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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustaining the city: Understanding the role of energy and carbon dioxide emissions in sustainable development in major metropolitan areas

Cox, William Matthew 27 August 2014 (has links)
Two areas of sustainable development were investigated to test the importance of economic development and the planning process on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions outcomes between 2000 and 2010 across all sectors in the 100 largest metropolitan statistical areas in the United States. Following this, a model was developed to evaluate the social benefits and costs of solar photovoltaic programs in the City of Atlanta. Results indicated that some econometric models relating emissions to GDP per-capita are poor descriptors over this decade. Planning process and growth in GDP per-capita are shown to be better indicators of performance, although these are also subject to specific contextual differences between regions, notably through adversarial polycentrism. Existing solar photovoltaic programs are also estimated to provide tens to hundreds of millions in cumulative net benefits to the City of Atlanta, although this is likely only a fraction of the potential. These findings suggest that the management of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions could be improved through increased participatory planning approaches and through the removal of barriers to realizing cost-effective improvements in energy and carbon performance.

Neoliberal Climate Policy in the United States: From Market Fetishism to the Developmental State

MacNeil, Robert 19 December 2012 (has links)
The research question animating this project is ‘what is the nature of neoliberalism’s influence on recent and contemporary US climate change policy?’ Situating itself against several growing bodies of literature which have sought to underscore the fetishism of markets in recent environmental and climate policy agendas under neoliberalism – e.g., the work of Heynen et al (2007) on ‘neoliberal environments’; Paterson and Newell’s (2010) work on neoliberalism and carbon markets; and the work of Dryzek et al (2003) on state forms and ecological modernization – this project argues that any such analysis must be predicated on a considerably more nuanced conception of (a) ‘neoliberalism’, (b) the historic role of states in fostering accumulation, and (c) the nature of policy development within any specific neoliberal context. Applying these theoretical re-conceptualizations to the American context, the project argues that a central tension informing contemporary US climate policy under neoliberalism can be understood a stand-off between two prevailing logics in the federal policy process: on the one hand, Washington’s attempt to build on its tradition of using state power to foster high-tech market development by cultivating the alternative energy realm as a developmental state project, and on the other, the anti-regulationist bent of neoliberalism which seeks to delegitimize the ‘pull’ policies required to ‘creatively destroy’ conventional energy and animate domestic alternative energy markets. Against the general conception of the US as a ‘climate laggard’ whose policy options are restricted market mechanisms and generally anathema to progressive ecological modernization, this body of work shows how the US has managed to develop a robust set of interventionist ‘push’ and ‘pull’ climate policies along ‘alternative policy pathways’, despite the prevailing anti-state rhetoric of neoliberalism.

The Impacts of Climate Investment Funds on Multilateral Adaptation Finance

Datta, Archana January 2011 (has links)
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) is a global agreement between 194 countries to stabilize greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere to avoid dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Through this Convention, developed countries have also agreed to provide developing countries with funds to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigate) and build resilience to the current and anticipated changes in average climate conditions (adaptation). This thesis is centered on financing for adaptation to climate change. While there are several funds administered by a UNFCCC-appointed institute, the World Bank recently launched Climate Investment Funds as an interim mechanism (set to expire in 2012, when the existing UNFCCC financial architecture is to be revised) for providing, among other things, adaptation finance in selected developing countries. This thesis will explore the opportunities and challenges for adaptation financing under the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), as compared to the UNFCCC. Document analysis and two rounds of interviews were done to generate information to assess the ability of the CIF to respond to the needs of adaptation financing and to fetch the institutional and governance issues that arise from the involvement of a World Bank-administered fund, namely CIF, in the climate finance regime. It was concluded that while there are some achievements with the CIF exercise, there are also significant institutional, governance and funding challenges for the CIF.

