Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coaching"" "subject:"broaching""
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Coachningens betydelse på arbetsplatsen / The importance of coaching employeesHolmén, Lisa, Kumpumäki, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är undersöka coachningens betydelse utifrån den anställdes perspektiv när det handlar om utveckling på arbetsplatsen. Genom uppsatsen kommer de framkomma hur företag använder sig av coachning för både individuell utveckling samt utveckling av företaget. Idag är coachning ett brett begrepp och används inom många områden. Termen coach har sitt ursprung i sportsammanhang, där det användes för att identifiera lagledare. I dagens samhälle är det nu av intresse att använda sig av coachning i företagssammanhang. I coachning ligger vikten på personliga beteendeförändringar samt förbättring av ledarskapseffektivitet där starka relationer främjas, men också den personliga utvecklingen på arbetsplatsen. Uppsatsens fokus är coachning på arbetsplatsen, hur det utförs på bästa sätt, samt vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med coachning utifrån den anställdes perspektiv. Tidigare forskning visar på att coachens tankesätt och beteende är avgörande för att coachning ska bli framgångsrikt. Att en coach bör besitta egenskaper som empati, lyhördhet och erfarenheter som den har gemensamt med den coachade, för att kunna förstå den coachade individens psykologiska och sociala konflikter. Det krävs inte en titel för att vara coach, utan att det finns intresse att hjälpa och kunna inspirera andra. En bra coachningsinsats kan göra enorm skillnad på en individs karriär. Coachning är ett urval av verktyg, samtal och processer som hjälper individer att få kännedom om hur förbättring kan ske på dess resultat. Processen innefattar att en coach ska kunna få individen att släppa på känslor som kan hålla tillbaka den, samt utveckla nya kompetenser. Genom en kvalitativ studie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer framkom det erfarenheter som både stärktes av tidigare forskning, men även erfarenheter som motstrids. Respondenterna hade en relativt gemensam uppfattning av vad coachning är och innebär. En respondent liknade coachning som en hjälpande hand över bron, en annan beskrev coachning som att se utvecklingspotential hos en individ. Deras gemensamma uppfattning sammanbinds med att coachning innebär en trygghet och stöd i situationer där individen inte är säker på sig själv. När intervjuernas fokus riktades på orsaker till att coachning misslyckas, svarade respondenterna att det sker om en coach visar brist på engagemang. En betydelsefull del i coachning är att kontinuerligt göra uppföljning av var den coachade individen befinner sig i fråga mot de mål som satts upp. För att kunna förändra ett arbetssätt så krävs feedback, i situationer både när det gått bra eller mindre bra. Att ge feedback och summera hur situationer gått till, ger individen en bättre förståelse över vad som skett och vilka förändringar den kan göra för att det ska hanteras på ett bättre sätt.Slutsatsen blev att de olika egenskaperna påverkar hur pass bra en coach är, samt att coachning på arbetsplatsen underlättar en individs utveckling.
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Coaching av arbetslösa : En kvalitativ studie av coahinggrupper på ArbetsförmedlingenJohansson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET</p><p>Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap</p><p>C-uppsats i socialt arbete, 41-60p</p><p>Våren 2006</p><p>Coaching av arbetslösa</p><p>En kvalitativ studie om coachinggrupper på Arbetsförmedlingen</p><p>Författare: Maria Johansson</p><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Studiens syfte var att utvärdera de coachinggrupper som bedrivs på Arbetsförmedlingarna i två mindre orter i Mellansverige. Det som jag ville undersöka var om coaching på Arbetsförmedlingen är en effektiv metod för att få ut arbetslösa på arbetsmarknaden.</p><p>Metoden som användes var kvalitativ och det empiriska materialet inhämtades genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. I studien deltog fem respondenter, tre deltagare och två coachingledare. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begreppen coaching, lösningsfokuserad korttidsterapi, skam, empowerment och konstruktivism.</p><p>Resultaten visade att två av tre deltagare är mycket positiva till att ha deltagit i coachingrupperna. Ingen av respondenterna har ännu fått arbete, men alla har fått nya idéer och motivation att få ett arbete. Båda coacherna vill att coachinggrupperna ska fortsätta samt utvecklas. Coacherna upplever deltagarna som motiverade personer som vill hitta nya vägar för att komma ut i arbete.</p><p>Nyckelord: Arbetsförmedlingen, Arbetslös, Coaching, Coachinggrupp</p> / <p>UNIVERSITY OF ÖREBRO</p><p>Institute for Behavioural-, Social- and Legal Science</p><p>C-essay in social work, 41-60p</p><p>Spring 2006</p><p>Coaching of unemployed</p><p>A qualitative study about coaching groups at the employment service</p><p>Author: Maria Johansson</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of the study was to evaluate those coaching groups which are carried on at the employment services in two small cities. The subject I wanted to examine was if coaching at the employment services is an effective method to get unemployed out on the labour market.</p><p>The method used was a qualitative method and the empirical material where obtained by semistructured interviews. Five respondents, three participants and two leaders of the coaching groups, participated in the study. The result was analyzed with help of earlier research and chosen theoretical concepts coaching, short term therapy which is focused at solutions, shame, empowerment and constructivism.</p><p>The result showed that two of three participants are very positive to have participated in the coaching groups. None of the respondents have obtained any job, but all of them have received new ideas and motivation to get a job. Both coaches wish that coaching groups should be continued and developed. The coaches experience the participants as motivated persons who want to find new ways to find a job.</p><p>Keywords: Employment services, Unemployed, Coaching, Coaching group</p>
