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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Merging Organizational Cultures in Healthcare: Lessons From the USA in Differentiation Among Tiers in a Health System Merger

Chesley, Colin G. 01 January 2020 (has links)
With the increase in health system Mergers and Acquisitions (MandA’s) since the Affordable Care Act [Brown TC, Werling KA, Walker BC, et al. Current trends in hospital mergers and acquisitions. Healthc Financ Manage. March, 2012], health systems must carefully weigh and measure the current organizational culture prior to the consummation of the merger, seeking to understand differentiation within and between the merging organizations, and requires that the organization be analyzed by employee levels or tiers. This study seeks to understand the organizational culture of two merging partners before the merger is consummated, identifying levels of differentiation among employee tiers. Cultural domination from an acquiring organization is also considered. The cultures are analyzed utilizing the Competing Values Framework (CVF). The population included all employees of both health systems with the survey respondent sample stratified by the following employee types: (Tier 1), entry-level employee; (Tier 2), supervisory level, and, (Tier 3), executive level. Statistical procedures included independent t tests and indicated a statistically significant difference between the current cultures of the health systems prior to the merger with significant differences in the cultural perceptions of Tier 1 employees and Tier 2 employees.

L'apport du «Competing Values Framework» à la conceptualisation et la mesure du climat organisationnel

