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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variação no número de cópias de segmentos de DNA (CNV) em pacientes com surdez sindrômica / Copy number variants in patients with syndromic hearing impairment

Catelani, Ana Lúcia Pereira Monteiro 12 April 2010 (has links)
A perda auditiva é o defeito mais comum ao nascimento e cerca de 70 milhões de pessoas no mundo apresentam algum grau de perda auditiva. Além da alta incidência, as implicações da perda auditiva na linguagem, na cognição e no desenvolvimento emocional e social reforçam sua importância. No entanto, em grande parte dos pacientes, a causa da deficiência auditiva não é esclarecida. Nós usamos hibridação comparativa do genoma baseada em arrays (Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization aCGH) para investigar alterações no número de cópias de segmentos de DNA (Copy Number Variation CNV) em 31 indivíduos que apresentavam deficiência auditiva e sinais clínicos adicionais, mas que não puderam ser classificados em síndrome conhecida. A escolha de indivíduos sindrômicos se baseou no pressuposto de que, em média, apresentam alterações genômicas maiores e, portanto, mais provavelmente detectáveis com o uso de aCGH de 1 Mb, que era a plataforma disponível no início do projeto. CNVs não descrita em bancos de dados de indivíduos normais foram identificadas em oito pacientes, quatro delas ocorreram de novo enquanto as outras quatro foram herdadas de um genitor fenotipicamente normal. As alterações de novo definem segmentos cromossômicos que provavelmente contém genes relacionados à deficiência auditiva e sensíveis a dose, especificamente: 1q23.3-q25.2, 2q22q23, 6p25.3 e 11q13.2-q13.4. As alterações raras identificadas tanto nos pacientes quanto em um genitor normal poderiam ser um evento ao acaso, sem papel na deficiência auditiva; no entanto, a possibilidade de que essas alterações possam funcionar como fatores de predisposição não podem ser descartadas. Se considerarmos apenas as CNVs de novo como causativas dos fenótipos investigados, detectamos quatro pacientes portadores entre os 31 investigados (13%). Se considerarmos também as CNVs herdadas como possivelmente causativas, a taxa de desequilíbrios cromossômicos associados à surdez será de 26%. Esses resultados são provavelmente uma substimativa e esses números seriam possivelmente maiores com o uso de uma das plataformas de alta resolução disponíveis atualmente. Esses resultados, embora limitados, indicam que investigação por aCGH em pacientes com surdez sindrômica idiopática está entre os testes mais eficientes para detectar etiologia dos fenótipos, devendo ser incorporado à rotina no diagnóstico e aconselhamento genético. / Hearing loss is the most common congenital deficiency and about 70 million people worldwide present some degree of hearing impairment. In addition to its high incidence, hearing loss impacts language, cognition and social and emotional development. However, in a large proportion of patients, the cause of the hearing deficiency cannot be elucidated. We screened copy number changes by 1 Mb-array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) in 31 individuals with syndromic hearing impairment whose clinical features were untypical for known disorders. The choice of evaluating syndromic rather than non-syndromic individuals was based on the assumption that they are more likely to carry larger genomic alterations which could be more easily detected by the comparatively low resolution 1 Mb aCCG, which was the available platform when this project started. Copy number changes (CNV) not documented in the database of normal individuals were detected in eight patients, four de novo imbalances and four inherited from a normal parent. The de novo alterations define candidate chromosome segments likely to harbor dosage sensitive genes related to hearing impairment, namely 1q23.3-q25.2, 2q22q23, 6p25.3 and 11q13.2- q13.4. The rare imbalances also present in normal parents might be casually associated with hearing impairment, but also have a possible role as a predisposition factor. When only the de novo CNVs were considered causative for the disease phenotypes, our study revealed relevant copy number changes in 4 patients (13%). If we also count the rare CNVs that had been inherited as possibly causative, the frequency of chromosome imbalances associated with syndromic deafness in our sample becomes 26%. These figures are probably underestimates and will probably become larger when high resolution oligoarray platforms are applied. These results indicate that aCGH is an efficient tool for defining the etiology of syndromic deafness and its use in routine diagnosis of hearing impairment and for genetic counseling is highly recommended.