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Coaching av arbetslösa : En kvalitativ studie av coahinggrupper på ArbetsförmedlingenJohansson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap C-uppsats i socialt arbete, 41-60p Våren 2006 Coaching av arbetslösa En kvalitativ studie om coachinggrupper på Arbetsförmedlingen Författare: Maria Johansson Sammanfattning Studiens syfte var att utvärdera de coachinggrupper som bedrivs på Arbetsförmedlingarna i två mindre orter i Mellansverige. Det som jag ville undersöka var om coaching på Arbetsförmedlingen är en effektiv metod för att få ut arbetslösa på arbetsmarknaden. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ och det empiriska materialet inhämtades genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. I studien deltog fem respondenter, tre deltagare och två coachingledare. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begreppen coaching, lösningsfokuserad korttidsterapi, skam, empowerment och konstruktivism. Resultaten visade att två av tre deltagare är mycket positiva till att ha deltagit i coachingrupperna. Ingen av respondenterna har ännu fått arbete, men alla har fått nya idéer och motivation att få ett arbete. Båda coacherna vill att coachinggrupperna ska fortsätta samt utvecklas. Coacherna upplever deltagarna som motiverade personer som vill hitta nya vägar för att komma ut i arbete. Nyckelord: Arbetsförmedlingen, Arbetslös, Coaching, Coachinggrupp / UNIVERSITY OF ÖREBRO Institute for Behavioural-, Social- and Legal Science C-essay in social work, 41-60p Spring 2006 Coaching of unemployed A qualitative study about coaching groups at the employment service Author: Maria Johansson Abstract The purpose of the study was to evaluate those coaching groups which are carried on at the employment services in two small cities. The subject I wanted to examine was if coaching at the employment services is an effective method to get unemployed out on the labour market. The method used was a qualitative method and the empirical material where obtained by semistructured interviews. Five respondents, three participants and two leaders of the coaching groups, participated in the study. The result was analyzed with help of earlier research and chosen theoretical concepts coaching, short term therapy which is focused at solutions, shame, empowerment and constructivism. The result showed that two of three participants are very positive to have participated in the coaching groups. None of the respondents have obtained any job, but all of them have received new ideas and motivation to get a job. Both coaches wish that coaching groups should be continued and developed. The coaches experience the participants as motivated persons who want to find new ways to find a job. Keywords: Employment services, Unemployed, Coaching, Coaching group
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The influence of leadership coaching as perceived by secondary school principals of title I campuses in TexasGreenwalt, Michael Wayne 25 July 2012 (has links)
While various systems of support and professional development are in place for teachers, there remains a distinct void when it comes to these same opportunities for beginning and especially, experienced principals. An emerging form of assistance for campus principals is leadership coaching: a confidential relationship between a professional coach and principal focused on capacity building and the provision of time and support for the school leader to thoughtfully reflect, plan, problem solve, and establish and achieve significant goals. Leadership coaching is an investment in campus principals, which seems to fill an immediate need for them to experience relevant, ongoing, job-embedded, and individualized professional development.
This multiple-case qualitative study, using a grounded theory approach, was framed by the research questions: What are the experiences of middle and high school principals participating in leadership coaching and what benefits result from principal participation in leadership coaching? Through the constant comparative analysis of individual and collective data obtained through semi-structured interviews, observations, and documental evidence of principals participating in leadership coaching, principals’ perceptions of their leadership coaching experience and any benefits were revealed.
Overall, findings suggested that participation in leadership coaching was perceived positively and led to principals taking time to pause from their stressful roles and responsibilities to reflect and plan. Principals described factors that accounted for initially connecting with their coaches, such as client readiness and the coach’s experience, as well as the conditions established by the coach that helped build and sustain a healthy coaching relationship: safety, flexibility, action-orientation, and skillful guidance.