Bouchard, Jean 10 1900 (has links)
Le climat organisationnel (ci-après, CO) a des effets notables sur les attitudes et comportements au travail. Or, son opérationnalisation demeure un enjeu non résolu au sein de la communauté scientifique. Les cadres théoriques limités, voire absents, pour orienter l’opérationnalisation du CO ainsi que l’utilisation de nombreux instruments de mesure ne reposant pas sur un processus de validation complet exacerbe cet état de fait. Pour combler ces manques, des chercheurs ont suggéré de considérer les valeurs organisationnelles comme bases conceptuelles du CO. De ce fait, certains chercheurs ont orienté leur attention sur le Competing Values Framework (ci-après, CVF; Quinn et Rohrbaugh, 1983), un cadre théorique issu de la littérature sur la culture organisationnelle. Toutefois, à notre connaissance, aucune étude ne démontre pleinement l’adéquation conceptuelle entre les dimensions du CO et les quadrants du CVF pour en justifier l’application. De plus, une analyse critique des instruments du CO, dont ceux basés sur le CVF, démontre plusieurs lacunes importantes de ces derniers, notamment quant à leur processus de création et de validation. Cette thèse vise à traiter de ce manque conceptuel et psychométrique en offrant une conceptualisation et une opérationnalisation du CO arrimées et cohérentes avec le CVF, en suivant les meilleures pratiques de validation. Le premier article de la thèse consiste en une étude conceptuelle qualitative, qui cherche à concrétiser un alignement conceptuel entre les dimensions du CO et les quatre quadrants du CVF. Pour ce faire, une revue de la documentation portant sur les dimensions du CO utilisées à travers la documentation scientifique fut réalisée. Une première analyse qualitative de contenu a permis de regrouper 403 dimensions du CO en 24 regroupements conceptuels différents. Une seconde étape d’analyse de contenu a permis d’évaluer l’adéquation entre ces regroupements et chacun des quatre quadrants du CVF. Cette première démarche a permis de démontrer que le CVF est un modèle théorique approprié pour opérationnaliser le CO. Le deuxième article de la thèse consiste en l’élaboration et la validation d’un nouvel instrument du CO basé sur le CVF, le Questionnaire multifacettes du climat organisationnel (QMCO), et ce, à partir des 24 regroupements formés lors du premier article. Deux études quantitatives constituent cet article. Suivant un processus rigoureux de création d’items, l’étude 1 (n = 151 travailleurs canadiens francophones) a permis de dégager une structure factorielle préliminaire pour la version expérimentale du QMCO par le biais d’analyses factorielles exploratoires, tout en offrant des preuves pour soutenir la validité convergente, divergente et critériée. Par la suite, l’étude 2 (n = 304 travailleurs canadiens francophones) a permis de confirmer l’adéquation de cette structure aux données, par le biais d’analyses factorielles confirmatoires. Cette étude a aussi permis d’étayer la validité convergente, divergente et critériée du QMCO. Les résultats des deux études suggèrent une structure à sept facteurs : 1) Les récompenses basées sur la contribution individuelle, 2) La performance et la profitabilité organisationnelle, 3) La formalisation des règlements et des attentes des employés, 4) La gestion de la rétroaction, 5) Le changement, l’innovation et la prise de risque, 6) L’orientation envers les employés, et 7) La latitude décisionnelle. Cette thèse contribue à répondre à plusieurs critiques et limites des études antérieures portant sur le CO en proposant à la communauté scientifique un cadre théorique applicable au CO et un questionnaire aux propriétés psychométriques clairement explicitées qui démontre un potentiel, avec des raffinements nécessaires. / Research has stated that organizational climate (OC) has notable effects on organizational attitudes and behaviours. However, the scientific community still struggles with its operationalization. The limited use or absence of theoretical frameworks to guide the operationalization of OC, as well as the use of many OC instruments that lack formal validation processes to support their use exacerbate this struggle. To fill these gaps, researchers have brought their attention to organizational values as a conceptual foundation for understanding OC, thus bringing their attention to the use of the Competing Values Framework (CVF), a theoretical framework which stems from organizational culture. Still, to our knowledge, studies have yet to fully demonstrate the conceptual fit between OC dimensions and the CVF’s quadrants to justify the use of this framework. Furthermore, a critical analysis of OC instruments based on the CVF reveals important limitations, namely in regards to the creation and validation processes employed. This thesis aims to address these conceptual and psychometric gaps by offering a conceptualization and operationalization of OC that are coherent with the CVF, by following best practices in scale validation. The first article of this thesis consists of a conceptual qualitative study which aims to provide a conceptual alignment between OC dimensions and the four CVF quadrants. To do so, we carried out a literature review of OC dimensions used across the OC body of literature. A first qualitative content analysis grouped 403 OC dimensions into 24 different clusters. A second step of qualitative content analysis allowed us to evaluate the fit between these clusters and each of the four CVF quadrants. This article demonstrates that the CVF is an appropriate theoretical model to operationalize OC. The second thesis article consists of the creation and validation of a new CVF-based OC instrument, the Multifaceted Organizational Climate Questionnaire (MOCQ), based on the 24 clusters from the first thesis article. Two quantitative studies constitute this article. By following a rigorous item creation process, Study 1 (n = 151 French-speaking Canadian workers) revealed a preliminary factor structure for the experimental version of the MOCQ with the use of exploratory factor analyses, all while offering proof of convergent, divergent and criterion validity. Next, Study 2 (n = 304 French-speaking Canadian workers) confirmed the established structure of Study 1 with the use of confirmatory factor analyses. Furthermore, the convergent, divergent and criterion validity of the MOCQ was established. Results of both these studies suggest the following seven-factor structure: 1) Rewards Based on Individual Contribution, 2) Organizational Performance and Profitability, 3) Formalization of Rules and Expectations of Employees, 4) Feedback Management, 5) Change, Innovation, and Risk-Taking, 6) Employee Orientation and 7) Decision-Making Latitude. This thesis contributes to addressing several criticisms and limitations highlighted in past OC studies by proposing to the scientific community a theoretical framework applicable to OC, as well as a questionnaire with psychometric properties that are clearly stated and that demonstrates clear potential, notwithstanding the necessary refinements.

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Carvalho, Liza Fachin de 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

Análise da cultura organizacional no gerenciamento de projetos / The analysis of organizational culture in project management

