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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstnärskap i samspel:  : om skapande arbetsprocesser i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt / Artists in interaction: creation processes in official collaborative projects : Creation processes in official collaborative projects

Florin, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
Artists in interaction: creation processes in official collaborative projects is a doctoral thesis that explores the creation processes of artists, when the project owner defines the purpose, theme and framework. The area is explored from the artists' perspective and the overall research question deals with the opportunities and obstacles that artists face when working in collaborative projects. To be able to explore the artists' working processes, in which sketches and models were tools, concepts from the visual research field were combined with knowledge theories that derive from the area of practice-based research. The knowledge theories draw on an updated understanding of ancient philosophy developed by, among others, the philosopher Martha Nussbaum. Rudolf Arnheim’s concepts of visual thinking are also vital for the interpretation of the visuals. The results indicate that skills in different sketching techniques build trust and enable communication. However, the artists experienced that it was more difficult to integrate the more indefinable parts of their knowledge, which relates to improvisation and intuition, even though this was highlighted as the most vital force in their working processes. The consequence is that the artists have not always followed their artistic intentions, which in some cases also meant compromising the quality of the works of art  they produced. The collaboration between the artists and the project-owner representatives could be more enriching for both parties if the artists' implicit knowledge is respected as a resource and given some room, although this may involve certain risks. The study also provides results regarding the interpretation of models and sketches, and discusses in what way different sketches can support (or hinder) communication in different stages of a design process, i.e. what aspects are important to consider when sketches are used to support communication. Particularly interesting is that the findings demonstrate that spoken and written language has a significant impact on how sketches are interpreted; the use of verbal language is therefore an important factor in presentations built on visuals. / Avhandlingen Konstnärskap i samspel: om skapande arbetsprocesser i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt undersöker konstnärers arbetsprocesser i projekt där uppdragsgivaren formulerat tema, syfte och ramar för gestaltningsarbetet. Genom tre fallstudier har konstnärers arbetsprocesser i samverkansprojekt, med inriktning på utställning och gestaltning i musei- och kulturmiljö undersökts. Den övergripande frågeställningen behandlar vilka möjligheter och begränsningar konstnärer upplever i sin praktik i myndighetsledda samverkansprojekt. Materialet till studien har samlats in via intervjuer, observationer, artefakter och dokument. Till artefakter räknas skisser, modeller och verk. För att undersöka konstnärernas arbetsprocesser, där olika typer av skisser är ett verktyg, har teorier från det visuella fältet kombinerats med teorier om praktisk kunskap. Från det visuella fältet är Rudolf Arnheims teorier om visuellt tänkande centrala och vad gäller kunskapsteorier är utgångspunkten en samtida tolkning av Aristoteles teori om olika kunskapsformer som utvecklats av bland andra filosofen Martha Nussbaum. På en övergripande nivå visar studien att skicklighet i hantering av olika skisstekniker möjliggör kommunikation och skapar förtroende, medan mer svårbeskrivbara delar av konstnärers kunnande med improvisation och intuition som vitala krafter är svårare att integrera i samverkansprojekten. Följden av detta är att konstnärerna inte alltid valt att genomdriva sina intentioner i projekten till fullo, vilket i ett par fall också inneburit avkall på gestaltningens kvalitet. Samverkan mellan offentliga uppdragsgivare och representanter från den kreativa sektorn (som konstnärerna i projekten representerar), skulle kunna bli mer berikande för båda parter om konstnärers implicita kunnande ses som en resurs och om uppdragsgivaren ger utrymme för improvisation, även om detta innebär visst risktagande. Studien förmedlar också ny empiribaserad kunskap beträffande olika skiss- och presentationsformers funktion i kommunikationsakten mellan konstnär (skissproducent) och uppdragsgivare (beställare). Detta kan komma till nytta i flera sammanhang där skissmaterial används vid presentationer av idéer, i kommunikationen med en beställare eller som ett verktyg i grupprocesser. Intressant nog demonstrerar resultaten också att talat och skrivet språk har stor inverkan på hur skisser tolkas. Därför är detta en viktig aspekt att beakta i presentationer som inkluderar visuella material, både för skissproducent och beställare.

Metateams in Major Information Technology Projects: A Grounded Theory on Conflict, Trust, Communication, and Cost.

