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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma proposta de bula para software / A proposal of package insert for software

Lima, Fernando Cesar de 27 March 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta de bula para software, a qual possibilita capturar informações relacionadas aos requisitos funcionais e não funcionais de um determinado software, seguindo uma estrutura pré-definida. O referencial bibliográfico que embasa o trabalho é composto das teorias inerentes à transparência, transparência de software e mapas mentais. Discute a transparência dada às informações e processos das iniciativas públicas e privadas. Fornece subsídios para a concepção básica dos mapas mentais, proposto por Tony Buzan, com o intuito de justificar sua aderência em meio à proposta do trabalho. A proposta une a ideia de bulas de medicamentos, normatizada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA, aos conceitos de mapas mentais. Complementado por uma pesquisa experimental, este trabalho verificou a eficiência da bula de software na transmissão de conhecimentos por meio de um experimento que envolveu 326 participantes. Traz como resultado um modelo de bula para software que poderá ser utilizado pela indústria com o objetivo de elevar uma das características de transparência: a entendibilidade. / This research proposes a package insert for software that makes it possible to gather information related to the functional and non-functional requirements of a particular software, following a pre-defined structure. The bibliographic references that supports the work consists of theories relating to transparency, software transparency and mind maps. Discusses the transparency given to the information and processes of public and private initiatives. Provides subsidies for basic conception of mental maps, proposed by Tony Buzan, in order to justify its use in the work. The proposal combines the idea of pharmaceutical inserts, regulated by the National Health Surveillance Agency – ANVISA, to the concepts of mind maps. Complemented by experimental research, this study found the software package insert for efficiency in the transmission of knowledge through an experiment involving 326 participants. It brings up as result a model of package insert for software that may be used by the industry in order to increase one of the transparency’s characteristics: the understandability.

Pojmové mapy a jejich využití při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / The Concept Maps and their use in physics teaching in basic schools

ŠIKÝŘ, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of concept, mind maps and their other forms. The aim is to distinguish concept and mind maps. The other objectives are to create a set of these maps and to verify them in the teaching of physics course on second stage of secondary schools.

Bundling : une technique de réduction d'occultation par agrégation visuelle et son application à l'étude de la maladie d'Alzheimer / Bundling : a clutter reduction technique and its application to Alzheimer study

Lhuillier, Antoine 08 December 2017 (has links)
Le big data est un challenge majeur de la visualisation ; l'augmentation du nombre de données à visualiser augmente la densité et l'occultation des graphes et il devient difficile de distinguer les éléments qui le compose. Pour résoudre ce challenge, plusieurs techniques de visualisation se focalisent sur la simplification visuelle ; parmi elles, l'agrégation visuelle (bundling) permet l'agrégation des liens pour créer des zones de fortes densités au profit d'espaces plus clairsemés faisant ainsi émerger des structures visuelles. Cette thèse s'efforce à faire le trait d'union entre la complexité technique des algorithmes de bundling et les utilisateurs finaux. Dans un premier temps, nous avons formalisé l'espace de design des techniques de bundling afin d'améliorer la compréhension des chercheurs et des utilisateurs. Notre formalisation se fonde sur une taxonomie centrée utilisateur organisant l'ensemble des techniques d'agrégation en fonction des données d'entrée. Ensuite, à partir d'une définition formelle du bundling, nous proposons un modèle générique décrivant l'ensemble des étapes usuelles des algorithmes de bundling et montrons comment les techniques existantes implémentent chaque étape. Enfin, à travers une analyse des tâches, nous exposons des cas d'utilisation avérés. Notre analyse de l'espace des techniques de bundling nous a montré les limites actuelles du bundling quant au traitement de grande quantité de données tant en terme de rapidité de calcul qu'en terme de taille des jeux de données. Ainsi, nous avons résolu ces limites en introduisant une nouvelle technique plus rapide et sans limitation de taille : FFTEB (Fast Fourier Transform Edge Bundling Technique). Notre technique déplace le processus d'agrégation de l'espace pixelaire vers l'espace spectral. Enfin, grâce à un processus de transfert des données, FFTEB résout les problèmes de taille de jeux de données. En dernier lieu, dans le cadre d'une application à la maladie d'Alzheimer, cette thèse démontre l'efficacité des techniques de bundling comme outil d'exploration visuelle. Dans le contexte d'une étude nationale sur la maladie d'Alzheimer, nous avons focalisé notre recherche sur l'analyse de la représentation mentale de l'espace géographique chez les personnes âgées. Nous montrons que l'utilisation du bundling pour comparer les cartes mentales des populations démentes et non-démentes a permis à des neuropsychologues de formuler de nouvelles hypothèses sur l'évolution de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ces nouvelles hypothèses nous ont permis de montrer l'émergence d'un potentiel marqueur de la maladie près de douze ans avant que les patients ne soient diagnostiqués comme atteints de cette maladie. / Dense and complex data visualizations suffer from occluded items, which hinders insight retrieval. This is especially the case for very large graph or trails set. To address cluttering issues, several techniques propose to visually simplify the representation, often meeting scalability and computational speed limits. Among them, bundling techniques provide a visual simplification of node-link diagrams by spatially grouping similar items. This thesis strives to bridge the gap between the technical complexity of bundling techniques and the end-point user. The first aim of this thesis was to improve the understanding of graph and trail bundling techniques as a clutter reduction method for node-link diagrams of large data-set. To do so, we created a data-based taxonomy that organizes bundling methods on the type of data they work on. From this thorough review and based on a formal definition of path bundling, we propose a unified framework that describes the typical steps of bundling algorithms in terms of high-level operations and show how existing methods classes implement these steps. In addition, we propose a description of tasks that bundling aims to address and demonstrate them through a wide set of applications. Although many techniques exist, handling large data-sets and selectively bundling paths based on attributes is still a challenge. To answer the scalability and computational speed issues of bundling techniques, we propose a new technique which improves both. For this, we shift the bundling process from the image to the spectral space, thereby increasing computational limits. We address the later by proposing a streaming scheme allowing bundling of extremely large data-sets. Finally, as an application domain, we studied how bundling can be used as an efficient visualization technique for societal health challenges. In the context of a national study on Alzheimer disease, we focused our research on the analysis of the mental representation of geographical space for elderly people. We show that using bundling to compare the cognitive maps of dement and non-dement subjects helped neuro-psychologist to formulate new hypotheses on the evolution of Alzheimer disease. These new hypotheses led us to discover a potential marker of the disease years before the actual diagnosis.