Avaliação genômica da infertilidade masculina idiopática por azoospermia não obstrutiva / Genomic assessment of idiopathic male infertility by nonobstructive azoospermia

Grangeiro, Carlos Henrique Paiva 10 April 2018 (has links)
Infertilidade conjugal é uma doença do sistema reprodutivo que acomete cerca de 20% dos casais e na qual o fator masculino responde por metade desses casos. A infertilidade masculina é um fenótipo complexo que abrange diferentes fatores. Os fatores genéticos envolvidos variam desde mutações pontuais, microdeleções no cromossomo Y, até alterações cromossômicas, como a Síndrome de Klinefelter. Mesmo após avaliação clínicolaboratorial detalhada, metade dos pacientes permanece sem a identificação de um fator causal, caracterizando a infertilidade idiopática. Nesse grupo, observamos com maior frequência os pacientes com falha espermatogênica primária, que clinicamente apresentam oligozoospermia grave ou azoospermia não obstrutiva (ANO) e, no qual, preponderam fatores genéticos ainda desconhecidos. Para auxiliar na compreensão de possíveis alterações genômicas, sejam as variantes de número de cópias (CNVs) ou as regiões de perda de heterozigosidade (LOHs), envolvidas com infertilidade masculina idiopática, 16 pacientes com ANO e 6 controles foram investigados pela técnica de hibridação genômica comparativa (aCGH) utilizando a plataforma 4x180 CGH+SNP Agilent® com análise dos dados pelo software Nexus 8.0. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas tanto no número, como no tamanho das alterações genômicas em ambos os grupos. Foram descritas 18 novas alterações genômicas com efeito sobre a produção espermática, distribuídas na forma de 12 ganhos, 3 perdas e 3 LOHs. Os ganhos mais significativos para o fenótipo azoospermia não obstrutiva foram descritos em 7q36.3, 17q21.33, Xq21.1 e Yp11.2. Nessas regiões, os genes com maior impacto sobre o fenótipo foram, respectivamente, SHH, COL1A1, COX7B e LINC00279. Ganhos envolvendo a sub-banda Yq11.223 e contendo cópias dos genes DAZ1 e DAZ4 foram considerados benignos. As três perdas detectadas em 2q31.1, 3p21.1-21.31 e 15q11.2, contendo, respectivamente, os genes DLX1, CACNA2D2 e representantes da família de receptores olfatórios foram consideradas relevantes. A análise das LOHs em fenótipos complexos é escassa e desafiadora. No presente trabalho, foram descritas 3 dessas alterações, localizadas em 1p31.1, 7q21.1 e 12q21.1-21.2 e compartilhadas por mais de um indivíduo infértil. A descrição dessas alterações genômicas contribui para a compreensão de mecanismos complexos e ainda pouco estudados, que resultam em azoospermia não obstrutiva decorrente da falha espermatogênica primária. / Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system that affects about 20% of all couples, with half of the cases being related to the male factor. Male infertility is a complex phenotype associated with an interaction of different factors. The genetic factors involved may range from point mutations, microdeletions on the Y chromosome to chromosomal changes such as Klinefelter syndrome. Even after detailed clinical-laboratory evaluation, the etiology may remain unknown in approximately half of the patients, and, in such cases, the infertility can be classified as idiopathic. This group of patients more frequently present with primary spermatogenic failure, with severe oligozoospermia or non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). Nevertheless, the underlying genetic factors are still largely unknown. In order to better understand the potential genomic changes involved with idiopathic male infertility, sixteen patients with NOA and 6 controls were investigated in this study. Copy number variants (CNVs) and regions of loss of heterozygosity (LOHs) were assessed by array comparative genomic hybridization technique (aCGH), using the Agilent® 4x180 CGH + SNP platform. Data analyses was performed using Nexus 8.0 software. No significant differences between the groups were observed in relation to either the number or the size of the genomic changes. Eighteen new genomic alterations were described that were associated with sperm production (12 gains, 3 losses and 3 LOHs). The most important gains for the nonobstructive azoospermia phenotype were observed in 7q36.3, 17q21.33, Xq21.1 and Yp11.2. In these regions, the genes related to greatest impact on the phenotype were SHH, COL1A1, COX7B and LINC00279, respectively. Gains involving the Yq11.223 sub-band and containing copies of the DAZ1 and DAZ4 genes were considered benign. All 3 losses detected in 2q31.1, 3p21.1-21.31 and 15q11.2, containing, respectively, the DLX1, CACNA2D2 genes and representatives of the olfactory receptor family were considered relevant. Analysis of LOHs in complex phenotypes such as male infertility has been infrequently reported and is challenging. In the present study, three significants LOHs were found (1p31.1, 7q21.1 and 12q21.1-21.2) and were identified in more than one infertile individual. The description of these genomic alterations contributes to a better understanding of this complex and poorly explored mechanisms that results in non-obstructive azoospermia due to primary spermatogenic failure.

