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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komiskt eller avskyvärt? : En studie om attityder till bakrus på arbetsplatser

Hawée, Minna-Sofi January 2015 (has links)
Alkoholens påverkan på människor är vida känt och intresset för attityden till bakrus på arbetsplatser uppkom som en fortsättning av en studie som visade att alkoholkonsumtionen var mer utpräglat inom Handels men mindre i Vård och Omsorg. Syftet med den här studien var att se om attityden till bakrus på arbetsplatser skiljde sig åt och om Handels är mer accepterande till bakrus än Vård och Omsorg. Det användes en enkät med attitydskalor som skulle mäta attityd till bakrus och den delades ut på utvalda omvårdnads-boenden och butiker i Uppland, totalt svarade 103 personer på enkäten. Resultatet visade på en skillnad avseende attityder till medarbetare som kommit bakfulla till arbetet för de olika yrkeskategorierna. Personal inom handels var mer accepterande till bakrus på arbetsplatser än inom Vård och Omsorg. Ett förslag till framtida studier är att forska i om det finns ett samband mellan en faktisk alkoholkonsumtion och attityder till rus/bakrus bland medarbetare på arbetsplatser.

Förutsättningar för reflektion i skolans värld : En aktionsforskningsstudie om kollegahandledning

Hansson, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vilka förutsättningar som behövs för att lärare som ingår i gemenskaper skall uppleva att reflektion sker på ett meningsfullt sätt. Eftersom lärares kompetensutveckling idag, skall utgå från egna erfarenheter och initieras nerifrån av praktikerna, kan studien på längre sikt också bidra med att synliggöra framkomliga vägar för lärares kompetensutveckling, som ett led i skolutveckling och dessutom som ett led i att utveckla läraryrket till en profession.Studien ingick i ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där lärarna själva bestämde fokus, i syfte att utveckla sin egen praktik. Aktionen bestod av fyra faser på en grundskola. Hela aktionen pågick i ett och ett halvt år. Fas 4, studien, pågick under ett läsår. I de tre första faserna kartlades skolans förbättringshistorik och skolans kultur. Grundat på de tre första faserna, bestämde lärarna att den fjärde fasen skulle bestå av reflekterande samtal. De valde kollegahandledning som form. Träffarna spelades in och några träffar valdes ut som analysenheter. Data analyserades utefter vad lärarna pratade om och hur de pratade med varandra.Struktur, utgångspunkter och överlappning var de förutsättningar som framkom i analysen. I diskussionen sätts dessa i relation till frirum, gruppsammansättning och innehåll i samtal. Av detta framkom att skolor själva aktivt måste skapa frirum som ett led i skolutvecklingsprocessen. Det framkom också att inramningen för reflekterande samtal har betydelse, dels hur gruppen sätts samman men också hur tid kan avsättas och rum kan skapas för reflekterande arenor. Slutligen framkom det att utgångspunkter som förberedelse för reflektion har betydelse för vilket innehåll som behandlas och hur det behandlas. En sådan utgångspunkt var i studien bland annat en reflektionslogg. Genom den kunde lärarna öppna upp fönster till varandras praktik. / The study's overall aim is to contribute with knowledge about which conditions that are needed in order to that teachers, included in communities, will experience that reflection happens on a worthwhile way. Since today teachers' skill development will be paid from own experiences and to be initiated from below of practioners, the study can in a longer view also contribute with making visible passable roads for teachers to develop skill themselves, as a part of school development and also of developing teacher against a profession.The study was included in an action research project were the teachers decided focus, in aim to develop its own practice. The action consisted of four phases at a compulsory school. The entire action took place in one and a half year. Phase 4, the study, took place during a school year. During the three first phases the school’s improvement history and the school’s culture was examined. Based on the three first phases, the teachers decided that the fourth phase should consist of reflective deliberation. They choose collegial supervision as method. The meetings were taped and some were chosen out as analysis units. The analysis focused on what the teachers talked about and how the teachers talked with each other.Structure, starting points and overlap were the conditions that arrived in the analysis. In the discussion, these are set in relation to free room, group composition and contents in deliberations. Of this arrived that the schools actively must create free rooms as a part of a school development process. Moreover it arrived that the frame for reflective deliberations has importance, part's how the group is set together but also how time can be allocated and rooms can be created for reflective arenas. It also showed that starting points as preparation for reflection, have importance for which content that is treated and also how it is treated. Such a starting point was in the study among other things the reflection log. Through it the teachers could open up windows to each others practice.

