Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collapse"" "subject:"ollapse""
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Characterization of Five Brevibacillus Bacteriophages and Their GenomesSheflo, Michael Allen 01 June 2016 (has links)
Brevibacillus laterosporus (B. laterosporus) is a pathogen difficult to distinguish from Paenibacillus larvae (P. larvae), and contributes to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) of honeybees. To develop a biocontrol agent to limit its presence, bacteriophages were isolated from Utah County soil samples and used to infect B. laterosporus isolated from Utah County honey and larvae samples. Since CCD is prevalent in Utah beehives, bacteriophage that infect and lyse B. laterosporus may be isolated and characterized. Pathogens were isolated from soil samples, and 16S rRNA gene tests initially identified the strains as P. larvae. Bacteriophages were isolated, purified, and amplified sufficiently to obtain images by electron microscope and genome sequencing by 454 pyrosequencing. Genomes were annotated with DNA Master, a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program. Open reading frames (ORF's) were compared to the National Center for Biotechnology Information's (NCBI) database of primary biological sequence information via the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) algorithm. Later testing determined the pathogen to actually be B. laterosporus. Plaques demonstrated lytic activity, and electron microscopy revealed bacteriophages of the myoviridae family. The five sequenced genomes were composed of linear dsDNA ranging from 45,552 to 58,572 base pairs in length, 92 to 100 genes per genome, and a 38.10% to 41.44% range of G + C content. Discovering and describing new bacteriophages is a reasonably reproducible process and contributes to appreciating the diverse relationships between bacteriophage, bacteria, and eukaryota. Scientific facilitation of the bacteriophages role in limiting detrimental bacteria may contribute as an adjunctive therapy for CCD.
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A Fuzzy Logic Based Controller to Provide End-To-End Congestion Control for Streaming Media ApplicationsPavlick, Bay 05 July 2005 (has links)
The stability of the Internet is at risk if the amount of voice and video traffic continues to increase at the current pace. While current transport layer protocols do work well for most applications, they still present some problems. TCP is reliable, tracks the state of some network conditions and reacts drastically to an indication of congestion. TCP serves data-oriented applications very well but it can lead to unacceptably low quality for streaming applications by multiplicatively reducing the congestion window upon a sign of congestion. The other main transport layer protocol, UDP, provides good service for streaming applications but is not friendly to TCP and can cause the well-known existing congestion collapse problem in the Internet.
This thesis proposes a new protocol to provide a good service for voice and video applications while being friendly to TCP and solving the congestion collapse problem. The protocol utilizes a fuzzy logic controller that considers network related information to govern the applications sending rate while satisfying the users needs. Using network information such as the available bandwidth, Packet Loss Rates (PLR), and Round Trip Times (RTT) a fuzzy inference system optimizes the applications send rate to meet the requested rate in a smooth manner without wasting network resources unnecessarily.
The fuzzy logic controller is designed and its performance evaluated using MATLAB model simulations. The results indicate that the fuzzy controller solves the congestion collapse problem by reducing the number of undelivered packets into the network by nearly 100%. It provides smooth transition changes as demonstrated by the controlled UDP flow utilizing an estimated 44% more of the available bandwidth to smooth the send rate than the TCP flow in a highly varying bandwidth environment. The controller also remains friendly with TCP which was demonstrated to share the bandwidth at nearly 50% with one other competing controlled UDP flow.