Les sols anthropisés, incubateurs d'agents bactériens pathogènes de l'homme : typage génétique, métabolique et antibio-résistance d'agents opportunistes / Human-impacted soils as bacterial pathogen reservoir : genotyping, metabolic properties and antibiotic resistance of infectious agents

Youenou, Benjamin 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les bactéries pathogènes opportunistes de l'Homme (bpo) sont retrouvées dans le milieu hospitalier où elles sont responsables d'infections nosocomiales ainsi que dans les milieux naturels terrestres et aquatiques. Elles présentent souvent des résistances intrinsèques aux antibiotiques élevées. En milieu clinique, l'usage intensif d'antibiotiques peut conduire à l'émergence de souches dites « Multi Drug Resistant ». L'anthropisation des milieux naturels peut également influencer la prévalence et les propriétés de résistance des bpo. Mes travaux ont porté sur l'impact de l'épandage d'amendements organiques sur la prévalence de bpo dans les sols, leur diversité génétique et leurs propriétés de résistance aux antibiotiques. Une étude des espèces Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Burkholderia du « cepacia complexe » (Bcc) réalisée sur des sites du Burkina-Faso amendés ou non en déchets urbains bruts a mis en évidence des différences dans les propriétés de résistance des 3 modèles. S. maltophila présente fréquemment des phénotypes MDR contrairement à P. aeruginosa et aux Bcc. Une approche de génomique comparative entre souches de S. maltophilia d'origine environnementale ou clinique et de phénotypes sensibles à MDR a été réalisée afin d'élucider l'origine génétique de l'hétérogénéité des phénotypes de résistance. Une variation dans le contenu en pompes à efflux et la présence de pompes souche spécifique chez des souches environnementales ont été observées. L'étude de l'expression d'une de ces pompes confirme son implication dans la résistance aux antibiotiques et dans l'adaptation à des paramètres environnementaux tels que la température / Opportunistic bacterial pathogens (obp) of Man are found in hospital setting where they are responsible for nosocomial infections as well as in terrestrial and aquatic natural environments. Obp often show high intrinsic antibiotic resistance level. Moreover, the intensive use of antibiotics in clinical settings can lead to the emergence of "Multi Drug Resistant" strains. The anthropisation of the natural environment leads to modifications in bacterial diversity of these environments and can affect the prevalence and the antibiotic resistance properties of obp. My research focused on the impact of organic amendments on the prevalence, genetic diversity and antibiotic resistance properties of obp. A study on the species Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the “Burkholderia cepacia complex" (Bcc) was conducted on sites in Burkina Faso amended or not with raw urban wastes. This study showed differences in antibiotic resistance properties between the 3 models. S. maltophila frequently showed MDR phenotypes unlike P. aeruginosa and Bcc. A comparative genomics study between S. maltophilia strains from environmental or clinical origin showing sensitive or MDR phenotypes was performed to elucidate the genetic origins of heterogeneity in the resistance phenotypes. A variation in the efflux pumps content was observed between strains. The expression of an efflux pump specific to an environmental MDR strain was then evaluated and confirmed its likely involvement in antibiotic resistance and adaptation to environmental parameters such as temperature

Investigação molecular por sequenciamento do gene CBP em portadores da síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi / Molecular investigation by sequencing of the CBP gene in patients with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome

