Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blotting"" "subject:"clotting""
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Effekte oraler Rehydratationsmaßnahmen bei gesunden, durchfallkranken und experimentell dehydrierten KälbernKirchner, Daniela 27 October 2015 (has links)
Ziele dieser Arbeit zum Tränkemanagement bei neonataler Kälberdiarrhoe waren, die Auswirkungen von oralen Rehydratationslösungen (ORL) auf die abomasale Milchgerinnung und den Labmagendurchmesser zu prüfen sowie die Wirksamkeit von unterschiedlich zubereiteten ORL bei bestehender Dehydratation zu vergleichen. Dazu wurden die folgenden zwei Untersuchungen durchgeführt: Die erste Untersuchung an gesunden und durchfallkranken Kälbern sollte mittels Ultraschall zeigen, ob die Einmischung eines bicarbonathaltigen Elektrolytpulvers in die Tränke deren abomasales Gerinnungsverhalten beeinträchtigt. Zeitgleich wurde der ventrodorsale Labmagendurchmesser erfasst, um daraus Rückschlüsse auf die abomasale Entleerung ziehen zu können. Diese Arbeit untersuchte erstmals die Milchgerinnung im Labmagen von spontan an Durchfall erkrankten Kälbern. In der zweiten Untersuchung sollten die Effekte der Fütterung von Milchaustauscher (MAT) sowie von in Wasser und in MAT zubereiteter ORL auf den Flüssigkeits- und Säuren-Basen-Haushalt experimentell dehydrierter Kälber ermittelt werden.
Material und Methoden:
Bei gesunden (n = 28) sowie durchfallkranken Kälbern (n = 15) wurde das abomasale Gerinnungsverhalten sowie der ventrodorsale Labmagendurchmesser (= Labmagenhöhe) vor und nach Fütterung von Milch bzw. MAT sowie nach Zusatz eines bicarbonathaltigen Elektrolytpulvers zur jeweiligen Tränke ultrasonografisch dargestellt.
Im zweiten Untersuchungsteil wurden sechs Kälber nach einem modifizierten Protokoll von WALKER et al. (1998a) experimentell dehydriert. Im Anschluss wurden diese Tiere entweder mit MAT oder mit einer ORL, welche in Wasser (Wasser-ORL) oder MAT (MAT-ORL) zubereitet wurde, gefüttert. In einem weiteren Versuchsdurchlauf verblieben die mittel- bis hochgradig dehydrierten Probanden nüchtern. Nach einem definierten Schema wurden während der Versuchsphase venöse Blutproben vor und nach Induktion einer Dehydratation sowie vor und nach Fütterung entnommen. Es wurden Parameter des Flüssigkeits- und Säuren-Basen-Haushaltes zu den verschiedenen Untersuchungszeitpunkten bestimmt.
Nach Gabe von Milch konnte mittels Ultraschall immer eine vollständige Zweiphasentrennung in Koagulum und Molke detektiert werden, wohingegen diese nach Fütterung des MAT nur unvollständig voneinander separiert waren. Die kombinierte Fütterung von Milch oder MAT und einer ORL, welche 62 bzw. 93 mmol/l Bicarbonat enthielt, führte zu keinen Unterschieden auf den ultrasonografischen Bildern des Labmageninhaltes im Vergleich zu denen der jeweiligen nativen Tränke. Des Weiteren war die abomasale Milchgerinnung nicht aufgrund eines Durchfallgeschehens gestört. Die unvollständige Gerinnung des MAT resultierte nicht in dessen schnellerer abomasaler Passage, sondern anhand des statistisch signifikant größeren Labmagendurchmessers ab vier Stunden nach MAT-Fütterung scheint es, dass die Entleerung des MAT aus dem Labmagen im Vergleich zu Milch leicht verzögert war. Innerhalb der beiden Versuchstiergruppen konnten keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede in Bezug auf den abomasalen Durchmesser zwischen den Tränken mit und ohne ORL-Zusatz festgestellt werden. Die statistisch signifikanten Differenzen des Labmagendurchmessers zwischen den gesunden und durchfallkranken Kälbern nach Fütterung der identischen Tränken weisen darauf hin, dass die Entleerung des Labmagens bei an Diarrhoe erkrankten Kälbern verzögert stattfindet.