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter treffen sich in der SLUB

Boddin, Ilse 15 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In diesem Jahr stand die Veranstaltung für die ehemaligen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der SLUB unter dem Thema der Ausstellung im Buchmuseum „Die Kunst zu essen und zu genießen. Die Bibliotheca Gastronomica des Sammlers Walter Putz“, die noch bis 9. Februar 2008 zu sehen ist.

Policy Collaboration in the United States Congress

Craig, Alison W. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Factors that Influence Teacher Perceptions of Safety in One School Division in Virginia

Bopp, Nathan Patrick 19 January 2022 (has links)
School divisions have spent billions of dollars on school safety upgrades since the events at Columbine (Cox and Rich, 2018). However, the research on the effectiveness of policies and safety upgrades has been inconsistent. Further, research dedicated to teacher perceptions of school is limited. An in-depth examination of how teachers perceive safety policies and practices could assist school leaders in the creation of safe working spaces for their teachers. The purpose of the study was to identify factors that influence teacher perceptions of safety within the school environment. This study was an extension of Leonard's (2016) study entitled What School Factors Influence Teachers' Perceptions of Safety in Their Classrooms and Schools? This mixed-methods study surveyed 559 teachers in a medium-sized Virginia school division and had 353 participants. The survey tool consisted of qualitative and quantitative elements designed to measure teacher perceptions of safety regarding physical characteristics of school facilities, collegial relationships, school administrator practices, and the principal's adherence to school division safety policies. Descriptive tables for each survey question were created. The tables highlighted statistical trends gathered from the quantitative portion of the study and lists of common perceptions observed from the thematic analysis process. Potential relationships between perceptions of safety, school facilities, gender, years of experience, and teaching assignments were highlighted. The study indicated that physical and visible security measured impacted teacher perceptions of safety. Teachers identified that locked exterior doors, the presence of school resource officers, and security cameras positively impacted their perceptions of safety. The school environment had an impact on perceptions of teacher safety. Teachers determined that colleague support impacted perceptions of safety positively. In addition, school administrators' practices influenced teacher perceptions of safety. Teachers conveyed that principal visibility, administration support, and open communication enhanced their perception of safety. Further, teachers highlighted the importance of their awareness of school and district safety policies, and the existence of crisis plans at the school and division level. Moreover, the majority of teachers' perceptions of safety were not negatively impacted by student behavior or the potential of outside intruder threats. Thus, the researcher determined that, overall, teachers perceived that they felt safe at school. / Doctor of Education / School divisions have spent billions of dollars on school safety upgrades since the events at Columbine (Cox and Rich, 2018). However, the research on the effectiveness of policies and safety upgrades has varied. Further, research dedicated to teacher perceptions of school is limited. An in-depth examination of how teachers perceive safety policies and practices could assist school leaders in the creation of safe working spaces for their teachers. The purpose of the study was to identify factors that influence teacher perceptions of safety within the school environment. This study was an extension of Leonard's (2016) study entitled What School Factors Influence Teachers' Perceptions of Safety in Their Classrooms and Schools? The researcher surveyed 559 teachers in a medium-sized Virginia school division and had 353 participants. The survey consisted of qualitative and quantitative elements designed to measure teacher perceptions of safety regarding physical characteristics of school facilities, collegial relationships, school administrator practices, and the principal's adherence to school division safety policies. A summary table for each survey question was created. The tables highlighted statistical trends gathered from the quantitative portion of the study and lists of common perceptions observed within the qualitative questions responses. Potential relationships between perceptions of safety, school facilities, gender, years of experience, and teaching assignments were highlighted. The researcher determined that physical and visible security measured impacted teacher perceptions of safety. Teachers identified that locked exterior doors, the presence of school resource officers, and security cameras positively impacted their perceptions of safety. The school environment had an impact on perceptions of teacher safety. Teachers determined that colleague support positively impacted perceptions of safety. In addition, school administrators' practices influenced teacher perceptions of safety. Teachers conveyed that principal visibility, administration support, and open communication enhanced their perception of safety. Further, teachers highlighted the importance of their awareness of school and district safety policies, and the existence of crisis plans at the school and division level. Moreover, the majority of teachers' perceptions of safety were not negatively impacted by student behavior or the potential of outside intruder threats. Thus, the researcher determined that, overall, teachers felt safe at school.