Keli Tieko Suzuki 16 March 2012 (has links)
A Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (RTSs) é uma doença rara de herança autossômica dominante, caracterizada por dismorfismos craniofaciais, polegares e háluces alargados, deficiência intelectual e de crescimento. RTSs tem sido associada com mutações no gene CREBBP (CBP) e mutações menos frequentes no gene EP300 que foram descritas em oito indivíduos. CBP e p300 possuem alta homologia e são extremamente importantes em várias vias de sinalização, principalmente como coativadores de transcrição e na acetilação das histonas. Nosso estudo baseou-se na análise de alterações moleculares por sequenciamento direto do CBP, FISH e array-CGH em 20 pacientes com RTSs. Dos 20 pacientes avaliados por sequenciamento direto foram identificadas oito alterações moleculares, dentre estas, seis são alterações moleculares novas as quais não foram descritas na literatura, são elas: i) duas deleções (p.M747fs STOP830 e p.G1011fs STOP1021) ii) duas alterações do tipo nonsense (p.Arg1341X, p.Arg1498X) iii) três do tipo missense (p.Arg1907Trp, p.Leu604Pro e p.His1291Arg). Também identificamos um polimorfismo de único nucleotídeo (SNP) (rs115594471/ c.5874CT). Dois pacientes apresentaram deleção do gene CBP em um dos alelos, identificado pelo método array-CGH. Outro, apresentou uma translocação aparentemente equilibrada t(2;16), cuja análise subsequente com FISH revelou uma quebra na região do CBP. Neste trabalho, a taxa de detecção de alteração molecular no CBP por sequenciamento direto foi de 40% (08/20). Porém, a taxa de detecção das alterações moleculares no CBP foi de 55% (11/20), considerando a combinação das diferentes técnicas utilizadas (FISH, sequenciamento direto e array-CGH). Não houve correlação genótipo-fenótipo, exceto por uma maior frequência da presença de epicanto nos pacientes com alteração no CBP. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho servem como o diagnóstico molecular para os pacientes com RTSs atendidos no Ambulatório do Laboratório de investigação Médica 001 (ALIM 001) do Instituto da Criança - FMUSP, contribuindo para uma melhor orientação médica, como também para realização do aconselhamento genético às famílias / Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTSs) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by craniofacial dysmorphisms, broad thumbs and toes, mental and growth deficiency. RTS has been associated with CREBBP (CBP) gene mutations and less frequently with mutations in EP300 gene, which have been reported in eight individuals. CBP and p300 have high homology and are extremely important in many signaling pathways especially as transcriptional coactivators and histone acetylation. Our study was based on the alteration analysis by direct sequencing of the CBP, by FISH and array-CGH in 20 RTSs patients. We identified eight molecular alterations in 20 RTSs patients evaluated by direct sequencing: i) two deletions (p.M747fs STOP830 and p.G1011fs STOP1021) ii) two nonsense alterations (p.Arg1341X and p.Arg1498X) iii) Three missense alteration (p.Arg1907Trp, p.Leu604Pro and p.His1291Arg). Single-nucleotide polymorphism were also identified (rs115594471 / c.5874CT), and six of these are new molecular alterations, not described in literature. Two RTSs patients studied had CBP gene deletion in one allele, identified by array-CGH method. Other patient, presented with apparent balanced translocation t(2;16) in which the subsequent analysis using FISH, showed a break in region of CBP. In this work, the rate of detection of molecular alteration in CBP by direct sequencing in RTSs patient was 40.0% (08/20). However, the rate of detection of molecular alteration in CBP was 55.0% (11/20), considering the combination of different techniques (FISH, direct sequencing and array-CGH. No significant correlation could be established in this study between the different types of mutations and genotype-phenotype of RTSs patients, except a higher frequency of the presence of epicanthus in the RTS patients with alteration in the CBP. The results of this study serve as a molecular diagnosis for RTSs patients treated at the Ambulatory of the Medical Investigation Laboratory 001 (ALIM 001) of the Instituto da Criança - FMUSP, and this contributes to better clinical management, such as making an appropriate genetic counseling for families

Investigação molecular por sequenciamento do gene CBP em portadores da síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi / Molecular investigation by sequencing of the CBP gene in patients with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome

