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Productivity of raised seedbeds for soybean [Glycine max. (L.) Merr.] production on clayey soils of the Mississippi DeltaBlessitt, James Brewer 03 May 2008 (has links)
Early planting of indeterminate soybean varieties has increased yield potential in Mississippi. Narrow row patterns have effectively alleviated canopy closure problems and maximized light interception. Stresses related to inadequate drainage persist. Field experiments were conducted in 2006 and 2007 to evaluate productivity and profitability of bedding systems to minimize stresses related to poor drainage. Soybean planted on a conventional 100 cm bedding system provided a higher degree of growth and development and higher seed yields than flat plantings when border irrigated both years. Raised 100 cm-wide beds offered 23 to 45% greater net returns above input costs relative to flat plantings in 2006 and 2007 respectively. Under simulated flood irrigation, soybean planted on 200 cm-wide beds produced yields similar to conventional beds in 2006; however in 2007 200 cm-wide beds produced higher yields than flat planted plots but lower than 100 cm-wide beds.
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Observações na linha de 21 cm do hidrogênio: um ajuste fenomenológico para extração das oscilações acústicas de bárions do espectro de potência angular / Observations in the 21cm line of hydrogen: A phenomenological fit to extract the baryon acoustic oscillations from the angular power spectrumMarins, Alessandro Ribeiro 17 September 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, procurei construir um ajuste fenomenológico que descrevesse o comportamento das oscilações acústicas de bárions (BAO) no espectro de potência da temperatura de brilho da linha de 21cm do átomo de hidrogênio neutro, na aproximação de Limber. O ajuste obtido demonstrou ser capaz de descrever o comportamento oscilatório do BAO nas faixas de redshift analisados, que foram de 0.127 à 0.479. Quando combinado com dados de supernova, restrições nos parâmetros cosmológicos tiveram resultados mais precisos. Contudo, restrições incluindo a medida do valor local da constante de Hubble piora os dados, devido a grandes divergências nos valores da constante de Hubble. / In this work, I searched for a phenomenological fit that describes the behavior of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the angular power spectrum of brightness temperature of the 21cm line from the neutral hydrogen atom, under Limbers approximation. The fit obtained has shown to be capable of describe the oscillatory behaviour of the BAO in the redshift bands analyzed, that lies in the range from 0.127 to 0.479. When combined with supernova data, the constraints in the cosmological parameters produced more precise results. However, constraints including measuring the local value of the Hubble. constant worsen the data, due to great divergences in the values of the Hubble constant.
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Etude des conditions physique et chimique de l'altération hydrothermale dans les astéroïdes carbonés de type C / Study of the physico-chemical conditions of hydrothermal alteration in C type carbonaceous asteroidsVerdier-Paoletti, Maximilien 08 December 2017 (has links)
La formation des planètes a laissé derrière elle des matériaux dont la nature primordiale a été préservée. Ces astéroïdes primitifs de la ceinture principale sont aujourd'hui échantillonnés par la diversité de météorites chondritiques dans nos collections qui nous permettent d'étudier les premiers instants du Système Solaire. Cependant, beaucoup d'entre elles présentent des traces d'altération hydrothermale qui ont modifié leur minéralogie, et ainsi occulté ces informations primordiales. Ce processus de modification de la roche via l'interaction avec un fluide a été grandement étudié au cours des dernières décennies, notamment dans les chondrites carbonées de type CM, dont la minéralogie témoigne de plusieurs épisodes d'altération dans différents degrés d'intensité. Comprendre l'évolution de l'eau ainsi que l'influence de ce processus sur la matière organique dans ces astéroïdes est essentiel du fait de leur éventuelle contribution à l'origine de la vie sur Terre. Afin de mieux contraindre les conditions géochimique et chronologique dans lesquelles est survenu ce processus, les travaux de cette thèse ont été focalisés sur les chondrites de type CM et les phases secondaires qu'ils contiennent. Des mesures in situ des isotopes de l'oxygène dans les carbonates des CM nous ont permis de développer une méthode d'estimation de leurs températures de précipitation. Nos résultats indiquent une gamme de températures bien plus étendue que celles estimées auparavant, s'étalant de -50 à environ 300 °C avec une température moyenne de 113 +/- 54°C (2σ). Afin d'approfondir notre étude des conditions géochimiques de l'altération nous avons conduit une étude détaillée de la chondrite de Boriskino. La texture atypique de cette chondrite, due à ses nombreux clastes aux frontières nettes et aux degrés d'altération variables, nous a permis d'explorer l'hypothèse d'un lien entre les processus à l'origine de la formation des brèches et l'altération hydrothermale. L'utilisation de notre nouvelle méthode sur les carbonates de cette chondrite a mis en évidence un rôle secondaire de la température dans l'intensité du processus d'altération. De