Mapas conceituais no ensino de ciências: uma proposta para a aprendizagem significativa de conceitos científicos nos anos iniciais / Concept maps in the science education: a proposal for meaningful learning of scientific concepts in the initial years of elementary school

Souza, Graziela Ferreira de 23 June 2017 (has links)
Acompanha: Mapas conceituais no ensino de ciências: uma proposta para a aprendizagem significativa de conceitos científicos nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as contribuições do uso dos Mapas Conceituais como ferramenta potencializadora da Aprendizagem Significativa no ensino de ciências, para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, especificamente em uma turma de 5° ano de uma escola municipal da cidade de Ponta Grossa - PR. Para de alcançar tal objetivo, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa, com enfoque qualitativo de cunho interpretativo, junto a 30 alunos dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, durante o primeiro semestre de 2016, totalizando 30 horas/aula. Para isso propôs-se o trabalho com abordagem sobre mapas conceituais e aplicaram-se atividades pedagógicas com enfoque no tema Energia, de modo a analisar o percurso de aprendizagem. Como aporte teórico para a pesquisa, foram estudados David Ausubel e Joseph Novak sobre a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa e Mapas Conceituais, bem como pesquisadores referentes ao Ensino de Ciências e a perspectiva da Alfabetização Científica e Tecnológica. Considerando o quadro teórico estabelecido, a pesquisa de campo desenvolveu-se em duas etapas: primeiramente aplicaram-se atividades de familiarização com mapas conceituais, de modo que ao longo de 10 horas/aula os alunos pudessem conhecer os elementos constitutivos desse recurso representacional. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa elaborou-se um roteiro de atividades didático-pedagógicas, em torno do tema gerador Energia. Nessa etapa aplicou-se uma sequência de atividades pedagógicas sobre a temática, e durante o processo de ensino aprendizagem, sistematizou-se e registraram-se o percurso de aprendizagem por meio da construção de mapas conceituais. Os mapas conceituais elaborados pelos alunos durante a aplicação da segunda etapa de pesquisa compuseram a análise da aprendizagem à luz das ideias de Novak. Com base na interpretação dos dados, identificou-se a ocorrência da aprendizagem significativa em relação aos conceitos científicos estudados, com ampliação do conhecimento e sua relação com a sociedade, aspectos evidenciados na alfabetização científica. Deste modo, foi possível inferir que para o contexto estudado os mapas conceituais foram um recurso potencialmente facilitador da aprendizagem significativa, dada à sua característica de representatividade da estrutura cognitiva dos alunos durante o processo de aprendizagem. Como produto educacional oriundo deste estudo, apresenta-se como material complementar um caderno de estratégias pedagógicas para professores, resultado das análises e registros do percurso de ensinoaprendizagem vivenciados nessa pesquisa. / This current study aimed to analyze the contributions of the use of concept maps as a potential tool for the Meaningful Learning in science teaching, for the initial years of elementary school, specifically in a class of 5th grade in a municipal school of the city of Ponta Grossa, in Paraná state. To achieve the aim, was developed a qualitative research of investigative nature with 30 students from the initial years of elementary school, in the beginning of 2016, totalizing 30 hours / class. For this, was offered an approach on conceptual maps and was applied pedagogical activities with focus on the theme Energy, in order to analyze the learning course. As theoretical contribution for the research, David Ausubel and Joseph Novak were studied on Theory of Meaningful Learning and Conceptual Maps, as well as researchers related to Science Teaching and a perspective of Scientific and Technological Literacy. Whereas the established theoretical framework, a field research was developed in two phases: first, it was applied familiarization activities with conceptual maps in 10 hours / class, where the students could know the constituent elements of representational resource. In the second stage of the research, was elaborated a script of didactic-pedagogical activities, on the generator theme Energy. In this stage, was offered an instructional approach of the theme during the teaching-learning process. The learning was systematized and registered through the construction of conceptual maps. The conceptual maps were elaborated by the students during an application of the second stage of the research composed the analysis of learning in the light of Novak's ideas. Based on the interpretation of the data, it was identified the occurrence of meaningful learning of the concepts scientific studied, with an increase in the understanding and knowledge and its relationship with the society, evidenced in scientific literacy. Thus, was possible to infer that, for the context studied, conceptual maps were a potential facilitator of meaningful learning, given its characteristic of representing the cognitive structure of the students during the learning process. As an educational product from this study, it was presented in a pedagogy strategic notebook for teachers, results of the analysis and process of teaching-learning in this research.

