Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elinical off then activity"" "subject:"elinical off them activity""
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La part sensible de l’acte : approche clinique de l’éducation sociale / A professional sensibility : clinical approach of social educationLibois, Joëlle 16 June 2011 (has links)
Au cours des dix dernières années, la formation en travail social a subi de profondes mutations en raison des nouvelles références engendrées par le processus de Bologne. En Suisse, ces transformations répondent à une politique de valorisation de la formation professionnelle, d’adaptation des contenus de formation aux besoins des milieux économiqueset d’ouverture à la mobilité internationale. Ainsi, la création des Hautes écoles spécialisées (HES) a pour ambition de répondre aux besoins des pratiques professionnelles via des missions de haut niveau dans les domaines de l’enseignement, de la recherche et des prestations de service. Depuis la mise en place du bachelor dans les HES, la multiplication des échelons de formation débouche sur une nouvelle hiérarchisation des professions dans lechamp de l’intervention sociale et entraîne le risque d’un morcellement de l’agir professionnel.Notre projet de thèse s’inscrit de fait dans le cadre de ces transformations majeures en mettant l’accent primo sur les contenus de formation à dispenser dans une université des métiers dont la mission première est de répondre aux besoins du marché de l’emploi et secundo sur l’articulation entre connaissances et acquisition d’un savoir-faire tenu par les pratiques professionnelles, dans une perspective de formalisation des savoirs incorporés, de leursmodalités et de leurs limites; ce qui constitue, de notre point de vue, la préoccupation majeure de la formation professionnelle de niveau universitaire. Sur un plan concret, notre questionnement porte sur l’agir d’éducateurs sociaux en prise avec des situations au quotidien qui rendent compte de la complexité de l’agir où se mêlent les aspects institutionnels, professionnels et personnels. Après avoir porté notre attention sur la dialectique entre contrôle social et développement de la personne, nous avons cherché à saisir les incidences de tels positionnements dans l’accompagnement de jeunes placés en foyer. L’analyse du matériel empirique constitue la part centrale de la thèse, nous explorons trois situations professionnelles à partir de méthodes indirectes pour accéder au réel de l’activité etmettre ainsi en lisibilité la complexité de l’agir. Nous avons tout particulièrement cherché à tenir une cohérence entre l’épistémologie de la clinique de l’activité et la construction méthodologique de notre démarche - pour saisir les dimensions clés de l’agir à partir des situations dans lesquelles sont engagés les éducateurs, puis, les enrichir d’apports théoriques. [...] / During the last ten years education for social work underwent deep changes due to the new references generated by the Bologna process. In Switzerland, these transformations are answers to a policy of valuation of the professionaleducation and of the adaptation of contents to the needs of economic circles and to the need to increase international mobility. Thus, the creation of the High Specialised Schools (HSS) convey the ambition to answer the needs of profesional practices through high level missions in the domains of education, research and service performance. Since the implementation of the bachelor system in the HSS, the multiplication of education levels results in a newhierarchical organization of the professions in the field of social intervention and entails the risk of a division of the professional acting. Our thesis project hence joins these major transformations by empahsyzing, primo, the contents of curricula to be given in a university of professions - the first mission of which is to answer the needs of the employment market - and, secundo, the joining of tacit skills and acquisition of know-how belonging to the professional practices, in a perspective of formalization of the incorporated knowledge, of its modalities and its limits, which, from our standpoint, constitutes the major concern of the profesional education at the university level. Concretely, our investigation is about the acting of social educators who are involved in situations allowing the apprehension of the complexity of these situations where institutional, profesional and personal elements are interfused in daily actions. Having paid attention to thedialectics between social control and development of the person, we have tried to understand the consequences of such positions in the accompanying of the youths placed in a shelter. The analysis of the empirical data is the core of the thesis. Starting from indirect methods, we explore three profesional situations in order to reach the hart of the activity and, thus, allow the readability of the action’s complexity. Taking into account situations wherein the educators are involved, then, enriching them by theoretical contributions, we have particularly seeked to maintain a coherence between the epistemology of the clinical approach to activity and the methodological building of our approach, in order to grasp the key dimensions of the acting. [...]
