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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem baseada em agentes para avaliar a sustentabilidade da exploração do palmito jussara por comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo / Agent-based modeling as a tool to evaluate the sustainability of Palmito Jussara extraction by traditional communities in Ribeira Valey, São Paulo

Lima, Raoni Venturieri de Andrade 24 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou reproduzir, a partir de simulação computacional utilizando modelagem baseada em agentes, a dinâmica do sistema sócio-ecológico que conecta comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, ao palmito jussara (Euterpe edulis Martius), espécie considerada ameaçada de extinção e cuja exploração, atualmente, pode ser descrita como uma Tragédia dos Comuns. Com base na teoria acumulada de recursos comuns, em dados empíricos do sistema social quilombola e na dinâmica populacional do palmito, simulamos o impacto de duas políticas públicas distintas de gestão do recurso: a primeira é a proibição estatal de exploração do mesmo, que criminaliza os palmiteiros e não está surtindo os efeitos desejados de preservação; a segunda, projeta um cenário hipotético no qual o Estado flexibiliza as regras de exploração e permite que a comunidade gerencie o recurso. Ao comparar o estoque final de palmito jussara para diversos cenários, concluimos que existe um grande potencial para que a gestão comunitária do recurso traga benefícios econômicos às famílias quilombolas, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a preservação do mesmo na natureza. / This study intended to use agent-based modeling to reproduce the dynamics of the social-ecological system that connects the quilombola communities that live in the Ribeira Valley, São Paulo, to the palm tree Euterpe edulis Martius, an endangered species highly valued for its heart of palm, which has being heavily harvested and can be considered an example of a Tragedy of the Commons. Based on the theory on common-pool resources, empirical data regarding the quilombola social system and on the palm tree population dynamics, we simulate the impact of two different public policies towards the palm tree conservation: the first scenario is the current total-prohibition of extraction policy, which marginalize harvesters and is not working prom an environmental perspective; the second scenario simulates a hypothetical situation in which allows the community to explore and manage the resource. After comparing the final stock of Euterpe edulis for many conditions, we may conclude that there is a great possibility that community-level management is more able to bring economic benefits to the quilombola families, while also help to preserve the species.

Recursos de uso comum, arranjos institucionais locais e governança ambiental global / Common-Pool resources, local institutional arrangements and global environmental governance

Zacareli, Murilo Alves 26 February 2015 (has links)
O meio ambiente se apresenta como um dos desafios da governança global no que se refere às abordagens de Relações Internacionais e Ciência Política. Isso se deve ao fato de que os recursos naturais não se submetem à soberania direta do Estado e/ou das organizações internacionais formais como fonte de autoridade devido à transnacionalidade que o tema enseja. Neste sentido, os diferentes atores das relações internacionais, estatais e não estatais, precisam construir arenas de atuação, criar regulamentações onde os Estados (eventualmente) não estão presentes, e criar instrumentos de enforcement e compliance. No entanto, a centralidade das questões ambientais é colocada em xeque por teorias racionalistas de relações internacionais baseadas na autoridade do Estado e de sua capacidade de enforcement top-down. O meio ambiente é um assunto melhor considerado por arenas transnacionais em um contexto multinível e policêntrico. Neste sentido, a análise em nível local e a capacidade de organização de grupos sociais na constituição dos arranjos institucionais através da ação coletiva para solucionar a possível \"tragédia dos comuns\" tem atraído estudiosos que procuram demonstrar a sua efetividade e, consequentemente, a sua contribuição para a resolução das contendas ambientais globais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar como a relação entre a governança dos recursos de uso comum em âmbito local vincula-se aos instrumentos de governança global definidos por governos e organizações internacionais formais para o uso da biodiversidade. Inicialmente, realiza-se revisão bibliográfica da literatura de Relações Internacionais e Ciência Política para articular as questões ambientais entre o local e o global para, posteriormente, revelar como a governança ambiental multinível e policêntrica é estabelecida para o caso do uso da biodiversidade em comunidades locais na Amazônia brasileira, como apresentado no trabalho empírico. / The environment is presented as one of the challenges of global governance with regard to the approaches of International Relations and Political Science. This is due to the fact that natural resources are not subjected to the direct sovereignty of the State and/or formal international organizations as a source of authority because of the transnationality that the subject entails. In this sense, the different actors of International Relations, State and non-State, need to build action arenas, create regulations where States (eventually) are not present, and create instruments of enforcement and compliance. However, the centrality of environmental issues is kept in check by rationalist theories of International Relations based on States\' authority and ability to top-down enforcement. The environment is a subject better considered in transnational arenas in a multilevel and polycentric context. In this sense, the analysis at the local level and the organizational ability of social groups in the constitution of institutional arrangements through collective action to address the possible \"tragedy of the commons\" has attracted scholars seeking to demonstrate its effectiveness and, consequently, their contribution for the resolution of global environmental issues. Thus, the aim of this study is to demonstrate how the relationship between the governance of the common-pool resources at the local level is linked to the global governance instruments set by governments and formal international organizations for the use of biodiversity. Initially, a literature review of International Relations and Political Science literature is carried out to articulate environmental issues between the local and the global to reveal how the multilevel and polycentric environmental governance is established in the case of the use of biodiversity in local communities in the Brazilian Amazon, as shown in the empirical work.