Bei den experimentell dehydrierten Probanden erhöhte sich das Plasmavolumen statistisch signifikant nach Aufnahme einer Tränkemahlzeit, wohingegen dieses ohne Behandlung konstant blieb. Die Rate der Plasmavolumenexpansion war nach Fütterung von MAT im Vergleich zu Wasser-ORL oder MAT-ORL vermindert. Die Zunahme des Plasmavolumens war bei den dehydrierten Kälbern nach Aufnahme von Wasser-ORL stärker ausgeprägt als nach Fütterung von MAT-ORL. Außerdem war nach Gabe der hypertonen MAT ORL die Plasmaosmolalität statistisch signifikant erhöht. Der Säuren-Basen-Status der Tiere verbesserte sich infolge der Absorption von Flüssigkeit. Dieser Effekt war allerdings weniger offensichtlich, da das Versuchsprotokoll eine hochgradige Dehydratation aber nur eine gering- bis maximal mittelgradige metabolische Azidose induzieren konnte.
Die unvollständige Gerinnung eines MAT im Labmagen scheint zu keiner schnelleren Entleerung zu führen. Die abomasale Milchgerinnung ist nicht beeinträchtigt, wenn die Milchfütterung mit einer 93 mmol/l Bicarbonat enthaltenden ORL kombiniert wird. Darüber hinaus resultiert aus einer Durchfallerkrankung keine Störung der Milchgerinnung im Labmagen. Die Einmischung eines bicarbonathaltigen Elektrolytpulvers in Milch oder MAT hat keine schnellere abomasale Passage der Ingesta zur Folge. Im Gegensatz zu gesunden Kälbern findet die Entleerung des Labmagens bei durchfallkranken Tieren verzögert statt. Es sind weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich, welche die Ursachen für die verlangsamte abomasale Passage bei an Durchfall leidenden Kälbern bestimmen. Aus den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die gemeinsame Verabreichung von Milch bzw. MAT mit einem bicarbonathaltigen Elektrolytpulver weder die Milchgerinnung noch die abomasale Entleerung der Tränke bei durchfallkranken Kälbern beeinflusst. Folglich ist die Einmischung einer ORL in eine caseinhaltige Tränke möglich.
Jedoch zeigen die Ergebnisse der zweiten Untersuchung, dass die Fütterung einer hypertonen MAT-ORL weniger effektiv bei der Erhöhung des Plasmavolumens dehydrierter Kälber ist als das in Wasser zubereitete Äquivalent (Wasser-ORL). Genau genommen erhöht die Verabreichung einer hypertonen MAT-ORL die Plasmaosmolalität bei dehydrierten Tieren, was möglicherweise bei durchfallkranken Kälbern zu einer akuten Kochsalzvergiftung führen könnte. In einer Folgeuntersuchung zu dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Gabe von hypertoner Milch-ORL in Kombination mit freiem Zugang zu Wasser eine effektive Behandlungsmaßnahme durchfallkranker Kälber darstellt, da die hohen Elektrolytgaben die Wasseraufnahme der Kälber stimulieren und keine Gefahr einer Hypernatriämie besteht (WENGE et al. 2014). Anhand der beiden Arbeiten kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass durchfallkranke Kälber, denen kein freier Zugang zu Wasser gewährt wird, wasserbasierte, isotone ORL erhalten sollten. / Aims of the present studies on oral rehydration management of calf diarrhoea were to reveal the effects of oral rehydration solutions (ORS) on abomasal milk clotting and abomasal diameter, as well as to compare the effectiveness of differently prepared ORS in calves with experimentally induced dehydration. For this purpose, two experiments were conducted: The first investigation in healthy and diarrhoeic calves should demonstrate via ultrasound whether the incorporation of bicarbonate-containing electrolyte powder into ‘milk meals’ impairs the abomasal coagulation of milk protein. At the same time, the ventrodorsal diameter of the abomasum was measured to outline abomasal emptying. This study is the first in which milk clotting in the abomasum of spontaneously diarrhoeic calves was investigated. The second investigation examined the effects of feeding milk replacer (MR), as well as ORS prepared in water or in MR on the fluid and acid-base balance of experimentally dehydrated calves.