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Etude expérimentale et numérique de la résistance à l'effondrement progressif de sous-assemblages poteaux-poutres en béton armé / Experimental and numerical investigation of the progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete beam-column sub-assemblagesZhao, Guoqiang 03 July 2019 (has links)
Au cours de leur durée de vie, les bâtiments importants sont susceptibles d’être soumis à des charges accidentelles, telles que des explosions ou des impacts. Evaluer leur stabilité vis-à-vis de charges traditionnelles statiques et sismiques ne suffit pas. Leurs performances structurelles liées à des scénarios d’effondrement progressif doivent également être examinées.L’étude de l’effondrement progressif est un problème dynamique. Malheureusement, les expériences sur le comportement des structures de génie civil dans des conditions dynamiques sont rares car difficiles à réaliser. Dans cette étude, des sous-assemblages poteaux-poutres en béton armé ont été testés sous chargement dynamique. Le chargement a consisté à placer une masse importante jouant le rôle de « charge morte » sur la colonne centrale d’un sous-assemblage simulant la liaison de 3 poteaux avec 2 poutres. Une pièce fusible jouant le rôle de support sous la colonne centrale est brutalement déverrouillée pour simuler la perte de portance soudaine de cette colonne. Le comportement dynamique et les dommages locaux causés à la structure ont été mesurés et étudiés. Le bâti de chargement et les dispositifs de support ont été conçus spécialement pour cet essai. La charge morte supérieure peut être modifiée et appliquées à différents spécimens. Les supports des colonnes latérales ont une rigidité horizontale contrôlée et sont conçus pour limiter la rotation de ces mêmes colonnes. Ainsi, les conditions aux limites des essais réalisés sont supposées être représentatives de situations réalistes. Au cours des essais, un laser a été installé sous la colonne centrale pour mesurer la vitesse de chute. Une caméra numérique rapide a été utilisée pour visualiser l'ensemble du processus de ruine du sous-assemblage. Les images obtenues de la caméra ont été traitées par une technique de DIC (Digital Image Correlation) afin d’obtenir le champs de déplacement et les déformations correspondantes. Grâce à ces mesures dynamiques, des données importantes ont été produites et enregistrées, notamment la période de vibration, la fréquence, la vitesse et le déplacement des différents échantillons testés. Sur la base de ces données expérimentales, l’effet de la section et de la portée des poutres sur la réponse dynamique et sur le mode d’endommagement des sous-assemblages a été discuté. Cette étude montre que les résultats expérimentaux obtenus, en termes de mécanismes structurels, de schéma de fissuration, de mode d'endommagement, peuvent être utilisés pour analyser le comportement de sous-assemblages de structures réelles.De plus, une modélisation numérique des essais a été réalisée pour simuler le processus de ruine de la structure. Une technique appelée «connecteur» a été proposée dans le modèle aux éléments finis du sous-assemblage poteaux-poutres. Cette technique consiste à ajouter une série de ressorts pour étudier le rôle de l’interaction entre les armatures en acier et le béton. Un modèle d'endommagement anisotrope, appelé modèle DFH-KST, a été utilisé pour caractériser l'évolution de la fissuration et l’endommagement du béton.La polyvalence de la méthodologie adoptée permet d’évaluer l’influence du comportement non-linéaire du matériau et celle de la géométrie de la structure testée. Les études numériques de calibration et de validation montrent que le modèle proposé peut reproduire le comportement et la résistance de la structure avec succès. / Important buildings may be subjected to accidental loads, such as explosions or impacts, during their service life. It is, therefore, necessary not only to evaluate their safety under traditional loads and seismic action. The structural performances related to progressive collapse scenarios need to be investigated.The study of progressive collapse involves a dynamic problem, but unfortunately dynamic experiments on the behavior of the civil engineering structures under dynamic conditions are rare. In this research, beam-column sub-assemblage specimens were tested under dynamic load. The loading program consists in placing a large mass, as a dead load, on the top of the middle column of a beam-column sub-assemblage. The support under the middle column is suddenly removed for simulating the sudden loss of a column and the damage that will result in the structure. The loading system and supporting devices were designed specially for this test. The upper dead load can be changed by increasing or decreasing the applied masse to different specimens. The supports for the side column have a controlled rigidity in the horizontal direction and are designed to restrain rotation of the side-column. Thus, the boundary conditions are supposed to be similar to real situations. During the test, a laser was installed under the middle pillar to collect the falling velocity and a high-speed camera was used to visualize the whole process of the component failure process. The images obtained from the camera were processed by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technology to get the corresponding displacements and strain fields. By these means, all the information of the structure under dynamic loading was captured and recorded, such as the period of vibration, frequency, velocity and displacement. Based on these experimental data, the effect of section and span of the specimen on dynamic response and damage mode was discussed. Time history of resistance force curves was produced. Compared with previous published quasi-static experiments in terms of structural mechanisms, crack patterns, damage mode, it shows the experimental results from beam-column assemblage with the designed support device can be used to analyze the behavior of the local structure in the entire frame.In addition, numerical simulations were developed for simulating the failing process of the structure. A technique named “connector” was proposed into beam-column finite element model by adding a series of springs to investigate the interaction between steel rebars and concrete. A concrete damage model, named DFH-KST model, was used to characterize the development of concrete crack and damage. The versatility of the adopted methodology allows assessing the influence of the material nonlinear behavior and the geometry of the tested structure. Calibration and validation studies show that the proposed model can successfully represent the resistance of structure and behavior. Furthermore, the transverse component effect on the resistance to progressive collapse was discussed.
