Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coercivity"" "subject:"covercivity""
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Laser Surface Treatment of Amorphous MetalsKatakam, Shravana K. 05 1900 (has links)
Amorphous materials are used as soft magnetic materials and also as surface coatings to improve the surface properties. Furthermore, the nanocrystalline materials derived from their amorphous precursors show superior soft magnetic properties than amorphous counter parts for transformer core applications. In the present work, laser based processing of amorphous materials will be presented. Conventionally, the nanocrystalline materials are synthesized by furnace heat treatment of amorphous precursors. Fe-based amorphous/nanocrystalline materials due to their low cost and superior magnetic properties are the most widely used soft magnetic materials. However, achieving nanocrystalline microstructure in Fe-Si-B ternary system becomes very difficult owing its rapid growth rate at higher temperatures and sluggish diffusion at low temperature annealing. Hence, nanocrystallization in this system is achieved by using alloying additions (Cu and Nb) in the ternary Fe-Si-B system. Thus, increasing the cost and also resulting in reduction of saturation magnetization. laser processing technique is used to achieve extremely fine nanocrystalline microstructure in Fe-Si-B amorphous precursor. Microstructure-magnetic Property-laser processing co-relationship has been established for Fe-Si-B ternary system using analytical techniques. Laser processing improved the magnetic properties with significant increase in saturation magnetization and near zero coercivity values. Amorphous materials exhibit excellent corrosion resistance by virtue of their atomic structure. Fe-based amorphous materials are economical and due to their ease of processing are of potential interest to synthesize as coatings materials for wear and corrosion resistance applications. Fe-Cr-Mo-Y-C-B amorphous system was used to develop thick coatings on 4130 Steel substrate and the corrosion resistance of the amorphous coatings was improved. It is also shown that the mode of corrosion depends on the laser processing conditions. The microstructure evolution and the corrosion mechanisms operating are evaluated using post processing and post corrosion analysis.
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Anisotropic hard magnetic nanoparticles and nanoflakes obtained by surfactant-assisted ball millingPal, Santosh Kumar 16 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The research work in this thesis has been devoted to understand the formation mechanism of single-crystalline and textured polycrystalline nanoparticles and nanoflakes of SmCo5 and Nd2Fe14B prepared by surfactant-assisted (SA) ball milling and to study their microstructural and magnetic properties. The nanoparticles and nanoflakes are promising candidates to be used as hard magnetic phase for the fabrication of high-energy-density exchange-coupled nanocomposite magnets. The influence of a range of different surfactants, solvents and milling parameters on the characteristics of ball-milled powder has been systematically investigated. Small fraction (~10 wt.%) of SmCo5 nanoparticles of average diameter 15 nm along with textured polycrystalline nanoflakes of average diameter 1 µm and average thickness of 100 nm were obtained after SA – ball milling of SmCo5 powder. Isolated single-crystalline particles (200-500 nm) and textured polycrystalline flakes (0.2-1.0 µm) of Nd2Fe14B have been prepared in bulk amount (tens of grams), after SA – ball milling of dynamic-hydrogen-disproportionation-desorption-recombination (d-HDDR) processed Nd2Fe14B powder. These single-crystalline Nd2Fe14B particles are promising for their microstructure for the fabrication of exchange-coupled nanocomposite permanent magnets.