Liza Fachin de Carvalho 31 July 2015 (has links)
O gerenciamento de projetos de forma sistematizada vem se tornando essencial para todo tipo de organização, pois os mercados a cada dia tornam-se cada vez mais competitivos, os recursos mais escassos e os clientes muito mais exigentes. É possível observar isso com o número crescente de empresas que se associam ao Project Management Institute (PMI) - referência nas melhores práticas em gerenciamento de projetos - que desde o final de 2013 possui mais de 400.000 empresas associadas em todo o planeta. Tal tendência é natural, visto que as empresas necessitam se destacar nos negócios em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico a fim de garantir a sua sobrevivência. De acordo com Gu et al. (2013), uma questão-chave na investigação de gerenciamento de projetos gira em torno de porquê alguns projetos são bem sucedidos, enquanto outros não. Esta questão levou os pesquisadores a explorar determinantes potenciais que possam levar ao sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto. Por exemplo, o Standish Group International (2009) encontrou uma taxa global de fracasso do projeto em torno de 72% nos EUA. É certo que a cultura organizacional exerce forte influência no sucesso dos projetos, mas seria possível diagnosticá-la para com isso melhor conduzir as equipes de projeto? Deste modo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação entre a cultura organizacional e o gerenciamento de projetos, utilizando-se para tanto dos modelos como o Competing Values Framework (CVF) e o Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). O emprego dos modelos se justifica por serem os mais utilizados na literatura em gestão organizacional, embora não tenham sido encontrados estudos empíricos que os utilize no contexto brasileiro em gerenciamento de projetos. O método utilizado para obtenção do perfil cultural dominante para o sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos foi survey, na qual o modelo OCAI foi adaptado e destinado para gerentes e membros de equipe de projetos. Observou-se através da análise dos dados, que a cultura de clã foi a que apresentou forte influência para o sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos de acordo com a percepção dos respondentes da survey. É importante ressaltar que não há um perfil de cultura melhor que o outro, portanto, a cultura de gerenciamento de projetos obtida é apenas o diagnóstico de uma cultura organizacional que poderá permitir a obtenção de um desempenho superior, ou seja, sucesso no atendimento de escopo, qualidade, custo e prazo. Discute-se para estudos futuros a importância de se empregar respondentes de diferentes estados do Brasil e ainda de outros países, buscando estabelecer que não existam influências de outros fatores culturais regionais na percepção dos respondentes. / Project management in a systematic manner has become essential for any type of organization, because the markets every day become increasingly competitive, scarce resources and more demanding customers. You can see this with the growing number of companies that are associated with the Project Management Institute (PMI) - reference the best practices in project management - which since late 2013 has more than 400,000 affiliates around the world. This tendency is natural, since companies need to stand out in business in an increasingly dynamic market in order to ensure their survival. According to Gu et al. (2013), a key issue in project management research centers on why some projects are successful while others do not. This question led the researchers to explore potential determinants that can lead to success or failure of a project. For example, the Standish Group International (2009) found an overall rate of failure of the project around 72% in the US. Admittedly, the organizational culture has a strong influence on the success of the projects, but it would be possible to diagnose it for it better lead project teams? Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and project management, using for both models like the Competing Values Framework (CVF) and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). The use of models is justified because they are the most used in the literature on organizational management, although we did not find empirical studies that use them in the Brazilian context in project management. The method used to obtain the dominant cultural profile for success in project management was the survey, in which the OCAI model was adapted and designed for managers and project team members. It was observed by analyzing the data, the clan culture showed the strong influence for success in project management according to the perception of the survey respondents. Importantly, there is a better culture profile than the other, so the obtained project management culture is only the diagnosis of an organizational culture that may allow obtaining superior performance, ie success in scope of service, quality, cost and schedule. It is argued for further study the importance of employing respondents from different states of Brazil and even from other countries, seeking to establish that there are no influences from other regional cultural factors in the perception of respondents.

Model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate

Gerber, Frans Jacobus 08 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to establish a model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate. This model should help companies and organisational psychologists to better understand the interrelatedness of the two constructs in order to optimally enhance organisational performance. This research was conducted in a large organisation, utilising a large sample (n = 1 612) of employees in the financial services industry. During the first phase of this research, emotional intelligence was conceptualised from literature research within the trait paradigm and organisational climate as a molar construct. A theoretical model of emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate was developed and suggested a link to organisational output. During the second phase of this research (empirical research), assessment instruments for emotional intelligence (the Gerber Emotional Intelligence Scale) and organisational climate (the High Performance Climate Questionnaire) were developed and validated. Thereafter an assessment instrument for work output was designed to test the link with performance. The structural equation model (SEM) produced a new best-fitting model of emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The model indicates that emotional intelligence does not correlate with work output as expected, but organisational climate does correlates moderately with work output and explains almost 40% of the variance in work output. The strongest influence seems to flow from teamwork and management. The regression weights between emotional intelligence and organisational climate were trivial, although the model fit indices were all within an acceptable range. The researcher attributed the lack of support for the model to the characteristics of the employees of this type of organisation and concluded that emotional intelligence should not be seen as a determinant of organisational climate in this specific financial services sector. The results further indicate that significant differences exist between the organisational climate experiences of four biographical categories (race, position level, age and geographical region) and also for the categories of position level and age for work output. These differences need to be considered when developing future interventions. This research contributes towards a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The three newly developed questionnaires and the SEM could help researchers and practitioners to apply the research model in other industries and subsequently improve organisational outputs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate