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DAS KONSTRUKTSIIA IGRA: crítica da mística da cidade-máquina / DAS KONSTRUKTSIIA IGRA: critique of the mystique of the city-machineVasconcellos, Rachel Pacheco 06 February 2019 (has links)
\"Construtivistas! Poupem-se de se tornar uma outra escola de estética! O construtivismo deve se tornar a forma superior da engenharia das formas de vida!\" clama Vladimir Maiakóvski no primeiro número da revista de vanguarda LEF, em 1923. De modo implicado com a contradição entre forma e conteúdo do trabalho, esta pesquisa desloca o construtivismo russo do campo da Arte e o toma como objeto de estudos da Geografia, entendendo o princípio de construção (, konstruktsiia) no sentido da produção do espaço que entrelaça as escalas da arquitetura, do urbanismo e do território. Por meio da crítica da economia política do espaço, vê que aquilo que esteticamente aparece como projeto modernista da vanguarda, não tratava de outra coisa senão de um plano de totalidade, inscrito no processo de modernização da sociedade russa pós-revolucionária que tinha na Planificação (econômica e espacial) seu instrumento para a formação do moderno Estado soviético. Neste contexto, a Máquina, paradigma do mundo moderno, concede sua lógica de sistema ao espaço social, de modo que o cotidiano, o plano do vivido, dos acontecimentos, ganha o sentido de \"funcionamento\" centrado na organização do trabalho. A esta utopia da forma corresponde uma ideologia geográfica, ideologia do Planejamento, da operação espacializada do modo de produção. A \"utopia socialista científica da Cidade-Máquina\" apresenta uma totalidade mistificada, pois a imagem racionalizada e tecnológica da sociedade oculta contradições intrínsecas à sua própria lógica. Um século após 1917, as contradições internas da modernização soviética explicitam seu conteúdo oculto: o colapso da União Soviética demonstra como é que o sistema estatal de produção de mercadorias, com o avanço do desenvolvimento das forças produtivas e o consequente agravamento da crise do trabalho, tal como demonstrado por Marx em O Capital, não deu conta de garantir a rentabilidade econômica do Estado nos quadros de um mercado planejado, de modo que precisou se abrir ao mercado global de capitais. Em 2017, os efeitos dessa ficcionalização da economia são flagrados na paisagem de Moscou: os edifícios construtivistas, concebidos com a função de dinamizar a sociabilização de uma realidade produtiva, perdem o sentido do uso para o qual foram planejados; são vistos em ruínas: abandonados, detonados ou incorporados por novos empreendimentos imobiliários e pelo marketing turístico da cidade. A deriva psicogeográfica em campo reacende os conteúdos da relação entre arquitetura e espetáculo. De projeção socialista, o projeto da vanguarda passa à especulação financeira, e demonstra como a exaltação socialista da máquina, celebrada pelos construtivistas, guardava em si o dispositivo crítico para sua própria destruição. / \"Constructivists! Spare yourself from becoming another school of aesthetics! Constructivism must become the superior form of life-forms engineering!\" claims Vladimir Maiakovsky in the first issue of the avant-garde magazine LEF in 1923. Implicated within the contradiction between form and content of work, this research displaces Russian Constructivism from the Art field to take it as subject of study in Geography. In order to do so, the principle of construction (, konstruktsiia) is comprehended in the sense of production of space a concept that interweaves the scales of architecture, urbanism and territory. Through criticism of the political economy of space, this current research regards that what has shown itself as the avant-garde\'s modernist aesthetic project was nothing else but a plan of totality, a \"scientific socialist utopia\", inscribed in the modernization process of Russian revolutionary society. Planning (both economic and spatial) was a tool to the formation of the modern Soviet State. In this context, the figure of the Machine, paradigm of the modern world, grants its logic system to social space, so that everyday life, the plan of the living, gains the sense of an \"operation\" centered on the organization of labor. This utopia of form corresponds with a geographical ideology, ideology of Planning, of the spatial operation of the mode of production. The rationalized and technological image of the \"City-Machine\" presents itself as a mystified totality, since it hides contradictions intrinsic to its own logic. But, a century after 1917, the internal contradictions of Soviet modernization explicit their hidden content. The collapse of Soviet Union demonstrates how the state system of commodity production, with the advance of the development of productive forces and the consequent aggravation of labor crisis (as demonstrated by Marx in The Capital), had failed to guarantee the economic profitability of the state within the limits of a planned market. The solution was to open itself to the global capital market. In 2017, the effects of the financialization of the economy are easily noticed in Moscow landscape: constructivist buildings, designed with the function of dynamizing the sociability of a productive reality, lose the sense for which were originally planned. Those constructions are ruined: abandoned, falling apart or incorporated by new real estate ventures, and even used to the tourist marketing of the city. The on-field psychogeographic derive technique relights the critical contents of the relation between architecture and Spectacle. From a socialist standpoint, the project of the avant-garde turns into a fictitious speculation, and shows how the exaltation of machinery had within itself the germs of its own collapse.
