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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monetizace vysokorozpočtových herních titulů / Monetization of big-budget video game titles

Nejepínský, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the monetization of big-budget video game titles. For this purpose the attention is paid to the three basic areas, namely business models, specific video game marketing and piracy. The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes and describes these aspects and looks for their strengths and weaknesses. It creates a possible ways to monetize the big-budget video game titles as well as the theoretical framework which is necessary for the research. In our research the attention is paid to the results of the questionnaire investigation, which is focused on gamers opinions about the aspects of monetization described in theoretical part. Thanks to the research and theoretical part of the thesis the optimal way of the monetization of the big-budget video game title was created

Detection and counting of Powered Two Wheelers in traffic using a single-plane Laser Scanner / Détection de deux roues motorisées par télémètre laser à balayage

Prabhakar, Yadu 10 October 2013 (has links)
La sécurité des deux-roues motorisés (2RM) constitue un enjeu essentiel pour les pouvoirs publics et les gestionnaires routiers. Si globalement, l’insécurité routière diminue sensiblement depuis 2002, la part relative des accidents impliquant les 2RM a tendance à augmenter. Ce constat est résumé par les chiffres suivants : les 2RM représentent environ 2 % du trafic et 30 % des tués sur les routes.On observe depuis plusieurs années une augmentation du parc des 2RM et pourtant il manque des données et des informations sur ce mode de transport, ainsi que sur les interactions des 2RM avec les autres usagers et l'infrastructure routière. Ce travail de recherche appliquée est réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR METRAMOTO et peut être divisé en deux parties : la détection des2RM et la détection des objets routiers par scanner laser. Le trafic routier en général contient des véhicules de nature et comportement inconnus, par exemple leurs vitesses, leurs trajectoires et leurs interactions avec les autres usagers de la route. Malgré plusieurs technologies pour mesurer le trafic,par exemple les radars ou les boucles électromagnétiques, il est difficile de détecter les 2RM à cause de leurs petits gabarits leur permettant de circuler à vitesse élevée et ce même en interfile. La méthode développée est composée de plusieurs sous-parties: Choisir une configuration optimale du scanner laser afin de l’installer sur la route. Ensuite une méthode de mise en correspondance est proposée pour trouver la hauteur et les bords de la route. Le choix d’installation est validé par un simulateur. A ces données brutes, la méthode de prétraitement est implémentée et une transformation de ces données dans le domaine spatio-temporel est faite. Après cette étape de prétraitement, la méthode d’extraction nommée ‘Last Line Check (LLC)’ est appliquée. Une fois que le véhicule est extrait, il est classifié avec un SVM et un KNN. Ensuite un compteur est mis en œuvre pour compter les véhicules classifiés. A la fin, une comparaison de la performance de chacun de ces deux classifieurs est réalisée. La solution proposée est un prototype et peut être intégrée dans un système qui serait installé sur une route au trafic aléatoire (dense, fluide, bouchons) pour détecter, classifier et compter des 2RM en temps réel. / The safety of Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs) is important for public authorities and roadadministrators around the world. Recent official figures show that PTWs are estimated to represent only 2% of the total traffic but represent 30% of total deaths on French roads. However, as these estimated figures are obtained by simply counting the number plates registered, they do not give a true picture of the PTWs on the road at any given moment. This dissertation comes under the project METRAMOTO and is a technical applied research work and deals with two problems: detection of PTWsand the use of a laser scanner to count PTWs in the traffic. Traffic generally contains random vehicles of unknown nature and behaviour such as speed,vehicle interaction with other users on the road etc. Even though there are several technologies that can measure traffic, for example radars, cameras, magnetometers etc, as the PTWs are small-sized vehicles, they often move in between lanes and at quite a high speed compared to the vehicles moving in the adjacent lanes. This makes them difficult to detect. the proposed solution in this research work is composed of the following parts: a configuration to install the laser scanner on the road is chosen and a data coherence method is introduced so that the system is able to detect the road verges and its own height above the road surface. This is validated by simulator. Then the rawd ata obtained is pre-processed and is transform into the spatial temporal domain. Following this, an extraction algorithm called the Last Line Check (LLC) method is proposed. Once extracted, the objectis classified using one of the two classifiers either the Support Vector Machine (SVM) or the k-Nearest Neighbour (KNN). At the end, the results given by each of the two classifiers are compared and presented in this research work. The proposed solution in this research work is a propototype that is intended to be integrated in a real time system that can be installed on a highway to detect, extract, classify and counts PTWs in real time under all traffic conditions (traffic at normal speeds, dense traffic and even traffic jams).