Aprendizagem baseada em problemas em uma plataforma de ensino a distância com o apoio dos estilos de aprendizagem: uma análise do aproveitamento dos estudantes de engenharia / Problem-based learning in a platform of distance education with the support of the learning styles: an analysis of the performance of the students in engineering

Adriana Casale Kalatzis 07 October 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem por principal objetivo investigar o aproveitamento de uma amostra de 29 estudantes que participaram de uma experiência pedagógica na disciplina Planejamento e Análise de Sistemas de Transporte, oferecida para o curso de engenharia civil da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo. Essa experiência decorreu da aplicação do método aprendizagem baseada em problemas (Problem-Based Learning - PBL) na modalidade de ensino semipresencial, com o uso de uma plataforma de ensino a distância CoL (Cursos on-Line), apoiada nos estilos de aprendizagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio do instrumento - Índice de Estilos de Aprendizagem (Index of Learning Styles - ILS) de Felder e Soloman, traduzido para o português, para identificar os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes. O ILS foi aplicado no início da disciplina para conhecer o perfil de aprendizagem dos estudantes, auxiliar no preparo de atividades direcionadas para o público-alvo, e na composição dos grupos de acordo com seus estilos de maneira mais heterogênea e equilibrada possível, visando um melhor aproveitamento na disciplina. Para analisar o aproveitamento da amostra submetida à alternativa instrucional e os efeitos do PBL, foram utilizadas as respostas dos estudantes a um questionário de avaliação da nova proposta, respondido no final da disciplina e um questionário para avaliação do aprendizado, usado após o encerramento da disciplina. A partir das respostas desse questionário foram construídos mapas cognitivos que contribuíram para a avaliação e comparação do aprendizado da amostra com uma turma submetida ao modelo tradicional. Além desses instrumentos, na análise dos dados, foram utilizadas as notas dos estudantes da amostra e de outra turma de alunos regularmente matriculados na mesma disciplina, porém sem a inserção de inovações pedagógicas. Essas notas foram analisadas com o objetivo de investigar sua relação com os estilos de aprendizagem e com o método PBL bem como para verificar a ocorrência de aproveitamentos diferenciados entre os estudantes. Os resultados da análise qualitativa e quantitativa mostraram que os estudantes obtiveram um aproveitamento significativamente melhor com o novo desenho da disciplina. / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of a sample of 29 students who participated in an educational experience in Planning and Analysis of Transportation Systems Course for civil engineering course from Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo. This experience elapsed from the application of problem-based learning (PBL) method in a blended learning mode using a web-based learning - CoL (Cursos on-Line) - with the support of the leaning styles. The data were collected through the Felder and Solomans instrument - Index of Learning Styles (ILS) to identify the students learning styles. The portuguese version of the ILS was applied at the beginning of the course to find the students learning preferences to assist the development of activities directed to the public, and the composition of the groups according to their styles seeking a better use in the course. To examine the use of the sample submitted to the instructional alternative and the effects of PBL were used the responses of the students to a questionnaire for assessing the new proposal responded at the end of the course, and a questionnaire for assessment of learning that was used after the closure of the course. Cognitive maps were built from the answers of the questionnaire that contributed to this assessment and also to make the comparison of the sample with a group of students submitted to the traditional model. Besides these instruments were used the grades of the sample and also of the other group of students regularly enrolled in the same course, but without the introduction of pedagogical innovations. These grades were analyzed with the aim of investigating the relationship between the learning styles and the PBL method, and to verify the presence of differentiated performance between the groups of students. The results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that students obtained a significantly better performance with the new course design.