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Contribution de la clinique de l’activité au développement de l’identité professionnelle de l’étudiant infirmier / Contribution of a clinical approach to work in the development of nursing students’ professional identityBrignon, Béatrice 15 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la problématique de l’apprentissage du métier infirmier. Elle est envisagée depuis la capacité des étudiants infirmiers à porter la responsabilité de leurs actes et à assumer la performance de leurs pratiques en regard de leur identité professionnelle. L’objectif est d’étudier la contribution de l’analyse de l’activité soignante des étudiants à leur développement identitaire durant cette activité réflexive. La méthode historique indirecte de clinique de l’activité a provoqué le développement de leur pensée à la fois sur leur manière de faire le métier et leur manière d’être face au métier qu’ils apprennent. L’observatoire dialogique créé à partir de quatre étudiants infirmiers et de quatre formatrices a permis d’appréhender comment l’activité discursive entre étudiants sur un soin réalisé a participé consubstantiellement à la transformation de leur soin et de leur identité professionnelle. En outre, les formatrices ont discuté de la mise en patrimoine au sein de la formation des compromis élaborés par les étudiants et ont questionné leurs propres activités. Leurs échanges, construits à partir de l’image vidéo des controverses des étudiants, leur ont permis de mieux cerner l’intérêt du débat de métier afin qu’ils puissent s’émanciper de la tâche prescrite. Les étudiants infirmiers sont devenus des ressources pour l’organisation apprenante. Le modèle d'analyse proposé peut donc être utile aux formateurs en soins infirmiers ainsi qu’aux tuteurs de stage. / This thesis focuses on issues experienced by nursing students when learning their trade. These issues are considered from their ability to endorse the responsibility of their acts to their assumption of performance of their practices in light of their professional identity. The aim was to study the contribution of the nursing students’ activity analysis to the development of their professional identity throughout this reflexive activity. The indirect historical method of the clinical approach of activity has induced the development of the student’s reflection both on their way nursing and on their way of being regarding the profession they are learning. The dialogic observatory generated both by four nursing students discussing their care and by four expert trainers analyzing these reflections, has highlighted how the discursive activity between students has contributed to transform their care and their professional identity all together. Moreover, the trainers have discussed capitalizing students’ agreements for further use in teaching and questioned their own practices. Their exchanges, built upon watching significant video extracts of students’ confrontations, led them to a better understanding of how the students may go beyond the set tasks. The nursing students have thus become resources for the learning organization. The proposed analysis model can therefore be useful to nursing trainers as well as tutors.
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Cada Caps é um Caps: a importância dos saberes investidos na atividade para o desenvolvimento do trabalho em saúde mental / Each Caps is a Caps: the importance of the knowledge invested in the activity for the development of mental health workRamminger, Tatiana January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Esta tese tem como principal objetivo incorporar as experiências de trabalho dos profissionais dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (Caps) aos estudos acadêmicos, não apenas para formalizá-las, mas para auxiliar em seu desenvolvimento e na consequente ampliação da capacidade de defesa da saúde dos trabalhadores de saúde mental. Para tanto, vale-se das contribuições da clínica do trabalho francesa, especialmente a ergologia e a clínica da atividade, para colocar em diálogo o pólo dos saberes formalizados (das disciplinas) e o pólo dos saberes investidos na atividade (da experiência).No pólo dos saberes formalizados, relaciona diferentes concepções de saúde e trabalho, e apresenta as contribuições do ponto de vista da atividade para analisar o trabalho em saúde, o patrimônio de estudos sobre a relação entre saúde e trabalho em saúde mental e, finalmente, o processo de criação dos Caps, suas principais propostas e algumas considerações sobre os desafios da atividade de trabalho nestes serviços. No pólo dos saberes investidos na atividade, a partir da constituição de uma Comunidade Ampliada de Pesquisa com pesquisadores acadêmicos e profissionais de um Caps, analisa a atividade de trabalho nos Caps sob o ponto de vista da atividade, considerando a importância do fortalecimento de um patrimônio compartilhado sobre o trabalho em saúde mental para serviços produtores de saúde para usuários, familiares e trabalhadores. / This thesis has like principal objective incorporate the experiences of work of the professionals of the Psychosocial Attention Centers (Caps) to the academic studies, not only to formalize them, but to help in his development and in the consequent enlargement of the capacity of defense of the health of the mental health workers. To do so, this thesis uses the contributions of the french clinic of the work, specially the ergology and the clinic of the activity, to put in dialog the pole of the knowledges when they were formalized (of the disciplines) and the pole of the knowledges invested in the activity (of the experience).
In the pole of to the formalized knowledges, it makes the relation between the different conceptions of health and work, and presents the contributions of the point of view of the activity to analyse the work in health, the inheritance of studies on the relation between health and work in mental health and, finally, the process of creation of the Caps, its principal proposals and some considerations on the challenges of the activity of work in these services. In the pole of the knowledges invested in the activity, from the constitution of an Enlarged Community of Research with academic and professional researchers of a Caps, it analyses the activity of work in the Caps from the point of view of the activity, considering the importance of the strengthening of an inheritance shared on the work in mental health for producing services of health for users, relatives and workers.
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