The SmCo5 and Nd2Fe14B flakes and particles were well aligned in magnetic field: the former showed [001] out-of-plane orientation while the latter showed [001] in-plane orientation. A maximum degree of texture values of 93 % and 88 % have been obtained for the magnetically-oriented SmCo5 flakes and Nd2Fe14B single-crystalline particles, respectively. SA – ball milling resulted in an increase of coercivity of SmCo5 particles from 0.45 T for un-milled powder to a maximum value of 2.3 T after 1 h of milling, further milling resulted in a decrease of the coercivity. The coercivity of SA – ball-milled Nd2Fe14B particles decreased drastically from 1.4 T for un-milled d-HDDR powder to 0.44 T after 0.5 h of milling, isolated single-crystalline particles (200-500 nm size) obtained after 4 h of SA – ball milling showed a coercivity of 0.34 T. The drastic decrease in coercivity of ball-milled Nd2Fe14B particles is attributed to the morphological change because the demagnetization in Nd2Fe14B magnets is governed by nucleation mechanism. A remarkable enhancement in coercivity from 0.26 T to 0.70 T for ethanol-milled sample and from 0.51 T to 0.71 T for oleic-acid-milled samples has been obtained after an optimum heat-treatment at 400 0C. An increase of α-Fe and Nd2O3 phase contents and a sharp change of lattice parameter c of Nd2Fe14B was observed when heat-treating above 400 0C. The change in lattice parameter at higher temperature is thought to be due to partial substitution of carbon atoms present in the surfactant or solvent, for boron atoms. / Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Mechanismus der Herstellung von einkristallinen und texturierten polykristallinen Nanopartikeln und Nanoflakes aus SmCo5 und Nd2Fe14B durch Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen zu verstehen. Des Weiteren soll deren Gefüge und magnetische Eigenschaften untersucht werden. Die Nanopartikel sind vielversprechende Kandidaten zur Verwendung als hartmagnetische Phase in hochentwickelten, austauschgekoppelten Nanokomposit-Magneten.
Der Einfluß der Art der verwendeten Tensid, Lösungsmittel sowie Mahlparameter auf die Eigenschaften der kugelgemahlenen Pulver wurde systematisch untersucht. Ein kleiner Anteil (~10 m.%) von SmCo5 Nanopartikeln mit mittlerem Durchmesser von 15 nm zusammen mit texturierten polykristallinen Plättchen mit mittlerem Durchmesser von 1 µm und mittlerer Dicke von 100 nm wurden nach Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen erzeugt. Alleinstehende einkristalline Partikel (200-500 nm) und texturierte polykristalline Plättchen (0,2-1,0 µm) aus Nd2Fe14B wurden in größeren Mengen (einige 10 g) hergestellt. Das verwendete Ausgangspulver wurde hierbei durch dynamisches-Hydrierung-Disproportionierung-Desorption-Rekombination (d-HDDR) hergestellt und anschließend Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen. Die genannten einkristallinen Nd2Fe14B Partikel sind ebenfalls vielversprechend als hartmagnetischer Bestandteil von austauschgekoppelten Nanokomposit-Magneten.
Die SmCo5- und Nd2Fe14B-Plättchen und -Partikel wurden alle in einem Magnetfeld ausgerichtet: erstere zeigten aus der Ebende herauszeigende und letztere in der Ebene liegende [001]-Orientierung. Ein maximaler Texturgrad von 93% wurde für im Magnetfeld ausgerichtete SmCo5 flakes bzw. 88% für einkristalline Nd2Fe14B Partikel erzielt. Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen führte zu einem Anstieg der Koerzitivfeldstärke von SmCo5 Partikeln von 0,45 T für ungemahlenes Pulver auf 2,3 T nach einer Mahldauer von 1 h. Weiteres Mahlen führte zu einem Abfall der Koerzitivfeldstärke. Die Koerzitivfeldstärke von Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen Nd2Fe14B Partikeln verringerte sich stark von 1,4 T von ungemahlenem d-HDDR Pulver auf 0,44 T nach 0,5 h Mahlen. Freistehende einkristalline Partikel (200-500 nm groß), welche nach 4 h Tensid-gestütztes Kugelmahlen erhalten wurden, zeigten eine Koerzitivfeldstärke von 0,34 T. Der starke Abfall der Koerzitivfeldstärke von gemahlenen Nd2Fe14B Partikeln wird die morphologischen Veränderungen zurückgeführt, da die Ummagnetisierung nukleationsgesteuert ist. Ein bemerkenswerter Anstieg der Koerzitivfeldstärke von 0,26 T auf 0,70 T wurde für eine in Ethanol gemahlene Probe verzeichnet, sowie ein Anstieg von 0,51 auf 0,71 T für eine Probe, welche mit einer Zugabe von Oleinsäure gemahlen wurde. Beide Proben wurden einer optimierten Wärmebehandlung bei 400°C unterzogen. Bei höheren Temperaturen wurde für Nd2Fe14B ein Anstieg der Menge an α-Fe und Nd2O3 gefunden und eine sprungartige Veränderung des Gitterparameters c der Nd2Fe14B Phase. Die Veränderung des Gitterparameters wird auf die partielle Substitution von Kohlenstoffatomen des Tensid oder Lösungsmittels gegen Boratome zurückgeführt.