Materials and methods:
Abomasal curd formation, as well as ventrodorsal diameter (= abomasal height), were ultrasonographically imaged in healthy (n = 28) and diarrhoeic calves (n = 15) before and after feeding milk, MR and ORS containing bicarbonate prepared in milk or MR, respectively.
In the second investigation six calves were experimentally dehydrated according to a modified protocol of WALKER et al. (1998a). Subsequently, these calves were fed with either milk replacer (MR) or an ORS prepared in either water (water-ORS) or MR (MR-ORS). In one experiment, the dehydrated calves remained fasting. During the experimental period, venous blood samples were taken according to a defined schedule before and after induction of dehydration, as well as before and after feeding. Parameters of fluid and acid-base balance were determined at various timepoints.
After milk-feeding, a complete separation of curd and whey was always detected via ultrasound; whereas after MR-feeding, separation was incomplete. Feeding mixtures of milk or MR with ORS containing 62 - 93 mmol/L bicarbonate did not cause any differences in the ultrasonographic images of abomasal content compared to those of milk or MR. Moreover, abomasal milk clotting was not disturbed due to diarrhoea. Inadequate milk clotting of MR did not result in its faster abomasal passage but according to the significantly larger abomasal diameter starting from 4 h after MR-feeding gastric emptying of MR was slightly decreased when compared to milk. Within the two groups of experimental animals no statistically significant differences could be determined with respect to the abomasal diameter between the diets with and without addition of ORS. Statistically significant differences of abomasal diameter between healthy and diarrhoeic calves after feeding the same diet indicate that abomasal emptying is delayed in calves suffering from diarrhoea.
Plasma volume increased significantly following the intake of a ‘fluid meal’ in experimentally dehydrated calves, whereas it remained constant in the absence of treatment. The rate of plasma volume expansion was reduced by feeding MR relative to water-ORS or MR-ORS. In dehydrated calves, the expansion of plasma volume was more pronounced following the intake of water-ORS compared to the feeding MR-ORS. Moreover, plasma osmolality increased significantly following the ingestion of hypertonic MR-ORS. The acid-base status of animals was corrected as a result of fluid absorption, but this effect was less obvious as the experimental protocol resulted in severe dehydration and only mild to moderate metabolic acidosis.
Inadequate curd formation of an MR in the abomasum does not result in faster abomasal passage. Milk clotting in the abomasum is not affected when combining milk feeding with ORS containing 93 mmol/L of bicarbonate. Furthermore, abomasal curd formation is not disturbed due to diarrhoea. The addition of an bicarbonate-containing ORS in milk or MR does not result in faster abomasal passage of ingesta. In contrast to healthy calves, abomasal emptying is prolonged in diarrhoeic calves. Hence, further studies are needed to determine reasons for decelerated abomasal passage in calves suffering from diarrhoea. According to the results of the present study it can be concluded that combined feeding of milk/MR with an bicarbonate-containing ORS does not affect either milk clotting or abomasal emptying of the diet in diarrhoeic calves. Consequently, the addition of ORS to milk meal is possible.
