Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mms"" "subject:"mems""
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Caractérisation génétique et moléculaire d'une incompatibilité nucléo-cytoplasmique chez Arabidopsis Thaliana / Genetics and molecular characterization of a nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibility in Arabidopsis thalianaGobron, Nicolas 27 April 2012 (has links)
Un croisement intra-spécifique entre deux accessions d'Arabidopsis thaliana (Sha et Mr-0) a donné 100% d'individus mâles stériles dans la descendance F1 lorsque Sha est utilisé comme parent maternel et Mr-0 comme parent mâle (Sha x Mr-0). Dans le croisement réciproque (Mr-0 x Sha), les individus F1 sont mâles fertiles. Étant donné que l'hérédité du cytoplasme chez Arabidopsis thaliana est maternelle (non Mendélienne), cela indique que cette stérilité mâle résulte d'une interaction entre le cytoplasme de Sha et les allèles nucléaires de Mr-0. Une cartographie génétique d'une population en ségrégation a permis, au cours d’un travail préliminaire à cette thèse (Cezar Sophie Hiard et Cezary Waszczak), de localiser les locus nucléaires sur les chromosomes 1 et 3 ; de plus, la présence des allèles Mr-0 au deux locus est nécessaire pour observer le phénotype de stérilité mâle. Les objectifs de thèse étaient de décrire le phénotype de stérilité mâle, d'identifier les facteurs cytoplasmique(s) et nucléaires, et de commencer l'étude des mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à l'origine de cette stérilité mâle. Le clonage positionnel, stratégie adoptée pour identifier les facteurs nucléaires, a permis de diminuer les intervalles aux deux locus et, pour l’un d’entre eux, de pouvoir proposer une approche « gènes candidats ». En parallèle, des croisements réciproques supplémentaires, entre Mr-0 et d'autres accessions que Sha, ont été réalisés et ont permis d’identifier d’autres accessions inductrice de stérilité qui proviennent de la même région géographique que Sha (Asie Centrale) ; la détermination des cytotypes chez les nouvelles accessions testées a montré que la stérilité mâle en F1 apparaît lorsque le parent maternel possède un cytoplasme du même groupe que celui de Sha. Concernant le facteur cytoplasmique inducteur de stérilité, nous avons identifié un seul candidat, l’orf117Sha mitochondrial, qui est spécifique des accessions inductrices de stérilité comme Sha et qui présente beaucoup de similarités avec des facteurs inducteurs de stérilité identifiés dans d’autres systèmes de stérilité mâle cytoplasmique chez les Angiospermes. La caractérisation du phénotype de stérilité mâle par une approche cytologique classique a été réalisée sur des génotypes où les allèles Mr-0 aux locus mainteneurs sont introgressés dans un fond génétique Sha ; selon les génotypes, les allèles mainteneurs Mr-0 sont présents simultanément ou uniquement à l’un des deux locus identifiés, afin de pouvoir observer indépendamment l'influence des allèles Mr-0. Des observations d’anthères prélevées sur ces génotypes et colorées à l’Alexander ont permis de confirmer l’effet des allèles Mr-0 aux locus mainteneurs (introgressés dans un fond génétique homogène) sur la viabilité des grains de pollen, ainsi que le déclenchement tardif de la stérilité mâle nucléo-cytoplasmique au cours du développement pollinique. L’effet, sur la viabilité des grains de pollen, d’autres locus que les locus mainteneurs, appelés locus distorteurs de ségrégation et non liés à la SMNC, a également été observé. De nombreuses incompatibilités génétiques s’expriment dans la F1 Sha x Mr-0 ; elles créent une barrière reproductive post-zygotique en affectant la production de pollen dans la descendance. Le croisement Sha x Mr-0 pourrait révéler un processus évolutif en cours pouvant aboutir à terme à des événements de spéciation au sein d’Arabidopsis thaliana. / The genome of plants is compartmentalized between nucleus and organelles (chloroplasts and mitochondria). These compartments have different inheritance patterns (nuclear genes have Mendelian inheritance; organelles genes are maternally inherited) and this has consequences for their co-adaptation, which is under the influence of two forces: on the one hand, a functional co-adaption whose failure leads to Bateson-Dobzhanski-Muller incompatibilities, on a second hand a genomic conflict, sometimes revealed by nucleo-cytoplasmic male sterility. The wealth of genetic resources at our disposal for Arabidopsis thaliana makes it an interesting model to study the co-evolution between genetic compartments. As part of