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Ligas magnéticas NiFe e NiFeCo eletrodepositadas, voltadas para aplicações em micro-sensores magnéticos tipo fluxgate planar / Electrodeposited NiFe and NiFeCo films for planar fluxgate sensorsSantos, Thais Cavalheri dos 31 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da obtenção de ligas de NiFe de NiFeCo sob a forma de filmes finos e também no seu uso na tentativa em se construir um sensor magnético tipo fluxgate planar. A técnica de produção utilizada foi a eletrodeposição com regime galvanostático. A solução eletrolítica utilizada era constituída por sais de níquel e ferro e alguns aditivos. Para depositar os filmes de NiFe, o eletrodo auxiliar era constituído de níquel; enquanto que para depositar os filmes de NiFeCo, o eletrodo auxiliar era constituído de cobalto. Os filmes foram depositados em substratos de cobre utilizando densidades de corrente no intervalo de 4 até 28 mA/cm2, com tempos totais de 40 e 60 minutos. A caracterização morfológica foi realizada utilizando Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura superficial e de seção lateral e para encontrarmos a composição dos elementos presentes na amostra, realizamos a Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva e Difração de Raios-X. Quanto à caracterização magnética foi utilizado o Magnetômetro de Amostra Vibrante e também magnetometria utilizando o Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (este foi utilizado somente para os filmes de NiFeCo) como o elemento detector do equipamento. Os filmes de NiFe crescem com orientações cristalinas ao longo dos planos (110) e (200); as quantidades de níquel e ferro atingem valores constantes a partir da densidade de corrente de 15 mA/cm2 (embora sempre haja mais níquel que ferro); o ponto de menor coercividade magnética (58,4 A/m) também ocorre a partir dessa densidade de corrente, onde filmes com 1 ?m de espessura são conseguidos para um tempo total de 40 minutos. Nota-se uma assimetria para os campos aplicados perpendicular e paralelamente à superfície do filme. Os filmes de NiFeCo crescem com orientações ao longo dos planos (111) e (200). Embora sempre haja mais níquel (constante em 70%), as concentrações de Fe e Co se igualam apenas para uma densidade de corrente próxima de 15mA/cm2. Abaixo desse valor há mais ferro, e acima mais Co. A partir dessa densidade de corrente, novamente observa-se um mínimo no valor da coercividade magnética do material (81 A/m). A partir dessa densidade de corrente, tal grandeza teve seu valor mantido praticamente constante. Para essa densidade de corrente filmes de 6 ?m de espessura são obtidos para um tempo de 40 minutos. Uma menor assimetria magnética é observada comparada com o caso anterior. Por esses dados, acreditamos que o filmes de NiFeCo seja um melhor candidato para a confecção do sensor planar tipo fluxgate, e testes iniciais de sua fabricação também são apresentados. / This work presents the results about the fabrication and characterization of thin films of NiFe and NiFeCo alloys. The attempts to construct the planar fluxgate are also presented. Galvanostatic electrodeposition using an electrolytic solution containing Ni and Fe was used: NiSO4 (0,7 mol/l); NiCl2 (0,02 mol/l); FeSO4 (0,03 mol/l); H3BO3 (0,4 mol/l) and C7H5O3NS.2H2O (0,016 mol/l). The auxiliary electrode was made on Ni for the NiFe films, while another one made on Co was used for the NiFeCo films. Films were deposited on copper substrates using current densities form 4 up to 28 mA/cm2, and total deposition time of 40 and 60 minutes. Structural characterization was performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (surface and cross-section); Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, and Xray Diffraction. Magnetic characterization was performed using two methods: the Vibrating Sample Magnetometry and magnetometry using a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) sensor. NiFe films grow with crystalline planes oriented along the (110) e (200) directions; the amount of each material reach constant values for current densities above 15 mA/cm2 (even though there is always more Ni). The point of minimum magnetic coercivity (58,4 A/m) also occurs for this current density, where films 1 ?m-thick are obtained for a total deposition time of 40 minutes. An asymmetry is observed for magnetic fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the surface of the films. NiFeCo films grow with crystalline planes oriented along the (111) and (200) directions; the amount of Ni remains constant (about 70%) for the whole current density range. The amount of Fe decreases with increasing current density, while the amout of Co shows the opposite behavior. They have equal values for current densities of about 15mA/cm2, where the minimum coercivity of 81A/m is achieved. For higher current densities the coercivity remains constant. For the current density of 15mA/cm2, 6 ?m-thick films are obtained for a total deposition time of 40 minutes. The magnetic asymmetry is smaller than for the case of the NiFe films. According to the obtained data, we believe that NiFeCo is a better candidate for the fabrication of planar magnetic fluxgate sensors. Initial tests for the fabrication of a prototype are also presented.