Mehr finden durch schlaueres Suchen: Sacherschliessung auf der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation

Hermes, Hans-Joachim, Pika, Jiri 24 January 2011 (has links)
Vom 21.-23. Juli 2010 fand in Karlsruhe die 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation statt. In diesem Rahmen tagten an zwei Tagen die Bibliothekare. Es kamen über 60 Teilnehmer aus der BRD, Österreich und der Schweiz. Deren Thema seit jeher ist Inhaltserschließung oder einfacher: Das Suchen und Finden. Unser Motto diesmal: „Mehr finden durch schlaueres Suchen“. Ort der bibliothekarischen Tagung war die KIT-Bibliothek. Vorgetragen wurden 15 Beiträge aus den Bereichen Forschung, Entwicklungen (auch in den beiden Dezimalklassifikationen) sowie Erfahrungsberichte. Im Mittelpunkt stand jeweils das Neue! / The 34th Annual Meeting of the German Classification Society took place in Karlsruhe on 21-23 July 2010. Traditionally included was the meeting of the librarian section on 22-23 July. There were about 60 participants in attendance from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Their general topic has always been “subject indexing” or more exactly “indexing and retrieval”. This year‟s motto urged: “Find more hits through smarter searches”. The meeting was hosted by the Karlsruhe KIT library. Presented were 15 contributions from the fields of research, reviews and development. Among the subjects: both decimal classifications. The main goal required as ever: It's the novelty that counts! / Le 21-23 Juillet 2010 a été lieu à Karlsruhe la 34e Réunion annuelle de la Société allemand de Classification. Dans ce cadre, les bibliothécaires se sont réunis pour deux jours, le 22-23, selon la tradition. Il y avait environ 60 participants de l'Allemagne, l'Autriche et la Suisse. Leur thème a toujours été le indexation et la recherche, ou plus simplement “Rechercher et Trouver“. Le slogan de cette année a été : ”Trouver plus, par la recherche intelligente”. Lieu de la réunion était la bibliothèque du KIT de Karlsruhe. Ils sont été presenté 15 contributions dans les domaines de la recherche, du développement (également dans les classifications decimales) et des commentaires. L‟objectif principal, comme toujours : C‟est la nouveauté qui compte !

Engineering System Design for Automated Space Weather Forecast. Designing Automatic Software Systems for the Large-Scale Analysis of Solar Data, Knowledge Extraction and the Prediction of Solar Activities Using Machine Learning Techniques.

Alomari, Mohammad H. January 2009 (has links)
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and solar flares are energetic events taking place at the Sun that can affect the space weather or the near-Earth environment by the release of vast quantities of electromagnetic radiation and charged particles. Solar active regions are the areas where most flares and CMEs originate. Studying the associations among sunspot groups, flares, filaments, and CMEs is helpful in understanding the possible cause and effect relationships between these events and features. Forecasting space weather in a timely manner is important for protecting technological systems and human life on earth and in space. The research presented in this thesis introduces novel, fully computerised, machine learning-based decision rules and models that can be used within a system design for automated space weather forecasting. The system design in this work consists of three stages: (1) designing computer tools to find the associations among sunspot groups, flares, filaments, and CMEs (2) applying machine learning algorithms to the associations¿ datasets and (3) studying the evolution patterns of sunspot groups using time-series methods. Machine learning algorithms are used to provide computerised learning rules and models that enable the system to provide automated prediction of CMEs, flares, and evolution patterns of sunspot groups. These numerical rules are extracted from the characteristics, associations, and time-series analysis of the available historical solar data. The training of machine learning algorithms is based on data sets created by investigating the associations among sunspots, filaments, flares, and CMEs. Evolution patterns of sunspot areas and McIntosh classifications are analysed using a statistical machine learning method, namely the Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

Identification of the Critical Delay Factors in the Subway Tunnel Construction in Stockholm : An explanatory Study Investigating the Project Delay and its Consequences on Property Developers / Identifiering av kritiska förseningsfaktorer i utbyggnaden av Stockholms tunnelbana : En explorativ studie inom förseningar i projekt och dess negativa konsekvenser på fastighetsutvecklare