plus, nos travaux suggèrent que les épisodes d'altération sont antérieurs à la formation du corps-parent final et que la quantité de glace initialement accrétée peut être le facteur dominant de l'efficacité du processus d'altération. Néanmoins cette hypothèse ne prend pas en compte l'influence que peut avoir la durée d'exposition de la roche au fluide. Afin de tester cette dernière hypothèse, notre dernier projet devait permettre d'estimer l'âge des carbonates dans des CM présentant différents degrés d'altération. La datation de ces objets repose sur la décroissance radioactive du radioisotope 53Mn en 53Cr. Cependant, l'absence de standards de carbonates adéquats pour ces mesures nous a conduit dans un premier temps à les synthétiser. Pour ce faire nous avons abordé le problème en nous éloignant des méthodes traditionnelles de précipitation de carbonates sur substrat ayant conduit à des minéraux très hétérogènes, et nous avons effectué nos synthèses à haute pression et haute température grâce à une presse piston-cylindre. / Chondrites are leftover solids from the evolution of the solar protoplanetary disk that enable for its primordial conditions to be studied. However, many chondrites have seen their mineralogy modified by the circulation of fluids during hydrothermal alteration events, thereby blurring the primordial informations retained in it. CM carbonaceous chondrites have been extensively studied, mainly because of the various episodes and extent of hydrothermal alteration they exhibit. The understanding of the evolution of water and the influence of alteration on organic matter in those asteroids is essential as they might be the source of life on Earth. In order to better understand the geochemical conditions and the chronology of this process in carbonaceous asteroids, we focused this project on CM chondrites and the secondary phases they contain. We developped a methodology to estimate the precipitation temperatures of carbonates in CM chondrites relying only on in situ measurements of their O-isotopic composition. Our results yield precipitation temperatures in a larger range than what has previsouly been estimated, i.e. from -50 to approximatively 300°C with an average temperature of 113 +/- 54°C (2σ). To further our study of the geochemical conditions of hydrothermal alteration we extensively studied the CM of Boriskino. The peculiar texture of this meteorite, due to its numerous clasts with sharp boundaries and their various degrees of aqueous alteration, enable to investigate the reccurent question of a genetic link between brecciation and aqueous alteration. Using the same methodology as in our first project we concluded that temperatures in which the process took place could not account for the various extent of aqueous alteration that we observe. In addition, Our work suggest that aqueous alteration in this chondrite was discontinuous and preceeded brecciationand that instead the initial quantity of accreted ice could be the controlling parameter of aqueous alteration. However, this study neglect the contribution of the duration of exposure of the rock to the fluid to the extent of aqueous alteration. Therefore, our last project was to determine the age of carbonates in several CM chondrites of various degrees of aqueous alteration. The datation of these minerals in chondrites relies on the radiochronometer 53Mn-53Cr. However, the lack of a suitable carbonate standard for these SIMS analyses pushed us to synthetize carbonates with the adequat cristallinity and chemical composition first. To do so, we experimentated at high pressure and high temperature using a piston-cylinder apparatus.
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Observações na linha de 21 cm do hidrogênio: um ajuste fenomenológico para extração das oscilações acústicas de bárions do espectro de potência angular / Observations in the 21cm line of hydrogen: A phenomenological fit to extract the baryon acoustic oscillations from the angular power spectrumAlessandro Ribeiro Marins 17 September 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho, procurei construir um ajuste fenomenológico que descrevesse o comportamento das oscilações acústicas de bárions (BAO) no espectro de potência da temperatura de brilho da linha de 21cm do átomo de hidrogênio neutro, na aproximação de Limber. O ajuste obtido demonstrou ser capaz de descrever o comportamento oscilatório do BAO nas faixas de redshift analisados, que foram de 0.127 à 0.479. Quando combinado com dados de supernova, restrições nos parâmetros cosmológicos tiveram resultados mais precisos. Contudo, restrições incluindo a medida do valor local da constante de Hubble piora os dados, devido a grandes divergências nos valores da constante de Hubble. / In this work, I searched for a phenomenological fit that describes the behavior of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the angular power spectrum of brightness temperature of the 21cm line from the neutral hydrogen atom, under Limbers approximation. The fit obtained has shown to be capable of describe the oscillatory behaviour of the BAO in the redshift bands analyzed, that lies in the range from 0.127 to 0.479. When combined with supernova data, the constraints in the cosmological parameters produced more precise results. However, constraints including measuring the local value of the Hubble. constant worsen the data, due to great divergences in the values of the Hubble constant.