Suzuki, Keli Tieko 16 March 2012 (has links)
A Síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (RTSs) é uma doença rara de herança autossômica dominante, caracterizada por dismorfismos craniofaciais, polegares e háluces alargados, deficiência intelectual e de crescimento. RTSs tem sido associada com mutações no gene CREBBP (CBP) e mutações menos frequentes no gene EP300 que foram descritas em oito indivíduos. CBP e p300 possuem alta homologia e são extremamente importantes em várias vias de sinalização, principalmente como coativadores de transcrição e na acetilação das histonas. Nosso estudo baseou-se na análise de alterações moleculares por sequenciamento direto do CBP, FISH e array-CGH em 20 pacientes com RTSs. Dos 20 pacientes avaliados por sequenciamento direto foram identificadas oito alterações moleculares, dentre estas, seis são alterações moleculares novas as quais não foram descritas na literatura, são elas: i) duas deleções (p.M747fs STOP830 e p.G1011fs STOP1021) ii) duas alterações do tipo nonsense (p.Arg1341X, p.Arg1498X) iii) três do tipo missense (p.Arg1907Trp, p.Leu604Pro e p.His1291Arg). Também identificamos um polimorfismo de único nucleotídeo (SNP) (rs115594471/ c.5874CT). Dois pacientes apresentaram deleção do gene CBP em um dos alelos, identificado pelo método array-CGH. Outro, apresentou uma translocação aparentemente equilibrada t(2;16), cuja análise subsequente com FISH revelou uma quebra na região do CBP. Neste trabalho, a taxa de detecção de alteração molecular no CBP por sequenciamento direto foi de 40% (08/20). Porém, a taxa de detecção das alterações moleculares no CBP foi de 55% (11/20), considerando a combinação das diferentes técnicas utilizadas (FISH, sequenciamento direto e array-CGH). Não houve correlação genótipo-fenótipo, exceto por uma maior frequência da presença de epicanto nos pacientes com alteração no CBP. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho servem como o diagnóstico molecular para os pacientes com RTSs atendidos no Ambulatório do Laboratório de investigação Médica 001 (ALIM 001) do Instituto da Criança - FMUSP, contribuindo para uma melhor orientação médica, como também para realização do aconselhamento genético às famílias / Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTSs) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by craniofacial dysmorphisms, broad thumbs and toes, mental and growth deficiency. RTS has been associated with CREBBP (CBP) gene mutations and less frequently with mutations in EP300 gene, which have been reported in eight individuals. CBP and p300 have high homology and are extremely important in many signaling pathways especially as transcriptional coactivators and histone acetylation. Our study was based on the alteration analysis by direct sequencing of the CBP, by FISH and array-CGH in 20 RTSs patients. We identified eight molecular alterations in 20 RTSs patients evaluated by direct sequencing: i) two deletions (p.M747fs STOP830 and p.G1011fs STOP1021) ii) two nonsense alterations (p.Arg1341X and p.Arg1498X) iii) Three missense alteration (p.Arg1907Trp, p.Leu604Pro and p.His1291Arg). Single-nucleotide polymorphism were also identified (rs115594471 / c.5874CT), and six of these are new molecular alterations, not described in literature. Two RTSs patients studied had CBP gene deletion in one allele, identified by array-CGH method. Other patient, presented with apparent balanced translocation t(2;16) in which the subsequent analysis using FISH, showed a break in region of CBP. In this work, the rate of detection of molecular alteration in CBP by direct sequencing in RTSs patient was 40.0% (08/20). However, the rate of detection of molecular alteration in CBP was 55.0% (11/20), considering the combination of different techniques (FISH, direct sequencing and array-CGH. No significant correlation could be established in this study between the different types of mutations and genotype-phenotype of RTSs patients, except a higher frequency of the presence of epicanthus in the RTS patients with alteration in the CBP. The results of this study serve as a molecular diagnosis for RTSs patients treated at the Ambulatory of the Medical Investigation Laboratory 001 (ALIM 001) of the Instituto da Criança - FMUSP, and this contributes to better clinical management, such as making an appropriate genetic counseling for families

Genetic Aberrations in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

Ashton, Kevin John, K.Ashton@griffith.edu.au January 2002 (has links)
Genetic changes are hallmarks of cancer development involving the activation and/or inactivation of oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, respectively. In non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) development, the initiation of genetic mutations results from exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Non-melanoma skin cancers are comprised of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Several related cutaneous lesions also exist, of which solar keratoses (SK) are widely accepted as a precursor dysplasia to SCC development. The study of recurrent genetic changes present within NMSC and SK should help reveal causative mutations in skin cancer development. Such analysis could also elucidate links in the genetic similarity of these dysplasia. The rapid screening of numerical changes in DNA sequence copy number throughout the entire genome has been made possible by the advent of comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH). This technique enables the identification of net gains and loss of genetic material within a tumour DNA sample. Chromosomal regions of recurrent gain or loss identify loci containing putative oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, respectively with potential roles in NMSC tumourigenesis. Used in conjunction with tissue microdissection and universal degenerate PCR techniques this can enable the elucidation of aberrations in small histologically distinct regions of tumour. Such a technique can utilize archival material such as paraffin embedded tissue, which is the major source of neoplastic material available for cancer research. This study used the CGH technique to investigate aberrations in BCC, SCC and SK samples. The screening of copy number abnormalities (CNAs) in BCC revealed that although these tumours were close to diploid and generally genetically stable, they did contain several recurrent aberrations. The loss of genetic material at 9q was identified in a third of BCC tumours studied. This is characteristic of inactivation of the PTCH tumour suppressor gene, a known attribute in some sporadic BCC development. Validation of this loss was performed via loss of heterozygosity, demonstrating good concordance with the CGH data. In addition the over-representation of the 6p chromosome arm was revealed in 47% of biopsies. This novel CNA is also commonly observed in other cutaneous neoplasias, including Merkel cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. This suggests a possible common mechanism in development and or promotion in these cutaneous dysplasias, the mechanisms of which have yet to be clearly defined. In contrast to BCC, numerical genetic aberrations in SCC and SK were much more frequent. Several regions of recurrent gain were commonly shared between both dysplasias including gain of 3q, 4p, 5p, 8q, 9q, 14q, 17p, 17q and 20q. Common chromosomal regions of loss included 3p, 8p, 9p, 11p, 13q and 17p. In addition loss of chromosome 18 was significantly observed in SCC in comparison to SK, a possible defining event in SK progression to SCC. The identification of shared genetic aberrations suggests a clonal and genetic relationship between the two lesions. This information further supports the notion for re-classification of SK to an SCC in situ or superficial SCC. Finally, the CNAs detected have been similarly observed in other squamous cell-derived tumours, for example cervical and head and neck SCC. This provides further evidence to common mechanisms involved in the initiation, development and progression of SCC neoplasia. This study has identified a number of recurrent chromosomal regions, some of which are novel in NMSC development. The further delineation of these loci should provide additional evidence of their significance and degree of involvement in NMSC tumourigenesis. The identification of the cancer-causing genes mapped to these loci will further demarcate the genetic mechanisms of BCC and SCC progression. An understanding of the events involved in skin cancer formation and progression should shed additional light on molecular targets for diagnostics, management and therapeutic treatment.