Factors Associated With Technology Integration To Elementary School Settings: A Path Model

Karaca, Feride 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a three phase Sequential Mixed Method Design was utilized to test a research based model explaining the relationships between technology integration and the factors affecting it. In the first phase, interviews were conducted with 20 elementary school teachers to identify the most common factors affecting elementary teachers&rsquo / use of technologies. The qualitative findings then guided the development of a survey instrument in the second phase. In the last phase, this survey was administered to 1080 classroom teachers in Ankara. In this phase, a path analytical approach was utilized to investigate the direct and indirect effects of teaching experience, computer use in years, principal support, colleague support, technology competency, teachers&rsquo / attitude and belief towards using technology and lack of time on technology integration to elementary school settings. Our findings indicated that technology integration is a complex process affected by many factors and these factors are highly related to each other. Within all factors, teachers&rsquo / technology competency has the largest direct effect on technology integration. Also, principal support, computer use in years, colleague support and teachers&rsquo / attitude and belief have important influences on technology integration. The technology integration model developed in this study provides a valuable tool for both policy makers and school principals to design and develop some strategies to bring success about integrating technologies in school environments. It will help the school principals in developing a vision and plan, indicating how technology will be integrated to the lessons and how the teachers are expected to use technologies.

Att "sitta på två stolar" : En reflekterande essä om dilemmat med att vara både chef och kollega

Sääf, Christina January 2011 (has links)
På senare år har ett nytt sorts chefskap blivit mer och mer vanligt, ett chefskap där man är både chef och kollega. Detta sätt att vara chef på är vanligt inom många branscher i dag, även inom förskolans värld, där jag är verksam. Att balansera mellan olika roller på ett övertygande sätt är långt ifrån en lätt sak, men de dubbla rollerna har även positiva sidor. Mitt syfte med denna essä, som är baserad på självupplevda händelser, är att försöka reda ut för- och nackdelar med att vara en chef som sitter på två stolar, och att få svar på frågan: Är det möjligt för en och samma person att gå i och ur sina olika roller och vilka egenskaper behöver denna person ha?  För att få svar på mina frågor har jag fört diskussioner med den teoretiska litteraturen. Jag har samtidigt fått möjligheten att använda mig av min erfarenhetsgrundade kunskap genom ett reflekterande skrivande. För att få tillfälle att studera dessa fördelar och nackdelar har jag tittat på betydelsen av förhållningssätt hos medlemmarna i en liten arbetsgrupp, hur den skiljer sig mot förhållningssättet i större organisationer. Jag har också försökt ta reda på ledarskapets roll och betydelse i en liten arbetsgrupp i dagens samhälle, men även resonerat kring ledarskapet ur en historisk synvinkel. Jag avslutar med en artikel ur tidningen Chefs nätupplaga som visserligen inte kan räknas som vetenskaplig, men som jag tycker ger bra och tydliga exempel på hur det faktiskt kan se ut för den som är en ”chef på två stolar”. Tack vare detta essäskrivande, som gett mig tillfälle till att reflektera över mina handlingar och tankar, har jag fått möjligheten att se på mitt chefskap med nya ögon. Jag inser mer och mer att en person som har dubbla roller måste vara stresstålig, beslutskraftig och ha ett genuint intresse för verksamheten och personalen. Det viktigaste av allt är att personen har förmågan att lära sig av sina praktiska erfarenheter och göra den till en kunskap som är användbar i sitt chefskap. / In recent years, a new kind of leadership has become more and more common, a leadership which includes being both manager and colleague. This kind of leadership is today common in the business world and even in the preschool where I am active. To balance these two different roles in a convincing manner is far from easy to handle. But at the same time the dual roles also have their positive sides. The purpose with writing this essay, which is based on self-experienced situations, is to try to sort out the advantages and disadvantages of being a manager “sitting on two chairs” and to try to find the answer for the question: Is it possible for a person to step in and out of different roles and which kind of personality is suited for this?   To find answers of my questions I have used the method of reflective writing and referred to and discussed different theoretical perspectives and positions. I also have the opportunity to use the knowledge I have gained through experience. I have considered the importance of the attitude in a small work group, and how it differs from a larger organization. I have tried to find out the importance of leadership in today`s society and I have also look at leadership from a historical point of view. At the end I used an article from a web magazine called Chef. The article shows good examples of the reality for a “manager who sits on two chairs”. By writing this essay, I have got the opportunity to reflect of my own thoughts and actions in the role of manager. I now realize that a person with dual roles must be stress-resistant, decisive and have a genuine interest in the business as well as in the employees.   One of the most important skills is the ability to learn from ones practical experiences, and make it useful in the future leadership.

