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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards the feasibility of a landowner enterprise in the western Baviaanskloof : an external stakeholder analysis

Wiles, Kira Leigh Deborah January 2014 (has links)
In May 2012, a meeting was held between various stakeholder representatives of the Western Baviaanskloof to discuss the concept of a proposed landowner-enterprise. This concept was put forward in response to a need for collaboration in the midst of economic, environmental and social issues at play in the Baviaanskloof. Owing to the conservation value and rapidly decreasing economic output of the land, a radical shift to sustainable land-use practices was called for by various stakeholders. Suggested as a vehicle to generate income for the local landowners through alternative sustainable land-uses, the proposed enterprise may aid in addressing this shift by use of a bottom-up approach. During the stakeholder meeting, it was requested by the representative landowners that a feasibility assessment be conducted on the concept of the proposed enterprise prior to establishment. As an integral part of this assessment, the researcher took on the task of investigating stakeholder reception to the enterprise by means of a stakeholder analysis. It was decided to limit this to three markets: water, carbon and tourism. The purpose of this research study is twofold, namely to: investigate stakeholder influence and their reception of the proposed enterprise using a stakeholder analysis; and also to identify and advise on the opportunities and constraints relating to stakeholders, thus contributing to determining the feasibility of the proposed enterprise. In achieving the purpose of this study, a systematic stakeholder analysis framework was constructed, based on existing theory. This was necessary because, although stakeholder analysis is commonly practiced, no study was found to provide a theoretically based framework for the purpose of feasibility in the initial stages of enterprise establishment. Thus the contribution of the study is also twofold, namely the practical outcome of determining stakeholder reception for feasibility, and a secondary outcome of constructing a stakeholder analysis framework. The stakeholder analysis framework is based on an interpretation of existing stakeholder theory, with the addition of four "relational indicators" – goals, intentions, relationships, and resources. These four indicators provide a link between theory and practice in gauging the two attributes of stakeholder influence – power and interest. Dealing with a number of stakeholder interests in a unique context, the study takes on a single network case study approach in the paradigm of phenomenology. To suit the complex nature of the study, semi-structured interviews with various stakeholder representatives were conducted, using groups or organisations as units of analysis. Drawing from the stakeholder analysis framework and overall purpose of the study, four research objectives were set. The first was to identify the proposed enterprise's legitimate key external stakeholders, based on the three markets: water, carbon and tourism; the second to describe, categorise and assess relative dyadic influence of the above stakeholders by gauging their power and interest; the third, to determine the stakeholder network influence and probable reception of the proposed enterprise; and the last to advise the landowners on any identified opportunities or constraints stakeholders might pose, and thus to contribute to determining feasibility. In addressing the first objective, 21 stakeholders were identified, 12 of whom were found to be key to the current investigation. These key stakeholders were: Gamtoos Irrigation Board (GIB), LivingLands, R3G, Rhodes Restoration Group, Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA), Department of Water Affairs (DWA), Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan (NMBM), Saaimanshoek, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT), Baviaans Tourism, and Baviaans Municipality. In applying the stakeholder analysis framework, ECPTA was categorised as the definitive (most influential) stakeholder to the enterprise, and DEDEAT, SANBI (through Working for Wetlands), Baviaans Tourism, GIB, and NMBM were categorised as pivotal (influential and active). In discerning stakeholder interest in the proposed enterprise, a number of emerging themes were found to affect the projected interest and behaviour of stakeholders, apart from their specified goals. Emerging themes included: tunnel visioning, internal disparity, individual/personality clashes, and misaligned interests. In addition to this, in interpreting stakeholder interest, specific intentions or agendas that might affect the interest shown towards the proposed enterprise were also taken into account. Five predominant intentions of stakeholders were identified as: implementing a stewardship programme, establishing a tourism association, establishing a water users' association, social development, and "the big vision". Findings on the final objective revealed a number of perceived opportunities and constraints relative to the feasibility of the enterprise. Three prime opportunities were identified as: partnerships with definitive and pivotal stakeholders, the possibility of tendering for implementer of the "Working for" programmes, and taking on the role of Tourism Association. The following potential constraints were also emphasised by participants: social aspects such as individuals and personalities, the incompatibility or non-existence of local market structures, and the need for external funding. With regard to stakeholder reception, most of the stakeholders, with the exception of NMBM and Saaimanshoek, responded positively to the idea of the enterprise. Overall, based on participant perceptions, the tourism market was found to be the most feasible the carbon market uncertain and a long-term possibility, and the water market the least feasible.