Trajectory from government-managed to farmer-managed smallholder irrigation and its effects on productivity, operation and maintenance: An analysis of Mamina Smallholder Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe

Shayamano, Innocent January 2016 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil (LAS) (Land and Agrarian Studies) / Government's decision to devolve irrigation management to farmers was partly influenced by international policy imperatives, which were propounded mainly by institutions associated with the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and the inability by the government to continue funding operation and maintenance costs. The central question of the study is to understand the effects of Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) on productivity, operation and maintenance in the Mamina Irrigation Scheme. Interviews with various primary and secondary stakeholders that included the irrigators, local political leadership and locally-based agriculture extension officers were carried out. The interviews were aimed at getting an insight on land tenure, participation and representation of women, water and electricity supply system and pricing, effects of irrigation management arrangements on equity and productivity, understanding the irrigators' food security status, operation and maintenance arrangement after Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT). Findings of this study suggest that the existing governance arrangements have partly led to low crop productivity, increased water and electricity bill arrears, poor water distribution, change to uneconomic plot sizes, unsustainable increase in the number of irrigators, failure to organise for operation and maintenance. The key factors influencing the poor performance include poor collaboration, pumping system that utilised more electricity, inability of the irrigators to replace leaky pipes, failure of the irrigators to contribute towards electricity and water bills, failure of the irrigators to contribute towards operation and maintenance. The study identified nine challenges that affected the success of IMT. The challenges that lay at the heart of Mamina irrigation scheme were mainly caused by the poor irrigation technology design, pricing structure of electricity, water permit system, inequalities in water distribution, low gender participation and representation, non-availability of formal markets for certain crops, food insecurity, plot alloction and land disputes. Poverty analysis has shown that the irrigators' ability to escape from poverty or food insecurity is critically dependent upon their access to assets. Different assets are required to achieve different livelihood outcomes. The cycle of accumulation of utility bill arrears continued even after devolution because the same defective irrigation infrastructure was transferred to the irrigators. In the case of Mamina irrigation scheme, modernisation of the scheme was required to achieve different livelihood outcomes, but because this did not happen the recurrent utility bill arrears, low productivity and food insecurity continued to be a very serious challenge even after IMT.

Modelagem baseada em agentes para avaliar a sustentabilidade da exploração do palmito jussara por comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo / Agent-based modeling as a tool to evaluate the sustainability of Palmito Jussara extraction by traditional communities in Ribeira Valey, São Paulo

Raoni Venturieri de Andrade Lima 24 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou reproduzir, a partir de simulação computacional utilizando modelagem baseada em agentes, a dinâmica do sistema sócio-ecológico que conecta comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, ao palmito jussara (Euterpe edulis Martius), espécie considerada ameaçada de extinção e cuja exploração, atualmente, pode ser descrita como uma Tragédia dos Comuns. Com base na teoria acumulada de recursos comuns, em dados empíricos do sistema social quilombola e na dinâmica populacional do palmito, simulamos o impacto de duas políticas públicas distintas de gestão do recurso: a primeira é a proibição estatal de exploração do mesmo, que criminaliza os palmiteiros e não está surtindo os efeitos desejados de preservação; a segunda, projeta um cenário hipotético no qual o Estado flexibiliza as regras de exploração e permite que a comunidade gerencie o recurso. Ao comparar o estoque final de palmito jussara para diversos cenários, concluimos que existe um grande potencial para que a gestão comunitária do recurso traga benefícios econômicos às famílias quilombolas, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a preservação do mesmo na natureza. / This study intended to use agent-based modeling to reproduce the dynamics of the social-ecological system that connects the quilombola communities that live in the Ribeira Valley, São Paulo, to the palm tree Euterpe edulis Martius, an endangered species highly valued for its heart of palm, which has being heavily harvested and can be considered an example of a Tragedy of the Commons. Based on the theory on common-pool resources, empirical data regarding the quilombola social system and on the palm tree population dynamics, we simulate the impact of two different public policies towards the palm tree conservation: the first scenario is the current total-prohibition of extraction policy, which marginalize harvesters and is not working prom an environmental perspective; the second scenario simulates a hypothetical situation in which allows the community to explore and manage the resource. After comparing the final stock of Euterpe edulis for many conditions, we may conclude that there is a great possibility that community-level management is more able to bring economic benefits to the quilombola families, while also help to preserve the species.