Gerber, Frans Jacobus 08 1900 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to establish a model for emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate. This model should help companies and organisational psychologists to better understand the interrelatedness of the two constructs in order to optimally enhance organisational performance. This research was conducted in a large organisation, utilising a large sample (n = 1 612) of employees in the financial services industry. During the first phase of this research, emotional intelligence was conceptualised from literature research within the trait paradigm and organisational climate as a molar construct. A theoretical model of emotional intelligence as a determinant of organisational climate was developed and suggested a link to organisational output. During the second phase of this research (empirical research), assessment instruments for emotional intelligence (the Gerber Emotional Intelligence Scale) and organisational climate (the High Performance Climate Questionnaire) were developed and validated. Thereafter an assessment instrument for work output was designed to test the link with performance. The structural equation model (SEM) produced a new best-fitting model of emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The model indicates that emotional intelligence does not correlate with work output as expected, but organisational climate does correlates moderately with work output and explains almost 40% of the variance in work output. The strongest influence seems to flow from teamwork and management. The regression weights between emotional intelligence and organisational climate were trivial, although the model fit indices were all within an acceptable range. The researcher attributed the lack of support for the model to the characteristics of the employees of this type of organisation and concluded that emotional intelligence should not be seen as a determinant of organisational climate in this specific financial services sector. The results further indicate that significant differences exist between the organisational climate experiences of four biographical categories (race, position level, age and geographical region) and also for the categories of position level and age for work output. These differences need to be considered when developing future interventions. This research contributes towards a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between emotional intelligence, organisational climate and work output. The three newly developed questionnaires and the SEM could help researchers and practitioners to apply the research model in other industries and subsequently improve organisational outputs. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Exploring the Impact of the Project Management Office on Project Performance, A Quantitative Study

Andrén, Sebastian, Sahyouni, Mohamad January 2019 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the establishment of a Project Management Office and project performance. Particularly, whether or not the establishment of a Project Management Office leads to enhanced project performance in project based organizations.   Framework - The framework developed for the purpose of this study is made out of the different categories of Project Management Office services and functions on the one side and the different dimensions of project performance on the other. The model created tests the individual relationships between the constructs on each side.   Methodology- The study employs a quantitative research design. Project Management Offices in organizations from across the globe and operating in a range of industries and industry segments are investigated. The data for the study is collected using an online questionnaire.   Findings - The findings of this study lead to the belief that the establishment of a Project Management Office and the implementation of a certain set of its services and function will indeed lead to enhanced project performance   Managerial Implications - Managers are made aware of the impact of the Project Management Office on project performance. Moreover, they are given guidelines as to what services and functions to adopt if there were only interested in seeing results on the project level. Limitations - The approach to exploring the subject in hand, the choice of participating organizations, the size of the sample tested, and the framework chosen for the evaluation of project performance are all seen as limitations for this study.

競值架構應用在國民小學校長領導行為 、學校組織文化與教學效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness in elementary schools:an application of competing values framework