L’étude de l’expérience des Cris de Waswanipi lors des processus de consultation concernant l’exploitation forestière

Toulouse, Sara 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la participation locale des Cris de Waswanipi lors de consultations à propos de l’exploitation forestière de leur territoire ancestrale. Depuis la signature de l’Entente concernant une nouvelle relation entre le gouvernement du Québec et les Cris du Québec, communément appelée la Paix des braves en 2002, les Cris d’Eeyou Istchee ont obtenu des dispositions de consultation distincte concernant la gestion du territoire forestier. Entre autres, le régime forestier adapté assure la mise en place de Groupes de travail conjoints, où le gouvernement du Québec et les Cris négocient la planification forestière sur une base territoriale. Ce mécanisme de mise en oeuvre de la Paix des Braves fait suite aux nombreuses revendications des Cris. Toutefois, plus de dix ans après la signature de l’entente, il est pertinent de se demander si les processus de consultation orchestrés par les Groupes de travail conjoints répondent aux besoins et aspirations des Cris. Cette recherche sociologique réalisée dans la communauté de Waswanipi s’efforce de mettre en lumière l’expérience des tallymen, intendant du territoire familial et représentant de la famille aux Groupes de travail conjoints, lors des processus de consultation. À l’aide d’une douzaine d’entretien avec des tallymen, ce mémoire cherche à soulever l’impact que ces derniers possèdent dans la planification territoriale ainsi que la place accordée aux savoirs traditionnels lors des rencontres de consultation. / This thesis focuses on the local participation of the Waswanipi Cree during consultation meetings concerning forestry operations on their ancestral territory. Since the signing of the the Agreement Concerning a New Relationship Between le Gouvernement du Québec and the Crees of Québec, commonly called Paix des Braves Agreement in 2002, the Crees of Eeyou Istchee have gained distinct consultation provisions related to forest land management. Among other things, the adapted forestry regime ensures the establishment of Joint Working Groups, where the Quebec government and the Crees negotiate territorially-based forest planning. This mechanism for implementing the Paix des Braves falls in line with the initial demands made by the Crees. Acknowledging this, it is pertinent to ask whether the consultation processes orchestrated by the Joint Working Groups meet the needs and aspirations of the Crees more than a decade after the signing of the agreement. This sociological research conducted in the community of Waswanipi strives to highlight the experience of tallymen, stewards of traditional family lands and family representatives in Joint Working Groups, during consultation processes. Through a dozen interviews with tallymen, this thesis seeks to highlight the impact tallymen have on territorial planning as well as the place given to traditional knowledge during consultation meetings.

Tribal Engagement and Infrastructure Development: Landscapes and Cultural Heritage in the United States

Mattisson, Maxwell Alexander 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on tribal engagement and tribal consultation in the United States. In the thesis, I discuss my experience working on an interdisciplinary research team completing a formal ethnographic study which was submitted to a federal agency. Using insights gained from this experience and additional experience working with American Indian tribes, I discuss historic, contemporary, and potential future strategies for involving and engaging American Indian tribes in land and resource stewardship decisions in the United States.