Developing extended communities of practice to support implementation of Inspiration® in elementary classrooms

Towne, Michael Richard 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project examined the need for continuing education for teachers, particularly in the area of technology integration. It includes an exploration of the interdependence of technology and pedagogy. It developed an on-line extended community of practice to support professional educators attempting to implement Inspiration®, a commercial software application. The project presents a research-based justification for employing cognitive mapping strategies in a wide variety of pedagogical contexts, provides a dynamic list of examples demonstrating concrete applications which are connected to content and technology standards, and examines current design features for websites.

Multi-Perspective Technology Assessment to Improve Decision Making: A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping for a Large-Scale Transmission Line Upgrade

Sperry, Richard Chad 09 June 2014 (has links)
The objective of the technology assessment (TA) process is to understand problematic and undesirable consequences from the development and application of technology. TA advocates for the engagement of technology experts and stakeholders to understand the effects of technology. However, TA is often criticized that the decision-making process is not transparent - leaving stakeholders wondering if their contributions were heard. Furthermore, the methods have limited capability for conducting tradeoff analysis between the organizational objectives and conflicting stakeholder perspectives that can result in unintended consequences. Finally, these methods are static making it difficult to update and reassess decision alternatives when new information about issues becomes available. This dissertation research addresses these problems by developing a new technology assessment methodology using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (Fuzzy Cognitive TA - FCTA). This novel approach supports both stages of the process: capturing expert and stakeholder perspectives in cognitive maps, and then using FCM for assessment and decision-making. The methodology shows how experts and stakeholders perceive the value or harm of a technology alternative, which stakeholders share the same perspectives, and how these perspectives change over time. The methodology also shows the degree to which expert and stakeholder perspectives are in support or in conflict with the organizational objectives to help avoid the direct and indirect consequences associated with the decision. Finally, the methodology shows how new or changing perspectives by experts and stakeholders affect the outcome of the decision to improve system knowledge. The research applies the FCTA methodology with a real-world Environmental Impact Study conducted by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA is a U.S. federal agency that provides about a third of the electric power and 75 percent of the high-voltage electric transmission in the Pacific Northwest.

ONLINE URBAN PARK : An interpretation of visual landscape perception through the lens of Instagram with #Vasaparken / ONLINE URBAN PARK : En tolkning av den det visuella landskapet sett genom instagram lins med #Vasaparken

Yangsomran, Nawarat January 2017 (has links)
Urban landscape, especially parks, mainly provide a wide range of disciplines, such as physical recreation, social interaction to urban residents. It has been associated with physical features of environments and nature. Today, urban parks are perceived as far more than just recreation or scenery. Urban park also constitutes social and cultural value at city level. This study seeks to investigate and challenge how to understand landscape perception and dialog between urban park and community through the interpretation of photographic social media (Instagram). The study also draws further discussion on reciprocity between urban landscape and photography as well as environmental psychology, focusing on cognitive map and environmental meaning. It also suggests possible strategies of future urban intervention and policy, in particular, promoting well being and pro-environmental behavior.