this problem, this thesis is devoted to a male sterility presenting a nucleo-cytoplasmic determinism and which emerged as a result of a cross between two accessions (Sha x Mr-0) while the reciprocal cross (Mr-0 x Sha) produced male fertile F1 individuals. Results preliminary to this thesis have shown that male sterility results from an interaction between the cytoplasm of Sha and dominant alleles carried by chromosomes 1 and 3. The objectives of this thesis were to describe the phenotype of the male sterility, as well as to identify both cytoplasmic and nuclear factors, and also to start the study of the underlying molecular mechanisms, which are responsible of this male sterility. I followed a strategy of genetic mapping to identify involved nuclear factors by positional cloning. I localized the maintainer locus on chromosome 3 in an interval of 53 kb and began a molecular analysis of this region in the two parental accessions. This now allows a candidate gene approach for this maintainer. I also showed that the maintainer locus on chromosome 1 probably consists of two closely linked loci, whose alleles Mr-0 are both required for the expression of the male sterility. In parallel, reciprocal crosses involving either Mr-0 or Sha with accessions of the collection allowed us to identify at least one other accession with maintainer alleles (Etna-2), and a dozen accessions carrying the male sterility-inducing cytoplasm (all from Central Asia). A comparative analysis of cytoplasmic genomes of Sha and Kz-9, which has a cytoplasm very close to Sha but not inducing sterility, revealed a mitochondrial gene, candidate for male sterility and called orf117Sha. It is specific to accessions inducing sterility and its putative product shows 57% identity and 71% similarity with orf108, a gene involved in cytoplasmic male sterility in alloplasmic Brassicas (Ashutosh et al, 2008 ; Kumar et al, 2012).During the mapping and cytological observations, I have highlighted genetic incompatibilities that cause distortions of segregation through the male descent in the progeny of heterozygous plants. These incompatibilities, probably independent of the cytoplasm, create genetic barriers between the two parental accessions of the cross that I studied. I propose that the cross Sha x Mr-0 reveals an ongoing evolutionary process that can eventually lead to speciation events in Arabidopsis thaliana.
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Search for heavy resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS experimentRankin, Dylan Sheldon 27 November 2018 (has links)
Searches are presented for narrow heavy resonances decaying to a top quark and a bottom quark using data collected by the CMS experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Final states that include a single lepton (electron, muon), multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are analyzed. No evidence is found for the production of a W' boson, and the production of right-handed W' bosons is excluded at 95% confidence level for masses up to 3.6 TeV depending on the scenario considered. Exclusion limits for W' bosons are also presented as a function of their coupling strength to left- and right-handed fermions. These limits on a W' boson decaying via a top and a bottom quark are the most stringent published to date. Projections for future searches with an integrated luminosity of up to 3 inverse attobarns are also presented, and suggest that W' boson masses above 4 TeV could be excluded.
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Migration av säkerhetsinställningar mellan Joomla och Wordpress : Att transferera säkerhetsinställningar mellan olika Content Management Systems / Migration of Security Settings between Joomla and Wordpress : Transferring security settings between different Content Management SystemsJohansson, Karl January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete ämnar ta reda på hur väl man kan överföra säkerhetsinställningar mellantvå olika content management systems, förkortat CMS. Tidigare arbeten visar att enöverföring mellan dessa olika system är möjligt, men utan ett fokus påsäkerhetsinställningar. En artefakt skapas i PHP vars syfte är att föra översäkerhetsinställningar mellan två olika CMS, Joomla och Wordpress. De tester somgenomförs visar att möjligheten finns där men att det nuvarande programmet inte ärfulldugligt. I slutändan passar det skapade programmet bäst som en bas för senareundersökningar att arbeta vidare på, snarare än som en slutgiltig produkt som böranvändas i sina nuvarande form.