Poverty, Inequality and the Decarbonization of Economic Development

Renner, Sebastian 16 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Neoliberal Climate Policy in the United States: From Market Fetishism to the Developmental State

MacNeil, Robert January 2012 (has links)
The research question animating this project is ‘what is the nature of neoliberalism’s influence on recent and contemporary US climate change policy?’ Situating itself against several growing bodies of literature which have sought to underscore the fetishism of markets in recent environmental and climate policy agendas under neoliberalism – e.g., the work of Heynen et al (2007) on ‘neoliberal environments’; Paterson and Newell’s (2010) work on neoliberalism and carbon markets; and the work of Dryzek et al (2003) on state forms and ecological modernization – this project argues that any such analysis must be predicated on a considerably more nuanced conception of (a) ‘neoliberalism’, (b) the historic role of states in fostering accumulation, and (c) the nature of policy development within any specific neoliberal context. Applying these theoretical re-conceptualizations to the American context, the project argues that a central tension informing contemporary US climate policy under neoliberalism can be understood a stand-off between two prevailing logics in the federal policy process: on the one hand, Washington’s attempt to build on its tradition of using state power to foster high-tech market development by cultivating the alternative energy realm as a developmental state project, and on the other, the anti-regulationist bent of neoliberalism which seeks to delegitimize the ‘pull’ policies required to ‘creatively destroy’ conventional energy and animate domestic alternative energy markets. Against the general conception of the US as a ‘climate laggard’ whose policy options are restricted market mechanisms and generally anathema to progressive ecological modernization, this body of work shows how the US has managed to develop a robust set of interventionist ‘push’ and ‘pull’ climate policies along ‘alternative policy pathways’, despite the prevailing anti-state rhetoric of neoliberalism.

A Holistic Framework for Evaluating Gigatonne Scale Geological CO2 Storage in the Alberta Oil Sands: Physics, Policy, and Economics / Carbon Capture and Storage in the Alberta Oil Sands

Zhao, Yu Hao January 2023 (has links)
An increasing number of countries worldwide have made commitments in recent years to reduce emissions with the goal of limiting global temperature increases to 1.5-2 °C. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is capable of significantly reducing anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and is an important tool in the effort to mitigate climate change. The ability of CCS to sequester emissions at a large scale makes it suitable to particularly emission-intensive sectors, such as the oil and gas sector in Canada. Many factors must be considered holistically to ensure the long-term success of large-scale CCS, such as the availability of emission sources, the design of a CO2 transportation network, the availability and capacity of suitable storage sites, the long-term fate of the injected CO2, the economic viability of the system, and the overall policy environment. Previous studies have considered these factors in demonstrating the viability of CCS in Alberta but have not done so holistically. We take a holistic approach in designing a large-scale integrated CCS system which includes CO2 capture from a hub of 10 large oil sands emitters, transport via a pipeline network, and permanent sequestration in the Nisku and Wabamun saline formations. We use a logistic model to forecast long-term oil sands hydrocarbon production and annual emissions, and ensure that all of the capturable emissions can be stored safely without exceeding pressure limits by modeling the long-term pressure evolution. The injected CO2 will be fully trapped in 6100-11000 years without migrating past the minimum storage depth. We calculate the capital expenditures for the pipeline and injection well components of the system and show that the amount of funding required is reasonable under the umbrella of federal infrastructure funding. This provides a comprehensive framework to ensure the long-term success of future CCS projects. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / The global community has increasingly recognized the importance of greenhouse gas emission reductions in the effort to mitigate climate change. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology that, with widespread use at a large scale, has the potential to significantly reduce emissions. However, due to the high cost and lengthy time commitment required, many factors ranging from emission sources to storage capacity to financial considerations must be accounted for to ensure the success of a CCS system. Here, we show that a large-scale CCS system in Alberta is viable and the captured CO2 can be safely stored in the long term. This framework can be used to ensure the success of future CCS projects.

Climate policy uncertainty and firm-level total factor productivity: Evidence from China

Ren, X., Zhang, X., Yan, C., Gozgor, Giray 27 September 2023 (has links)
Yes / Using 2605 Chinese A-share listed companies in the mining, manufacturing, and energy production and supply sectors from 2009 to 2020, we examine the relationship between climate policy uncertainty (CPU) and firm-level total factor productivity (TFP). The main findings are as follows: First, CPU significantly reduces firm-level TFP, with a greater impact on low-productivity firms than on high-productivity firms; second, the negative effect of CPU on firm-level TFP is most pronounced for non-state-owned, labor-intensive, and capital-intensive companies; third, CPU hinders research and development investment and reduces the amount of free cash flow. These results indicate that CPU exerts negative impacts on firm-level TFP mainly via its effects on the capital status of the companies. Our findings remain valid after a series of robustness tests and controlling for endogeneity. The government should introduce forward-looking climate policies to reduce the negative impact of policy uncertainty. / This research was supported by the Natural Science Fund of Hunan Province (2022JJ40647) and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No: LZ20G010002.