Additionally, principals reported personal, professional, and organizational benefits resulting from leadership coaching. Personal benefits included better self-care, reduced isolation, increased self-confidence, and heightened self-awareness. On a professional level, coaching resulted in the generation of plans/ideas, improved communication, individualized professional development, and an enhanced sense of efficacy. And finally, organizational benefits were identified in areas of staffing, solutions, student performance, and the extension of coaching to others. / text
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Koučování jako jeden z nástrojů motivace / Coaching as a way of motivationProcházková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Characteristics and development of coaching as one of the tools of self-motivation and incentive management. Verify that the coaching can be effective tool in communicating at work and personal life.
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An Exploration of Teachable Moments in University SportWray, Nicole 15 December 2020 (has links)
Teachable moments (TMs) is a term that is used across various domains to refer to situations, occurrences, and/or events that present a potential opportunity to learn (Seals, 2018). TMs are recognized as important for educating others, as well as playing a role in professional and personal development. In sport contexts, TMs are a pathway for coaches to develop athletes (Hedlund, 1996). However, we do not fully understand what comprises TMs due to inconsistent usage of the term, and the paucity of sport-based, scholarly research on TMs. Much of our current understanding of TMs is based on studies from domains external to sport. This exploratory study aimed to (a) develop a broader conceptual understanding of how TMs occur between coaches and their athletes, and (b) explore university sports coaches’ perceptions of TMs with their athletes.
In this study, data were collected through semi-structured interviews and a virtual TM recall document, whereby coaches logged events they perceived to be TMs with their athletes. Seven (7) university sports coaches completed an initial interview, while 5 of the 7 coaches completed between 4-8 recalls, as well as a second interview. A reflexive thematic analysis in combination with focused coding was applied, thus allowing us to develop a preliminary model of TMs in university sport contexts. In the first manuscript, titled ‘Teachable moments in university coaching: Exploring a coaching catchphrase,’we present our model, and outline the main qualities and conditions that support the occurrence of TMs. In the second manuscript, titled ‘Teachable moments: Practical examples from university sport,’ we elaborate on different forms of TMs that were developed in the findings, and provide concrete examples of TMs that coaches encountered in their day-to-day coaching practices. Throughout both manuscripts, we build our understanding of what comprises TMs in sport and discuss the implications for coaching practices and athlete development.
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Employee Coaching: The Importance of the Supervisor/Subordinate Relationship and Related ConstructsGregory, Jane Brodie 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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E-träning inom ridsporten : Om medierad träning till häst / E-training in equestrian sports : about mediated training on horsebackWernquist, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
Digitalisering har vuxit fram inom ridsporten och fler applikationer med syfte att träna och utveckla sig själv som ryttare och sin häst har lanserats på marknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur e-träning tillämpas i Sverige och hur tekniken och kontakten mellan elev och tränare inom ridsporten implementeras och upplevs. Målet med arbetet är att dra en slutsats om efterfrågan och i förlängningen marknadsunderlaget för nya, eller expansion av befintliga, tjänster för e-träning inom ridsporten. Fyra intervjuer utfördes med aktiva tränare inom e-träning samt tre intervjuer med tränare som valt att inte använda sig av e-träning. En enkätundersökning utfördes även hos ridelever. De stora utmaningarna med e-träning var tekniken och främst uppkoppling och bildkvalité. Att bygga en relation mellan elev och tränare på digital väg upplevs av tränare och elever som svårt. Utifrån studien går det att dra slutsatsen att det råder kunskapsbrist kring e-träning inom ridsporten i Sverige. E-träning är ett växande fenomen inom ridsporten och det finns potential för vidare applikationer och tekniska lösningar specialanpassade för området. Den nuvarande användningen av medierad träning hos tränare och elever, och deras inställning till fenomenet gör att slutsatsen dragits att det finns marknadsutrymme och efterfrågan för expansion av nuvarande tjänster samt etablering av nya tekniska tjänster och applikationer riktade mot den svenska ridsporten. / The wave of digitalization has reached the world of equestrian sport and multiple applications for training and improvement for riders and horses has been launched on the market. This candidate paper study how e-coaching is currently being applied in Swedish equestrianism and how this new technology impacts the relationship between trainer, rider, and horse. The aim of this thesis work is to reach a conclusion on the status of the demand and, in extension, the market potential of new and/or improved services for e-training in equestrian sport. A series of interviews were performed with trainers whom are current, active, users of e- coaching as well as trainer whom have never tried the technology. These interviews where then put in contrast with the results from a survey of equestrian. The main concern and challenge of e-coaching in equestrian sport is the technological challenges. Building trust and a working relationship between student and trainer over digital link was described as challenging by students and trainers alike. The study found that there is a lack of understanding of e-coaching among Swedish equestrians. E-coaching is a growing phenomenon and there is a market for technical solution for applying electronical solutions tailor-made for application in equestrianism.