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Analys av verktyg och daglig arbetsprocess inom webbutvecklingLobo, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this project has been to analyze the daily work process and use of tools when creating websites. By working with the company iComm studios I have been able to answer a number of questions. How the daily work process looks, what model one follows, how projects are completed and delivered and how much role the different tools play in the development of the projects. Because of the size of the company, I have also investigated how the company acquires new projects to work on, whether new or already existing customers request them. Most of the questions are answered by myself having participated as a regular web developer. For some other questions I have asked questions to appropriate employees. The report will also review the tools and possibly propose improvements. My own reflections will be based on how the future of web development may look. / Målet med arbetet har varit att analysera dagliga arbetsprocessen och användning av verktyg när man skapar webbplatser. Genom att jobba med företaget iComm Studios har jag kunnat besvara ett antal frågor. Hur det dagliga arbetsprocessen ser ut, vilken modell man följer, hur projekt avslutas och levereras och hur stor roll de olika verktygen spelar vid utvecklingen av projekten. På grund av företagets storlek så har jag också undersökt hur företaget skaffar nya projekt att jobba på, vare sig nya eller redan existerande kunder begär dem. De flesta frågorna besvaras genom att jag själv har medverkat som en vanlig webbutvecklare. För vissa andra frågor har jag ställt frågor till behöriga anställda. Rapporten kommer även att granska verktygen och eventuellt ge förslag till förbättringar. Mina egna reflektioner kommer att baseras på hur framtiden för webbutveckling kan komma att se ut.
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Wampp Web&Photo : Utveckling av hemsida till webbyråTruup, Tiia-Mai January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this work is to create a website for the web agency Wampp Web&Photo. The company is still in the development phase and recently registered in the Swedish Companies Act. Wampp Web&Photo strives for a simple and useful website that includes presentation of the company, information about development of website, presentation of services and also calculator to calculate the cost of services. The graphic profile is important for the company. Pictures with good quality are in focus. For inspiration for the graphic profile and the construction of the application, surveys on the internet among competitors will be performed. During surveys, current prices for services in web development will also be noted. To perform the assignment, the CMS system Umbraco will be used. For the development, the programming language C # and development environment Visual Studio are used. The site should be built up to enable easy maintenance and updates. Unsplash and photo session are used for images. Great focus will be placed on the development of the calculator. It is important that the function is easy to use and works without errors. Calculator will be of help to customers and the company. Usability tests and other tests will be performed to check the website's functionality and usability. The work ends with the launch of the website in Umbraco Cloud. If the need for adjustments exists after tests, these are performed. / Målet med detta arbete är att skapa hemsida till webbyrå Wampp Web&Photo. Företaget är fortfarande i utvecklingsfas och nyligen registrerad i bolagsverket. Wampp Web&Photo eftersträvar en enkel och användbar hemsida som inkluderar presentation av företaget, information om utveckling av hemsida, presentation av tjänster och även kalkylator för att räkna ut kostnaden för tjänster. Den grafiska profilen är viktig för företaget. Bilder med bra kvalitet står i fokus. För inspiration till grafiska profilen och uppbyggnaden av applikationen, kommer undersökningar på internet bland konkurrenter utföras. Under undersökningar kommer även aktuella priser för tjänster inom webbutveckling noteras. För att utföra uppdraget kommer CMS systemet Umbraco användas. För utvecklingen används programmeringsspråket C# och utvecklingsmiljö Visual Studio. Sidan kommer att byggas så att den möjliggör enkel underhåll och uppdateringar. För bilder används Unsplash och fotosession. Stor fokus kommer att läggas på utvecklingen av kalkylator. Det är viktigt att funktionen är smidig att använda och fungerar utan felaktigheter. Kalkylator kommer att vara till hjälp för kunder och företaget. Användbarhetstester och andra tester kommer att utföras för att kontrollera webbsidans funktionalitet och användbarhet. Arbetet avslutas med lansering av hemsidan i Umbraco Cloud. Efter tester utförs eventuella justeringar.