Att ta tempen på klimatpolitiska ramverk : Ett fall av påverkansfaktorer för klimatpolicyintegrering på lokal nivå / Taking the temperature of climate policy frameworks : A case study on influencing factors on local climate policy integration

Nordlund, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
Det klimatpolitiska ramverket antogs i Sverige 2017 till syftet att hålla den exekutiva makten ansvarig för att bedriva klimatpolitisk hänsyn. En grundläggande målsättning som ligger till bakgrund är att integrera klimatfrågan i samtliga politiska områden. Problemområdet berör svårigheter att uppnå klimatpolicyintegrering på nationell nivå i och med avsaknaden av sanktionsmöjligheter och på lokala nivån som inom ramen för självstyrelse likväl behöver förhålla sig till lokala institutioner och faktorer. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hur denna integrering av klimatpolitik har tagit vid på den nationella nivån för att sedan undersöka huruvida detta har haft någon inverkan på den lokala nivåns klimatarbete på energiområdet. Studien avser i detta genomförande att undersöka hur värderingar och lokala förutsättningar påverkar klimatpolicyintegrering inom sex svenska kommuner. Med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys och samtalsintervjuer kommer studien fram till ett antal slutsatser. Resultatet visar att den kartlagda klimatpolicyintegreringen är svag och därmed ger klimatmålet likvärdig hänsyn i relation till sektoriella mål såväl nationellt som lokalt. Inom kommuner har värderingar förmåga att i vissa fall stärka klimatpolicyintegrering medan kontextuella faktorer i form av ekonomiska resurser kan vara en hindrande omständighet i sammanhanget. / Sweden adopted its Climate Act and Policy Framework in 2017 which holds the government responsible to pursue climate policy based on the goals formulated by the Swedish Parliament. The main objective is to integrate climate policy within all political areas. The study revolves around the difficulties that may emerge on a national level where the possibility for sanctions are absent, and on a local level where the autonomy of municipalities have to take local institutions and contexts into account. The aim of this study is thus to identify how the integration of climate policy takes place on the national level and subsequently explore whether influence has occurred in the energy sector of the municipalities. This is accomplished by analyzing how values and local conditions affect climate policy integration in six Swedish municipalities. After applying qualitative methods, text analysis and interviews, two conclusions can be made. The results show, that on the one hand, although climate policy integration has occurred on the national and local levels, it has been weak by giving equal consideration to climate policy to sectorial issues. On the other, values can strengthen climate policy integration while economic resources may be a hindering circumstance.

Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Climate and Wellbeing

Grunewald, Nicole 31 August 2012 (has links)
Die fünf Essays dieser Dissertation behandeln Themen aus dem Bereich der Entwicklungs- und Umweltökonomie. Alle Essays analysieren wie die Produktion von CO2 Emissionen beeinflusst oder reguliert werden kann. Das Treibhausgas CO2 ist eine der größten Externalitäten der Geschichte menschlicher Entwicklung. Die einzelnen Essays zeigen wie lokale Klimaveränderungen das menschliche Wohlbefinden beeinflussen und welche monetären Kosten mit einem Anstieg der Durchschnittstemperatur in Lateinamerika verbunden sind. Außerdem betrachten die Essays Hauptdeterminanten von CO2 Emissionen auf haushalts- oder nationalem Niveau, und bestimmen den Erfolg aktueller Klimapolitik um CO2 Emissionen zu reduzieren. Das letzte Essay betrachtet die momentane und zukünftige Verteilung von CO2 Emissionen wenn verschiedene Politikszenarien realisiert werden würden. Das erste Essay befasst sich mit dem Effekt von klimatischen Veränderungen auf das Wohlfahrtsniveau in Lateinamerika. Als Wohlfahrtsmaß kommen dabei subjektive Selbstaussagen zum Einsatz. Subjektive Wohlfahrt erfasst nicht nur Veränderungen im Einkommen, sondern auch Veränderungen in anderen Lebensbereichen wie dem Zugang zu Bildung oder Gesundheitseinrichtungen. Generell kommt die Studie zu dem Schluss, dass eine Temperatur im Bereich von 20 Grad Celsius und Niederschlag bis 247mm optimal sind. Höhere monatliche Durchschnittstemperaturen oder Niederschläge sind mit Wohlfahrtsverlusten verbunden. Eine globale Erwärmung von mehr als 2 Grad Celsius wird mit Wohlfahrtsverlusten in Lateinamerika einhergehen. Das zweite Essay analysiert Haushaltsemissionen in Form des Kohlenstoff-Fußabdrucks in Indien. Dabei liegt das Augenmerk auf dem Effekt von Einkommenswachstum und sozio- ökonomischen Veränderungen innerhalb der Haushalte. Ein höheres Haushaltseinkommen führt zu einem stärkeren Konsumverhalten aber gleichzeitig auch zu weniger CO2- intensiven Konsummustern. Dennoch kann der Mehrkonsum an CO2-armen Gütern, wie zum Beispiel Bildung, den Anstieg der Haushaltsemissionen, aufgrund höheren Einkommens, nicht kompensieren. Das dritte Essay betrachtet in wie fern aktuelle internationale Klimapolitik einen Einfluss auf CO2 Emissionen genommen hat. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Länder, welche Verpflichtungen im Rahmen des Kyoto Protokolls eingegangen sind, im Durschnitt 6.5% weniger CO2 emittiert haben, als vergleichbare Länder mit ähnlichem Einkommens- und Bevölkerungswachstum aber ohne Verpflichtungen. Das vierte Essay geht auf die Hauptdeterminante des CO2 Emissionswachstums ein, nämlich Einkommen. Dabei wird aber nicht nur der Effekt von Veränderungen im Einkommen, sondern auch der Effekt von Veränderungen in der Einkommensverteilung auf CO2 Emissionen untersucht. Einkommensungleichheit wirkt sich abhängig vom gegenwertigen Ungleichheitsniveau auf CO2 Emissionen aus. Für Länder mit einer hohen Einkommensungleichheit ist der Effekt positiv, das heißt mit sinkender Einkommensungleichheit sinken CO2 Emissionen. Für Länder mit niedriger Ungleichheit ist der Effekt negativ. Ein weiterer Abbau der Einkommensungleichheit würde dort mit steigenden CO2 Emissionen einhergehen. Das fünfte Essay befasst sich mit der globalen Verteilung von pro Kopf CO2 Emissionen. Dabei geht es darum inwiefern der Energiemix und der sektorale Aufbau einzelner Volkswirtschaften zu dieser ungleichen Verteilung von pro Kopf CO2 Emissionen beigetragen haben. Der Abbau schwerer Industrie in OECD Ländern und der verstärkte Einsatz von Kohle in nicht-OECD Ländern haben dabei zu einem Rückgang der globalen Ungleichheit in CO2 Emissionen geführt. Langfristig gesehen kann es sein, dass die Emissionsungleichheit ab 2040 wieder steigen wird. Jedes Essay trägt in seinem Feld zur betreffenden Literatur bei. Die Essays analysieren wie jegliche ökonomische Aktivität (hauptsächlich Konsum) CO2 Emissionen verursachen, welche wiederum für Veränderungen im Klima verantwortlich gemacht werden. Diese Veränderungen im Klima gehen mit lokalen Wohlfahrtsverlusten einher. Nationale Politikmaßnahmen wie zum Beispiel Maßnahmen zur Einkommensumverteilung können einen ambivalenten Einfluss auf CO2 Emissionen haben. Politikmaßnahmen um das Konsumverhalten und Konsummuster zu beeinflussen könnten ein effizientes Mittel zur Regulierung von CO2 Emissionen in reichen Ländern darstellen. Generell könnten internationale Klimapolitikmaßnahmen nationale Politikmaßnahmen katalysieren.

Local Governments Taking on Climate Change: Situating City Actions in the Global Climate Regime:

Florack, Alyssa January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: David Deese / Given the current political environment in the US, there is great doubt about the future of American policy on climate change. Still, the optimistic future of American climate policy relies on the new group of leaders that have emerged from municipal government. Although local government is traditionally ignored in favor of the publicity of international negotiations between countries, cities have established a role at the forefront of climate policy over the past ten years. These local governments serve half of the world’s population and often are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, making their contributions more important than ever. Although they face a unique set of difficulties, cities are able to take a range of actions impossible at higher levels of government, reaching communities in unprecedented ways and innovating new policies. This project aims to analyze how local governments fit into the global political regime on climate change, testing the theoretical framework of multilevel governance against reallife examples in Boston and New York City. Further, this paper finds that cities compensate for their relatively small size and limited jurisdiction through a unique set of actions and collaborative relationships, enabling these local actors to become international leaders on this complex global issue.. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: . / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Environmental Studies.

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