However, the results of the second investigation indicate that the feeding of hypertonic MR-ORS is less effective in increasing plasma volume of dehydrated calves than the water-based equivalent (water-ORS). In fact, administration of hypertonic MR-ORS increases plasma osmolality in dehydrated calves, potentially causing acute hypernatraemia in diarrhoeic calves. In a follow-up study to the present investigation, it could be demonstrated that feeding hypertonic milk-ORS combined with ad libitum access to water is an effective method of treating diarrhoeic calves because the high electrolyte content stimulates water intake of calves and there is no risk of hypernatraemia (WENGE et al. 2014). Based on these two studies, it can be concluded that diarrhoeic calves without free access to water should receive isotonic water-based ORS.
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Les mutations spontanées du gène Vkorc1 chez l’homme et le rat : réalité de la résistance / The spontaneous mutation of the gene vkorc1 in humans and rats : reality’s resistanceHodroge, Ahmed 13 December 2011 (has links)
Les anticoagulants antivitamines K (AVKs) sont des molécules qui par inhibition de l’activation des PVKDs, empêchent ou retardent la coagulation sanguine. Aujourd’hui, le traitement par AVKs est la première cause d’accidents iatrogènes médicamenteux chez l’homme. Cependant le bénéfice par rapport au risque étant largement supérieur. Elles sont également utilisées dans le contrôle des populations de rongeurs nuisibles. Les AVKs agissent en inhibant l’enzyme VKORC1. Des phénomènes d’hypersensibilité et de résistance aux AVKs sont apparus et plusieurs mutations spontanées ont été découvertes dans le gène vkorc1. Ces mutations ont alors été associées à la résistance sans que ce lien n’ait jamais été démontré. Le travail, présenté dans ce mémoire, a pour objectif de confirmer ou d’infirmer ces liens de causalité. Cette étude a permis de démontrer la responsabilité des mutations Leu120Gln, Leu128Gln et Tyr139Phe, Ser et Cys dans l’apparition du phénotype résistant aux AVKs de 1ère génération chez le rat sauvage. Les propriétés catalytiques expliquent de plus le coût biologique associé à l’apparition de cette résistance chez certaines lignées de rats sauvages. Ainsi, les mutations en position 139 sont responsables d’un détournement de la catalyse avec production majoritaire d’hydroxyvitamine K directement éliminable par l’organisme. Chez l’homme, 29 mutations sur 30 ont été caractérisées. Alors que ces mutations ont été observées chez des patients résistants aux AVKs, la causalité de ces mutations n’a été démontrée que pour 6 mutations (Ala26Pro, Val41Ser, Val54Leu, His68Tyr, Ile123Asn, Phe139His). Les autres mutations ne seraient pas responsables du phénotype observé / The antivitamines K (AVKs) are molecules which can be inhibiting the activation of PVKDs, preventing or delaying the blood clotting. Today, the treatment by AVKs is the first cause of iatrogenic accidents medicated in humans. In addition, the benefits are significantly higher than the risk so they are used to control the populations of rodent pests. The AVKs are acting as inhibitor for the enzyme VKORC1. The phenomena of hypersensitivity and the resistance to AVKs have been emerged and several spontaneous mutations have been discovered in the gene vkorc1. These mutations were associated with resistance despite the fact that this link has been never been demonstrated. The objective of this work is to confirm or deny these causal links. This study helps to demonstrate the responsibility of the mutations Leu120Gln, Leu128Gln and Tyr139Phe, Ser or Cys in the emergence of the phenotype resistant to AVKs 1ST generation among the wild rat. The catalytic property explains the biological cost associated with the emergence of this resistance in some strains of wild rats. Thus, the mutations at position 139 are responsible for the misappropriation of the catalysis with majority production of hydroxyvitamine K which is directly consumable by the body. In humans, 29 mutations out of 30 have been characterized. While these mutations have been observed in patients resistant to AVKs, the causality of these mutations has been demonstrated only for 6 mutations (Ala26Pro, Val41Ser, Val54Leu, His68Tyr, Ile123Asn, Phe139His) and the other mutations would not be responsible for the phenotype observed