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En jämförande studie mellan single-item-mätning med Borg centiMax skalan® och SPIN för social ångestKvaernå, Malin, Larsén, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Social ångest beskrivs som en obehagskänsla kopplat till sociala situationer där individen upplever en risk att bli negativt bedömd av andra (APA, 2013).Det finns ett stort behov av att effektivisera mätning av social ångest samt att på ett precist sätt mäta dess symtom. Vidare råder det svårigheter att mäta psykologiska konstrukt på ett tillförlitligt sätt. Borg centiMaxskalan® (CR100) är en skattningsskala som utvecklats för att mäta subjektiva upplevelser med större precision. Syftet med denna studieär att studera begreppsvaliditeten för single-item -mätning av social ångest med Borg centiMaxskalan®samt att se om single-item-mätning mäter social ångest på ett likvärdigt sätt som ett multi-item. För att undersöka detta jämförs single-item-mätning med centiMax för social ångest (SÅ-SI-cM) mot SPIN och socialångestskalan med centiMax (SÅS-MI-cM). Data samlades in digitalt via ett bekvämlighetsurval (N = 382). Resultatet visar ett positivt samband mellan SPIN och single-item-mätning med centiMax för social ångest(r = .77, p <.001) samt ett positivt samband mellan single-item-mätning med centiMax och multi-item-mätning med SÅS-cMax (r = .77, p <.001). Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultatet på att single-item-mätning med centiMaxmäter social ångest på ett likvärdigt sätt som SPIN och SÅS-MI-cM.Resultatet i denna studie indikerar på att vidare studier med single-item-mätningav social ångest med centiMax (SÅ-SI-cM) är av intresseför att vidare validera detta mätinstrument
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Forking in simple theories and CM-trivialityPalacín Cruz, Daniel 17 July 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi té tres objectius. En primer lloc, estudiem generalitzacions de la jerarquia no ample relatives a una família de tipus parcials. Aquestes jerarquies en permeten classificar la complexitat del “forking” respecte a una família de tipus parcials. Si considerem la família de tipus algebraics, aquestes generalitzacions corresponen a la jerarquia ordinària, on el primer i el segon nivell corresponen a one-basedness i a CM-trivialitat, respectivament. Fixada la família de tipus regulars “no one-based”, el primer nivell d'una d'aquestes possibles jerarquies no ample ens diu que el tipus de la base canònica sobre una realització és analitzable en la família. Demostrem que tota teoria simple amb suficients tipus regulars pertany al primer nivell de la jerarquia dèbil relativa a la família de tipus regulars no one-based. Aquest resultat generalitza una versió dèbil de la “Canonical Base Property” estudiada per Chatzidakis i Pillay.
En segon lloc, discutim problemes d'eliminació de hiperimaginaris assumint que la teoria és CM-trivial, en tal cas la independència del “forking” té un bon comportament. Més concretament, demostrem que tota teoria simple CM-trivial elimina els hiperimaginaris si elimina els hiperimaginaris finitaris. En particular, tota teoria petita simple CM-trivial elimina els hiperimaginaris. Cal remarcar que totes les teories omega-categòriques simples que es coneixen són CM-trivials; en particular, aquelles teories obtingudes mitjançant una construcció de Hrushovski.
Finalment, tractem problemes de classificació en les teories simples. Estudiem la classe de les teories simples baixes; classe que inclou les teories estables i les teories supersimples de D-rang finit. Demostrem que les teories simples amb pes finit acotat també pertanyen a aquesta classe. A més, provem que tota teoria omega-categòrica simple CM-trivial és baixa. Aquest darrer fet resol parcialment una pregunta formulada per Casanovas i Wagner. / The development of first-order stable theories required two crucial abstract notions: forking independence, and the related notion of canonical base. Forking independence generalizes the linear independence in vector spaces and the algebraic independence in algebraically closed fields. On the other hand, the concept of canonical base generalizes the field of definition of an algebraic variety. The general theory of independence adapted to simple theories, a class of first-order theories which includes all stable theories and other interesting examples such as algebraically closed fields with an automorphism and the random graph. Nevertheless, in order to obtain canonical bases for simple theories, the model-theoretic development of hyperimaginaries --equivalence classes of arbitrary tuple modulo a type-definable (without parameters) equivalence relation-- was required.