Comportement des ménages en matière de consommation d'électricité : une meta-analyse et des approches expérimentales / Household electricity consumption behaviour : a meta-analysis and experimental approaches

Buckley, Penelope 03 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse examine comment répondent des consommateurs aux mécanismes visant à réduire leur consommation d'énergie. Ce besoin de réduction découle de la nécessité d'atteindre les objectifs de réduction d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d'augmenter la production d'énergie à partir d'énergie renouvelables et de réaliser des économies d'énergie. Ces objectifs exigent que la demande résidentielle soit plus flexible face à l'évolution de l'offre et que des économies d'énergie soient réalisées par les ménages. Le premier chapitre explore les barrières à l'acceptation et à l'adoption des compteurs intelligents et des incitations qu'ils peuvent fournir. D'importantes barrières existent et les réductions de consommation sont loin d'être réalisées. Le manque de motivation, l'incompréhension de l'information sur la consommation et la rigidité de la vie quotidienne sont les principales barrières qui limitent la réponse des ménages aux incitations fournies par les compteurs intelligents. Le deuxième chapitre analyse les résultats d'expériences de terrain et d'études pilotes portant sur les impacts des différentes incitations sur la consommation résidentielle. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe de grandes variations et qu'en moyenne, une incitation entraînera une réduction de 2% de la consommation d'énergie. Les incitations de feedback en temps réel ainsi que l'information monétaire ont le plus grand effet. Enfin, les études plus robustes font état d'effets de réduction plus faibles. Dans le troisième chapitre, un jeu expérimental de ressources communes est utilisé pour explorer les réponses individuelles aux incitations basées sur le prix et les nudges. Les individus sont encouragés à réduire leur consommation, soit par une augmentation de prix, soit par des smiley évocant leur surconsommation. Le prix est le plus efficace pour encourager le niveau cible de consommation, mais il faut plus de temps pour qu'il fasse effet. Le nudge est compris rapidement mais tend à renforcer les comportements de surconsommation. Le quatrième chapitre examine l'effet du framing sur la disposition à l'effort. Les individus doivent accomplir une tâche simple et répétitive pour laquelle ils reçoivent un paiement à la pièce sous forme d'un gain ou d'une perte. Le framing sous forme de gains et de pertes est combiné à trois structures de paiement différentes : gain fixe, gain faible ou élevé avec une probabilité égale révélée avant ou après la réalisation de l'effort. Les résultats montrent que le framing n'a aucun effet sur la réalisation de l'effort, excepté pour un contexte de gain élevé annoncé avant de fournir l'effort. / This thesis examines how consumers respond to incentives used to encourage a reduction in their energy consumption. This necessary reduction stems from the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy production from renewable energy sources and achieve energy savings. These objectives require that residential demand be more flexible in response to changes in supply and that energy savings be achieved by households. The first chapter explores the barriers to consumer acceptance and adoption of smart meters and the incentives that they provide. Significant barriers exist and consumption reductions are far from being achieved. Limited motivation, lack of understanding of information on consumption and the rigidity of daily life are the main barriers preventing households from acting upon the incentives delivered via smart meters. The second chapter analyses the results of field experiments and pilot studies on the impacts of different incentives on residential consumption. The results show that there are large variations and that, on average, an incentive will result in a 2% reduction in energy consumption. Real-time feedback and monetary information have the greatest effect. Finally, more robust studies report lower reduction effects. In the third chapter, a common pool resource game is used to explore individual responses to price and nudge-based incentives. Individuals are encouraged to reduce their consumption either by price increases or by smilies that reflect their overconsumption. The price is most effective at encouraging the target level of consumption but takes longer to have an effect. The nudge is quickly understood but tends to reinforce overconsumption behaviours. The fourth chapter examines the effect of framing on effort provision. Individuals are asked to complete a simple and repetitive task for which they receive a piece-rate payoff in the form of a gain or loss. Framing in the form of gains and losses is combined with three different payment structures: fixed gain, low gain or high gain with an equal probability revealed before or after the effort is made. The results show that framing has no effect on effort provision, except for a high gain context announced before making the effort.