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Caractéristiques magnétiques de matériaux doux sous l'action de contraintes mécaniques cycliques / Magnetic characteristics of soft materials by the action of cyclic mechanical stressesGhibaudo, Olivier 02 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la caractérisation et la modélisation d'un échantillon ferromagnétique doux de Fer-Cobalt sous stimulation mécanique vibratoire. Le banc de caractérisation permet de maîtriser l'amplitude et la fréquence de la sollicitation mécanique au travers d’actionneurs piézoélectriques. Le cycle d'hystérésis magnétique ainsi que l'amplitude des déformations mécaniques sont mesurés simultanément lorsque l'échantillon torique est sollicité en flexion longitudinale. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une réduction importante de l'hystérésis magnétique statique. Les réductions de coercivité sont corrélées linéairement à l'amplitude des contraintes élastiques exercées sur le tore quelle que soit la fréquence mécanique des vibrations. Ces réductions, observées en présence d'une contrainte externe cyclique, sont associées à des décrochements de parois de Bloch lorsque celles-ci sont piégées par des défauts de contraintes internes. Pour interpréter ces résultats, une modélisation de l'interaction paroi - défaut est proposée à l'aide d'une approche énergétique. Les profils d'interaction énergétique entre paroi et défaut permettent alors d'exprimer la coercivité attribuée aux défauts de contrainte interne en présence d'une contrainte externe d'amplitude et/ou de direction variable(s). Le modèle met en évidence la nécessité d'explorer un grand nombre d'états mécaniques pour chaque valeur de champ magnétique. Les portées applicatives de ces travaux sont proposées à l'issue d'un bilan énergétique effectué sur le système d'excitation magnéto-mécanique. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour des dispositifs de récupération d'énergie mécanique vibratoire ainsi que pour des systèmes de désaimantation par activation mécanique. / This study deals with the characterization and modeling of a soft ferromagnetic sample of Cobalt-Iron under vibratory mechanical stimulation. The characterization test bench allows to control the magnitude and the frequency of the mechanical solicitation through piezoelectric actuators. The magnetic hysteresis loop and the magnitude of the mechanical deformations are measured simultaneously when the ring sample is placed under longitudinal bending. The experimental results show a significant reduction of the static magnetic hysteresis. Decreases of coercivity are linearly correlated to the amplitude of elastic strain applied on the torus regardless of the mechanical vibration frequency. These reductions, observed under a cyclic external stress, are associated with the depinning of Bloch domain walls when they encounter residual stress defects. To clarify these results, a modeling of the interaction between domain wall and defect is proposed using an energy approach. Energy profiles interaction is used to express the coercivity attributed to residual stress defects in the presence of an external stress of both variable amplitude and/or variable direction(s). The model highlights the need to explore a large number of mechanical states for each magnetic field value. Finally, applications raised by this work are proposed from an energy balance analysis performed on the magneto-mechanical excitation system. This study opens new opportunities for vibratory mechanical energy harvesting devices and systems for demagnetization by mechanical activation.