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The influence of Hall currents, plasma viscosity and electron inertia on magnetic reconnection solutionsSenanayake, Tissa January 2007 (has links)
Abstract This thesis examines magnetic reconnection in the solar corona. Magnetic reconnection is the only mechanism which allows the magnetic topology of magnetized plasmas to be changed. Many of the dynamic processes in the Sun's atmosphere are believed to be driven by magnetic reconnection and studying the behaviour of such phenomena is a key step to understanding the reconnection mechanism. In Chapters 1 to 3, we discuss the physical and mathematical framework on which current magnetohydrodynamic reconnection models are based. The aim of the thesis is to investigate theoretical models of magnetic reconnection using variety of analytic and numerical techniques within the theoretical frame work of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). In Chapter 4 we use a line-tied X-point collapse model for compressible plasmas to investigate the role of viscosity on the energy release mechanism. This model also provides the basis for the investigation of Chapter 5 which explores the impact of Hall currents in the transient X-point energy dissipation. Chapter 6 is concerned with how reconnection is modified in the presence of generalized Ohm's law which includes both Hall current and electron inertia contributions. In contrast to the closed X-point collapse geometry adopted for compressible plasmas previously, we find it more convenient to explore this problem using an open incompressible geometry in which plasma is continually entering and exiting the reconnection region. Specially, we find the scaling of the Hall-MHD system size analytically, rather than numerically as in the X-point problem of Chapter 5. Chapter 7 summarizes the results of investigations in Chapters 4, 5 and 6.
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Degradation Models for the Collapse Analysis of Composite Aerospace StructuresOrifici, Adrian Cirino, adrian.orifici@student.rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
For the next generation of aircraft, the use of fibre-reinforced polymer composites and the design of
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Is Quantum Decoherence Reality or Appearance?05 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Progressive Collapse: Comparison of Main Standards, Formulation and Validation of New Computational ProceduresMenchel, Kfir 29 October 2008 (has links)
Throughout recent history, famous records of building failures may be found, unfortunately accompanied by great human loss and major economic consequences. One of the mechanisms of failure is referred to as ‘progressive collapse’: one or several structural members suddenly fail, whatever the cause (accident or attack). The building then collapses progressively, every load redistribution causing the failure of other structural elements, until the complete failure of the building or of a major part of it. The civil engineering community’s attention to this type of event was first drawn by the progressive collapse of the building called Ronan Point, following a gas explosion in one of the last floors. Different simplified procedures for simulating the effects of progressive collapse can now be found in the literature, some of them described in detail. However, no extensive study can be found, in which these procedures are compared to more complete approaches for progressive collapse simulation, aiming at the comparison of the assumptions underlying them. To further contribute to the elaboration of design codes for progressive collapse, such a study would therefore be of great interest for practitioners.