Living and fishing in a marine protected area : balancing traditional fisheries with conservation in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia

Maillet, Gilles 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a porté sur quelques enjeux importants liés à la gestion des aires marines protégées (AMP) en Indonésie en examinant comment celles-ci sont en mesure d'adapter leurs politiques afin de mieux répondre à l'évolution des conditions socioéconomiques et écologiques, quels ont été les impacts socioéconomiques de ces aires, et quelles sont les préoccupations environnementales des acteurs locaux dont les moyens de subsistance dépendent des ressources règlementées. Le «livelihoods framework » a servi de guide pour notre analyse des changements socioéconomiques dans la région, tandis que la notion d’« environmentality » d’Agrawal a fourni les bases théoriques pour l'examen de la formation de sujets environnementaux au parc national de Karimunjawa. Cette étude a montré que les changements de politique apportés au plan de la gestion du parc sont un pas dans la bonne direction, mais que les objectifs importants liés sa cogestion n'ont jamais été entièrement réalisés dans la pratique. Les résultats montrent également que d'importants changements socioéconomiques surviennent dans le parc, de nombreux pêcheurs se tournent vers des moyens de subsistance alternatifs, afin de compenser la baisse des prises de poissons. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que d'importants changements positifs dans les préoccupations environnementales sont survenus depuis la modification du zonage du parc, mais que ceux-ci ne se sont pas entièrement traduits en conformité avec les règles et règlements de l'AMP. / This research examined a few important issues related to marine protected area (MPA) management in Indonesia by looking at how MPAs are able to adapt their policies in order to better suit evolving socioeconomic and ecological conditions, what socioeconomic impacts have been felt as a result of MPA implementation, and what are the environmental subjectivities of local actors whose livelihoods are dependent on the resources that are being regulated. The livelihoods framework served as a guide when examining local socioeconomic changes in the region, while Agrawal’s concept of environmentality provided the theoretical underpinnings when examining the formation of environmental subjects in Karimunjawa National Park. This study found that the policy changes brought about in KNP’s reworked management plan are a step in the right direction, but that important goals related to park co-management were never fully realized in practice. The results also show that significant socioeconomic changes are occurring within the park, with many fishermen turning to alternative livelihoods in order to offset declining fish catches. Lastly, this study uncovered that significant positive shifts in environmental subjectivities have occurred since the re-zoning of the park, but that these have not fully translated into compliance towards the rules and regulations of the MPA.

Cogestion des ressources naturelles : une approche structurale pour quantifier la contribution des réseaux d'acteurs à la résilience des systèmes socio-écologiques