Factors contributing to the competitiveness of Lactobacillus reuteri in sourdough and rodent gut

Su, Shu-Wei Unknown Date
No description available.

Overcoming problems with limiting DNA samples in forensics and clinical diagnostics using multiple displacement amplification

Muharam, Firman Alamsyah January 2006 (has links)
The availability of DNA samples that are of adequate quality and quantity is essential for any genetic analysis. The fields of forensic biology and clinical diagnostic pathology testing often suffer from limited samples that yield insufficient DNA material to allow extensive analysis. This study examined the utility of a recently introduced whole genome amplification method termed Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) for amplifying a variety of limited sample types that are commonly encountered in the fields of forensic biology and clinical diagnostics. The MDA reaction, which employs the highly processive bacteriophage φ29 DNA polymerase, was found to generate high molecular weight template DNA suitable for a variety of downstream applications from low copy number DNA samples down to the single genome level. MDA of single cells yielded sufficient DNA for up to 20,000,000 PCR assays, allowing further confirmatory testing on samples of limited quantities or the archiving of precious DNA material for future work. The amplification of degraded DNA material using MDA identified a requirement for samples of sufficient quality to allow successful synthesis of product DNA templates. Furthermore, the utility of MDA products in comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) assays identified the presence of amplification bias. However, this bias was overcome by introducing a novel modification to the MDA protocol. Future directions for this work include investigations into the utility of MDA products in short tandem repeat (STR) assays for human identifications and application of the modified MDA protocol for testing of single cell samples for genetic abnormalities.

Impact génomique des stratégies d'histoire de vie et reconstruction de traits ancestraux chez les amniotes / Genomic impact of life-history strategies and ancestral trait reconstruction in amniots

Figuet, Emeric 17 December 2015 (has links)
L'élucidation des liens réciproques unissant le génotype et le phénotype constitue un objectif central de la biologie moderne. De nombreux aspects de l'évolution à l'échelle moléculaire sont ainsi connus pour répondre aux caractéristiques démographiques ou d'histoire de vie des espèces. En particulier, la théorie quasi-neutre postule que les petites populations accumulent davantage de substitutions faiblement délétères dans leur génome, en raison d'une dérive génétique accrue. La composition en bases, à travers le mécanisme de la conversion génique biaisée, s'est également révélée obéir à l'influence de paramètres macroscopiques. Cependant, l'élaboration et la vérification empirique de ces théories se sont bien souvent fondées sur une gamme limitée de groupes d'organismes, incluant principalement les mammifères. Dans cette thèse, sur la base de l'étude comparative de plusieurs dizaines de transcriptomes, nous avons étendu à l'échelle des amniotes la compréhension des déterminants des patrons moléculaires observés. Grâce à l'analyse simultanée des principaux clades de reptiles, oiseaux et mammifères, nous avons pu confirmer et généraliser le rôle majeur de la taille efficace des populations sur la capacité des espèces à purger les changements d'amino-acide désavantageux, tout en exhibant un comportement inattendu du ratio dN/dS chez les oiseaux – soulevant au passage une énigme stimulante. La conversion génique biaisée est apparue comme le principal moteur de l'évolution du taux de GC des séquences codantes chez les vertébrés, y compris chez les reptiles et les poissons, dont la composition génomique homogène en avait masqué l'action. En parallèle, l'exploitation des relations entre traits d'histoire de vie et paramètres moléculaires nous a permis de réaliser de nouvelles avancées concernant l'objectif de reconstruction des masses ancestrales, pour lequel nous nous sommes focalisés sur l'ordre des cétartiodactyles, qui se caractérise aujourd'hui par une majorité de grosses espèces (comme le chameau, la girafe ou les cétacés). L'analyse combinée du marqueur mitochondrial, encore jamais testé, et des marqueurs nucléaires, incluant une vingtaine de transcriptomes nouvellement séquencés, a témoigné en faveur du résultat singulier d'un ancêtre cétartiodactyle de petite taille, comme suggéré par la paléontologie, démontrant ainsi le potentiel prometteur des données de séquence à dévoiler le passé des organismes. / Understanding the reciprocal influence between genotype and phenotype has been a long-standing goal of modern biology. Many aspects of evolution at the molecular level are well known to respond to demographic or life history characteristics of species. In particular, the nearly-neutral theory postulates that small populations accumulate a heavier load of slightly deleterious substitutions in their genome as a result of increased genetic drift. Base composition has also been shown to reflect the influence of macroscopic parameters through the mechanism of GC-biased gene conversion. However, the development and empirical validation of these theories are mostly based on a restricted diversity of organisms, in which mammals stand as a major contributor. In this thesis, using a comparative approach and tens of transcriptomes, we aimed at extending to Amniota our understanding of the determinants of molecular evolutionary patterns. With the incorporation of all clades of reptiles, we confirmed the major role of the effective population size on species ability to purge deleterious amino-acid changes, while revealing a paradoxical response of the dN/dS ratio in birds, raising a stimulating enigma. The biased gene conversion also emerged as the main driver of coding sequence GC content in vertebrates, including reptiles and fishes, whose genomic homogeneity had kept its signal hidden for long. In parallel, the relations between life-history traits and molecular parameters have enabled us to investigate and make progress in the field of ancestral body mass reconstruction. We focused on the Cetartiodactyla order, a group which is mainly characterized by large extant species (such as camel, giraffe or whales). The combined analysis of the yet untested mitochondrial marker and nuclear genes, including 21 newly sequenced transcriptomes, testified in favor of the singular result of a small cetartiodactyl ancestor, in agreement with the palaeontological record, demonstrating the strong potential of DNA sequences to reveal the past of organisms.