All parties involved with the subject of progressive collapse are currently attempting to bridge the gap between the work done on the research front on the one hand, what can be considered as a fitting numerical model for regular industrial use on the other, and finally, the normalisation committees. The present research work aims at providing insight as to how the gaps between these poles may be reduced. The approach consists in studying the various hypotheses one by one, and gradually adding complexities to the numerical model, if they prove to be warranted by the need for sufficient accuracy. One of the contributions of the present work stems from this approach, in that it provides insight regarding the validity of the various simplifying assumptions. It also leads to the development of procedures which are kept as simple as possible, in an attempt to design them as best as possible for regular industrial use.
The objective of simplifying assumptions validation is pursued in Chapter 2. This chapter consists of the text of a paper entitled “Comparison and study of different progressive collapse simulation techniques for RC structures”, in which the main simplifying assumptions of the progressive collapse guidelines are detailed and assessed. The DoD [1] and GSA [2] static linear and non-linear procedures are investigated, and compared to more complete approaches in order to assess their validity.
In the next two chapters, two new procedures for design against progressive collapse are developed. They are based on quasi-static computations, their main objective being to account accurately for dynamic inertial effects. The first of these chapters consists in the text of a paper entitled “A new pushover analysis procedure for structural progressive collapse based on a kinetic energy criterion”, in which energetic considerations allow for the development of a static equivalent pushover procedure. The second chapter consists of the text of a paper entitled “A new pushover analysis procedure for structural progressive collapse based on optimised load amplification factors”, which uses load amplification factors resulting from optimisation procedures in order to account for dynamic inertial effects. The contributions of these two papers lie in the fact that they offer an improved accuracy on the results, when compared with other procedure available in the literature, which follow the same general principles. The two proposed procedures are thoroughly validated by systematic comparisons with results obtained with the more costly dynamic non-linear computations.
Finally, an additional chapter focuses on the various approaches that can be adopted for the simulation of reinforced concrete beams and columns. Because a rather simple model for reinforced concrete is used in Chapter 2, the bulk of this chapter consists in the implementation of a more complex fibre-based non-linear beam element. Comparisons performed with this model provide insight to the limitations of the simpler model, which is based on the use of lumped plastic hinges, but show this simpler model to be valid for the purposes of the present work.
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Structural response of steel and composite building frames further to an impact leading to the loss of a column.Luu Nguyen Nam, Hai 15 October 2009 (has links)
See appended files.
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Stellar iron core collapse in {3+1} general relativity and the gravitational wave signature of core-collapse supernovaeOtt, Christian David January 2006 (has links)
I perform and analyse the first ever calculations of rotating stellar iron core collapse in {3+1} general relativity that start out with presupernova models from stellar evolutionary calculations and include a microphysical finite-temperature nuclear equation of state, an approximate scheme for electron capture during collapse and neutrino pressure effects. Based on the results of these calculations, I obtain the to-date most realistic estimates for the gravitational wave signal from collapse, bounce and the early postbounce phase of core collapse supernovae.
I supplement my {3+1} GR hydrodynamic simulations with 2D Newtonian neutrino radiation-hydrodynamic supernova calculations focussing on (1) the late postbounce gravitational wave emission owing to convective overturn, anisotropic neutrino emission and protoneutron star pulsations, and (2) on the gravitational wave signature of accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs to neutron stars. / Ich präsentiere die ersten Computer-Simulationen des rotierenden Kollapses stellarer Eisenkerne, die in der {3+1}-Zerlegung der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie durchgeführt werden und Vorsupernova-Sternmodelle aus Sternentwicklungsrechnungen, eine heiße nukleare Zustandsgleichung und ein näherungsweises Verfahren zur Beschreibung des Elektroneneinfangs enthalten und
Neutrinodruck-Effekte berücksichtigen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Rechnungen erhalte ich die zur Zeit realistischsten Vorhersagen für das
Gravitationswellensignal der Kollaps, Abprall, Abkling und frühen Nach-Abprallphase einer Kern-Kollaps-Supernova.
Neben den {3+1} Simulationen diskutiere ich newtonsche axisymmetrische Kern-Kollaps-Supernova-Simulationen mit Schwerpunkten auf: (1) der Gravitationswellenabstrahlung in der späten Nach-Abprallphase durch Konvektionsströmungen, anisotropische Neutrinoemission und Proto-Neutronenstern
Pulsationen und (2) der Gravitationswellensignatur des Kollapses weißer Zwergsterne zu Neutronensternen, der durch Akkretion eingeleitet wird.
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