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Propriétés structurales et magnétiques de composés intermétalliques à base de terres rares, cobalt et métalloïdes / Structural and magnetic properties of intermetallic compounds based on rare earths, cobalt and metalloidsLaslo, Ancuta-Ioana 19 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons évalué l'effet de la substitution partielle du cobalt par des éléments non-magnétiques de type p (M) sur les propriétés structurales et magnétiques des composés RCo5. Les échantillons ont été synthétisées par fusion dans un four à induction, puis caractérisés en utilisant des nombreuses techniques expérimentales: diffraction de rayons X et de neutrons, microscopie électronique à balayage, magnétométrie, susceptométrie en courant alternatif et spectroscopie photoélectronique par rayons X.Tous les composés de type RCo5-xMx (R= Pr, Sm, Tb, Er et Tm; M= Si, Ge, Al, Ga; x=0,5 et x=1) étudiés gardent la structure cristalline de type CaCu5 des composés de départ RCo5, mais les paramètres de la maille cristalline sont modifiés par la présence des éléments M. Le domaine de stabilité thermique des phases RCo5-xMx est notablement modifié par la présence d'élément métalloïde en substitution sur les sites du cobalt. Il peut être étendu pour Al et Ga et réduit pour Si et Ge. Les atomes de l'élément M sont localisés préférentiellement sur le site cristallographique Co 3g. La solubilité des éléments Ge et Si dans la structure RCo5 est trouvée être inférieure à celle des métalloïdes ayant un électron de moins tels que Al et Ga.La substitution M/Co a une influence importante sur les propriétés magnétiques des composés RCo5. La température d'ordre et l'aimantation spontanée diminuent significativement après le remplacement partiel du cobalt par l'élément métalloïde. Ces modifications sont induites par l'évolution des interactions d'échange en particulier Co-Co mais aussi par la réduction de l'aimantation du Co liée à sa sensibilité au voisinage atomique et magnétique local. La direction de facile aimantation à la température ambiante est préservée le long de l'axe cristallographique c pour tous les échantillons étudiés. Dans quelques composés RCo5-xMx (R = Sm, Er et Tm) la substitution de M au cobalt change le mécanisme de coercitivité par rapport aux composés de départ RCo5. Une coercitivité élevée a été détectée à basse température, surtout pour les composés SmCo4Al et SmCo4Ga, qui présentent aussi des champs d'anisotropie énormes, bien supérieurs à ceux de phase SmCo5.Les expériences XPS sur les composés de type RCo5-xMx ont détecté la réduction de la densité d'états électroniques au niveau de Fermi par rapport aux composés de type RCo5. La bande 3d du cobalt est remplie lors de la substitution M/Co et conduit à un moment magnétique du cobalt réduit. / In this work we have evaluated the effect of the partial substitution of cobalt with non-magnetic p-type elements (M) on the structural and magnetic properties of RCo5 compounds. The samples were prepared by alloying in an induction furnace and were characterized using various experimental techniques: X-ray and neutron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, magnetometry, AC susceptometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.All of the studied RCo5-xMx compounds (R=Pr, Sm, Tb, Er and Tm; M=Si, Ge, Al and Ga; x=0.5 and x=1) maintain the CaCu5 crystal structure of the RCo5 compounds, however the lattice parameters are modified due to the presence of M elements. The thermal stability range of the RCo5-xMx phases is modified significantly due to the Co site substitutions. The thermal stability increases for Al and Ga substitutions and decreases when M is Si or Ge. The M atoms were found to preferentially occupy the Co 3g site. The solubility of Ge and Si in the RCo5 structure is inferior to that of metalloid elements with one less electron, such as Al and Ga. The M/Co substitution has an important influence on the magnetic properties of RCo5 compounds. The ordering temperature and the spontaneous magnetization are significantly reduced after the partial substitution of cobalt by the metalloid elements. These changes are induced in particular by the evolutions of the Co-Co exchange interactions and also by the reduction of the Co magnetization due to the sensitivity of Co to the local atomic and magnetic vicinity. The easy magnetization direction at room temperature is preserved along the c-axis for all of the studied samples. In several RCo5-xMx (R = Sm, Er and Tm) compounds the substitution of Co with M atoms changes the coercivity mechanism compared to RCo5. A higher coercivity was found at low temperatures, especially for SmCo4Al and SmCo4Ga compounds, which also show huge values of the anisotropy field, well above the ones found in SmCo5.The XPS measurements on RCo5-xMx compounds show a reduction of the density of states at the Fermi level compared to the RCo5 compounds. There is a filling of the Co 3d band following the M/Co substitution, leading to a lower Co moment.