Estudos evolutivos no gênero Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae) com enfoque na diferenciação do sistema de cromossomos sexuais ZZ/ZW

Yano, Cassia Fernanda 24 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-23T13:20:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCFY.pdf: 5114033 bytes, checksum: 6922d93e7dda82cee55aa69273fa7013 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-14T19:51:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCFY.pdf: 5114033 bytes, checksum: 6922d93e7dda82cee55aa69273fa7013 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-14T19:52:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCFY.pdf: 5114033 bytes, checksum: 6922d93e7dda82cee55aa69273fa7013 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-14T20:02:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCFY.pdf: 5114033 bytes, checksum: 6922d93e7dda82cee55aa69273fa7013 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Triportheus genus (Characiformes, Triportheidae) presents a particular scenario 1 in fishes, with a ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes system for all species until now investigated. The Z chromosome is metacentric and the largest one of the karyotype, remaining morphologically conserved in all species. In contrast, the W chromosome differs in shape and size among species, from almost identical to markedly reduced in size in relation to the Z, with a clear heterochromatin accumulation associated with its differentiation process. This scenario in Triportheus, along with a well defined phylogeny for this group, provided an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolutionary events associated with the sex chromosomes differentiation, a matter of increasing interest to evolutionary biology in recent years. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the origin and differentiation of sex chromosomes in eight Triportheus species, using diverse conventional and molecular cytogenetics tools, such as C-banding, chromosomal mapping of rDNAs and several other repetitive DNA sequences, comparat ive genomic hybridization (CGH), microdissection of Z and W chromosomes and whole chromosome painting (WCP). The preferential accumulation of repetitive DNAs on the W chromosome highlighted the predominant participation of these sequences in the differentiation of this chromosome. Notably, the differential accumulation of microsatellites, and a hybridization pattern with no direct correlation to the ancestry of the W chromosome, put in evidence the particular evolutionary processes that shaped the sex-specific chromosome among species. The chromosomal mapping of 5S and 18S rDNAs and U2 DNAsn highlighted a very particular scenario in the distribution of these multigene families in Triportheus. Indeed, the variability in number of the rDNA sites on the autosomes, as well as the syntenic "status" of these three multigene families, showed their intense dynamism in the karyotype evolution, revealing a much more complex organization of these genes than previously supposed for closely related species. In addition, the occurrence of U2 DNAsn on the W chromosome of T. albus appears as an evolutionary novelty, while the occurrence of 18S rDNA in the Wq terminal region of all species pointed to a conserved condition for the genus, as well as a peculiarity in the evolutionary process of the W chromosome. Noteworthy, the use of WCP, and especially CGH experiments, put in evidence sequences which are shared by both Z and W chromosomes and sequences that are unique to each one. Thus, the Wq terminal region stood out with a high concentration of female specific sequences, in coincidence with the location of the 18S rDNA genes, allowing inferences about the origin of these cistrons on the sex-specific chromosome. Our data also showed that the ZZ/ZW system had, in fact, a common origin in Triportheus, considering the homologies found in chromosomal paintings using the Z and W probes. Triportheus auritus is the direct representative of the first lineage to differentiate in the genus and WCP experiments, using the Z chromosome probe of this species, have showed how this chromosome is notably conserved in all investigated species. On the other hand, the W chromosome showed variable patterns of homology among species, highlighting the molecular divergence emerged along its evolutionary history. In conclusion, the results obtained in