Gonzalès, Rodolphe 03 1900 (has links)
Alors que les activités anthropiques font basculer de nombreux écosystèmes vers des régimes fonctionnels différents, la résilience des systèmes socio-écologiques devient un problème pressant. Des acteurs locaux, impliqués dans une grande diversité de groupes — allant d’initiatives locales et indépendantes à de grandes institutions formelles — peuvent agir sur ces questions en collaborant au développement, à la promotion ou à l’implantation de pratiques plus en accord avec ce que l’environnement peut fournir. De ces collaborations répétées émergent des réseaux complexes, et il a été montré que la topologie de ces réseaux peut améliorer la résilience des systèmes socio-écologiques (SSÉ) auxquels ils participent. La topologie des réseaux d’acteurs favorisant la résilience de leur SSÉ est caractérisée par une combinaison de plusieurs facteurs : la structure doit être modulaire afin d’aider les différents groupes à développer et proposer des solutions à la fois plus innovantes (en réduisant l’homogénéisation du réseau), et plus proches de leurs intérêts propres ; elle doit être bien connectée et facilement synchronisable afin de faciliter les consensus, d’augmenter le capital social, ainsi que la capacité d’apprentissage ; enfin, elle doit être robuste, afin d’éviter que les deux premières caractéristiques ne souffrent du retrait volontaire ou de la mise à l’écart de certains acteurs. Ces caractéristiques, qui sont relativement intuitives à la fois conceptuellement et dans leur application mathématique, sont souvent employées séparément pour analyser les qualités structurales de réseaux d’acteurs empiriques. Cependant, certaines sont, par nature, incompatibles entre elles. Par exemple, le degré de modularité d’un réseau ne peut pas augmenter au même rythme que sa connectivité, et cette dernière ne peut pas être améliorée tout en améliorant sa robustesse. Cet obstacle rend difficile la création d’une mesure globale, car le niveau auquel le réseau des acteurs contribue à améliorer la résilience du SSÉ ne peut pas être la simple addition des caractéristiques citées, mais plutôt le résultat d’un compromis subtil entre celles-ci. Le travail présenté ici a pour objectifs (1), d’explorer les compromis entre ces caractéristiques ; (2) de proposer une mesure du degré auquel un réseau empirique d’acteurs contribue à la résilience de son SSÉ ; et (3) d’analyser un réseau empirique à la lumière, entre autres, de ces qualités structurales. Cette thèse s’articule autour d’une introduction et de quatre chapitres numérotés de 2 à 5. Le chapitre 2 est une revue de la littérature sur la résilience des SSÉ. Il identifie une série de caractéristiques structurales (ainsi que les mesures de réseaux qui leur correspondent) liées à l’amélioration de la résilience dans les SSÉ. Le chapitre 3 est une étude de cas sur la péninsule d’Eyre, une région rurale d’Australie-Méridionale où l’occupation du sol, ainsi que les changements climatiques, contribuent à l’érosion de la biodiversité. Pour cette étude de cas, des travaux de terrain ont été effectués en 2010 et 2011 durant lesquels une série d’entrevues a permis de créer une liste des acteurs de la cogestion de la biodiversité sur la péninsule. Les données collectées ont été utilisées pour le développement d’un questionnaire en ligne permettant de documenter les interactions entre ces acteurs. Ces deux étapes ont permis la reconstitution d’un réseau pondéré et dirigé de 129 acteurs individuels et 1180 relations. Le chapitre 4 décrit une méthodologie pour mesurer le degré auquel un réseau d’acteurs participe à la résilience du SSÉ dans lequel il est inclus. La méthode s’articule en deux étapes : premièrement, un algorithme d’optimisation (recuit simulé) est utilisé pour fabriquer un archétype semi-aléatoire correspondant à un compromis entre des niveaux élevés de modularité, de connectivité et de robustesse. Deuxièmement, un réseau empirique (comme celui de la péninsule d’Eyre) est comparé au réseau archétypique par le biais d’une mesure de distance structurelle. Plus la distance est courte, et plus le réseau empirique est proche de sa configuration optimale. La cinquième et dernier chapitre est une amélioration de l’algorithme de recuit simulé utilisé dans le chapitre 4. Comme il est d’usage pour ce genre d’algorithmes, le recuit simulé utilisé projetait les dimensions du problème multiobjectif dans une seule dimension (sous la forme d’une moyenne pondérée). Si cette technique donne de très bons résultats ponctuellement, elle n’autorise la production que d’une seule solution parmi la multitude de compromis possibles entre les différents objectifs. Afin de mieux explorer ces compromis, nous proposons un algorithme de recuit simulé multiobjectifs qui, plutôt que d’optimiser une seule solution, optimise une surface multidimensionnelle de solutions. Cette étude, qui se concentre sur la partie sociale des systèmes socio-écologiques, améliore notre compréhension des structures actorielles qui contribuent à la résilience des SSÉ. Elle montre que si certaines caractéristiques profitables à la résilience sont incompatibles (modularité et connectivité, ou — dans une moindre mesure — connectivité et robustesse), d’autres sont plus facilement conciliables (connectivité et synchronisabilité, ou — dans une moindre mesure — modularité et robustesse). Elle fournit également une méthode intuitive pour mesurer quantitativement des réseaux d’acteurs empiriques, et ouvre ainsi la voie vers, par exemple, des comparaisons d’études de cas, ou des suivis — dans le temps — de réseaux d’acteurs. De