In the present thesis we deal with topics around the geometry of forking in simple theories. Our first goal is to study generalizations of the non ample hierarchy which will code the complexity of forking with respect to a family of partial types. We introduce two hierarchies: the non (weak) ample hierarchy with respect to a fixed family of partial types. If we work with respect to the family of bounded types, these generalizations correspond to the ordinary non ample hierarchy. Recall that in the ordinary non ample hierarchy the first and the second level correspond to one-basedness and CM-triviality, respectively. The first level of the non weak ample hierarchy with respect to some fixed family of partial types states that the type of the canonical base over a realization is analysable in the family. Considering the family of regular non one-based types, the first level of the non weak ample hierarchy corresponds to the weak version of the Canonical Base Property studied by Chatzidakis and Pillay. We generalize Chatzidakis' result showing that in any simple theory with enough regular types, the canonical base of a type over a realization is analysable in the family of regular non one-based types. We hope that this result can be useful for the applications; for instance, the Canonical Base Property plays an essential role in the proof of Mordell-Lang for function fields in characteristic zero and Manin-Mumford due to Hrushovski.
Our second aim is to use combinatorial properties of forking independence to solve elimination of hyperimaginaries problems. For this we assume the theory to be simple and CM-trivial. This implies that the forking independence is well-behaved. Our goal is to prove that any simple CM-trivial theory which eliminates finitary hyperimaginaries --hyperimaginaries which are definable over a finite tuple-- eliminates all hyperimaginaries. Using a result due to Kim, small simple CM-trivial theories eliminate hyperimaginaries. It is worth mentioning that all currently known omega-categorical simple theories are CM-trivial, even those obtained by an ab initio Hrushovski construction.
To conclude, we study a classification problem inside simple theories. We study the class of simple low theories, which includes all stable theories and supersimple theories of finite D-rank. In addition, we prove that it also includes the class of simple theories of bounded finite weight. Moreover, we partially solve a question posed by Casanovas and Wagner: Are all omega-categorical simple theories low? We solve affirmatively this question under the assumption of CM-triviality. In fact, our proof exemplifies that the geometry of forking independence in a possible counterexample cannot come from finite sets.
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Les données de routine des séjours d’hospitalisation pour évaluer la sécurité des patients : études de la qualité des données et perspectives de validation d’indicateurs de la sécurité des patients / Routine data from hospital stays for assessing patient safety : studies on data quality and Patient Safety Indicators validation prospectsJanuel, Jean-Marie 22 December 2011 (has links)
Évaluer la sécurité des patients hospitalisés constitue un enjeu majeur de la gestion des risques pour les services de santé. Le développement d’indicateurs destinés à mesurer les événements indésirables liés aux soins (EIS) est une étape cruciale dont le défi principal repose sur la performance des données utilisées. Le développement d’indicateurs de la sécurité des patients – les Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) – par l’Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) aux Etats Unis, utilisant des codes de la 9ème révision (cliniquement modifiée) de la Classification Internationale des Maladies (CIM) présente des perspectives intéressantes. Nos travaux ont abordé cinq questions fondamentales liées au développement de ces indicateurs : la définition du cadre nosologique, la faisabilité de calcul des algorithmes et leur validité, la qualité des données pour coder les diagnostics médicaux à partir de la CIM et leur performance pour comparer plusieurs pays, et la possibilité d’établir une valeur de référence pour comparer ces indicateurs. Certaines questions demeurent cependant et nous proposons des pistes de recherche pour améliorer les PSIs : une meilleure définition des algorithmes et l’utilisation d’autres sources de données pour les valider (i.e., données de registre), ainsi que l’utilisation de modèles d’ajustement utilisant l’index de Charlson, le nombre moyen de diagnostics codés et une variable de la valeur prédictive positive, afin de contrôler les variations du case-mix et les différences de qualité du codage entre hôpitaux et pays. / Assessing safety among hospitalized patients is a major issue for health services. The development of indicators to measure adverse events related to health care (HAE) is a crucial step, for which the main challenge lies on the performance of the data used for this approach. Based on the limitations of the measurement in terms of reproducibility and on the high cost of studies conducted using medical records audit, the development of Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in the United States, using codes from the clinically modified 9th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) shows interesting prospects. Our work addressed five key issues related to the development of these indicators: nosological definition; feasibility and validity of codes based algorithms; quality of medical diagnoses coding using ICD codes, comparability across countries; and possibility of establishing a benchmark to compare these indicators. Some questions remain, and we suggest several research pathways regarding possible improvements of PSI based on a better definition of PSI algorithms and the use of other data sources to validate PSI (i.e., registry data). Thus, the use of adjustment models including the Charlson index, the average number of diagnoses coded and a variable of the positive predictive value should be considered to control the case-mix variations and differences of quality of coding for comparisons between hospitals or countries.