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Efeito da salinidade, densidade de estocagem e da infec??o hipodermal e necrose hematopoi?tica (IHHN) na imunidade do camar?o Litopenaeus vannamei cultivados em fazendas do Rio Grande do NorteReis, L?gia Garcia 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / The main problem faced by the shrimp industry are the infectious diseases. The hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis infection (IHHN) is one of the major cause of disease in the cultured shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Environmental changes involving water quality, oxygen concentration, salinity, temperature, stocking density, presence of pathogens, among others, triggering a stressing condition for the cultured shrimp, weakening them and allowing the outbreak of diseases. The stress on the animal leads to a change in the molecules immune response components, which can be used as indicators of shrimp health. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of salinity, stocking density and IHHNV infection on the L. vannamei shrimp. The immune parameters used to check the shrimp health were the total hemocytes counts (THC), the agglutinating activity (AA) and the clotting time (CT) of the serum of shrimp. These parameters were analyzed in healthy and IHHNV-infected shrimp, grown in low (0-0.5 ), medium (19-24 ) and high (> 38 ) salinity, and extensive (7-12 cam.m-2), semi-intensive (15-25 cam.m-2) and intensive (33-45 cam.m -2) stocking density. The IHHNV infection rate was significantly higher in low salinity (P<0.005) and intensive density (P<0.005), both stressful conditions for L. vannamei. Low salinity significantly increased THC (P<0.05) and decreased and CT (P<0.05) in healthy and infected shrimp, but AA (P<0.05) significantly decreased in healthy shrimp at medium salinity. Culture intensification did not affect the THC, AA and CT of healthy and infected shrimp (P>0.05). The IHHNV infection did not affect any immune parameters of shrimp cultured at different salinities and stocking densities. It is necessary to emphasize that this study was conducted in shrimp grown in ponds, where several environmental factors are acting simultaneously. Thus, further studies are needed about the influence of other environmental factors on the immune parameters of shrimp cultured in pond / O principal problema enfrentado pela ind?stria do camar?o s?o as enfermidades de origem infecciosa. A Infec??o Hipodermal e Necrose Hematopoi?tica (IHHN) ? uma das principais causas de doen?as no camar?o de cultivo Litopenaeus vannamei. Altera??es do ambiente de cultivo envolvendo qualidade da ?gua, concentra??o de oxig?nio, salinidade, temperatura, densidade de estocagem, presen?a de pat?genos, entre outros, desencadeiam uma situa??o de estresse nos camar?es cultivados, debilitando-os e permitindo a instala??o de
enfermidades. O estresse desencadeia no animal a altera??o de mol?culas componentes da resposta imune, que podem ser usadas como indicadores de sa?de do camar?o. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da salinidade, densidade de estocagem e infec??o pelo IHHNV na imunidade do camar?o de cultivo L. vannamei. Os par?metros imunes utilizados para monitorar as condi??es de sa?de dos camar?es foram o n?mero total de hem?citos (THC), a atividade aglutinante (AA) e o tempo de coagula??o (TC) dos soros dos camar?es. Estes par?metros foram analisados em camar?es saud?veis e infectados pelo IHHNV, cultivados em baixa (0-0,5 ), m?dia (19-24 ) e alta (>38 ) salinidades e em extensiva (7-12 cam.m-2 ), semi-intensiva (15-25 cam.m-2) e intensiva (33-45 cam.m-2) densidades de estocagem. A taxa de infec??o pelo IHHNV foi significativamente maior em baixa salinidade (P<0,005) e na densidade intensiva (P<0,005), ambas condi??es estressantes para o L. vannamei. Baixa salinidade significativamente aumentou THC (P<0,05) e diminuiu TC (P<0,05) de camar?es saud?veis e infectados, mas AA (P<0,05) de camar?es saud?veis diminui significativamente na m?dia salinidade. A intensifica??o do cultivo n?o afetou THC, AA e TC de camar?es saud?veis e infectados (P>0,05). A infec??o pelo IHHNV n?o afetou nenhum dos par?metros imunes dos camar?es cultivados nas diferentes salinidades e densidades de estocagem. ? necess?rio enfatizar que o presente estudo foi realizado em camar?es cultivados em viveiros, onde v?rios fatores ambientais est?o atuando simultaneamente. Desta forma, s?o necess?rios estudos adicionais sobre a influ?ncia de outros fatores ambientais nos par?metros imunes de camar?es nas condi??es de cultivo