Staflund, Johan, Östblom, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
Stockholm is one of the fastest growing conurbations in Europe, to accommodate for the increased population and urban growth, the current subway system needs to be extended. Appropriately, a joint initiative regarding housing and infrastructure development was signed in January 2014 by the Swedish government, Stockholm County Council and the afflicted municipalities Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. The joint initiative, the 2013 Stockholm negotiation, presented an extension of the current subway system with a total length of 19,6 km and 11 new stations in Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. Large-scale infrastructure projects often suffer from cost and time overruns. The Stockholm subway construction is no exception and has since the project started collected a delay equivalent of five years for Järfälla and Nacka, and a cost overrun of SEK 9,3 billion. The aim of this thesis is to objectively identify the critical delay factors of the subway tunnel construction in Stockholm and unveil the delay implication on property developers with housing projects in the adjacent areas to the new stations. The thesis will be limited to mainly focus on the extension to Järfälla and Nacka. To investigate the research questions, a systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative data has been collected through literature reviews, 9 interviews with the client, designers, consultants and a survey with 13 property developers. This thesis has identified one critical delay factor, linked to the poor project performance regarding the time overruns. With support from the literature review, interviews and surveys, the observed delay can be described as a consequence of political-economic explanations. The cause for the delay is rooted in the inaccurate estimations and unrealistic expectations presented in the 2013 Stockholm negotiation. Thus, the project delay is to be categorized as non- acceptable, due to a five-year prolonged time plan. Additional delay factors have beenidentified but are not to be viewed as critical. This thesis has also identified a general frustrationamongst the developers in Järfälla and Nacka as they have perceived negative implications as a consequence of the delay of the subway extension. / Stockholm är en av de snabbast växande storstadsregionerna i Europa och för att tillgodose den ökade tillväxten behöver regionen utveckla sin infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik. I januari 2014 undertecknades en överenskommelse, avseende utveckling av bostäder och infrastruktur, mellan regeringen, Stockholm Läns Landsting, Stockholm- och Solna stad, Nacka samt Järfälla kommun. Avtalet benämns som 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling och omfattar en utbyggnad om 11 nya tunnelbanestationer i Stockholm, Solna, Nacka och Järfälla, med en total spårlängd om 19,6 km.  Stora infrastrukturprojekt har historiskt sett blivit försenade och haft budgetöverskridande projektkostnader. Tunnelbaneutbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka har båda blivit försenade med fem år samt överskridit budgeten med totalt 9,3 miljarder kronor. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att objektivt identifiera de kritiska faktorer som orsakat förseningen av projektet samt redogöra för de konsekvenser som förseningen har orsakat för de bostadsutvecklare med projekt i områdena där de nya stationerna är planerade. Uppsatsen har avgränsats till att enbart skildra utbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har kvalitativ och kvantitativ data integrerats genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer med 9 nyckelpersoner inom projektet, samt via en enkätundersökning med 13 fastighetsbolag, verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka.  Uppsatsen har identifierat en faktor som ligger till grund för att projektet inte presterat enligt projektets tid- och kostnadsmål. Faktorn har sitt ursprung i de felaktiga och orealistiska beräkningar som presenterades i 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling. Ytterligare förseningsfaktorer har identifierats, men är inte att anses som kritiska eftersom de inte haft en betydande inverkan på projektet och dess färdigställande. Förseningen av projektet är att kategorisera som ej acceptabel med hänsyn till dess uppkomst och omfattning. Mot den bakgrundsdata som samlats in genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och enkätundersökningar kan förseningen härledas som en konsekvens av politisk-ekonomiska orsakssamband. Uppsatsens resultat visar även på att förseningen orsakat flera negativa konsekvenser för de fastighetsbolag som är verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka, vilket har skapat ett generellt missnöje gentemot projektets beställarorganisation.