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Efeitos de interface em bicamadas magn?ticasRebou?as, Gustavo de Oliveira Gurgel 24 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / We study magnetic interface roughness in F/AF bilayers. Two kinds of roughness were considered. The first one consists of isolated defects that divide the substrate in two regions, each one with an AF sub-lattice. The interface exchange coupling is considered uniform and presents a sudden change in the defects line, favoring Neel wall nucleation. Our results show the interface field dependence of the threshold thickness for the reorientation
of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic film. Angular profiles show the relaxation of the magnetization, from Neel wall, at the interface, to reoriented state, at the surface. External magnetic field, perpendicular to the easy axis of the substrate, favors the reoriented state. Depending, of the external magnetic field intensity, parallel to the easy axis of the AF, the magnetization profile at surface can be parallel or perpendicular to the field direction. The second one treats of distributed deffects, periodically. The shape hysteresis
curves, exchange bias and coercivity were characterized by interface field intensity and roughness pattern. Our results show that dipolar effects decrease the exchange bias and coercivity / Estudamos os efeitos de rugosidade magn?tica em interfaces F/AF. Dois tipos de rugosidade foram considerados. O primeiro consiste de defeitos isolados que dividem o substrato
em duas regi?es, cada qual com uma sub-rede do antiferromagneto. O acoplamento de troca, atrav?s da interface, ? considerado uniforme, o campo efetivo de interface apresenta uma mudan?a s?bita de sentido na linha de defeitos, favorecendo a nuclea??o de uma
parede de N?el. Nossos resultados indicam que h? um limiar de espessura, dependente da intensidade do campo de interface, para o qual a magnetiza??o do filme ferromagn?tico se
reorienta na dire??o perpendicular ao eixo f?cil do AF. Perfis angulares mostram como a magnetiza??o relaxa, espacialmente, do estado de parede de dom?nio de N?el, na interface, para o estado de reorientado, na superf?cie. A presen?a de campo aplicado perpendicular
ao eixo de anisotropia do AF, favorece o estado reorientado. Para campo aplicado ao longo do eixo de anisotropia do AF, o perfil de magnetiza??o pode evoluir de uma parede
de N?el, na interface, para o estado uniforme perpendicular ou paralelo ao campo aplicado, na superf?cie. O segundo trata defeitos distribu?dos, periodicamente, na forma de ilhas quadradas. Fizemos uma caracteriza??o das curvas de histerese, do deslocamento da histerese e da coercividade como fun??o da intensidade do campo de troca e do padr?o
de rugosidade da interface. Nossos resultados indicam que efeitos dipolares, nesse padr?o de rugosidade na interface, diminuem o deslocamento da histerese e coercividade
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Ligas magnéticas NiFe e NiFeCo eletrodepositadas, voltadas para aplicações em micro-sensores magnéticos tipo fluxgate planar / Electrodeposited NiFe and NiFeCo films for planar fluxgate sensorsThais Cavalheri dos Santos 31 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da obtenção de ligas de NiFe de NiFeCo sob a forma de filmes finos e também no seu uso na tentativa em se construir um sensor magnético tipo fluxgate planar. A técnica de produção utilizada foi a eletrodeposição com regime galvanostático. A solução eletrolítica utilizada era constituída por sais de níquel e ferro e alguns aditivos. Para depositar os filmes de NiFe, o eletrodo auxiliar era constituído de níquel; enquanto que para depositar os filmes de NiFeCo, o eletrodo auxiliar era constituído de cobalto. Os filmes foram depositados em substratos de cobre utilizando densidades de corrente no intervalo de 4 até 28 mA/cm2, com tempos totais de 40 e 60 minutos. A caracterização morfológica foi realizada utilizando Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura superficial e de seção lateral e para encontrarmos a composição dos elementos