this study allowed to certify the common origin of the ZZ/ZW sex system in Triportheus and to evaluate the intra- and inter-specific genomic homologies and differences between the sex pair, resulting in significant advances in the knowledge of the origin and differentiation of the sex chromosomes among lower vertebrates. / O gênero Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae) apresenta um cenário 1 incomum entre os peixes, com a ocorrência de um sistema de cromossomos sexuais ZZ/ZW para todas as espécies já investigadas. O cromossomo Z é metacêntrico e o maior do cariótipo, permanecendo morfologicamente conservado em todas as espécies. Contrariamente, o cromossomo W apresenta formas variáveis e tamanhos distintos entre as espécies, podendo apresentar tamanho quase idêntico ao do cromossomo Z até acentuadamente reduzido em relação a ele, com um nítido acúmulo de heterocromatina associado ao processo de diferenciação desse cromossomo. Este cenário em Triportheus, juntamente com a filogenia já bem definida para este grupo, possibilitou uma oportunidade excelente para a investigação de eventos evolutivos associados aos cromossomos sexuais, aspecto este que vem despertando interesse crescente na biologia evolutiva nos últimos anos. Assim sendo, a proposta deste estudo foi investigar a origem e a diferenciação dos cromossomos sexuais em oito espécies de Triportheus, usando ferramentas diversificadas da citogenética convencional e molecular, como o bandamento-C, mapeamento cromossômico de DNAr e diversas outras classes de DNAs repetitivos, hibridização genômica comparativa (CGH), microdissecção dos cromossomos Z e W e pintura cromossômica total (WCP). O acúmulo preferencial de várias sequências de DNAs repetitivos no cromossomo W possibilitou destacar a participação preponderante deste componente do genoma na diferenciação do cromossomo sexo18 específico. Notadamente, o acúmulo diferencial de microssatélites colocou em evidência processos evolut ivos específicos do cromossomo W entre as espécies, bem como um padrão acumulativo que não apresenta correlação direta com a ancestralidade deste cromossomo. O mapeamento cromossômico do DNAr 5S e 18S e do DNAsn U2 evidenciou um cenário bastante particular na distribuição dessas famílias multigênicas em Triportheus. A variabilidade em relação ao número de sítios de DNAr nos autossomos, assim como o “status” sintênico dessas três famílias, evidenciaram o dinamismo evolutivo desses genes mesmo entre espécies proximamente relacionadas. Além disso, a ocorrência de DNAsn U2 no cromossomo W de T. albus evidenciou uma novidade evolutiva, enquanto a ocorrência de DNAr 18S na região Wq terminal confirmou uma condição conservada no gênero, assim como uma peculiaridade do processo evolut ivo do cromossomo W, visto que todas as espécies analisadas até o momento são portadoras dessas sequências. O emprego de WCP, e principalmente de CGH, possibilitou demonstrar a localização de sequências que são compartilhadas pelos cromossomos Z e W, bem como de sequências que são exclusivas de cada um deles. Assim, a região Wq terminal se destacou por apresentar uma grande concentração de sequências específicas de fêmeas, em coincidência com a localização do cluster de DNAr 18S, possibilitando inferências sobre a origem destes cístrons no cromossomo sexo-específico. Nossos dados também demonstraram que o sistema ZZ/ZW teve, de fato, uma origem comum em Triportheus, considerando as homologias encontradas nos mapeamentos cromossômicos com sondas dos cromossomos sexuais Z e W. Triportheus auritus é a espécie representante direta da primeira linhagem a se diferenciar no gênero e experimentos de WCP, utilizando a sonda do cromossomo Z desta espécie, mostrou que este cromossomo se encontra notavelmente conservado em todas as espécies investigadas. Por outro lado, o cromossomo W apresentou padrões variáveis de homologia entre as espécies, destacando divergências moleculares diferencialmente moldadas ao longo da sua história evolutiva. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo possibilitaram atestar a origem comum do sistema ZZ/ZW em Triportheus, bem como avaliar divergências e similaridades genômicas intra- e interespecíficas quanto ao par sexual, obtendo-se avanços significativos no conhecimento da origem e diferenciação dos cromossomos sexuais entre os vertebrados inferiores. / CAPES: 11744/13–8

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