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Påverkan på PK(INR)-värdet efter olika preanalytiska behandlingar i venöst humanblod.Khashayar, Mahdavisabet January 2015 (has links)
Venous thromboembolism that cause blood clotting in blood vessels, prevent blood circulation, depending on changes in one or more of the coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X. Patients who have had a blood clot or cardiovascular diseases are treated with oral anti-vitamin K (Warfarin®) to reducing and prevent relapse. Warfarin is also used as a preventive treatment before the disease. An overdose of Warfarin® may cause bleeding-complications and low dose cause blood clotting. The dosage of the drug is controlled by measuring prothrombin in plasma. The aim of this study was to investigate if prothrombin-complex value changes due to re-spinning and re-analysis after six hours. Fitty whole blood samples from warfarin-treated patients were divided into three subgroups, those with protrombinkomplex-values of 2-4 (n=20), >4 (n=15) and <2 (n=15). The samples were centrifugated and measured (Method A), re-centrifugated and measured (Method B) or re-analysed after six hours (Method C). All results were compared in a Bland-Altman plot as follows: Method B vs. Method A and Method C vs. Method A. The scatter graph yielded a strong correlation between Method A and Method B (R2=0.9984) and Method A and Methods C (R2=0.9977). The results from t-test showed a significance level (p<0.001) for both analyses (statistical significance=p<0.05). In this study we showed that prothrombin complex value ware stable after re-centrifugation and re-measurement after six hours. Statistical calculations yielded a strong correlation between the methods (A, B, C), and there was no significance difference between the methods.
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Production et caractérisation de nouveaux facteurs IX recombinants améliorés dans le cadre du traitement de l'hémophilie B / Production and characterization of novel recombinant factor IX molecules with enhanced properties in the treatment of hemophilia BPerot, Eloïse 22 December 2014 (has links)
Introduction : L'hémophilie B (HB) est une maladie hémorragique héréditaire due à un défaut en facteur IX (FIX) de la coagulation. Le traitement substitutif est efficace mais pose deux problèmes : la fréquence des injections intraveineuses de concentrés de FIX et leurs coûts. La production d'un FIX recombinant à activité améliorée et à demi-vie prolongée est un enjeu important du traitement. Matériel et méthodes : Afin d'améliorer l'activité du FIX, l'étude s'est portée sur un résidu impliqué dans l'interaction du FIX activé avec son cofacteur, le facteur VIII activé (FVIIIa). Quatre FIX mutés au niveau de l'acide aminé E410 ont été développés. Afin de prolonger la demi-vie, un ADN complémentaire de FIX chimérique a été généré de façon à produire la protéine correspondante par la lignée cellulaire humaine Huh-7. Résultats : L'activité coagulante in vitro des FIX-E410 était 3 à 5 fois plus élevée que celle du FIX wild-type (FIX-WT). De plus, le FIX-E410H induisait une génération de thrombine 5,2 fois plus élevée comparée à celle du FIX-WT. Chez la souris HB, l'activité coagulante et la capacité de génération de thrombine du FIX-E410H in vivo étaient significativement plus élevées que celles du FIX-WT. La protéine chimérique a présenté une activité molaire spécifique 10 fois augmentée in vitro et une demi-vie jusqu'à 2,8 fois plus allongée, par rapport à celles du FIX-WT. Conclusion : Nous avons développé et caractérisé quatre molécules de FIX ayant une activité améliorée in vitro et in vivo, ainsi qu'un FIX modifié à activité augmentée et à demi-vie prolongée in vivo. Ces