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Search for vector-like T quarks using events with oppositely-charged lepton pairs and jets in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with CMS detectorMendis, Dalath Rachitha Asanga January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Andrew G. Ivanov / A search is performed for heavy vector-like top quark partner (T) with electric charge +2/3 by using proton-proton collision events from Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a centre- of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb−1 collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment during 2016.
The production of this new hypothetical particle is assumed to be in pairs and strong interaction is responsible for such production mechanism. T quarks can decay to various combinations of third generation quarks and standard model bosons: T → bW, tZ, or tH, and hence the final states consist of pair of opposite-sign leptons consistent with coming from a Z boson and jets. No significant excess has been observed and hence 95% CL upper limits are obtained on TT production cross section by assuming different branching ratios. T quark mass values below 1280 GeV are excluded in case of 100% branching fraction for T → tZ.
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Redakční systém s podporou dynamicky generovaného obsahu / CMS Supporting Dynamically Generated ContentNádraský, Václav January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis covers design and development of content management system which is easily extensible. It allows creating websites out of components which can be placed at any place in a web site. These components can contain a complex application logic which is independent of a layout of user controls. Content management system also contains a component allowing to place any data from any database into web site content without need to program or to create SQL queries.
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Optimización de los procesos de coordinación de cursos del programa Construyendo Mis Sueños de la Universidad de ChilePinto Valdés, Diego Ignacio January 2014 (has links)
Magíster en Ingeniería de Negocios con Tecnología de Información / Ingeniero Civil Industrial / Desde 1999 las micro y pequeñas empresas (MIPES) en Chile vienen experimentando un aumento progresivo, lo que se puede explicar a la necesidad de las personas a proveer para sus hogares de forma independiente. De esta manera se crea en el 2002 el Programa Construyendo Mis Sueños que nace debido a cuestionamientos estudiantiles sobre la realidad social en Chile
El programa se encuentra inmerso dentro de la Universidad de Chile, como un área de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, funciona con la administración centralizada de la Facultad pero sus recursos financieros son manejados independientemente en un centro de costos asociado.
Actualmente, el programa Construyendo Mis Sueños desarrolla una serie de programas de capacitaciones en diversos ámbitos, existen de dos tipos. El primero son los cursos que se dan regularmente y el segundo tipo de cursos son los que se realizan a pedido de una institución que ha realizado un estudio de mercado en el ámbito MIPE y desea incentivar o aumentar la capacidad productiva de un sector en específico.
En base a esto nace este proyecto de grado, donde el objetivo general es optimizar la coordinación de requerimientos para asegurar la calidad de los cursos a impartir por el programa a través de las herramientas y metodologías aprendidas en el Magíster en Ingeniería de Negocios con Tecnologías de Información de la Universidad de Chile.
El proyecto es exitoso debido a la gran necesidad de implementar un sistema inteligente que logre disminuir los problemas de coordinación existentes en el programa, de esta manera se espera un uso total el primer semestre del 2014. La implementación y cálculo para el semestre primavera 2013 da un porcentaje de mejora de aproximadamente un 15% en el uso de relatores, aumentando el uso de relatores anuales de dieciséis a veinticinco, esto se traduce entre tres a nueve cursos más a ejecutar en el primer período de evaluación, dependiendo del tipo de relator que se programe. Además de asegurar la calidad de las clases permitiendo crear relaciones duraderas en el tiempo con las instituciones que contratan las capacitaciones.