Humans and Seagrasses in East Africa : A social-ecological systems approach

de la Torre-Castro, Maricela January 2006 (has links)
The present study is one of the first attempts to analyze the societal importance of seagrasses (marine flowering plants) from a Natural Resource Management perspective, using a social-ecological systems (SES) approach. The interdisciplinary study takes place in East Africa (Western Indian Ocean, WIO) and includes in-depth studies in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania. Natural and social sciences methods were used. The results are presented in six articles, showing that seagrass ecosystems are rich in seagrass species (13) and form an important part of the SES within the tropical seascape of the WIO. Seagrasses provide livelihoods opportunities and basic animal protein, in from of seagrass associated fish e.g. Siganidae and Scaridae. Research, management and education initiatives are, however, nearly non-existent. In Chwaka Bay, the goods and ecosystem services associated with the meadows and also appreciated by locals were fishing and collection grounds as well as substrate for seaweed cultivation. Seagrasses are used as medicines and fertilizers and associated with different beliefs and values. Dema (basket trap) fishery showed clear links to seagrass beds and provided the highest gross income per capita of all economic activities. All showing that the meadows provide social-ecological resilience. Drag-net fishery seems to damage the meadows. Two ecological studies show that artisanal seaweed farming of red algae, mainly done by women and pictured as sustainable in the WIO, has a thinning effect on seagrass beds, reduces associated macrofauna, affects sediments, changes fish catch composition and reduces diversity. Furthermore, it has a negative effect on i.a. women’s health. The two last papers are institutional analyses of the human-seagrass relationship. A broad approach was used to analyze regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive institutions. Cooperation and conflict take place between different institutions, interacting with their slow or fast moving characteristics, and are thus fundamental in directing the system into sustainable/unsustainable paths. Ecological knowledge was heterogeneous and situated. Due to the abundance of resources and high internal control, the SES seems to be entangled in a rigidity trap with the risk of falling into a poverty trap. Regulations were found insufficient to understand SES dynamics. “Well” designed organizational structures for management were found insufficient for “good” institutional performance. The dynamics between individuals embedded in different social and cultural structures showed to be crucial. Bwana Dikos, monitoring officials, placed in villages or landing sites in Zanzibar experienced four dilemmas – kinship, loyalty, poverty and control – which decrease efficiency and affect resilience. Mismatches between institutions themselves, and between institutions and cognitive capacities were identified. Some important practical implications are the need to include seagrass meadows in management and educational plans, addressing a seascape perspective, livelihood diversification, subsistence value, impacts, social-ecological resilience, and a broad institutional approach.

Fishermen, Politics, and Participation: An Ethnographic Examination of Commercial Fisheries Management in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Grace-Mccaskey, Cynthia 01 January 2012 (has links)
Currently, there is widespread debate regarding the overall status of the world's fisheries, with some researchers projecting their total collapse in only a few decades, and others concluding the situation is not quite as bleak. Additional debates include what strategies should be used to manage fisheries at various scales, and further research is needed to determine which strategies are most appropriate for use in particular situations and locales, as context is critical. Recently, prominent common pool resources scholars have expressed the need for ethnographic approaches to studying resource management institutions in order to move beyond the current focus of simply identifying the factors and conditions that lead to the self-organization of resource users and long-term sustainability of management institutions. These authors describe the need for examining the larger context in which management institutions exist and taking various historical, political, and sociocultural factors into account when examining common pool resources. This dissertation is a response to that request. This research is the result of over 20 months of ethnographic research in St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Drawing on research in political ecology and building on anthropological critiques of common pool resource institutions, I describe the historical, social, and political factors that influence how fisheries management occurs at the federal and territorial levels, and how commercial fishers, managers, and other stakeholders experience and participate in multi-scale management processes. Ethnographic data suggest that there are a variety of historical, social, and political factors that influence how commercial fishers, managers, and other stakeholders perceive the federal fisheries management process, the extent of their participation in that process, as well as interactions within and between stakeholder groups. Additionally, the mismatch that exists between the centralized management structure of the US federal system and the small-scale, multi-method nature of St. Croix's fishery creates a complex management environment in which few stakeholders participate.

