'images issues de classifications supervisées afin de tirer avantage de la complémentarité des données multi-sources et multi-temporelles et la classification automatique basée sur des séries temporelles et spectrales de référence, ce qui permettra la classification de larges zones sans référence spatiale. Les méthodes ont été testées et validées sur un panel de données très variées de : capteurs : optique (Formosat-2, Spot 2/4/5, Landsat 5/7, Worldview-2, Pleiades) et radar (Radarsat,Terrasar-X), résolutions spatiales : de haute à très haute résolution (de 30 mètres à 0.5 mètre), répétitivités temporelles (jusqu'à 46 images par an) et zones d'étude : agricoles (Toulouse, Marne), montagneuses (Pyrénées), arides (Maroc, Algérie). Deux applications majeures ont été possibles grâce à ces nouveaux outils : l'obtention d'un bilan carbone à partir des rotations culturales obtenues sur plusieurs années et la cartographie de la trame verte (espaces écologiques) dans le but d'étudier l'impact du choix du capteur sur la détection de ces éléments.

Entre uma sala e outra : uma experiência etnográfica a partir das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Fernandes, Gicele Sucupira January 2011 (has links)
Apresento nessa dissertação uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada desde 2009 a partir da experência das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em escolas públicas localizadas na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. Às salas de recursos, assim como às altas habilidades/superdotação eram dados muitos significados, negociados pelos estudantes, familiares e professore/as, fazendo convergir diferentes linguagens (da economia, da religião, do direito, da biologia..). Tento mostrar como as professoras especialistas, com suas maneiras particulares e criativas de lidar com classificações legais e cientificas (superdotação, deficiência, hiperatividade...), problematizavam os próprios juízos e profecias professorais, bem como a medicalização e o diagnostico de transtornos, como hiperatividade, destinando, por fim, aos alunos apontados como problemas ou pobres um segundo olhar. Na salvação e canalização das habilidades da/os estudantes se apoiavam as professoras ao darem um viés democrático, de distribuição equitativa de oportunidades, às idéias de superdotação e de inteligência antes atreladas a argumentos eugênicos, racistas, elitistas e sexistas. / In this text I present an ethnographic research conducted since 2009 from the experience of the high ability/gifted's classrooms in public schools in Porto Alegre / RS. Where students, family and teachers negotiate the multiple meanings of classrooms, as well of the high ability / gifted. Different languages (economics, religion, law, biology ..) are combined. I illustrated how the specialists teachers, in a creative use of legal and scientific classifications (giftedness, disability, hyperactivity), contest the professorial judgments and predictions about the bad, the poor student and the diagnosis of disorders, such as hyperactivity. Teachers seem to give a democratic bias to the giftedness and intelligence, historically linked to eugenic, racist, sexist and elitist arguments, when intend an equitable distribution of opportunities, salvation and channeling student's ability.

Ošetřovatelské klasifikační systémy NANDA International, NIC, NOC a jejich využití při hodnocení bolesti u dětí po ortopedických operacích / Nursing classification systems NANDA International, NIC, NOC and their use in pain management in children after orthopedic surgery

DYMÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of Graduation thesis is utilisation of classifying systems NANDA International, NIC and NOC by solving of nursing issue Acute pain at children after orthopaedical major surgeries. Part of successful and well adjusted treating of pain is its careful recording into medical documentation. For the goal of creating of the documentation there could be used international classification systems NANDA Intermational, NIC and NOC, with their aid it is possible to complete comprehensive aid, which describes each step of the treatment praxis. The first goal of the thesis was to map awareness of the nursing staff of systems mentioned. The second goal was creating of an aid using separate parts of system NANDA International, NIC and NOC aimed to diagnostics, solving and evaluation of the Problem of Acute pain at children after major surgeries. The last goal was verifying of beneficial effect of the new created documentation in praxis. The first research specimen was build by 58 nurses from four hospitals in Czech Republic working in children's departments. It was approached 8 hospitals altogether, nursing staff of four of them participated in the survey. The second research specimen was build by nurses from Children department in Hospital Pribram. The third part of research was built by 5 children admitted to hospital. The criterion for their attendance was their major surgery operation and their diagnosis Acute Pain. We used the half structured questionnaire for collecting of figures, models method and ideas of content analysis of documents and quasi experiment. Particular steps of research were realised as following: In the period of time February 2013 till March 2013, 60 questionnaires were distributed. Return was 100%. Cooperation with nurses from hospital Pribram lasted from 1. 3. 2013 until 29. 3. 2013. The medical documentation was created during this period of time, the method was tested and evaluated from nurses point of view. We found out, the nurses are familiar with system NANDA International but not aware of other two systems mentioned above. It was researched on statistical basis dependency between awareness of the specific classifications and the highest education grade and age of the nurses was considered, as well. During our stay in Hospital in Pribram, the practical aid was created aimed to evaluation and solving of the issue Acute Pain after orthopedical surgeries. This aid was tested in the same department then. A record was taken into amended forms by children after major surgeries. Concerning forms aimed for nursing praxis there were recorded not only intensity, characters and localisation of the pain, there were recorded which significant marks and connected factors from NANDA International Taxonomie II were possible to observe by particular children. There were recorder information which activities were used for children into forms containing interventions and activities drawn from from classification NIC. Last but not least, the pain was considered on the daily basis using classification NOC. As we found out from discussions with nurses cooperating during the research, more than a half of them perceive the use of the above mentioned aid very contributive. One idea appeared, the aid is needed in the Czech nursing practice. From this point of view, it would be beneficial to pay attention to this issue in the future.