El proyecto es económicamente viable gracias a la mejora en los usos ociosos de relatores, lo que permite contraer una mayor cantidad de contratos con organizaciones que antes requerían un servicio de capacitación pero no se les podía brindar debido a faltas de capacidad, esto conlleva a aumentos en la cantidad de microempresarios capacitados de un 252% y en los ingresos del programa esperables de $393.841.978.- para un horizonte de evaluación de 5 años. Además, es importante mencionar que debido al aumento en la cantidad de microempresarios capacitados, el costo social baja mucho, aumentando así el beneficio social que da el programa.
Finalmente, el proyecto tiene un gran potencial de generalización, gracias a la metodología utilizada. De esta manera es posible llevar estas optimizaciones de calendarios de relatores/cursos a otros dominios como la asignación de profesores a cursos en una Universidad.
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Cross section measurement of simultaneously produced Υ(1S) + J/Ψ mesons and upgrade studies for the CMS detectorDilsiz, Kamuran 01 January 2016 (has links)
A measured cross section of simultaneously produced Υ(1S) and J/ψ mesons is performed using 20 fb-1 integrated luminosity in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV center of mass energy recorded by the CMS detector. Both mesons are fully reconstructed from their final states, μ+ μ-. To extract the signal yield, an extended maximum likelihood fit is used on two (invariant mass of Υ(1S) and J/ψ) and three (invariant mass of Υ(1S) and J/ψ, cτ) dimensional components. A two-dimensional extended likelihood fit is used for the signal yield of data and a three-dimensional extended likelihood fit is used to know the possibility of displaced J/ψ candidate events arising from a B meson decay. A data embedding method is used to correct the efficiency in the data. The cross section in the fiducial region, defined as |y|<2.0, is determined to be 16.5±3.6(stat)±2.6(syst) pb.
In order to improve the physics measurements capabilities for the harsh radiation environments at Large Hadron Collider (LHC), radiation hard detectors are needed. Secondary Emission Method (SEM) is a technique to measure the energy of particles such as e, n, and p in extreme radiation environments. Secondary Emission Ionization Calorimetry is a new technique for high radiation conditions. We designed two different types of test boards to test Hamamatsu single anode R7761 and multi-anode R5900-00-M16 PMTs and compared average gain values for both SE and PMT modes. We found that both values (SE and PMT) were comparable, which means the test boards that were developed perform very well and they could be used at Fermilab Test Beam Facility or in the CERN H2 beam area for the detection of minimum ionizing and showering particles.
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Search for Supersymmetry in Proton-Proton Collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS Detector using Identified Top QuarksJoshi, Yagya R 08 June 2018 (has links)
A search for supersymmetry is presented based on proton-proton collision events containing identified hadronically decaying top quarks (i.e., events with no identified leptons), and an imbalance EmissT in transverse momentum. The data were collected with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1. The 84 exclusive search regions are defined in terms of the multiplicity of bottom quark jet and top quark candidates, the missing energy, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta HT, and the transverse mass variable sensitive to the pair production of heavy particles, each of which decays into an invisible particle MT2. A novel and robust top quark reconstruction algorithm which is based on multivariate approach and is capable of identifying top quarks in the wide spectrum of top quark transverse momentum is developed. Methods in the modeling of events arising from quantum chromodynamics and electroweak boson production, which are major backgrounds in searches for new physics at the LHC, are also presented. No statistically significant excess of events is observed relative to the expectation from the standard model. Discussion of the non-excluded regions of the model parameter space is given. Lower limits on the masses of supersymmetric particles are determined at 95% confidence level in the context of simplified models with top quark production. For a model with direct top squark pair production followed by the decay of each top squark to a top quark and a neutralino, top squark masses up to 1020 GeV and neutralino masses up to 430 GeV are excluded. For a model with pair production of gluinos followed by the decay of each gluino to a top quark-antiquark pair and a neutralino, gluino masses up to 2040 GeV and neutralino masses up to 1150 GeV are excluded. These limits extend previous results obtained with 8 TeV data and 2.3 fb-1 13 TeV data.
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