nouvelles molécules pourraient ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques de traitement de l'HB / Introduction: Hemophilia B (HB) is an inherited X-linked recessive bleeding disorder, due to a defect in human factor IX (FIX). Replacement therapy, in severe HB is very effective but is limited by FIX concentrates injections frequency and cost issues. Production of a recombinant FIX with enhanced clotting activity and prolonged half-life is one of the current challenges for HB treatment. Materials and Methods: To improve activity, we focused on an important residue known to be involved in the interaction of activated FIX with its cofactor, activated factor VIII (FVIIIa), and four mutated FIX-E410 were developed. To prolong stability, a new chimeric FIX cDNA was constructed too. Recombinant FIX molecules were produced by the human hepatoma cell line Huh-7. Results: The in-vitro clotting activity of FIX-E410 was 3 to 5-fold higher than wild-type FIX (FIX-WT) and this improvement was confirmed using thrombin generation assay. FIX-E410H induced 5.2-fold higher thrombin generation than FIX-WT. In HB mice, we observed significantly higher in-vivo clotting activity and thrombin generating capacity with FIX-E410H compared to FIX-WT, mainly explained by 2.5-fold enhanced affinity of the mutant for FVIIIa. Chimeric FIX showed a 10-fold increase in the in-vitro molar specific activity and a significantly increased half-life in mice (up to 2.8-fold), compared to FIX-WT. Conclusion: We have engineered and characterized four improved FIX proteins with enhanced in- vitro and in-vivo activity, and a new chimeric FIX with in-vivo increased activity and prolonged half- life. These results suggest that these new molecules could optimize protein replacement therapy forHB treatment
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Mechanism of Catheter Thrombosis and Approaches for its PreventionYau, Jonathan 28 October 2014 (has links)
Medical devices, such as catheters and heart valves, are an important part of patient care. However, blood-contacting devices can activate the blood coagulation cascade to produce factor (f) Xa, the clotting enzyme that induces thrombin generation. By activating platelets and converting soluble fibrinogen to fibrin, thrombin leads to blood clot formation. Blood clots that form on medical devices create problems because they may foul the device and/or serve as a nidus for infection. In addition, clots can break off from the device, travel through the circulation and lodge in distant organs; a process known as embolization. This is particularly problematic with central venous catheters because clots that form on them can break off and lodge in pulmonary arteries, thereby producing a pulmonary embolism. Similarly, clots that form on heart valves can break off and lodge in cerebral arteries, thereby producing a stroke. Therefore, anticoagulants, blood thinning drugs, are frequently used to prevent clotting on medical devices.
Conventional anticoagulants, such as heparin and warfarin, target multiple clotting factors. Heparin binds to antithrombin in plasma and accelerates the rate at which it inhibits fXa, thrombin and many other clotting enzymes. Warfarin, which is a vitamin K antagonist, attenuates thrombin generation by interfering with the synthesis of the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, which include fX and prothrombin, the precursor of thrombin. In contrast to heparin and warfarin, more recent anticoagulants inhibit only a single clotting enzyme. For example, fondaparinux, a synthetic heparin fragment, only inhibits fXa and dabigatran, an oral thrombin inhibitor, only targets thrombin. Although effective for many indications, fondaparinux was less effective than heparin for preventing clotting on catheters in patients undergoing heart interventions and dabigatran was less effective than warfarin for preventing strokes in patients with mechanical heart valves. The failure of these new anticoagulants highlights the need for a better understanding into the drivers of clotting on medical devices. Therefore, the overall purpose of this thesis is to gain this understanding so that more rational approaches to its prevention can be identified.