服務系統能力之研究 / A Study on service systems capabilities

游鎮毓, Yu, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Service is provided through the application of service systems, which consist of clients and service providers that interact to co-produce value. However, because of the complexity of the management and modeling of people, technologies, knowledge, activities, processes, intentions, organizations, and wide range of types of service systems, formal representation and modeling of service systems is still in its initial stage. There is a need for a clearer understanding of service systems and the capabilities required for excellent service operation and continuous service innovation. The objectives of this study are three-fold: (1) to understand the required capabilities of service systems, (2) to examine service systems using different classifications, and (3) to explore the capabilities of service systems. This study establishes a comprehensive understanding of service systems, service components, different classifications of service systems, and required capabilities of service systems through qualitative media analysis and multiple case studies. The findings of this study are: (1) Service systems components are organized into four major parts: service provider, service client, service controller, and service supporting components. (2) Ten service systems classifications are constructed through the six classifying dimensions of customer participation, communication time, information richness, intimacy, customization, and delivery by ICT (information and communication technology). (3) Five service systems capabilities: integration, customization, technology optimizing, innovation, and learning, are proposed. (4) Six types of service systems are found when exploring the capabilities of service systems. Each type of service systems acts differently to acquire different capabilities. (5) The relationships between classifying dimensions and capabilities are delineated. Capabilities can be influenced by different classifying dimensions This study provides a structural framework for organizing business opportunities, as well as management implications for service systems management.

Academic Lineage and Student Performance in Medical School

Wright, James Scott 08 1900 (has links)
This research investigated the association between academic lineage and student performance in medical school. The purposes of the study were to: (1) determine whether the Carnegie classifications of medical school applicants' institutions of origin are associated with academic performance in medical school; (2) consider the relationship between the admission selectivity of the schools of origin and the academic performance of medical school students; (3) compare the performance of medical students from institutions under public governing control with students from privately controlled institutions; and (4) establish a model by which the relative academic strengths of applicants from a variety of undergraduate institutions can be understood more clearly based on the previous performance of medical students from schools with similar institutional characteristics. A review of the literature on medical school admissions was completed and used to develop this research. Medical students from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas who enrolled between the years 1990 and 1994 and graduated or were dismissed between the years 1994 and 1998 were selected as the sample for the study (n=933). The undergraduate institution of origin for each student was coded based on its Carnegie classification, admissions selectivity group, and whether its governing control was public or private. Because the sample was not randomly selected and the data likely would not meet the assumptions of equal means and variance with the population, nonparametric analyses of variance and multiple comparison tests were completed to compare the groups of the independent variables over each dependent variable. The analyses revealed that for the sample of medical students selected for this study there was an association between academic lineage and student performance in medical school. Differences were found among Carnegie classifications on the dependent variables of cumulative medical school grade point average, class rank, failure rate, and score on Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensure Examination. Further, it was found that admission selectivity was also associated with student performance in medical school for each dependent variable except failure rate. Finally, the study results indicated no association between public or private governing control and student performance in medical school.

Méthodes d'Extraction de Connaissances à partir de Données (ECD) appliquées aux Systèmes d'Information Géographiques (SIG)

Candillier, Christophe 21 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail effectué durant cette thèse concerne l'étude des méthodes d'Extraction de Connaissances à partir de Données (ECD) dans le cadre des Systèmes d'Information Géographiques (SIG). Nous avons non seulement mis en œuvre et amélioré des méthodes d'ECD classique (Classification de Données, Visualisation de Classifications) mais aussi des méthodes d'ECD spatiales liées à des méthodes d'analyse spatiale (Lissage Spatial, Détermination de Pôles, Sectorisation). Nous avons effectué notre travail de recherche au sein de la société GÉOBS spécialisée dans l'analyse des données géographiques (spatiales), et nous avons donc expérimenté, appliqué et vérifié ces méthodes sur des jeux de données fournis par GÉOBS et liés à des problématiques de Développement Économique, de Géomarketing, d'Analyse de Risque, d'Environnement, de Santé, etc. Ce mémoire offre une vision globale concernant un ensemble de problématiques et de méthodes d'analyse. Il met ainsi en avant la complémentarité des méthodes utilisées qui sont souvent connectées entre elles soit du point de vue technique soit du point de vue de leur utilisation. Finalement, ce fut un travail très enrichissant car il a touché à de nombreuses problématiques et à d'aussi nombreuses méthodes d'extraction de connaissances.

Plantes, animaux et champignons en langues bantu. Etude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo)/ Plants, animals and mushrooms in Bantu languages. Comparative study of plants, animals and mushrooms names in Nsong, Ngong, Mpiin, Mbuun and Hungan (Bandundu, DR Congo)

Koni Muluwa, Joseph 28 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude onomasiologique et sémasiologique de noms de plantes, d'animaux et de champignons dans cinq langues bantu des groupes B80 et H40. Elle débute par une description élémentaire des systèmes phonologiques et morphologiques de ces langues avant d'en faire une étude diachronique. Le dernier chapitre traite des catégorisations populaires des plantes, animaux et champignons. Les usages traditionnels des plantes, des champignons et des animaux sont donnés en annexe, ainsi qu'une vue comparative et la distribution de ces noms sur l'aire bantu.