Fernandez, Walter Daniel January 2003 (has links)
Metateams are both largely unexplored in the IS literature and economically important to major corporations and their IT vendors. Metateams are temporary groups composed of two or more geographically and inter-organisationally dispersed teams, commercially linked by project-specific agreements and enabled by electronic means of communication. Each one of these teams fulfils a particular and measurable objective, enshrined in the team's goal hierarchy and contractual obligations. The combination of efforts from every team in a metateam, contributes to achieving a common distant goal of project implementation. Thus, metateams are temporary teams (or groups) of distributed teams working across distance, firms, and cultures. In metateams, each participant team works with other teams on organisationally heterogeneous collaborative projects. Metateams are new and potentially powerful work structures resulting from the convergence of outsourcing, virtual organisations, and demands for global competitiveness. They promise to build IT solutions of high complexity, by integrating expertise from different fields and organisations. With the assistance of communication technologies, metateams can conquer barriers of time and space, enabling collaborative endeavours across a nation or across the globe. In a global business environment that demands innovation, flexibility, and responsiveness, metateams represent a revolution in the way organisations and practitioners do IT projects. However, as this study found, managing metateams presents unique difficulties due to conflicting demands arising from multiple realities. This dissertation presents an empirical research using a grounded theory approach that studies a major IT project performed by a metateam. The conceptual account emerges from an exploratory study of a major IT development and implementation project in the telecommunication industry. The project involved three key organisations and teams based in Australia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. The core pattern emerging from this study is one of constant conflict discovery and resolution, a process that progressively, and at a cost, allows the project to evolve from its initial incongruence into either a working solution or into project abandonment. This theory-building study presents a theoretical model, grounded on rich empirical data, interrelating key concepts of cost, conflict, communication, and trust, which serves to explain the pattern of actions and to propose a number of practical conclusions and recommendations. This research was guided by two key research objectives: (a) to add theoretical content to the understanding of key processes enacted by metateams in performing IT project work; and (b), to develop a framework that assists researchers and practitioners in predicting, explaining, and evaluating events and process associated with metateams. To the author's best knowledge, this study describes for the first time in the IS literature, the metateam organisation and the significant contextual issues they confront. In doing so, the study develops an understanding, grounded on rich empirical data from the substantive field of metateams. This new understanding contributes to both IS research and practice and provides guidance for future research.

Avaliação de fatores críticos de sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos colaborativos universidade-empresa / Evaluation of critical success factors in the management of university-enterprise collaborative projects

Eduardo Vicente Albertin 07 November 2008 (has links)
Cresce o número de projetos de pesquisas tecnológicas entre universidades e empresas e, como resultado, pesquisadores procuram identificar fatores que são fundamentais para o sucesso desse tipo de projeto, denominados Fatores Críticos de Sucesso (FCSs). Existem estudos consolidados na literatura por meio de pesquisa do tipo levantamento, porém, poucos empregaram métodos de pesquisa em profundidade. Optou-se, então, por verificá-los empregando-se a observação participante como estratégia de pesquisa. Empreendeu-se uma análise empírica para identificar FCSs em projetos entre o Grupo de Engenharia Integrada e Integração (EI2), da Universidade de São Paulo, e uma empresa desenvolvedora de software. O autor desse estudo atuou como participante-observador e nele foram verificadas as presenças e avaliadas as influências dos potenciais FCSs sobre os resultados dos projetos. Os resultados foram avaliados a partir da percepção da equipe e dos coordenadores dos projetos (entrevistas) e do participante-observador (diário de campo), complementando-os com a análise de documentos. As principais conclusões foram: os fatores relacionados às práticas de gestão foram mais críticos para o sucesso dos projetos do que os relacionados ao contexto da parceria U-E; a necessidade de desenvolverem-se escalas e métricas mais sofisticadas para avaliar este tipo de colaboração, frente às encontradas nos estudos clássicos; e a necessidade de desenvolvimento de pesquisas para melhorar a definição da visão e dos objetivos de projetos. Portanto, o trabalho indica que nem todos os FCSs identificados na literatura são realmente críticos e aponta vários aspectos para o aprofundamento das pesquisas na área. / The number of technologic research projects involving universities and enterprises is growing rapidly, and as a result researchers are increasingly seeking to identify essential factors that are critical to their success, known as Critical Success Factors (CSFs). There are well established survey-type studies on this matter in the literature, but few of them employed in-depth investigation methods. Therefore, in order to contribute to the knowledge on CSFs this study makes use of participant observation as a research method. To this end an empirical analysis was carried out to identify CSFs in projects between the Integrated Engineering and Integration Group from São Paulo University and a software enterprise. The author of this study, acting as a participant observer, verified the presence of potential CSFs and evaluated their influence on the outcomes of the projects. The research results derived from interviews with the project coordinators and team and field notes, which were complemented by the analysis of documents. The main conclusions were: the factors related to management practices were more critical to success than those related to the context of university-enterprise partnership; there is a need for the development of more sophisticated scales and metrics to evaluate this type of collaboration as compared to the ones found in the seminal studies; and it is important to carry out further investigation to better define the vision and objectives of projects. Therefore, this study suggests that not all CSFs found in the literature may be considered as truly critical and points to several aspects that can lead to in-depth research in this field.