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Synthèse et étude de nouveaux cucurbiturils pour l’encapsulation de gaz / Synthesis and study of new cucurbiturils for gaz encapsulationLewin, Véronique 11 October 2011 (has links)
Les cucurbiturils (CBn) sont des molécules-cages synthétiques constituées d’un nombre n d’unités glycoluril et dont les applications en chimie, en biologie et en physique ont commencé à être exploitées au début des années 2000. Ces composés trouvent leur importance dans un grand nombre de domaines incluant la chimie en phase solide, le piégeage des contaminants en solution, la catalyse ou encore l’encapsulation de principes actifs pour des applications pharmaceutiques futures. Ces récentes molécules-cages rejoignent le large groupe des récepteurs synthétiques comprenant les cyclodextrines, les calixarènes, les cryptophanes, les carcérands et hémicarcérands. L’encapsulation des gaz dans ce type de structures est encore mal connue à l’heure actuelle et, dans ces travaux de thèse, notre intérêt s’est porté sur la complexation de gaz, notamment de xénon, dans les cucurbiturils. Ces travaux ont débuté par la synthèse de nouveaux cucurbiturils hydrosolubles dans le but d’étudier leur capacité d’encapsulation des gaz rares et de petits alcanes comme le méthane et l’éthane, notre objectif final étant de définir de nouvelles règles régissant l’encapsulation des gaz par les cucurbiturils. Les gaz rares allant de l’hélium au krypton ont été étudiés. Parmi ces gaz, le xénon hyperpolarisé a particulièrement retenu notre attention du fait de son intérêt dans la conception de biosondes pour le développement de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic en IRM. Dans ce mémoire, la synthèse de nouveaux cyclohexylcucurbiturils mixtes hydrosolubles et leurs études en présence de xénon sont rapportées. Un nouveau cucurbituril mixte constitué de cinq unités glycoluril et d’une unité glycoluril à six chaînons a également été synthétisé. Les deux premiers chapitres constituent une introduction au phénomène d’encapsulation des gaz ainsi que des généralités sur la famille des cucurbiturils. Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux résultats obtenus au laboratoire sur la synthèse de nouveaux composés. Dans un quatrième chapitre, nous avons développé une méthode permettant la préparation de précurseurs d’analogues acycliques de cucurbiturils. Pour cela, la réaction de métathèse par ouverture de cycle associée à la métathèse croisée (ROM-CM) a été utilisée pour mener à bien cette synthèse. Enfin, un cinquième chapitre est consacré aux résultats concernant l’étude de l’encapsulation de gaz dans les nouveaux cucurbiturils synthétisés, étude effectuée en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique du CEA de Saclay. / The cucurbituril family (CBn) constitutes a group of recent synthetic host-molecules. These compounds are formed by n glycoluril units and, since the beginning of the 2000’s, they have found their interest in multiple domains such as biology, chemistry and physics. They have joined the large group of synthetic receptors comprising cyclodextrins, calixarens, cryptophanes, carcerands and hemicarcerands. Gaz encapsulation in this family of compounds is misunderstood. In these PhD works, our interest concerned gaz complexation, especially xenon, into cucurbiturils. First, the synthesis of new hydrosoluble cucurbiturils to study their ability to encapsulate noble gaz and small alcans such as methan and ethan is described. Our final goal will be to define new rules concerning gaz encapsulation by cucurbiturils. Noble gaz from helium to krypton have been studied. Among these noble gaz, xenon is particularly interesting in the domain of biosensing, for the design of new diagnostic methods by MRI. In this manuscript, the synthesis of a family of hydrosoluble cyclohexylcucurbiturils and their ability to encapsulate xenon is described. Another new cucurbituril constituted by five glycoluril units and one glycoluril unit forming a six-membered ring, has also been prepared. The first two parts of the manuscript present the gaz encapsulation and the cucurbituril family. The third part describes our results concerning the new synthetized cucurbiturils. In the fourth part, we have developped a method based on metathesis reactions (ROM-CM) for preparing some precursors of acyclic congeneers of cucurbiturils. Lastly, the fifth part concerns results about gaz encapsulation. All of this study has been driven in collaboration with Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique (CEA Saclay).