In the classical model of blood coagulation, clotting is triggered via two distinct pathways; the tissue factor (TF) pathway or extrinsic pathway and the contact pathway or intrinsic pathway; pathways which are initiated by fVIIa and fXIIa, respectively. The mechanism by which medical devices initiate clotting is uncertain. Platelet and complement activation and microparticle formation have been implicated, which would drive clotting via the TF pathway. Alternatively, medical devices can bind and activate fXII, thereby initiating the contact pathway. We hypothesized that medical devices trigger clotting via the contact pathway and induce the local generation of fXa and thrombin in concentrations that exceed the capacity of fondaparinux and dabigatran to inhibit them. To test this hypothesis, we used catheters as a prototypical medical device and we used a combination of in vitro and rabbit models.
Several lines of evidence indicate that catheters initiate clotting via the contact pathway. First, catheter segments shortened the clotting time of human plasma, and this activity was attenuated in fXII- or fXI-deficient plasma, which are key components of the contact pathway, but not in fVII-deficient plasma, which is the critical component of the extrinsic pathway. Second, corn trypsin inhibitor (CTI), a potent and specific inhibitor of fXIIa, attenuates catheter thrombosis. Third, selective knockdown of fXII or fXI with antisense oligonucleotides attenuated catheter-induced thrombosis in rabbits, whereas knockdown of fVII had no effect. Therefore, these results revealed the importance of the contact pathway in device-associated thrombosis, and identified CTI or fXII or fXI knockdown as novel strategies for preventing this problem.
Focusing on fXIIa as the root cause of medical device associated clotting, we coated catheters with CTI using a polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer. In addition to unmodified catheters, other controls included catheters coated with albumin via a PEG spacer or catheters coated with PEG alone. Compared with unmodified catheters or with the other controls, CTI-coated catheters attenuated clotting in buffer or plasma systems and were resistant to occlusion in rabbits. These findings support the concept that catheter-induced clotting is driven via the contact pathway and identify CTI coating as a viable strategy for its prevention.
We next set out to test the hypothesis that fondaparinux and dabigatran, which inhibit fXa and thrombin, respectively, are less effective than heparin, which inhibits multiple clotting enzymes. Fondaparinux and dabigatran were less effective than heparin at preventing catheter induced clotting and thrombin generation, respectively. Likewise, in a rabbit model of catheter thrombosis, fondaparinux was less effective than heparin and dabigatran was only effective when administered at doses that yielded plasma dabigatran levels similar to those found at peak in human given the drug; at trough levels, dabigatran was no better than placebo. Finally, we also showed synergy between heparin and either fondaparinux or dabigatran. Thus, when co-administered to rabbits in doses that on their own had no effect, the combination of fondaparinux or dabigatran plus heparin extended the time to catheter thrombosis. These findings support the hypothesis that when catheters trigger clotting via the contact pathway, fXa and thrombin are generated in concentrations that overwhelm the capacity of fondaparinux or dabigatran to inhibit them. Furthermore, the synergy between heparin and fondaparinux or dabigatran has clinical implications because it explains why supplemental heparin attenuated the risk of catheter thrombosis in patients treated with fondaparinux who underwent cardiac procedures and it identifies the potential role of supplemental heparin in dabigatran-treated patients who require such interventions.
In summary, we have shown that catheters trigger clotting via the contact pathway and have identified CTI coating or fXII or fXI knockdown as viable strategies for prevention of this problem. In addition, for prevention of catheter thrombosis, we also have shown that heparin, which inhibits multiple coagulation enzymes, is more effective than fondaparinux or dabigatran, which only inhibit fXa or thrombin, respectively; findings consistent with the clinical observations. Moreover, the synergy that we observed between fondaparinux or dabigatran and heparin identifies supplemental heparin as strategy for preventing catheter thrombosis in patients receiving these drugs. Taken together, these studies provide insight into the mechanisms of catheter thrombosis and potential strategies for its prevention. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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