Innovationsintermediärer: En one-stop-shop för allt vad små och medelstora företag efterfrågar vid samarbetsprojekt? / Innovation intermediaries: A one-stop-shop for everything that small and medium-sized companies demand in collaborative projects?

Nylén, Sebastian, Nyström, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Syfte – Denna studie syftar till att bidra med en ökad förstaåelse om vad små och medelstora företag (SMF:s) efterfrågar och på vilket sätt som innovationsintermediärer kan få SMF:s att vilja delta i samarbetsprojekt. Metod – Vi genomförde en kvalitativ enskild fallstudie vid en innovationsintermediär och primärdata insamlades genom 39 intervjuer, fördelat på fyra olika typer av informantgrupper: (1) anställda vid innovationsintermediären, (2) SMF:s, (3) stora företag, och (4) övriga aktörer (t.ex. finansiärer och myndigheter). Dataanalysen bestod av en tematisk analys för att identifiera SMF:s behov och hur innovationsintermediären kan tillgodose behoven. Resultat – Vårt resultatavsnitt är indelat i tre delar: (1) först presenterar vi sex olika värden som innovationsintermediärer skapar för SMF:s vid samarbetsprojekt, (2) i den andra delen presenterar vi elva attribut som gör det attraktivt att delta i samarbetsprojekt för SMF:s på företagsspecifik nivå, samarbetsprojektnivå och innovationsekosystemnivå, och (3) vi presenterar en processbeskrivning om hur innovationsintermediärer skulle kunna skapa attraktiva samarbetsprojekt för SMF:s. Teoretiska och praktiska bidrag – Denna studie bidrar till en ökad förståelse för innovationsintermediärer genom att belysa vad som bidar till att samarbetsprojekt med en innovationsintermediär är attraktiva för SMF:s, vilket inte uppmärksammats i befintlig litteratur. Studien understödjer även tidigare funna värden och identifierar nya värden som en innovationsintermediär kan skapa för SMF:s, för att sedan sammankoppla dessa till de attraktiva attribut som vi funnit. Studien har även ett praktiskt bidrag i form av en processbeskrivning, som kan hjälpa företagsledningar och beslutstagare hos innovationsintermediärer att förstå hur attraktiva samarbetsprojekt för SMF:s skulle kunna utformas. Begräsningar och framtida forskning – Detta är en enskild fallstudie och har således endast undersökt en innovationsintermediär, i detta fall ett forskningsinstitut, vilket kan påverka studiens generaliserbarhet. Därav rekommenderar vi framtida forskning att fortsatt undersöka frågeställningen genom en flerfallstudie eller studier som undersöker andra innovationsintermediärer. / Purpose – This study aims to contribute with an increased understanding of what small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) demand and how innovation intermediaries can increase the willingness among SMEs to participate in collaborative projects. Method – We conducted a qualitative single case study at an innovation intermediary. Primary data was collected through 39 interviews, divided into four different types of groups: (1) employees at the innovation intermediary, (2) SMEs, (3) incumbent firms, and (4) other actors (e.g., financiers and authorities). The findings were generated by using a thematic analysis to identify SMEs’ needs and how the innovation intermediary can meet those needs. Findings – Our findings section is divided into three parts: (1) first we present six different values that innovation intermediaries create for SMEs in collaborative projects, (2) in the second part we discuss eleven attributes that make it attractive to participate in collaborative projects for SMEs at company-specific level, collaborative project level and innovation ecosystem level, and (3) we provide a roadmap of how innovation intermediaries could create attractive collaborative projects for SMEs. Implications – This study contributes to an increased understanding of innovation intermediaries by highlighting what contributes to collaborative projects with an innovation intermediary being attractive to SMEs. This has not been observed in the existing literature. The study also supports previously found values, identifying new values that an innovation intermediary can create for SMEs, and linking both these values to the attractive attributes that we identified. Based upon the findings a roadmap was created to offer top management and decision-makers at innovation intermediaries a tool to design collaborative projects attractive to SMEs. Limitations and future research – This is an individual case study and has thus only examined one innovation intermediary, in this case, a research institute, which may affect the generalizability of the study. Therefore, we recommend future research to investigate our research questions through multiple case studies or studies examining other innovation intermediaries.

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