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Predictors of the Incidence and Charges for Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery in Florida Hospitals During 2010Ialynychev, Anna 01 January 2013 (has links)
Over the past several decades rates of spine surgeries in the U.S. have increased dramatically. Spinal fusion surgery rates, in particular, have grown exponentially despite being one of the most costly, invasive, and controversial methods for treating patients suffering from back conditions. Furthermore, lumbar fusion surgeries continue to be performed at increasing rates despite a lack of scientific evidence and consensus that they are cost-effective and produce better clinical outcomes than less radical treatment of lower back pain. As a result, large amounts of healthcare dollars continue to be invested in these costly procedures which are potentially dangerous and have questionable efficacy in terms of improving patient outcomes.
Importantly, there is a lack of population studies in the literature on spinal fusion surgeries from a health services research perspective. Therefore, the present research is a population based study using an administrative database and includes patients of all ages and payer types. The data used in the present study come from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and include all hospitalizations in Florida in 2010.
The objective of the study is to analyze the incidence of spinal fusion surgeries in Florida hospitals for patients of all ages and payer types by demographic variables to understand who gets these surgeries and for which conditions. The first null hypothesis is that there are no statistically significant predictors of the incidence of lumbar/lumbosacral, dorsal/dorsolumbar spinal fusion surgeries in Florida hospitals. Logistic regression was used to analyze the incidence of fusion surgeries. The binary dependent variable was coded as a "1" for all patients who were a case (i.e. they received one of the five procedure codes being studied in the present research) and a "0" for all patients who were controls (meaning they did not receive any of the five fusion procedure codes). Logistic regression was used to predict the probability of an observation being a "1" given the independent variables included in the model.
Additionally, hospital charges were analyzed to understand the associated hospital charges with these surgeries. The second null hypothesis is that there are no statistically significant predictors of the charges of Lumbar/Lumbosacral, Dorsal/Dorsolumbar spinal fusion surgeries in Florida Hospitals. A mixed effects model was used to test this hypothesis and the fixed effects which were included in the model were gender, age, race, principal payer, and principal procedure. A mixed effects model was chosen due to the fact that cases who had surgeries performed at the same hospital are not independent and therefore the data were clustered on hospitals. A random intercept term was used to address this fact. SAS software was used to complete all of the analyses.
In 2010, there were 16,236 Lumbar/Lumbosacral, Dorsal/Dorsolumbar fusion surgery cases in Florida hospitals that were included in the case population and 21,856 individuals included in the control population for a total of 38,092 included in the study population. An understanding of who is most likely to receive a fusion surgery, at what age, and for which diagnoses, as has been done here, is extremely important. This knowledge can help researchers, policy makers, and physicians alike. Comprehensive physician practice guidelines for performing fusion surgeries still do not exist in the year 2013; therefore, in order to have the greatest impact, the efforts for creating the guidelines should be focused on those individuals who are most likely to receive fusions as shown for the first time by the data analyzed here. Given the high incidence of these surgeries in Florida alone, the need for practice guidelines cannot be overstated.
The total hospital charges in Florida hospitals for the 16,236 cases were $2,095,413,584. Despite having the same principal diagnoses and a similar number of additional diagnoses, patients who received a fusion surgery resulted in approximately three times the charges as those incurred by the controls.
Overall, the high incidence and charges for fusion surgeries shown in this study emphasize the importance of having a better understanding of when these surgeries are justified and for which patients. Without comprehensive practice guidelines established through evidence-based research this is difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. The diagnoses which are most prevalent and show the most inconsistencies between cases may be a good starting point for such guidelines.
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Generování eliptických křivek pro kryptografický protokol / Elliptic curve generator for cryptographic protocolHerbrych, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with creation of elliptic curves generator. MIRACL library and C++ language are used. One of important issues is to determine the order of the elliptic curve group. SEA algorithm (Schoof–Elkies–Atkin) is used for point counting on the elliptic curve. Method with this algorithm is called as counting points method, SEA method etc. Next method is CM method. Both methods are available in the generator. The measurements of dependency of basic operations speed on the group size and parameters were done. ECIES hybrid scheme was implemented. It is practical verification of proper functionality of the generator. Another benchmarks measured dependency of ECIES encryption and decryption on various parameters, e.g. size of the curve, generating method, message size etc.
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