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter treffen sich in der SLUB

Boddin, Ilse 15 January 2008 (has links)
In diesem Jahr stand die Veranstaltung für die ehemaligen Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der SLUB unter dem Thema der Ausstellung im Buchmuseum „Die Kunst zu essen und zu genießen. Die Bibliotheca Gastronomica des Sammlers Walter Putz“, die noch bis 9. Februar 2008 zu sehen ist.

Do different sources of social support moderate differently between job insecurity and individual and organizational outcome variables?

Syoufani, Lygian January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to determine whether different sources of social support play different roles in moderating job insecurity and its outcomes, identify which source of support is more important and whether there are gender differences in terms of interest variables between men and women. This research was intended to support business actors and employees from the trade, tourism, and hotel sectors by providing the necessary support to manage the consequences of work-family interference, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions associated with job insecurity. Data was collected by sending a questionnaire that included information about the study and how the data will be handled and several questions from several well-established survey scales (N=220). The study found no interaction between job insecurity and social support – neither from supervisors nor colleagues. The hypothesized moderating effect of sources of support generally, and previous findings about supervisors being a more important source of support were therefore not supported in this study. Also, although gender differences on the variables of interest in this study could be seen, none of it was statistically significant. The results of the regression analyses show that different combinations of job insecurity and sources of social support predict the outcome variables.

The moderating role of perceived organisational support in the relationship between workplace bullying and turnover intention across sectors in South Africa / van Schalkwyk, L.M.

Van Schalkwyk, Lena-Mari January 2011 (has links)
There is currently no legislation counteracting the impact of workplace bullying on South African employees, consequently generating an open invitation for all perpetrators in the organisation. The significance of bullying by superiors and bullying by colleagues is explored in this regard. Workplace bullying refers to behaviour which harasses, offends, excludes and affects the employees’ work tasks. This behaviour occurs repeatedly, frequently and over a period of time. As a result, the impact of bullying on employees has massive consequences on the absenteeism, profitability, turnover intention and the compensation claims of the organisation. The most common solution of workplace bullying results in resignation. Thus, this study also explores perceived organisational support (POS), acting as a moderator, to counteract workplace bullying in this regard. POS is defined by employees experiencing: role clarity, participation in decision–making, colleagues’ support, having sufficient job information and good supervisory relationships. This will not necessarily put an end to this phenomenon but creates awareness in the South African context. Many international researchers focused on defining bullying, exploring different perpetrators and identifying characteristics associated with targets of bullying. Nationally, research is still in its infancy, hence, this research explores workplace bullying in general, by focusing on different sectors across South Africa. This research addresses the main perpetrators, the impact on turnover intention and explores POS acting as a moderator in the relationship between workplace bullying and turnover intention. The objectives of this research was 1) to determine how workplace bullying, perceived organisational support and turnover intention are conceptualised according to the literature; 2) to determine the relationships between workplace bullying by superiors/colleagues, the sub–facets of perceived organisational support (role clarity, job information, participation in decision–making, colleague support and supervisory relationships) and turnover intention; 3) to determine the moderating role of the sub–facets of perceived organisational support (role clarity, job information, participation in decision–making, colleague support and supervisory relationships) in the relationship between workplace bullying (superiors and colleagues) and turnover intention. An availability sample of N =13911 participants were gathered over a spectrum of 9 provinces and 5 sectors. Hierarchical regression analyses was conducted in order to determine if POS acts as a moderator in the relationship between workplace bullying (either by superiors or by colleagues) and turnover intention. Results highlighted the prevalence of workplace bullying in the South African context. The statistical analysis revealed that workplace bullying by superiors and by colleagues has a negative relationship with all the sub–facets of POS. This implies that when bullying by superiors or colleagues increases, the sub–facets of POS will decrease. The intention to leave the organisation correlated negatively with the sub–facets of POS. This suggests that when POS exists in organisations employees will be retained. There is a positive relationship between both bullying by superiors and bullying by colleagues and the propensity to leave the organisation. In practice, this implies that when bullying increases (by either superiors or colleagues) more targets of bullying will be inclined to leave the organisation. According to the empirical results, POS, role clarity, participation in decision–making and supervisory relationships, was the only facets which acted as moderators in the relationship between workplace bullying by superiors and turnover intention, whereas no moderation was found with bullying by colleagues. Recommendations were made for the organisation and future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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