presentes na amostra, realizamos a Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva e Difração de Raios-X. Quanto à caracterização magnética foi utilizado o Magnetômetro de Amostra Vibrante e também magnetometria utilizando o Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (este foi utilizado somente para os filmes de NiFeCo) como o elemento detector do equipamento. Os filmes de NiFe crescem com orientações cristalinas ao longo dos planos (110) e (200); as quantidades de níquel e ferro atingem valores constantes a partir da densidade de corrente de 15 mA/cm2 (embora sempre haja mais níquel que ferro); o ponto de menor coercividade magnética (58,4 A/m) também ocorre a partir dessa densidade de corrente, onde filmes com 1 ?m de espessura são conseguidos para um tempo total de 40 minutos. Nota-se uma assimetria para os campos aplicados perpendicular e paralelamente à superfície do filme. Os filmes de NiFeCo crescem com orientações ao longo dos planos (111) e (200). Embora sempre haja mais níquel (constante em 70%), as concentrações de Fe e Co se igualam apenas para uma densidade de corrente próxima de 15mA/cm2. Abaixo desse valor há mais ferro, e acima mais Co. A partir dessa densidade de corrente, novamente observa-se um mínimo no valor da coercividade magnética do material (81 A/m). A partir dessa densidade de corrente, tal grandeza teve seu valor mantido praticamente constante. Para essa densidade de corrente filmes de 6 ?m de espessura são obtidos para um tempo de 40 minutos. Uma menor assimetria magnética é observada comparada com o caso anterior. Por esses dados, acreditamos que o filmes de NiFeCo seja um melhor candidato para a confecção do sensor planar tipo fluxgate, e testes iniciais de sua fabricação também são apresentados. / This work presents the results about the fabrication and characterization of thin films of NiFe and NiFeCo alloys. The attempts to construct the planar fluxgate are also presented. Galvanostatic electrodeposition using an electrolytic solution containing Ni and Fe was used: NiSO4 (0,7 mol/l); NiCl2 (0,02 mol/l); FeSO4 (0,03 mol/l); H3BO3 (0,4 mol/l) and C7H5O3NS.2H2O (0,016 mol/l). The auxiliary electrode was made on Ni for the NiFe films, while another one made on Co was used for the NiFeCo films. Films were deposited on copper substrates using current densities form 4 up to 28 mA/cm2, and total deposition time of 40 and 60 minutes. Structural characterization was performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (surface and cross-section); Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, and Xray Diffraction. Magnetic characterization was performed using two methods: the Vibrating Sample Magnetometry and magnetometry using a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) sensor. NiFe films grow with crystalline planes oriented along the (110) e (200) directions; the amount of each material reach constant values for current densities above 15 mA/cm2 (even though there is always more Ni). The point of minimum magnetic coercivity (58,4 A/m) also occurs for this current density, where films 1 ?m-thick are obtained for a total deposition time of 40 minutes. An asymmetry is observed for magnetic fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the surface of the films. NiFeCo films grow with crystalline planes oriented along the (111) and (200) directions; the amount of Ni remains constant (about 70%) for the whole current density range. The amount of Fe decreases with increasing current density, while the amout of Co shows the opposite behavior. They have equal values for current densities of about 15mA/cm2, where the minimum coercivity of 81A/m is achieved. For higher current densities the coercivity remains constant. For the current density of 15mA/cm2, 6 ?m-thick films are obtained for a total deposition time of 40 minutes. The magnetic asymmetry is smaller than for the case of the NiFe films. According to the obtained data, we believe that NiFeCo is a better candidate for the fabrication of planar magnetic fluxgate sensors. Initial tests for the fabrication of a prototype are also presented.