張伯瑲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討競值架構下國民小學校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間的關聯。研究採用調查研究法,以新北市公立國民小學教師為對象,共發出748份問卷,共獲得有效問卷646份,有效問卷回收率為86.36%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述統計、t考驗、單因子單變量變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析及結構方程模式等統計方式對回收資料進行分析。 本研究獲得以下十一項結論: 一、國民小學校長領導行為在中上水準,以競爭層面表現較突出。 二、國民小學組織文化表現達中上水準,趨向於團隊和層級層面。 三、國民小學教師教學效能平均達高表現水準,以良好學習氣氛得分最高、教學計畫準備得分最低,且顯著低於其他四個教學效能層面。 四、國民小學校長領導行為與學校組織文化以右上象限層面得分均低。 五、教師職務在校長領導行為方面有差異、教師年齡、學歷、服務年資與職務在教學效能上有差異。 六、校長年齡在校長領導行為與學校組織文化方面有差異。 七、學校規模、所在地、校齡在校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能均有顯著差異。 八、校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間具有顯著正相關。 九、校長領導行為、學校組織文化與教師教學效能之間具有顯著預測力。 十、校長領導行為與學校組織文化不僅與對應象限的分層面有正相關與預 測力,與非對應象限甚至對立象限的層面也有顯著正相關與預測力。 十一、校長領導行為可顯著影響教師教學效能,也可透過學校組織文化的 中介作用,正向影響教師教學效能。 本研究分別就實務應用及未來研究兩方面提出如下建議: 一、實務應用方面: (一) 建立回饋機制,使校長瞭解自身領導風格,靈活轉換各種領導行為,並善用競爭領導優勢,成為學校成員學習的榜樣。 (二) 校長應瞭解並協助學校成員認識學校組織文化類型,透過形塑願景與組織對話,使組織在文化生命週期中有效能的運作。 (三) 教師應兼顧每一個教學效能層面,並加強提升教學計畫準備。 (四) 校長應培養創新的領導能力,帶動發展革新求變的組織文化氛圍。 (五) 校內應建立教師教學對話與教學研討機制,藉以傳承資深優良教師教學經驗與觀摩學習。 (六) 校長對於經營校務發展應勇於任事、完全承擔,不應因性別、年齡、學歷、到任時間自我設限,虛與尾蛇。 (七) 校長與學校成員應詳加瞭解所處學校環境,研擬策略面對學校所處位置之有利與不利條件,以營造學校文化及提升教學效能。 (八) 校長應不斷強化自身領導的能力與行為複雜度,並且形塑優質學 校組織文化,以提升教師教學效能表現。 (九) 校長與學校成員應建立深厚的教育夥伴情感,體認共享學校教 育成果之重要性與榮辱休戚與共的使命感,以提供良好教育環境。 (十) 校長應展現兼容並蓄的多元領導風格,以面對諸多領導弔詭與兩 難的困境。 (十一) 營造兼容並蓄學校組織文化,發揮促進教師教學效能中介效果。 二、未來研究方面: 本研究分別就研究對象、研究變項、研究方法,對未來研究提出建議。 / The objective of this study is to understand the relationships among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness in elementary schools by Competing Values Framework. Study on survey research. A total of 646 usable questionnaires were collected from 748 teachers of public elementary schools in New Taipei City. The effective response rate was 86.36%. The statistical techniques applied to this study such as: “describing statistics”, “t-test”, “one-way ANOVA”, “one-way MANOVA”, “Pearson product-moment correlation”, “stepwise multiple regression analysis” and “structural equation modeling”. With the data analysis result, researcher reached the conclusions as following: 1.Principal’s leadership behavior performance of public elementary schools achieves upper-moderate level, and “Compete” is the highlight among all of the dimensions. 2.School organizational culture performance of public elementary schools achieves upper-moderate level, and “Clan” and “Hierarchy” are the highlight among all of the dimensions. 3.The perception of teacher’s teaching effectiveness gets high score level, and “Good instructional climate ” is the highlight among all of the dimensions of teaching effectiveness, and "teaching plan preparation" is significantly weaker than the others four dimensions. 4.Both of principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational culture of public elementary schools in upper right quadrant of CVF scores are low. 5.There is a significantly divergence for “teacher job position” in principal’s leadership behavior and such as teachers’ “age”, “education”, “srevice year” and “job position”, there is a significant divergence in teaching effectiveness. 6.There is a significant divergence for “principal age” between principal’s leadership behaviors and school organizational cultural. 7.Such as “ school size”, “ location” and “school history”, there are significant divergences among principal’s leadership behaviors , school organizational cultural and teaching effectiveness. 8.There are significant positive correlation among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness. 9.There are significant predictive power among principal’s leadership behavior, school organizational culture and teaching effectiveness. 10.Between principal’s leadership behavior and school organizational culture are not only the corresponding quadrant, but also the non- corresponding and even opposing corresponding quadrants, and there are significant positive correlation and predictive power. 11.Principal’s leadership behavior could positively affect teaching effectiveness through the mediate effect of school organizational culture. Otherwise, this study provides suggestions of practical application and future study respectively.