plus, cette thèse inclut une étude de cas qui fait la lumière sur l’importance de certains groupes institutionnels pour la coordination des collaborations et des échanges de connaissances entre des acteurs aux intérêts potentiellement divergents. / As anthropic activities are slowly pushing many ecosystems towards their functional tipping points, social-ecological resilience has become a pressing concern. Local stakeholders, acting within a diversity of groups — from grassroots organizations to higher-scale institutional structures — may act on these issues and collaborate to develop, promote, and implement more sustainable practices. From these repeated collaborations emerge complex networks, the topologies of which have been shown to either enhance or hinder social-ecological systems’ (SES) resilience. The main topological characteristics of a stakeholder network enhancing SES’s resilience include a combination of: a highly modular community structure, which helps groups of stakeholders develop and propose solutions both more innovative (by reducing knowledge homogeneity in the network), and close to their interest and values; high connectivity and synchronizability, in order to improve consensus building, social capital and learning capacity; and high robustness so as to prevent the first two characteristics from sharply decreasing if some stakeholders were to leave the network. These characteristics are straight-forward both in concept and in their mathematical implementation, and have often been used separately to discuss the structural qualities of stakeholder networks in case studies. However, some of these topological features inherently contradict each other. For example, modularity is in direct conflict with connectivity, which is in conflict with a network’s robustness. This issue makes the creation of a more global measure difficult, as the level to which stakeholders contribute to enhancing SES’s resilience cannot simply be a summation of these features, but instead needs to be the outcome of a delicate trade-off between them. The present study aims to: (1) explore the trade-offs at work between these structural features; (2) produce a measure of how well-suited empirical stakeholder networks are to enhancing the resilience of their SES; and (3) thoroughly analyze an empirical stakeholder network in the context, among other things, of its resilience-enhancing qualities. This dissertation is organized in four parts. The first part (Chapter 2) is a review of the literature on SES resilience. It identifies a series of structural features (as well as their corresponding network metrics) associated with resilience-enhancement in SES. The second part (Chapter 3) is a case study on the Eyre Peninsula (EP), a rural region of South Australia where land-use, as well as climate change, contribute to biodiversity erosion. For this case study, field work was conducted in 2010 and 2011, during which time a series of face-to-face interviews was conducted to populate a list of individuals — and groups of individuals — holding a stake in biodiversity conservation on the EP. The data was thereafter used to develop an online questionnaire documenting interactions between these stakeholders. The two steps led to produce a weighted, directed network of 129 stakeholders interacting through 1180 collaboration links. The third part (Chapter 4) describes a methodology to measure the level to which stakeholder networks contribute to resilience-building in SES. The method is articulated in two steps: (i) an optimization algorithm (simulated annealing — SA —) is used to craft a semi-random archetypal network which scores high in one compromise of modularity, connectivity, synchronizability, and robustness, and (ii) an empirical stakeholder networks (such as our EP network) is compared to the archetypal network through a measure of structural distance. The shorter the distance, the closer the empirical network is to its ideal configuration. The fourth and last part of the dissertation research (Chapter 5) is an improvement on the simulated annealing used in Chapter 4. As is frequently done for this kind of optimization technique, the SA used in Chapter 4 projected the four dimensions of the multi-objective problem into one (as a weighted average). While performing well, this only resolves one of the possible trade-offs between the objectives. To better explore the trade-offs at work in this optimization problem, a true multi-objective simulated annealing (MOSA) is proposed where, instead of optimizing one solution, the algorithm optimizes a multidimensional surface of solutions scoring better than the others in a least one of the objectives. This study, which focuses on the social part of SESs, improves our understanding of the stakeholder collaboration structures which, theoretically, best contribute to resilient SESs. It shows that while some resilience-enhancing topological characteristics are in conflict (modularity vs. connectivity, and connectivity vs. robustness to a lesser extent) others can be easily reconciled (connectivity vs. synchronizability, and, less-so, modularity vs. robustness). It also provides an intuitive method to quantitatively assess empirical stakeholder networks, which opens the way to comparisons between case studies, or monitoring of stakeholder network evolution through time. Additionally, this thesis provides a case study which highlights the importance of a key institutional group in coordinating collaborations and information exchanges among other stakeholders of potentially diverging interests and values.