Que faut-il choisir entre une gestion centralisée et un système d’autogestion base sur des mécanismes de marché pour réduire le trafic illégal des espèces faunistiques sauvages : analyse comparative économique et institutionnelle appliquée aux tortues marines en Colombie / Is command and control regulation more efficient than market-based and community based mechanisms to reduce illegal traffic of wildlife species ? : a comparative economic and institutional analysis applied to sea turtles in Colombia

Hernandez Perez, Sara 19 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis plus de 30 ans, la Colombie construit sa politique de préservation des espèces faunistiques et de lutte contre le trafic illégal de ces espèces. Ce cadre institutionnel national s’est vu renforcé par la ratification de la convention CITES (Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de la flore et de la faune sauvages menacées d’extinction) en 1981. Pourtant, ce cadre institutionnel ne suffit pas à infléchir sur le trafic illégal des tortues marines en Colombie. L’analyse des failles du mode de régulation de type « commande et contrôle » montre les limites de l’intervention de l’Etat comme seul modèle possible à gérer le trafic illicite de tortues marines. D’où ma proposition de concevoir et mettre en place un mécanisme de quotas négociables de tortues marines décroissants dans le temps, renforcé par arrangements contractuels. Cette thèse a pour objectif de comparer l’efficacité de ces deux modes de gouvernance à réduire le trafic illégal de tortues marines, du point de vue la performance environnementale, de l’efficacité économique et de l’équité sociale. J’ai évalué les coûts de transactions pour démontrer que la variation dans la structure des coûts de transactions et la distribution de ces coûts auprès des acteurs concernés influent sur la performance finale du cadre institutionnel. Une analyse coûts-avantage a été réalisée pour justifier d’un changement institutionnel, en complément de l’analyse des coûts de transactions. Cette étude s’est situe au nord de la Colombie, sur un territoire de 30 km, territoire des indigènes Wayùu, étant le plus concerné par le trafic illégal de tortues vertes (Chelonia mydas) et tortues à écailles (Eretmochelys imbricata). / For over 30 years, Colombia built its national policy to protect wildlife species against the illegal traffic. The national institutional framework was strengthened by the ratification of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of flora and fauna threatened with extinction) in 1981. However, this institutional framework is not sufficient to curb the illegal trade of marine turtles species. Despite some success to protect and recover some species, what really matters is the effectiveness of the national policy to conserve wildlife species. Hence my proposal to design and implement a cap and trade system based on transferable quotas decreasing in time, reinforced by contractual arrangements. This self-organized system aims at having zero catches level and enhance conformity and cooperation within the environmental regulation. This thesis aims to compare the efficacy of these two modes of governance to reduce the illegal trade of sea turtles based on the following criteria: the environmental performance, economic efficiency and social equity. I pursuit by estimating the corresponding transaction costs to show that the variation in the structure of transaction costs and the distribution of these costs among stakeholders affect the final performance of the institutional framework. Cost-benefit analysis was performed to justify institutional change, in addition to the analysis of transaction costs. This study is located in the north of Colombia, an area of 30 km, indigenous Wayuu territory, being more concerned with the illegal green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata).

Planejamento em saneamento rural: o desafio da participação comuni-tária no Vale do Capão, Palmeiras, BA