Determinar si el tipo de Cultura Organizacional de la Aduana Marítima del Callao favorece el alineamiento a los principios que se desprenden del Acuerdo sobre Facilitación del Comercio (AFC) de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC)

Sandoval Urmeneta, Mayling Isabel, Angulo Farfán, Andrés Eduardo 30 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación plantea como premisa la necesidad de que la cultura organizacional de la Intendencia de Aduana Marítima del Callao (IAMC) facilite la adecuación y el cumplimiento de los principios que se desprenden del Acuerdo sobre Facilitación de Comercio (AFC), que constituye el primer acuerdo multilateral concertado por la Organización Mundial del Comercio y que entró en vigor en el año 2017. A partir de ello, se pretende establecer si el tipo de cultura organizacional de la IAMC permite un adecuado alineamiento a los principios que se desprenden del AFC, lo que ha permitido plantearse la pregunta de investigación: ¿El tipo de cultura organizacional actual en la IAMC, favorece el alineamiento a los principios que se desprenden del Acuerdo de Facilitación de Comercio? Se ha pretendido realizar una aproximación a las características de la cultura predominante, mediante un diagnóstico de la cultura organizacional de la Intendencia de Aduana Marítima del Callao (IAMC), utilizando como ayuda para este propósito, la metodología del Modelo de Valores en Competencia propuesta por Cameron y Quinn. Se realizó una investigación bajo el enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo, bajo un diseño no experimental de carácter transversal, para lo cual se utilizó como apoyo el instrumento denominado Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) para realizar el diagnóstico señalado. Finalmente, luego del análisis realizado, se determina que de los 7 principios identificados que se desprenden del Acuerdo sobre Facilitación de Comercio (AFC) de la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) cinco de ellos pueden ser facilitados por el actual tipo de cultura de la organización y dos de ellos encuentran dificultades para su alineamiento. Dentro de las recomendaciones se indica el desarrollo de una estrategia de comunicación que contribuya en facilitar un mejor alineamiento de todos los principios del AFC en la cultura de la organización. / The present research work raises as a premise the need for the organizational culture of the Callao Maritime Customs Intendancy (IAMC) to facilitate the adaptation and compliance of the principles that emerge from the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which constitutes the first multilateral agreement concluded by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which entered into force in 2017. Based on this, it is intended to establish whether the type of organizational culture of the IAMC allows an adequate alignment to the principles that emerge from the TFA, which has allowed to pose the research question: Does the current type of organizational culture in the IAMC favor alignment with the principles that emerge from the Trade Facilitation Agreement? It has been intended to make an approach to the characteristics of the predominant culture, through a diagnosis of the organizational culture of the Callao Maritime Customs Intendancy (IAMC), using as an aid for this purpose, the methodology of the Competing Values Framework proposed by Cameron and Quinn. An investigation was carried out under a qualitative, descriptive approach, under a non-experimental design of a cross-sectional nature, for which the instrument called Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was used as support to make the diagnosis indicated. Finally, after the analysis carried out, it is determined that of the 7 identified principles that emerge from the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), five of them can be facilitated by the current type of culture of the organization and two of them encounter difficulties for their alignment. The recommendations indicate the development of a communication strategy that contributes to facilitating a better alignment of all the principles of the TFA in the culture of the organization. / Tesis

Pracovní engagement v kontextu firemní kultury / Work enagement in the context of the company culture

Valuchová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with company culture and work engagement and it aims to explore the relationship between these two concepts in the field of psychology of work and organization. The theoretical part describes in detail the topic of company culture, its relationship with other aspects of the work environment and the possibility of measuring it with a focus on the Competitive Value Model (CVF). The next part presents work engagement, methods of its measurement, connection to work behaviour and other consequences. The empirical part presents quantitative research, in which answers were collected from 126 respondents who came from 10 different companies. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between company culture and engagement at the individual level. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) was used to examine company culture, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) was used to obtain information on the level of engagement. The hypotheses verified the existence of a relationship between engagement and individual types of company culture and the difference between the degree of engagement concerning the dominant type of company culture. The results were analyzed by a combination of Multiple factor analysis, Chi-square test and correlations. The results...

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