La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux à la gestion des activités halieutiques artisanales tropicales : étude de cas dans le Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. / The participation of small scale fishers in the management of tropical coastal marine resources. : case study of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Fargier, Luc 21 June 2012 (has links)
La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux a longtemps été écartée de la gestion institutionnelle des activités halieutiques marines côtières dans la zone intertropicale, notamment au sein des États centralisés d’Amérique Centrale. L’objectif majeur de cette thèse était de déterminer le potentiel de cogestion des activités halieutiques artisanales au sein du Golfo Dulce (Pacifique Sud du Costa Rica). La réflexion s’organise en deux parties. La première est consacrée à l’étude de la gestion des activités halieutiques artisanales exploitant les ressources marines côtières, ressources communes, dans les pays en développement tropicaux, et la seconde, à une étude de cas du Golfo Dulce. Dans un premier temps, le secteur halieutique artisanal costaricain a été caractérisé, notamment au travers de son évolution historique et de sa gestion déconcentrée et pluri-institutionnelle. Les différentes modalités de participation des pêcheurs artisanaux à la gestion de leurs activités halieutiques sont illustrées par plusieurs études de cas (Cahuita, Marino-Ballena, Palito, Tárcoles, Golfo Dulce). Dans un second temps, les pratiques de pêche et le profil socio-économique des pêcheurs artisanaux des trois communautés de Bahía Pavones (sud-est du Golfo Dulce) ont été caractérisés. L’activité de pêche artisanale y repose sur huit espèces, dont les deux principales, Lutjanus gutattus (vivaneau rose) et L. peru (vivaneau garance) seraient surexploitées. La participation des pêcheurs artisanaux aux organisations locales est importante malgré un déficit de confiance envers ces dernières. Enfin, la comparaison des différentes études de cas a mis en évidence l’existence de huit conditions nécessaires au développement d’un processus de cogestion d’activités halieutiques artisanales au Costa Rica. Au sein de l’Aire Marine de Pêche Responsable du Golfo Dulce, malgré la volonté des pêcheurs artisanaux de participer à une pêche durable, c’est la manipulation de ces derniers par divers acteurs qui entrave le processus de cogestion. / The participation of small scale fishers in institutional management of tropical coastal marine fisheries activities has long been excluded, notably in the centralized states of Central America. The major objective of this study was to determine the potential of co-management of coastal marine small scale fisheries activities in Golfo Dulce (South Pacific of Costa Rica). The study consists of two main parts. The first analyses the management of small scale fishing activities exploiting coastal marine resources in tropical developing countries, and the second is devoted to the case study of Golfo Dulce. In a first step, the Costa Rican small scale fishery sector was characterized, especially its historical evolution and its decentralized and multi-agency management. The various modalities of the participation of small scale fishers in its management were illustrated by several case studies (Cahuita, Marino-Ballena, Palito, Tárcoles, Golfo Dulce). Second, fishing practices and socio-economic profile of small scale fishers of the three communities of Bahía Pavones (southeast of Golfo Dulce) were characterized. The small scale fishing activity is essentially based on eight species, of which the two main ones, Lutjanus gutattus (spotted rose snapper) and L. peru (Pacific red snapper) could be overexploited. The participation of small scale fishers to local organizations is significant despite a general lack of confidence towards these organizations. Finally, comparing the different case studies revealed the existence of eight key conditions for the development of a successful co-managed small scale fishery in Costa Rica. Within the Marine Responsible Fishing Area of the Golfo Dulce, it is the manipulation of small scale fishers by various user groups (in particular government and the tourism sector) that hinders the process of co-management.