A Human-Centered Approach to Designing an Invasive Species Eradication Program

Santo, Anna Ruth 22 May 2015 (has links)
The increasing scope and speed of biological invasions around the world is a major concern of the modern environmental conservation movement. Although many ecological impacts of biological invasions are still not well understood, there is a general consensus that exotic, invasive species are a primary driver of extinctions globally. By altering ecosystem structure and function, invasive species also affect human quality of life; however, not all impacts lead to negative outcomes. Given that invasive species have diverse impacts on society, their management in human-dominated landscapes is a wicked problem wherein the resolution is as much an issue of social value as technical capacity. The purpose of my research was to understand the propensity for engaging private landowners in an effort to eradicate an invasive species on an inhabited island. Specifically, I investigated private landowner perspectives on eradicating the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) from the Tierra del Fuego (TDF) island archipelago in Argentina and Chile. The beaver was introduced in 1946 and has since become a central conservation issue due to its long-lasting changes to local hydrology, nutrient cycling, riparian vegetation, food webs, and aquatic and terrestrial species assemblages. Because eradication requires near complete cooperation from stakeholders and no research had been conducted to understand the perspectives or willingness of private landowners to cooperate, my objectives were to: 1) characterize the links private landowners make between the presence of beavers and impacts to the ecosystem services in their riparian areas, and 2) explore the role of a market-based incentive program to increase landowner cooperation in eradication efforts. Through semi-structured interviews, I elicited landowner mental models of how beavers impact the ecosystem services they receive from their riparian lands. I found that TDF ranchers prioritized provisioning ecosystem services, and held diverse and idiosyncratic beliefs about how beavers influence these outcomes. TDF ranchers may not recognize the beaver as a highly salient problem because they do not connect them to reductions in ecosystem services that are important to them. Among those who do perceive beavers affecting important ecosystem services, there is no clear, unified understanding of how the beavers disturb the ecosystem and key ecosystem services. Additionally, in a broadly administered survey, I used a factorial vignettes to examine the role of program structure and other program-related factors on landowners' willingness to participate in a voluntary eradication program. Overall, landowners were willing to cooperate in an incentive program to eradicate beavers. They were positively motivated by greater financial compensation, an increased expectation that the program would be successful, and the program assuming full responsibility for its implementation. Other factors returned mixed results indicating that further research may be required. In diverse, human-inhabited, and privately-owned landscapes, conservation requires collective action—i.e., the high threshold of participation needed for eradication to be achieved. Understanding the knowledge systems that cause landowners to perceive value or risk serves as a first step in understanding behaviors, and can also serve as a framework for crafting more effective outreach, as current communication about the beaver and the proposed eradication may not resonate with private landowners. Further, barriers to inaction can be overcome by understanding landowner needs and how program-related factors influence the potential for cooperation. In sum, by putting human needs at the forefront of program design, conservation planners can better understand stakeholder perspectives, reduce barriers to participation, and ultimately increase cooperation and improve conservation outcomes. / Master of Science

於資源有限的動態情境以模糊認知圖為基礎之心理驅動式服務分派研究 / A FCM-Based Mental-Driven service dispatcher in resource bounded dynamic contexts

陳怡璇, Chen, I Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所關切的議題為,當服務已被良好的設計出來後,為了不辜負這個被良好設計的服務,該怎麼使用它,進而能為所有重要關係人帶來最大的利益,特別是在資源有限的動態情境中。因此,我們將研究問題著眼於服務的傳遞過程中。現有的研究已回答了服務該如何被傳遞,但卻缺少了該在什麼時候,傳遞怎樣的服務才能發揮該服務的功效,帶來預期的好處(例如,贏得顧客滿意度及延續公司競爭力)。於是,本研究試圖提出一以模糊認知圖為基礎架構並考量顧客的心理狀態的服務分派機制,以期在如此動態且資源有限的情境下,能觀測當時的情境變化,透過管理顧客的期望與情緒,做出即時且適當服務分派決策,進而在對的時間針對對的人做對的服務。也就是冀望這樣一個顧客心理狀態的管理過程,能夠使得顧客感到滿意的可能性提高,並有助於所有重要關係人達成其目的,創造整個服務生態體系的平衡。考慮到會展服務即為一動態且資源有限的服務應用情境,本研究將以會展服務做為例子,加以描述整個研究的內容。 / There are already some researches providing the answer to how to deliver services but the issue “when to deliver which service” is still not so clear. Especially under the dynamic and resource-limited situation, bringing the effectiveness of each service into full play and allocating them appropriately to earn the most benefits are imperatives for service providers to keep both service quality and competitiveness. Therefore, the FCM-based mental-driven service dispatcher proposed here tries to pull service receivers’ mental information in to make real-time service deployment decisions which are capable of achieving each stakeholder’s purposes and satisfying service receivers. With the mental information – expectation and emotion, we are given a hand to do the right things at the right time to the right person by building up such a customer- mentality-centric service dispatching system.

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