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Geometric and algebraic approaches to mixed-integer polynomial optimization using sos programmingBehrends, Sönke 23 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Wachstum, Mikrostruktur und hartmagnetische Eigenschaften von Nd-Fe-B-SchichtenHannemann, Ullrich 21 July 2004 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden mit der gepulsten Laserdeposition Nd-Fe-B-Schichten abgeschieden. Diese Schichten wurden auf einem geheizten Substrat deponiert und reagierten zu der hart-magnetischen Nd2Fe14B-Phase. Eine weitere Phase in den Schichten ist Neodym aufgrund der überstöchiometrischen Abscheidung von Neodym zur Unterstützung der Phasenbildung von Nd2Fe14B und zur Entkoppelung der Nd2Fe14B-Körner. Für die Mikrostruktur und die magnetischen Eigenschaften der Schichten sind die Grenzflächen zum Substrat und zur Umgebung von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sich die überwiegende Anzahl der Körner im Kontakt mit zumindest einer der beiden Grenzflächen befindet. Aus diesem Grund stand die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Grenzflächen auf das Wachstum, die Mikrostruktur und die magnetischen Eigenschaften der Nd-Fe-B-Schichten im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. Die Nd-Fe-B-Schichten wurden sowohl auf Chrom- als auch auf Tantalbuffern deponiert. Ein Buffer wurde zur Einstellung der Mikrostruktur und zum Schutz der Nd-Fe-B-Schicht vor Diffusion und Reaktionen mit den Elementen des Substrates benutzt. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass der Chrombuffer diese Bedingungen nur unzureichend erfüllt. Die Schichten, die auf dem Tantalbuffer deponiert wurden wachsen bei tiefen Depositionstemperaturen als zusammenhängende Schicht auf und zeigen eine magnetische Vorzugsorientierung mit der magnetisch leichten Richtung parallel zur Substratnormalen. Mit steigender Depositionstemperatur verbessert sich die Ausprägung der magnetischen Vorzugsorientierung bis die vollständige Ausrichtung aller magnetischen Momente parallel zur Substratnormale erreicht ist. Die Topologie dieser Schichten weist einzeln stehende Nd2Fe14B-Körner auf, was durch ein nicht benetzendes Verhalten von Nd2Fe14B auf Tantal erklärt wird. An Schichten, die bei Depositionstemperaturen um 630 °C auf dem Tantalbuffer abgeschieden wurden, konnte das epitaktische Wachstum von Nd2Fe14B nachgewiesen werden. Auch diese Schichten zeigen die Mikrostruktur der isoliert voneinander stehenden Körner. Obwohl die Korngröße dieser Körner etwa 2 µm beträgt, zeigen diese Schichten ein Koerzitivfeld von bis zu 2 T. Diese hohen Werte des Koerzitivfeldes werden durch die Vermeidung des Einbaus von Defekten in den Körnern erreicht. Zusammenfassend können diese Schichten als mikrometergroße und parallel zueinander angeordnete Einkristalle beschrieben werden. Aus diesem Grund konnten mit diesen Schichten Einkristallmessungen wie die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Sättigungspolarisation und des Spinreorientierungswinkels reproduziert werden. Aufgrund des epitaktischen Wachstums von Nd2Fe14B auf Tantal(110) konnte auch auf amorphen Substraten hochremanente und hochkoerzitive Schichten abgeschieden werden. Dafür wird ausgenutzt, dass der Tantalbuffer auch auf einem amorphen Substrat aufgrund der Wachstumauslese texturiert aufwächst und auf den einzelnen Körnern des texturierten Tantalbuffers die Nd2Fe14B-Körner lokal epitaktisch nukleieren können. Die Nd2Fe14B-Körner dieser Schichten sind nicht isoliert voneinander, sondern zeigen eine zusammenhängende Topologie. Diese Schichten besitzen ein Koerzitivfeld von etwa 1,3 T. Da Nd2Fe14B eine leicht oxidierende Phase ist, müssen die Nd-Fe-B-Schichten vor Korrosion geschützt werden. So wurde gezeigt, dass das Koerzitivfeld bei an Luft gelagerten Schichten innerhalb von einer Woche auf die Hälfte des ursprünglichen Wertes abfällt. Dieser Abfall konnte durch Defekte bzw. weichmagnetische Phasen als Ergebnis der Oxidation an den Oberflächen der Nd2Fe14B-Körnern erklärt werden. Die Verhinderung der Oxidation und damit der Verschlechterung der magnetischen Eigenschaften konnte sehr effektiv, d.h. ohne eine messbare Veränderung der magnetischen Eigenschaften über einen Zeitraum von 6 Monaten; durch die Abscheidung einer Chromdeckschicht erreicht werden.
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Development of Iron-Rich (Fe1-x-yNixCoy)88Zr7B4Cu1 Nanocrystalline Magnetic Materials to Minimize Magnetostriction for High Current Inductor CoresMartone, Anthony M., Martone 30 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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