A river loved : facilitating cooperative negotiation of transboundary water resource management in the Columbia River Basin through documentary film

Watson, Julie Elkins 25 April 2012 (has links)
In transboundary water resources policy and management situations, such as the governance of the Columbia River Basin, complex social, ecological, and economic factors seem to be in irreconcilable competition with one another. However, cooperative negotiation provides an outlet for entities and stakeholders to "expand the pie" and develop creative alternatives for integrated, resilient management. To achieve these goals, it is critical that stakeholders have meaningful dialogue that goes beyond positions to identify the underlying values and interests in the basin. Furthermore, parties must develop a shared understanding of the substantive complexities of the social-ecological system. Collaborative learning allows participants to meet both of these objectives at once, and facilitators can spark collaboration through carefully planned interventions. The goal of this study was to test a carefully crafted "facilitative" documentary film as a facilitation tool to promote dialogue, understanding, and creative scenario development amongst parties. The study has three main components: 1) the resilience and learning analysis of the case study (the Columbia River Treaty) policy situation, 2) the creation of a facilitative film featuring interviews with diverse stakeholders in the basin, and 3) the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the effects of the film in the cooperative negotiation process. The film, A River Loved: A film about the Columbia River and the people invested in its future, premiered at the Universities Consortium Symposium on Columbia River Governance- an informal forum for dialogue held in Kimberley, British Columbia in October 2011. I measured participants' reactions to the film and found substantial support for my hypotheses, concluding that interventions such as facilitative documentary film have great potential to transform complex, multi-stakeholder social-ecological policy situations. / Graduation date: 2012

Towards understanding the impact of community-based natural resource management on household livelihoods : a case study of the Combomune Community Project, Mozambique.

Guenha, Armando Uleva. January 2010 (has links)
Since 1998, the communities of Combomune in Southern Mozambique have participated in a project intended to improve the quality of their lives, while ensuring the natural resources they depend on are well managed and sustainably used. The approach employed is Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). CBNRM is the resource conservation and management approach which has emerged as one of the models to involve local communities, previously excluded from conservation and management of natural resources and rural development programs. This model promotes community participation, responsibilities and benefit sharing among stakeholders involved in natural resource management programs. A case study was conducted to assess the impacts of the Combomune CBNRM project on household livelihoods and on the environment. The Combomune CBNRM project is meant to improve the household livelihoods of the Madliwa, Hochane and Chaves communities involved in the management of indigenous forest resources. The involved communities derive direct and indirect benefits from the CBNRM project. These benefits have impacts on household livelihoods and on the environment. The most noted benefits are social and economic changes. These changes have positively affected the living conditions of the involved communities. Further, the study revealed the Combomune CBNRM project charcoal production was the only activity generating monetary income to individual and to community development funds. Monetary income was invested in the improvement of homesteads, the purchase of domestic animals and the development of infrastructure with a high social impact. Water supply, education, health care and household homestead improvements were the major project achievements. The project encouraged environmental friendly practices such as sustainably agricultural activities and a fire management program. Local residents were also encouraged to plant trees on bare soil to protect it from being eroded. The study has not deeply explored the CBNRM project impacts, therefore more case studies are recommended to further explain effective CBNRM project contributions to household livelihoods, so it may be reasonably promulgated as a strategy not only devoted to involve local communities or merely for resource conservation, but as the approach which improves livelihoods of the rural poor. / Thesis (M.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

Living and fishing in a marine protected area : balancing traditional fisheries with conservation in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia

Maillet, Gilles 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a porté sur quelques enjeux importants liés à la gestion des aires marines protégées (AMP) en Indonésie en examinant comment celles-ci sont en mesure d'adapter leurs politiques afin de mieux répondre à l'évolution des conditions socioéconomiques et écologiques, quels ont été les impacts socioéconomiques de ces aires, et quelles sont les préoccupations environnementales des acteurs locaux dont les moyens de subsistance dépendent des ressources règlementées. Le «livelihoods framework » a servi de guide pour notre analyse des changements socioéconomiques dans la région, tandis que la notion d’« environmentality » d’Agrawal a fourni les bases théoriques pour l'examen de la formation de sujets environnementaux au parc national de Karimunjawa. Cette étude a montré que les changements de politique apportés au plan de la gestion du parc sont un pas dans la bonne direction, mais que les objectifs importants liés sa cogestion n'ont jamais été entièrement réalisés dans la pratique. Les résultats montrent également que d'importants changements socioéconomiques surviennent dans le parc, de nombreux pêcheurs se tournent vers des moyens de subsistance alternatifs, afin de compenser la baisse des prises de poissons. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que d'importants changements positifs dans les préoccupations environnementales sont survenus depuis la modification du zonage du parc, mais que ceux-ci ne se sont pas entièrement traduits en conformité avec les règles et règlements de l'AMP. / This research examined a few important issues related to marine protected area (MPA) management in Indonesia by looking at how MPAs are able to adapt their policies in order to better suit evolving socioeconomic and ecological conditions, what socioeconomic impacts have been felt as a result of MPA implementation, and what are the environmental subjectivities of local actors whose livelihoods are dependent on the resources that are being regulated. The livelihoods framework served as a guide when examining local socioeconomic changes in the region, while Agrawal’s concept of environmentality provided the theoretical underpinnings when examining the formation of environmental subjects in Karimunjawa National Park. This study found that the policy changes brought about in KNP’s reworked management plan are a step in the right direction, but that important goals related to park co-management were never fully realized in practice. The results also show that significant socioeconomic changes are occurring within the park, with many fishermen turning to alternative livelihoods in order to offset declining fish catches. Lastly, this study uncovered that significant positive shifts in environmental subjectivities have occurred since the re-zoning of the park, but that these have not fully translated into compliance towards the rules and regulations of the MPA.

To hunt and to hold : Martu Aboriginal people's uses and knowledge of their country, with implications for co-management in Karlamilyi (Rudall River) National Park and the Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia

Walsh, Fiona Jane, January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This ethnoecological study examines land uses by modern Martu Aboriginal people on their country. They occupy very remote settlements—Parnngurr, Punmu and Kunawarritji—in the Great and Little Sandy Deserts. In 1990, their country included Crown Lands and Rudall River National Park. The study investigated the proposition that the knowledge and practices of Martu were of direct relevance to ecosystem processes and national park management. This research commenced in the wider Australian research context of the late 1980s – early 90s when prevailing questions were about the role of customary harvest within contemporary Aboriginal society (Altman 1987; Devitt 1988) and the sustainability of species-specific harvests by Australian indigenous people (Bomford & Caughley 1996). Separately, there was a national line of enquiry into Aboriginal roles in natural resource and protected area management (Williams & Hunn 1986; Birckhead et al. 1992). The field work underpinning this study was done in 1986–1988 and quantitative data collected in 1990 whilst the researcher lived on Martu settlements. Ethnographic information was gathered from informal discussions, semi-structured interviews and participant observation on trips undertaken by Martu. A variety of parameters was recorded for each trip in 1990. On trips accompanied by the researcher, details on the plant and animal species collected were quantified. Martu knowledge and observations of Martu behaviour are interpreted in terms of the variety of land uses conducted and transport strategies including vehicle use; the significance of different species collected; socio-economic features of bush food collection; spatio-temporal patterns of foraging; and, the 'management' of species and lands by Martu. The research found that in 1990, hunting and gathering were major activities within the suite of land uses practiced by Martu. At least 40% of trips from the settlements were principally to hunt. More than 43 animal species and 37 plant food species were reported to be collected during the study; additionally, species were gathered for firewood, medicines and timber artefacts. Customary harvesting persisted because of the need for sustenance, particularly when there were low store supplies, as well as other reasons. The weight of bush meats hunted at least equalled and, occasionally, was three times greater than the weights of store meats available to Parnngurr residents. ... Paradoxically, hunting was a subject of significant difference despite it being the principal activity driving Martu expertise and practice. There is potential for comanagement in the National Park but it remains contingent on many factors between both Martu and DEC as well as external to them. The dissertation suggests practical strategies to enhance co-management.

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