International Students' Higher Education Choice: Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Identify Key Choice Attributes by Segment

Sunita Prugsamatz Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract This research develops and tests an application of the latest version of the expectancy-value model—the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), to a new context, that of higher education overseas enrolment choice. The study argues that TPB is well suited for modelling and predicting international students’ university choice processes. Choosing a university in a foreign country is probably more difficult than making a domestic choice. While there has been some literature on undergraduate domestic university choice, scant attention has been directed at the understanding of international students’ choice of universities. Past studies have looked mainly at factors that influence choice of programmes and destinations with little emphasis on the students’ cognitive processes. Furthermore, these past models, intended to help predict student choice, have been limited to economics-based, pragmatic or statistical frameworks. Now, more than ever, this gap in the literature needs to be filled. International education is currently worth more than $4 billion a year. More and more universities today are increasingly dependent on overseas full fee paying student revenue, sometimes to an enormous and alarming extent. This competition and globalisation of higher education is forcing universities to better understand how students choose. A simple understanding of international student choice behaviour is not enough when so many universities are competing for vital revenues and market share. The Theory of Planned Behaviour, as a rigorous and comprehensive choice-model, well supported by hundreds of published studies, is proposed as a way forward to help better predict, segment and profile international students’ university choices. This research attempts to answer the following three main research questions: 1. How do international students choose overseas universities? 2. How do international students’ choice processes differ by culture? 3. Can TPB be applied in an international student choice context and can it usefully be applied for cross-cultural segmentation? Underpinning the development of the conceptual model presented are two research themes. The first of these themes investigates the choice processes of international students with respect to three main cognitive factors: attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. The second theme of this research investigates the differences in choice processes between students from different national cultures with respect to attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control and behavioural intentions. It examines how the relationship between these constructs can help determine appropriate segments of international students. Collectively, these research themes lead to a new model for the choice process international students engage in when selecting an overseas university. The study conducted in this thesis involved a two-stage design. The first, qualitative, stage consisted of a pilot study (Study 1). The primary purpose of the pilot study, using semi-structured questionnaires, was to elicit the attributes to be addressed by the quantitative part of the research (Study 2). The second, quantitative, stage consisted of a questionnaire survey. A total sample of 500 potential international students from four countries (Norway, China, Thailand and India) was collected. Careful translation and cross-cultural measurement validity processes were followed. The findings provide insights into the three research questions proposed. Firstly, results indicate that choice for a potential international student is a complex, highly involved, cognitive and individualistic process. Findings also underscore the important influence of sources of information on students when choosing an overseas university. Additionally, this study concludes, for the first time in this research area, that information sources indirectly influence changes to students’ intention through attitude or subjective norms, whereas prior research has skipped the detailed process and looked only at the direct influence of information sources on intention. Results of analyses on structural models show that attitude is the best indicator in predicting students’ intentions to choose an overseas university, while perceived behavioural control contributes little toward predicting students’ intention for the TPB model. However, perceived behavioural control showed a positive relationship with intentions for the total group. The more control a student feels he/she has, the more likely the formation of intentions to attend an overseas university. Secondly, the results of post hoc tests for multiple comparisons between groups showed differences between all cultural groups. This result meant that regardless of culture, differences in process or criteria weights can be found and so it is important to use a segmentation approach. The findings show that when marketers analyse the international student market as a whole, which is by grouping all the different country data together, this could result in serious “aggregation error,” i.e., when grouped data results are misleading because the groups are heterogeneous. Instead, the data must first be disaggregated by country and then by behavioural attributes, such as attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control. In terms of measurement reliability and the structural fit of each model with the data, the results were positive. Finally, the present research confirms the usefulness of TPB as a choice model in the context of understanding international students’ decision making process. The use of a rigorous cognitive model such as this offers insight to educational marketers on segmentation and positioning. Additionally, this research demonstrates that the choice process is complex and that the diversity of the choice process requires attention. If universities wish to continue to attract and retain international students, they must understand students’ attitudes, normative beliefs, and control beliefs as well as the factors that influence their choice.

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