Moraes, Vitória Pessoa de Vilhena 20 October 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2017-02-07T19:00:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Moraes, Vitória Pessoa de Vilhena Moraes.pdf: 2897725 bytes, checksum: decf245db1adcbc7a97bb7da99473780 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2017-02-15T19:08:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Moraes, Vitória Pessoa de Vilhena Moraes.pdf: 2897725 bytes, checksum: decf245db1adcbc7a97bb7da99473780 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-15T19:08:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Moraes, Vitória Pessoa de Vilhena Moraes.pdf: 2897725 bytes, checksum: decf245db1adcbc7a97bb7da99473780 (MD5) / O Vale do Capão, distrito rural do município de Palmeiras - BA, vem passando na última década por um processo acelerado de crescimento, em que os impactos negativos da falta de saneamento vêm sendo sentidos tanto pela população quanto pelo meio ambiente, do qual a principal atividade econômica da localidade, o ecoturismo, depende. Buscando contribuir com o problema, desenvolveu-se de forma participativa um Plano de Saneamento Básico, fundamentado nas Diretrizes Nacionais para o Saneamento Básico, e que procurou integrar as diferentes vozes que compõe a diversificada comunidade do Vale, sempre com um enfoque ecológico que é característico do local. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar este processo, em especial no que tange à participação comunitária e suas limitações e desafios, decorrentes da complexidade social que está posta na comunidade. Para tal, realizou-se uma pesquisa com (1) revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, (2) dados gerados dentro do contexto da elaboração do Plano, inclusive observações da autora e (3) entrevistas realizadas com moradores da comunidade. Verificou-se que a forma como se deu o desenvolvimento econômico nos anos recentes alterou profundamente as relações pessoais na localidade, enfraquecendo a participação comunitária. / Vale do Capão, a rural district of Palmeiras - BA, Brazil, has been going through an accelerat-ed growth process in the last decade, in which the negative impacts of poor sanitation are be-ing felt by both the population and the environment, which depends the main economic activi-ty of this region (ecotourism). Seeking to contribute to the problem, a participative Basic San-itation Plan was built, based on the National Sanitation Policy. The participative process sought to integrate the different voices that make up the diverse community of Capão, always with an ecological approach that is characteristic of this site. In this context, the aim of this study was to analyze this process, particularly with regard to community participation and its limitations and challenges arising from the community´s social complexity. To this end, we carried out a survey using (1) literature review on the topic, (2) data generated within the con-text of the Plan, including observations of the author and (3) interviews with community resi-dents. It was found that the economic development faced in recent years has profoundly al-tered the form of personal relationships in the locality, weakening community participation.

Recursos de uso comum, arranjos institucionais locais e governança ambiental global / Common-Pool resources, local institutional arrangements and global environmental governance

Murilo Alves Zacareli 26 February 2015 (has links)
O meio ambiente se apresenta como um dos desafios da governança global no que se refere às abordagens de Relações Internacionais e Ciência Política. Isso se deve ao fato de que os recursos naturais não se submetem à soberania direta do Estado e/ou das organizações internacionais formais como fonte de autoridade devido à transnacionalidade que o tema enseja. Neste sentido, os diferentes atores das relações internacionais, estatais e não estatais, precisam construir arenas de atuação, criar regulamentações onde os Estados (eventualmente) não estão presentes, e criar instrumentos de enforcement e compliance. No entanto, a centralidade das questões ambientais é colocada em xeque por teorias racionalistas de relações internacionais baseadas na autoridade do Estado e de sua capacidade de enforcement top-down. O meio ambiente é um assunto melhor considerado por arenas transnacionais em um contexto multinível e policêntrico. Neste sentido, a análise em nível local e a capacidade de organização de grupos sociais na constituição dos arranjos institucionais através da ação coletiva para solucionar a possível \"tragédia dos comuns\" tem atraído estudiosos que procuram demonstrar a sua efetividade e, consequentemente, a sua contribuição para a resolução das contendas ambientais globais. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar como a relação entre a governança dos recursos de uso comum em âmbito local vincula-se aos instrumentos de governança global definidos por governos e organizações internacionais formais para o uso da biodiversidade. Inicialmente, realiza-se revisão bibliográfica da literatura de Relações Internacionais e Ciência Política para articular as questões ambientais entre o local e o global para, posteriormente, revelar como a governança ambiental multinível e policêntrica é estabelecida para o caso do uso da biodiversidade em comunidades locais na Amazônia brasileira, como apresentado no trabalho empírico. / The environment is presented as one of the challenges of global governance with regard to the approaches of International Relations and Political Science. This is due to the fact that natural resources are not subjected to the direct sovereignty of the State and/or formal international organizations as a source of authority because of the transnationality that the subject entails. In this sense, the different actors of International Relations, State and non-State, need to build action arenas, create regulations where States (eventually) are not present, and create instruments of enforcement and compliance. However, the centrality of environmental issues is kept in check by rationalist theories of International Relations based on States\' authority and ability to top-down enforcement. The environment is a subject better considered in transnational arenas in a multilevel and polycentric context. In this sense, the analysis at the local level and the organizational ability of social groups in the constitution of institutional arrangements through collective action to address the possible \"tragedy of the commons\" has attracted scholars seeking to demonstrate its effectiveness and, consequently, their contribution for the resolution of global environmental issues. Thus, the aim of this study is to demonstrate how the relationship between the governance of the common-pool resources at the local level is linked to the global governance instruments set by governments and formal international organizations for the use of biodiversity. Initially, a literature review of International Relations and Political Science literature is carried out to articulate environmental issues between the local and the global to reveal how the multilevel and polycentric environmental governance is established in the case of the use of biodiversity in local communities in the Brazilian Amazon, as shown in the empirical work.

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