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Experiences of a systems psychodynamic executive group coaching programmeParsadh, Adrian 11 1900 (has links)
Executive group coaching, as a development intervention, and interest in coaching
research has steadily increased over the years. Psychodynamic group coaching and
coaching programmes have, however, received limited empirical attention. In this study,
the researcher argues the criticality for coaches in better understanding of unconscious
group coaching dynamics. The researcher felt that by designing a Systems
Psychodynamic Executive Group Coaching Programme (SPEGCP) as a
psychoeducational developmentally focused learning opportunity would allow for an
exploration of systemic conscious and unconscious group coaching dynamic behaviours.
The researcher sought to explore, describe and analyse the lived experiences of
coaches in the SPEGCP.
Interpretative phenomenological hermeneutic, using systems psychodynamic
perspective as a theoretical framework, served the study well by enabling the researcher
to apply in-depth description and interpretation. A case study research strategy was
adopted were individual participants were analysed and then integrated across
participants analysis of findings. The study revealed the structured nature of the
SPEGCP acted as a container, transitional object, and containment for coaches.
SPEGCP contributed to the development of insights into the unconscious group
coaching dynamics related to role, authority, boundary and identity manifested in
uncertainties, role confusion, person-role-organisation dynamic influences and defensive structures in the paranoid-schizoid position, and reflective containment for learning in the
depressive position. The quality of the relationship between the consultant-coach and
group, and the systems psychodynamic consulting and coaching stance, were critical
for exploration and reflective insights to emerge. As the systems psychodynamic group
coaching and consulting stance can add significant value to the growth and functioning
of coaches, and thus executives and their groups in which they operate, a study of this
nature was important if not critical. The study provides an opportunity to consider that
this third generation type of evidence based consulting and coaching be viewed as an
integrated part of the development of coaches, consultants, and thus executive groups. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Lewensbegeleiding tot hoopvolle aftrede : ʼn pastorale studie / Marjorie SmithSmith, Marjorie January 2015 (has links)
As people have currently a longer life expectation than was previously experienced, it means that
many could face a prolonged retirement period of 30 years or even longer. Life changes as an
unavoidable element of life may create rather drastic challenges. The approach towards retirement
may cause stress and uncertainty for some people, as well as the realisation that necessary
changes need to occur.
This study focuses on research regarding the life transition to retirement and the challenges each
person faces during this phase of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences
and perceptions that retired people had of their life in retirement, with the purpose of formulating
guidelines for the development and implementation of a coaching model for retirement.
For the purpose of this study, the following four tasks of practical theological interpretation, as
explained by Osmer, were followed:
Descriptive-empirical task – “What is going on?”
Interpretative task – “Why is this happening?”
Normative task – “What ought to be happening?”
Pragmatic task – “How might we respond?”
An empirical qualitative study was done with retired people by way of focus groups. What
transpired was that the reality of a longer life expectancy, the continuation of an active lifestyle and
the turbulent economic climate could all have an influence on the quality of retirement. The results
from the empirical study suggested that it is essential to follow a holistic approach in the
preparation, planning and adaptation process regarding retirement.
From the interpretative task regarding life coaching, it transpired that coaching is one of the fastest
growing disciplines with worldwide recognition. Life coaching is being used as a method to facilitate
purpose-driven change on personal, spiritual and professional levels.
From the interpretative task regarding retirement it was established that retirement is a concept
that is undergoing vast changes, while various perceptions regarding retirement are being upheld.
On account of the longer life expectancy that is currently observed, retirement is nowadays being
perceived more as a transition from full-time employment to a lesser work-orientated existence. The normative task focused on the aspects of life coaching by showing examples of prominent
leaders in the Bible and how their behaviour can possibly enrich and form the life of the life coach,
and can be applied as an example to imitate. Although no logical concept for retirement is detailed
in the Bible, the elderly are highly regarded and they can live with an unfailing, hopeful future
expectation of eternal life and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The conclusion of the study is that, through good planning and preparation for the life phase of
retirement, retirement coaching can be instrumental in a more positive attitude towards retirement
and good emotional, intellectual, spiritual, physical, social and financial adjustment in retirement.
With reference to the results of the descriptive-empirical task, the interpretative tasks and the
normative task, practical-theoretical guidelines were formulated in the pragmatic task of a life
coaching model with a view to retirement. / MA (Pastoral Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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