Entre uma sala e outra : uma experiência etnográfica a partir das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Fernandes, Gicele Sucupira January 2011 (has links)
Apresento nessa dissertação uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada desde 2009 a partir da experência das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em escolas públicas localizadas na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. Às salas de recursos, assim como às altas habilidades/superdotação eram dados muitos significados, negociados pelos estudantes, familiares e professore/as, fazendo convergir diferentes linguagens (da economia, da religião, do direito, da biologia..). Tento mostrar como as professoras especialistas, com suas maneiras particulares e criativas de lidar com classificações legais e cientificas (superdotação, deficiência, hiperatividade...), problematizavam os próprios juízos e profecias professorais, bem como a medicalização e o diagnostico de transtornos, como hiperatividade, destinando, por fim, aos alunos apontados como problemas ou pobres um segundo olhar. Na salvação e canalização das habilidades da/os estudantes se apoiavam as professoras ao darem um viés democrático, de distribuição equitativa de oportunidades, às idéias de superdotação e de inteligência antes atreladas a argumentos eugênicos, racistas, elitistas e sexistas. / In this text I present an ethnographic research conducted since 2009 from the experience of the high ability/gifted's classrooms in public schools in Porto Alegre / RS. Where students, family and teachers negotiate the multiple meanings of classrooms, as well of the high ability / gifted. Different languages (economics, religion, law, biology ..) are combined. I illustrated how the specialists teachers, in a creative use of legal and scientific classifications (giftedness, disability, hyperactivity), contest the professorial judgments and predictions about the bad, the poor student and the diagnosis of disorders, such as hyperactivity. Teachers seem to give a democratic bias to the giftedness and intelligence, historically linked to eugenic, racist, sexist and elitist arguments, when intend an equitable distribution of opportunities, salvation and channeling student's ability.

Entre uma sala e outra : uma experiência etnográfica a partir das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Fernandes, Gicele Sucupira January 2011 (has links)
Apresento nessa dissertação uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada desde 2009 a partir da experência das salas de recursos para altas habilidades/superdotação em escolas públicas localizadas na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS. Às salas de recursos, assim como às altas habilidades/superdotação eram dados muitos significados, negociados pelos estudantes, familiares e professore/as, fazendo convergir diferentes linguagens (da economia, da religião, do direito, da biologia..). Tento mostrar como as professoras especialistas, com suas maneiras particulares e criativas de lidar com classificações legais e cientificas (superdotação, deficiência, hiperatividade...), problematizavam os próprios juízos e profecias professorais, bem como a medicalização e o diagnostico de transtornos, como hiperatividade, destinando, por fim, aos alunos apontados como problemas ou pobres um segundo olhar. Na salvação e canalização das habilidades da/os estudantes se apoiavam as professoras ao darem um viés democrático, de distribuição equitativa de oportunidades, às idéias de superdotação e de inteligência antes atreladas a argumentos eugênicos, racistas, elitistas e sexistas. / In this text I present an ethnographic research conducted since 2009 from the experience of the high ability/gifted's classrooms in public schools in Porto Alegre / RS. Where students, family and teachers negotiate the multiple meanings of classrooms, as well of the high ability / gifted. Different languages (economics, religion, law, biology ..) are combined. I illustrated how the specialists teachers, in a creative use of legal and scientific classifications (giftedness, disability, hyperactivity), contest the professorial judgments and predictions about the bad, the poor student and the diagnosis of disorders, such as hyperactivity. Teachers seem to give a democratic bias to the giftedness and intelligence, historically linked to eugenic, racist, sexist and elitist arguments, when intend an equitable distribution of opportunities, salvation and channeling student's ability.

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